Losing My Virginity and Then My Heart

By Danny Danny

Published on May 1, 2014


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"Losing My Virginity And Then My Heart." Part Five.

By Danny D and Jordan R

I tried to sleep Thursday night but just tossed and turned. I kept telling myself that it was stupid to be so worked up over this, but I couldn't stop worrying that I'd be a nerd or that I wouldn't be able to get it up. But lying in bed, my cock wouldn't get soft.

We were to meet at Bastian and David's apartment at eight, Friday night. I thought about walking, just to burn some energy, but then thought about having to walk back, so I rode my bike. I got to their apartment early, so I rode around the block. On my second pass, I saw Danny walking up the street. I rode up along side of him. "Hey," I said.

He smiled. "Hey, there you are." I got off my bike. He said, "How are you feeling about this?"

"Ah, well," I stuttered.

"Yeah, me too. It's my fantasy, but I'm kind of nervous about it."

"You know everyone?" I asked.

"No. There's one guy there that's a friend of David's, I think his name is Ron. I don't know him. And I kind of don't know you." He smiled again. "But I think I will, right?"

I chuckled. "That's why I'm here."

He laughed and nudged me. "Nathan is really nice and Jimmy is cool. He told me he was really excited about tonight that he wanted to bottom for everyone."

"Get fucked by everyone?"

"Yeah. You don't have to if you don't want to."

We got to the apartment. Everyone was there. When we walked in, David gave me a really weird look. I guess because I walked in with Danny. Everyone said hi and started making small talk. David left the room and then came back naked. "You can put your clothes on my bed," he said.

Danny glanced at me. I followed him. We undressed beside each other. He ran his hand over my chest and then stopped and smiled. He said, "I wanted to do that in the shower at the pool, but I thought you might punch me out."

"No, but I might have passed out."

He laughed.

We went back into the living room. I could feel butterflies in my stomach and my face burning hot. I didn't know what to do or what was going to happen next. I immediately noticed that Jimmy and Nathan were standing beside each other and rubbing each other's junk. Danny walked over to the sofa and sat down at one end. He motioned me to sit beside him. I did. We sat, our arms and legs touching. He began playing with his cock as we watched Nathan and Jimmy stroking each other. David glanced at us and then moved toward Nathan and Jimmy and started playing with Jimmy's butt. Ron joined them.

I noticed that Danny was hard. He was at least as big as me, maybe bigger. Jimmy got on his knees and began sucking Nathan. Ron began sucking David. Danny moved his hand to my junk. I moved my hand to Danny's. He turned, facing me and ran his hand over my chest, my nipples, my abs and down to my cock and balls. He smiled at me. He whispered in my ear, "Nice cock." I decided to go for it. I leaned around him. I kissing and licked his nipples. I heard him sigh. I licked his stomach. His erection pressed against my cheek. I glanced at the group and they were sucking and touching each other. I held Danny's cock and went down on it. He moaned.

I had sucked Hunter's cock and Bastian's cock, but Danny's cock was incredible. It fit perfectly into my mouth and down my throat. I struggled to take his entire cock down my throat, which excited me. I came up for air, and whispered in his ear, "Nice cock."

We smiled.

I gave him head, licked his balls and the shaft of his cock. He pulled me off him and went down on me. He took me deep. While he did that I watched him and watched what everyone else was doing. I noticed David watching us. I tried to ignore him. I ran my hand over Danny's shoulders and back. Then I touched his smooth round butt. It was all muscle. I ran my fingers over the crack of his ass. He looked up at me and smiled.

"You better stop," I whispered.

I went down on him again and then he went down on me.

I heard Jimmy say, "Anyone want to fuck me?"

There was an armchair near the sofa. Jimmy knelt on it and arched his butt into the air. Nathan, Ron and David put on condoms. David was the first one in. This was all very new to me and it really excited me to watch and listen. Jimmy was moaning and groaning and grunting and asking for more and harder. David fucked him hard for a while and then pulled out but it didn't look like he came. Ron started fucking Jimmy. Nathan said to me and Danny, "Come on. He wants it big," and smiled. Danny and I had the biggest cocks.

