Majoring in Giving Pleasure

By moc.liamg@notyap.k.yrrah

Published on Aug 28, 2020


Today was the day I had to leave my town for Manchester before the uni starts. Having lived my whole life in a small town, moving to a big city sent my heart racing. Mum left my shoulder wet when she was seeing me off at the train station. I grunted through each step whilst getting onto the train. Did I really need to cram everything I own into the luggage? I looked out of the train window. Mum was waiving at me wiping her eyes with a tissue. She was shouting something but the words were drowned in the metallic screeching of the wheels. The train was moving forward.

Three and half hours and two train swaps later I got out of the train in my destination. Dragging the luggage behind me I was trying to cross my legs. I hate peeing on moving trains. The battle between not pissing my shoes and bracing so that I wouldn't fall into the dirty toilet holds no appeal to me. I quickly found the public toilets and paid the extortionate fee to get it. That could have been coffee money. I left the luggage by the entrance and stood by the first free urinal. Pee was already dripping from my cock when I barely pulled it out. The stench of urine was stinging my nostrils. Some older guy, maybe in his forties, got to the urinal next to me. It was like listening to waterfalls. I peeked over and saw the beer can sized dick he was holding. The piss was gushing from his slit. He wasn't cut but he rolled his foreskin. He must've caught me peeking because he was looking back at mine. He rubbed his dick a little and the stream off his piss was shooting higher and higher as he was getting harder.

`I'm sorry I didn't mean to look. It was a reflex.'

`Look all you want I don't mind. We could jump into one of the stalls if you fancy,' he said and shook his cock.

My heart jumped into my throat. I shook my dick Spraying pee all over my hands and ran away.

Getting to my dorm was a real hustle. The roads were jammed from all directions and the three miles on my google maps took an hour on a bus. I should have walked but I did not anticipate this and the rain slashed the visibility to near zero. I was shivering on the bus drenched to the bone and hoping the evening would be more comfortable.

I saw the dorms before when I visited Manchester after I was accepted and already knew that I would be sharing my room with two other guys. I was picturing them the whole summer. Goosebumps were erecting my hair each time I thought they might have a hygiene problem or that they would be leaving trash everywhere. Waking up to a smell of rot or unwashed armpits right in my nose at seven in the morning is something I could do without.

I was given keys to my room and stood by the door breathing like a warhorse. Voices were coming out through the wall and door. My roommates were already there.

`Calm down and be cool, Dan. It's gonna be fine.'

I grabbed the door handle and entered the room. A mix of rain and fresh linen saturated the room. With the furniture inside you couldn't swing a cat inside. Two single beds agains one wall and one against the other with a large wardrobe next to it. The writing table was under the one window in the room.

Oh hey mate, I'm Patrick and this guy is Matt. We only just arrived as well. Did you get drenched? My ass crack is wet,' Patrick laughed and Matt nodded Hi' at me. They were both sculpted like gods. They had five grams of fat under their skin combined. Matt's ass was bubblier but Patrick had bigger pecs and a piercing in his nipple. How did I know that? They were both in their underwear and wet clothes were spread out on the beds they already claimed for themselves. The underwear was damp and hugging their jewels.

`Get comfy as well. We already agreed that we'll decompress for a moment and then head out for food and drinks. Obviously we're calling a cab. I'm not walking in that anywhere,' said Matt. He was lying spreadeagled on his bed with a foot hanging out and a hand in his underwear. Black pubic hair was peeking out. I was blushing and looking around where I could hide to change. Seeing the two and their bodies I knew there was no way I was anywhere as big enough as them and a flashback from showers after football practice came rushing back. There was nowhere to hide so I just turned around and then cross legged jumped on the last empty bed. Matt was watching me and it seemed like he was playing with his dick. I couldn't tell if it was rain water or if the wet stain on his underwear just appeared. He winked at me and I lowered my eyes. Was he gay? I wasn't interested in guys. I mean I was curious like every other guy but that was it. Patrick oblivious to this was stood on his bed and stretching like as if in the gym.

