Luke's Big Adventure

By Steve Rose - Laureate Author

Published on Oct 4, 2023



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Luke's big adventure - 8

A story by Steve Rose

Luke had fallen asleep but had slept fitfully, waking frequently during the night and each time he did so the reality that Chris had been killed hit him hard and he was overcome with emotion. The teenager's feelings were, however, extremely confused. Luke had not known Chris all that well but he had been a team mate and they had roomed together as well as experiencing a few enjoyable sexual encounters. On the other hand, the teenager's overwhelming feeling was one of relief that the victim had not been Jake and this made the sensitive youngster feel guilty. Sometime in the early hours of the morning, Luke had finally entered a deep sleep but had woken at his usual time and, despite his emotional state, decided to get up and dressed, fully intending to meet Jake and go with him to school.

There was a tap on his door and Luke's mum popped her head into the room and said,

`Are you awake, Luke? Your dad and I have just heard the news and we have cancelled our appointments for today because we feel you need our support.'

Luke groaned and replied,

`Yeah, I'm OK and there's no need for you to stay with me. I'll go to school as usual.'

`Your dad and I don't think that's a good idea, not today. You may get some delayed shock and in any case you need more time to come to terms with what's happened and we want to stay home and support you. We've already spoken to Jake's parents to say you won't be going in to school today and they don't think he should go either. We also spoke to the Headteacher and he agrees you should stay off at least until tomorrow.'

`Who else knows about Chris?'

`I think most of the swim team know and his school. We also told Jake's parents, they said they would tell him. Apparently your former coach Paul, who is his uncle, has sent an email on behalf of the family.'

`Oh right. I haven't checked my inbox yet. I'll read it now.'

`OK, dear, take your time, have a nice long shower and come down for breakfast when you feel ready.'

As soon as his mum had left the room, Luke powered up his laptop and read the email from Paul

`It is with the deepest sadness that I have to announce that my nephew, Chris, was killed last night following an accident. He was a fine swimmer and a valued member of the region's swim team. He stood on the cusp of a brilliant career with international honours within his grasp. All those who knew him found him to be a faithful and supportive friend and team member.

As you can imagine as a family we are still in shock and trying to come to terms with this terrible news. We ask that we be left alone for the next few days in order that we can grieve quietly and mourn our loss.'

Tears welled up in Luke's eyes as he struggled to read the message. He could see that it had also been sent to the other members of his swim team and to a wide range of school friends and neighbours. To give himself time to compose himself, Luke followed his mum's advice and took a long shower, not particularly bothering to wash but allowing the warm water to cascade over his body which was a very comforting feeling. It also gave the teenager some time to come to terms with his feelings about what had happened the previous evening and his reaction when he saw Jake emerging virtually unscathed. He also wanted to think about what he felt he needed to do once he was dressed.

The outcome of his deliberation was that he could see the sense of parent's advice that he should stay at home for the day. Just the comfort of their presence was really what he needed although he could not express the idea in suitable words just as he couldn't really fully comprehend his feelings about Jake. He also needed to make contact with the other members of the swim team so that they could coordinate their activities.

Having dressed and come downstairs, Luke went into the kitchen and sat quietly while his mum and dad gave him their sympathetic support. He did not feel like eating but accepted a cup of tea and searched for the words to express his feelings. The teenager understood that his parents understood that he needed time on his own but indicated that they would be open to talking once he was ready. The teenager sat in the kitchen for what seemed like a long time as he gathered his thoughts and then made a decision. He looked at his mum and said,

`I think I need to send a message to Paul and Chris' family so I'll reply to his message before I do anything else. Later on I want to go down to where it happened, but I'd like to go with my team mates. Do you think it would be OK to email them and suggest it for later today?'

`Yes, dear. I think both those things would be a good idea. I expect that pour team mates will be off school today as well. I'm sure their headteacher will be as sympathetic to how they are feeling as Mr Andrews has been to you.'

For the first time since hearing the news, Luke gave a shy smile and said,

`Thanks mum.'

The teenager reached for his laptop and typed a very short but heartfelt message in reply to Paul,

`I don't really know what to say, I am just completely devastated. Chris was a great supportive friend and a champion swimmer; I will miss him. We will all miss him. I'm just so, so sorry.'

