Mad Dog

By Zippy Queer

Published on May 15, 2002


*** Mad Dog On A Mission *** Chapter 1 ***

This story is a totally imaginary fantasy about professional basketball players. Nothing in this story should be taken as any indication of the actual sexual orientation or behaviors of any of the players.

Hope you enjoy! Comments welcome at

-Zippy Queer

Mark Madsen, second-year forward for the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team, sat alone on a bench in the locker room, thinking about what his coach had said to him after practice. Phil Jackson was a pretty wacked-out guy, everyone seemed to agree. Always talking about metaphysics, spirituality, Zen--stuff that was over the heads of most of the players. Mark, though, really liked listening to Phil's cerebral rants, and even engaged him in debates from time to time. Mark had learned to love intellectual discussions while he was a student at Stanford University, so he spent as much time as possible talking with Phil, especially during long, boring road trips.

So when Phil, this wise-looking man with owl-like glasses and a shaggy gray beard, talked to Mark about a special assignment, he agreed right away to do whatever Phil wanted. But this request seemed a little weird to Mark. Phil said he wanted Mark to take a complete personal inventory of each of the other players on the team--asking them a long list of questions about their lives and feelings, plus doing a very detailed report on each player's body, from head to toe. The idea was that Phil wanted to know everything he could possibly know about his players, so that he could give the best physical-mental- spiritual advice to each individual. Since some of the players might be shy about giving out all this information directly to the coach, he thought that it would be best if Mark, one of the most popular players and definitely the nicest guy of the bunch, conducted the inventory. Plus, Mark didn't have to spend a lot of energy preparing for games, since he almost never played, so he would have plenty of time to focus on this mission.

Reading over the ten pages of questions that he was supposed to ask each player, Mark had mixed emotions. On one hand, he really liked the idea of helping his coach, and this project really seemed interesting. On the other hand, he would have to ask some questions that the players might find embarrassing. Even worse, the inventory called for him to take detailed measurements of each player's body--even the private parts. Mark had been taught very strict morals growing up, and he thought it would be strange to do some of the things on the list. But he did like the idea of getting to know his fellow players really well. So, for his beloved coach, Mark decided to be bold and give this project a try.

Phil notified the team members that Mark would be pulling each of them aside for an hour or two for a personal inventory. He said that this was a mandatory thing and that the players should cooperate with whatever Mark asked of them. The guys seemed to think this was OK, since they all liked the coach and they all liked Mark. With his goofy grin, lively eyes, big strong farm-boy body, and extremely upbeat personality, Mark was the target of plenty of good-natured ribbing from his teammates. They all liked having this intelligent, happy, naïve young guy around.

Mark decided to start with Kobe Bryant. On the next day off while the team was at home in L.A., Mark went to Kobe's house. Kobe had gotten married recently, and he and his wife Vanessa had a gorgeous place in the hills. As it happened, Vanessa, or "V" as Kobe liked to call her, was away visiting her mother that day, so Kobe and Mark had the place to themselves. Grabbing beers from the fridge, Kobe led Mark out by his swimming pool. Since it was warm and sunny, Kobe took off his t-shirt and sandals and lay back on a lounge chair in just his purple gym shorts. Mark sat down on the chair next to him, and after some small talk, Mark started in on the questions.

"OK, here we go, Kobe. Question number 1: How would you rate your personal happiness, 1 to 10, 10 being happiest?"

Kobe quickly replied, "That's easy. 10, man. My life's great right now. I'm famous, I've got a shitload of money, I've got a phat wife, and I'm the best ball player in the fucking universe." He stretched his arms beyond his head in satisfaction, showing off his muscular torso. Mark noted Kobe's response on the form, then went on.

"All right, Question number 2: How close are you to reaching your full potential as a basketball player? 1 to 10, 1 meaning you have a very long way to go, 10 meaning you can't possibly get any better than you are now."

Kobe smiled and thought about it for a second, then said, "I would say 7. I'm already the best guard in the world, probably the best player in the league, but I'm still getting better. I probably won't peak for another five years."

