Love and Death

By moc.loa@madayks3p

Published on Sep 24, 2009


The man shut the door with a sigh, and listened as the police car pulled away. He'd told them he knew nothing, which wasn't exactly true. But what was he meant to do. Tell the truth and show them Jamie's journal? No. He couldn't show it and run the risk of it being taken in as evidence, especially since he hadn't finished that last entry. He wandered back to his armchair and flopped down heavily. He took a swig of whiskey and picked up the journal.

'Karl's dead. I don't know what happened. He picked me up in his car and we were driving along, and... and i felt this thing in my chest. It felt like something was crushing my heart, or perhaps trying to rip it out of my chest. I saw Karl was suffering them same thing, he lost control of the car, and hit a tree. I was thrown from the car, and i passed out. I woke up in hospital. I find out that the doctors were confused as out about Karl's death. He'd been wearing a seatbelt, and apart from whiplash he seemed to have no other external injuries, yet his heart had stopped, with no real reason as to why. But i think i know what happened, but even to me it sounds crazy. But somehow... I know it's true. I felt the hand of death tonight, and its like i can feel him somehow now, and i can feel something which terrifies me beyond anything i had known. He's looking, he's coming for me...'

The man had tried to make out the next lines that Jamie had written, but the tears which had stained and ran down the page made the last of it unreadable. Each stain had been a tear, cried out of grief and fear, and as the man saw them marks left on the page he could almost feel how Jamie had when he'd written this entry. He turned a few pages until the next entry, where the words were readable once again.

' I have done everything i can to find out about death. I've seen psychics, mediums, everyone and anyone who i though could've helped me. I don't know what was worse, the fact that none of them could help me, or that no-one believed me. I can feel him, it drawing nearer every day. I'm so scared. I'm so alone, and so helpless. It seems all i can do is sit and wait for the inevitable to happen. I don't want to die. I want to live, to love.'

'He came again for me today. I... I don't know how i survived. I was at the bus station, and i felt it creep on the heels of my shadow. I felt it's horrible icy grip clutch at my beating heart, and begin to squeeze it. I felt the sick pleausre it got from it, felt the intelligence that knew what it was doing. I felt everything go cold, and realised that Karl hadn't loved me, that no one had loved me for the want to love me. It was so strange, it was like this truth made me not care that i was about to die, i really had accepted it. Wanted it, even. To die rather then live another unloved second. But just as i felt the final thump of my heart cave under the monster's grip. I felt a warm hand hold my face. Somehow i was still awake, without a beating heart. But i could feel death surrond me like water in a swimming pool. But then i felt something else, something warm. I realised with my dying brain that a pair of lips had enclosed mine. The warmth poured from that mouth, down to my body, and filled up it with warmth. But what was more. Was the total and undoubted love i felt pour in also. as the warmth filled my body, so the love filled my soul. I fell forward, into a soft but strong pair of arms that held me tight, and i felt so safe. My body and soul screamed at my brain that just for this moment, I wanted to live. This was worth living for. I felt the soft thump, as a heart began to beat again. This time with a purpose, this time for him. And i hadn't even seen his face. I fell asleep like an infant in its mothers embrace. And woke up here, in my room. I need to find him. I would say that my life depends on it but it really wouldn't be true. He, whoever he was, is my life now.'

The man smiled and took another swig of whiskey. It was something that always made him happy, a new love being kindled. He turned the page and read the next entry.

