Lust Is Blind

By Ryan P

Published on Feb 8, 2017


Part 3: One-eye Service

This story contains sex between adult males. If these things offend you then please back-button out of this page. I recommend you start composting instead - it's less offensive, produces less garbage, and helps make the world a better place.

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Lastly, I want to thank John for helping me proofread this story.

In my morning text to Sir, after greeting him good morning, I told him that the chastity device was not all that comfortable to sleep with. I told him too that I was nervous my wife would accidentally nudge it and discover I had it on. I kindly asked him if he could free me from the cage.

He didn't respond to me till in the afternoon when he told me to go to a particular park & ride at 6:30 that night. I haven't been to that place but it is a known gay cruising place. He told me that there's a section of chain link fence there that had been torn down to allow entry into the woods beyond. He told me to go through it and follow the short trail that ends in a section of the woods that has a big boulder. He told me to go to the back of that boulder, get on my knees, and wait for him. I was to keep my eyes closed and my head bowed down the whole time. He said that if I was late, he was not going to take off the cage.

I got to the park & ride early. It was an L-shaped parking lot with the bigger branch well lit and had several cars parked in it. The smaller leg of the parking lot had no lights at all and no car was parked there. No wonder this place is perfect for cruising.

I took one of the shadowy parking spots and no sooner than I turned off the engine, another car parked right next to me. It's window rolled down and the driver, a guy maybe in his early forties, nodded at me. I rolled down my window.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I answered back.

"Wha'cha into?"

I knew it wasn't Sir - it wasn't his voice.

"Nothing much," I said. "Just waiting for someone."

He kept on nodding but he rolled up his window and drove off. I guess I shouldn't have arrived too early. Another car came and did the same thing, parking next to my car. I knew by then, Sir wouldn't be meeting me this way but behind the boulder as instructed so whoever this driver was was just another cruiser. I kept my window closed, my door locked, and ignored the guy.

When he drove off, I figured, I might as well walk to the trail before someone else tries to pick me up. I had seen the open section of fence not too far from where I parked.

The skies were already dark then. It wasn't that cold, and fortunately the windy weather we had been experiencing the past couple of days had dissipated. Still, my breath steamed up in the cold air as I made my way through the fence. The trail wasn't all that long. If it didn't turn a couple of times, I might not have even called it a trail. The boulder, lit by the moonlight, was actually much bigger than I had imagined. You could hide a bunch of people behind it and you wouldn't even see them. I made my way around the big rock, its perimeter probably cleared out by years of being trampled on. When I got to what I felt like the back of the boulder, I stopped and slowly got down to my knees. I hoped nobody else but Sir comes this way. I also wished I was wearing jeans – my office slacks were likely getting ruined by the dried leaves and pebbly ground. It wasn't long until I heard footsteps approach. Please let that be Sir. I opened my eyes ever so slightly, I can make out black boots come into my narrow line of sight.

"Hello, boy."

"Hi, Sir" I said, my eyes now closed and my head bowed.

"How are you doing, boy?"

"I guess I'm alright, Sir"

"Why do you want to take off the cage then if you're all right?"

"Well, I'm fine except for that, Sir. I couldn't really sleep last night because of it. My wife could easily have found out about it."

"But she didn't, did she?"

"No she didn't, Sir, but she might tonight if I still have it on."

"Okay, boy. We'll take it off but first you have to work for it, right?"

"Yes, Sir, I have to."

I felt him touch my head and then something being slid around my head. It's the damn blindfold again! He fastened it like before and the darkness got even darker.

"Slide your pants down, I wanna see your weenie, boy."

I unbuckled my belt and slipped my pants and underwear down together. I felt my caged junk plop and swing in the free air.

"Nice," he said, "it looks perfect on you. Are you sure you want to take it off?"

"Yes, Sir. Please."

"Ok. First, take my cock out of my pants."

I felt around in front of me and freed his cock and balls from his clothing.

"I hope you had been practicing sucking cock. I'd hate to beat the crap out of you tonight for biting me again."

I didn't practice. I guess I should have. That made me a bit nervous. But why would I really need to practice? I was quitting, I reminded myself.

"Go ahead, boy. If you make me cum soon enough, we take the cage off. Otherwise, it stays on."

His cock was still limp, nevertheless, it felt good to take hold of it in my hands - it was still a handful. I would love to play with it just like I would a stress ball. Knead it with my fingers, twist, and tug on it. That desire however was overwhelmed by my need to suck on it and have it grow in my mouth. I enveloped the cockhead with my mouth and started sucking it. Oh yes, it's like getting a second chance in making things right with a dear friend you've slighted. I was on my knees making right the grief I gave Sir's cock back in the motel. I was making amends.

My plea must have been heard as the girth and length that I had been expecting reappeared in no time. It's now time to work it's length. I would tighten my lips as I slipped out of his shaft, take a breath without losing skin contact then slide back into him with the same tight lip pucker.

"Oh yeah, cock-sucker. That's it."

Him calling me that made my own weenie push against its cage. By now, I knew that the discomfort I felt will go away soon enough as my own erection subsides. Which was as soon as I relaxed and focused on the throbbing member before me. I refocused my energies on this delicious man-tool I have in my mouth. It seems to go in much easier than it did the other day. Could his cock not be fully engorged yet, has his cock gotten smaller? It was certainly a mouthful still but for some reason, I can seem to maneuver around it better.

He would push in somewhat but not really fucking me. His hands just rested on my head and would just sometimes grab a handful of hair to keep me close. For the most part, he let me be. I guess he was just eager to cream.

"Yes, babe. Oh yeah."

