Lust Is Blind

By Ryan P

Published on Jan 11, 2019


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This story contains infidelity and rough sex between men. If such things offend you, please leave this page immediately.

Part 6: Eyes Opened

The moment I got into Sir's car, he had me strip all of my clothes off. Not that I was wearing much - I was actually wearing the exact same outfit I had when I first met him at Starbucks. This time though, he got behind the wheel of my car with me on the passenger seat beside him. I was glad that the car cabin lights had dimmed off not long after I got myself completely naked. Save for the street lights and the lights from the coffee shop, we were pretty much hidden in the darkness of the night.

"Put this on," Sir said as he handed me my blindfolds.

Here we go again with the fucking blindfolds, I thought. I then felt Sir remove the cock cage I was wearing. His touch always felt electric to me. He gave my balls a tight squeeze. I yelped. Sir laughed.

"OK, now get yourself hard." Sir instructed.

I started rubbing my weenie. The sexiness of my predicament and the anticipation of what awaits me that night made it easy for me to get my tiny member standing at full attention.

"I want you to keep it hard throughout our trip, got it?"

"Yes, Sir."

It was a Friday night. Seven weeks passed by quickly like a hurricane, it came quick, it came strong, and it left my psyche in shambles. I had fully accepted my place as Sir's pussy and have come to greatly enjoy it. I've done things that I had previously only read about and seen on the internet. I've gone from an unsure experimenter to a hungry, and in my mind, deprived sex toy. There were still some uneasy moments especially when Sir would call me up at home knowing full well that my wife was with me. He was relentless during those two months of service. He kept having me do tasks not just when I'm at home, but when I'm at the gym or even at work, at a meeting even. Thankfully, I never got caught. I was taking a lot of risks, I knew, but the risks only made the whole thing hotter.

Sir forbade me to cum for six days now that I hardly had to touch myself to keep myself hard. By the time Sir turned off the car engine, I had edged myself so many times. Thankfully I didn't climax, however, my hand, weenie, and balls were coated by so much precum I had wet the seat badly.

"Take off the blindfolds."

I took them off and found that we were parked in a driveway of a very fine looking house. I didn't expect that. I don't know why, perhaps, his rough demeanor and the way he dressed the few times I saw him made me think he lived in a very ordinary neighborhood, much like mine. Maybe it's owned by a friend of his, I remember thinking. I didn't really get to see much of the outside as not only was it dark out but Sir was hurrying me along. He had me walk, barefoot, to a side entrance of the house.

The room we came into was the kitchen and it was brightly lit, I had to squint at first as the brightness was a bit harsh after having been in the dark for a while. There was someone else in the room, standing up from his perch on a kitchen bar stool. He looked familiar but I couldn't place where I've seen him before. Except for a black leather speedo-like briefs and a matching leather collar around his neck, he was almost as naked as me.

"Hi, Sir," he said.

He handed Sir a set of keys.

"Thank you," Sir said. "Is anybody else here yet?"

"They're all downstairs already, Sir" the guy said.

That's when I remembered where I had seen the guy before. He was the skinny dude I had given a blowjob to at the park & ride one night. He was with another guy then who I had also blown.

"Hi" I said to him when he noticed me staring at him.

"Hi, nice to see you again" he said.

Sir smirked.

"This is boy Ryan," Sir said, "and this is my trusted boy Jeff."

I hate to admit it but I felt jealous at Jeff for being `trusted'.

Sir had me turn around away from him. He attached a black leather collar, not unlike Jeff's, around my neck. He spun me back to face him and then clipped a soft letter leash to the collar.

"Nice" Sir said as he fingered my leaking weenie and fed me my precum.

I licked Sir's finger clean. He nodded his approval.

"Ok, let's go."

Sir led me by the collar to the basement, Jeff following behind us.

