Male Sorting

By Hairy Jacques

Published on Aug 19, 2016


This story, modified to protect the anonymity of those involved, blends fact and fantasy.

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Rich looked up, smiling, and stared into my eyes for a long second. He exhaled, reaching behind me to place his big hand on the back of my head. He pulled me gently toward him while he leaned in and kissed me.

I froze. I didn't flinch and thank God I didn't pull away. But for a moment I was unmoving, stunned that this was happening. I couldn't believe that this hot stud -- RICH SPANGLER, the ROTC frat boy and long-time object of my desire -- was kissing me!

But he was. His lips were pressing and puckering against my own. His big hand, groping my scalp, urged me toward his mouth. I could smell his breath and feel the heat of his face so close to my skin. I could feel his whiskers bristling against my cheeks and chin. Everything was positively electric.

Suddenly I started to respond. I started to kiss him back. It wasn't a decision so much as an involuntary reflex. It was just so natural, so primal, so necessary. I needed this. I needed him.

Rich grew more aggressive. His lips parted and he extended his tongue. I opened my mouth, welcoming him inside me, pressing my tongue against his, holding contact, then letting his tongue slide against mine to disengage only briefly before reconnecting. I pressed my tongue forward, passing through my lips and then his to enter his mouth. We established a sort of rhythm: His tongue in my mouth, then my tongue in his. Always, though, our tongues were touching, swirling and pressing and sliding. Meanwhile, Rich and I were practically panting.

I felt my cock surging upward to full erection inside my shorts. I grabbed the back of his head and let my fingers caress his bristly dark blond crew cut. I extended my other hand to grab the back of his wide, muscular neck. Everything about him was warm, big, and thick.

And then I reached downward, allowing my fingertips to linger in his chest hair before tracing down the ribbed cotton of his wifebeater as I made my way toward his crotch. I tentatively touched his dick. He broke contact with my lips, sighing into my ear as I felt his cock through the nylon of his Army PT shorts. Talk about warm and big and thick. I could feel it throbbing and twitching. The thing felt huge.

Rich started kissing my neck. Soon he was sucking on it, breaking contact only to nibble my ears. His hand reciprocated the movements of my own and went one step further. He reached up the leg of my shorts and into my boxers. He encircled my dick and gently caressed the head, which by this point was leaking a steady stream of pre-cum. Pulling on my shaft, he coaxed some onto the palm of his hand, which he withdrew from my shorts and raised toward his lips. He licked the small puddle and smiled. "Tastes amazing," he drawled. "Sweet on the outside AND the inside."

I reached beneath his arms to pull him in for a hug, thanking him for his compliment with a kiss. He was right. I could taste subtle traces of my sweetness on his tongue. I raked my hands over his broad back. I could feel his muscles, especially his powerful lats, through the textured fabric of his tank top.

Meanwhile, Rich's long fingers walked down my back, pressing, one after another, as they descended toward the bottom of my t-shirt. The mini-massage ended as his palms slid underneath the fabric, sweeping up my back while simultaneously pushing my shirt up and over and then off my torso. I raised my arms as he popped it over my head. He grabbed my biceps to keep them aloft, my forearms still trapped within the bunched-up cotton of my t-shirt.

He kissed me intensely and then surprised me by pressing his face into my left armpit. I felt him inhale deeply and then start to kiss and lick the small tuft of hair. Then he moved to my right pit. It tickled a little, but mostly it turned me on. It felt good, in fact, but there was something more. As he moved to my nipples, sucking them, circling and flicking his tongue, and then taking the hardened points between his teeth, biting and pulling ever so gently, I felt overwhelmed by the knowledge that Rich was INTO me! He wanted me. He was craving my body. And he had the confidence not to censor his passion. He followed his desires. He didn't hold back.

So I wouldn't, either. I knew what I wanted. I had denied it to myself for far too long. I wasn't going to wait any longer.

I pulled his face from my nipple, stared for a moment into his hazel eyes, kissed him deeply, and then pushed him back on the bed.

I scooted down between his legs. He lifted his hips as I hooked my fingers around the waistband of his Army gym shorts.

I savored the moment so deeply that, in hindsight, I can see it all unfolding in slow motion. With his tank top pushed up above his navel, I admired the thick trail of brownish hair that divided his well-defined abdominal muscles and pointed toward the waistband of his tented shorts. I let my hand skim over the fabric concealing his erection and closed my first around his shaft. I slowly jacked up and down and then up again. I released his dick so that I could grab the top of his shorts. With his hips raised it wasn't difficult to work them down, but nonetheless I did so in stages.

At first I just pulled the waistband downward; I didn't lift it. I didn't want to release his cock -- not yet. Instead, I wanted tease him a bit -- and also I wanted to allow myself to focus on his pubes. As I've mentioned, I'm a fan of body hair, and Rich didn't disappoint either above or below the waist. His happy trail flowed uninterrupted below his belt line, where the hair fanned out into thatch that was thick, dense, and lush. If he trimmed his pubes it had been several weeks. I pressed my nose into the softness of his bush. Just slightly damp with sweat, when I breathed in through my nostrils I'm not sure how to describe his scent. Rich smelled musky, but good. Manly. His pheromones sent my cock into overdrive. I was throbbing and leaking into my shorts, hovering over the abyss of orgasm even though I wasn't touching myself or being touched.

I lowered his shorts another inch, revealing just the broad base of his shaft. I noted the thick vein as I worked his shorts even lower. This exposed a good four or five inches of his dick, straining the fabric that kept it pressed down between his thighs. Slowly, I pulled the nylon away from his body.

