Love struck wedding anniversery

By moc.oohay@00revolapdnarg

Published on Aug 11, 2011



The alarm went off at 7am and Aldtren and Evren were just waking up.

they go to the wash room and wash up and get the sleep out of there eyes spalashing cold water on there faces to wake up and then they went to grab thete cups of coffee and then Aldren gives evren a good morning kiss and wishes him a happy anniveersery. and Evren says to Aldrean happy annivesery sweetie. cant believe its been a year since we got married. they are now both a year older alddren just turned 79 and evren just turned 84. and as they were sitting down and having there coffee and breakfast Evren was saying by the way Aldren

you were dynammite last night when we were making love and aldren says yes i could tell you were enjoying the intamcy between us cause you were saying my name several times last night durring intercourse. and Evren says yes and good thing we had the windows closed . and Aldren says yes we dont wanna be on the front news paper . and they just both cracked up laughing. affter words they got dressed and Aldren wanted to have a spiceal day for him and the man he loves so much. first they were going to get a anniveesery photo taken. there friends oliver and stanley another gay cupple that there friends of theres own the portrit studio. and aldren says will today its been one year since me and evren were married. and oliver says yes time flies its been over 2 years for me and stanley. and oliver was talking with evren and aldren saying saying me and stanley are still crazy for one another. and oliver mentioned that stanley is almost 86 and is still a wildone in the sack. and Evren says so is Aldren. and at the same time stanley and Aldren say well we still got it baby! affter talking they were setting up the camera to take pics of aldern and evren. they had several pics taken. and then Aldren paid for the pics and were told they be ready in a week. ok guys will stop by next week to pick them up. ok stanley says guys keep in touch . they both give stanley and oliver a hug and then they head to lunch at a pizza joint. and then they went to see a free concert featring a band playing light rock tunes and some tumes from they era.

Lovestruck wedding anniversery part two

Evren and Aldren were enjoying the free concert toghter and there were other gay cupples around also. Aldren and Evren were holding hands while watching the concert. every now and then Aldren gave Evren a little kiss on the check. and then one of the band members said hey we got A wedding anniversy here today and they have been married for one is Aldrens and Evrens anniveresery lets have them come up here on stage and sing the next song with us we know its one of there faviortes.they both get on the stage to sing the words to how much is that doggie in the window. and of course Aldren did the barking dog part witch got everyone cracking up and Evren enjoyed it also. affter they finished the song right there Aldren and Evren kisssed and hugged each other and Aldren says to the people will were still going strong baby. affter words Aldren and Evren were driving around town and Evren says honey this has been a wonderful day so far. and Aldren says its been a great day and the best part about it is that i get to be with you. oh your so sweet honey Evren responded with happiness in his eyes. Aldern was mentioning its getting close to dinner time its about 7pm how about we go eat at the bar and grill were we first met. sounds great says Evren. they both got there and got the table were they first met. ahh our spiceal table says Aldern. ohh how can i forget says Evren . i still remember sitting at this same spot and you walked up for the first time and sat down we talked. for like a while. the waiter came and took there order they both had steak and potatos and some dessert and some drinks. affter words it was around 9.30 in the eveing and they both were getting ready to head back home. they pulled into the garage and aldren hit the automatic garage door remote and it closed the garage door and they got out of the car and went inside the house and Aldern locked the door. they got there shoes and socks off . and had some wine to celabarate there anniversery. we both need a shower affter being out all day says aldren. we do says Evren. ok says Aldern lets make sure everythings locked up will both get naked and shower and make love. sounds great baby i need you says Evren.

Love struck wedding anniveesery part three

Aldren and Evren walked into there bedroom and they were both kissing with passion. and started to undress each other. and then thet were down to thete underwear and aldren carreses evren pulls evrens undwear down to his feet and he steps out of them and then evren does the same to Aldren and now they both are massaging each other. and then they head to the bathroom and Aldern turns on the shower and adjust the temp of the water then they both get it and lather each other up and then wash each others hair. then they both rice there body and haiir off and turn off the water and get out of the shower. and dry off. then Aldren says to Evren your body is beautuful and i wanna make love to u dear. oh yes i need that honey so aldren pulls back the blanket and sheet and gentley sits evren on the bed and then slowy lays hin down and starts the lovemaking prosedure. he is kissing evren and evern is saying aldren you stil kiss like a angel. i love you honey says aldern and he goes down and places his mouth on evrens penis perfomaning oral sex on him and then brings evern to a orgasam. evren did a little oral on aldrren and then . while there were kissing aldren grabded some lube and placed some to penatre evren, and placed some on his penis. and slowley placed his penis inside evren. evren was in ecstacey and he loved every minute of it. aldern was pushing back and forth inside evren and then aldrean lets out a big moan and had a orgasam in fact he had several durring love making. affter words aldren pulled out and evern says wow aldrern that was amazing great way to end a great day. it was amazing said aldren will you hold me says evren yes sweetie i will hold you good nite babe night sweetie says evren they kiss and turn out the llights and hold each other the end

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