After he had sent his message, Luke realised that the one person he had not contacted was his best friend, Mike, who had met Chris on several occasions. He found the teenager's email address and forwarded Paul's message to him with the heading `awful news'. Luke also emailed Jake to ask how he was and to tell him of his plan for later in the day. When he had sent both messages he sat for a while as he considered what to say to his fellow swim team members. Finally he began to type, stopping every now and then to read what he had written to ensure that he had got down what he wanted to say and that the tone was to his satisfaction. Finally, after several revisions, the sorrowful teenager had a complete draft. Under the same heading that he had used in his message to Mike he wrote,

`I am sure you all feel as devastated as I do over the awful news about Chris. I cannot think of any words to express how upset and heartbroken I feel nor can I even imagine how his family are feeling right now. I hope that we will be able to pay a greater tribute to his memory very soon but, for now, personally I would like to go to the site of the accident this afternoon about 3.30pm and I hope that you will feel able join me there. We need each other as well as our families for mutual support at this time as we come to terms with what has happened. I look forward to seeing you later even if the circumstances are so tragic. I realise that it may be difficult and understand if you don't feel ready or able to come. Whatever you decide, we must all keep in touch and support each other through this difficult time.'

Before he pressed the `send' button, Luke showed his draft to his parents who read it through and each gave a nod of approval. The older Townsends might have written a slightly different note but they admired the fact that their son had tried to hit the right balance in what he had drafted.

Luke and his parents sat quietly together and waited for the responses to the email come in. Mr and Mrs Townsend were acutely aware that this was the first time their son had come face-to-face with the death of one of his peers. Up until then the only deaths he had had to deal with were of his elderly grandfather and an equally elderly great aunt. It would take a while for the teenagers to come to terms with the fragility of existence, even among those who were still young and had years of life ahead of them, and how suddenly such hopes and future dreams could be extinguished. Helping Luke come to terms with this reality of life and death would take careful handling on the part of his parents but they were determined to support their son in the difficult times ahead. Mr Andrews had indicated that the school would also play its part by offering counselling not only to Luke but also to other pupils in the school that had been affected by the death of the young teen.

The silence was broken by the ping of the laptop indicating that there was an incoming email. The twins, Adam and Zac, were the first to respond to say that they wanted to join Luke as they felt that they needed the mutual support that he was offering. Moments later Ahmad also replied to say that he, too, would meet the others. The headteacher of their school had paid tribute to Chris and offered help and support to all three of his team mates who had been sent home for the day but were finding it difficult to cope. Not long after these replies, there was a response from Mike,

`Oh my God, what happened?'

Luke decided to reply to his best friend with as much information as he could about the accident and said that once things became clearer he would send more details but he did not really feel up to it right then.

The time passed slowly but eventually it was time to leave. Luke's parents suggested that they ought to drive him down to near the site of the accident and added that it might be an idea if Mr Townsend let the local Police know what the swim team members were planning to do. Luke accepted both offers but made it plain that he wanted the adults to wait some distance away so that the group could pay their tribute in their own way. On this understanding, the three drove and stopped close to the site of the accident and, after Luke had got out of the car, went off to park the car and wait at a discrete distance.

Luke was a bit early and there was no sign of the others as he walked closer to the Police cordon. He was surprised to see several television camera and media reporters still milling around, something that he had not considered when he had suggested that he and his friends should meet. The teenager stopped momentarily and looked around until he saw Cindi standing among the other reporters and tried to catch her eye. After a few moments, Luke was seen and the reporter came over to him,

`Hello, Luke, how are you feeling? Sorry, silly question and whatever you say is not for publication.'

`I ... I'm still in shock but thanks for letting me know last night about Chris it would have been even worse if the first I heard was on the news this morning.'

I was certain you'd want to know,' Cindi said quietly. Why are you here? Again not for publication unless you want it.'

Luke shook his head and replied,

`I and the rest of the swim team wanted to come and pay our respects. We didn't know what else to do. Hopefully other friends from our schools will come a little later as well.'

Cindi nodded sympathetically and smiled as she said,

`Yes, I'm sure they will come. It's quite a small town and many of you know each other from other activities as well as from school. I'll let you go and find your friends but if and when you want to talk, I'll be waiting.'

