Love Brought Us Together

By Mystify

Published on May 30, 2001


The stories name is Love Brought Us Together. It revolves around Kevin and Nick from the Backstreet Boys. This story is fiction and not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Kevin or Nick.

~~Love Brought Us Together~~

Kevin lay awake in his bed, the thoughts moving through his head at such a speed he was getting a headache, not to mention he wasn't able to sleep. He sighed in frustration; he wanted to move around but tried his level best to lie still, if only so that the angel asleep in his arms wouldn't get disturbed.

He smiled and looked down to see the blond head on my chest. Nick...he smiled thinking about his beautiful, kind and caring husband. He lifted his left hand off of Nick's back and lightly and lovingly ran it through Nick's hair.

When he felt Nick stir a little he stopped and started patting Nick on his head lightly, knowing this would soothe Nick and he wouldn't wake up. However the phone ringing beside him didn't help and even though Kevin picked up the phone, thus silencing the ringing sound, after only three rings, Nick had woken up.


I had been trying my best to fall into a deep sleep but to no avail...I had been in a light sleep since the past hour. I could feel Kevin's body tensing up and then relaxing. I could feel Kevin's frustration. I knew he was staying still so that he wouldn't disturb me and I didn't bother completely waking up because I knew that as much as he loves me he wouldn't tell me what was bothering him until he was ready. Or until I pried it out of him and that I did not want to do because I knew he would tell me what was wrong but I didn't want to force it out of him.

Suddenly I heard the phone ring. And let me tell you when the room is so silent and still the sudden ringing shattered the silence completely. I didn't even move, knowing Kevin would answer the phone `cause most probably what ever and whomever it was wanted to talk to him. But when I felt him remove his arms from around me I immediately felt cold, missing the warmth of my husband's body.

My matter how many times I said it or thoughts it, I would never get tired knowing I had such a wonderful and caring man as my soul mate. I smiled just thinking about it. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Kevin answer the phone and turned to my side a little more so that I could cuddle up to him again.


I felt Nick hug me and smiled. I sat up a little, leaning my head and back against the headboard and settled Nick so that his head was on my chest again. I lightly started running my hand back and forth over his back. He shivered and his arms tightened around me.

I spoke for a few more minutes before replacing the phone. Nick turned his head and looked at me. I felt my heart melt when he looked at me with those baby blue eyes of his. Due to him being slightly sleepy he looked very adorable as he usually did when he woke up. Well for me, he looked adorable at ant time of the day, no matter what he did.

He smiled and sat up, settling next to me and looking at me. I found his hand under the blankets and held on to it, Nick entwined our fingers together. He brought our entwined hands up to his face and kissed my hand. "Who called?" he asked softly.

I leaned forward and kissed his forehead, "Carl," I answered his next question before he could even voice it, "Sam (BSB's manager) isn't feeling well so he won't be at the airport when we reach and he's going to be out for about a day so he asked Carl to ask me if I could take over for a day or two. So baby," I said while cupping Nick's left cheek, "we have to see to things ourselves. So no getting into any trouble with Brian or AJ ok?" I asked him.

Nick had matured a lot in the 4 months we'd been married. He had started paying attention during meetings with management. He would try his level best to obey all the rules set for him by our bodyguards. But of course he did all this when I wasn't around. When I was around he was back to being 19. He had started taking interest in the management part of the business, thus helping me with my work.

I smiled thinking about all the changes that had come about in my baby and leaned in to kiss me. He met my mouth halfway and kissed me back. I brushed my lips against his a few times and pulled back, moving his hair back from his face.

I could see he was starting to get sleepy and truth be told I was starting to feel sleepy now too. We settled back under the covers. This time Nick laid his head near my shoulder.

"Goodnight Kev," he whispered.

God, even when he whispers his voice is sweet and angelic. I smiled at how in love I was.

"Goodnight Nicky, I love you," I whispered back.

"I love you too..." he replied.

I could tell from his voice that he was almost asleep again. I shook my head a little and settled back to go to sleep myself.

~~Morning~~7:30 am~~``

The alarm clock buzzed softly, then started getting louder and louder after every 5 seconds. My eyes snapped open and I moved my arm and shut the alarm off in two seconds. I sighed and settled back with Nick in my arms or rather in Nick's arms. Somehow during the course of the night I had ended up with my head on Nick's shoulder and his arms tightly hugging me.