Danny stood up and got a condom. He said to me, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

I grabbed a condom.

Nathan said, "I'm next. I want him before you guys get him all stretched out."

I watched Ron fuck Jimmy hard. It was really turning me on. Then Nathan fucked Jimmy. Jimmy moaned, "Harder." Nathan went at him fast and furious. When he pulled out, he pulled his condom off, he spun Jimmy around and came on his stomach and junk.

"Fuck yeah," David said and turned Jimmy back over and started fucking him again. He fucked him so hard that Ron had to hold the armchair so it wouldn't move. Then David took off his condom, Jimmy turned, sat in front of David as David shot his load on Jimmy.

Danny said to me, "Would you do something for me?"

"Sure," I said.

"I'd like to know what it's like to get fucked while I fuck."

I smiled, nervously. "Ah, sure, but how?"

He lubed his ass and my condom covered cock. He said to Jimmy, "How do you want it?.

Jimmy said, "Fast and hard."

Danny said, "Hold on." Danny's cock had to be at least eight inches and it was thick and looked to be rock hard. He pressed it down and put it against Jimmy's hole and then in one quick move buried it inside of Jimmy.

Jimmy's body tensed as he grunted. "Fuck, Danny," he moaned. Danny started thrusting and thrusting hard and fast. Jimmy kept saying, "Yeah, yeah, fuck me."

Danny turned to me and said, "Fuck me."

I moved behind him. I was so excited that my hands were shaking . I lined myself up.

He said, "I'm tight. It's been a while." He took hold of my cock and pressed against his hole. He said, "Let me back onto it."

I stood still. I felt my cock enter him. It felt incredible. I put my hands on his hips. He put his hand back onto my hip and pressed me forward. I stepped forward and pressed in further. He moaned. "Fuck, you're huge." He backed up until I was deep in him.

"Fuck me, while I fuck him," he moaned.

I did.

I ran my hands over his hips, his sides and legs. He felt incredible and his ass gripping my cock was amazing.

Danny grabbed Jimmy by the shoulders and held him steady as he thrust hard into him. It was amazing to watch. Danny was moaning. Jimmy was moaning. I kept thrusting. Then Danny reached around and put his hand on my hip, holding me in place. He pulled out of Jimmy and said, "Turn." Jimmy spun around and sat in front of Danny. "Fuck me hard," he said to me. I did. Danny pulled off his condom. He stroked four or five times. His body tensed and shook. I grabbed him, holding him steady. He moaned and shot a spray of cum all over Jimmy's chest.

Jimmy was breathing hard as was Danny.

I pulled my cock from Danny's butt. He kept breathing hard. "Fuck," he said, "that was incredible. Another fantasy fulfilled."

Nathan handed me another condom. "For Jimmy," he said. I pulled off one condom and put on another.

Jimmy looked at my condom wrapped erection and said, "Oh wow."

I said, "I can just jerk off."

"No way," he said turning. "I'm taking you all. So tear it up."

I stepped behind him. Danny reached over and stroked my cock. I looked at him. "Lube," he said.

I aimed my cock at Jimmy's hole. "So, slow or fast," I asked.

"Fast and deep," he said.

Danny chuckled and said, "You'd better hold on. I can still feel him."

I pressed against his hole and then shoved myself all the way into him. His back arched backward. His body tensed. He grunted, "Fuck me."

I began thrusting hard and fast like Danny had. I was amazed at the feeling. I felt a hand on my ass. It was Danny's who was standing beside me. Danny said, "Grab him by the hair. I reach up and took a handful of hair. Danny took hold of my arm and pulled backward.

Jimmy moaned. "Oh yeah."

I held on and thrust hard into him. Danny whispered into my ear, "You are so fucking hot."

That did it. I was about to shoot my load. I pulled out. Jimmy turned. I fumbled getting my condom off. I began stroking. As my climax hit, my legs began to shake. Danny put his arm around me as I began coming and I was coming hard.