Luke nodded and walked away, standing on his own as he waited for the arrival of Ahmad and the twins. He did not wait long as the trio appeared together a few moments later. As soon as they were close enough the quartet joined in a complete all-embracing hug as they fought, unsuccessfully, to fight back tears. They stayed in that position for several minutes before finally breaking apart but linking arms as they approached the Police tape that marked the barrier between the investigators and the public. Even if he had not known them before, the Police Officer on duty quickly recognised the group and quietly allowed them through. A short distance further on, a senior Police Officer met the quartet and led them closer to the site where the crash had taken place and where the pilot and their friend had died. Coming to a halt, the Police Officer said quietly,

`I'm afraid you can't go any further than this. We are still investigating the area and in any case parts of the building are unsafe, but please feel free to stay here for as long as you like.'

The group stood in silence for several moments as each of them were lost in thought and grief. Ahmad was the first to speak. Quietly he said,

`I couldn't think what to do but my dad said I should bring a card for us all to sign, so here it is and a pen to write with.'

The words were greeted with general approval and the group approached the waiting Police Officer to ask if there was somewhere that they could use to write on the card. She led them to a small area where there was a tent being used by the investigators and permission was given for the teenagers to use a table to write their messages. It took a while as each of the four struggled to find the words that expressed their feelings but eventually all of them had managed to write something appropriate. When they had finished they solemnly took the card and laid it on the ground as close to where Chris had died as was possible. The quartet linked arms and bowed their heads before slowly turning and retracing their steps towards the barrier, tears streaming down their faces as they passed out of the investigation area. As they looked up, they saw streams of school friends coming towards the barrier clutching cards, flowers and, in a few cases, swimming trunks which they lay against the Police barrier. The swim team members found themselves engulfed by their friends and acquaintances as everyone sought comfort in their shared grief.

Jake, who like Luke, had endured a very disturbed night, had woken up shaking and clearly suffering from some delayed shock. He had, he knew, had a lucky escape and this was confirmed when he saw the massage about the death of his friend, Chris. The American teenager's parents would not allow him to go to school, judging like Luke's parents, that their son needed to have loving parents around him to comfort him and help him through the feelings of grief and shock. Although he was certain that news of the death would have circulated around his school, Jake still felt that he needed to do something and so he emailed many of his friends to tell them about the swim team's plans to visit the site of the accident.

Later in the day Jake had been driven into the town by his mom and arrived just in time to see Luke and the other three teenagers go inside the Police cordon. He left his parent at the car park and went alone to wait nearby for his friends to return from inside the barrier. As he surveyed the scene of devastation, Jake quickly came to realise just how fortunate he had been to escape with only relatively minor injuries. He started to move closer to the Police cordon as soon as he saw Luke and the other three members of the team crossing back to his side of the cordon, but before he could reach them, he and the swim team were engulfed in a mass of teenagers all wanting to offer support to their friends and to pay tribute to Chris. It was, therefore, quite a while before the American could get close to his friends but once he was he reached them, he was embraced and hugged by the swim team members. The group of friends each gave vent, once again, to their feelings and tears of grief and relief were shed in almost equal measure.

Unseen by most of the crowd of young people, the Smart family had slipped quietly through the barrier and had gathered in much the same place that the swim team had occupied a short time earlier. After they had stood in tribute for a few moments and had read the message Luke and his friends had left, all the family, apart from Paul, were ushered away. The coach remained behind to view the huge number of cards, candles and swimming clothing that had been left by the school pupils outside the Police cordon. Uncertain what to do after they had paid their tributes, most of the mass of students had drifted away, leaving only a few small groups of teenagers standing quietly together comforting each other. Paul quickly saw where his team members and Jake were gathered. When they saw him approaching them, the teenagers ran towards him and hugged him tightly, unsuccessfully fighting back tears. When, eventually, he was able to speak, Paul said, quietly,

`Thank you for your love and support. The whole family appreciate what you have done and the wonderful tributes that you wrote in your card and messages.'

Luke sniffed back his tears and replied,

`I don't think we can understand how you are feeling, but it is almost bound to be worse than we are feeling right now and we feel absolutely devastated and grief stricken.'

The other four boys nodded in agreement and the group hugged for another few minutes before Paul began to pull away,

`I'm sorry, I need to go, but thanks again and I'll be in touch a ... about ... the ... er ... arrangements, as soon as I can. Once again thank you.'

