Loneliness Unmasked

By Adam -

Published on Sep 18, 2000


Legal Disclaimer - This story is ficticous. If you disagree with men being intimately together, then do not continue. If you do not like to read about The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC in gay roles, then stop. This story contains both boy bands, and some pop divas, all of which are not presumed to be gay in real life. This story is just that, a story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sorry about the shortness to the last chapter. With school starting I have been running busy every where. But this chapter I promise it will be good. Although it took longer, I think it is worth it.


HOTEL ROOM - SUNDAY - 9:45 a.m.

The concert tour bus had pulled into a hotel some where inside downtown Buffalo, after the New York concert had ended. Monday was the next date of the tour, Sunday, like usual a relax day. But after that there were concerts scheduled the rest of the week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Inside the hotel, the large group was seated around the beds of Kevin's room. Brian and Justin sharing a spot, Justin relaxing his head on Brian's shoulder. Christina and Nick were off on the floor, cuddled close. AJ and Brittany side by side, AJ's arm wrapped around her waist.

"Do any of the other couples wanna go out today?" Brittany chimed up, AJ kissing her on the cheek with her idea.

"AHHH, no fair, what am I going to do?" Aaron Carter spoke up, he had met them at the hotel, now the groups opening act.

"Don't worry bro, Kev and Howie will stay behind with you. You all can go swimming or some shit like that." Nick replied.

"NICK!" Kevin barked loudly, getting a shock from most people in the room. Nick turned to see what was wrong. "Don't swear in front of your brother."

"Oh, sorry." Nick muttered out, whispering something to Christina. Snickering Christina showed her agreement.

"Let's go some where nice. Like lunch, and then a movie." Brittany voiced her opinion again.

"Yeah, a romantic movie." Christina added in, getting disappointed looks from Brian, AJ, and Nick. Moans accompanied the faces.

"Sorry ladies, we out vote you." Brian kissed Justin on the cheek, with a triumphant smile.

"Actually, it's a tie." Justin jumped off the side of the boys, joining up and agreeing with Brittany and Christina. Both the girls jumped.

"And if you boys know what's good for you, you'll treat us nice. And take us to the movie of our choice. And pay." Brittany added.

"Yeah." Christina agreed, and Justin nodded. Brian, only stared at AJ and Nick, who knew they couldn't do anything about the situation. They had been outnumbered, not literally, but figuritvily speaking they had been.

"Oh, you guys are all whipped." Aaron laughed, making a whip noise and waving his hand in the air. Christina, Brittany, Justin, Kevin, and Howie laughed at the boy's antics. Nick, Brian, and AJ all blushed, angered by the comment.

"Better watch yourself boy." Brian threatened mockingly.

"Yeah, mom isn't here to keep me from beating your ass." Nick joked, getting a dirty look from Kevin. "I mean butt." Kevin smiled, and the group all joined in a laugh at Nick's expense. It certainly seemed like there was still a father around with Kevin.

"Well, until we head out, why don't we go swimming or something?" Brittany jumped from her seat at Nick's mentioning.

"Let's meet downstairs in ten minutes." Running to the door, AJ had to jog to keep pace. Christina and Nick simply walked through the connecting doors. Brian, Justin, Howie, and Aaron were the last to leave. Aarron had been given a room with Howie, and Brian and Justin's room connected to theres.

"See ya in ten minutes guys." Brian spoke as he shut his and Justin's door behind him. Justin smiled, pulling Brian into a kiss. There lips meeting, tongues battling within Justin's mouth. The sensation, the warmth, no matter who said other why's, it was right. It was powerful, passionate, loving and nothing could change that. Sharing it with any one else would crush them both.

"We don't have to swim. We can tell Howie and Aaron to have Britt and them get us when they are ready for lunch. And we could just spend some us time." Justin smiled, pleading as he stripped his shirt. Then his pants. Standing in his boxers he waited for a final answer. Not getting one, he assumed the answer was no. Slipping off his boxers, Justin was shocked, to be pushed onto the bed.

