Love Brought Us Together

By Mystify

Published on Jun 5, 2001


Disclaimer: Hello!!!!!! This story, "Love Brought Us Together" is a work of fiction. It is NOT meant to imply Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson or any other celebrities sexual preference. If sexual relationships or slash fiction troubles you...then you are obviously in the WRONG plce.

Comments,suggestions,emails, anything is welcome. If you want to see certain characters together then mail me and tell me. I'll try to work something out. Have a nice day :)



I looked around the room. We were in the airport in the VIP lounge. We being Kevin, Howie, our bodyguards Ted, Steve, Carl and myself. Our flight to L.A. had already been called. We had to board in

about five minutes. Thankfully, we mostly had to board because of security measures.

I was never more thankful for that then right now. There was no sign of Brian and Nick yet. I watched as Kevin looked completely calm, but every few seconds he quickly looked towards the door and back. I knew he would know once Nick was in the room, he always did, but right now I wanted to know where Frick and Frack were.

There was a big commotion outside before the door opened and a member of the airports security team came inside, looking out of breath. He looked around, but before he could say anything Kevin was in front of him.

"What's wrong? Where are Brian and Nick?" he asked.

The man took a deep breath before speaking, "They're stuck outside. Your bodyguard...umm," he tried to remember the name.

"Q or Lonnie," I said helpfully.

He looked at me relived, "Um yeah, Lonnie said that they need help outside."

Before the words were out of his mouth Kevin had turned to Carl, who said, "We're on it."

The four of them left the room, while we stayed inside. Normally one of them would have stayed with us in the room, but because of the crowd outside all three of them went.

In knew Kevin was worried, hell so was I. Brian and Nick had gotten separated from us. Carl had pushed Kevin forward and inside the room. Kevin had not argued because he knew that it could cause more trouble if he insisted on staying outside and waiting for them. He also knew that Q and Lonnie were out there with Brian and Nick.

A few minutes later, we were told to get on the plane. Kevin kept looking at the door and slowly moving forward, with me behind him. We were moving slowly towards the door that would lead us into the plane. Just as we were about to go through the door, the lounge door opened and Brian came inside with Ted and Lonnie behind him.

Brian stood in the middle of the room, trying to catch his breath. Kevin immediately moved forward.

He stopped next to Brian, "Are you ok?"

Brian nodded and smiled, "Yeah."

Just then the door opened again. Steve, Q, Carl and Nick came inside. Q had his hand on Nick's back. Q, Steve and Carl looked relived while Nick looked shaken up.

Kevin stepped forward and gently pulled Nick into his arms. Nick buried his face into Kevin's neck and put his arms around his back.

I looked at Howie who just smiled. Howie decided to take charge since Kevin didn't look like he cared right now whether we missed the flight or not. Actually, I didn't care right now either. I think even Howie and Brian could tell from the way our bodyguards were looking that they were relived that they had all five of us in their sights. And from the way Nick was holding onto Kevin that something had been wrong outside.

"Come on guys. We gotta get on the plane," he said gently.

Brian, Ted, Steve, Lonnie came over and stood next to us. Carl put his hand on Kevin's shoulder. Kevin pulled away from Nick and kissed him on the forehead. He took his hand and walked over to us. We smiled and stepped onto the plane.

We had the entire first class section to ourselves, for once. Thank you god, for small favors. In the state we were all in, I was happy that we didn't have anyone watching us. Brian plopped into a seat and closed his eyes. All of us quickly settled into our seats. The plane started moving. They'd held up the flight for 10 minutes for us already.

Nick sat down slowly. He seemed frightened or sluggish. Howie sat down and I sat down next to him. Nick and Kevin were sitting across the aisle from us. Brian and Carl were in front of them. Ted and Steve were in front of Howie and me. And Lonnie and Q were behind us. We had divided our attention between Nick, who was in Kevin's arms with his head on his chest and Brian who was taking slow deep breaths.

We didn't say anything until we were in the air, knowing Nick and Brian didn't particularly enjoy flying.

Once the seatbelts sign was switched off, Brian immediately removed his seatbelt while Kevin gently removed Nick's.

He softy asked, "Bunny you ok."

Nick started nodding his head but quickly brought his hands and placed them on either side of his head. Kevin turned Nick's head gently towards him and moved his hands away from his head.

Before Kevin could do anything else, Brian turned around and kneeled on his seat and said, "Kev be careful. He hit his head."

We all quickly looked at him.

He sighed and said, "He got pushed and hit the wall."

I looked at Brain, "Are you ok? Did you get hurt or something?"

He shook his head and smiled.

