Love Muscles

By moc.emani@jzck

Published on Jun 1, 2001


Author's notes and disclaimer: The author wishes to thank Nifty readers for thr kind words and uniformly positive feedback received. Any e-mails and critiques/suggestions are welcomed. This series is meant not as a work of art (I should be so presumptuous) but purely as an avenue of enjoyment for myself and the readers. Any suggestions for plot lines or situations you might like to see the characters get involved in are welcome and will be taken under consideration (no promises). The present chapter is dedicated to Ryan C., whose enthusiastic encouragement is much appreciated and who wanted to see this plot line.

The following is a fantasy, meant only for the eyes of those who are of legal age. Any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. It depicts actions which the author does NOT condone, PARTICULARLY in this day of renewed increase in HIV infection rates. Play safely, folks, for yourselves AND your loved ones.

V. Forcing Fred

Friday evening rolled around...although everybody looks forward to Fridays, mine were always busy as hell. Winding up the work week, getting those last-minute things out so (hopefully) I didn't have to come into the office over the weekend. On top of that, the gym closed at nine, which meant I either had to have a quick sandwich or something right after work, wait until after the workout (at which point I would be ravenous) or bag working out altogether. Often it was the last option, but I liked to hit it on Fridays, especially since it was fun to go out clubbing afterwards all pumped up. When you're over 30 and get looks from jockstuds like a hungry dog looking like a pork chop, it makes you proud as well as bone up yourself. But if I did ALL that, I'd be pretty worn out by the time I got my horndog ass home. And if I tricked on top of it...well, let's just say that Saturdays were usually for chillin'.

Well, it had been a tough week, and although I had enjoyed my little escapade with Jacob and Tirrell, I was missing Richard more than I wanted to admit, especially to myself. 'Damn,' I mused. 'Here I've gotten myself into a lot more than I bargained for. How could a piece of ass have such a pull on a hedonistic hellraiser like me?' I shrugged it off, deciding not to worry about it for the present. I'd have to have a talk with Richard when he got back, tho. The idea of sincerely considering a serious relationship was one which I had never contemplated. I decided that I needed to pump some iron whether or not I went out, just to relieve the stress. I grabbed a Subway turkey breast sandwich on my way home, chewing on it absently as I drove, absorbed in thought. It's a wonder as preoccupied as I was that I didn't have an it was, between eating and daydreaming, I ran a red light. Fortunately, the car coming from the opposite direction was able to stop in time, the driver redfaced and flipping me off. Smartass that I am, I blew her a kiss, but I was embarrassed and concentrated on what I was doing until I pulled into my driveway.

Sitting in the driveway, I finished my sandwich, and then hopped into the house to change for the gym. Fishing the mail out of the box, the first thing that caught my eye was a postcard, from a military base. Richard! Damn. My cock began to swell in fond remembrance as I turned it around...

"Yo, man," he had scrawled. "Bored as hell here. Hard to take marksman training without you here to show me how to hit the target. See ya soon. Richard (B.S.)"

I chuckled at the initials, dropping my pants and stroking my ram as I recalled the delights of his spicy cave. Butt Stuff. You fuckin' BET. I got my jock and gym shorts on over my boner, and crawled back in the car, heading for the gym. Shit. Couldn't wait till he brought that amazing studcunt back. I sighed and raced to my destination, brazenly flouting the speed limit in a burst of frustrated testosterone and adrenaline...

As I walked into the place, my mood immediately darkened even more by seeing who was behind the counter. Fred. Fuck. Here I was already pissed off at the world, and now I had to put up with THAT asshole on top of it...

Fred had only been working at the gym for a few weeks and I had already learned to dislike him. He was a sophomore at the local university, and from the way he preened and posed and the thin-lipped narrow-eyed sneer he perpetually had on his face you could tell he thought his shit didn't stink. Drove a cheap underpowered "sports car" (but hey, it was uncomfortably cramped and low to the ground and had a 5-speed, no effective mufflers, and a rag top, and that's all that matters, right?). Obviously thought of himself as the poor man's James Dean when in fact he was everybody's Fred the Weenie...