Where the kitchen looked like a normal kitchen and the living room (that I had spied from the kitchen) looked like a normal living room, albeit richly furnished, the basement, however, was clearly not a usual basement. It was done to resemble a dungeon with a bar at the far end. First thing I noticed there was a St. Andrew's cross (I didn't actually know that that was what it was called back then). One cannot avoid noticing it as there were red spotlights from the ceiling shining unto it. On the wall on either side of the cross were shelves and hooks with a variety of gear on them. There were whips, ropes, handcuffs, and many leather, metallic, and plastic whatnots. On the far side of the room there was a couch and what looked like a wet bar. Across from it, where the stairs leading to the basement is facing, is a big flat screen TV – a game of basketball was on. There were three guys by the couch/bar area. One of them, also wearing the same skimpy outfit as Jeff, I quickly recognized as the chubbier guy with Jeff that night at the park & ride. The other two men, both decked out in leather, I haven't met before. One had leather pants, a leather vest, and wire-trimmed glasses on. He had a closed beard and mustache and was probably in his late-forties. The other guy was younger, probably the same age as Sir (mid-thirties) was also wearing leather pants but had no top on – he displayed his solidly-built chest which had a nice even coating of hair - he also had a big nice swirly tat on his upper back. He had deep set eyes, a square jaw – he was drop-dead handsome.

"Everyone, this is boy Ryan." Sir said and everyone greeted me back.

Sir then introduced me to them. The vested guy was called Chief (I realized then that he was the other master that Sir had me email to at the beginning of my correspondence with Sir) The bare-chested guy was Sir Mike and the young guy who was now standing next to Jeff, was boy Alex.

"When I first met boy Ryan, he was a total newbie, a reluctant cocksucker, a virgin even. Hasn't even so much as had a pinkie up his cunt. After remedying that myself," Sir said to hoots and laughter, "with all the tools at my disposal," more laughter as he gropes his cock through his jeans, "I can say that the boy has learned to accept his role as my boy. After tonight, after two months of breaking him and training him, my boy Ryan here is ready to prove that he knows how to serve real men. Should he do well tonight, and I don't doubt that he will, he will be considered a graduate of my training program. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us here tonight then to make sure we give him a proper send off."

"I'll fucking send him off limping for sure " shouted Sir Mike, taking a sip from the beer he was nursing.

The others laughed at this. My weenie twitched at the thought of this stud fucking me

"Now remember," Sir said to me but loud enough for all to hear, "Everyone in this room is above you in rank. Which means you will treat each of them with respect just as you would treat me. If any of them ask you to do something, you obey. Got that boy?"

"Yes, Sir" I replied loudly like a soldier. I tried to do my damnest to let Sir know as well as the rest them that I truly wish to please Sir.

"Good boy, now tell me, what would you like to drink?"

It was a pleasant surprised to be offered a drink. I thought that the moment I got there we would go straight to business. Instead, it was like hanging out with my friends at a local bar except here I was walking around naked and the men I am hanging out with would occasionally pull my weenie, twist my nipples, or slap my ass. Besides the liquor, there were other recreational substances available. Some partook while some, like Chief, did not. Being the obedient boy that I was, I obeyed every little request they had of me - drink this, taste that, take this, try that. I hadn't let loose of myself like that since I was a teenager, maybe not even then. I am surprised now that I even remember anything from that night.

I don't know how much time has passed before we finally started to get down to business. Somehow, during that time, Sir had changed from his t-shirt and jeans into his leather outfit: Leather boots with the yellow stitching and laces and leather briefs. And just like Sir Mike, he wore no top either. Sir and Sir Mike looked like brothers. I was ogling their chests throughout the whole night. I wanted to lick their nipples and bury my face in their armpits.

