Love Found

By Penatrate Me

Published on May 19, 2014



The usual disclaimers apply about don't read if you are underage, etc...

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This is a story found. It is a moment-by-moment expos? of my ascension into the uncharted territory of pure, unrestricted love. Sadly, and with the deepest of regrets, I must admit that this story is fiction. BUT...the thoughts come 100% from my inner being, and have been cultivated and refined through many years of wishful fantasizing. One day I expect, to find the man of my dreams, and that all of the following words will come to fruition, but for now, unfortunately, I'm still a virgin in waiting...

Love Found

CHAPTER 1: The Awakening

Hitchhiking through the southwest, I had my ride drop me off at a desolate spot, so I could hike up a trail into the mountains.

It was really hot, with temperatures approaching 100 degrees. Taking a little rest, on a rock, from the heat and the hike, I began re-applying more sunscreen over my smooth hairless body. I've always kept my body shaved silky smooth simply because I love the feel of how smooth and sexy my skin feels. Truth be told; since I can remember, I've continuously had closet gay thoughts, that at the very least portrayed me as a very receptive bottom, but often I would imagine myself to be a sissy, or a tranny in the service of my man. I guess that is why I've kept my body so smooth, so I can romanticize about being the 'girl' in a homosexual relationship. There is no question that I fit the part flawlessly; what with my smooth, slender, waif-like body, and my endless fantasies of sexually pleasing a man, I'm convinced that I would be a great catch for some deserving man. The thing is; I've never had the courage to 'step into' my new life, and my fantasies have always remained just that...a fantasy.

I saw a man coming up the trail toward me. I was kind of surprised, because I'm really out in the middle of no-where, and haven't seen another person for several miles and hours. I figured that he was also on a hike, and would walk right by me, on his way to who-knows-where.

He approached me and sat directly in front of me, our knees almost touching. Without saying a word, he started stroking the inside of my smooth thigh, and said, "I'm betting that if you were gay, you would be a bottom." Well, that statement really startled me, and before I could answer he said, "The reason why I think you would be a bottom is that since I've begun to stroke your thigh, you've made no attempt to stop me." He was right, I realized that indeed I have made no effort to stop him. He went on to say that I should stop, and correct him when what he said wasn't true. He continued... "My guess is that not only are you a bottom boy, but a virgin at that. I'm thinking that you have spent years, maybe even decades, dreaming about sexually pleasing a man."

I sat there, speechless, as he really got assertive with his questions and statements. I could see his cock starting to grow within his shorts, and he noticed me looking at it. He asked me if I had ever touched a man's cock, and if I would want to touch his. Before I could say anything, his hand grabbed mine and he placed my hand on his growing cock, and just like his caress of my thigh; I said nothing. Instinctively, I started caressing the length of his cock feeling it grow with every stroke. Soon he had a full raging hard on, as I continued rubbing his cock through his shorts.

He said, "I know that you love stroking my cock, because your cock is beginning to tent your shorts. Bottom boys just love to stroke their man's cock, don't they? You're caressing it so gently and lovingly that I bet your gay, virgin fantasies are all about a man romantically, and passionately making sweet, tender love to you. Have you ever been kissed by a man? Oh, of course not, because you're a virgin. All romantic, passionate bottoms love to be kissed by their man."

He was right; I have often fantasized about being passionately kissed by a man. To me, kissing is just about as intimate as fucking. Impulsively, my tongue outlined my lips, as I moistened them in anticipation of my first kiss. We both leaned toward each other as our lips lightly touched. Where a just moment before my tongue was wetting my lips, I could now feel his tongue rubbing my lips. My lips, and mouth opened as I yielded to his advancing tongue. I received the entirety of his tongue into my eager mouth, and accepted his "invasion" with an out-pouring of passion. We kissed with delightful enthusiasm as I continued to stroke his fully erect penis.

His hands began tugging at the waistband of my running shorts, but then he stopped and said... "I know for a fact that you want me to remove your shorts, but it would be so much better if you removed them yourself. By doing it yourself you would be making a very profound statement that you're freely and willingly presenting your naked body to me for my sexual pleasure. You would not only be declaring your real need to be naked, in front of me, you would also be recognizing your longing to gift your body to a man for his sexual enjoyment."

I stood up and began to slowly remove my shorts. I let them slide down to my feet, revealing my smooth, hairless, naked body. I stepped out of my shorts, and there I was completely naked to him and the world. I felt so sexually vulnerable, and yet at the same time; I felt a powerful rush of unrestrained homosexual freedom. I began to be overcome with the pure excited expectancy of gifting my virginity to this man. My cock was pointing straight-out erect, which gave further proof of my aroused homosexual "take me now" state of mind.

He stood up, and gently grasped my hard cock, drawing me close to him. We resumed our kissing, but with so much more passion, as my arms circled around his shoulders and his hands grabbed each lobe of my virgin ass pulling me into him. I felt so alive, and yet so utterly helpless, defenseless & exposed as we kissed; me being entirely naked and he fully clothed.

Our unrelenting, lustful kissing continued as my hard naked cock began grinding against his hard clothed cock, leaving a trail of pre-cum on his shorts. With his hands around my waist, he spun me around so I now had my back to him. He had positioned the full length of his hard cock to perfectly fit into the full length of my virgin ass. I tilted my head back over my shoulder with the expectation that he would continue kissing me. I wasn't disappointed as his tongue deeply entered my waiting, eager mouth.

Intuitively, and naturally I began to grind into his massive, erect penis. There was no question that I was sending out "fuck me now" signals to him. I was filled with feelings of pure homosexual desire, wanting, and need as I continued grinding his cock while his tongue was fucking my mouth.

Finally I couldn't endure it any longer, and for the first time I actually spoke to him. I sincerely pleaded with him to "please make love to me. I need your penis deep inside of me. I'm yours for the taking, so please take me, and allow me to give myself to you"

I really can't believe what's happening; less that an hour ago I was hiking by myself, and now I'm totally naked and begging a stranger to take my virginity and make love to me.

A smile crossed his lips as he said... "I'm not going to simply fuck you in the ass. I'm going to make romantic, adoring, affectionate love to you like I know you've always fantasized about. I know that bottom boys, like you, dream about their man making love to them as a man makes love to a woman. I know that you want to be on your back with your smooth legs spread wide open inviting my hard penis to fully penetrate you. I know that you want to give yourself to me as a woman gives herself to her man. I know that you want to give, to me, pure sexual satisfaction, which in turn, gives you pure sexual fulfillment. I know that you can't be content until you give me the sexual pleasure I desire. I also know that never in your fantasies does your man ever wear a condom. I know that you want to feel the full length of you man's naked hard penis deep within your naked virgin body. I also know that you want satisfy your man completely, and the only way to do that is to allow your man to entirely empty the contents of his balls into your body. I know that your fantasies never have your man pulling out, just in time. Now rest assured, I'm not going to simply cum in your ass. What I'm going to do is a great deal more beautiful and wholesome. I'm going to impregnate you, and gift to you, the very essence of my soul. I'm going to ejaculate an explosion of unadulterated, pure love deep into your cum starved body, and unite us as true and proper homosexual lovers."

For only the second time I spoke to him... "Please make love to me. Please let me satisfy you to completion, so I in turn can be made complete and satisfied knowing that you've impregnated me with the very essence of your soul. Please breed me to you, and grant to me the pure homosexual joy of knowing that I'm carrying your living seed within me."

He laid me down on a perfect flat, warm rock. My legs naturally opened wide in expectation of his unifying hard penis. He began to remove his clothes, as my virgin body quivered in excitement of my impending breeding. His clothes completely removed; he stood between my wide-open legs, with his shadow casting his likeness over my virgin body in a symbolic image of his superior masculinity. I looked at his naked, Adonis-like body & shivered in delight, and eagerness to receive his hard penis deep into my body. His chiseled muscular frame was the perfect example of an inverted pyramid. Strong shoulders, muscular arms, large pecks, washboard abs, and an absolutely magnificent erect penis. His penis was flawlessly shaped, and very thick and long, dripping in pure, clear pre-cum. He leaned forward, and our lips met again. At the same time he was kissing me, and whispering sweet words of conquest to me.

He said... "Your life is about to completely change. In just a moment, my cock is going to begin its journey of conquest deep into your body. You will give yourself to a man, and a man is going to give himself to you. You will freely surrender yourself and your masculinity to a man. You'll take pride in knowing that you love to worship cock. You'll take particular delight, and pleasure in knowing that his seed will forever live inside of you.

I'm now going to place the tip of my dripping wet cock against the entrance to your body. My pre-cum is lubricating your opening, preparing you for full, deep penetration of my impassioned cock. Allow this to happen, open for me; receive the glory that has only been your dream until now.

Allow me to control you, and guide you to pure homosexual paradise. You've only spoken two times, and both of those times were an ardent appeal for me to make love to you. You've yet to correct any of the things that I've said, to you, so, I can only assume that you truly want this to happen. Now follow my words, as I command your complete surrender to me. Concentrate on my words, and on my cock. Follow my words exactly, and feel my cock take absolute control of you. I not only want you to surrender your body to me, I want you to surrender your masculinity to me as well. You have no further need for any kind of masculine qualities, as I will fill you, and sustain you, with a far more superior form of masculinity. Allow your feminine side to blossom and develop into the cock-servicing faggot that you've only dreamt about."

I was in heaven! This is exactly as I've fantasized about, and now it's about to happen. The very tip, of his cock, breached the virgin opening to my body. I rotated my hips up toward him, and wrapped my legs around his waist to allow him an easier entrance into me.

He continued whispering... "Feel the sheer strength of my penis, as it begins to enter you. Acknowledge its splendor as you freely surrender your body & soul to me. Realize your inability to resist my sexual advance. Recognize that the deeper I go, the less masculine you become. Release your inner woman, let her emerge and let her take control of you. Cherish and savor your new mind-set of total cock worship. Cling to my cock and take pleasure in knowing that I'm beginning to enter you."

