Love Hurts More Than I Can Say

By Jerry Chen

Published on Jan 20, 2009


This might include some sexual activities between males. If you're against it or under 18 please leave. I would also love to hear replies and peoples word on my story. You can e-mail me at ""

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter posted my keyboard wouldn't type so I had to get a new one. : P

Chapter 2 Friends Interfere and Love Strikes

Anthony's POV

I pondered around thinking how I can make Johnson go away so I can be with Jerry. He was meant to be mines and will always be. He thought that maybe I could make Jerry choose between us and if he chooses Johnson then I have to do something to get Johnson out of the picture.


Johnson's POV

Omg I never thought that it would be time. I looked at myself in the mirror once again I hope I look good. Johnson's parents were in the living room as Johnson walked in. "Where are you going son." Johnson's dad Thomas asked. "Maybes he's on a date." Laughed Susie Johnson's mom. Johnson blushed red like a tomato. "Um... well yeah I kind of am." I spoke nervously. He knew his parents were going to mess with him about it. "What's the boys name?" His father asked. "Jerry Chen... he's so dreamy." I replied. Then I blushed scarlet red. "Oh my god my baby boy has a crush!" his mom squealed.

At that moment Johnson's brother Tommy walked in. "Hey big bro going on a date? Who you going with?" His little brother asked. "A boy named Jerry Chen." His father said. Tommy's eyes suddenly opened wide and then he recomposed himself and said "Wow big bro congrats." Johnson thought it was kind of weird but he didn't have time to think he had to get going. "Well I'm gonna go now so see ya." He said to his parents. "Don't stay out to late!" his mom said. "Do you have protection?" His father yelled after which caused everyone to laugh except Johnson who blushed a bright red. "Dad I ain't gonna have sex... My god." He said embarresed.

"Just making sure have fun." His dad said after. Johnson took the bus to Jerry's house. He was almost there.

10min before Johnson got to Jerry's House

Omg omg he's gonna be here any moment! Jerry thought. He was pacing back and forth in his living room. "Oh my god Jerry sit you butt down he's gonna be here soon." His mother Alice said. "Yeah son don't be so nervous." His father Nicholas said. At this moment his little brother Skylar walked in. "Well well well who are you thinking about that's got your panties in a bunch." Laughed Skylar which made his parents laugh too. Jerry blushed at least 6 shades of red right then. "He's gonna go out with Johnson Wong." His father said. Skylar looked at Jerry as if he was crazy. "I thought you guys didn't like each other or something?" He asked confused. "Nah it was just a misunderstanding." I replied.

"Knock Knock" "Ohhhh guess your boyfriends here." Teased Skylar. "Remember to tell me the details." Skylar said. "Yeah and be careful!" His mother said. "Whatever!" I yelled as I went to the door. "Wait!" My father yelled. He came up to me and gave me 100$ and said be careful son. Oh did I mention that was family was in the wealthy zone it was good but I wasn't gonna tell Johnson until we were really in love and I could trust him not to be a gold digger. But I didn't think he was but I wanted to make sure.

Johnson's POV

I was at his door and heard some people talking. So I waited a minute or two before knocking. The door opened in a few minutes and there Jerry stood so sexy I wanted to jump his bone right there. But I didn't instead I just kissed him and he kissed me back. "Wow that was nice" Jerry said. "Why thanks now lets go to the movies!" My voice kind of high pitched. I must be too hyper or rather really happy that I'm actually on a DATE with the guy I loved since last year in freshmen year.

We got off the bus and arrived in the movie theaters in a while after we left Jerry's house. We walked in the movie and didn't know what to watch. "What do you feel like watching babe?" I asked while holding his hand.

"Well I don't know anything you want." He replied. Hmm I thought maybe I could get him to watch a scary movie and see what his reaction is.

"How about a scary movie?" I asked. His eyes went wide for a moment I got really scared when his eyes got wide. But they returned to normal and I relaxed a little. "Sure." He replied. I wonder why my proposal to watch a scary movie made him scared.

Jerry's POV

I was always scared of scary movies I didn't even like them. I bet Johnson is gonna think I'm a wuss when we watch it. But I wanted to go watch if he was gonna go watch and besides he'd be with me the whole time right?

"Good." He said. So we went up to pay for the tickets. I was taking out my money when Johnson was trying to pay for my ticket. I blocked his hand and said we're paying for our own tickets.

I didn't want him to spend his money on me espically when I had my own money. I didn't like the thought of him spending money on me when I can't buy him something back.

But his insisted and handed the money over I was kind of mad he did that when I said I would pay for my own ticket. We got our tickets and I tried to stuff the money into his pocket but he wouldn't take it and just shoved it back in my pocket.