"You're really great already," Mark said. "It's hard to imagine you getting much better! OK, I'll put down a 7. Moving on to question number 3: How would you rate your physical development, the overall condition of your body, as compared to the other players in the NBA? 1 to 10, 10 being the best in the league."

Kobe pondered for a minute, then said, "I'm in pretty great shape. I ain't a huge muscle maniac like Shaq, but I bet I can run as fast as anyone. Hmmm. Man, what do you think?"

Mark chuckled and said, "Kobe, everybody knows you're a stud, but you have to answer these questions yourself. So what's it gonna be?"

"I'll say 9. There might be a couple guys who spend more time in the gym than I do. But I have way more natural skillz than any of those mother fuckers!" He flashed Mark his cockiest grin.

"OK," Mark went on, "The next section is about each of the individual parts of your body. I'll ask you how you feel about a part of your body, then while you think of an answer, I'll measure that part of your body with this thing." He held up a thin yellow tape measure.

Kobe looked a little weirded out by this. But he knew that this survey was important to the coach, who he respected a lot, and he knew Mark was a harmless church-boy, so he figured it would probably be OK. Even so, he was a little nervous. "Man, Coach wants to know a lot of shit! Tell you what, before we do that, let's go for a quick swim." Kobe got up from the lounge chair and headed for the diving board at the other end of the pool.

"Um, Kobe," Mark said, "I didn't bring a swimsuit."

"No prob, man," Kobe assured him. "Nobody can see in here through the trees and the high fences. We can just go bare-ass. V and I do it all the time." Mark watched as Kobe climbed up on the diving board, moved out to the very end, turned around so his back was to Mark, and casually dropped his shorts. Mark noticed that Kobe wasn't wearing underwear or a jockstrap under his shorts. Kobe executed a fabulous backward dive. When he surfaced, he said, "Whaddaya think? My little nephew taught me that dive."

"Pretty awesome," Mark said. Mark had peeled off his shirt and removed his shoes and socks, but he was feeling strange about going naked here, outdoors. He was OK with Kobe seeing him in the buff--they saw each other in the showers nearly every day--but he still thought the idea was a little strange. He turned away from the water and slowly climbed out of his shorts and briefs.

"Man, you're so fuckin' pale!" Kobe teased. "You really need to get some sun on that milky white skinny ass."

Mark knew Kobe was just trying to egg him on, but he didn't like being called skinny. He turned to face Kobe and said, "Skinny? Look who's talking! You know I could flatten you with my hands tied behind my back."

Kobe laughed and said, "Naw, you're just a skinny-ass milky-white church boy." He knew this would get Mark really ticked off. Sure enough, this got Mark fired up, and he dove right into the pool to go after Kobe. But Kobe had a good head start and swam all the way to the end of the pool. Kobe climbed out, ran around the pool to grab Mark's clothes and shoes, and threw them in the water!

"You stupid dork!" Mark yelled. Kobe smiled at this. Mark was such a goody-goody that he didn't use swear words, so his insults didn't hit their mark very hard. Mark climbed out of the pool and started chasing Kobe around. On the way, he grabbed Kobe's clothes and threw them in, too.

"You motherfucker!" Kobe yelled as he dove back into the pool after his clothes, with Mark diving him right after him. Mark proved to be a very strong swimmer and caught up with Kobe right away, grabbing him by the ankle and pulling him backward. Mark reached out to grab Kobe's shoulders from behind, pulling him closer and then pushing him under the water. Kobe was flailing his arms underwater, having trouble getting out of Mark's strong grip. He tried to grab Mark's chest, but Mark was very strong and held Kobe far enough away. Finally, Kobe decided he'd had enough and gave a strong backward kick with his right foot, right up into Mark's nuts. Not too hard, since they were just having fun.