Q said, "Nick may have a couple of bruises on his arms. Those girls were pulling on his arms. God, don't their parents care that they're out of the house at this hour?"

That got a laugh out of all of us. It was after midnight, but these girls were not bothered. I sighed and shook my head. My attention was brought back when Kevin started speaking.

"Let me see your head Nicky," he asked softly.

He gently pulled Nick's hands away from his head and moved Nick's hair away from his face and looked at his head.

He pressed the button for the airhostess.

"May I help you sir?"

"Yes, can you please get me a cloth and some ice water in a bowl or something please?"

She took one look and them and smiled, then nodded her head and went away.

"Kev," I said softly, "What's wrong?"

Kevin kissed Nick's head and turned to us, "There's a bump on his head. I just want to put a cool cloth on it."

The airhostess came back with a tray. On it she had set a bowl, with a cloth in it and some cold water. Howie opened up his tray table and motioned for the airhostess to set the tray on it. When she went away, Howie squeezed out the water from the cloth and handed it to Kevin.

Kevin took the cloth and gently placed it on Nick's head. We all heard Nick's "ouch' before he jerked his head away from the cloth that Kevin was holding to his head.

Kevin sighed, "Come on bunny please. It'll only sting a little bit but it'll help. Come on please, do it for me. Just hold still."


I again placed the cloth on Nick's head. I watched as Nick shut his eyes in pain. I felt so bad that Nick was hurting. I kissed Nick lightly and held him.

The airhostess came back with a tray with sodas and water on it. We each took a glass of water or soda. I took one glass of water and made Nick drink it.

The airhostess asked me, "Excuse me sir?" when I looked at her she said, "Is he ok? Do you need anything else? A first aid kit?"

I shook my head, "No thank you. He just bumped his head."

She nodded, "Ok sir. If any of you need anything, just let me know."

Brian smiled, "Thank you."


A few minutes later Nick lifted his head and looked at Brian and started laughing. We were startled. He goes from scared to happy. Brian on the other hand started laughing too. I guess we aren't mean to understand why they are laughing. It's a Frick and Frack moment.

Nick turned to Kevin, "Now can you take this away," he said motioning to the cloth.

Kevin checked Nick's head then nodded moving the cloth away. He gently kissed the bump on Nick's head and smiled.

"You feeling better now baby?" when Nick nodded he asked, "Do you hurt anywhere else?"

Nick shook his head no. But Brian caught Kevin's attention and pointed to something.

Q asked Brian what was wrong and Brian replied, "Nick's got some bruises on his wrist."

"I'm fine guys. Stop worrying," Nick said.

The rest of the flight passed peacefully. Everyone but Carl, Lonnie, Nick and me fell asleep. Carl and Lonnie were listening to music or something. Nick had his head on Kevin's shoulder and was playing his game boy. I was listening to my disc man and just trying to relax.

When the airhostess's voice came through, saying we would be landing in sometime Carl and Lonnie started waking everyone up. Kevin had woken up when I wasn't paying attention and was talking to Nick. When the seatbelt sign came on, all of us dutifully put our seatbelts on again.

Once we landed, Steve, Ted and Lonnie walked outside to check the security measures, while Carl and Q stayed with us. A few minutes later they came back.

"Guys, there are fans out there, but security measures are better. We have been told there are more fans outside the hotel. Our bags are being removed from the plane right now and taken to the vans they have for us. When you guys come outside, no stopping. Smile, wave whatever, but don't stop to sign anything. We don't want a repeat of Orlando ok?" Ted said.

When we nodded he continued, "Walk outside, there is a limo in front, get in that. Brian and Howie you guys go first. AJ, Nick and Kevin you guys are right behind them ok?"

Brian, Howie, Lonnie and Steve walked forward. I walked to the door and waited. Kevin moved forward and took Nick's hand in his. They entwined their fingers together and Kevin kissed the back of Nick's hand. They smiled and each other and came and stood next to me.

I walked forward with Ted next to me, Nick followed with Q next to him and Kevin was behind them with Carl next to him. We managed to get out of the airport and join Brian and Howie in the limo without much trouble. Security here was much tighter; having being informed of the trouble we had in Orlando.

I breathed a sigh of relief and closed my eyes. I opened them 10 minutes later and looked around. Howie was talking softly to Kevin, who was holding Nick's hand. Brian was looking out the window. I caught Nick's eye and smiled. He smiled back.

"Does your head hurt anymore Nicky?"

"Not really. Just have a slight headache because of it."

I nodded, "What about the bruises you got?"

He held up his right arm out towards me. I saw a few red marks on his wrist.

He smiled, "They don't hurt."