"Yeah, we have a pool at home." Brian joked, laying on top of Justin. Justin felt Brian's mouth envelope his neck, sucking and obviously going for a hickey. Justin moaned in pleasure, his breathing turning into panting. Brian's body began to sway in the passion, humping Justin, his clothes still on. Justin's moans were becoming louder, he knew some one would hear, but he couldn't stop. Brian kept sucking away on Justin's neck, still humping his body with all his power. Justin couldn't hold it in any longer, a loud moan and then a shot of cum. Brian could feel the wet substance, and with final thrust lost himself. His cum soaking his shorts, Justin's covering his chest and outside of his pants.

"If" Justin started, but was stopped by Brian. Brian didn't want to talk, he wanted to savoir the moment, just relaxing. There silence was more then enough to let them know how much they loved each other. They truly had the relationship where you could say nothing, but yet everything had been said with in the silence. Minutes passed, until it seemed like an hour. Justin was almost asleep, still completely naked. Brian wide awake, dressed, his clothes almost dry now.

"Alright Just, what do you want to do?" Brian smiled, breaking the long silence. "Because I think they left with out us." Noticing that an hour and fifteen minutes had passed, and it was now 11, Brian knew he and Justin would have to start getting ready for there lunch.

"Let's take a shower. Together." Justin smiled, standing. It would be the first time they would shower together, and Brian wasn't about to turn it down. Stripping out of his clothes, he followed Justin into the bathroom. Pulling back the curtain, and turning on the water, Justin regulated it, and stepped in. Standing to the side, so Brian could get in with him. "Lather me up?" Justin aksed almost blushing. He didn't know why, but he felt like he and Brian were just beginnning.

"Justin, don't be embarrassed to ask me anything?" Brian grabbed the soap, working up a lather in his hands. Beginning at Justin's shoulders, and working down his back. "And after this, you can do me." Brian proclaimed, scrubbing hard on Justin's back. Slowly working his way down to Justin's ass. Justin winced at the feeling of Brian's finger caressing his cheeks. But he slowly moaned to the feeling of Brian's index finger entering his asshole. Justin hesitated, he wasn't ready for more.


"Don't worry babe, we don't have to go any farther, I just want you to know what it's going to feel like." Kissing the back of Justin's neck, he moved to allow the water to rush the soap off of Justin's backside. Now clean on the back, he was advised to turn by Brian's hands, so Brian could do the front.

HARD ROCK CAFE - 12:30 p.m.

"What can I get you folks for drinks?"

"I'd like a coke." Nick smiled.

"Sprite please." Christina spoke up.

Turning her attention to Justin, Justin looked at Brian. "Um, a rum and coke please." Looking again at Brian, and seeing no harshness, Justin smiled.

"I'll take a coke." Brian smiled.

"And we will both take Sprites." AJ answered for both himself and Brittany. Brittany nodded in agreement, as the waitress turned and walked away. "So, Brian, you lost or something?"

"No, why do you ask?" Brian asked a little confusion.

"Well, the last time Justin had any alcohol you freaked out and went on a holler fest. Now he orders a drink, and you smile." AJ replied, looking a little confused himself.

"Oh, no big deal. Justin can handle a coke and rum." Brian answered, satisfying AJ. "Any ways, if he wants it, I can't stop him."

"Thank you baby." Justin smiled, applying a kiss to Brian's cheek.

"Would you let me drink if I wanted to?" Brittany asked, looking at AJ for an answer.

"Yep, if you wanted to." AJ got the response he wanted a kiss from Brittany. Christina turned her attention to Nick, but before she could ask, she was cut off.

"Don't even ask, I can't even drink yet." Nick laughed, getting a laugh from every one else. Christina gave him a kiss any way.

"Alright, here are your drinks." After handing them out, the waitress looked at AJ, starting with him for meals.

"I'll just take the biggest burger you got on the menu." AJ laughed, he hadn't even looked at the menu yet.

"Well, I think I'll take a salad. With ranch dressing." Brittany handed her's and AJ's menus to the waitress, as she looked at Justin.

"I guess I'll have a, um, can I just have some french fries?" Justin smiled getting a nod from the waitress.

"Hmmmm, how about an italian hoagie." Brian answered coming to his turn.

"I'll have a salad too. Italian dressing though." Christina's turn came next.

"Just give me a burger." Nick handed the last of the menus over to the waitress.

"Alright, the meals will be with you in about 15 minutes. But the salads and fries will be out in 5 or so. One quick question. Will this be 6 seperate checks?"