This is not to say that Fred was hard to look at. Although he wasn't exactly what you'd call athletic (for example, he'd sneak a smoke every time he thought nobody was paying attention) he DID pump enough iron to delude himself into thinking he was built. And he did have a fairly pleasing shape on him, at least from the waist up. He was all biceps and shoulders and pecs, but at 5' 10" or so, he was lucky if he weighed 150. Even when you saw him pumpin' around the gym, he never wore anything but sweats or baggy cargo pants, a dead giveaway that any meat on his bones was upper body. Problem for him was that it also hid his basket (providing he had anything to hide). But I had to hand it to him...he was a clothes horse. A fair number of libidos were stoked by watching him strut into the place wearing such things as a sleeveless crewneck suede t-shirt, his arms and shoulders proudly on display as the soft material hugged his frame lovingly.

As for his face, it was also kind of the model/pretty-boy type: not exceptional, but not unpleasing, either. He had a strong jawline and smooth skin over a slightly aquiline nose. His eyes were well-spaced and light blue, but he wore his rather pretty light brown hair in a cut which did not flatter it. For all his affectations, it rather looked like someone had cut it by putting a bowl over his head, and to make matters worse, he was fond of wearing a visor which bunched his hair up and then allowed it to spill out of the top and flop all around. And if THAT weren't bad enough, he had the unfortunate habit of jerking his head nervously in random patterns as he spoke, which reminded me of nothing so much as the topknot on a rooster. In fact, I had seen him in animated conversation where the analogy struck me as so funny I had to stop what I was doing and catch my breath from laughing. SUPER CHICKEN!

Well, this night, Ol' Fred-tha-pill was in rare form. From the minute I walked into the place, you could feel the tension. A large middle-aged black woman walked up to the desk to ask a question, and after a thirty second repartee with His Poultriness she retreated, wounded to the core and fighting back tears. I continued on my circuit, pissed at the little scoundrel but determined to let it ride. Suddenly and unexpectedly I found myself at the abdominal crunch machine at the same instant as...the hefty black lady. I smiled and stepped back a pace.

"After you."

"Oh, no. Please don't let me get in your way," she blurted out, eyes averted. "I'm just here to try to get into shape. I don't have any right to get in the way of you serious athletes." She tucked her head in a way that made me wonder just what that bigoted shit had said to her. I leaned over to her, whispering in her ear conspiratorially. "You pay your money to use this place just like the rest of us, and whatever that fool had to say to you, you're as good as anybody here." She brightened considerably as I straightened up and continued. "Now get your ass on this crunch machine and work it for all you're worth, sister." She flashed me a brilliant smile, exhaling in relief and winking at me as she began to work her abs. I was right there, yelling encouragement as she did forty, fifty, SIXTY reps!! I applauded raucously, whooping and cheering, to the amusement of the surrounding patrons. My pupil dismounted her apparatus with a little curtsey, beaming and blowing me kisses. I laughed and waved, moving on to my next exercise...

At this point Fred grabbed the microphone for the intercom system. "Attention members. The gym will be closing in thirty minutes. Please plan your workouts and showers accordingly." I looked at my watch. On top of everything else, the bastard was shaving ten minutes off the operating hours. Well, I was gonna finish my workout, and he could SUCK IT UP. I had had all the aggravation I intended to put up with for one day...

As time moved along, he became more and more obnoxious in announcing the impending closing of the place. "Twenty minutes...Fifteen minutes...Ten minutes..."

I passed one of roosterboy's friends as one of these pronouncements was coming over the speakers. "Hey, Justin. Who licked the stripe off that clown's candy cane tonight?"