I nodded my head. We reached the hotel where we would be staying for the next two days and saw a lot of fans standing outside. They started screaming as soon as the limo came into sight. I looked at Nick and Brian and saw them look at each other and shrug.

I saw Kevin look at me and then at both of them, "Relax guys. Ya'll are not going to get stuck again."

Brian flashed Kevin a faint smile, and then looked at Nick. Nick looked at Kevin and smiled.

"I already trust you with my heart," he said softly.

Kevin smiled and looked at us.

"They'll clear a path for us. Just run through and into the hotel. No stopping."

The limo stopped in front of the hotel doors and the limo opened the door. Carl stuck his head inside and looked at us.

"Come on guys. Just run in ok?"

We nodded our heads and looked at each other. Brian took a deep breath and stepped outside. Immediately the screams got louder. Once Brian was inside the hotel, Carl motioned for Howie to go. After that, he motioned for Kevin to go. Kevin squeezed Nick's hand, smiled at me and stepped out. I

looked at Nick; we exchanged a smile and waited. Carl motioned for me to come out. I winked at Nick and stepped out. Carl stuck his head back in and looked at Nick.

He smiled, "Come on Nicky. Be ready."

Nick smiled faintly and moved towards the door. He took a deep breath when Carl nodded for him to come out. As soon as Nick stepped outside the screams got even louder if that was possible.


I looked up from the sofa where I was sitting and taking to Joey when I heard the loud screams, signaling that most probably the BSB were here. I was proved right, when I saw Brian Littrell run in the door. I saw JC make his way over to him.

We had been waiting in the hotel lobby for about half an hour waiting for our rooms. I looked up and by now, Howie and Kevin were in too. I watched Kevin look towards the doors. I didn't see Nick anywhere so I figured he was looking for him. AJ came in next.

A few minutes later, two bodyguards entered followed by Nick and three more bodyguards. Nick immediately went into Kevin's arms. I watched as Kevin hugged him then released him.

I watched as Kevin frowned when JC said something to him. He said something to Nick, Brian, AJ and Howie. AJ started walking towards us but stopped suddenly and turned back to watch Kevin and Nick. I too, watched to see what was happening.

Kevin cupped Nick's face in his hands and said something to him. Nick shook his head. Kevin said something and kissed Nick's forehead. Nick shook his head and together with Brian and AJ they came towards us.


I sighed as I saw Nick's face. He just didn't want to be separated from Kevin right now. But he was also in no state to be dealing with the hotel's management. It was best to leave that to Kevin, Howie, JC and Lance.

Joey stood up when we reached them. We exchanged a few words with him but it was obvious that all of us were tired. Chris and Justin weren't even moving. Chris looked at Nick who had said a few words then become silent. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows while motioning towards Nick with his head.

"We had some trouble at the Orlando airport. Nick and I got caught with the fans before we could reach the VIP lounge."

Chris winced, knowing what it felt like to get caught like that between the fans. He looked towards Nick again to see him looking towards Kevin. He smiled. I looked towards where Chris was looking to see why he was smiling.

Chris saw me looking at him and asked, "What? I was just...just thinking that they really love each other a lot. It's so obvious."

I smiled, "Yes it is. And now they can show their love for each other. They don't have to hide it."


I had not wanted to leave Nick in the limo. I had wanted us to go together or at least for him to go before me. But I have to listen to security.

Where is he? Ok I see him. I saw Nick enter the hotel and look around. When he saw me he came towards me. I immediately hugged him.

JC told us our rooms weren't ready yet I turned to the others.

"Our rooms aren't ready. We need to settle something. Nick, Brian and AJ, you guys go over and wait for a few minutes ok?"

AJ nodded and started walking towards the guys of NSYNC. Brian waited for Nick. But Nick shook his head.

"Please Kev, I don't want to go there," my love said softly.

I cupped Nick's face in my hands, "Please baby. It's just for a few minutes, then I'll be back with you ok?" I knew he was not happy. He always got scared when he got caught with the fans.

"Just for a little while baby," I said and kissed Nick's forehead.

Nick again shook his head, then walked away with Brian ad AJ. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Howie and Lance standing there.

"Come on Kev, he'll be fine. Brian, AJ and the other guys are with him," Howie said.

I nodded and went with them to talk to the hotel manager. I don't believe how silly they are being. They are supposed to have our rooms ready before we even get here. While talking to the hotel manager, I kept looking over at Nick. I saw him sitting next to Brian.

~~45 minutes later~~

We finally got the room keys and walked over to where the other guys were sitting. By now our bodyguards were standing near them. I didn't understand why they had formed a circle around them. Apparently Lance didn't either.