Mark let out a squeal of pain and released Kobe, who came up and caught his breath, then turned around to try to dunk his friend. Both guys were laughing even as they were sputtering to get their breath. They faced each other and wrestled for position, each trying to dunk the other. Most of the contact was on the arms and shoulders, but occasionally they bumped each other's chests, legs, and even crotches for a second or two. After several minutes of huffing and puffing, Kobe yelled "OK, that's enough!" and pulled away.

"You wimp," Mark joked, playfully slapping Kobe on the head. "Now let's get on with that survey." Mark climbed out of the pool, instinctively covered his crotch with his hands, and turned to ask Kobe where he could find a towel. Kobe pointed toward the cabinet at the edge of the patio. Both guys stood on the patio and dried off. "Man, you've got to get some bigger towels, Bryant. These are baby towels." The towels were standard bath size, but they definitely looked tiny on these big men.

When they were dried off, Mark headed back toward the pool to get his soaked clothes. He fished his floating clothes and shoes out of the pool with a net, and he snagged Kobe's stuff too. Heading back to the house, he gave the dripping pile of clothes to Kobe, who laid them out on the railing to dry in the hot sun. Turning to Mark, he said, "Well, since you're all naked and pale, we should probably head inside to do the rest of this survey." Mark agreed, and the two tiny-towel-wrapped players headed into the house, Mark carrying his clipboard, pen, and tape measure. Kobe took Mark all around the giant house, finally reaching the stairs to the basement. The basement was Kobe's private territory, for guys only. Not even his wife could enter. He didn't invite many people down to it, just his teammates and close friends.

The basement was decorated in expensive hardwood, with a giant Persian rug covering most of the floor, Italian leather furniture, and a wall-size projection TV, with a cool air-conditioned breeze all around. Mark headed for the sofa, but Kobe stopped him, saying, "Hey, I don't want your pasty bare ass on my leather couch!" Looking around, they saw that all of the chairs and sofas in the room were leather, so Kobe said, "Let's go in the back room. It's a little spare room where I crash sometimes when V is in a bad mood." They entered the small, dark room (painted purple, one of the Laker colors), which had no chairs--only a queen-size bed, a small bedside table with a lamp, a five-foot-tall fake plant, only one window high up by the ceiling, a small closet, and an adjoining bathroom with a shower. Kobe closed the bedroom door and motioned to Mark to sit on the bed, then he headed for the toilet, leaving the bathroom door open. "So what's the next question, Dog?" Mark's nickname "Mad Dog," for his aggressive play, had followed him from high school through college and to the NBA.

Kobe dropped his towel and stood in front of the toilet to piss, while Mark sat on the edge of the bed and started back in on the survey. "OK, the first thing on the list is your face. I'm supposed to measure how big your face is, your eyes, ears, and that gigantic nose of yours. While I do that, you tell me how you would rate your face, 1 to 10, 10 being the best."

Kobe shook the last drops off his dick, flushed the toilet, and walked out of the bathroom, asking, "What the fuck? Why does Coach care about my face?"

"I have no clue, Kobe. Let's just do it. Get over here." Kobe snorted, then moved in front of Mark. "On your knees, so I can reach," Mark commanded. Kobe rolled his eyes and dropped to his knees. Mark noticed that Kobe had forgotten to put his towel back on. His limp cock hung in plain sight, though nobody cared--it was only the two guys there.

As Mark ran the tape measure from Kobe's hairline down to his chin, Kobe said, "OK, well, I think I have a world- class face, especially the smile. I'll say 10." Mark got the horizontal measurement too, then the dimension of Kobe's eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, then he wrote the results on his form.

"Next up: arms. Give me a one to 10 rating, and hold your arms straight out to the sides." Mark reached out to take measurements of Kobe's upper and lower arms, both length and circumference, and then measured his hands and fingers. When Kobe gave his arms a rating of 10, Mark smiled at Kobe's cockiness, but had to admit that Kobe's arms were pretty muscular and long.