This part is still a bit hazy to me but at some point somehow I ended up with my arms and legs tied to the St. Andrew's cross. The TV was playing some porn while Jeff and Alex were taking turns licking my weenie and balls. The three Sirs were feeling me up and kissing my mouth and ears, biting my nipples, and fingering my bunghole. This went on for I don't know how long. Jeff and Alex were very careful though not to make me cum. They would stop touching me whenever I would get close. It was driving me crazy. Good thing Sir, at some point, had all off them back off from me. I didn't realize it till then that the cessation of all that wonderful touching and groping was a welcome relief in itself. I noticed then that I was breathing really hard and I took that moment to pull myself together if even just mentally. I relaxed into my restraints. The room was spinning around me. Sir must have noticed, if not have worried about, my exhaustion that he had the two boys released me from the cross. They sat me down on the couch and offered me water to drink.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I said, refusing the glass of water.

"Drink," Sir said, "it's an order."

I drank the water and rested back against the couch.

"We've got the whole night, boy, no need to rush it." Chief said.

"Yeah, you've got to pace yourself if you want to survive what we've got planned for you" chimed Sir Mike.

I hated myself. I felt so stupid in feeling so god-damn weak. I actually wanted to cry or leave if I could only manage to stand.

"It's ok, boy, you've had a long day" Sir said, "just relax for a while".

"In the meantime..." Sir Mike sat next to me and called Jeff over to him. Jeff crawled to where we were sitting and proceeded to unzip Sir Mike's leather pants. Jeff fished out the cock curled tightly underneath the leather and I sat there in awe as a cock as big as Sir's appeared just a few inches away from me. It was mesmerizing. I wanted to be the one on my knees looking up at that huge uncut talisman.

All of us were watching as Jeff engulfed the quickly growing cock within his mouth. Chief wanted the same service so he called Alex over to him. It was one amazing thing after the other. The Chief's built was not as tight as the other two sirs. He had a bit of a paunch but the other thing he had was quite impressive - a cock that was the biggest by far of the six of us. It was probably 10 inches long and thick too. My little weenie sprang back to life.

Sir sat on the other side of me and he grabbed my erection and kissed me deeply.

We kissed and grabbed and groped for a while till Sir whispered into my ear.

"Are you ready to continue?"

"Yes Sir," I whispered back.

Sir pulled out a padded bench away from the wall and had me lie face down on it. My head and ass hanging off the length of it. He strapped my arms and legs to each of the bench's splayed legs. I tried to keep myself calm even as Sir grabbed a flogger from the wall.

"Count them out, boy"

"Sir, yes, Sir" I shouted, putting on the military snappiness I knew Sir expected of me.

And he proceeded. Each successive lash against my butt felt like it was delivered with greater force. By the time it was over, at 30 lashes, I was all out crying. The others gently massaged my butt, their hands cold against my warm reddened skin (this took a while to heel and was something I was cautious to hide from my wife for days thereafter as it healed). It was a strange feeling. It hurt and hurt like hell. I wanted it to stop while it was happening but when the ordeal was over, despite my tears, I felt proud and, strangely enough (maybe from all the chemicals swirling in my body) even ecstatic that I survived the punishment (or was it a blessing?) that Sir doled out to me.

I was released from the bench by Sir Mike, saying that it's his turn. He forgo the leash hanging by my neck and instead grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the couch – I did all I could do to try and keep up with him. He had me put my legs up against the backrest of the couch so my calves and feet actually rested on the high bench of the wet bar behind the couch. He positioned my head in between his legs and held onto the high bench as he started to lower his hips.

"Open up faggot" he barked at me.

I did and I finally got to taste his wonderful cock. I love how my lips felt wrapped around the shifting foreskin. Now that I had it in my mouth, I realized that Sir's cock was bigger. But it did not matter, either one was still more than enough for me to choke on and gag on. Sir Mike had me lick it and suck on it some but it wasn't long when he decided that he wanted to fuck my mouth instead. My gagging was getting more and more frequent. Sir Mike pulled out and slapped me on the face.

"Quit fucking around" he said.

I tried to relax to recoup quickly, relaxing and steadying my breathing. Sir Mike resumed his face-fucking. My hardly-improved gagging didn't faze Sir Mike anymore, if anything, it made him go harder and faster.