His cock began to slowly enter me. The head, of his cock, was unquestionably inside of me and I could feel the meat of his shaft gradually enter me as well. Bit by bit he went further into me, encouraging me to "allow his entrance, release my inner woman, and to relinquish my masculinity." He was more than 3/4 in when he kissed me passionately and plunged the full length of his glorious penis into me. I could feel his pubic hairs trying to enter me; he was that deep. My body literally consumed, the loving extension of, his body into mine. He kept his cock fully in me so I could entirely savor the magnificence of the moment.

A strange thing began to happen, and I'm not sure if it was indeed my inner woman coming out, or my masculinity slipping away, or both. All I know is that I began to purr and coo and moan and sigh as I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist, and wrapped my arms around his muscular shoulders. He kissed me deeply and all I know is that, in no way, did I ever wanted this sensation to ever end.

He was fucking my mouth with his tongue, and fucking my ass with his cock and I must admit that I've never felt so wanted and loved in all my life. The passion, and the sense of awareness of providing my man with so much pleasure was extraordinarily satisfying for me. I never realized how rewarding, and gratifying I could feel by fully submitting myself to a man for his sexual pleasure.

He began fucking me with full deep strokes of his magnificent hard, unyielding penis, almost pulling out of me and then penetrating me entirely. My ass would clench securely onto his retreating cock, only to open and acquiesce completely to his next deep advancement. This beautiful "dance" of homosexual love continued unabated for quite some time, and I could indeed feel the last remnants of my masculinity evaporating into oblivion.

With each surging rush, of his penis, I could undeniably believe and accept as true that his masculinity was replacing mine. My entire body, in my intimate recesses, began to tingle with unreserved love for this man. I've never had a feeling like this before of a total internal adoration and a loving reverence for anyone prior to right now.

I began to fully comprehend the unreserved ecstasy of wholly surrendering my complete soul to this man. The deepest, most intimate parts of my body began to tremor and quiver with the most wholesome emotion of love and wanting to please that I've ever felt.

With each thrust of his body into mine, I could feel the very depths, of my inner being begin to shudder uncontrollably, starting with the area immediately surrounding his invading cock and shimmering out from there to encompass my entire body. These shudders amplified in intensity with each plunge of his body into mine, until I my whole being was wildly trembling, and quivering in orgasmic delight. I was helpless and powerless to stop it, and in fact, I didn't want it to ever stop. I absolutely cherished the feeling of his massive, hard penis deeply piercing into the most privileged regions of my soul. I was not only falling in love with him, but also in fact falling deeper in love with him, with every powerful thrust of his conquering penis. I began to squeal in breathless delight as I professed my love for him, and pleaded with him to never stop.

I clung to him tighter, my legs and arms holding on to him for dear life, as my trembling intensified into an increasing crescendo of homosexual rapture.

I must have had a 'what is happening to me' look in my eyes, because he began thoughtfully speaking to me... "What's happening is that you're experiencing the absolute grandeur of wholly surrendering to your man. You're in the very middle of the extraordinary pinnacle of your first internal, anal orgasm. Release yourself to me. Let yourself go completely into the world you have only dreamed about; and that is to fully relinquish your virginity, and your manhood to me. Renounce your masculinity, and feel the emancipating euphoria of knowing that you are utterly reliant on me to provide you with the love, penis, and sperm that you so urgently covet. Abandon any thought of ever returning to life as it was, for you have become my personal possession. I am in the very process of taking ownership of you, and judging by your wild, rampant inner orgasm, you are in the process of freely handing over your gifted body to me as my reward for revealing to you, your true inner self. Don't worry my beloved possession; very soon you will receive the reward that you've coveted all your life, and that is to be eternally united to me in body and soul by your acceptance of my living seed."

All I knew was that, in actual fact; I especially preferred and loved this inner anal orgasm to my usual method of cuming, out of my cock. I cherished and just loved how my inner orgasm would build to a quaking explosive discharge of pure love, radiating forth from his penis to encompass my entire body in a trembling fury of homosexual emancipation. My entire body was on fire with seizure like fits, convulsing uncontrollably and announcing to him that my surrender was complete. All I wanted and needed was to be sanctified and graced with the definitive gift of his love by breeding me to him. He could tell, by the look in my eyes, how much I desired for him to ejaculate his unifying love deep into me.

His deep fucking penetration began to slow significantly, as he spent more time fully impaled deep into my inner sanctuary. I could feel his cock grow even longer and wider as his rhythm slowed to a full deep penetration allowing me to savor and delight in the comprehension that very soon I will be gifted his exceptional living sperm.

He began to speak delightful words of love to me... "I'm about to award, to you, the most precious, treasured gift a man can give to another human being. I'm going to bestow upon you the honor of impregnating you, and consecrate you with the very essence of my soul. Please be aware and respect what a great privilege it is to be filled with my seed. Cherish and nurture my living seed as it courses through your body, staking its assertion over your entire being. You so long for my treasured gift of love; permit your body to absorb it all like a sponge soaks up water. I'm going to give you the life-giving nourishment that your body requires. Absorb my seed, and take immense delight and gratification in knowing that my hormones are replacing yours. Revel in the thrill of knowing that my seed inhabits you, and that you're thoroughly reliant on me to complete you."

There is no way that I could not comply, and not obey his delightful words of love. I wanted my man to populate, and reside in me with his abounding gift of pure love. I needed to feel his seed thriving and flourishing deep within me. With one final, decisive deep thrust I could feel his cock pulsating, my reward, of his warm life-giving seed deep into me. I simply cannot express, in words, the exquisite, eloquent dignity of having my man release his seed into my ravenous body. His superior, potent seed was being transported throughout my body, as the intoxicating emotion of my full surrender filled me with a peaceful content that I've never experienced before. He remained deep inside of me, as the two of us celebrated the beautiful rapture of our intimate unification, which I shall cherish until the end of time.

CHAPTER 2: Falling in Love

His exquisite hard cock remained within the interior of my impregnated sanctuary as we continued to rejoice and delight in the joining together of our bodies and souls. We both were so enthusiastic to admit, to each other, our overwhelming, undivided and exclusive love that we possessed for each other. We never wanted this feeling of our adoring, unifying, romantic love, to come to an end.

By keeping his penis inside of me, it allowed my body to absorb all of his liquid love that he so affectionately infused into the protection of my inner sanctuary. I did, indeed, feel it to be such an honor and privilege to possess his expression of affectionate love within the depths of my body.

I felt so gratified for the supreme opportunity of being bred to him. I didn't want a solitary drop of his beloved love to escape from me when he pulled out. With absolute certainty, I willed the complete absorption of his treasured living seed to be transported throughout my entire body so I could beyond all doubt present myself, to him, as a living endowment of my unlimited, unreserved love.

The smooth inner lining of my submitted passageway persisted in clenching securely to his imbedded penis, sending intermittent electric waves of orgasmic surrender all the way through my entire soul. Yes indeed, my spectacular anal orgasm was winding down, but my enduring sporadic convulsive embrace, of his impaled erection, ensured that I was able to transfer every last drop of his precious life-affirming seed from his body into mine. I'm so grateful, to this beloved man, for allowing me the opportunity to spread my legs wide open and accept his conquering penis into my virgin body. I'm simply filled with so much pride and contented fulfillment as I bask in the serene realization of knowing that I'm no longer a virgin, and that the man I love resides in me forever.

His glorious penis was beginning to soften, and retreat from my surrendered opening. The sense of yearning to be filled again was virtually overwhelming. The void that just moments before, was clenching tightly to his imbedded penis, hungered for his re-penetration. My smooth opening, of the passageway to my soul, was repeatedly gaping wide open, and then clenching tight, almost as if my opening was talking to him to re- enter me.

We were both amazed that not a single drop of his love left my body, considering that he pumped so much of his love and soul into my body. I was so proud, of myself for following all of his commands to the letter... I did absorb all of his seed into my ravenous, cum starved body. I do cherish, and I will nurture, his living seed. I delight in the comprehension of knowing that his seed inhabits me, and that I need him to complete me. I'm entirely filled with limitless joy in knowing that his superior masculine hormones are replacing my substandard hormones. I did allow my inner feminine self to be discovered and revealed...AND I LOVED IT!

I loved the feeling of consuming his penis into the most intimate secret regions of my soul, exposing what can only be described as a delicate feminine response from me. I softly moaned and proclaimed my love for him, as any good sissy would do, as he fucked the man out of me, and the girl into me. I absolutely adored my inner anal orgasm, which released an explosive burning desire to be loved as a woman is loved, and to love as a woman loves. Hell, I didn't care if I had to wear panties and high-heeled shoes, if that's what it took to re-live the passion I had just experienced. I needed this man, I needed to be with this man, and I needed this man inside of me.

As we were getting up, from our position of love, he said... "So where do we go from here?" I blurted out, in an almost frantic, begging, whimpering voice... "I need to spend the night with you." He smiled, because he knew that he had me in his clutches of a total desire to sexually service him. He mentioned that his car was at the trail-head (about a five mile hike), and that he was staying in the campground about a 20-minute drive. We started to get dressed, for the hike back down the trail, when he told me to stop. Out of his backpack he extracted what appeared to be a black thong-like thing, and he motioned for me to put it on. It was different than any thong that I've seen before. It had a sock-like tube with strings on the end of it. I put my cock into it and then I put my cock between my legs, and brought the strings up through my ass crack and tied them around my waist. He told me it was a thong that tranny's, and sissy's wear, so they can conceal the unsightly bulge of their cocks and make them look more sleek and girly. Well he was right again, as I did feel girlier, what with my smooth hairless body, shimmering a radiant glow of feminine beauty, accentuated by the skimpy sexy thong... I felt a surge of female hormones flash through my body. He finished getting dressed, and before I could grab my shorts he put them into his backpack, and said that I didn't need to wear anything else, as I looked so delicious as I was.