I thought maybe we could go eat after and I would pay for that. I just went to buy a large size popcorn. After that we went into the auditorium where our movie was. We went to sit in the back where there was no one. I put the popcorn in the middle of us.

Soon the previews started going on and I was bored and right then my hand and Johnson's hand touched in the popcorn bowl (kind of like most cheesy flicks huh?). We looked at each other and started kissing. I got really hard and I could see Johnson's hard too. From what I saw it was a very promising bulge.

I reached my hand down and started rubbing his hard cock. It was kind of hot doing this in the theaters. I got down in between Johnson's legs he looked at me surprised and whispered "What if we get caught." I just gave him a evil looked and whispered back "Its kind of hot doing this here don't you think?" I asked as I rubbed him.

He was giving really low moans. And since we were far away from other people they couldn't hear.

So I unzipped Johnson's jeans and pulled his boxers off. His boxers were kind of cute they had little pokemon pictures on them. He was helpful he lifted his butt off the seat as I pulled his boxers off.

I was surprised as his beautiful 6 and a-half inches of uncut beauty slapped me in my face. It was kind of thick and was leaking a little precum. I licked off the precum and Johnson gave a little moan.

I thought it was funny he had to suppress his moans. I was sucking his cock in my mouth and I had about 3 inches or his cock in my mouth. This was my first time but I wanted to try going downer.

I watched porn and learned how to open my throat a little so I tried it. I didn't notice I had his whole cock into my mouth until I smelled some dove soap fragrance from his pubic bush.

Johnson's POV

Omg I never thought Jerry would be sucking my cock on our first date. It felt soo good that I wanted to moan so loud but I remembered we were in the theaters. I started stroking his hair and then I looked up at the screen they were still playing the commercials and pre-views.

My god Jerry was making me feel really good I couldn't believe it. I had a familiar feeling that I was gonna blast a load of cum. "Jerry babe get off I'm about to cum!" I said in a whisper.

He just kept sucking harder and faster. I felt like I died and gone to heaven it was soo good!

I felt my balls tighten and I muffle a moan. Finally I blasted my load into Jerry's mouth.

Jerry's POV

Omg Johnson was cumming into my mouth I loved it. It was like a torrent of it string after string of hot warm cum.

After I got it all I got up and kissed Johnson and shared his load with him. It was hot. After that he was panting and while he was panting I helped him stuff his beautiful cock back into his pants.

I loved it. Man I wanted to suck on it some more but I sat back on my seat instead. And wait the previews were over.

The movie started and Johnson's panting returned back to normal. OMG the movie was getting scarier as it went on there was this guy chasing these people with a chain saw I got so scared I put my hands on my ear and ducking my head into Johnson's lap.

Johnson's POV

Omg omg omg Jerry had his head on my crotch was he gonna suck it again? Then I noticed he was shaking I started to rub his back which didn't seem to work. He seem to still be shaking after a minute or two he stood up and ran to the door. I got up and followed him to see if he was ok.

I went outside and saw him sitting down and shaking a little I went up to and asked if he was ok. "Omg I don't wanna see anymore scary movies they are to horrifying." I decided that I shouldn't choose then anymore if they were gonna make them unhappy but I thought it was kind of good for a scary movie.

So I said "You wanna go eat instead?" He looked up and said sure. So we left and went down the block to this Italian place.

We sat down in a booth that looked a little private. He order a chicken salad and then spaghetti. I order a salad too seeing him eat one and then I order pasta it was almost the same things right?

We were eating and getting to know each other. It was nice I was really falling for Jerry.

Jerry's POV

I sat down at the booth and order my food and so did Johnson. I really learned a lot about him and I wondered if he learned anything about me too. But I know he did. Man I was really starting to love Johnson.

He wasn't just sexy but he was sweet and caring. Makes up for all the time he was being mean to me last year.

"Hey Johnson remember last year when you were so mean to me.." He almost chocked on his pasta as he looked at me worried about what I was gonna say. I just had to laugh and then I continued. "Well now since I gotten to know you I know that you are funny, sexy, caring, and real sweet." He looked relieved after I said that and smiled and blushed at least 8 shades of red.

We were eating and talking about our friends and family and our past it was fun getting to know him. I really liked the time I was having with him.

Johnson's POV

I was really scared Jerry didn't like me and wanted to break things up with me when he started talking about last year when I was mean to him. But it turned out good and I was blushing about what he said about me.

"Well your still as sweet and sexy as always. Last when you said why was I staring at you. I was but it was because you were sexy as hell. I would have jumped your bone in class if I could I had been have hardons thinking about you and I have been whacking off to you" I admitted and blushed.