"Aww, man. He's got a heavy date, and he's antsy to get out of here. Him and his girlfriend have been having problems lately, and I guess he wants to get over to her house ASAP to keep her happy."

I recognized that he knew what he was talking hadn't been more than a week since Fred and his coed had had a loud drunken pissing match in the parking lot outside the place one night, he screaming deprecations about her infidelities and she haughtily enumerating his shortcomings and callous inattention to her "needs". All complete with friends on each side trying to defuse the situation. Typical adolescent garbage. I nodded, snorting and stomping off.

Well, the immature goober succeeded in intimidating everybody else out of the place by fifteen 'til (or five 'til Dork Standard Time). Apparently he did a quick scan of the place and seeing nobody, locked the front door and hurried off to shower for his date.

Only problem WAS, he didn't bother to announce he was closing. And when he locked the doors, I was taking a piss in the upstairs bathroom...

So here we were, Fred primping downstairs and me doing lat pulldowns. I got in four good sets, and was starting to unwind. Suddenly I noticed the place was deserted. Didn't even see Fred. Oh, well, one more set of ab crunches. What's he gonna do, throw me out? I finished, picking up my bag to leave, and pulled the door. Locked! What the hell? Well, then, I'll just take a quick shower...I could hear water running anyway.

I entered into the locker room, to find Fred with a towel wrapped around his waist, splashing the last remnants of shaving cream from his face. He spun around to confront me, his eyes widening in recognition and his countenance contorting into a mask of rage...

"YOU!" he yelled, fists and jaw clenching simultaneously in fury. "What the HELL are YOU still doing here, you lardass old QUEER??"

"What did you just say to me, you ridiculous excuse for a male??" I snarled back. "This whole situation is YOUR fault, asshole. YOU locked ME in. And where do you get off talking to a patron that way?"

He leaned back against the sink, his visage assuming its characteristic sneer. I looked him over. His chest and shoulders were smooth and well- formed, but his legs were stick-thin. Typical. Now I knew why he hid them behind those baggies he always wore... He followed my eyes, and his smirk broadened. "Lois told me about that faggy shit you and Richard have been into. Even showed me that dildo he bought for her. What a sick bastard."

"Let me tell you about 'faggy shit', my friend," I hissed, moving up to the front of the row of lockers and effectively cutting off his avenue of escape. "Richard is more of a man than you'll ever be, and more of a fuck than you'll ever have. And as for YOUR puny ass, I understand why they call BOYS like you CHICKEN. You need to carry a gun around with you, because if you fell and broke one of those drumsticks, you'd have to shoot yourself." He reddened. "I fucked a sixteen-year-old kid the other day who was more of a man than YOUR feeble tail is with my DICK up his ass. I can understand why your girlfriend ain't too keen on prolly ain't even got enough oomph to keep it goin' in and out."

One thing I hadn't counted on...the bastard WAS fast. Before I barely had time to react, he threw a punch directed at my nose, but as I managed to feint a bit it caught me full in the lower lip instead, splitting it. He watched in rising trepidation as I sucked a mouthful of blood and spat it on the floor, shaking my head and growling in fury...

I waded into his space, hardly noticing the punch he threw at me that I caught in midair, crushing his fist in the grip of my left hand as he whimpered in pain. My right paw was free, and like a bear I wound up and bitch-slapped him with an anger born of my contempt for the disrespect he showed for others. He went flying, landing on his ass, his towel pulling loose and leaving him in the altogether. His tan lines were prominent, a strip of creamy whiteness breaking the bronze of what was obviously a lot of beach time. I had to hand it to the prick...he DID have a prick. In fact, he looked to be hung even better than I was, and I'm no slouch. He shook his head, trying to clear his senses, but it was too late. I grabbed a handful of his hair, twisting his head violently as I locked it under my arm, torquing down until he screamed with pain...