We started down the trail, sometimes holding hands, and other times with my arms wrapped around one of his strong muscular arms. We, of course, stopped several times to romantically kiss, and to reaffirm, in words, our everlasting love for each other. We made it most of the way, down the trail, and we began to kiss again. I could feel his cock growing very hard, through his shorts, which made me so pleased to know that I can make a man so hard that he wants to fuck me. I softly whispered to him... "Please fuck me now."

I found the nearest tree and braced my hands on it, while spreading my legs and jutting my ass out and up for his ease of entry. There was no way he could refuse to accept my visually sexy appeal for his entry into me. He positioned himself behind me and dropped his shorts to his feet, placed a hand on each side of my hips, and fully entered my lubricated, cum-soaked opening in one smooth motion.

Once again, he was balls deep, as my body devoured his ridged cock to its fullest. I was in heaven as a rush of feminine yearning enveloped and massaged his hard penis, leaving no doubt as to what I required. I felt so comfortable, and secure, and protected, with his body imbedded into me, that I instantly returned to my exquisite internal anal orgasm. My entire body, from my toes to my hands, began to tremble and quiver in a convulsive flood of feminine orgasmic compliance.

Once again he started fucking me with full deep strokes of his hard, erect cock, and I'm breathlessly panting... "I love you, fuck me, I love you, fuck me..." It didn't take long before he pulled my hips tight into him, and plunged as deep as possible into me. He held me in that, fully impaled, position for a blissful eternity. Once more, a rush of pure feminine hormones surged through me, as his penis ejaculated the masculine contents of his soul deep into my waiting, cum-drenched inner sanctuary.

I felt so alive, prized, and loved; to be given another opportunity to show my total love to my man, simply made my heart skip a beat. I was deeply in love, and falling deeper by the second. I accepted another expression of his love, into me.

I felt so loved and cherished that I couldn't resist expressing my love to him. Before he could shrink again, I turned around, and dropped to my knees and inhaled the full length of his still hard, and moist cock fully into my throat. My nose nestled in his pubic hair, as the remnants of his draining cock, dripped directly into my stomach. I was crazy in love with my man, and needed to convey that love in any way that I could, and as often as I could. I let his cock slip from my mouth, and showered it with soft adoring kisses. I wildly worshiped and kissed the full length of his cock, I ran my tongue through his piss slit capturing as much cum as possible. I put my lips over the head of his cock, and literally sucked the rest of the essence of his soul out of him. I rubbed his cum slick cock all over my face, and hair and begged him to possess me.

He drew me up, to a standing position, and kissed me deeply, as my arms clung to his shoulders. I could feel his seed flowing down the inside of both of my thighs, which made me tingle with pleasure. I felt so fucking sexy with my face, hair, lips, and inner thighs simply glistening with the translucent, iridescent mark of his ownership and mastery over me.

We continued our hike to his car, and with each step that I took; I could feel a pulse of his cum cascading down my smooth, hairless legs from my vacant gaping opening. Yes, it was distressing that his glorious seed was escaping from my nurturing womb, but that sadness was soon replaced with the exhilarating realization of the visual image I was portraying.

My silky-smooth smooth legs were gleaming with the shimmering, glossy, lustrous flow of his life-changing, feminine transforming seed, which left no doubt of my willing surrender and his commanding ownership of me. It was plainly, and instantly recognizable, that I had acquiesced to him, relinquishing control of my physical existence to him, which thrilled me with the expectation that he would soon shape, and sculpt me into his perfect ideal of feminine elegance and grace. It was clearly unmistakably evident, to him that I yearned to liberate and unleash the feminine persona that has been imprisoned within me for such a very long time.

He reassured me with his soothing words of encouragement... "My adorable possession, I need you to know that true feminine beauty flows outward from within one's body. It appears, to me, that we are both in search of the same perfect conviction of allowing me to renovate, and restore, your inner being into the feminized personality you were created to be. Please consent to my desire of reconditioning your intimate inner self into the perfection of feminine sissy servitude that you aspire to become."

His comforting words were like a refreshing breeze of loving passion, wafting over my wanting soul. I loudly proclaimed to him... "Yes, oh yes, a thousand times yes my darling lover; I will unquestionably consent to your aspiration of restoring me to the feminized being I was truly born to develop into. I mean, what the hell, I'm more than 1/2 way there with my meticulously shaved smooth body, your cum flowing from my body, and the sexy-ass thong that I'm dressed in. It's not too much of a further leap to allow you a free hand in shaping, and sculpting me, from the inside out, into your perfect ideal of feminized elegance."

He simply loved hearing my response, as was unmistakable by the deep romantic kiss he placed on my mouth, uniting our tongues in a dance of indulgent love. Our lips parted as he said... "I'm going to turn you into the proper and genuine feminized sissy boy you have always dreamed about becoming, and what's more; I really think that we're going to need a lot more time than just tonight for you to receive the essential, suitable amount of correct and proper sissy training."

My goodness, his words were like an elixir of freedom to my love starved soul. My heart skipped a beat with the realization of knowing that he loved me so much that he was willing to expend the time needed for me to become his ideal of an acceptable and suitable feminized sissy boy. I was so overwhelmed with his charitable proposal to mentor and guide me toward developing me into the assumed role I was meant to be, that I trembled in excited expectancy. I also became very aroused in knowing that tonight was the commencement of establishing a foundation for an enduring, continuing, romantic love affair.

I looked up at him, and standing on the tips of my toes, and I sealed his dreamy words of love with another deep adoring kiss. His body was so much bigger than my slender, smooth, girlish body that I always need to stand on the tips of my toes, just to reach his lips with mine. I commented to him that we're kissing so much that the arches of my feet are cramping, and jokingly mentioned that I need a little stool to kiss him.

He replied... "I have a surprise for you, which I know that you'll simply love and it will definitely solve your feet cramping problem." We reached his car, which turned out to be a van, and we walked to the back and opened the doors. I saw that the back of the van was filled with all sorts of small boxes, when he said... "Believe it or not, I'm a salesman of woman's shoes and lingerie, and that's what's in all of these boxes, which explains why I just so happened to have a thong for you to wear."

He began to sort through some of the boxes, until he found the perfect one he was looking for. He motioned for me to sit on the edge of the van, while he took the box and kneeled before me. Upon his opening of the box, my heart started pounding wildly as the contents were a pair of the most gorgeous, girly, red, 4-inch, stiletto heels that I've ever seen.

Being the good shoe salesman, that he was, his left hand supported the back of my smooth calve, and with his right hand he slid the heel onto my foot. He repeated this with my other foot, and there I was...wearing a thong and red dagger heels! He told me to stand up, and model the shoes for him. They fit like a glove, and I looked and felt so fucking sexy in them. The heels re-defined my calve muscles and legs so that they instantly took on a very sexy, feminine shape. Every muscle, in my legs, was softly accentuated which really drew attention to my entire leg, from my toes to my hips. As an added bonus, the heels made my ass look tighter, perkier and so much more noticeable as they put emphasis on my burgeoning feminine features.

I must have looked incredibly sexy, as he placed a hand on each hip and drew me into him saying... "Now let's try that kiss, to see if you're anymore comfortable" Our lips met at the perfect level, and my mouth yielded to the advance of his tongue. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, and as he placed his hands on each globe of my truly animated feminine ass, I softly melted into him as our bodies combined simultaneously into a lovers embrace.

Our lips parted, and he led me by the hand to the passenger side of the van. Like any decent, respectable suitor would act upon, he reached for the door and held it open for me to enter, and he waited until his darling, beloved cargo was safely inside before closing the door. He got into the drivers side, and being that he had bench seats, I slid over to him and nestled my smooth, almost naked body, right next to him, just like any well- mannered, respectable sissy boy apprentice would do.

CHAPTER 3: Becoming A Cocksucker

Yet again a sudden onslaught of physically yearning, for him, washed over me like a cascading torrent of sexual emotion. I began to wildly, and rapidly kiss all of him; his arms, neck, face, chest and lips. I was deeply in love, and I needed to show it to him by showering his body with soft feminine kisses.

I wanted to taste his cock again, because I just loved the brief taste that I experienced, a short time ago. I said to him... "I want to make love to your cock, with my mouth, and savor the flavor of your penis and experience the incredible ecstasy of your seed being explosively ejaculated onto my face and into my mouth. I want to become a cocksucker. I want to be identified to the world as a cocksucker, and most importantly; I want to be accepted, recognized and branded as your personal cocksucker."

With adoring eyes I gazed at him, and with a truly sincere, heartfelt whispering soft voice I continued... "I respectably request your permission to caress your penis; not only with my hands, but also with my face, lips, tongue, and mouth. I ache with an unquenchable craving to become your personal cocksucker, and I appeal to you to allow me this selfish indulgence of mine."

I could tell, by the tenting of his shorts, that my words had a positive effect on him.

He replied... "I will grant, to you, your heartfelt request of pleasing yourself, by orally worshiping my penis. I can only imagine how important it is for you to be recognized as a cocksucker, and I will allow you the luxury of discovering how sexually pleasurable it is for you, to sexually please me. I am well aware that it's vitally essential for you to show your respect and admiration for my penis, but I'm sure that you'll agree with me that it needs to be done appropriately and correctly. It is essential for you to humble yourself before me to be able to properly worship my penis. The correct way for you to show your devotion to my penis is for me to be standing above you, and for you to be kneeling before me. We must to go outside for you to be truly subservient to me. Let's hope that every now and then a car drives past, so they can confirm that you are indeed a cocksucker that takes immense pleasure in glorifying his man's penis."

We went outside, and walked to the front of the van in full view of the road. A couple of cars drove past, looking at us, as I submissively knelt before him and kissed and mouthed the outline of his hard penis through his shorts. I looked up at him and expressed my thanks for allowing me to worship his penis and to publically declare and display to the world that I'm a cock worshiping, sissy, cum-slut.

