Love Series

By Aaron Saxon

Published on Apr 29, 2011



That word meant very little to me since my dad died, but it started to change the minute I met Max.

Finally the bell rang at 2:55 pm. I was feeling happier than I had in a long time. I wasn't so alone anymore.

It turned out Max and Cody didn't live long from school so we walked to their house. It was brown stucco colored with shudders. It was a two story with maybe 4 or 5 bedrooms in it. The inside was very clean and tidy.

I started to get nervous and feeling uneasy about being here. I began to think that this might not have been such a good idea. Sensing this Cody said, "Little man, relax, we're not going to hurt you." Max put his hand on my shoulder and nodded his head in approval and smiled at me. I smiled shyly back at him.

Cody ushered me to sit on the sofa and then asked if I wanted something to drink. I said, "Sure, got any coke?" Cody nodded and ran to the kitchen leaving Max and I to talk.

After a few awkward minutes, Max finally spoke. "You're new at our school aren't you?" I responded with a simple one word answer. "Yes."

"Sam, talk to this boy." I heard ring through my ears. It was my father's voice again.

"Max, I'm sorry. I don't have any friends here and I'm really nervous." I said to him.

Max got up, walked over to where I was and sat down next to me. He took my hands and put them in his hands saying, "It's okay Sam, I am too. I've never met another gay boy before." He smiled after he said that. His smile was beautiful and warmed my heart. We just sat there for a moment looking at each other as Cody walked back in. "Ahem," He said. "Here are your sodas." He was shaking his head and smiling at us. He left the room after that giving Max and I a chance to talk.

"I've never known another gay boy either." I said back to him.

"So what brought you to our lovely little town?" He asked chuckling slightly.

" little brother and I had to move in with our aunt and uncle."

"Why?" Max asked inquiringly.

"I'm not ready to talk about it." I said to him with tears rolling down my face.

He wiped the tears from my face and said, "It's okay, you don't have to talk about it."

I sniffled back at him. "Thank you."

"How bout we play some x-box for a while? Max said.

My eyes started to light up. Max got up and turned it on. We decided to play some Halo for a while. He was much better than me, but every so often we would bump arms or shoulders trying to get the other one killed.

I was definitely starting to get more relaxed and comfortable with Max. He let his hand slip down and rub my thigh ever so gently. I shook under his touch but didn't pull away. Just then Cody came into the room and he saw Max's hand on my thigh. He quickly removed his hand from my thigh and Cody just sighed. "Guys it's okay, you look cute together." Max looked at me and asked if he could put his hand back on my thigh? I just nodded yes, not really looking at him.

Cody came over and sat on the loveseat adjacent us. It was about 6:00 pm, and he asked if we were hungry. We both responded together, "Yes." This made us all laugh.

Their mom didn't leave any money for the evening so Cody pulled out a frozen pepperoni pizza and turned on the oven to cook it.

While it was cooking, I took the opportunity to call my aunt and tell her I would be eating over at my friend Max's house. Again, she didn't really want to agree to it, but she did. She could hear in my voice how happy it would make me. She told me she'd be by at 8:30 to pick me up. She needed directions and since his parents weren't home, I didn't tell her that, I handed the phone to Cody who gave her directions to their house. They remained on the phone for several minutes. My aunt must have been giving him the third degree. I mouthed "I'm sorry" to Cody as he got finished with his phone conversation.

We ate in the living room and watched some TV. As we were eating, Max let me lay my head on his shoulder and he rubbed his hand through my thick brown hair. I felt like I was in heaven. I had a very wide smile on my face. I hadn't smiled or felt this good in a really long time. I thought to myself how could this boy who I don't even know make me feel this good? "Don't question it too much son, just allow him to love you the way I can't right now." It was my father's voice again. Inwardly, I thanked him.

After we finished eating, we took our plates to the kitchen. Cody stayed in there and cleaned up while Max and I went back into the living room. I sat down first and Max sat down next to me. I could feel him get nervous, so I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and pulled him into me. I know that was a bit forward of me, but he didn't resist. Next thing I knew he was resting his head in my lap. It was my turn to rub my hands through his hair and then I leaned down and lightly kissed his forehead. He looked up at me and smiled wide showing his straight white teeth. I got lost in his eyes just as Cody walked back in to the living room.

"Whoops." He said. "Sorry I interrupted you guys." We looked at him and giggled. With the tension finally broken, Max raised up and pushed his lips against mine. The sensation it created was was euphoria. Now knowing that Cody wouldn't care, we started to make out.

Before we knew it, there was a knock on the door. We quickly broke our embrace as Cody jumped up to answer the door. It was my aunt. Cody welcomed her in and introduced himself. As she entered the living room she saw Max and I sitting close. She raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. I could tell she was worried about me.

Cody quickly introduced his brother Max to my aunt, and then it was my turn to jump up and introduce Aunt Mary to Cody and Max. I was nervous the whole time but inwardly I was glowing. I think my aunt could tell by the grin on my face and red flushed face I had.

We all spoke for about 20 minutes before she said we should get going.

I could tell that Max was a little upset at that and so was I. We really liked each other. Aunt Mary said she would wait out at the car for me and said don't take too long saying bye. She winked at me and exited the house.

We breathed a sigh of relief as she exited. I knew I shouldn't be nervous about it since she knew I was gay and didn't care, but I still wanted to be careful for Max's sake.