I heard Jimmy say, "Fuck, you're like a fire hose."

My entire body was shaking. Danny chuckled and pulled me into him. "You came hard," he said.

Between breaths, I said, "Fucking you got me really horny." Then I noticed that Jimmy was jerking off and I noticed the amount of cum on his chest, moving down toward his junk. He kept rubbing cum around with his free hand and jerking off with the other. Then he lay back and shot a huge load.

"Damn," Jimmy said. "That was incredible."

People began disappearing into the bathroom to rinse off in the shower. David followed Danny and I. David said to me, "Can you wait a minute. I want to talk to Danny."

I stepped out of the bathroom and went back into the living room. Nathan said to me, "I hope this doesn't get bad." The shower was running but we could hear voices. The door opened and I heard Danny said, "If it bothers you, I can leave."

David said, "No don't." Then David left the bathroom. He looked at me and said, "You can use it."

I went to the bathroom. Danny was just about to step into the shower. He motioned me in. I closed the door behind me. "He's pissed, but I said that no one has to do anything they don't want to do and I don't want to do him."

We stepped into the shower. He said, "You still nervous?"


"You enjoying yourself?"

"Yeah. I almost came just watching."

He smiled. "I know. That was really hot and thank you for the poke."

"My pleasure," I said. We laughed.

We went to the living room. Jimmy laughed and talked about his ass feeling like he was still getting fucked. "That was my number two fantasy," he said.

Nathan said, "Number one should be interesting."

We all laughed.

We all talked for a bit. Clearly, David was upset, but then he started touching Ron and soon Jimmy was sucking on David.

Danny and Nathan looked at each other and said, "Now?"

And then they looked at me. I said, "What?"

Danny said, "Nathan and I want you to just sit back and let us have fun with you."

"What?" I said laughing. "What do you mean?"

Nathan said, "Get up." I did. They pulled the sofa cushions onto the floor and pushed me down on them. "Just lay back and enjoy."

I looked at Danny. He was smiling. They lay beside me. Danny said, "Just lay still and enjoy. Let us do the work." I nodded. He and Nathan chuckled.

I lay down. My entire body felt like every nerve was on edge. What were they going to do to me, I wondered. But I didn't care. If it was Danny doing it, I was going to go along with it. How can I trust someone that I don't even know? But I did trust him. There was something about him that said I could.

"Close your eyes," Danny said. He passed his hand over my face.

They began running their hands over my body and over my cock. Immediately it went from semi hard to rock hard. Someone was playing with my balls and gently running their hand over my cock. The other was playing with my nipples and stomach.

My body felt on fire. My nipples were being licked and nibbled at. I moaned. My cock was being licked and my balls moved around in my scrotum and fingers were being run up and down the inside of my legs.

I lay there almost shaking with pleasure. Someone was sucking my cock while someone else was licking my balls. It was all being done gently. My body was responding Ð I instinctively thrust, my arms were almost shaking with pleasure. My toes curled.

This went on and on. Touching, licking, sucking and rubbing. I moaned. They got me close and then stopped.

Danny whispered, "You want to suck cock or just lie there and let's us continue."

"Your cock, yes," I said, looking at him. He smiled.

He leaned over me in a push up position, his cock over my mouth. I opened my mouth and took him in deep. Nathan kept playing with my cock and my balls. I sucked Danny's cock. I wished he'd cum. I got close again and then Nathan stopped.

It seemed like this went on and on and I didn't want it to stop. Nathan played with my hole and gently sucked my cock. I sucked Danny.

Then it stopped. I looked at them. They sat beside me and smiled. "Part two," Danny said.

I laughed. "I feel like I'm floating on a cloud. What's part two?"

Nathan got up and returned with two pillows from the bed. He placed them under my head, "So you can watch."

"Watch what?"

Nathan put a condom on my cock and then lubed himself and me. He straddled my hips, held my cock and then sat. "Oh fuck," he moaned. "You're big." He began slowly moving up and down. We stared at each other. He smiled and moaned and moved on me. He began stroking his cock.