I smiled when he stirred a bit then settled back. I felt him kiss me hair.

"Kev?" he asked softly.


"I love you."

I turned around and shifted so that my head was near his and I could look in to his eyes, "I love you too."

We laid there for a little while, just staring into each others eyes, knowing our time alone together was coming to an end for now. We were supposed to start a new tour soon. A tour with NSYNC, 98 degrees, Aaron Carter and I don't remember whom else.

I know shocking that I don't remember who would be touring with us, but right now all my attention was focused on Nick. The phone started ringing disturbing our peaceful moment. I moved my hand behind me to the table and picked up the cordless phone.


"Hey cuz," I smiled when I hear my cousin Brian's voice.

"Morning Bri. What's up?" I saw Nick smiling too when he heard Brian's name.

"Nothing much, is that husband of your up yet? Since your going to be in meetings today and I hope Nick isn't going with you?"

I looked at Nick, "No he's not." Nick looked at me questioningly.

"Ok then I wanted to see if he wanted to hang out with me and AJ. The three of us haven't been able to spend any time together lately with you keeping Nicky all to yourself."

I laughed, "Here ask him."

I handed the phone to him, "Hey Frick."

"Hey Frack. I wanted to know if you want to spend the day with J and me? Kevin said you weren't going for the meetings with him," he added for good measure.

Nick looked at me and answered Brian, "Yeah sure. That'd be great. I'll meet you at your house or you guys wanna come here?"

"Nah we'll pick you say 10:30 ok?"

"Ok, bye now."


Nick clicked off the phone and kept looking at me. I leaned forward and kissed me lightly. "No Nick you cannot come with me," I could see he was ready to start speaking so I continued, "Nicky you haven't spent anytime with them. They miss you. And anyway you've started scaring management by how much you've started taking an interest in the meetings."

I could see he was trying very heard to stop the smile from coming onto his lips, I could see his blue eyes sparkling with laughter though. So I said...

"Come on baby, let me see that smile. I know you wanna smile, come on," that said I put my hand his neck and slowly started moving it up and down knowing that he wouldn't be able to stop the smile now. And I was right; within seconds he was smiling widely.

"That wasn't fair," he said pouting.

"Baby please, you're still 19 years old. I don't want you to give up being a kid just so we can spend time together. I know you come to these extra meetings just so we can be with each other but you are missing out on things you used to do with your friends this way."

I kissed him, "When was the last time you saw Brent? Or Brian, AJ and Matt without me? You've been with me all the time and as much as I love being around you and being able to see you all the time, I want you to go out and have fun. Do Nickerish things like playing Nintendo, basketball or just hanging around with the guys."

I sat up and pulled him up so that e were both sitting on the bed and cupped his face in my hands, "We don't have to be able to see each other, feel each other to know that we love each other. We can feel each other's love and presence here," I said softly, taking my hand and putting it on his heart and taking his hand and placing it in mine.

"I love you," he said before hugging me, burying his face in my neck.

I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed it, "I love you too Baby."


After our talk, Kevin had layback in bed and just held me for a little while. Then we'd showered...a nice long shower together. Now Kevin was in the study getting all the papers he needed together, while I was making breakfast.

I know me making breakfast has gotten you thinking how much of a mess I've made or what I've broken. The answer is nothing; I haven't made a mess or broken anything. Now you must be thinking I'm making something really easy, like toast and coffee or something. Don't feel bad, that's the reaction I got from the guys too.

The truth is I've learnt how to make things from reading a cookbook and in addition to that I didn't want Kevin cooking whenever we eat at home or wanted a home cooked meal. So I learned how to cook from reading the instructions in a cookbook and my mom taught me when I went home. She wrote down recipes for me. I also asked mom that is Kevin's mom, to teach me. It was hard work to learn and practice without letting on to Kevin. But when I cooked for the first time a full meal with Ann in their home in Kentucky, the look on everyone's faces was absolutely worth it. But the look on my Kevy's face was even better. He looked so happy, when he saw everyone's reaction to mom's announcement. Tim and Jerald were shocked but happy. But when mom told him I'd been learning especially for him his eyes were shining.