"Um, no three. Us two, them two, and them two." AJ instructed the waitress pointing to each of the couples. She nodded, walking off with the menus.

"Hey, since us guys have to watch some chick flick, why don't the ladies, and Justin pay for lunch?" AJ hinted his idea to Nick and Brian.

"I think that would be a fair deal." Nick agreed.

"Yeah, why not?" Brian was the last to agree.

"Because if you make us pay, I don't know about Britt or Chrissy, but I know I certainly won't be doing anything sexual tonight." Justin smirked, getting a laugh from every one. "Anyways, it's only polite that the men pay for there dates."


"How come we have to see this movie?" Justin complained, as the opening to the movie began.

"Because there weren't any good chick flicks, and there weren't any good horrors." Brian replied, taking a seat. The theatre was almost empty. All of them had been surprised that they hadn't been noticed yet all day.

"Oh, okay." Justin whispered, quieting down to watch the movie. Those were the last words the group would hear from Justin with in the next hour and half period. Because sleep took him over. He awoke to laughter. "What I mis?" Justin looked around to an empty theatre, and a blank screen.

"The whole movie, a funny ending. Oh and a whole bunch of fans who we had to sign papers for, which was awkward for me to do, with you on my lap." Justin looked up at Brian's smile, and then down. He was in fact on Brian's lap, in a strange position as well.

"Sorry." Justin blushed, pulling himself up and standing behind Brian waiting to walk out of the theatre. Brian and the others just laughed, walking out. The theatre was empty in the main lobby as it was in the room they had been in. Justin could make out the group he had assumed had gotten autographs. Three males, and two females. Justin smiled to them, waving as they gave him an odd look. He knew what it was for, getting laughs from his friends as well as the strangers. "Why didn't you wake me up, instead of letting me embarrassed myself in front of those kids?"

"Oh, it's okay baby. They all thought it was really cute. They knew we were dating, after all once you come out you are followed pretty heavily by the press. And they said you looked really peaceful." Brian roughed up Justin's hair. Causing Justin to flinch back and laugh. "You guys wanna do something else, or head back with the others?"

Brian addressed his question to Nick and AJ. They both looked at each other and shrugged. "I don't know. Howie and Kevin are finally starting to get along again, so I think they can handle my bro too. And I think we could find something to do around here. Or maybe just go back to the hotel and relax with out telling them we are back?" Nick suggested numerous things, he knew that they would agree on one.

"Let's just head back and not tell them. We can just relax in our room." Justin answered, he didn't like it that Brian hadn't asked him what he wanted to do, so he answered anways. "Oh and by the way, thanks for asking me, Christina and Brittany what we wanted to do." He said sarcastically, pulling away from Brian's arms. Christina and Brittany did the same laughing. Allowing themselves to slow for Justin to catch up. Brian was forced to walk ahead with the other guys. They were obviously confused as to why they were getting the cold shoulder.


"What did we do?" AJ, Howie, and Brian were standing inside the elevator heading to the second floor of the hotel. Justin, and the girls had opted to take the stairs instead, for some unknown reason. At least it was unknown to there relationships.

"I don't know." Howie answered AJ's question with a blank answer.

"Let's just apologize when we get upstairs in my room." Brian suggested, getting a nod and smile from his friends.

Once inside the room, Brian, Howie, and AJ found there relationships on Justin's bed talking. Justin was holding the remote, propped up against the back board of the bed. Brian cleared his throat loud enough for every one to focus on him. "Um, This comes from all of us. We're sorry." Brian apologized for them all, waiting to see the reactions.

"For what?" Christina asked, eyeing them all.

"Um...." Nick started to think.

"You don't even know." Brittany laughed, continuing to talk to Christina. Justin looked at Brian, still waiting. Brian shrugged his shoulder, causing Justin to turn back to the conversation.

"Could you tell us so we can make it up to you?" Brian begged, taking a seat on his own bed, followed by AJ and Howie.

"Why don't you ask them?" Brittany said harshly, getting confused looks from the guys. "Alright, I guess since you don't get it, we have to tell you. You didn't ask us once this night what we wanted to do. You kept asking each other. We have opinions too ya know, and we would like it if we weren't treated like we didn't." Brittany finished up, the guys still confused. They understood everything she had said, but they didn't even realize that they had done it. "I think we should just call it a night." Brittany stood, followed by Christina, as they walked out the door. Nick and AJ chased after, hoping to catch up.

