Luke Lewis

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 12, 2013


Luke Lewis 2 Author Maxieplus Email Maxieplus@

This is my second attempt at writing a gay related story; I hope you enjoy my little story

And I need to get your opinions on it, so please email me your thoughts.

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A thunderstruck Mrs. Lewis just stared at him like she was in a trance.

"Call triple 0 please." She shook herself and ran to the phone, within minutes an ambulance was screaming up the street, the paramedics did something to Luke to make him sick and after what seemed like hours they gurneyed him into the ambulance and off to St Mary's hospital. Alex followed it with Mrs. Lewis in her car, all the time praying and crying like a frightened kid.

"Why has my son done this Alex?" Mrs. Lewis said through clenched teeth.

"Tell me and tell me now." Alex couldn't grasp her words at first till Mrs. Lewis leaned over and grabbed his arm which startled him but brought him back to reality. Mrs. Lewis wasn't a loud person, quite the opposite, gentle and softly spoken like Luke, you could tell they were mother and son.

"I had some trouble at the party and Luke was involved but I didn't know how hurt he was until I tried to ring him. He screamed at me on the phone so I thought I would give him time to settle down and come round in the morning."

That was until I got home and saw there was an email from Luke flashing on my computer.

He said he had nothing to live for anymore and I would never have to see him again, he wished me happiness and said he has loved me for so many years and more than I would ever know. He also said what happened this night had cut him to the bone and it wouldn't heal, even if he lived a hundred years it would still be an open wound.

(How did I let this happen?)

I should have seen the signs, too wrapped up in my own self importance and ego to even see my best friend's pain, how could I not see it? Mrs. Lewis pulled into the parking lot at the hospital turned off the engine and said,

"Alex we haven't finished this conversation but my boy needs me now and I'm too tired to ask the question but I want you to know you are probably the last person to know that Luke was in love with you. I've known for some time now, the dreamy eyes when you are around giving him away, those eyes do not lie. But I also want you to know this, if you ever treat him badly or mean because he is gay and has a crush on you or for what he has said in the email, I swear to God I will come down on you like a ton of bricks, now let's go see him."

It was my turn to be thunderstruck, I loved him.

Luke was still in admissions waiting for a room but the nurse told his mum that they had gotten most of the drug out of his system with just the slightest discomfort. He was very tired and very agitated and the doctors have decided to keep him in for the rest of the night, he may be able to go home later today, he's very lucky boy.

"Can I see him?" Mrs. Lewis said.

"Of course when we get him settled but understand he is tired so you may not get too much out of him tonight."

"Alex you stay here, I won't be a moment."

Alex paced up and down the corridor for what seems like hours again until Mrs. Lewis reappeared; he ran to her and asked if he could see him for a moment.

"I'm so sorry Alex he's tired, he knows your here but he has requested that you not see him."

"What? But I must see him to explain, I have to."

"Alex I can't have you upsetting Luke at this time so I am going to say quite firmly, there's no way you will go anywhere near my boy, leave him be for now, do you hear me?"

"I don't know what happened at the party, I guess you won't tell me but I'm hoping Luke will in his own time. In the meantime I'll drive you home and you get some rest. I will keep you updated on his progress but I suspect he will have to do some counselling before he leaves here and Alex thank you for saving my son's life, If it wasn't for you he just might have succeeded."

Thank god I read the email, thank god was all Alex could think of.

"Please Mrs. Lewis I'm not going to upset him I just want a chance to explain what happened, he has to know it wasn't my fault."

"I'm sorry Alex I have to protect my boy, these are his wishes and I must respect them. He's okay physically but I don't see that spark in his eyes anymore, it's as if he's shut down; give him time Alex, time."

Mrs. Lewis dropped me off at home around 4.30am I was tired and still very upset. When I walked into the house I went and got a glass of water and sat at the kitchen table, after ten minutes or so my dad came down; he was playing an early game of golf and had to be there by 5.30.

He took one look at me and said, "Hard night Alex?" I said, "In more ways than one dad."

I was so stressed and upset I just burst out crying right there at the kitchen table with my dad looking on in shock.

"What's happened son?"

So I told him that Luke tried to kill himself tonight and I also told him about the email (omitting the scene at the party), which I can't even yet understand how that happened.

Of all the people I know John is the most unappealing, how he came up behind me while I was taking a piss by the back fence is beyond my comprehension. He pulled my jeans down and started to fondle my cock and kissed me, I kept telling him to stop it and was nearly at the point of punching his big ugly face when Luke appeared, the look on Luke's face will haunt me for the rest of my life.

His eyes were wide and full of hate but worse the contorted look on his face and the small ugly sound he made as he turned and ran up the driveway. John had been coming onto me for ages now, he always tried to stand next to me in the showers while making rude suggestions, I can't believe he did that to me.

I got my pants up and pushed John so hard he landed in the bushes with a thud. I ran after Luke but he was nowhere to be seen, I scouted the park and called his mobile several times. He finally rang me and I tried to explain what had happened but he wasn't hearing or listening to me, all I heard was something about not having to worry about him or telling anyone, all the while I was sobbing and begging him to talk with me, then he hung up.

I ran to his place to see if he was at home but all the lights were out, I waited for a while but then decided to go on home and try again in the morning. We only lived two blocks from each other so I walked with my head down and a heavy heart all the time thinking Luke hated me, it was too much to bear, I cried again for the second time in years.

When I got to my room I saw my email flickering, there was a message from Luke to let me know he was in love with me and that he was hurt that I had picked up with John, that he wished me luck and I would never see him again. I panicked and ran out towards Luke's place, it took ages for Mrs. Lewis to open the door, I stepped passed her and ran upstairs to Luke's bedroom, he looked comatose on his bed, thank god Mrs. Lewis came to her senses and dialled triple 0 .

Luke was like a zombie when I got him up to walk him around to keep him awake, I could smell the sick on him mixed with his aftershave he had on that night. My senses were highlighted with the rush of adrenalin I was experiencing, finally the last straw of the night; he doesn't want to see me. Oh Luke if you only knew.

My dad finally calmed me down and said he would call Mrs. Lewis later in the morning then he walked me to my bedroom, got me undressed and put me to bed. He sat by my side just looking at me, I guess he was wondering if Luke's love for me was going to cause problems in my life, knowing my dad he was already planning the next move.

Next: Chapter 3

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