Danny said, "You can't cum until we say so."

I laughed and nodded. The feeling of being inside of him was fantastic and it was hard not to thrust.

Nathan was bouncing, stroking and grinding. "Nice fucking cock," he moaned.

I looked across the room and saw David fucking Ron and Jimmy sucking Ron. They were into themselves.

Nathan was bouncing harder and faster. I put my hands on his thighs and ran my hand up to his crotch. "Oh fuck," he moaned. "Can I cum on you?"

"Fuck, yeah, please," I said. I touched his balls. They were pulled tight against his body.

He moaned. "I'm going to cum." I sat up a bit and watched his cum explode from his dick. It hit my stomach and my chest. He sat still on my cock. He was breathing hard. He smiled and licked his fingers, cleaning them. He sat up and then bent down and licked my stomach and chest.

"Nice," I whispered. He smiled at me.

He took the condom off my cock. Nathan cleaned off the rest of the cum on me with a washcloth from the bathroom.

Danny put a condom on my cock and lubed his ass and then the condom.

No way am I going to be able to not cum with him on me, I thought.

He straddled my cock and said, "Ready?"

"Fuck, I don't know if I can last."

"Don't worry about it. You can come."

He did what Nathan did. Nathan sat beside me and watched and played with my nipples. I thought there was no man I'd rather be inside of and even though I had a virgin ass and even though he was huge, I wanted him to fuck me the way he fucked Jimmy. But instead I was inside of him. My mind was being blown. He was bouncing on my cock, stroking his cock, looking down at me and smiling.

He leaned forward. "You feel good."

"Yes, very," I said.

He smiled. "I meant that you feel good inside of me."

I chuckled.

He was grinding and bouncing. "Oh fuck," he moaned and started bouncing harder and faster. He moaned. I sat up so I could see him shoot. He shot a load all over my chest. He sat down on my cock breathing hard. He looked at the cum on my chest, ran his fingers over it and then leaned down and licked it up. He looked at me and smiled. He said, "I taste good."

I laughed and said, "I'm sure you do. And I do too."

Nathan said, "Oh yeah. He's a cum eater, too."

Danny started bouncing on my cock. I looked at him. I said, "You want to see something?"

"What?" Danny said.

"Move," I said. He moved off of me. I took off the condom. I told Danny to get on the other side of me. Nathan was on one side, Danny on the other. I scooted down and rolled my legs over my head. My cock sat on my lips.

"Oh fuck," Nathan said. "Can you really?"

I chuckled. "I didn't know this was so impressive." I opened my mouth and took my hard cock deep into my mouth. I began thrusting.

I saw Danny move very close to me. His head was about six inches from mine. Nathan moved close too. I pulled my cock from my mouth and turned my hips toward Danny. He opened his mouth and sucked my cock. It was amazing to watch him so closely. Then I moved toward Nathan. He sucked my cock eagerly. Then I went at it again. I stopped and moaned. "I'm going to cum." I held my cock over my mouth, stuck out my tongue and stroked. Cum exploded from my cock and shot hard into my mouth. I took the whole load before I swallowed.

Nathan said, "Damn, that was nine shots."

I licked my cock clean and then unrolled. I noticed Ron, David and Jimmy sitting and watching. Jimmy said, "I've never seen anyone do that in person."

Ron said, "Yeah, I've seen plenty of videos, but this was a first."

David said nothing.

I guess David, Ron and Jimmy had come because everyone started hanging out. Danny whispered to me, "Let's make our break, okay?"

"Yeah, for sure," I said.

We hung around for a few minutes and then he said to Nathan, "Are you staying?"

"Yeah, David said he wanted us to spend the night."

"I'm done," Danny said.

"Cool," he said. Then he said to me, "Jordan, you're one hot guy. You made my night."

I smiled, "Thanks. I really enjoy what you and Danny did. That was great."

Danny announced, "I've got to go and Jordan is giving me a ride."

"Where are you going?" David said.

"I've got a plane to catch. I can't stay the night. Thanks for this. This was fun."