Justin sat on the bed, waiting for Brian's reaction. He was hoping for an apology, and he was expecting it too. "Just, I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't realize that I wasn't including you." Brian stood taking a seat on the bed next to Justin. Justin couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Um, I wasn't even mad. I didn't care what we did, I was just taking Britt's and Chrissy's sides because they didn't enjoy it." Justin laughed, surprised by Brian's arms. "Put me down." Justin was now in the air, Brian tickling him as he held him. Justin squirmed, and managed to break free, crashing to the bed. Brian jumped at him, but Justin was quick, leaping off the bed. The chasing went on for a few minutes until both men were sweating, Justin sprawled out on the bed, Brian straddling him.

"Now look what you made me do. You got me all hot and bothered for nothing." Brian teased, stripping his shirt. "Well, almost nothing." A snickered replied from Justin, as Brian roughed up his hair. Leaning down, Brian lips met Justin's, pulling away quickly. "Now how about I keep you like this until I feel like moving? Let ya squirm for a little?"

"Uhhuh." Justin objected, getting another quick kiss from Brian. His smile answered the question again, this time saying yes. Brian planted another kiss, licking Justin's lips upon removing his mouth from Justin's.

"Justin, do you think, you're ready?" Brian's question came almost out of no where. Justin was surprised to hear it, he wasn't ready and he didn't expect to be asked it.

"Brian, I don't want to yet." Justin answered, shocked again as Brian rolled off of him. Brian took off his pants, leaving himself in his boxers. Justin stripped off his shirt, pants and boxers. Grabbing the robe he had worn earlier and throwing it on.

"Could we talk about it?" Brian hesitantly asked, getting a nod from Justin. "Is there a reason?"

"I just don't think I'm ready. I heard it hurts alot, and if it does, I want to wait until our wedding night. To make it special." Justin answered, blushing and pulling himself under the bed covers. "I don't want to make you wait, but I just don't think I'm ready yet."

"I understand Babe, I can wait as long as you want." Brian gave a quick kiss on Justin's forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too." Justin smiled with the kiss, and felt sleep take him over into dream land.


"Justin, if you can't let me have you, then I don't think I want any part of you. I loved you Justin, and if you really loved me, you would have left me fuck you. I wasn't asking for your soul, just your ass for fucking sakes." Justin rolled over in his sleep, sweat pouring from his face. He flinched, listening to Brian's words in his head.

"But Bri, you said you'd wait." Justin was now begging in his dream, on his knees, tears falling from his eyes.

"I can't wait for ever Justin. I've been there for you all the way, never once did I do anything to hurt you intentionally, and you holding out hurts me, and your doing it intentionally." Brian didn't turn to see Justin's tears, or open his ears to hear his sobs he just walked out of the door. Not even shutting it, Justin broke to the floor, banging his head on the carpetted floor, passing out in his dream, waking up in reality.


Justin flung out of his dream, leaping slightly into the air. Looking over he did not see Brian, his fear of waking him was now turned into a fear of losing him. Looking around, Justin didn't see a thing, he didn't hear a thing either. "Brian?" Justin timidly spoke, looking around the room again, hoping to see him. Not seeing him after calling him again, Justin decided to call a little louder. "BRIAN?" Justin's clamped his hands around his mouth, he didn't mean to be that loud.

He was startled, by the balcony door being pushed open, and in running Brian. "What's wrong?" Brian rushed over to the bed, taking a seat next to Justin.

"I just had a bad dream, and then I couldn't find you. What were you doing?"

"I was out on the balcony. You've only been asleep for twenty minutes, and I was too hot to sleep. So I went outside to cool off."

"Oh, can I join you?" Justin asked, standing and tying his robe.

"Nope, I'm not going back outside. I think I'm ready to hit the hay." Brian replied, Justin took a seat back in bed, untying his robe and relaxing. "And I think you should do the same." Brian laid back down, gettin comfortable, Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's waist, but there relaxation wouldn't last long.

'knock' 'knock' The knocks on the door were not going to go away. "Come in." Brian hollered to tired to get up. Shocked to see Christina in tears. She walked to the bed taking a seat. Justin was almost asleep already, and Brian knew he would have to help her. "What happened Chrissy?"