'I tried my best to find him again. i stayed for hours at the bus station for a week, then asked around and even checked the cctv footage. I tried in vain. I could feel myself losing hope, and began to wonder if it all had been in my head after all. It was after two weeks that despair finally consumed me, and i stood there, surronded by people, and felt the tears begin to roll unashamedly down my face. No one looked twice at me, no-one asked if seomthing was wrong. No-one cared. And then i felt those arms wrap themselves around me from behind, and i felt that warm love again. It drove away the despair, the fear i had about death still hunting for me. We just stood there, for minutes. Maybe even an hour. Finally when i turned around i saw his face. At first i couldn't believe my eyes. It was Karl!. No, i remembered he had a much older brother, and i realised that this must have been him. But i already loved him, but it was nice to put a face to that love. He kissed me again, and i felt a passion i had never even felt even close to coming near with Karl. Wordlessly he led me outside to his car. We drove for a time, until we reached what i presumed was his house. He picked me up and cradled me as he kissed me, and carried me inside and up to the bedroom. He lay me on the bed like i was the most precious delicate thing on this earth. He moved his had down his white shirt, and the buttons smoothly came undone, and the shirt slid and flowed down to the floor. I could see the defined muscles like a perfectionist body builder's, and i stretched out a hand and ran my fingers down his front, feeling each hard, toned muscle, feeling the electricty that burst into life at the point of contact of skin on skin. Out of the corner of my eye i could see his head laid back, eyes closed. A smile stretched across his handsome features. Also I could see the once flat crotch begin to bulge and rise until the fabric was full and stretched tightly. His fingers naturally ran themselves through my hair, his fingers tracing the features of my face, until one long finger rested on my lips. He pushed it forward, and my unresisting lips parted. I could taste his finger on the end of my tongue, and then he withdrew it and brought it up to his own lips. He liked the taste apparently as he gently pushed me back and leaned over me and proceeded to kiss me as deeply and as vigourously as he could. His hands seemed to move with unatural ease as they went under my shirt and rolled it up and over my head. Now when he resumed kissing he pressed his torso to mine, and the touch of our skin made me quiver with anticipation and excitement...'

The man paused his reading to adjust his crotch as he was already tenting at what he was reading. It had happened the other times he'd read this part to, and as he began to resume reading he absent mindedly stroked himself through the fabric of his jeans.

'He all but tore off my belt and began to grind his bulge against my own. Our breathing became a heavy pant, and the sweat began to coat our bodies. It could feel the flush of heat surge through his body and into mine, and could feel the rising desire of both of us to be joined as closely as was physically possible. I wanted him inside me, and he wanted to be inside of me. so as he rose and began to slide down his trousers i slid my own jeans down. his legs rubbed up and down against mine, tingling as the hairs entangled. I looked down at his manhood, and saw just an immense tool of raw fucking power. It was a serious turn on to think that that power was in moments about to be unleashed on me. With the amount we both we sweating it was enough to easily lube up his cock without any further lubrication. He merely aimed it roughly and began to press forward slowly, easing with way to the point of virginity. He stared into my eyes as he jabbed forward slightly, and with it taking my virginity away forever. I felt some pain, but not a trace of regret, and he gave me time to adjust before sinking slowly onto me. Soon we my own dick was sandwhiched between my stomach and his, so as he slid in and out of me with a hastening pace, his torse front rubbed up and down mine. It wasn't long before i burst with a moan, and let out a jet of cum between out torso's. He didn't miss a beat nor slow down, and soon we were both lathered in my cum. His stroked became even more powerful in intensity and the orgasm i had was renewed before the first one ended. We continued like this, in a blissful session of lovemaking until i felt him release his seed into me with a flourish of new warmth and a chorus of lusty grunts from him. Only then did he raise up and begin to clean my entire front with his tongue, swallowing all the cum he could. He kissed me again and rolled beside me, not breaking the kiss. then we parted for a moment so we could get under the covers, i felt happily exhausted and ready to sleep. I lay on my side, back to him. He shuffled up behind me and threw an arm over me, pulling our bodies together. He wrapped a leg around mine and nuzzled into my neck. I felt so comfy, so at peace, that despite my desire to stay awake and revel in this i couldn't help but fall asleep. It was the best moment of my entire life.'

The man put the journal to one side, and looked at the cum soaked patch in his jeans. With a sigh he got up to grab a shower and get changed, before returning to the journal...

Next: Chapter 3

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