Male Rape

By Peyton Fuller

Published on Jul 14, 2000


Althought I guess you would officialy say this is a rape story of a straight man by a gay man, I think of it more as a "black comedy" or "seduction" story. Hope you like it. I am the author and this is an original story. NCJAY


I'm a 30-year-old straight guy with a face, body and cock that most women found irresistible. I could get just about any woman I wanted to spend the night with me and all of them seemed to really enjoy the ministrations of my cock. I was born here in NYC, went to Columbia and have lived and worked here my entire life. I have a pretty good job and a fairly nice apartment although it is old and has an outside fire escape that you got to by climbing out of the bed room window onto a small balcony and then onto the escape. If I kept the air conditioning on and the bedroom window locked, no one could get in; however, many nights in the spring and fall the temperature drops at night to the point that I like to sleep in the nude with the window open. Well, that proved to be my undoing!

I was sound asleep one night (it must have been about 2am) when I felt this body on top of me and a handkerchief that smelled of ether pressed against my nose. I started to say: "What the fuck is going on...." But I was out like a light before I could get that all out. I awoke in a few minutes however; (It must have been a Very light dose). To find myself on my stomach with both my arms and legs spread-eagled out from my body and all four limbs cufflink to the bedposts.

At this point, I did say: "What the fuck is going on?" Who are you and what the fuck do you want?"

Out of the total darkness (the blinds had been drawn and I couldn't see a damn thing) a deep male voice chuckled and said: "Oh no, my friend, you've got it backwards - you're not going to fuck me - I'm going to fuck you!" I said: "Like hell you are - no one has ever fucked me and I don't intend to let you be the first!" I felt a gloved hand moving up and down by back, massaging my ass cheeks and starting to tickle my ass hole. Again there was a chuckle and the deep voice sad: "This is better than I ever hoped for! Not only do I get to fuck a beautiful ass, I get your virgin cherry too!"

He went on to say that we could two this one of two ways. If I resisted him or tried to cry out, he could either stuff my mouth with a couple of handkerchiefs or use more ether to knock me out completely. If I wanted that option he assured me that his big cock would give me the hardest and roughest fuck that he could manage and that I would be so sore I wouldn't be able to sit down for a week. On the other hand, if I cooperated and really got into it, he would lube up my ass, coat his condom with lube and be as gentle as he could. He pointed out that he was wearing a condom, not only for my protection, but to be sure that the only DNA he left behind was my own. I asked him how he could be so sure that I would come unless he jacked me off. He laughed and said that he had a very talented cock and that everyone he fucked always came!

I sighed and said: "I'm no fool, if I'm going to be fucked I want to do it the easy way. I won't cry out and I will cooperate as much as I can." He said: "Good man!" and proceed to start to lube up my ass. I could hear him lubricating his cock as well and then I felt a gentle pressure on my asshole. The pressure slowly built up and suddenly his cockhead was inside my fuck chute. Both of us groaned. He said: "Man, do you have a tight ass hole - this is going to be great for both of us!" I said, "Maybe you but not for me!" He laughed and said that by the time he was through I would be begging him to come back for seconds!

He inserted his huge cock an inch at a time - giving me time for my fuck chute to adjust itself to his cock's bulk. Eventually he must have had 8 or 9 inches of hard cock up my tight ass and then he started a slow long in and out stroke that pretty soon was driving me wild as sensation after sensation streamed up my body. I never knew that being fucked this way could be as pleasurable to the guy being fucked! I wondered if the women I had fucked had had similar sensations as my cock had plowed their cunts? He could sense that I was really enjoying his fucking and said: "That's right, man, lust relax and enjoy it - you should cum in just a minute or two." Sure enough, within a minute I could feel my balls draw up and without either of us touching my cock, it began to shoot wave after wave of cum. Soon I was lying in a pool of my own cum and he said: "That's right, man, I knew I could bring you off, but hold on, the best is yet to come!" He then picked up his stroke and really began to pump his cock into me - faster and faster, harder and harder. Suddenly he jammed his cock in full length, froze in position, held on to me as if I were a life preserver and began to pump blast after blast of his own cum into his condom while wave after wave of pleasure shot up my body too!

I asked him: "Before you go, at least tell me if I know you, do you know me, or was this whole episode just a casual "driveway" fuck?" He said: "Oh, I know you, but you don't know me. I could be the guy that sits across from you on the subway, the mailboy who brings you your mail, one of your office workers, one of the cleaning staff - anyone!" I had to agree he was right. What did I really know about him? I knew he was about my height and weight. I knew he had a fantastic cock that I had enjoyed more than I would ever admit, but that was about it. I had absolutely no idea what he looked liked or even what race he was. He could have been white, black, Indian, Oriental or alien and I wouldn't have known. His voice had no betraying accent and even if I heard it again, how could I prove it was the guy who had raped me? I had no recording of his voice and it would just be his work against mine plus the fact that I would have to acknowledge that I had been raped by a man! Damn! He really had me locked in.

With a final groan, he slowly pulled his cock out of my ass, carefully put the dripping condom in a bag he had brought with him, wet a wash cloth he had also brought with him in my bathroom, carefully cleaned his cock off, put the wet cloth in the bag and began to get dressed. I asked, "Hey, Man, I did just want you wanted me to do - you're not going to leave me handcuffed this way are you?" He said, "No, of course not! The cuffs have to go with me in that it was possible they could be traced but, don't worry, I'll just give you a little more ether - you'll fall back to sleep and when you wake up, I'll be long gone along with every trace of me!"

I soon smelled the ether held to my nose and was unconscious almost at once. When I woke up and turned on the lights, the room was empty except for me. Nothing was changed except that I was lying in a big pool of my own cum. The window was open and a gentle breeze blew in. I locked the window, changed the sheets, washed myself off and went back to bed. When I woke up the next morning, I wondered if it had all been a dream. Then I realized that my ass felt "strange" and I soon realized that it felt "empty" and missed being stuffed with his big cock!

Each day I carefully check out each guy that seems to be paying more than normal attention to me and ask myself, are you the one? I can't explain this, but I have taken to leaving the bedroom window half way open even when the air condition is going, and I wonder when and if I will ever again be awaked with the smell of ether at my nose and a deep male voice telling me to relax. I also wonder how I can let him know that he doesn't need the ether or the hand cuffs anymore!

Next: Chapter 2

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