Max and I kissed and kissed and kissed because neither of us were ready to say bye even though we knew we'd see each other tomorrow. We heard the horn of my aunts car go off, signaling that it was time for me to get going.

We broke our embrace and I ran and grabbed my book bag as Max led me to the front door. When he was sure my aunt wouldn't see, he gave me one last kiss...this time on the cheek and I ran to my aunts car.

I pulled the passenger side door open and got in. "Well, it's about time mister. I was beginning to think that you weren't ever going to come out of your boy- your friends house." She said chuckling at me. I heard the pause in her voice. She knew. Suddenly I began to shake. As always, my aunt knew exactly what to say. "Max is a very nice young man and really cute. You have good taste." She said this while winking at me. I couldn't believe what she said that I turned red and burst out laughing. She joined me and I told her I loved her.

She got a real serious look on her face right after we calmed down. "So, Mr. why did you skip two classes today?" I explained to her what had happened with tears rolling down my face. Now my good mood was ruined because of her interrogation of me. She pulled over to the side of the road and unbuckled her seat belt. Reaching over to me she pulled me towards her, holding me until I calmed down. She apologized for making me cry and said she loved me.

We rode in silence the rest of the way home. When we got home, I ran past my uncle and up to my room. He looked at my aunt with a confused look on his face. She said she'd explain later.

A few minutes later Josh came to my door and knocked. I tried to shoo whoever it was away, but when he spoke in his cute little boy voice, I melted and opened the door to him pulling him into me and sobbing uncontrollably. "What's wrong Sam?" He asked with tears forming in his eyes. "Auntie made me cry and I met a boy today I really like." "Why'd she make you cry?" "She wanted to know why I skipped two of my classes, but she kind of interrogated me." "What's inter-ogated mean?" Asked Josh. "To ask questions in a serious tone." I told him. "Oh." He said. "What boy did you meet?" Josh asked suddenly getting excited. "Um...his name is Max and I saw him at the mall the other day. It turns out he goes to my school and is in my class." I was beaming with pride as I told Josh about Max.

I was going to say more when there was a knock at the door. "Boys, it's time to get ready for bed." "Okay Aunt Mary." We both said.

We got ready for bed and climbed in underneath the covers of my bed.

While I was sleeping, my father appeared to me again. "Hi, son." He said. I ran over to him and he gave me a big hug. "Hi daddy." I said in high squeaky voice. "I want to show you something Sam." I nodded up at him with tears in my eyes. He turned me around but still had his arms around my chest. He kissed my head and rustled my hair.

It was my funeral again, but this time it was different because this time I could make out who the faceless boy was. It was Max. And then the image suddenly changed from my funeral to a dance and a wedding, my wedding.

I was enjoying these nice warm feelings and being embraced by my father. Just before my alarm clock went off to usher the start of a new day, my father said, "Tell Josh that I love him." "I will daddy."

And then it began, my alarm started blaring and my father disappeared from view leaving me feeling very empty. I heard a faint "I love you" before my eyes started to open.

Josh began to stir next to me as well. I had to go pee really bad, so I hopped from the bed and ran to the bathroom. My morning wood straining against my pajama bottoms. I had decided this morning that I would jack off in the shower. It had been a while since I'd done that. After I went pee, I turned on the shower. I quickly lost my pajama bottoms, t-shirt and boxers. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water overtake my senses. I squeezed some shampoo into my hands and lathered my hair, afterwards washing it all away down the drain. As I looked down, I noticed my throbbing member sticking straight out from my body. The skin was pulled back revealing the fat bulbous head. I gripped it in my right hand and pumped at it ferociously for five minutes until I felt my orgasm overtake me. I then grabbed the body wash next to me and rubbed it over my smooth chest, stomach and crotch before moving to my round butt.

Just as I was finishing up, I heard a knock on the door. "Sam, I have to use the bathroom, are you almost done?" Came Josh's little voice through the door. "Yea, I'm almost done Josh, but come on in and go pee. The door's not locked." Josh turned the doorknob with his little fingers and pushed it open. He entered just as the shower door opened. Even though I was no longer hard, he couldn't help but stare at my boyhood. I saw him and just smiled at him. Josh blushed and darted his head away. I stepped out and threw a towel around my waist. I walked over to him and rustled my hand through his soft hair. "It's okay Josh." I said in a whisper.

When he was finished emptying his bladder, Josh turned and faced me. "I have something to tell you Josh." "Ok." He said gulping, as he was staring at my chest. "Dad says he loves you." "Wha-what?" Josh said clearly embarrassed by his staring. He wasn't perving on me or anything, he was just sorta admiring what I looked like. Again, I said, "Dad says he loves you Josh." "He does? How do you know?" He asked me questioningly. "He told me last night while I was sleeping." His eyes began to fill with tears as I wrapped my arms around him and let him weep into my chest.

My aunt knocked on the door and told us to hurry up because our breakfast was getting cold. We said we'd hurry up.

After a month off from work to help us get settled in, both my aunt and uncle had to get back to work. She worked as a secretary in a large law firm downtown and was studying to be a paralegal. My uncle was a farmer growing up thanks to my grandfather and now sold farm equipment to people who needed it. They both made great money, which accounted for the nice house and their ability to take us in.

Next: Chapter 4: Love 4

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