"Nick didn't apologize to me." Christina replied, tears flowing down her face.

"That doesn't mean anything." Brian tried to assure her.

"And we got into a fight, and he said he didn't want to date some one who was so touchy about something so stupid as being ignore once." Christina finished, a little more upset that Brian hadn't let her finish in her original try.

"Chrissy, I'm so sorry. You can stay here tonight." Brian answered, thinking of the most thoughtful thing he could offer. She just nodded, walking to the other bed, wiping her tears, and pulling herself under the covers. Her tears started up again, and Brian knew he wouldn't be able to get any sleep as long as she cried. Looking down at Justin sleeping, he slid out from underneath his pinning arms. Standing, he took a seat on the bed where Christina laid. Pulling her up with his arms, he placed her in between his legs, propping himself up against the head board. "Let it out Chrissy." And she did, crying until she and Brian fell asleep.


10:45 blinked on the alarm clock, no one waking to the alarm. It was an hour passed the time Brian had agreed to meet everyone in Kevin's room. Christina and Justin were also mysteriously absent, getting concerns from Nick who was ready to apologize. Kevin was sent to get them, looking in Brian's room as the only place they wouldn't have been found earlier. Knocking and getting no reply, Kevin cautiously opened the door. "Is everyone decent?" He snickered at his own little joke, but was surprised not to get one back.

Upon entering the room, he could clearly see one body in one bed, and two in the other. He assumed Brian and Justin were the two and Christina the other. As he made it closer he could tell it was Christina, Brian was in fact holding. He jumped at the sight, but seeing Justin still there knew nothing had happened. He decided to be cautious though and wake Brian first.

"Bri, get up." Kevin shook Brian, waking both Brian and Christina from there sleep. Brian yawned, kissing the top of Christina's head. Both jumped in the reaction.

"I thought you were Justin." Brian jumped.

"I thought you were Nick." Christina pouted, thinking about her past relationship. Brian realized what had happened and looked upset that he had said anything.

"I guess I fell asleep holding you." Brian smiled. "Let's just keep that our little secret." Brian smiled again, getting a laugh from Kevin and Christina.

"Who's little secret?" Justin asked groggily, he had missed the whole conversation, but managed to hear the last part. He tied his robe quickly, slipping on a pair of boxers under it. Brian blushed, grabbing a robe for himself. The four made there way out the door, Brian or the other two still not answering Justin's question. But it seemed like he had let it pass, too tired to care.

In Kevin's room, Nick immediately approached Christina taking her out into the hall. Brian and Justin took seats on the bed, Justin almost asleep again on Brian's shoulder. Sitting there, relaxing for awhile was interrupted when Nick and Christina came back in holding hands. It was obvious by that they were now back dating. Nick smiled, Christina replied with a smile of her own. Justin looked up, still groggy from his wake up. He didn't know anything had happened, and let it pass. He was surprised when everyone else said they were happy it worked out for the best.

"What did I miss?" Justin asked, assuming that it was probably the same thing he had missed during his hotel room conversation with Brian, Kevin, and Christina. Everyone looked at him and laughed. He broke a small smile, still waiting to hear the story.

"That's what you being a heavy sleeper and sleeping in late." Kevin smiled, laughing and getting the same response from everyone but Justin. Justin just smirked, still waiting to hear it. "Any ways, if you really want to know then I guess we can tell you. Last night Nick and Christina broke up, over the littler ignoring thing that had happened earlier." Kevin stopped giving a commanding steer to Brian, Nick and AJ. He was obviously displeased about the story he had heard. "But back to the story. Christina came to the room to talk to you and Brian, but you were asleep. Brian ended up comforting her, the little secret thing was the fact that she fell asleep in Brian's arms in the other bed. And you slept in late this morning so you didn't get to see that either." Kevin laughed, everyone else did too. Justin just taking it in.

"I guess I missed a lot then." Justin laughed, cuddling up to Brian a little more. "But I don't think I like the part about you sleeping with her. I thought you were gay?" Justin cuddled up even closer this time, rubbing his head up against his shoulder.

"Don't worry babe, just that would make me gay." Brian joked, everyone else laughing with him. Justin smiled back. "And that smile would keep me gay for the rest of my life."

"Oh, and I'm not keeping you gay for the rest of your life?" Justin jokingly inquisitioned.