"OK, stand up, time for the torso." Kobe obliged, and Mark took careful measurements of his friend's chest, shoulders, and waist. He also measured the distance from the Adam's apple to the navel, as instructed on the form. For his chest, Kobe gave a rating of 10 (what a surprise). Mark had to agree, Kobe had a great chest. "Are you gonna say 10 for everything, Kobe?" Mark teased.

"Could be, Dog," Kobe answered, smiling. This stuff was not as weird as he had thought it would be--just taking some measurements. He was OK with being naked with Mark. No big deal. He noticed that Mark's towel had come loose and that his big dick was hanging out, so he figured they were on equal standing.

"Time for the glutes," Mark announced. "Turn around." Kobe turned around and suddenly poked his naked ass backward, hitting Mark right in the face. "You big idiot!" Mark yelled while Kobe laughed hysterically. Mark looped the tape all the way around Kobe's body at the widest point of his ass. He then measured Kobe's ass from top to bottom, saying, "I know you're going to say 10, so I'll just write it down." He then said, "OK, it wants me to get an exact measurement from your asshole to the top of your crack, so hold your cheeks apart. Kobe just laughed and cooperated with his friend, though it was pretty embarrassing to open his butt up like that for somebody.

"Take a good whiff--that's premium NBA ass, man," Kobe kidded. Mark was pretty grossed out by the whole thing. "OK, Doctor Dog, what do you have to examine next? Aren't we almost done with this shit?"

"Hang on, twerp," Mark said. "Next up is genitals." As Kobe turned around, Mark gave him a mischievous grin.

"Well, man, I can tell you already, this one's not a's a 12!" Kobe said, making Mark groan. Even though he was making jokes, Kobe felt a little uncomfortable now, and he was sort of covering his dick and balls with his hands.

"What a kidder," Mark said. "OK, move your hands, I gotta do this."

"Be careful, man," Kobe warned as Mark gently took Kobe's soft dick in hand, carefully measuring from head to base, then the girth at the base, at the middle, and at the head.

"12, my butt," Mark sneered. "Try five and three-quarters. Now hold up your Tiny Tim so I can measure your balls."

Kobe slapped Mark's cheek playfully and said, "The 12 only comes when Vanessa is around. Now get going on those balls." Mark finished the measurements, then wrote them down on his form. By this time, Kobe was feeling a little hot, even in the air-conditioned bedroom, so he said, "Get a move on, man." Mark was getting hot too. So that Mark could measure his thighs, calves, and feet, Kobe hiked one leg up onto the edge of the bed, then the other, his dick and balls flailing around between his open legs. "Ten, ten, ten," Kobe proclaimed. "Are we done?"

Mark shuffled his papers and said, "Just one more section. Shouldn't take too long. Plus, I can't leave til my clothes are dry anyway."

Kobe responded, "Oh fuck, well, do you care if I take a shower first? I got chlorine in my hair, want to rinse it out." He headed into the bathroom.

Mark called out, "No problemo. Hey, do you care if I take one too?"

"Come on in," Kobe said. "I've got two shower heads in here. Just like in a locker room." Mark left his towel in the bedroom and joined Kobe in the extra-wide glass-walled shower stall. Even though it was a double-size shower, it was still pretty crowded in there with these two giants, and there was a lot of elbow-banging and hip-bumping as they soaped themselves up. "So, Mad Dog, why'd ya volunteer for this inventory shit?" Kobe asked.

As he took a squirt of his friend's expensive herbal shampoo, Mark said, "Well, you know, the coach asked me to do it. I guess he thinks I'm really smart. Or really dumb. Or both." They chuckled.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Kobe said as he reached back to soap up his butt. "I'd do just about anything for Coach."

"Definitely," Mark agreed as he washed his healthy dick and balls. After they showered silently for a while, Mark offered, "Need a hand with your back?" Kobe said sure, so Mark scrubbed up his friend's strong back, then Kobe returned the favor. This is not something they would normally do in the locker room, but since it was just the two of them, it seemed OK.