Just before hitting his climax, he pulled out and grabbed both my wrist in one hand and pulled me out of the couch and back into the bench. This time though he had me lie down on it on my back with my head dangling over its edge. He continued to fuck my face there. It didn't take long when I felt someone hold my ankles up in the air. I placed my hand against Sir Mike's thigh to steady myself. I couldn't really look up but when he spoke I knew who had me by my ankles.

"Ye-aahh," Sir said as he buried his cock inside of me. "It's not as as tight as the first time I fucked you but it's still a nice pussy"

Sir Mike paused for just a moment as him and Sir hi-fived each other.

"If your wife could see you now" Sir said.

I felt another pair of hands caressed my chest and my weenie. It's one of the boys but I wasn't sure who. Sir Mike kinda slowed down a bit to match the rhythmic pace of thrusting of Sir's. There was discomfort in my mouth and pure pleasure in my ass but between the two of them plus the touch of someone's hands all over my body – it was just too much to bear. I grunted loud as I couldn't speak to warn them all that I was on the verge of cumming. Both sirs quickened their paces and that was when I exploded. The caressing hand went to my weenie directing my spooge to shoot straight into my belly, my chest, and my neck even as I was being squeezed and rocked by the two men on either ends of me. I didn't have the luxury of enjoyibg the aftermath as I focused my attention to breathing air in between Sir Mike's thrusts.

"I'm gonna cum!" Sir Mike shouted.

"Oh, shit!" Sir said.

And both of them came inside of me. Sir Mike pulled out and let some of his spunk land on my face and tongue. Sir kept his cock inside of me as he pumped more of his juices into me.

As I lie there catching my breath, I saw that it was Alex whose hands was exploring my body. He had started to lick my deflated weenie and was making his way up towards my torso to clean up all the cum on me when Chief came over.

"Don't eat it all up, I'll need it" Chief said as he reached over and scooped as much of the cum from my torso as he could. He then spread the goop over his own cock. When Alex realized what he was doing, he helped by scooping the cum that was on my face and neck and adding it to the coating of Chief's lengthy meat.

"Ready for me boy?" Chief asked.

"Uhh" was all I could reply with but I don't think he really cared whether I was ready or not. The chief used his wet hand to spread some of the cum onto my asshole. He then inserted a finger in, then two, and started finger-fucking me a little.

"Joe has loosened you alright but it will still be a tight fit."

I hear Sir laugh at that.

I didn't realize it then, as I lay there, that I had just learned of Sir's first name. I was too pre-occupied with the thought that I was going to be split apart into two. At any rate, I didn't have much of a say or much time to speak my thoughts on the matter `coz soon enough, there it was... the monstrous head trying to push its way in.

"Oh god!" I exclaimed.

My hands white-knuckling the edges of the bench I laid on. Someone put a bottle of poppers against my nose. I took two big whiffs. I screamed again as the big head pushed through my anal ring.

"Take it out!" I screamed.

The Chief hushed me.

"Just relax, boy, you'll get used to it."

He paused. He let me get adjusted to what's already inside of me but every time he would nudge it in, even a little bit, it would hurt so badly. I kept begging him to take it out.

"I ain't letting you go till you take all of it in so I suggest you stop being such a pussy and take it like a man." This line always makes me laugh now whenever I remember it but back then all thought I had was summed up in one word: pain!

Little by little, inch by painful inch, Chief pushed further in. In fairness, despite his sternness, he did take an exceptionally long time getting me used to his size. Meanwhile, the other sirs had tied up Jeff and Alex back to back. Blindfolded, and gagged them. The sirs were having fun taking turns shocking them with the electric wand and using a leather flogger on them.

At some point, Chief exclaimed.

"There you go, I'm all in!"