I could see that David was pissed. I followed Danny into the bedroom. We started to get dressed. David walked in and said to me, "Can you get scarce. I want to talk to him."

"There's nothing to talk about," Danny said. He said to me, "Don't go anywhere."

I just continued dressing, as did Danny. David stood there watching. I couldn't believe how awkward I felt. I wanted to leave but there was no way I was going to leave without Danny. I made sure that I wasn't finished dressing before Danny. When he was done, I stepped into my shoes and pulled on my sweatshirt.

"I'm ready," I said.

"Let's go."

We walked out into the living room. Everyone hugged. We said good night and left. Walking to my bike with me, he said, "You want to hang the rest of the night?"

"Yeah, sure." I said.

Unchaining my bike, I said, "That was awkward."

"I guess I'm being a dick, but I've got to take care of myself. I probably shouldn't have come. The only reason I came was because you were going to be here, but I could have just called you."

My face felt on fire. I couldn't believe how easy it was for him to just say what was on his mind.

"Or would that have been too presumptuous of me?" he asked.

"Did it seem like that?"

He smiled. "Then I have an idea if you're up for it." He looked at me.

"I'm up for anything."

"If we go to my apartment, one of my roommates and his girlfriend will be there and I told them that I was planning on spending the night here."

"I have a single room," I said. I know it was obvious that that was what he was suggesting when he suggested we hang out, but I felt nervous suggesting it.

"Sounds good to me," he said smiling.

I put away the chain to my bike.

"Can you ride me," he said.

"Ah, I've never done that."

He took off his sweatshirt. "Take yours off." I did. He folded them. He sat on my bike and then put the sweatshirts on the cross bar. "Sit," he said.

I sat and said, "This is like when the shining knight rescued the girl and had her sit in front of him on his horse."

He laughed. "Except you were my knight tonight."

I felt those feelings in my stomach Ð butterflies. I balanced myself. He reached around me and grabbed the handlebars. He pushed off and started peddling. We wobbled for a few feet until he started getting going. We were pressed face to face as he rode us down the street. He said, "You don't mind sharing your bed with me?"

I smiled. "No."

"Notice that I didn't say, you don't mind me sleeping with you."

"Why's that?"

"You might not get much sleep."

I laughed. "You say that to all the guys who suck your cock?"

He laughed. "No, just the ones whose cock I ride." He peddled on. "Ah, maybe I shouldn't say this, but Bastian told me you hadn't fucked anyone."

"I'm going to kill Bastian."

"I wanted to be your first."

He kissed my cheek.


He said, "Bastian said you were really a great guy Ð smart, kind and funny. He already knew that I thought you were very good looking."

"He said the same about you and he knew I thought you were very good looking."

"I guess we won't kill Bastian."

As we approached the dorm I said, "Can I ask you for something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Will you fuck me?"

He smiled. "Yeah, sure. Have you been fucked before?" I looked at him. "Okay, Bastian told me you hadn't. If you want me to fuck you I will."

"I want you to."

"I will if you'll do something for me."


"I love kissing. I really love kissing. I'd love,"

"Yes," I said.

We pulled up to the dorm. I had just come twice in about four hours and I was rock hard. I looked at him. "Shit, I don't have condoms or lube."

He smiled and took condoms out of his pocket and little packets of lube. We laughed.

With all he and I had done that night, believe it or not, I was still nervous as we entered my room. "Ah, dorm rooms," he said as he took off his shoes and socks. I began undressing. He took off his shirt and pulled off his pants and underwear. He was hard. I pulled my shirt over my head. He undid my pants and pulled down my underwear. I stepped out of them. He gently pushed me down onto my bed. I looked up at him. He turned off the overhead light and turned on my desk lamp. "I want to look at you while I fuck you." I watched his erection swing and sway.

He looked down at me and said, "I'll be gentle." He lay on me.

I loved the weight of his body on mine. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him. He looked into my eyes. "I should have just called you."