After rinsing off all the shampoo and soap, they shut off the water and grabbed fresh towels from the wall rack. Mark started to step out of the stall to dry off, but Kobe grabbed his arm and said, "Stay in here, man. I don't want you dripping all over the carpet out there." Drying off in the cramped space was a challenge, but they managed it, then headed back to the bedroom. They didn't bother to wrap up in towels this time.

Mark picked up his clipboard and read the instructions for the last part of the survey. "OK, there's a little disclaimer here from the coach. It says that this section has some directions that you might consider to be strange or uncomfortable, but you need to go along with them, since they are absolutely necessary for the success of the survey. It also says I should tell you that whatever happens here is strictly between you, me, and Phil. Sound all right to you?"

Kobe, now clean and refreshed, said, "Sure, whatever, man. Tell me what to do."

Mark said, "OK, lie down." Kobe complied, climbing onto the center of the bed and lying on his stomach while Mark headed over to the window to pull the purple blinds closed. Since the light was already turned off and the walls were a dark color, the room was now fairly dark, even though it was the middle of the afternoon. Kobe had stretched his arms out to the sides and closed his eyes, relaxing. Mark said, "Now, the topic of this last section is sexuality. You'll need to answer openly and honestly, since this part is very important if coach is to be able to fully understand you and be the most help to you." Mark read through the instructions some more. "OK, it says that while I'm asking questions, I also need to be doing certain things to your body. You are supposed to just relax and answer the questions. Sound good?"

Kobe said, "Man, whatever. I'm fine about sex stuff. In fact, I'm the fucking finest!" Mark laughed. Truth be told, both of them were feeling uncomfortable, but again, anything for the coach.

"All right. First question: At what age did you begin masturbating, and what was the experience like for you?" Mark sat on his knees on the bed next to Kobe and began massaging his shoulders, as instructed.

"Um, well, I guess I was about nine years old. I was over at my cousin Kevin's house. He was, like, 14 or so, a real cocky son of a bitch, a great ball player, and I totally looked up to him. Anyway, his family had a tiny apartment so I had to share Kevin's bed, and since it was 100 degrees or so, we were both buck naked in bed. In the middle of the night, I woke up and saw Kevin jacking off, though I didn't really know what it was. I asked what he was doing, and he was a little embarrassed, but then he said he was jacking off, and said I should try it. I remember his dick seemed gigantic compared to mine. We didn't touch each other or anything, but he showed me how it was done, and I was an expert after one session."

Mark realized it would be tough to write all of that down, so he decided to just try to remember it all and write it in later. He moved down to rub Kobe's low back and sides, and said, "Cool. OK, next question: Have you ever made love with a woman, and if so, when was the first time and what was it like?"

Kobe laughed really loud, almost too loud, and said, "Of course I've been with women. Who do you think I am? A fuckin' priest?"

"I don't know, man, I'm just asking the questions on the sheet," Mark said calmly, now massaging the sides of Kobe's back, as the form required. "Now, tell me about it."

Kobe was quiet for a while, then he said, "Mark, this is totally between us, right?"

"Between us and coach," Mark said. "And if there is something that you don't want the coach to know, I can keep it quiet. We're pals."

Kobe trusted Mark, so he said, "Well, the truth is...I have only been with one woman in my life."

"You mean, Vanessa?" Mark asked.

"No, we've never even done anything. Isn't that the most fucked up thing you've heard? We're fucking married, and we sleep in the same bed, but we haven't done anything other than kiss. She says she's scared about doing it. I don't mind, really. I love her and all, but the truth is, she doesn't really turn me on, and the one time we got close, I couldn't get it up." Kobe buried his face in the pillow, not wanting to make eye contact with Mark.

"OK, then, who was the one woman?" Mark asked as he quietly climbed off the bed, took Kobe's ankles in hand, and gently pulled his legs apart, as it said to do in the instructions.

"Well, um...well, it was this girl in high school, a cheerleader. We fucked one night in the back of my car. And to tell you the truth, it was a disaster. I hated it. I couldn't wait to get out of there." Kobe paused for a while, then looked back at Mark, who had climbed back onto the bed and was sitting cross-legged between Kobe's open thighs. "I can't believe I'm telling you this! You must think I'm the biggest fuckin' loser."