His breathing was getting shallow. His hands fidgety against my head. He was getting close. I kept my pace. Didn't rush it this time. I wanted it to be perfect for him. And just as Saturday followed Friday, I was confident that him shooting his load will follow the service I was giving his cock. Sure enough, he exploded into my mouth, spurt after spurt after spurt. Sir didn't have to tell me – I tasted and swallowed down his jism like it was the last drops of honey on earth.

"Wow, that's mmm–" His hands patted my cheeks. "That was great. it's like you're a different person altogether." In a sense, I was. I wasn't as nervous as before. I wasn't as worried as before. While I wouldn't call myself an expert cocksucker, I was, at that moment, proud of being able to get Sir off.

I heard Sir zip his pants up. He laughed more to himself really.

"That was really good."

He ruffled my hair now like I was a dog that brought the stick back.

"Ok, let's get that cage off of you. Stand up."

I did. It was a relief to be standing up again. I could feel Sir take my manhood in his hands and in a few moments the whole thing was off me. He gave my balls a good squeeze which would've hurt if he didn't let go right away. "Liberation!" my mind screamed.

He stuffed the chastity device in my jacket pocket.

"Keep this till I require you to put it on again. Now, Get back down on your knees, boy."

And just like that, total liberation had to wait. My knees were back on the ground.

"I want you to wait here till I give you a call, understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Ok. Good job. See you later, boy."

"Goodbye, Sir." I said and knew that I meant it.

I was left there in the woods in silence. Had Sir forgotten to call me, I wondered. My phone did ring though after a few more minutes of waiting.

"Boy, you can take your blindfold off but stay on your knees. There's a couple of guys here who want to get blowjobs. I want you to service them as you have done me. Make sure though they don't use your pussy, ok boy?"

"Uh, yes, Sir." even as I was talking I heard them approach. "They're here now, Sir."

"Ok then. Enjoy. Bye."

I kept my phone and the blindfold in my pockets when the two men approached me. Both were wearing hooded jackets that kept their faces in shadows but I could still make out that they were probably in their early twenties. They were about the same height at 5'10" maybe. One looked heavier than the other though.

"Holy shit, he wasn't kidding. There really is a cock-sucker in the woods" the skinnier one said.

"Fuck yeah, dude" said the other one.

"Hey, dude. Heard you're giving free blowjobs?" said the skinny one.

I didn't really know what to say so I just nodded.

"Cool. We got cocks, you got a willing mouth, we got everything we need, so let's fucking do this!" With that Skinny dude yanked his sweat pants down, exposing his already rigid cock.

It was a long number – probably seven inches. It was a slim cock and the head not bulbous like what I picture Sir's to be. It pointed straight out like a machine gun ready for action. I noticed right away that he was shaved. This accentuated the slenderness of his cock. He gave his cock a few wanks then stood closer to me. I got a better look at his face. He looked even younger than I thought - he could still be in his teens.

His friend just stood to our side, his hands buried in his jean pockets, probably feeling himself up. Slim dude slid his cock into my mouth.

"Ughhh, yeah," he said in a voice much louder than Sir's had been.

I felt self-conscious of his loudness - not that anybody would be able to hear us from the parking lot; it wasn't that close but I felt like the vice squad were listening in from the other side of that boulder. I wanted to tell him to keep it down but my mouth was preoccupied at the moment.

I played with his balls with one hand while my mouth worked his one-eyed snake.

"Oo yeah, dude... fucking awesome... just like that... yeah-yeah... Suck that cock...yeah dude... oh fucking yeah."

I sort of got used to his yammering. It was good in that I knew he was liking what I was doing. My hands now worked the base of his shaft while I kept my mouth concentrating on the tip. When I thought he couldn't get any louder, he did.

"Ugh, fuck!...ugh, ugh, fuck!... i'm gonna cum dude!... I'm gonna cum!"

He bucked backwards and his cock slipped put of my mouth causing his spooge to shoot over my face and jacket.

"Oh fuck yeah... Oh fuck, fuck!" He kept on going.

If his friend said anything, I didn't notice it. He did have his own cock out by this time. I scooped up the mess from my face and jacket and since I didn't have any place to wipe it off on, I just licked it off my hand. This tasted similar to Sir's except this dude's was pastier and less runny. Without saying a word, the other dude stepped up in front of me. Being closer, I could tell he's latino and definitely in his twenties. I didn't get to look into his face for long because his own snake was already aiming for my mouth. So with hardly a break, I engulfed my third cock for the night.

This cock, also shaved, is shorter than his friend's by a little over an inch but this one's definitely thicker. If there was such a thing as a cocksucker fit - this would be the right size for me.

I don't know whether I was getting tired kneeling there or because this guy seemed to a bit more passive, but I was more forceful with my approach in working his cock. To keep him steady within my voracious mouth, I had to pull him close to me - my hands holding his well rounded ass cheeks. Given the chance, I would fuck his ass.

His grunts against my sucking noises.

"Fuck, that's hot dude." His friend would say, disrupting the purely animal sounds we were making.

This guy was precuming a lot and at some point I stopped to squeeze out as much of it out of his shaft as I could. It had that nice slightly salty taste to it. I lapped it all up. I continued sucking him with vigor.

He didn't last long. He shot his load at the back of my throat, grunting as he did so. I wanted to lick the cock head but he kept it in me; when I leaned back to pull out of his cock, he leaned forward to keep it inside me. So, I wrapped my lips around his deflating shaft instead.

"Thank you," he said when he finally pulled out.

After zipping up, he offered his hand and helped me up to my feet. The two of them made their way back to the parking lot while I dusted the dirt of my pants.

As I walked back to my car, no constricting device encasing my weenie, no... my cock. I couldn't keep myself from smiling.

Let me know if this story is brewing or if it is tanking. Email me at I would love to hear your suggestions, comments, and criticisms.

Next: Chapter 4

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