I opened his shorts, just enough to liberate his penis. I was about to slide his shorts down to his feet when he stopped me, and said... "Just enough to expose my cock is fine. This is your special moment, and I want all passing eyes to be focused on you. You look almost naked, as you're only wearing your thong and your heels; you're submissively kneeling before me declaring your need to be viewed as a sissy cocksucker. This is your unique exceptional moment in time, and I want you to be the center of attention for all of the passing cars. Don't even consider the people looking at you. Just empty your mind, worship my cock, show everyone how much you take pleasure in pleasing me, and be sure to savor every second of your initiation and admission into the world of cocksucking. Taste every inch of my cock, kiss it, and love it with all your heart, mind and soul."

I was so fucking thrilled with the excited joyful ecstasy of being given the opportunity to state publicly my need to be recognized as a cocksucker.

His penis erected to life with a large drop of his crystal clear pure pre-cum beginning to take shape from his piss slit. I felt so incredibly blessed to be kneeling in front of him, with his magnificent hard penis, just mere inches from my face. I spread his slit, with my fingers, and it gaped at me, a perfectly formed large transparent drop of pre-cum. I looked up, at him, with permission in my eyes, and he nodded his head in approval of my unspoken appeal. My tongue glided through his gapping slit, capturing the purified drop of his personification. My lips formed just around the tip of his cut mushroom head, and I sucked his remaining purified, clear, incarnation from his swelling penis. I went to the underside, of his cock and starting at the base, I slowly caressed it with my tongue ascending to the tip.

I repeated my caress again, when I heard the tires of another car approaching. This time, instead of driving past us, I heard the tires slow down and out of the corner of my eye I saw the car coming to a stop. All of the passengers were staring at us in stunned amazement. I quickly glanced, over at them, and noticed that the car contained several women. I deviously smiled at them, purposely knowing that I was intentionally infringing on their usual role of pleasing a man.

I was publically ignoring, and violating the very laws decent conduct as I flaunted my willingness to traverse across gender lines to sexually serve the man I loved. I wanted to show off, to these girls, and put on display the correct and proper way in which a polite and respectful woman shows deferential treatment to her man. This was my moment, all eyes were on me, I was on stage for them, and I didn't want to disappoint them or my lover. I opened my mouth and took him in as if it were the most natural act in the world. I inhaled him fully, in one smooth motion until my nose nestled in his pubic hair and my chin touched his balls. I then withdrew completely and kissed the very tip, of his penis and licked his slit, before entirely swallowing his manhood again. This developed into a very sexy rhythm of total inhalation, and complete extraction of his hard penis. I was literally slobbering over his delicious cock. His cock was shimmering with my saliva and his drooling pre-cum, which I'm sure, could be seen from our spectators in the car. His powerful, conquering manhood felt wonderful sliding in and out of my drooling mouth.

My saliva combined with his freely flowing pre-cum began leaking from the corners of my mouth, forming a continuous flow of translucent lust to my chest; where the stream continued down my stomach and pooled at the top of my thong. This must have been quite a sight for our audience, which I noticed had grown to several more parked cars, all of them with cameras pointing our way! I savored the taste of his sinuous nectar. I savored my declaration of being a cocksucker, and most importantly, I savored hearing his moans of pleasure as a result of my loving mouth, encouraging his release. I earnestly continued my full-length mouth-worship of his glossy, hard cock eagerly anticipating the sudden eruption of his warm, satisfying love all over my face, and into my willing mouth.

Judging from the moans and breathless gasps coming from my beloved, I knew that I didn't have long to wait for my gift. He arched backward, leaning against the front of the van, and screamed at the top of his lungs, for all to hear... "Do you want me to cum on your face, you sissy cocksucker? Are you ready to take delivery of your reward?" He pulled out of the depths of my throat and mouth to allow me to answer. I screamed back, for all to hear... "Cum on me, cum in me, shower me with my reward of your love."

He held his cock with both of his hands, as if to make his aim more precise. I opened my mouth, and flicked the tip of his cock with my tongue and waited for the inevitable. His first blast hit my upper lip, and upper teeth. His second explosive discharge was a direct hit into my open mouth. His third eruption was eloquently positioned, in a single line, from the top of my forehead, to the bridge of my nose, to my upper lip, into my mouth, to my lower lip and ultimately running out at my chin. Several smaller expulsions followed, which I expertly lapped into my mouth, with my cum soaked tongue.

I looked up at him with an unspoken reverence, as he began softly beating my face with his still draining cock. He began to use his cock as a squeegee and spread his fresh warm semen all over my face and hair. Finally I took control of his cock from him, and I placed both of my hands around the base of his lovely sexual muscle. I kissed and licked his slippery, delicious, lustrous, sheen over the full-length of his manhood and then inhaled his massive, oozing pole into the safety of my warm, moist, love starved mouth, making sure to capture and savor ever last drop. I looked up, at him, with absolute love in my eyes as I was still orally caressing his ridged, oozing shaft.

He gazed down at me with a look of supreme, tender supremacy and began speaking, for all to hear... "You look so beautifully elegant with my hard cock draining the remnants of my seed, into your mouth. You look so submissively gorgeous with your face glistening and sparkling with my luminous warm seed of love. Please delight, and enjoy my offering of adoration, for I have glorified you, and publically marked you as my personal cocksucker. I'm so joyful that your initial taste of me happened with a group of people gazing on, because your need to be identified as a cocksucker has been fulfilled, and publicized to the general population. I know that you're overjoyed and euphoric, with your face swathed in my warm sperm, because you're symbolically saying to them, and me, that you accept and understand the situation that you have become a sissy cocksucker. Please take pleasure in knowing that by consuming my wholesome seed it is exceptionally nutritious and healthy for you, as it contains all of the vitamins & protein that your body requires for your optimal well-being.

What's more; and this is even more exciting, I have orally bred you. Once you have fully digested my seed, it will mix and unite with the seed that I gifted to you during your two previous anal breedings. When my seed from your oral breeding, unites with my seed from your anal breeding, they will fuse together and create a very potent and highly advanced magnificent super seed. This superior, super seed will overwhelm and engulf any renaming trace of your male hormones, as it circulates through your body. My fused seed and hormones are so potent and strong, that your inner organism will become so disorientated and confused with such a vast surge of masculinity that it will biologically, and naturally convert into a more feminine state of being. Rejoice, and celebrate, the birth of your new natural personality of pure, innocent, feminine, sissy servitude."

His penis slipped from my mouth, as tears of euphoric jubilation streamed down my face, and all of the astonished bystanders knew that what they had just witnessed was the ultimate performance of a pure, wholesome, supreme love shared between two human beings. They had the privilege of examining a love so fresh, and uncontaminated that I'm convinced that we were truly an inspiration, to all of them, concerning the art of an adoring, affectionate, indulgent creation of love.

A few of the cars began to leave, and only two cars remained; the car with the women, and a second car with guys.

I could hear the women, remarking to each other, about the sensitive and beautiful way that she worshiped and loved his penis, and that she was such a splendid cocksucker; and that they were so happy for her to be able to give such delightful pleasure to her man. Wow! I heard it...they called me a she, and a her, and my heart leapt for joy at being given such a thoughtful compliment.

My beloved heard it as well, as he smiled down at me saying... "You have taken well to your new personality, and have assumed your new role with the upmost in elegance and refinement. You have impressed the women with your feminine grace, and you most certainly have awed me with your womanly poise."

I wrapped my arms around his waist, and rested my head into his pelvis and pubic region, as I sighed a breath of gentle release and acceptance of my new disposition as his feminized sissy boy. I absolutely loved the sensation, of not only thinking that I was feminine, but also that other people (women) admired my elegant transition toward my instinctive nature.

The car with the guys, of course, were much different and were shouting... "Fuck him in the ass!"

My darling lover was incensed with such a thoughtless outburst, and angrily retorted... "How dare your speak that way about the woman that I love. I would never simply fuck her in the ass. We would make and create a love that we would share with each other until the end of time. She is a sensitive, compassionate feminine human being that is proud to be known as my sissy girlfriend, and truth be told, someday I would anticipate, with pride, that I would take her to be my sissy wife!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Had I died and gone to paradise? He thought of me as his girlfriend, and one day expected me to become his wife! With that thought; an unexpected and convincing surge of pent-up, and very potent, sissy-estrogen began to free flow, non-stop, from my inner soul, and forcibly propelled its way all through my body, binding itself to my beloved's living seed. The coupling of his sperm and my sissy-estrogen, instantaneously, and permanently altered my inner core into an extremely feminized depiction of my former self.

The guys in the car just yelled... "Fuck you, you're just a couple of faggots" and then sped off, on their way.

The women seemed particularly infuriated at their remarks, and they got out of their car to console us, with words of comfort, and reassurance that our love was genuine and authentic, and that it was so right for us to possess each other, as we do.

One of them began speaking, for the group... "We were all so impressed and taken- away with such emotional warmth, at your public display of affection, that we would be so very honored and privileged with the opportunity to behold and witness the two of you breed yourselves to each other, as you consummate your love for our admiring eyes."

My beloved replied... "What you said is so much more civilized than what the pigs in the car just said. We're so flattered that you find our love so attractive and appealing, that we would be thrilled with the prospect of consummating our perfect and pure love for your adoring eyes. We'll be staying in the campground, celebrating our love the entire night, and you all are more than welcome to observe us as we endeavor to blend our bodies, and souls in a perfect unification of consummate love."