"Why have they formed a circle around the others?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know, but lets find out."

Q moved aside when he saw us coming, Carl and one of NSYNC's bodyguard had been with us. Now they stood next to Q. We moved into the circle they had formed and saw why they were all standing here.

All six guys were asleep or almost getting there. Brian had his head on Nick's shoulder and Nick's head was on top of Brian's. AJ, Chris and Joey were trying their best to stay awake. Justin was sleeping with his head on Chris's shoulder.

I smiled and knelt down in front of Brian and Nick, while Lance motioned to AJ, Joey and Chris. Chris started waking up Justin. I gently lifted Nick's head off Brian's shoulder so that Brian could straighten up once he was awake. I gently shook Brian's shoulder. He groaned, opened his eyes and sat straight. He winced and started rubbing his neck.

I caressed Nick's cheek, "Nick? Nicky come on wake up."

He opened his eyes and looked at me, then blinked a few times, getting adjusted to the lights. His hand immediately went up to his neck and started rubbing it. I stood up and held out my hand to him. He took it and stood up, rolling his neck around a little. All of us started towards the elevators. Justin, Chris, AJ, Lance and Joey went into the elevator.

Before we could go in though the hotel manager came up to us.

"Mr. Richardson, I'm sorry but you have to sign some papers since your manager isn't here," he said with an utterly fake smile.

What is this guy, stupid or something? We've waited 45 minutes and now he remembers I have to sign something...

I sighed and turned to the rest of the guys, "Ya'll go on, and I'll go finish this."

I saw Nick looking at me, I looked at him and smiled, "You go up Nicky. I'll be there in a few minutes ok?"

He sighed and nodded. He looked at me then rolled his eyes towards the manager. I smiled and kissed him on the forehead. He turned and went into the elevator with the others.


I entered the elevator. Brian, Howie and JC were already inside. When we reached out floor, JC handed out the keycards to everyone. They quickly said goodnight and went into their rooms. He gave me mine last. Then went to his own. I saw that he was opposite Kevin and my room.

I was about to go into our room when I saw Q coming towards me. I leaned against the doorway and waited for him.

He smiled, "Hey Nicky."

I smiled back, "Hey Q. What're you doing? Not tired?"

He laughed, "I have to wait until all of you are safely locked up in your rooms, then I can rest a bit easier. Oh yeah, your bags will be brought up in a couple of minutes."

I nodded my head, "Well are you going to be standing right here," I indicated the hallway outside my room.

"Yes. Why? Nick no fans are going to be able to sneak in," he smiled reassuringly.

I chuckled, "I know. I want to go for a shower so will you give Kevin this keycard when he comes up?"

He took the keycard I held out to him, "Sure kiddo. But hey, be careful of that bump on your head ok?"

I saluted him, "Yes boss," and went inside, closing the door behind me.

I looked around the room, and then sat down on the bed. I quickly pulled off my shoes and socks and stood up again. I kept my watch, wallet and cell phone on a table and took of my belt and kept it there too. After taking off my jeans and t-shirt I went into the bathroom and started the shower.


I went with the manager and signed whatever paper I had had to read through it before singing it, so it took about 10 minutes. After I was done, I went towards the elevators. I saw Ted, Steve and Lonnie standing there with bags around them.

"Hey guys," I didn't see Carl and Q anywhere, "where are Carl and Q?"

Ted smirked and looked at Lonnie and Steve then looked at me again, "Carl's right behind you Kev."

I turned around to see Carl grinning at me.

I frowned and shook my head at him, "Why do you always sneak up on me?"

He started laughing, "Practicing Kev. Gotta be on my toes."

I smiled and got into the elevator with Carl.

"Where's Q?" I asked him.

"Oh he went upstairs to see that everyone goes into their room and no one else is on the floor who doesn't have to be there."

I nodded. We waited in silence till we reached the floor. I stopped and slapped my hand against my forehead. Carl just raised his eyebrows and looked at me.

I looked at Carl and said, "I don't what room I'm in. JC had the keycards, I don't know what room number card he gave Nick."

Carl smiled and pointed to Q, who was standing against the wall a couple of doors ahead of us.

We walked towards him, "Hey Q, what room is Nicky in?" Carl asked.

"This one," Q said pointing to a room.

I smiled, "Thanks."

He held out something to me, "This is your keycard. Nick said he was going for a shower so he gave it to me to give you."

I nodded and took it from him, unlocking the door. I waited outside until I got our bags and took them inside, and then locked the door. A few minutes later, Nick came out of the bathroom with only his boxers on. I saw his hair was still dripping with water.