After an hour of decompression we called the cab, Matt paid for it, and headed to the city. The food turned out to be a quick kebab and then drinks. I never drank too much. I had two girl friends back in town, I was never able to connect with guys. And we never went out. Save for two local pubs there was nowhere to go anyway.

Patrick was ordering shots for us. It was like drinking fire. Three shots and I was already pulling my collar and my legs were turning into jelly. The bar was spinning and the guys were looking at me and laughing. Patrick disappeared to get another round. All women in the bar were staring at him as he passed. I could see why. He was conventionally handsome and had the charming cheeky boy aura around him. Matt was talking to me but I the music was too loud to hear.

`What did you say?'

He got closer to me and whispered into my ear, `you enjoying yourself?' and he squeezed my ass?

I wasn't sure so just replied yes and waived at Patrick carrying a tray full of shots. Cold sweat poured out of my skin seeing that.

Three hours later and absolutely steaming we came back to the dorm. I collapsed into my bed face first. The room was spinning like a carousel.

`Let me help you, mate. You can't sleep like that,' said Matt and took off my shoes and clothes. He was pulling off my underwear but I grabbed the band and wouldn't let go. He gave up and covered me with the duvet and stroke my hair. Patrick was snoozing in the opposite bed.

The room was spinning and I was thinking about mum and how alone I was. Before I knew it, tear were rolling down my chin and I started sobbing.

`You ok, Dan?' said Matt in the dark.

I didn't reply and sniffed instead. His bed creaked and I could hear his bare footsteps getting closer. He climbed over me into my bed and under the duvet with me. He spooned me from behind hugging me tight. His hot breath was warming up my neck. Hi kissed me on the neck and my dick twinged a little bit. But I didn't mind and I didn't tell him off. My breath calmed and the tears stopped.

`It can be hard to adjust. I travelled a lot on my own so I'm used to it. But the first nights away were hard as well.'

And he caressed my bum and kissed me again. He laid his hand on my stomach and played with my pubic hair. Pressure was building in my dick and blood was flowing in. It was getting to the point where I thought it would pop like a balloon. Matt was still stroking my hair unaware. He pressed his crotch on my ass. He was hard. A massive cock was pressing into my crack. He adjusted it with his hand and as he put his arm back he brushed the tip of my dick.

`Oh, would you look at that,' he whispered in my ear.

A jolt of energy went through my body from head to toe and my heart started beating so much I thought it would jump from my chest.

Matt slid his hand into my underwear and a sloppy sound started coming out as he rubbed my head and foreskin. I was leaking.

`No, I'm not gay. Please.'

`Sure you are Danny. I saw you checking us out when you arrived. Just relax and enjoy it. I'll do you today but starting tomorrow we'll work on your training. Ok baby?' And he kissed my neck again. This time it wasn't a peck. He was kissing my neck and exploring the skin with his tongue. I didn't know what he meant by the training but that didn't matter. His hand was rubbing my dick and I was breathing heavily. Each stroke was sending me into a new place of pleasure.

`Taste your own pre cum,' he said and placed his fingers in my mouth and on my tongue. They were covered in salty taste.

`That's it baby. Suck the fingers.'

And he pushed them in my throat. I gagged and retched a little.

He returned back to my dick. He was rubbing it and I was breathing heavily. The orgasm was coming closer and closer. I was thrusting my hips forward and moaning.

`That's it. Good boy. Let it out,' he said and with a couple of quick strokes I fell over the edge. My dick was throbbing so much it hurt. I was shooting ropes of cum inside my underwear. Matt took of my underwear and kissed my piss slit.

`Say thank you sir,' he told me and be brushed my hair from my face.

`Thank you, sir,' I mumbled as I was falling asleep.

`Good boy.'

Hi guys. I hope you enjoyed the first part. Feel free to get in touch with your feedback on

Next: Chapter 2

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