He put his hands under each of my arms, and gently raising me to my feet, greeted my mouth with the most glorious, heartfelt kiss I've ever received. My arms encircled around his strong shoulders, and his hands cupped each lobe of my perfect, attractively formed ass (thanks to my heels) pressing our bodies together in a lovers embrace. I could feel his sheer strength, as he gripped my ass, almost lifting me off the ground. Still deeply kissing, I felt an additional overwhelming burst of sissy-estrogen surge and course throughout my entire body. I clenched his shoulders even tighter and raising my legs off the ground, I securely wrapped them around his waist in a symbolic gesture of his conquering, dominate masculinity and my willing surrender into a softer, more feminine world. Still kissing, with my body wrapped around his, he walked us back to the van, opened the door, and tenderly deposited his valued possession inside.

The women drove away, promising to see us later, as my boyfriend got into the drivers seat. Once again, I snuggled up next to him softly saying... "I just loved your take- charge, commanding attitude concerning the guys and the girls, and I feel so safe and protected in your presence. I love the thought of being your girlfriend, and I just want you to know that I would be elated at the prospect of becoming your bride, and you becoming my husband."

Chapter 4: Becoming His Woman

He started the van, and we proceeded to drive toward the campground. I was trembling in torrid expectancy as to what tonight would evolve into. My mind was on auto-pilot, and only focused on pleasing my boyfriend, but every once in a while, it would be jolted back into reality with the insight that, undeniably we would have an up-close audience gazing in wonder at our efforts in creating and sharing the perfect love.

I was also very conscious of how swiftly we had progressed, in giving ourselves to each other, and by how quickly we had fallen in love with each other, that if I were a betting girl; I'd bet that I'd be a new bride before sunrise.

Both of these enchanting thoughts produced a strong, tingling, and warming sensation in my pelvis and anal area that was very pleasurable for me to experience. In fact, I could feel my estrogen laden sissy juices flowing from my inner sanctuary, and flooding directly into my passageway that so blissfully cleaves to his penis.

The opening, to my body, was becoming moist, and slick with my enticing sissy fluids in preparatory anticipation of consuming his body into mine, and taking possession of every single one of his gifted sperm into the protective custody of my sissy-womb. I yearned to be bred again and once more experience the powerful, euphoric discharging waves of feminine passion grip my body and send it into convulsions of orgasmic fervor.

My breathing was becoming shallow, and more rapid, with the knowledge that he would soon join himself to me, and I felt the commencement of several mini- orgasms originating deep within my sissy-womb. I was so excited for our upcoming, unifying breeding, that my sissy opening was saturated with my slippery reproductive nectar, which was now free flowing from the smooth, velvety lining of my inner sanctuary. I was positively sending out indications of my eagerness to be bred as my estrogen- laden juices were seeping from my opening, and filling the van with the sweet fragrance of my lustful desire.

The delicate scent, of my immodest aspiration, did not go unnoticed, by my boyfriend, as he knowingly smiled his approval at my enthusiasm to once again integrate his seed into the safe haven of my cherished, intimate inner sanctuary.

I was nestled, next to him, in a sideways fashion with my legs resting on the seat in a sort of curled fetal position. With his left hand on the steering wheel, his right hand was stroking the outside segment of my smooth right thigh from my knee to my hip. His hand then softly descended around the right lobe of my ass and his fingers began to gently caress the warm moist opening, of the gateway to my soul, which by now was secreting a torrent stream of my reproductive juices, signaling my readiness to be coupled to him. One of his fingers penetrated my soggy opening, as I moaned my approval with a sigh of affectionate, permissive consent for him to continue his intimate probing of the entrance to my soul. I began to squirm in acquiesce-cent submission as my opening gaped wide open to allow him easier admittance into my feminine passageway of love. A second finger entered my threshold, and my intimate channel began to flutter in approval by releasing a fresh wave of warm, liquefied womanly fluid all over his occupying fingers.

He removed his fingers, which were literally dripping with my lustful juices, and brought them to his nose to smell my feminine discharge before inserting them into his mouth to taste the glorious imitate solution of my reproductive juices.

A smile crossed his handsome face, as he re-inserted his fingers into my gushing canal, saying... "You taste so very delicious, and I can't wait to fully taste your sinuous, womanly flow of the saturated passageway to your soul, as I prepare you for your inevitable and necessary breeding that you so urgently covet."

Again he removed his soaking fingers, but this time, presented them to my parched mouth, which I covetously sucked until my reproductive juices were safely down my throat. My God, I tasted so wonderful, that my fingers impulsively reached for my hole and I allowed them to become saturated with my womanly flow. I brought them to my lips, and once again reveled in the divine flavor of my flowing, inner juices.

I could see that my carnal action really turned him on, because it looked like his cock was ready to rip through his shorts! I decided to give him an intimate showing of my lusty desires, and proceeded to sit up and put my feet on the dashboard as I scooted my ass to the edge of the seat. I spread my legs partially open and my hand reached between my legs as I began to fondle my wet boy-pussy.

I was so very wet with love and lust as my fingers captured my flowing moisture. I brought my fingers to my mouth and seductively licked my delicious, copious discharge. I repeated this several times, all the while moaning in attention-grabbing delight. He mentioned that I better save some of my juices for his pleasure, and I reassured him that there was no need to worry as my inner shelter was producing a continual flood of my feminine fluid.

Fortunately, for both of us, we arrived at the campsite without an instant to spare as our 'need to breed' consumed the two of us in a frenzied fit of deep-seated desire. He stepped out of the van, and hurriedly ran over to my side, of the van, to open the door for my exit. He extended his hand, which I grasped a hold of, and escorted me out of the van; greeting me with a wet kiss.

The evening's shimmering twilight bathed my smooth body in a glowing, radiant sheen, which made me look absolutely desirable to his love-struck eyes. Our kiss was broken with my impassioned appeal for him to make me whole again, with his full penetrating entrance into my wanting body.

It had been more than two hours since his last entry, and my entire being was so very ravenous to once again become enriched with his treasured seed. He agreed that there was a sense of urgency for us to once more join our bodies together, but there was work to do in setting up the campsite, and regrettably, our unification would have to wait, as darkness would soon descend into our campsite. He began setting up the tent, and mentioned to me that I should feel welcome to sort through his boxes, in the van, and find something sexy to wear.

It was just at this moment that the girls arrived (the ones that witnessed the oral worship of my beloved)

Getting out of the car, one of them began speaking to me... "I see that you're looking for something to be dressed in. Why don't you let us help you find the perfect outfit that will display all of your feminine features, and make you look alluring to your man? Let us help you find the ideal article of clothing, which will show off your sexy body, to attract your man to enter you.

Your determination to embrace, and enhance your feminine characteristics is such a righteous and honorable decision. Your life will be filled with such a serene, and tranquil sense of purpose and meaning that you'll wish that you acted upon this restoration, of your soul, years ago. Keep in mind that you're not turning into a new person, but that you're re- establishing the personality that was gifted to you, when you were born. Your femininity is your birthright, and you have as much right to possess your natural legacy as any other woman does.

Pay close attention to what I'm about to say, as it will be the most important bit of advice you'll ever receive, concerning your transformation into the utopian world feminized perfection. Your sub-conscious mind controls your breathing, and your heartbeat. It also controls your hormones. All people, both male and female, have testosterone and estrogen in their bodies. Your sub-conscious mind is highly impressionable, and all suggestions, to your sub- conscious mind, are taken very seriously. You have the control, to directly send powerful subliminal thoughts to your sub- conscious mind. You will become feminine from the inside out; so direct your sub-conscious mind to regulate the balance of your hormones. With an urgent command, you can tell your sub-conscious mind to lower your testosterone levels, and effortlessly increase your estrogen levels, to naturally feminize your body and mind. Repeat this often, to your subliminal mind, whenever you have a spare moment. Overwhelm your sub-conscious mind with pretty, feminine thoughts, and thoughts of enhancing your estrogen levels and you will become feminine, sexy, sensual, pretty, and flirtatious. This will allow your more feminine feelings, to rise to the surface and you'll begin to think, feel, and behave like a woman.

Permit your renovated feminine spirit to bloom into a delicate flower, and allow your spirit to soar, into the virtuous, carefree world of feminine splendor and pride. We wish for you to experience the magical freedom of acquiring the dignity to restore your self-esteem, as you embark on your journey of true feminine perfection.

We all simply adored how gentle and affectionate you were toward your lover, on the road, that we couldn't help but think what a wonderful and dutiful wife you could become, if that's your desire. You would make such an attractive and joyful bride. We would love for you to become the bride you have always dreamed of becoming. Please let us help you in taking your next step into womanhood. Please allow us to enhance, and decorate your body and soul as we adorn you physically and mentally with the proper ornamentation to fully attract, and attach your man to you."

I gladly accepted their offer of dressing me, as a sexy bridal offering to my man. The yearning, in my heart, to experience the unconditional rapture of becoming his bride, aches with an unquenchable thirst that permeates from the vey nucleus of my feminine spirit.

I long for my man to attach himself, eternally, to my moral-fiber and transform me into his devoted, loving bride. My life would be so very complete, to be everlastingly, joined to him in a sacred marriage of our souls, that I would stop at nothing to realize my destiny of becoming his wife.

We excitedly began going though the boxes, looking for just the right garment to make me look irresistible for him. I found a pair of short-shorts that I'm sure would have him fucking me in no time at all. I tried them on, and loved how I felt and looked in them. The only problem was that they didn't allow him instant access to my boy-pussy, and he'd have to waste valuable time in removing them for his entry into me. The girls agreed with my reasoning, so we put them aside, and looked for something that would still make me look incredibly sexy, but would also allow him immediate admittance into my entryway.

One of the girls opened another box, and found the perfect item of clothing; a very short, tight, silk, sleeveless mini-dress, and to make matters just idyllic, it would permit him instantaneous access into the interior of my body, and as an added bonus it was red and matched my heels impeccably.