Ok back to the present, I am right now making egg and cheese omelets, toast with strawberry jam, and coffee for Kevin and milk for me. Just as I finished making the second omelet I felt a strong arms come around my waist. I set the omelet on a plate and was quickly spun around. I had just a second to see Kevin's beautiful green eyes before I felt his warm lips on mine. I placed my arms on his shoulders as we continued to kiss. After a few minutes I reluctantly pulled away.

Kevin sat down at the kitchen table while I brought the plates and kept them on the table.

30 minutes later we were finished with breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen. He pulled me to him and kissed me again... a long and loving kiss.

When he released me he looked into my eyes and smiled, "Bye love."

I lightly brushed my lips against his, "Bye Kev, I love you."

"I love you too."


After Kevin left, I saw that I still had about 45 minutes before Brian was supposed to pick me up. I went outside. We had had this house made according to how we wanted it to look. There was a pool outside and a waterfall to the right of it. There was a little nook, if you sit there you were directly in front of the flowing water but you won't get wet. I often went there when I wanted to be outside. Mostly Kevin and I sat there and just read together. It wasn't very big but big enough that I could lay down with my head in Kevin's lap.

I went there now and sat down. I just sat there looking at the sun shining, the flowers, the pool water, anything and everything. I was just taking in my surroundings, the surroundings of my house. I remembered I wouldn't be able to come here in a few days time. When we started the tour I wouldn't be able to just come out here in the middle of the night and sit looking at the stars. I wouldn't be able to just take a swim whenever I felt like doing so. I sighed and closed my eyes not wanting to dwell on what the start of the new tour would be like.


I let myself into Kevin and Nick's house using my keys and looked around after closing the door. The house was too silent for anyone to be in it. True, I thought, that when Kev and Nicky were together they didn't words to talk to each other.

I looked at the time and realized that Kevin had left already for the meeting. I called out Nick's name a few time. When I didn't get an answer I decided to look outside to see if he was near the waterfall. I had found them there many times, reading, taking or just sitting there together or alone. I walked outside and saw that I was right. Nick was sitting under the waterfall. When I walked closer I saw that his eyes closed. I hated to disturb him because he looked very peaceful.

Before I could decide what to do, he said, "Hey Bri."

I looked at him and noticed his eyes were still closed and I had been watching him since I had come out here. I was sure that I hadn't made any sound. He was always able to do this; he could sense us near him or watching him. Many a times he would just know that we were near him. I shook my head and went closer and sat down next to him. He finally opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Hey Nicky."

He smiled, "Ready to go?"

I nodded, "Yeah lets go."

We stood up and left the house, driving off to AJ's house.

We spent a sometime playing basketball, swimming and just talking. This was routine for the three of us. At around 4pm Nick's cell phone started ringing. He was not around so I answered it.



I recognized the voice immediately, "Hi aunt Ann."

"How are you dear?"

"I'm fine. How've you been?"

"I am fine."

"Do you want me to get Nicky?"

"Where is he?"

I looked around, he was swimming laps in the pool, "He's in the pool."

"Oh ok, let him be. I'll call back later."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes dear. Oh by the way, where is Kevin?"

"He's in a meeting, he should be finishing soon. So since he was busy, we decided to kidnap Nick for the day."

I could hear her laughing, "Ok. You take care of yourself. Tell the other boys I said hi. Bye Brian."

"Bye Aunt Ann."

I clicked off the phone and went after keeping it back on the table, jumped into the pool where Nick was, scaring him.

He splashed some water on me, "You scared me," he said laughingly.

"I'm sorry Nicky," I said in a little kid's voice. We both just started laughing. Suddenly we heard a splash near us and saw AJ emerging from under water.

"Come on guys, I'm hungry and we have a movie to watch." We agreed and got out of the pool, drying off and going into to house.


I sighed and got into my car. It was 6:30pm and I was tired. Just sitting and talking to management, listening to suggestions, giving some of my own and just going through the checklist for the tour was tiring.

I quickly called home, but hung up when I got the machine and called Brian's house. He picked up on the fourth ring.


"Hey Bri."

"Hi Kevin. Are you done with the meeting?"

"Yeah, just finished a few minutes ago. Listen, is Nicky with you?"

"Yes, he's right here. Come over, we were going to order some pizza soon."

