Love Hurts More Than I Can Say

By Jerry Chen

Published on Jan 11, 2009


This might include some sexual activities between males. If you're against it or under 18 please leave. I would also love to hear replies and peoples word on my story. You can e-mail me at ""

Love Hurts More Then I Can Say

Hello my name is Jerry Chen. I'm 15 years old 5'8" I have long black hair and chocolate Brown eyes, I have a real light tan which I liked. I'm not really athletic but I do play some sports and I'm toned.

The first day of school

It was my first day in 10th grade. I spent most of my summer with my friends and playing computer games. Me and my little brother Skyler went our different ways when we got to school. It was the first time I'd seen him since last year. His name was Johnson Wong he was 15 years old, 5'9", he looked really hot but he was looking kind of pale he had blond hair and the most beautiful sapphire blue eyes ever. But I found it wrong cause he hated me for some reason and I didn't know why but I sure wanted to know. He was my friend Tommy's bigger brother. Tommy was 14 years old and at least 5'7" he had blond hair too and blue eyes but not as deep as Johnson's they both look slim and athletic they both are defined.

I must have been staring at Johnson because my best friend Anthony Young punched me in my arm and said, "See someone cute?" Anthony was 15 years old and 5'8" he was slim and muscular because he played Basket ball and tennis, we had been friends since we were 6 years old when his parents moved into my neighborhood. He, my friend Jenny Lin, and my family are the only ones that know I'm gay. Jenny Lin was 14 years old and 5'5" skinny and nerdy your typical girl. I blushed and said, "No" He slapped my arm again and said, "Don't lie I can't see you were staring at someone." I said "O.K. O.K. I was looking at Johnson Wong." Anthony stared at me in disbelief and said, "Are you sick or something? I thought you hated him."

"I don't know anymore, he kind of looks hot to me now. I don't know what is going on with me I must be going crazy." I said. Anthony said, "Well lets go get our schedules maybe we'll get the same classes." We went to go get out class schedules and we had the same classes. We decided to look for our friends after we got our schedules so we went to find them. We started to walk to them after Anthony spotted them.

"Hey how was your summer." Said Jenny. "It was fine." me and Anthony both said at the same time we both start laughing. "Hey Jenny want to know something funny and creepy?" "Um.. sure why not." Said Jenny. I hit Anthony's arm and said, "Don't tell her!" He just ignored me and said, "Jerry has a crush on Johnson!" "Not so loud damn it." I hissed. Jenny gasped and stared at him in disbelief and said, "Are you friggen Bsing me?"

Anthony said, "Nope" I put my head in my hands. "Aww come on Jerry don't be that way I was just filling her in!" "OK OK so what classes did you get Jenny." I asked "I got Ms. Bee for homeroom." "Wow we got the same classes." I said and we all laughed. The first bell rang and we all headed too class we sat down in the same table and started talking. That's when I saw Johnson walk in.

I must have not heard Anthony cause he hit me. "Ow! What was that for?" I yelped. That was for not paying attention. Then he looked in to the direction of where I was looking at and so did Jenny. Their faces didn't looked pleased but when Johnson look this way he kind of frowned and looked away.

The bell rang for first period which was P.E., since we had the same homeroom that means every class we had was the same I didn't look forward to this year with Johnson in my class. The first few days of P.E. were always fun cause we didn't have to exercise or do anything until we got our lockers and things sorted out.

After school I went home with my little brother Skyler. We were talking about our first day at school. My little brother Skyler is real cute. Long Black hair and Brown eyes like me but not as brown as mines. He was also gay, and we were both out to our parents but they still love us the same. We told each other first when he saw me looking at gay porn. Then we told our parents together. We were so relieved when they accepted us. My parents said they knew we were gay I said how and they told me that I'm over a little on the feminate side. I blushed and Skyler laughed. Ever since then we were able to talk about me and Skyler's relationships and the guys we like to our parents.

Over the courses of the next few days we got settled and we got our lockers. We had to start changing and showering after class. I was changing and talking to Anthony cause we had out lockers next to each other but I was not happy cause Johnson's locker was on the opposite side of mine. After P.E. I went to go take a shower everyone left Anthony said he would wait for me outside the locker room. I saw Johnson showering I tried to ignore him and go shower but I couldn't help but glance over at him and his package from time to time his soft cock was at least 4inches but when I was looking I saw him glancing at me too and my 4 ½ soft cock!

I ignored it and continued showering I heard his shower turn off and heard him walking. The strange thing was he wasn't walking away it sounded like he was walking to me. I turned and saw his next to me. He said, "Um... hey Jerry how has it been going?" I looked at him in disbelief and said, "I'm fine." "Um... c-c-an w-we talk?" He said stuttering. "I don't think it's a good idea." I said. "Why not?" "I..." I was cut off when he kissed me right on my lips! I looked at him like he was crazy. "I thought you hated me!" I said. "Um... well I uh... Didn't hate you, I just had a crush on you and didn't want to admit I'm gay." He said. I was dumfounded and lost for words. "Tommy helped me get through it and my parents accepted me." He said. Before I could say anything he kissed me again and said, "Um... W-w-would you l-like to um... go o-out with me tonight?" He looked at me with his beautiful sapphire blue eyes. I was lost in them for a while I didn't know until he snapped his fingers and asked me what did I think about it. "Sure I guess." I said. He jumped up and down like a little 7 year old I couldn't help but laugh. He kissed me again and we made out for a while and we both got hard from kissing and grinded into each other and then realized we only had one more minute to change! We stopped and he said "I'll pick you up at 7:30pm I just need your address." I gave him my address and he kissed me again and we both went to get dressed.

Anthony's POV

I didn't see Jerry come out of the locker room for a while I was worried with him and Johnson in there alone it was almost time to go to second period. So I went in to check on him but boy was I in for a shock! I never thought in a million years that Johnson would kiss Jerry. I saw them kiss and grind into each other then went to go change I got really mad! I had always had a crush on Jerry since I was 10 and I was going to tell him this Saturday when I was going to go to his house.

I couldn't believe it and I got so pissed I stormed out and went to class... I thought to my self I'm going to have to do something about Johnson I can't let him take Jerry away from me!

To be continued...

Thanks for reading my story! I would really love to read e-mails from you if you have read my story this is my first time! Please e-mail me at ""

Next: Chapter 2

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