After Paul left there was a slightly awkward moment as the teenagers struggled to decide what to do next. The group was torn between wanting to comfort each other and the desire to go home to continue to grieve in private with their parents in support. In the end, Luke took the lead,

`I know we will keep in close touch over the next few days and I hope we'll meet regularly but it has been a stressful day for all of us and I think we probably all need to get home.'

There was an almost audible sigh of relief from the others and they nodded in agreement as the group began to break up and go their separate ways. Ahmad and the twins went off on one direction and Jake and Luke in another as they each went to re-join their parents who were waiting in the nearby car parks. When they got close to where the cars were parked, Jake grabbed Luke and hugged him tightly and the British teenager felt the same frisson of emotion that he had experienced the night before although, this time, he also felt that the feeling was shared by Jake. To his embarrassment, Luke felt his cock stirring as the stayed hugging closely and he quickly broke away hoping that his friend had not noticed. It wasn't that they had not fooled around but their erections had always been in that context not just caused by a hug. Jake had also experienced a similar reaction and, equally confused by it as Luke had been, he was pleased that they had broken apart before his reaction became obvious. In an effort to divert attention the American teen asked, casually,

`You going in to school tomorrow, Luke?'

`Yeah, I think so. You?'

`I reckon I will. I'll call round at the usual time.'

`Yep. See you tomorrow.'

Luke spent the rest of the day quietly at home but from time-to-time his thoughts kept straying back to what had happened between himself and Jake not only the night before but earlier in the current day. He thought that Jake had responded in a similar fashion but he could not be certain. It was a problem that only he could solve as he did not feel able to talk to his parents about what had happened, sympathetic though they inevitably would be.

Unbeknown to the British teenager, Jake was having similar thought as he tried to understand the reaction he had felt when he hugged Luke in the car park. It was nothing like anything he had felt before and he decided he needed time to process it especially as he was uncertain how his friend might react if he told him.

The television evening news covered some of the events of the day at the crash site and more details of the investigation. The pilot of a private plane had suffered a heart attack and had tried to land the aircraft safely away from built-up areas of the town. It was probable that he died during the attempt and the plane crashed into the leisure centre as it lost power and control. The building that it struck was badly damaged and would take a considerable amount of time to repair. The pilot was named a George Robson, aged 70, an experienced amateur pilot. The report confirmed that the only other casualty had been a teenage champion swimmer, Chris Smart, aged 17. There was footage of the local school students laying their tributes, shots of the family arriving at the scene and a quick shot of Luke and his friends just leaving the restricted area. The local Police Inspector gave an update and paid tribute to the courage and skill of the dead pilot along with a tribute to the young swimmer who had died.

Although he was sure that Mike would have seen the coverage at his boarding school, Luke decided to pass on the latest details to his best friend by email. He also gave a brief account of the student tribute to Chris. A little while later, he received a reply.

`Thanks for the update. How are you coping? I wish I could be with you to help. Please let me know when the funeral is scheduled and I'll try to attend. My family knew his family quite well so I've known him longer that quite a few of you: we were at pre-school together but then went our different paths but still kept in touch. We remained friends but not as close as you and your team mates and the bond you had so I know how difficult it must be for you all. So please remember, I'm here if you want to talk.'

Luke felt guilty for not remembering how close Mike's family were to the Smarts but couldn't think what to say. He simply replied to Mike's message thanking him and saying how sorry he was he had forgotten that Chris was his friend too. The teenager thought about telling his best friend about what had happened between himself and Jake but, in the end, decided not to do so.

The following morning, as arranged, Jake appeared at Luke's door and the pair cycled to school. On the way, neither teenager mentioned what was on their mind. When they arrived at the school, the British boy held back to allow Jake's friends to greet him and check that he was OK. Other people checked on Luke as well but he brushed off the need to worry pointing out that it was Jake that had been injured. Mr Andrews, the headteacher, caught up with both teenagers and asked them to come to see him after registration. The two friends went together to see the head and he invited them into his office and said,

`First of all, I want to check that you are both OK and to remind you that if you have any difficulties, any difficulties at all, please do not hesitate to tell someone about what the issue is. Also, we have counsellors on site who will be happy to help if you are struggling. OK?'

Both boys said that they were fine and understood that appropriate help was available should it be necessary. Reassured, Mr Andrews told the friends to go back to their respective classes.