I slipped the dress on, and it felt so deliciously sexy with the silk against my smooth skin, and it looked so gorgeous, on me. The dress was so short, that it barely covered my hips, and when combined with my heels, it really put an emphasis on my smooth, and shapely legs. I also kept wearing my thong, because I didn't want my cock to stick out from the dress, distracting from the image that I was trying to portray, of being a submissive, feminine sissy-boy.

All of the girls approved of the dress, and just loved how it matched my heels. They did point out that to really tie it all together, I really ought to paint my finger and toenails to coordinate with my dress and heels. I heartily agreed, and one of the girls ran back to their car to retrieve some nail polish. The girls excitedly began their beautification of my body, to transform me into a proper sexual offering, for my man. They went to work on my nails, as well as placing rings on my toes, and a thin bracelet around one of my ankles. They also added bracelets to each of my wrists, and a delicate necklace around my neck. One of them pulled out her lipstick, and applied its glossy contents to my lips, making them luster in a wet glamour that was sure to invite his lips to mine, and of course the lipstick matched my entire ensemble. They finished, my makeover, by sprit-zing my body with a delicately scented perfume, tying it all together into one lusty package of attractive sexual desire.

I felt and looked so fuck-able, and feminine, as we all hugged each other in approval of their artistic ability.

On of the girls said... "You look so pretty and alluring, any man would be puffed up with pride, to love and possess you. If you haven't figured it out by now, you will soon, when you come to the realization that embracing life as a lady comes with so many advantages."

"I'm sure you already know this, but it's worth repeating...a decent, well-mannered lady always keeps in mind, that if you live to please your man, he will reward you often, with his priceless gift. Talk sexy and naughty to him. A man just loves it when their woman verbally articulates her desire to be sexually satisfied. A refined and gracious lady simply loves fresh, warm sperm as it flows from the penis of the man she loves, because it validates her life by giving her a purpose and a sense of meaning to her existence. Now while it's true that she would prefer for his sperm to flow into her body, the respectful female would love to possess his sperm on her body or face, as this will also certify his need for your presence in his life. Make him happy and give pleasure to his penis, often, and you will justify your continuation of being able to service him for the rest of his life. The rewards are incredible, and you'll be gifted beyond your wildest dreams with a continual, and lifetime supply of his fresh sperm. This must be your ambition, and your reason for existing, to be granted every occasion to express your enduring love for him, and he will bless you and glorify you with his generous endowment of his liquid love.

Always humble yourself before your man. Be subservient, and passively submit to him at all times, especially when you're physically intimate with him.

Remember this important fact...while it's true that he owns you, that you live for him, that he's your protection and security, in reality, the woman controls her man. It's the female that gets her man's penis hard, with her enchanting looks, and demeanor. It's the woman that makes her man loose all control, and think of nothing else except placing his penis inside of her. Does a man stick his penis into a woman? OR does a woman absorb her man's penis into her body, as she consumes his body into hers? The correct answer is...a lady consumes her man, and the control doesn't stop there. Not only does a woman consume her man, she also consumes the very essence of his soul. Always allow your lover believe, that he is the master of you, but remember that you devour him every time his hard penis comes near you. Now go to your man, and seduce him with all of the womanly powers that you possess. You have been well trained, and properly attired to consume your man and draw him into your body. Complete yourself by making him realize how incomplete his life is, unless he physically and emotionally joins himself to you. Unite your body, mind, and soul to his and bask in the glory of becoming his bride."

I'll forever be indebted, to these girls, for all of their gentle guidance and assistance in support of my unyielding quest to become a member of their gender, and to experience life as it was meant to be.

For the first time ever, I feel so free to express my true inner feelings in my new emancipated self. I have no regret, or remorse in heading in the direction that I'm going, simply because it feels so very right to be the object of my man's desire, and because it simply feels so very correct and fitting to discard my former self and totally embrace my new personality of being a soft and feminine girl that is entirely focused on pleasing my man.

What really surprises me is; how quickly and effortlessly I accepted and acquired my new nature. I mean, just a few hours ago, I was just a guy with deep-seated, repressed feelings about pleasing a man. I had only dared to dream about becoming feminine, and I never thought about acting upon those feelings, much them out right now! All it took was just a few encouraging words, from my beloved as well as the girls, and the floodgates sprung wide open, releasing an absolute torrent of decades long, subdued emotion.

I love how I feel; right now, as my inner soul blossoms into the person I could only dream about, prior to meeting him. I thrive on the knowledge of knowing that I'll never go back to what I was...being just a guy.

I have always held a strong conviction, concerning the notion, and the wonders, of the suggestive mind. I have literally determined that my subliminal psyche accept and act upon the thoughts of enhancing my internal, feminine dominance.

My unwavering demands, of stimulating my feminine core, has set in motion the awakening of my feminine energy and spirit, as it pours forth, from the very foundation of my being. The effects, of my subliminal coaxing, produced immediate, and very pleasant consequences. A certain peaceful, soothing sensation descended over the very essence of my soul, while at the same moment, I could sense a warm emotion of softness, sensitivity, and nurturing ascending from the foundation of my feminine core, as I instantly felt a great deal more conscious, of my body and emotions. The nerves, in my breasts, became pleasantly sensitive as I caressed them with my hands. They weren't growing, but they unquestionably did feel softer and suppler, as I gently fondled myself. I felt an undeniable sense of affectionate tenderness, beginning to permeate all through my lower abdomen, as I truly do feel my estrogen levels rising, and my feminine energy increasing. The very essence of my soul has been re-born into the flourishing feminine creature I was always meant to become, and I feel so at ease and comfortable with that realization.

Filled with the passion of excited expectancy, I gracefully pranced over to him, and willingly presented myself as a sexual offering for his adoring eyes.

Seeking his approval at how I had adorned my body, I began speaking to him with whispered bated-breath... "My darling, I stand before you with the expectation that I have pleased you with my conversion into the feminine being that you desire. I hope, and pray that you will covet me, and take delight in my body and soul, which I'm freely offering to you, without any reservations what so ever. Please accept and rejoice in my surrendered body, which has been gifted to you, for your sexual enjoyment and pleasure. All I ask is that you redeem me, and purify my feminine spirit by entering into me, and uniting our bodies and souls into the singular being that we were predestined to develop into. I yearn to possess your penis, within the protective safe haven of my loving body, as your entrance into me will signify, and complete the restoration of my feminine spirit. Please join your body to mine, and accept my total surrender, and unite us as one."

He took me into his arms and began wildly kissing me, stopping long enough to say... "You look and smell so gloriously feminine, and fuck-able. I love how the dress accentuates your smooth body, and shows off your pretty legs. You would make any man proud to call you his woman, and I'm so privileged to be able to call you my woman. You are my perfect ideal of how a feminine spirit should look and act. You have accepted, and adjusted to your new female disposition so gracefully, and seamlessly. It's as if your entire life has been in evolution to prepare you for this moment in time. I feel so grateful to be given the honor to unchain and liberate your entire feminine brilliance that has been held captive deep within you for so long."

The girls took their seats on the picnic table, in lustful anticipation of witnessing the definitive expression of perfect lovemaking. They were excited to observe how their apprentice would respond to their supportive coaching in the fine art of gender transformation. I guess that we must have been making a commotion, because several of the other campers, both men and women, came over to our site, to see what all the fuss was about, and they got quite an eyeful. Our little intimate group had grown from the four girls, and my beloved, to also include six men and their wives. Including my beloved, there were seventeen people that were about to witness my ascent into womanhood.

What they came upon were two people that are deeply in love, expressing their passion for each other, with an extremely romantic kiss. Once again I felt the thrill of excitement, as the realization struck me that we would be the object of their fascination with our very public declaration of love. The thought filled me with exhilaration, at the concept of coming-out on such a grand scale. Not only were both of us proclaiming our complete love, for each other, I was also making it publically known that I thought of myself as a woman and that I wished they would think of me the same way.

The girls started encouraging all of our visitors to relax and make themselves comfortable, as they began sharing their thoughts in relation to what was about to be revealed... "We're all about to witness an astonishing achievement of stunning beauty; that is the birth of a feminine, sensual and sensitive woman. Soon we'll see a dazzling butterfly, as she emerges from her cocoon, spread her wings and soar to heights that she never imagined possible."

All of the onlookers encouraged us to continue our public display of affection, so they could view the unfolding, glorious unification of our bodies and souls. All of them were obviously enamored with my feminine beauty, and my beloved's handsome physique. Couple that with my imminent rebirth into the sensitive feminine being that I was designed to become, and there was no way in hell they were going to miss this incredible event.

I felt another powerful surge of feminine energy scorch through my body, as I once again realized that the spotlight was on me and the world was my stage.

Feeling femininely empowered, I started talking rather naughty, to my beloved, as I began to model the dress, and the body inside the dress... "I picked this dress out for you, for a few really shows off my sexy legs, and I know how much you love my legs. Look how glossy and shapely they are as the twilight reflects, its light, off of them. I bet that you would love to have me on my back, watching my pretty legs part for you. Go ahead and feel my legs. I know you that want to. Glide your hands up my sexy legs, from my ankles to my hips. You like that, don't you?

Do you think my dress is too short? You can almost see my ass, is that all right? Would you like to touch my ass? You have every right to touch me wherever you like, because my legs and ass, and the rest of my body are your most prized possessions, aren't they?

I picked a dress, because I wanted you to have immediate access to my inner being, whenever the desire strikes you. Do you desire me darling? I'm yours for the taking. It's easy to see how much I desire you, because the gateway to my inner sanctuary is dripping wet with my breeding juices. Let me bend over, for you, so you can see how wet you make me.

Remember how delicious I tasted in the van? Remember, in the van, how concerned you were, that I was going to expend all my juices, and leave nothing for you, and I assured you that my inner shelter was producing a continuous flow of my sweet nectar? I'm delighted to say that I didn't lie to you, because as you can see the faucet is on and my appealing, moist opening is inviting you to take pleasure in tasting the genuine essence of my soul. Wouldn't you like to truly taste me right from the source, where the flavor is as fresh and untainted as it can be, rather than from your fingers?"