Mark smiled and said softly, "No, no. You know, I've never been with a woman at all. Not even once."

"I kinda figured that," said Kobe, without any judgmental tone in his voice. "Because of your religion, right?"

Following the directions, Mark gently massaged Kobe's upper thighs. "No, that's not really it. I mean, that's part of it, but also, I'm really not all that turned on by most women."

"Hmmm. I guess we're alike in that way. Hey, would you mind using some lotion for that? Your hands must have fuckin' calluses. There's some in the drawer in the bathroom." Kobe watched Mark as he walked over to get the lotion. As Mark came back, Kobe saw that Mark's dick seemed to be a little bigger than before. Mark sat back down and applied a little lotion to Kobe's legs and ass.

"Well, let's move on. Next question: Have you ever been sexually attracted to another man, and have you ever had a sexual experience with another man?" Mark was now working Kobe's inner thighs, with his fingers running nearly up to Kobe's ass. He felt Kobe tightening up a little bit at this embarrassing question.

In a soft voice, Kobe answered, "Well, I've never messed around with another guy, unless you count that one time with Kevin when I was little. I don't know if I'm sexually attracted to other guys..." Kobe got very quiet, and Mark could hear him choking up a little.

Mark leaned forward and placed his hand on Kobe's shoulder, gently, saying, "It's OK man, you can cry, it's no big deal. When you're ready, tell me more." He went back to rubbing Kobe's thighs, then moved up to his ass cheeks, rubbing in small circles, inching toward the crack. Boy, those massage instructions were pretty detailed!

After a bit, Kobe said, "The truth is, yeah, I think some guys are sexy."

"Any guys in particular?" Mark asked, slowly running his index finger up and down Kobe's ass crack.

"Don't tell anybody, but I think some of the guys on the team are pretty sexy," Kobe admitted. "Ron Harper is pretty nice to look at. Rick Fox has a nice hairy chest. And Shaq, well, he's obviously a big stud. Have you seen his cock?"

"Yeah," Mark said. "Elephant trunk." Kobe giggled. "Any others?"

"Well, um, yeah, one other that I can think of, but let's go on to the next question," Kobe said.

"All right," Mark said, "What celebrities are your top sexual fantasies? I assume it means not counting basketball players!" They both laughed, though Kobe quieted down when he felt Mark's finger poking very gently at his asshole.

Though he was having trouble concentrating, Kobe thought for a while and said, "Well, I like Brad Pitt. He seems like a cool guy, and has a pretty good body." Kobe let out a low groan as he felt Mark's lotioned-up finger working its way into his ass.

"Who else?" Mark asked quietly.

"Well, there's Tiger Woods. You know, for a skinny kid, he's still pretty sexy looking. I wonder what he's got downstairs," Kobe said.

As he plunged a second finger into Kobe's ass, Mark said, "Well you know, I happened to see Tiger once at the gym while we were both in school at Stanford. He's not what you would call 'well-endowed.'"

Kobe was breathing hard at this point. Mark's fingers had hurt him a little at first, but now he was totally liking it, and he felt his dick getting really hard. "Well," Kobe gasped, "you never saw him hard, right? I bet it gets a lot bigger."

Mark pulled his fingers out, causing Kobe to let out a great sigh. Mark said, "I bet it does. Now, just by coincidence, the next thing on my list is to measure you when you are hard. You think you can arrange that for me?" Kobe said sure, and Mark got off the bed to find his tape measure while Kobe flipped over, again stretching his arms wide to the sides, legs spread, with his hard cock now in full view. Mark came back into the room with the tape measure, and though it was dark, Kobe could tell that Mark was hard too.