"Ok, I'll be there in 15 minutes. Bye."


"Bye," Brian hung up the phone and looked at me, "He'll be here in 15 minutes," he said.

I nodded my head and looked over at Nick, who had fallen asleep on the ground with a throw pillow under his head. He looked so peaceful as always. I smiled and shook my head. My little friend had grown up.

I looked back at the TV and continued watching the movie. We waited for Kevin to come before we ordered the pizza.

We heard someone ring the bell 20 minutes later. Brian got up and opened the door, knowing it was Kevin because he head heard the main gate open and only friends and family had the code.

They both came into the den. Brian went and sat down on the sofa while Kevin looked around the room quickly for Nick. He caught my eyes watching him and smiled.

"Hi AJ."

I smiled, "Hi," I decided to put him out of his misery, knowing that he wanted to know where Nick was, "he's over there Kev," I said and pointed to near the window.

He quickly walked over and looked near one of the couches near the window, which he hadn't been able to see from near the door.


I looked down to see my angel fast asleep on the ground. I smiled, feeling my heart melt and kneeled down next to him, lightly trailing my fingers over his cheek.

"Kev? Can you put him on the couch? As comfortable as he looks, the floor is really uncomfortable. I'm going to go order the pizzas ok?"

I looked at Brian and smiled, "Thanks Bri."

Brian smiled and walked away. I gently lifted Nick into my arms and set him on the sofa. I kissed his cheek and straightened up. I went into a kitchen to get a glass of water.

Nick felt someone's warm arms around him and felt happy. He knew this scent; this is Kevin's smell. I felt happy knowing my love was near me. A few moments alter I felt him kiss me and move away. I sighed when I felt I felt his warmth move away from me and open my eyes.

AJ looked over at Nick, just in time to see him sit up. He frowned and looked around. When he saw me looking at him he smiled sleepily.

"AJ," he trailed off, looking around again.

AJ laughed at his friends confusion and said, "Kevin's in the kitchen." AJ smiled at the smile that lit up Nick's face. When Nick stood up, he wavered a bit before standing straight.

AJ looked at him in concern, "Are you ok Nicky?"

"Yeah I'm ok. Just sleepy Alex. I'll be right back, suddenly I feel very thirsty," Nick smiled and walked towards the kitchen, while AJ started laughing.

I was talking to Brian in the kitchen. When he started ordering the pizza's I went back to drinking water.


I turned around, knowing whom that soft, sweet voice belonged to and sure enough Nick was standing there, leaning against the kitchen doorway. I put down the glass I was holding on the table and opened my arms, waiting for him to come into them, and then I just held him.

He pulled back and looked into my eyes, a smile on his face, "Why didn't you stay with me out there?"

"You were awake?" I was confused, usually I could tell when he was awake and when he was sleeping just by looking at him.

He shook his head, "I was in a light sleep I guess. I knew you had picked me up and you kissed my cheek," his smile widened, "But when you moved away I missed your warmth and so I woke up."

"I'm sorry baby, I was thirsty. I came in here to get some water," I said while indicating the glass I had set on the table, "how come you don't look sleepy?"

He shrugged, "I went and washed my face. I needed to get the sleep put of my eyes."

I smiled and kissed him, then brushed his hair out of his face. We turned to Brian when he spoke, "Hey you two, the pizza's will be here in a little while."

Nick smiled, "Thanks."

He moved away from me and went towards Brian, putting his arm around his shoulder. They looked at each other and started walking towards the den, then looked back towards me.

"You coming," they asked simultaneously, then started laughing at the look on my face, which was somewhere between amusement and shock.