Luke and Jake made an arrangement to meet at lunch as usual and then separated. When they met they both agreed that they had found it difficult to concentrate but that they were getting there. Classmates had helped and if they thought either of the teenagers was in difficulty had rallied round in support. Luke took the chance at lunchtime to check in with his friends at the other school and received a message back from both the twins and Ahmad saying that their experience was much the same as that of Luke and Jake and that they too were doing well under the circumstances. It was agreed that they should meet again in town after school and do so every day until they decided it was no longer necessary. The swim team had received a message from their new coach, Brian, to say that training would resume as soon as an alternative venue had been found, hopefully in a few weeks.

As might have been expected things got slightly easier for all the teenage friends over the coming days, although each would suddenly think of something either about Chris or what they wanted to tell him and that would start to make them feel upset. There was also a feeling of limbo as they waited for news of the funeral which they all thought would be the toughest hurdle they would have to face. Paul had contacted the swim team to say that the family would like them to contribute a few words of tribute at the funeral and the quartet had met several times to decide what they wanted to say. In the end agreement was reached on two key issues. The first, and most difficult to get right was the wording. In the end they settled on a simple declaration of their love and admiration for Chris and his achievements and the degree to which he would be missed not only at the regional level but in terms of his potential national and international career. The other key issue was that none of the teenagers felt they wanted to speak publicly and asked that whoever was leading the service would read the words on their behalf. A day after they had settled their wording, Paul messaged again to say that the funeral would take place a week the following Monday. In a sense, getting a settled date eased one anxiety but the teenagers still knew that the day itself would be a hard one for them to cope with. As soon as he knew the date and time Luke contacted Mike who later replied that he would apply for a weekend pass and come home on the Friday and return immediately after the funeral.

In the days that followed, each of the friends had moments when they felt they needed support and the general mood remained downbeat. Every time the others offered their support, as did the teachers and the counsellor. The general mood, at least for Luke and Jake rose somewhat with the return of Mike, albeit only for a short time. The boarding school boy had hardly been back an hour before he was setting up a meeting with his American neighbour. The two friends hugged tightly and offered comforting words to each other. For his part Jake was relieved that there was no repeat of what had happened when he and Luke had embraced some time earlier. Mike also contacted his best friend and arrangements were quickly made for all three friends to meet on the Saturday morning.

Although things had been quite normal between Jake and Luke, the following morning was the first time that they had met outside of school and in a semi-private setting. Mike hugged Luke for what seemed like a long moment and failed to notice the slight awkwardness between his two friends. As was usual at the Townsend home, there was plenty of food available and Luke's mum invited the other two to help themselves. After thanking her, the teenagers retired to their host's room where a copy of the tribute that the swim team had written was shown to Mike, who read it and, with tears in his eyes, nodded his approval and commented,

`You're so right to say that Chris will be missed. I didn't see as much of him after I went to boarding school and he moved to outside town but he still was a good friend.'

After lunch the three teenagers went into town and visited the site of the accident which were now surrounded by wooden fencing against which the tributes that still survived had been displayed. Mike added a tribute of his own, laying a small card to those already there. Jake and Luke watched on, giving their friend a moment of privacy as he expressed his personal grief. When he turned away, Mike was again on the verge of tears and all three youngsters hugged each other as a sign of mutual understanding and support.

On their return to Luke's house, there was a note from his mum saying that if the others wanted to sleep over that night, they would be more than welcome. Mike was unhesitating in saying that he was up for it and, after a slight pause, Jake agreed as well. The evening was spent playing computer games, chatting quietly and watching television. After a few hours, Mike yawned and said with a grin,

`I don't know about you guys but I'm getting tired and think I need to go to bed. Something I do know, however, is that, although I shouldn't be I'm incredibly horny too! Apart from wanking I haven't had any sex since going back to school and I really could do with having some fun tonight. I know I should be thinking about Chris and all the things he's going to miss but there's something inside me that makes me want to have sex even more than usual!'

After Mike had finished his speech, Jake and Luke exchanged a look, rolled their eyes and laughed before the British teen responded,

`More than usual? Is that possible?'

It dawned on the teenage friends that since the accident thoughts of sex had not really impinged upon their consciousness but the moment Mike had said what he did there was a realisation that what he said was true.