"SHIT!! Get off me you bastard!" he yelped as I yanked him half to his feet, half dragging him over to the nearest bench. I pulled him over my lap as he jerked and struggled, trying to free his head. I pinned his legs between my thigh and the end of the bench, twisting his head again as I studied the curve of his upturned ass...

"Let me tell you how it's gonna be, fool," I spat, tightening my grip. "You just stop your crap and take your medicine like the man you AIN'T from a LARDASS OLD QUEER. Or I'll be happy to snap your sickly little neck for ya." I tightened down even more for emphasis.

"O-okay, man, okay." he whimpered. "Just calm down, willya? I'm sorry I hit ya. Just let me up and we can talk about this. I...auugh!!" He cried out as I clamped down on him, coiling like a watch spring and unloading on his rear with a SPANK! that had as much force as I could bring to bear. He jerked violently as I thrashed his posterior with blow after blow, listening to him whine and plead in a way that made me believe that if someone had done this to him when he was a younger brat it really could have made a difference in his worldview. But I really wasn't in it to try to change him, other than to impress upon him that if he acted like a shit, he'd better be ready to deal with the consequences...

Now, here's the thing. I'm not into S&M, or B&D, or inflicting pain for its own sake. But as I watched his white ass redden surrounded by the tan skin, and his taut cheeks flex and dimple and tighten as I paddled him, I began to appreciate the sight. And having my way with his macho piggy back end wasn't givin' me the blues, either. I could feel the heat radiating thru his body from his blistered rump as he began sweating like a cheese. And something else?

Well fuck me if homey's big ol' cock wasn't beginning to stiffen against my lap! I leered at him and grasped a big handful of cheek, kneading it roughly as he gasped with sensation, the crude impromptu massage sending sparks into his groin and sawing his rapidly stiffening cock against my thigh. The feel of a big hot dick against me had an easily predictable effect, and my own libido began to rise...

I slid my hand lasciviously over his small (but firm and shapely) buns, pulling him back and forth and causing his big ram to rub against my thigh even more as I pushed up into it to increase the friction. He gasped as his cockhead bumped against mine, still encased in my workout shorts. Cram jerked like the heat seeking missile he is, and suddenly I began to wonder how far this would go...

By this time, he was moaning...but it was ambivalent. He wasn't comfortable by any stretch of the imagination, but the fact that he was deeply roused was readily apparent. I got a wicked idea. Sticking my middle finger into my mouth, I got it nice and wet. He groaned as I stopped massaging his sensitized asscheeks, but jumped involuntarily as he felt my slickened finger split his crack and come to rest against his pucker. He howled with anger as I slipped my digit into his canal, clamping down on him again as I probed for the key...

I've never heard a more strangled, startled cry in my life as when I found Fred's prostate. He began to cuss me a blue streak, the stoking of his libido by the violation of his bowels sending his brain awhirl with horror...and yet he ground his massive stiff tool into my lap. Suddenly we heard the telephone ringing. Susie Squeezebox, looking for Freddie Fucktool. I held him until the phone stopped ringing. and then suddenly, without warning, I released him, letting him collapse to the floor.

I looked at him levelly. "Your ass is virgin, ain't it, dude?"

He looked around, apprising his options. Naked, with a hardon, in a locked building with a guy, it just didn't seem that he had much leeway. Even a rocket scientist like this one ought to be able to figure that one out...

His eyes narrowed. "So what the hell do you want outta me?"

My hand snaked out, grabbing a handful of his hair again and yanking his head back to look me in the eyes. "Well," I chewed laconically, sinking to my knees between his thighs, "since you decided to fuck with ME, I guess the thing to do is fuck with YOU."

I studied his face with an ugly grin on mine as it sank in. He suddenly decided to try defiant bravado. "You back off, man, or I'll report you."