True enough I can feel the base of his cock against me now. The Chief slowly worked his cock in and out of me, short strokes slowly changing to longer strokes till only the tip of his monster cock was still inside of me. He would push all the way in again - every time he did that it would take my breath away. And slowly, ever slowly, I got used to it. Slowly, ever slowly, it became pleasurable. I started moaning like the bitch that I was. That old man knew how to fuck. He surprised me with his stamina. He had me changing positions many times and each position he would fuck me fiercely for several minutes. It was when he had me on all fours on the couch that his anaconda was positioned just right, it was striking my G spot over and over. Without me realizing it, I suddenly came a second time that night. Meanwhile, it took about two more position changes for Chief to finally get his baby makers in me. We were on a mat on the floor, on our sides, with him spooning me from behind. Truth be told, I was ready to pass out by the time he came deep inside of me.

That wasn't the last time I got fucked that night. The sirs inflicted more pain, not just on me, but on us three boys that night. There were also many pleasures and gratifying releases that I'm thankful to have experienced that night

It was almost noon time when I woke up the next day. With a hungover, it took me a while to remember that it was a Saturday and that I was still at Sir's house, in his bedroom, on his bed. Sir wasn't on the bed with me. I stood up, searched for my clothes before remembering that all my clothes were in the car. I went downstairs and saw Sir in the Kitchen.

He smiled at me, those eyes melting the coldness of the air around me.

"Coffee?" he asked.

"Yes, please, and aspirin if you have any."

"Must have been some night you had?"

I smiled.

"Yes, it was some night, alright."

He left the kitchen for a minute and came back and tossed me a bottle of Tylenol. He then poured coffee into a cup and handed it out to me.

"Thank you," I said.

I took a sip of the coffee. It was too hot to drink the pills with so I just swallowed the pills dry.

"So, you're a free man." Joe says.

"I am?"

"Yup. You've completed the contract."

It felt like years ago when it had just been a few months since I first responded to Sir's personal ad.

"What if I want to extend the contract?" I asked.

He smiled. He looked at me, those damn beautiful eyes – I could spend hours just staring into them. He lifted the coffee pot like he was going to pour more coffee but then put it back down into the coffee maker.

"Listen," Joe said, his tone inching closer to his Sir-voice. "Don't get me wrong. You're a great guy..."

Oh god, I thought, I felt like a teenager being dumped for the first time.

"...I had a great time with you, more than two months, right? And last night was fantastic too. But -"

This is the first time I've ever heard him sound anything close to apologetic.

"...but my whole thing is about the conquest and you my friend had been my greatest conquest so far"

I nodded my head, coffee cup still at hand. Thinking that I understood what Joe was saying but not really feeling sure.

"But I'm not the last conquest." I said.

"Yes." He answered my non-question. "That doesn't mean I wouldn't want to have fun with you once in a while just like the other guys"

I nodded again and took another sip of coffee.

"So does that mean I can call you?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Sure, but I am not making any promises that I'll pick up."

Only when he had me wear those blindfold again upon riding the passenger side of my car that I truly accepted that he did not wish to see me again. He didn't really want me to learn of his name, much less of where he lived. This meant he had no desire for me anymore. That was it - I was his flavor of the month for two months but that was it. He'll be off hunting for new flavors. I was not like Jeff; I was not a 'trusted boy'. I wouldn't say that I didn't feel hurt about how we parted. But, I guess, I was as he said I was: conquered. A conquered man would not feel victorious or elated would he? The subject has to feel vanquished for the conqueror to know he'd won. When he dropped me and my car off at the Starbucks later that day, I gave him back the blindfolds. He said thanks, he shook my hands, and stood there waiting for me to drive away.

Over time I had learned to be thankful of him. He had more sense than I did actually – I was married after all. And even then, he had pushed me into these new experiences, into understanding myself better and into opening my eyes to see future possibilities. Not long after that last day with Joe, to prevent myself from calling or texting him, I deleted his contact information from my phone. I never saw him again.

So that was it - finally, the last chapter. I took a lot of liberties in retelling this essentially true story of what happened to me awhile ago. Names have been changed. You may call it fiction if it makes you feel better.

As always do let me know if you enjoyed this story or not. Email me at ryan_subhotmail.com

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