Initially at first there was a rather muted attempt to have fun but gradually a combination of unmet need and some inner drive melted any reluctance. Mike as usual led the way and encouraged the other two to double penetrate him up his tight hole. Once they were naked and rock-hard most of the previous inhibitions seemed to disappear and after lubricating their cocks Luke and Jake took up positions to slide inside their friend's welcoming hole. Slowly at first, first one and then the other shaft slid inside and against each other bringing a sigh of pleasure from the impaled teenager. Usually there would be a pause before they each settled comfortably into a rhythm but on this occasion the fucking became frenetic almost immediately and, instead of lasting for some time the whole of the action was completed within a very few minutes. Jake gasped loudly as his prick convulsed against Luke's shaft and began to spew forth his jizz inside Mike's hole and seconds later his British partner reached an intense climax which shot more cum to join that which had already been deposited by Jake. Slightly disappointed at the speed of the action, Mike wanked himself to a satisfying orgasm and shot a huge fountain of spunk onto the chest and face of the two teenagers that had just fucked him.

Jake and Luke lay back drained of energy and Mike leaned across to lick his creamy cum off their bodies before saying,

`Wow, that was quick!! You seemed to be in as great a need as I was.'

Luke groaned and replied,

`I guess I did. I'm sorry if I didn't last very long but I haven't really done much since ... the ... accident.'

Me neither', agreed Jake, before adding, I'm sorry if you did not really enjoy it but like Luke I haven't really felt like doing much.'

Mike grinned,

`No problem, I understand and in any case there's always the morning.'

It was not long after this that mentally and physically exhausted the teenagers fell asleep. Usually during the sleepover the youngsters slept in such a way that they were clearly separated but somehow during the night Luke and Jake had found themselves much closer than the norm. Indeed, when the British teen awoke he found his American friend had his head close to his cheek. On many of their sleepovers one or other of the lads would wake the others up by sliding down the bed and taking still sleepy teenagers' pricks into their mouth and sucking them awake. Unable to wriggle free and with Mike apparently dead to the world, Luke lay still for a while unwilling to disturb either of his friends. Suddenly, the teenager felt something soft and wet nuzzling his ears and he became aware that Jake was licking and kissing the side of his face and moaning slightly. Shocked by the feeling, Luke turned quickly and in doing so brought his face in direct contact with that of the American and without thinking he kissed the teenager on the lips.

If he was surprised by the move, Jake did not show it as he willingly opened his mouth and began to suck Luke's tongue between his lips eliciting a moan from the British teen. Luke responded by opening his mouth and felt the new but exciting sensation as Jake's tongue slipped between them and into his eager mouth. The closeness of the two kissing teenagers' bodies was so slight that their erections ground into each other as they continued to explore each other's mouths with their tongue. The sound of the kissing and moaning inevitably woke Mike who blinked a few times before he focussed on what was going on right beside him and his cock immediately hardened at the sight and he moved closer and said, with a giggle

`I would say that I think you two should get a room, but you already have one! However, I hope I won't interrupt your enjoyment if I ask if there's room for another one to join you.'

Without hesitation, room was made for Mike who snuggled in close and made sure that the three pricks were squashed together as he licked and teased the other two teenagers' nipples. The three-way frottaging had its effect and, after several minutes each of the horny teens began to feel the tell-tale signs of reaching the point on no return. Moaning, kissing and licking in a series of mutually satisfactory actions Mike became the first of the trio to lose control and fired his ball juice over all three bodies. He was shortly followed by Luke with Jake not long after him both adding to the sticky mess covering each of their bodies.

`Awesome', groaned Mike as the three teenagers surveyed the copious amounts of cum that was covering each of them.

Yeah, not bad at all', replied Luke before adding, but perhaps we'd better get cleaned up and go down for breakfast pretty soon.'

The teenagers made their way into the shower and while Jake was washing Mike said quietly to his best friend,

`That was a surprise this morning. How long have you and Jake been an item?'

Taken aback by the question, Luke remained silent for a short while before replying,

`Not ... not very long. Today's really our first time.'

`Well, mate, I'm really happy for you. He seems ideal for you.'

`You're not jealous are you. I suppose I always expected it would be you and me.'

`Not at all, I'm way too good for you and far above your league.'

Luke accepted the point but was not convinced that his best friend's grin and acceptance was quite as sincere as he made out. He resolved to talk to Mike again later in the day and definitely before he went back to boarding school after the funeral.

To be continued?

I hope you liked this part of the story. If you would like to hear about the continuing adventures of Luke, Mike and Jake and their growing band of friends, let me know.

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