Well, that was enough to throw him over the top. He grabbed my hips, and lifting me up by the hips, carried me over to the picnic table and gently deposited me on my back, on top of the mattress he laid on the table while I was getting dressed.

And there I was...lying on my back, with all of my admiring onlookers just inches away, on both sides of me, as they were sitting on the benches of the picnic table. I felt so excitingly exposed and vulnerable, but I noticed how all of them were responding positively to my feminine energy, which caused my spirit to soar.

I grabbed my knees, bringing them to my chest, so I could give him full exposure, and easy access to my dripping wet, gaping opening. I wanted him to devour me. I wanted him to feast on the banquet my luscious, feminine secretions that were spread open before him, and taste the very essence of my feminine soul. I wanted him to indulge in his complete and total victory, as I presented my moist gaping entrance, as a scrumptious, gourmet, mouth-watering meal for his discriminating pallet. I wanted to feel his breath on my hole. I wanted to feel his beautiful kisses around the perimeter of my moist opening. I wanted to feel his tongue inside me, as he orally joins his body to mine, making me even more dependant on him, and further deepening our love for each other.

He leaned in; blowing kisses on my hole, causing it to rapidly gap open, and then pucker shut. His soft kisses around the perimeter of my intimate opening, started to make me moan in enchanted delight. He followed that with his tongue circling the ring of my treasured opening, releasing even more feminine passion from deep within my body. His tongue then ever so quickly darted into and out of my moist entrance, causing me to beg him to orally enter me. He placed a hand on each side of my ass, and spreading me open, he was able to open my smooth, moist hole into a perfect circle that look so empty and yearned to be orally loved. His tongue penetrated deep into my estrogen, slick channel, sending electric, lightning bolts of rapture sizzling throughout my body. I delighted in knowing that he was savoring and adoring the flavor and essence of my soul, as it freely flowed onto his tongue and into his mouth. The more his tongue licked, and loved the velvety smooth walls, of my passageway, the more of my feminine juices were created and released from my inner sanctuary. I was producing a tidal wave of liquid, feminine passion, and we both knew that I was ready to be bred.

He stood up, preparing to enter me. I opened my pretty legs to show him my willingness to accept his grand entrance into me. His penis was throbbing with a massive erection, and leaking drops of his clear loving passion on my dress. For a split second, I wanted to lick his nourishing, pure pre-cum, but that would delay what we both really needed, right now; for him to be inside of me. He leaned forward, to kiss me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. His lips were glossy and slippery wet with my female secretions, which tasted divine as they touched my lips. His tongue, which was coated in my estrogen-laden juices, entered my eager mouth.

Hands, many hands, began to gently caress, and stroke my smooth skin all over my body. Words of encouragement began flowing from numerous lips... "Look at how beautiful she is, as she awaits her precious unification." "We can see her body simply radiating with feminine energy, as she entices her man to enter into her." "We should all feel so blessed, to be able to observe her blossom into the lovely woman she was destined to become." "What joy, it is, to witness her regain the feminine persona that was gifted to her at birth." "We're not about to view the de-flowering of her soul, but instead we're privileged to behold her actual flowering, as the man she loves, seeds her body allowing her to bloom into the pure feminized woman, that she urgently desires to become."

The hands continued to softly stroke my velvety smooth body, as all of the male onlookers, began to tenderly kiss my silky-smooth flesh, with an outpouring of positive emotion that could only be conveyed through their gentle, and soft kisses. All of the men were becoming sexually aroused, which I'm sure was due in part to the sweet-smelling fragrance, of my estrogen-laden flow. I smelled like sex, as the perfumed aroma of my breeding juices, simply oozed from my body creating a delicate bouquet of a lustful scent that attracted men to me like flies to honey. I was bathed in men, and I reacted receptively to the six men kissing me, and my beloved's penis touching the entrance to my body, by moaning seductively, and releasing a torrent of my womanly flow. The fragrant order, of my immodest flow, guaranteed that all of my male admirers would continue to worship at the alter, of my silky-smooth body. I absolutely loved being the object of such lustful sexual desire, and I was certain that all of these men wanted to have sex with me and fuck my lights out.

AND, to tell you the truth...I found the idea of having sex with all of these men, to be incredibly exhilarating. The mere thought of sexually pleasing seven men, brought goose pimples to my flesh, and sent my mind soaring into female, sissy heaven. I welcomed all of my male admirers' soft caresses and kisses, as I was transported to a place of uncontaminated, wholesome love.

While the men continued on with their sexy tender kissing all over my feminine body, every one of the women situated themselves around my head. Leaning down, they all began whispering affectionate words, and feminine phrases into my ears, as if they were determined to force their femininity and feminized thoughts into my sub-conscious mind. I was inundated with an onslaught of suggestive words and phrases, which were immediately absorbed into my sub-conscious mind, causing it to voluntary accept, and respond to their willful demands...

"You are pretty - you are sexy - you are sensual - you are feminine - you are a woman - you dress like a woman - you worship cock - you love all men - you need a man to complete you - you love to suck cock - sway your hips when you walk to attract men - you are filled with feminine energy - release your estrogen - feel your female hormones take over your body - you love to be penetrated - wear pink - your breasts are sensitive - you love to kiss men - you want all men to possess you - you love to swallow cum - you are a slut for cock - you are very fuckable - you are not a man - you never were a man - you think like a woman - your cock is your clitoris - you behave like a woman - you have always been a woman - you need to sexually service men - you need to feel a penis inside of you - you dress for men - your ass is now your vagina - you want men to fuck you like a woman - you wear panties - you spread your legs for men - you submit to men - you love it when men kiss you - you adore men - you are effeminate - you let men fondle you - your vagina is pretty - you live for men - you love to kneel before men - men love to cum in your mouth - you are a lady - men give meaning to your life - you love being a woman - you are proud to be a woman - men overpower you - you love a man's hard penis - you love cum - you love the flavor of cum - you love cum in your vagina - men are powerful you are weak - you are a cum dumpster - you surrender to men - you love cum on your face - you love to orgasm like a woman - you are frail - it's your nature to be attracted to men - you love to look alluring to attract men into your body - you love how wet your vagina gets at the thought of strong naked men - you worship men - you think about naked men at all times - you seduce men to fuck you - men want to own you - you are a cocktease - a man's penis is beautiful - you love to offer your body to men - you are a sissy - men love your vagina - you need to be impregnated - you want to carry fresh sperm within your body - you are a soft, pretty, estrogen producing woman - you love to sexually please men - men love to fuck you - men love to cum in you - accept and embrace your femininity - constantly think pretty girly thoughts - persistently think of men - at all times believe that you are a woman - constantly conduct yourself like a woman - continuously saturate your sub- conscious mind with tempting feminine thoughts of your pretty vagina, your breasts, a man's beautiful hard penis, bras, panties, cum, your smooth shapely body, being demure, your pretty legs, sexy short shorts, exfoliating, marriage, your womb, penetration, your need for men to own you, your duty to sexually satisfy men, earrings, being a vixen, impregnation, temptress, dildos, sexy high heels, your curvy body, surrender, your orgasm, feminine clothing, perfume, sexy sleek lingerie, nurturing, your cervix, tank tops, painted nails, lipstick, skirts, pleasing men, your clitoris, manicures, your pussy, pantyhose, eye shadow, jewelry, smoothness, painted nails, mini dresses, becoming a bride, your wet vagina, your womanly flow, waxing, a diamond wedding ring, makeup, bikinis, your uterus, sexy tan lines, estrogen, submission, seduction, lace, bracelets on your wrists ankles and waist, silk, obedience, a pretty hair-do, pedicures, sexy thongs, mascara, acceptance, respect, naked men, cum in your body, cum on your body, cum in your mouth, cum in your hair, bathing in cum, being grateful for his cum, loving cum, worshiping cum, drinking cum..."

Their suggestive words of feminine encouragement continued non-stop, as my sub- conscious mind absorbed them all, causing me to moan and sigh in accepted approval of my feminine destiny. I felt so pretty, feminine, and loved, as the men tenderly kissed my smooth body, and the women persisted with their mesmerizing, hypnotic, suggestive pronouncements. It was almost as if these women would not be satisfied with just my lover making love to me, I was beginning to think that they wanted their husbands to make love to me, as well, at least that was my take-away of all their subliminal words...and quite frankly, I would not be opposed to that idea at all.

I could feel the creation of a very feminine orgasm, coming to life, from deep within the chamber that housed my feminine spirit. At the same moment, another surge of pure estrogen gushed forth from my feminine core, producing a warm, calming feeling of female acceptance, which permeated throughout my entire body. My sub-conscious mind could not be restrained any longer, as it took complete command of my being. It was if the dam had burst wide open with an eruption of feminine thoughts, orgasms, and estrogen, flooding my body and mind with explosive waves of feminine opulence. My transformation, into becoming a woman of everyone's desire, was in full- unhindered development as my estrogen, female thoughts, and orgasms freely roamed all through my body. I was incapable of stopping my biological, and mental revolution, which of course, I had no intention of fighting. My sub-conscious mind was in full control, and had no aspirations of slowing down, until its mission was fully realized. I could feel the establishment of a new way of life forming within the confines of my womb, as my mind deliberately conceived, and willed my feminine self into existence. My assignment was refreshingly effortless, and uncomplicated; simply do nothing and permit my subliminal mind to run wild with its transformative process, which I fully acquiesced to its urgent desires.

The moment of the unification of our bodies and souls had arrived, and not a moment too soon, I might add. My beloved's pre-cum soaked penis, was kissing the entrance to my vagina making my opening even more wet as his pearlescent fluid was joining together with his saliva and my breeding juices, creating a remarkably beautiful fragrant potion of love that was impossible to resist.