I put my hand behind his head and pressed his mouth against mine. We kissed. His tongue moved into my mouth. I moaned. My first kiss. We licked, bit, ran our tongues over each other's lips. I moaned. I listened to him moan. He bit my neck.

"Oh fuck," I sighed.

He began thrusting against me.

I spread my legs and instinctively wrapped them around him.

We kissed and kept kissing. He whispered into my ear, "Clearly, you've done that before."

I licked and bit into his neck. He moaned.

"Fuck me," I moaned.

He looked down at me. "We'll take it slowly. I really want this to be good for you."

"I want you to fuck me like you fucked Jimmy."

He laughed. "Ah, he's been fucked and he's use to it. Let's take it slowly." I just stared up at him. "It will be good, I promise."

"Good for you too?"


He got up and got the condoms and lube. He rolled the condom on his cock and then lubed it up. He sat. He lifted my leg and smiled.

"I can do that," I said.

"No way. I want to see and play with your hole."

I was sure I was blushing. I pulled my legs to my chest. He stared at my hole and then smiled at me. "It looks virgin," he said and then chuckled. He slipped a finger in. I held my legs to my chest and watched his face as he worked my hole. "When you fuck me, you get to do this."

"Please," I said.

He chuckled.

More fingers and more movement in my hole. He wiped his fingers on his underwear and lay down beside me. "Remember how I sat on your cock." I nodded. "Go for it." I moved over him, straddling his cock. "Okay, now, you've got to take it slowly. Believe me, the first time, you've got to do this slowly."

I sat a bit. My cock was rock hard and I wasn't a bit nervous. I figured this would hurt, at least the first time, but I didn't care. I just wanted him to fuck me. He held his cock. I moved over it. "Now you've got to relax your hole. You'll tighten up when it first goes in, but you've got to try not to."

I sat and of course I tightened up and it hurt. I sat up. He smiled. "When you've done it a few times, you'll get the idea."

I sat again. "Relax," he said, "And breathe. And just take about an inch in."

"How will I know an inch?"

"You'll know."

I sat down and very slowly pressed down as I tried to relax my hole. It went in. We both were still for a moment. He said, "Good. Now slowly move down on it." I did. "Breathe." I did. He began stroking my cock. It felt great. I moved further. At first it hurt again, but then I moved further. He kept stroking my cock. Inch by inch I took him in, until I had him deep inside of me. "How is it?" he asked.

"Wow. You're huge."

He laughed. "Yeah, okay, but how are you?"

"It doesn't hurt. It feels big." I smiled at him. "Really big."

"That's how you felt inside of me. Try moving."

I did. He kept stroking my cock. I started bouncing. I moaned. "Fuck, that feels good."

We fucked like that for a while. He sat up and said, "You want to try it with you on the bottom?"

"Yes," I said without hesitation.

I was about to move off his cock but he grabbed my shoulders and held me tight against him and rolled us over. I spread my legs wide. He lay on me. He said, "You know why I like doing it this way?" I shook my head. He kissed me and began fucking me.

"Oh fuck, Danny," I moaned. "Fuck me." I held this hot masculine hunk of a man as he slowly and gently fucked me.

He said, "If you jerk off while I fuck you, you'll come and come hard."

"Should I? Or do you want me to fuck you?"

"Jerk off. You'll enjoy it a lot. You can fuck me in the morning."

"Don't you have a plane to catch?"

He smiled. "Tomorrow afternoon."

"Fuck me," I said and began masturbating.

He began thrusting. We kissed. I stroked my cock.

We fucked.

My body was going crazy. I had never felt like that before. He thrust, and kissed, bit and licked me. I moaned, stroked, and pleaded for more.

"I'm going to come," I moaned.

He kept thrusting. "Aim your cock at my chest. I want to feel you come," he said.

As cum shot from my cock, I pressed my cock upward against his stomach. My body shook under him. I stopped coming, but I kept climaxing. He stopped thrusting.

"No, don't stop."

"You're sure," he said.

"Yes, please."

He kept thrusting. I held him. Kissed him. "I can jerk off," he whispered as he thrust.

"No. Just fuck me."