I shook my head and followed them. Married or not, Nick and Brian wouldn't leave out a chance to tease me.

~~~AJ~~ We had eaten the pizzas and watched another movie. Then we just sat around talking. I looked at my watch; it was close to 10:30pm. Then I looked around the room. Brian was sitting on the other end of the couch I was sitting on. Nick and Kevin were on the other couch. Kevin was lying with his head on Nick's lap and Nick was running his hand through Kevin's hair.

I smiled and stood up, "Well guys, it's been fun but its getting late. I'm tired. I've been sleeping as late as I can, god knows we won't be able to do that once the tour starts."

Brian nodded and stood up too, "I know. I'm not getting out of bed tomorrow until after 11."


I looked away from Brian and met Nick's eyes.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Come on love, get up. I wanna go home, I'm tired and I know you are too."

I nodded, I knew he was right, but I was too comfortable to move. I reluctantly stood up. He stood up too.

He hugged Brian, "Bye Frick."

Brian mussed up Nick's hair, "Bye Frack."

I hugged Brian too, "See ya soon cuz."

Brian nodded and hugged me back.

He walked with us outside and punched in the codes for the gates to open.

He waved as we drove off, and then shut the gates. Nick waved to AJ as AJ took a turn to go towards his house and we went straight.

He rested his head against the headrest and closed his eyes and sighed. I knew he was tired, hell so was I. We had just finished the first part of our Millennium tour and now we had to tour for another 4months for this tour. We had a few weeks rest before the second part of our Millennium tour. Just thinking about all we had to do made me tired.

I stopped at a red light and turned to look at him, but the car next to ours caught my attention. There were two people in the car, it looked like a mother and daughter. The girl looked to be about 15 and was waving to me, while the mother had an apologetic look on her face. I smiled and waved back. The young girl's smile widened and she pointed to Nick. I nodded and turned back to Nick.

I knew not to fight these things, just by waving to her we would probably make her day. I moved Nick's hair away from his face which caused him opened his eyes. I angled my head towards the next car. He sat up and looked over and smiled. He waved at them, which caused both mother and daughter to smile. The girl made her mother open the window and said, "I just wanted to tell you guys that I love your music and...that you guys make a very good couple."

Nick blushed and I smiled, "Thank you. It's very sweet of you to say that." "Yes, thank you," Nick softly said.

Just then the light turned green and we waved and all of us drove on. I felt Nick's hand on mine on the wheel. I smiled, the 10 minutes drive to our house, we covered with Nick's hand on mine, moving with mine.

We had had to go public with our relationship a few weeks before we got married. We had decided to tell them anyway before we got married but in our own way. But Lou Pearlman had forced us, he had somehow found our about us and wanted to blackmail us.

Nick and me had sat down with the other guys and decided to go public but we went about it in a different way. We ourselves announced that we loved each other and that we were getting married. Fans had started screaming, reporters threw questions at us but we remained calm.

We both spoke to the fans, ignoring the press for now. It seems like a fairy tale, but many fans supported us. We announced this a few months before we released Millennium and it turned out to be our biggest album to date, breaking the record for the most number of albums sold in a day.

I know we have been lucky and I thank god everyday for giving us so much support from our friends and families and fans. We got a lot of encouragement from other artists too, who said they admired our love and decision to come public.

I came out of thoughts and punched in the code to open the gates to our house and drove in. I parked the car and we got out and went into our house. I noticed Nick shivering and pulled him closer to me. We went to our room and silently undressed. I held Nick in my arms and felt him shiver again.

I put my hand on his forehead, "You feeling ok baby? You're shivering."

He shook his head, "No I'm fine. The water in Brian's pool was too cold."

I smiled and kissed him, "Ok. But if you feel sick please tell me. I don't want you to wait and then feel worse."

He nodded and snuggled up to me, closing his eyes.

A few minutes later, I heard him softly say my name. I turned and looked at him. I smiled, waiting to hear what he wanted to say.

He was silent for a minute, just looking into my eyes, and then said, "Do you think we did the right thing in telling everyone about our relationship and marriage?" I entwined our hands and raised our joined hands together to kiss his, "Yes we did. Why baby? Did anyone say anything?"

"No, I was just asking because now wherever we go people know about our love. Most accept it, some are confused by it, and some reject it and some...some hate it."

"Bunny listen to me," I said using my special nickname for him, "Now that we have told the world about us, we can hold hands when we go out. I can kiss you whenever I want. And as for the people who have accepted us, well they have because they can see the love we have for each other. The people who reject our love, or us who hate our love, well that's their loss darling not ours. We are secure and safe in our love."

I kissed him, "I love you and I'm glad the world knows it."

He looked at me with tears in his eyes and smiled, "I love you too, and I'm glad the world knows that I have such a special person in my life."

I held him close to me and we fell asleep. We had each other's love and that was a lot for us.

Next: Chapter 2

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