Love and Death

By moc.loa@madayks3p

Published on Sep 29, 2009


'Karl stepped in the shower after me, and began washing me under the hot water. The steam and the heat made my skin turn bright red, and behind me i could feel Karl's skin get hot, but nowhere near as hot as his cock, which pressed into me. I started leaning back, Karl backed up thinking id wanted space to wash my face, but only after a step his back hit the wall, but i kept pressing, his cock was at the perfect height, and it slowly sank into me. Karl cottoned on as he let out a lusty groan into my ear.

"Jamie; you're so tight" he moaned happily. He held me to him, as though wishing he had more to put inside of me, and began to kiss my neck. I leaned forward, bracing against the opposite wall. Karl needed no further pressing. He set off a quick pace, and soon the sounds of water and skin slapping against skin were drowned out by my loud moans, and Karl's grunts. Each third stroke he would drive himself into me as hard and deep as he could, forcing me to push against the wall just to stay upright. I could feel him inside of me, and each stroke made me feel like i was about to cum straight away, which i reckoned he knew, which was why he only hit that spot every third stroke. He wanted to cum at the same time, and with first hand experience i knew he could make me cum exactly when he wanted.

Soon i couldn't withstand the onslaught, and my arms buckled, not hesitating he merely lifted me up and kept right on going in this new position. I could only marvel at how long he could last. He just kept on going.

"Oh Jamie. Ohhh... I'm almost there.." He almost shouted. Now he bottomed out on every stroke, the only thing that stopped me from cumming was sheer restraint by Karl's will. His pace was faster then ever before.

"I'm Cumming!" He shouted. We both came exactly as he wanted. As i shot my load against the wall, i could feel whatever gaps were left in me be filled with his essence. Slowly his pace slowed, until he finally stopped cumming, and he pulled me off himself. He then turned me to face him, and drew me up into a passionate kiss. If only then i knew, i don't think i would've stopped.

He finished washing me and i walked out, leaving him to shower, otherwise we could've ended up being in there all day, which has happened before. But as i walked out and into the hallway. I found the shadow there again. It was waiting for me. It didn't move as i froze there on the hallway. But after a moment, it pointed to the room where i'd come from, and then to me. It was clear what it meant. Karl or me. One of us had to die. Nodding, I stepped forward, and took the outstreched hand. this wild chase had almost cost Karl his life once. I could not let it happen another time. Death envloped me, until all that was left was darkness, and for some reason, a door.

'Death held my hand, and together we stepped through the door. It was this moment that i saw the truth of what death is and does. The sky was night in this world, as deaths littered the sky. One curious shadow swooped towards us, only to be torn to pieces by the death holding my hand. I realised that this death was bigger then any other, which must be because he feed off of life in our world. he wanted our world for himself, for an endless food supply. So he could not allow others to cross to our world. So death is evil, but at least some good comes of it. I asked him to allow me to write one final entry in this, before he takes my life for his own. I'll also ask him if he would do me one more favour, though im doubtful he will...

Lemme set something straight first of all, Death? Not some wierdo skele guy who comes and touches people and ferries them to the otherside. It looks a hell of a lot more like the thing they fight in the frighteners, only this thing is even worse. Death, as we so aptly call it is a creature, only it exsists on a different spectrum, one that few can access, and no technology thus far can detect. It survives by killing humans, and eventually grew to enjoy it, ever wonder why some people just seemed to die randomly, cot death, stillborns? Yeah this guy did it. He's been the oldest of man's enemies. It was only when he came for me, that i was forced to live a life i'd squandered, and found out, what it was like to be loved...'

This was it.

The mans fingers trembled, as he began to turn the final page, to read the final entry in it's entirity. It made him shudder to think what may be written, and so he took another great gulp from the bottle.

'This will be my final entry. It seems funny that i should truly live; only to truly die. Karl... I write this with the hope that somehow it'll find its way to you. I just want you to know, I really have and still do love you. I cannot thank you enough for trying to save my body, but let it be enough that you saved my soul. But once the wheels have fate have begun to turn, nothing can stop them. Nothing. I accept this fate, that death has chosen it to be my time. I realise only now, stuck in his world, what a blessing he truly is. Had he not the strength, countless deaths would cross into our world, and humanity would surely perish to this enemy. So every death, and soon even my own, can belong to him. Because in doing so only then can our world exsist and thrive, only then can you live on too. Karl, be happy, and i'll meet you again, in a better world'.

The man openly wept now. Only a few days ago had the faceless shadow brought him this book.

It had merely planted in his hands and departed, and now he understood why. He and Jamie had been, in part, each other's life. which was why he, Karl, could see death. Karl laid down the book, and took another swig of the alcohol. If only he had found the courage to read it before... Ah, it was too late now. The poison was too well into his system. He could only wait for death to take him, as it had his lover. He held the journal close, to his chest, to his heart. Would Jamie forgive him when he reached the next life? Something told him he would. He smiled, and closed his eyelids. He was going to be with Jamie again...

The end.

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