I had taken off my jeans and shirt and I was lying down on the bed in my boxers. I sat up when I saw him and motioned for him to come to me. I made him sit in front of me and took the towel from him and gently dried his hair, being careful not to hurt his head. Then I ran my fingers through his hair. I felt him relax and moved the towel away.

I pulled back the blankets and we both lay down. I kissed his neck and sighed. It had been a long day and we were tired.

I hugged him close to me, "I love you Nicky," I whispered.

I felt him smile against my chest, "I love you too Kevin," he murmured before he fell asleep.

A few minutes later, I was fast asleep too.

~~The next morning...9:40am~~

The guys from NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys received telephone calls at 8:30am...wakeup calls. All of them had to meeting with managers, to discuss their schedule.


I left my room and looked around to see if anyone else was around. I had no idea, which rooms the others were in...well I knew Brian was in the room next to mine. I didn't know which room Kev and Nicky were in though.

I knocked on Brian's room door and waited to see if he was still in there or not. A minute later he opened the door.

"Hey Howie, come on in," he said while putting his belt on.

I stepped inside his room.

"What time do we have to be downstairs?" he asked.

"Before 10," I replied.

"Ok, let's go. Hey do you know room AJ and Kevin and Nicky are in?" he asked when we got out of the room.

"No, lets just call their cell and see," I said.

Brian nodded, I called Kevin's cell phone and waited. It rang a few times...

"Morning Howie," I heard Nick's voice say.

I smiled, "Morning Nicky. Are you two ready?"

"I'm ready, well almost ready. Kevin's taking a shower."

I could hear some rustling in the background, "Ok, what room are you guys in?"

"Where are you guys?" he asked.

"We are," I looked at the closest door's room number, "outside room number 703."

I saw the door to room number 703 open a little; "Well then you better come in since you are right outside our room."

I hung up the call and motioned for Brian to come with me into room number 703. We knocked and entered. I saw Nick putting his belt through the loops of his jeans.

"Hey Howie, hey Brian," he said without looking up.

"Damn Frack how do you do that?" Brian questioned, "Howie didn't tell you I was with him."

Kevin had opened the bathroom door and heard what Brian said. He chuckled and came outside.

"Morning guys. Brian how many times will you ask the same question?" he asked as he pulled on his shoes.

I smiled, "Morning Kev."

Brian went and sat down on the bed, next to him Nick was lying back with his arms crossed behind his head.

"How's the head?" Brian asked Nick.

"Hmmm...oh, not hurting anymore," he replied quietly, and then looked at Kevin.

Kevin smiled back and shook his head slightly.

I looked at my watch, "Come on guys, we better go. We have to be down in ten minutes."

Brian stood up and looked down at Nick, "Coming Nick?"

"No," Nick replied.

Brian held out his hand and pulled Nick up. Nick stood up and ran his fingers through his hair. He brushed his hair then turned to us.

"Well, what're you guys waiting for? Let's go," he said while putting his cell phone in his pocket.

We left the room and walked towards the elevators. We got inside and Brian pressed the button for the lobby. Kevin was standing behind Nick with his hands on Nick's shoulders, gently massaging them. I smiled at how much love you could feel between them. Nick saw me looking at them and raised his eyebrows. I shook my head. He just smiled and closed his eyes.

The elevator doors opened and we stepped outside. We went into the room they had set aside for all of us. I saw Chris was already in there. I didn't see any of the other guys from NSYNC around, so I guessed they hadn't come down yet. Chris waved us over so we joined him at the table where he was sitting. We ordered some stuff, when the waiter came up to us. A minute later he came back with coffee.

When he went to pour some for Nick, he quickly shook his head, indicating he didn't want coffee.

"Can you please get me some orange juice?" Nick asked sweetly.

The waiter smiled and nodded. Chris, Brian and Kevin were talking about what we had to do for the day. I was listening to them. Nick though, when I looked at him, seemed to be in his own world. He was moving his finger on the white tablecloth, as if he was tracing some design.

The waiter set a glass of orange juice in front of Nick, who smiled, "Thank you."


The waiter brought our breakfast and set it on the table. I took a bite of my eggs and looked up. Kevin had cut the first bite of his omelet and held the fork out to Nick, who smiled and took it. This was like a ritual between the two of them. They always ate the first bite of the others food. Nick ate the piece of omelet and after forking some of the eggs on his plate he passed it to Kevin.

I saw Chris looking at them. Nick caught his gaze and smiled.


Hey everyone, thanks for reading :)

Feedback is wlcome...positive or negative :)

I hope all of you have a wonderful day...or night ;)

See ya...



Next: Chapter 3

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