"Of course you, I am marrying you aren't I? Not some hot, big breasted, supple.." Brian jokingly began to talk, drooling, and panting. Justin just laughed. "Sorry, I got lost in thought. What was I saying?"

"Funny!!" Justin slapped him gently on the shoulder. Kevin coughed, trying to revive the conversation from the lovers.

"Anyways, it's Monday, which means we have a concert tonight. So we have until 12 before we have to get back on the bus and head to the arena. I suggest you all get packing, because after the concert we hit the bus, and then the road. Finally, make sure you all get showers after the concert, because some times some people forget, and stink up the bus." Kevin joked, looking directly at AJ.

"That was one time, and I forgot that we were leaving right away. Plus, I wouldn't want to stink now, I've got a girlfriend to sleep with at night. Not just your pathetic asses." AJ wrapped his arms around Brittany, standing. "We're gonna go pack, see ya on the bus."

Leaving the room now with the other two couples, Kevin, Howie, and Aaron. "The rest of you should get going too." Kevin insisted, watching everyone leave for there rooms. Brian and Justin started to unpack on arrival, not saying many words to each other. Hoping to get down quickly, and relax for a while. They were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in." Brian yelled, still packing his clothes. He looked up to see who it was, and noticed that it was Aaron. He gave him a questioning eye, and waited.

"Um, Brian, could I talk to you alone for a minute?" Aaron asked Justin more then he did Brian. Justin nodded and walked out the still opened door, and Aarron walked in. "It's kinda about you and Justin."

"What, you're okay with it aren't you?" Brian questioned, worried that Aarron might have had a problem with it.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it. I just had a question about it. I was wondering ya know, how you know, you were gay?" Brian almost jumped back with the question at hand.

"Well, I realized that I only had the hots for men. It wasn't something I found out really, I guess I was never attracted to woman much. Why do you ask?"

"I kinda like this guy I think. But I'm not gay, no offense, but I don't want to be gay." Aarron apologized for what he was saying, but he meant it none the less.

"Maybe you aren't gay, maybe you are bi."

"I could be, I like some girls. I've dated a few too, but this kid back home is kinda cute." Brian smiled at Aarron's new found crush.

"No matter what you know everyone will support you. Everyone was okay with me and Justin, I'm sure they'll be fine with you too." Brian walked over, giving Aarron a hug, returning it, he smiled. His smile was all the thanks.

Turning and leaving, he nodded to Justin to let him know he could get back in. Saying there good byes, Justin opened the door heading back into the room. Brian was packing again, Justin didn't even ask, he didn't care at the moment. He went back to packing for himself.

TOUR BUS - 1:30 a.m. (early in the morning)(Monday)

"So, ready for bed?" Brian looked over at Justin as the bus began to take off for the next city in the tour. Justin looked up, of course he was. While Brian danced and showered afterwards, Justin stayed awake just to talk. But now that the option of sleep came up, he was all for it.

"I wanted to talk." Justin said sleepily as Brian led him into their bunk. Brian smiled, patting Justin's head.

"We can talk in the morning, you are tired. I'll sing you a song and you can go to sleep." Brian whispered, rubbing Justin's hair and messing it up.

"Please?" Justin was trying to fight his sleepiness as hard as he could. But it was getting the best of him and he knew Brian wouldn't give up on sleep.

"About what?" Brian questioned.

"Earlier, Aarron." Justin yawned after his words flowed from his mouth.

"He thinks he's bi. No story to it, now go to sleep." Brian told him quickly, and then ushered his command.

"Oh, okay. Song?" Justin asked, breathing heavily as sleep began to over take him. He fluttered his eyes, trying to stay awake, realizing it was becoming harder and harder.

"Alright." Brian snuggled under the covers with Justin. Getting comfortable and relaxing, he thought of a song. Justin cuddled up, resting his head on Brian's chest. Brian ran his fingers through Justin's hair, twirling it around. Wrapping his arms around Justin, showing his love, he chose a song from his memory.

I'd go anywhere for you Anywhere you'd ask me to I'd do anything for you Anything you want me to

I'd walk halfway around the world For just one kiss from you Far beyond the call of love The sun, the stars, the moon As long as you love's there to lead me I won't lose my way, believe me Even through the darkest night you know

Brian finished the lyrics singing in a whisper. He started to sing the chorus, but stopped noticing that Justin was clinging to him in sleep. He smiled. 'I'm so lucky' is all he could replay over and over in his mind. Relaxing with out moving, he didn't want to wake Justin, he fell into sleep himself.