He began thrusting hard. He sounded like he was close. He pulled almost all the way out, glanced at his cock and then thrust into me. I held him. His body tensed and then he pressed hard into me two or three times and then seemed to collapse on me. I held him, listening to him breathing in my ear.

He moved and kissed me. We held each other.

He pulled out of me. He lay beside me with his head on my chest. I held him. He kissed my chest. I stroked his hair. We lay holding each other, not speaking.

He pulled off the condom and tossed it into the trashcan. He grabbed his underwear and wiped us both clean. I wondered if he was going to leave. He lay down and pulled the sheet over us.

"I think I forgot it was your first time," he said. "I got really into it."

"That was incredible."

"Tell me about it." He kissed me and said, "I can't stop kissing you." I moved and leaned over him to kiss him. "Lie on me," he said. I got on top of him. He said, "I want to be a bottom for you, with you on top of me, like this."

"I can try now, if you want."

He laughed.

I said, "Yeah, maybe I need a little while." I glanced at the clock. It was 3:10 am. "When are you going home?"

"Tomorrow but late afternoon," he said.

"Me too."

He said, "This is really an odd question to ask, but what's your last name?" I started laughing. He stared laughing. He said, "I know, that's so personal."

We kept laughing. I said, "I'm Jordan Thomas Rizzo. And who are you?"

"Cool name. JT."

"No, Jordan."

"Rizzo. Wait that's like," he hesitated. My stomach sank. Please don't say Ratso Rizzo, I thought. He said, "That ball player. I think he's on the Cubs."

"Anthony Rizzo," I said.

"Yes. Anthony and Jordan Rizzo. Great ball players," he said and grabbed my balls. I laughed and then kissed him.

"And your name?"

"Daniel Dean Deluca."

"Dee Dee Deluca."

He laughed "Okay, you're Jordan."

"Before you came, you looked at your cock. Why?"

"To see if I had broken the condom. If I had I would have filled you with cum."

"Oh okay."

We lay in each other's arms and talked, touching, fondling and kissing until the morning. Then the talking stopped and the sucking started. I had sucked his cock before, but this time I was relaxed enough to I noticed how wonderful it felt in my hand and mouth.

He got up and grabbed a condom and handed it to me. I put it on. He lay down and lifted his legs and handed me the lube. I opened the packet and spread it on his hole. I ran my fingers over it and inside. I smiled at him. "Nice hole," I said. He smiled.

I knelt between his legs. My cock was so hard that I had to bend forward to press it toward his hole. "Relax," I said looking at him. He laughed.

I pressed into him. He pulled me down on him. Again, I couldn't believe how amazing it felt to be inside of him and now on top of him. We kissed. I thrust. He moaned. He reached between us and began masturbating. "Fuck me," he moaned into my ear. "But don't come right away."

I smiled at him. "I'll try," I said, "but you really turn me on." He laughed and kissed me.

I thrust harder, pressing deep into him and stopped when I got close. Then I went for it.

"I'm close," he whispered. "Fuck me hard."

I was close too. I fucked him hard and fast. He grunted. I felt his cum splashing against my stomach. I pulled back and checked my condom and then thrust into him a couple more times and came. He held me. "It feels good being with you," he whispered as I shot my load.

I melted into his arms. He held me.

I looked at him and smiled.

He said, "What?"

"I think it's cool the way you just say stuff. I mean I think it, but I think I shouldn't say it."

"It's not always cool. I mean when I get angry I say stuff too. You should say what's on your mind. Especially, the good stuff."

I nodded and sighed. "I'm glad we came back here. This feels so much better than at David's," I said.

"I should have just called you," he said. "But at least this way we got the sex part out of the way. Now we can get to know each other."

We laughed.

"I want us to get to know each other," I said.

He smiled at me. "See you can do it. Besides, I like hearing stuff like that."

It was 6:30am. We decided to get some sleep. I set the alarm for 10:30. He fell asleep almost immediately, his arms around me. It took me a while. I couldn't stop looking at him.

Next: Chapter 6

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