Mark settled back into his spot between Kobe's legs and said, "OK, is this as big as it gets?" Kobe called him a motherfucker and said to just measure it. Mark carefully measured from the base to the tip, then the girth all along the hard dick. "Well, man, looks like you come up at nine inches even in length, and pretty big around, too," Mark said. Keeping a hand wrapped around his friend's dick, Mark said, "The last thing on the list is to see how far you can shoot. We better go in the bathroom for this one." Mark pulled Kobe out of bed by the dick and took him over to the entrance to the bathroom. "Now, stay behind the line where the carpet meets the bathroom floor, and I'll measure how far it goes."

Kobe asked, "Mark, can you, uh, help me a little?" Mark grinned and stood behind Kobe, sticking his fingers back up Kobe's butt. Kobe groaned as his friend worked his ass for several minutes. Kobe had to hold onto the doorframe with his left hand while his right whacked away on his dick.

As Kobe neared his peak, Mark held his friend close from behind, and Kobe could feel Mark's hard dick pressing against his low back. When Mark reached between Kobe's legs with his free hand to squeeze those balls, Kobe immediately shot a huge load across the bathroom. Mark slowly withdrew his fingers and gave Kobe a big hug from behind, his own erection still huge and bright red.

After a moment, Mark went for his tape measure. "Four feet, seven inches!" he announced. He noted the result on the form. "Well, congratulations, Kobe, you've completed the entire survey. I'm sure the coach will learn a lot from all the information you have provided."

"I bet he will," Kobe replied, staring into his big friend's eyes. "Now, uh, I feel like I should give you something in return for all of your work."

"What do you have in mind?" Mark asked, grinning.

"Come on back into the bedroom and lie down on your back," Kobe told him.

Mark did so, but reminded Kobe, "You know, Kobe, I'm a virgin, I'm not ready for anything like, um, uh, ..." Mark's face turned red in embarrassment.

"Like, um, fucking or sucking?" Kobe suggested.

"Yeah, umm...yeah," Mark said sheepishly.

"Well," Kobe said, "I won't do none of that, so just lie back and relax, man."

Mark said, "OK, Kobe, I trust you," then closed his eyes. He felt Kobe climb onto the bed beside him, squirting some of that lotion on his chest, and gently rubbing it in. Kobe twisted Mark's nipples gently, which caused Mark's hard dick to throb even more. Then, Kobe moved down to the end of the bed, pulled Mark's legs apart, and climbed in between, just as Mark had done for him earlier.

Kobe told Mark, "I want you to pull your knees up toward your head, and hold them up with your arms." Mark did this, revealing a gorgeous asshole between his huge, muscular thighs. Kobe went to work on Mark's hole, applying plenty of lotion and then gently sticking the tip of his finger inside, working it around slowly. Mark was in heaven, groaning and throbbing. He had never played with his own asshole, and he was amazed at how good it felt!

After a while, Kobe worked a second finger into Mark. Mark yelled out, "Oh My God! Oh My God! That's incredible!" He let one of his knees go so he could start fisting his gigantic hard dick in time with Kobe's finger action. Kobe watched Mark's face and was happy he could make his friend feel so great, just as Mark had done for him. They each picked up the pace until, at the peak of their frenzy, Mark's dick exploded, with cum covering his chest, neck, face, and hair, and even the headboard of the bed.

When he finally calmed down, Mark looked Kobe right in the eye and said, "Thank you so much, man! That was the most incredible thing anyone has ever done for me!"

Kobe said, "No problem man, you did the same for me."

"But that was just for the survey!" Mark protested.

"Whatever, man, it was fun," Kobe said. "Now, let's go get cleaned up." Kobe grabbed Mark's arm to help him off the bed, and they scampered back into the bathroom. First they wiped up Kobe's cum trail from the floor, then they hopped into the double wide shower. This time around, they not only washed each other's backs, they gave each other very thorough asshole washes. The ass attention gave them both hard-ons again. They smiled big at each other as they got dried off, then headed back into the bedroom for another round of NBA ass-play.

The next day before practice, Mark dropped off the completed survey in the coach's office. He couldn't wait to find out which player the coach wanted him to interview next!

Next: Chapter 2

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