The beginnings of the orgasm, which I felt just moments ago, had grown in considerable strength, causing my body to intermittently spasm and jerk in sensual delight. I was starting to lose myself in total feminine splendor, as the soft kissing of my smooth body continued, the mesmerizing hypnotic words persisted, and my lover's penis was touching the entrance to my body. I was experiencing seizure-like spasms of orgasmic wonder, as all of these people worshiped my body and mind, with such tender love. My God, I was in the midst of a major orgasm, and my lover hadn't even entered me yet!

With one smooth, continual movement his penis slowly descended fully and effortlessly into me, and by pausing at full penetration, he allowed both of us to relish, and treasure the grandeur of the moment as our bodies once again combined and joined to each other in pure love. I moaned in approval, of his unification of our bodies, as I kissed and sucked my juices from his tongue.

Several 'members of our audience' reacted approvingly, as to what they just saw, commenting about how wet I was, and what a beautiful and tender moment it was to witness my lover's penis descend fully into my body. They all agreed that it was so right and proper, for our bodies to be joined together, after observing the passion that we have for each other.

It was like getting the seal of approval, after one of the women emotionally said... "It is so touching to watch such heartfelt love express itself in such glorious fashion. I'm so happy, that she is overjoyed to have received her man into her body. She looks so serenely content, with a refined elegance, now that her man has joined his body to her. She has a glowing beauty, which radiates throughout her entire body. Her skin feels even softer, than before, and her moans, of satisfaction are becoming more seductively alluring. There is no question, in my mind, that she is transforming into a beautiful, and very feminine woman right before our very eyes!"

I loved hearing those words, because it validated how I felt, as well. The hands and kisses continued to caress my smooth body, touching and kissing my breasts, my hips, my legs, and my arms. My flesh was tingling with love, and oozing femininity out of every pore, in my body. I felt so much warmth, and unconditional love that I began to weep tears of joy. The pure love, from the people that surrounded me, and from the penis that resided within me was so peacefully serene and femininely wonderful, that my female nucleus released another flood of pure estrogen, into my body, causing my levels to skyrocket.

My beloved's massive, erect, penis was sliding in and out of my velvety smooth channel in a very sexy, slow motion fashion. Again he descended into me with the full rights, of the authority that he commanded.

Fully yielding to him, I offered no resistance what-so-ever to his piercing advances. I entirely opened my body to him, as the moist lining, of my feminine passageway, expanded to accommodate his invading, glorious length. I seized, his magnificent, probing muscle, and drew his body deep into my crevice, reaching an uncharted, exotic region that has yet to be explored and discovered. My estrogen-laden, breeding juices were free flowing, and cascading down his full erection, enveloping his penis with a wet, irrepressible, liquefied potion of unconditional love.

Every single nerve ending, of my smooth, wet canal, was on glorious fire as his penis descended so very deeply into the uncharted mysterious region that housed my feminine spirit, unchaining and releasing a devastatingly colossal orgasm that ravaged my body in epileptic-like fits of convulsions. Wave after wave of orgasmic seizures followed one after the other, until ultimately ascending to an enduring crescendo of permanent orgasmic spasms. I was helpless to stop it, as my body had separated from my mind, and was running wildly free with majestic feelings of orgasmic grandeur. My smooth, demure, feminine body was contradicting its womanly image, as I violently shook in an overwhelming discharge of orgasmic, female release with volcanic like eruptions exploding from the very core my intimate, exotic region.

All of the people were overcome with joy, by witnessing my explosive feminine emancipation, which was packaged in my orgasm. My darling girls were hugging each other, with tears of satisfied elation streaming down their cheeks, as they watched their student realize her goal of fully becoming a woman. Nobody had much to say, as they stared in loving appreciation of how the expressive, liberating freedom, of my orgasm, consumed my entire body.

My beloved's penis continued to increase in length, as the engorged mushroom head passed through my cervical, ring of protection, and touched the very nucleus of my feminine spirit, further multiplying my internal, orgasmic explosions, and putting me into such a frenzied state of being that I was fearful of losing consciousness.

Both of us recognized the unique significance of how his impending gift, into my womb, means to us this time. Prior to now, he had been cultivating the encouragement of my total feminine release, suggesting that I accept and consent to his persuasive requests. I can now wholly admit, with heart-felt, sincere pride that I have completely acquiesced to his AND my desires, which is why this breeding is so special. This will be the first occasion to receive his sperm, deep into my inner being, after my acknowledgement, and encouragement of the obvious truth of my new nature.

Once his seed attaches itself to my feminine core, it will ignite a chain-reaction of consequences that will permanently bond my mind to my new physical, and spiritual nature. I will, at long last, finally be able to purge myself of the last remnants of my cumbersome masculinity, and joyfully ascend into my new utopia of feminine bliss, as my mind and body, will be united as one, in delightful harmony.

Pleading, with him, through short staccato-like breaths, which I'm sure, could be heard throughout the county, I demanded that his penis never stop caressing the very nucleus of my feminine origin. I begged for him to baptize, and inundate the core of my feminine sprit with his powerful living seed, so my transformation will be complete.

Our spectators were beside themselves, with joyful lust, in anticipation of witnessing our sacred union. They also knew, and understood the significance and implication, of my lover's imminent endowment into my feminine nucleus, as it will be the first gifting of his sperm since I demanded that the restoration of my feminine birthright be in command of my soul.

All of our viewers were filled with so much heartfelt sympathetic compassion, concerning my parched, barren womb, that they also began pleading with my beloved to refresh, fertilize, and inhabit me with his life-affirming seed.

One of them began speaking, with the urgency that the circumstances demanded... "Look at how innocently beautiful she is, as her elegant body writhes in orgasmic splendor, in anticipation of her feminine transformation. Please populate her uteral womb, and re-establish her feminized spirit, that was gifted to her, at conception. It is by your authority, and wholly within your grasp to christen her new life, into the fertile, and guiltless woman that she has always yearned to develop into. Please hear and respond to her sincere, and crucial appeal by blessing her, and her womb with your sweet, life-giving nectar that will invigorate, restore and liberate all of her feminine beauty."

I experienced such devoted and affectionate adoration, from our guests that it felt like a warm blanket of pure love, descended upon me, encircling my entire being. All of us; my beloved, our guests, and I were simply overjoyed with the expectation of envisioning the birth, and release, of my feminized soul.

With my beloved's penis still touching the nucleus of my feminine spirit, the blessed moment arrived, as he released a deluge of his potent seminal fluid that entirely engulfed and consecrated my feminine nucleus, which fittingly extinguished all traces of my previous masculinity. He was literally orgasming directly into the chamber that produced my orgasms, which sufficiently and symbolically removed my past life and placed him at the center of my being. His ejaculatory expulsion was immediately absorbed, in its entirety, into the welcoming, exotic confines of the nucleus that housed my feminine origin. This sudden saturation, of my feminine source, was a beneficial nourishing panacea to the undeveloped bud of my female core, causing it to instantly bloom and flourish, and consequently pollinating a new way of life throughout my body.

My orgasm continued to rage, at full throttle, and my body sustained its fierce quaking, as I let out numerous, shrieking squeals, of celebration, that confirmed my acceptance and delight in the circumstances that both of us so earnestly desired. This latest and very generous offering, of his, was a great deal more important and valuable as it sealed my fate, and cast in stone my new destiny, which we both so sincerely pursued.

No one could ever possibly deny that my passage, into the feminine world that I so highly valued, was complete. The masculinity, in my body and soul, has been totally eradicated. My testosterone levels have been reduced to microscopic proportions, making way for a massive influx of feminine estrogen that now safely reigns throughout my entire being. I now feel, love, think, and behave just like a real woman does, because for all practical purposes, I am a real woman, immersed in the glory of total female splendor.

We remained joined together, long after he blessed me with his gift of love, deeply kissing and reiterating our profound love for each other. I could feel his penis decrease in its thickness, but there was no way he could slide out of me, because the entire length, of my inner feminine canal was still in full orgasm mode, clutching firmly to his organ of love. My cervical muscles, which protected the chamber containing my feminine core, were locked, securely, around his mushroom head, and they didn't seem to be ready to relinquish their grip anytime soon. The reason being; the head of his penis was still touching the very center of my feminine core, which unsurprisingly expressed her appreciation by clenching resolutely to her welcomed guest. She absolutely adored the sensation of absorbing his orgasm into her orgasm, and I know for a fact that she didn't want it to ever end. We clung to each other, truly basking in the after-glow, sharing soft, tender kisses, and still coupled together as my feminine canal was unwilling to surrender her most prized possession.

One of the onlookers began talking, as the rest of them nodded in agreement... "We're all so very fortunate to have been given the priceless opportunity to examine, and endorse, one of the most precious and tender achievements, known to all of mankind. We have been blessed with the invaluable privilege of witnessing the unification of two individuals, as their bodies and souls merge into one being. Our lives have become enriched, and replete with feelings of loving compassion, by being a part of this affectionate blending of your souls. Words cannot even come close to expressing the overwhelming joy that we feel; to be awarded the honor of observing the absolute pinnacle of human love, is something that we will treasure for the rest of our days."

Turning to my lover, another audience member began to express his opinion... "We all hope that you realize how fortunate you are to have a woman that adores you so completely, and literally worships the ground you walk on. She has allowed you to transform her entire being into the pretty, innocent, feminine soul that you take pleasure in, and obviously truly cherish. Just look at her beautiful feminine body, as her absolute love for you, continues to pulsate throughout her body. Her orgasm continues unabated, which is a clear indication of her complete surrender, and the unconditional love, that she has for you. You have physically joined yourself, to her body, in a beautifully touching ceremony of pure natural, physical love."

I would love to hear from all of you guys, and girls, and girl-wannabees what you thought about the story, and how you liked it. By getting this far, I can only assume that you enjoyed my story. Let me know if you'd like the story to continue. As you can see, it ended kind of abruptly.

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