He started to laugh and I felt a little embarrassed and hurt the he would laugh at me for being honest. "Wow I never would have thought that's why. Don't misunderstand I'm not laughing at you for jacking off to me. I have been jacking off to you too." He said. Then he started to blush a light pink. Then he continued, "I have been watching you too and I really did like you just didn't like your additude."

I started feeling bad again. "Well don't worry about it now I love you and that's all that matters to me now." He said. I was stunned. He LOVED me??? Wow that was big news to me. I felt so warm and happy inside I couldn't believe it. "Well I love you too and I have a question. Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" I didn't want to look at him what if he only loved be but rejects me. "Yes!" He sqeauled.

I snapped my head into his direction. "Omg you don't know how happy you made me!" I lean over and kissed him on the cheeks.

We finished out food and I reached for the bill but Jerry snatched it before I could. He was holding it up and waving it back and forth and smiling saying "Too bad you paid for the tickets I'm gonna pay for this." He said. "No its more expensive then the tickets let me pay for it after all I asked you out onto the date!" I protested. He just kept waving the bill and said "Too bad too sad." And then he started to laugh.

I couldn't help but laugh too. Then I saw him pull out his wallet. I looked at his wallet with wide eyes! He had a lot of money! Not that I was greedy but I was worried why did Jerry bring this much money. After the waiter left I asked "Why did you bring so much money!" He said. " Well to be honest and I don't ever want to lie to you and I hope you don't to me either... but my parents are in the wealthy kind of zone." At what he said I felt kind of unhappy.

My parents weren't that wealthy I wonder how can I compare to him. "Um... Jerry I don't want to lie either but I'm not really that wealthy my family is kind of poor but we get by." I said. I didn't want to look at him he must think I am a poor greedy gold digger.

He said "Well not everyone can be rich right? And don't worry I can see it in your eyes you think your not good enough for me but that's not true. I don't care about your social status or your wealth I love you for who your are and don't you forget it and don't think that you aren't good enough for me I don't ever want you to say or think about that anymore ok?" I was shocked at what he said. I guess that's what makes me like him so much.

He loves me and not for my status I just can't help but love him. "Thanks." I said feeling like I was gonna cry.

We left and walked around the park. We were talking about our likes and dislikes it was funny hearing him talk. His voice was so prefect like it was from an angel. We at least he was my angel.

I was thinking about the blowjob he gave me and I couldn't stand it anymore I pulled him behind some bushed and trees.

"What are you doing?" He said. "I want to repay you for that blowjob." I said as I started to unzip his pants and pull his boxers and pants down. His boxers looked normal like a kids should be mines still had pictures on them. I liked them but also I had them for along time.

"I like your boxers." I commented. "They are like normal and mines has pictures for little kids and they are old I had them for like 3 years now." I continued feeling poor. And also I regretted it. It makes me sound like I want new ones and wanted him to buy them for me. I felt bad.

"Well I like them they look cute!" He said. I was surprised I thought he would yell at me for trying to be greedy but I remembered that's not who he is and he likes them like I do. That was good enough for me I pulled his boxers down and saw his 7 and a-half inch cock it looked soo nice and uncut. It was leaking precum.

Just looking at it made me instantly rock hard. I licked the head of his cock and took it into my mouth. And swirled his cock head around my mouth. I loved it his precum was kind of salty and sweet. I went further down and thanks to porn watching I learned how to deep throat.

So I tried it and it felt good in my mouth like it belonged there I could suck on it all day and night! I started massaging his balls they felt like golf balls and they were smooth he didn't even have any pubic hair I would have to ask him about that later but back to the task.

I heard him moaning which was a good sign and he starting rocking his hips back and forth it was sliding in and out and I love the taste of his precum and he was face fucking me I started rubbing his balls a little faster. I felt his balls tighten in my hands and he bucked his hips and started cumming it was soo sweet. Volley of cum started shooting in my mouth and too the back of my throat there was soo much it was like a tsunami and it was tasty I was drinking it all and it was soo good but there was a lot I almost starting gagging.

Good thing I didn't I didn't want him to worry and I wanted him to feel good. Volley after volley of cum splattered into my mouth then little strings of cum went into my mouth and it the rest dribbled out. His cock must have been to sensitive cause he hastily yanked his cock back.

I started stroking his cock trying to get the rest of the cum out. I licked what came out and every time I licked the head of his cock he would gasp and shudder. He must have gotten a little weak cause he started to fall on me I helped him up and rest a little. Soon after a little break he pulled up his pants and we started walking to the bus.

It was a good date I thought o myself I love spending time with Jerry. He was such a nice person. I took him home and then walked him to the door I kissed him good night and turned around. He said "Goodnight." and went inside. I couldn't help but smile on my way home.

To Be Continued...

Thanks for reading my story! I would really love to read e-mails from you if you have read my story this is my first time! Please e-mail me at ""

Next: Chapter 3

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