WEDNESDAY - 2 days have passed - ARENA - 3:00 p.m.

"Great rehearsal." Fatima hollered, it was her way of saying take a break. The guys responded, Brian taking the chance to find Justin and spend some quality time together. He wasn't sure of where to look. There was always the dressing room, or the bus. Taking the dressing room first, he came up empty handed. Seeing Christina and Brittany up ahead, he figured they might know where Justin was.

"Have you two seen Justin? He isn't in the dressing room, and I was hoping to get in a litle time with him." Brian smiled, hoping the two would know. He wasn't in the mood to look every where for him.

"Nope, I don't think he stayed around long. I am pretty sure he went to the bus." Brittany answered, Christina nodded in agreement. "I guess our boyfriends are off too?" Brittany and Christina smiled, rushing off to meet up with there special someones. Brian shook his head, heading off towards the bus.

Once inside the bus, he could see a sleeping figure in the back living area. Walking to the back his assumption was correct it was Justin, asleeep cuddled under one of Brian's sweat shirts. Grabbing a blanket out of the nearest bunk, he gently tucked it around Justin. Leaning down and planting a kiss on his forehead, he walked off the bus smiling. No conversation took place, but it was nice enough for Brian to enjoy it.

WEDNESDAY - 12:15 a.m. - TOUR BUS

"How was your sleep babe?" Brian crawled into his bunk on the tour bus. There concert over. He was surprised that Justin managed to sleep from morning, through rehearsals, and then through there concert.

"Good, ready for the concert?" Brian couldn't help but laugh. He tried to hold it in, but found himself laughing hysterically. "What?" Justin asked, looking around and at himself.

"Nothing, it's just that the concert is over. You've been sleeping all day." Brian was still laughing, almost in tears.

"oh" Justin couldn't help but find it a stupid reason for Brian laughing so hard. "Well, I hope you brought me some food, because I am starving."

"Nope, I didn't even think of that. You want me to tell the driver to stop at a fast food place?"

"Yep" Justin nodded crawling out of the bunk following Brian. Once at the front, they told there driver to find the nearest fast food place, and then went to tell the others. Everything was in the living area, laughing and talking.

"Alright guys, we are going to stop at a food place in a little bit." Brian stated, interrupting there conversations and taking a seat. Justin took a seat partially on his lap, resting his head on Brian's shoulders.

"Why, we already ate before the concert?" AJ questioned.

"Because Justin didn't." Brian answered.

"Oh" AJ replied, taking it in, and then just ending the conversation. "That's cool. Have a good morning, afternoon and night time nap Just." AJ joked.

"Yes I did." Justin spit out his tongue laughing.

"Is that a promise?" AJ joked even further.

"It better not be." Brian joined in.

"Yeah it better not." Brittany joined Brian's side.

"Don't worry it isn't." Justin pulled Brian in close, kissing him on the lips. His tongue went in, and Brian sucked on it sweetly. Releasing after a few ahems. "Sorry." Justin blushed, Brian just laughed at the whole thing.

"We are here" The guys heard from the front of the bus. Indicating that they were at a restaraunt. All of them stood proceeding to get out and into the McDonald's. Once inside, Justin started his way towards a booth.

"Aren't ya gonna order babe? We stopped for you." Brian questioned, turning to see Justin walking away.

"Just get me my favorite." Justin answered, walking back to his seat.

"His favorite?" Brian looked up. He didn't know Justin's favorite meal for McDonald's.

"Don't worry, he's just testing you. He doesn't like McDonald's food. So when ever he comes he just gets a salad." Brittany laughed, seeing Brian's worried look.

"Oh" Brian breathed in. Ordered, and then followed everyone to the two booths that Justin had acquired. "Here ya go babe." Handing the salad to Justin, he caught Justin's smile. 'He is so cute some times, well all the time' is all Brian could think about as there meal continued.

This chapter wasn't as long as I promised. But it is becoming harder and harder for me to write, and manage school work too. But I promise one of the next chapters will be better.

Next: Chapter 14

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