I snorted. "And what are you gonna tell 'em, Freddypoo? That big butch manly man Freddycake got a big ol' honkin' stiffy from gettin' his ass paddled by a LARDASS OLD QUEER??" I spat the last three words, slowly and at the top of my lungs. I grabbed his boner. "And it's still hard, too, boy. Guess your DICK doesn't mind this so much, does he? Let's see if your ass wants to play, too." He shuddered as I stroked his magnificent column of cockmeat. "You take it like a man, and MAYBE, just maybe, I'll suck this thing for you after Cram here busts your cherry." I grabbed my crotch, hefting my basket lovingly for him to see.

I moved between him and his avenue of escape to shuck my own clothes...I wasn't gonna chase his ass all over the gym all night. I dropped my shorts and jock and stepped out of them, stroking my blood-heavy shaft as his eyes bulged. "Shit, man! I can't take that! you're too fukkin' BIG!!"

I hooked an arm around his waist, snatching him off the floor and carrying him into the shower like a piece of furniture. I pushed him into one of the cubicles on his feet, face against the wall, and turned the water on...

"YEEOW! Fuck, that's cold!" he yelped as the first spray hit him..."Don't worry, bitch, I got just the thing to warm your ass up, right here," I retorted, ramming against his buttcheek with the point of my spear. "Hardee har HAR," he said sarcastically. "Yer a reeeal comedian."

I chuckled and pinned him against the wall, biting his earlobe and filling my hand with liquid soap from the dispenser. the water had warmed up and he unwound a little, shrinking in resignation to his fate. I added a little water to the soap in my hand and then tipped the whole gooey handful against the dimple at the base of his back, pulling his asscheek aside so it could run down his crack, filling it with slippery wetness. Grabbing one of his skinny thighs, I pulled his legs apart, positioning Cram with the other and saddling up against his cherry sphincter. Cram was drooling...he LOVES cherries, especially straighboy jerk cherries like this one...

I teased his hole with the tip of my dick, and told him "if you don't want this to hurt, I suggest you try to relax."

"Easy for you to say, nobody's about to shove their dick up your ass," he muttered.

"Aw, c'mon, you wuss," I chided. Your girlfriend takes YOU, and you're bigger than I am." I pushed forward, relentlessly driving my big thick cock into his arrogant ass. He howled at the uncomfortable expansion of his rectum as I boned him to the pubes and held it there a minute. His tight butthole felt awesome around my dick, and I relished the sensations, pulling him back against me and holding him by his studly pecs. Fred was panting and groaning at the first stuffing of his virgin tail...

Finally neither of us could stand it any more. "Just fuck me already!" he grunted. As if I needed encouragement. I began a steady pistoning of my dick in and out of him. He groaned a lot but would not give me the satisfaction of telling me it felt good. I knew it did though: his massive dick was rock-hard and leaking and his body was responding to what I was doing to it without his consent.

"Yeah, tailhole," I murmured into his ear, porking his clutching slick colon as I slid my hands around his tight torso possessively, "I knew you'd enjoy it. Cram's never been up an ass that didn't like him. You're a hot fuck, for a SKINNY CHICKEN BREEDER." I punctuated the last statement by SLAMMING it up him as hard as I could, raising him on tiptoe with the savagery of my thrusts. He moaned, his dick pulsing as I used him brutally...

Both of us were really turned on and it was not long before I felt his ass clamp down on my dick as he fired his load, wailing like a banshee as his thick meat spurted wad after wad all over the wall of the shower without even being touched. That was enough to trigger me and I let go of mine as well, shooting gobs of steamin' jizz deep into his hetero mancunt...

I leaned into him and held him tight as we both calmed down, plucking his stiff nipples and feeling his chest heave and his heart pound. "Well," I observed, "guess you won't be needin' that blowjob after all, eh?" I yanked Cram out of his butt unfeelingly, causing him to gasp anew, and swatted him on his newly deflowered ass one last time before I moved to another cubicle to clean up. "NOW you can go on your date, butthole," I snarled. "And when your girlfriend congratulates you on your staying power, you don't have to give me the credit."

Next: Chapter 6

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