I'm not sure if Rich noticed, but for a long second my hands were trembling. It's not that I was nervous. It's that I was excited. I recognized the momentousness of what was happening. For the first time in my life, I was going to fulfill a longstanding fantasy -- and I was going to get to do it with Rich, just about the hottest guy in the dorm. I was going to suck his cock.

Suddenly, his hard dick escaped his shorts, springing upwards and backwards to smack into his pubes with a barely-audible "thump."

At first, all I could do was stare. I felt excited but also reverent. It wasn't some random cock; instead, it was Rich's. And it wasn't just Rich's; it was even more perfect than I would have imagined. It was not only long but also thick. I didn't know for sure at the time, but later I'd measure it to be about an inch longer than a dollar bill, which is 6 and a quarter inches. The shaft was also pretty wide, and the head was easily two-thirds the width of the dollar.

Rich cleared his throat. I looked up to see him smiling. "Are you gonna just stare at it all day?"

I smiled back at him. "No," I said, "but I could."

My eyes focused on the tip of his cock, which was leaking pre-cum. I wanted to taste it.

Extending my tongue, I lightly traced a path up his shaft toward the broad helmet of his cock. I lingered at the extra-sensitive spot where the shaft and head came together, just below his piss slit, first flicking and then lapping with my tongue. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and raised it upward, aiming it at my mouth. My tongue tasted the pre-cum that was my reward. I made eye contact with Rich. "I'm not the only guy who's sweet," I said.

I gave him a wink, licked my lips, and pulled them over my teeth.

That's when I took him into my mouth. Not his whole dick. Not at first, at least. At first, I just opened wide and stretched my lips around the wide head. I engulfed it with my mouth, allowing the flare of his helmet to define my outer limits. I gently sucked while lapping my tongue from the base of his cock head to the tip.

I heard Rich sigh. I looked up to see him raise his arms to lace his fingers together behind his head. This elevated his head to give him a better view of the action. It improved my view, as well. I could now not only enjoy the blissful expression on his face but also his hairy armpits and bulging biceps.

I encircled the base of his shaft with my thumb and index finger. I could feel his pulse beneath the heat of his skin. As I raked my other fingers through his pubic hair I started to slowly bob up and down while swirling my tongue in circles around the head of his dick. "Holy shit," I heard Rich gasp. "That's amazing."

Encouraged, I went beyond his cock head, gradually descending his shaft. I knew I had to go slow. His dick was big, but I wanted it all. With less than half of him in my mouth I was already fighting off the urge to gag. I decided to change my angle of approach, using my free hand to brace myself against his mattress while raising my upper body. This cleared the path a bit, and soon I was two-thirds of the way down his shaft.

It had only been five minutes since I first had Rich in my mouth, but I had already discovered a truth that I'd never again attempt to deny: I loved sucking cock. It drove all my senses into overdrive. I could see Rich in nearly all his glory, a big, blond, hairy, muscular ROTC cadet still wearing the tight wifebeater that revealed much but teased even more. I could hear the plaintive gratitude of his sighs and soft moans. I could inhale his manly scent, I could taste the saltiness of his skin and the sweetness of his pre-cum, and I could feel on my lips and my tongue and in my throat his heat, his hardness, and his throbbing through the supple texture of his skin. I loved everything about it, and if I needed any more convincing there was the undeniability of my own leaking erection, straining against my shorts.

But there was something more. It wasn't merely physical. It was emotional. Sucking Rich's cock was just so intimate. I was opening myself to him -- literally. And also he was revealing himself, exposing himself, and entrusting himself to me. He was allowing me to consume and imbibe him. And all of this was done in the service of one of the most secret and forbidden of pleasures. Yet with Rich there were no secrets and there was no shame. Never in my life had I felt more connected to someone.

I decided to go for broke. I wanted all of him. My throat had gotten used to his size, and now the entirety of his shaft was dripping with my spit. I couldn't wait any longer. I plunged my face into his crotch, swallowing every inch and exalting as his slightly musky pubic hair tickled my nostrils. I was deep-throating him. Our connection was complete.

I heard Rich moan as I felt a tear emerge from my eye and stream down my cheek. The eyes, nose, and throat share their own secret connections, and I had just discovered a new one. But I'm not 100 percent certain it was a purely physical reaction. The heart is connected, too, and I'll admit that I was overwhelmed with emotion.

I felt his big hands grab my head. "Stop," he panted, "I want to make this last."

As I raised my mouth from his crotch my face came into view. He saw the tears. "Are you okay?" he asked. There was genuine concern in his voice.

"Yes," I said, gasping for air. "Either your dick so far down your throat is making my eyes water, or they're tears of joy."

His smile was so big and so broad that my heart almost melted. He leaned forward and kissed me, deeply, tongue to tongue. He stood up beside the bed, kicking his shorts from his ankles. He pulled me up into a standing position, grabbed my shorts, and yanked them down. Next thing I knew he was on his knees, staring straight at my dick.

He didn't hesitate. He went for it. Against the engorged flesh of my dick I felt his lips and his mouth and his tongue and his teeth.

"Shit!" I hissed. "Your teeth!"

It was an involuntary reaction. I didn't mean to complain and instantly regretted having said anything. The last thing I was feeling was ingratitude. I tried to reassure him. "You just startled me," I said. "No big deal. Just try to cover your teeth with your lips." He nodded, accepting the scolding I never intended to give. He opened his mouth, covered his teeth with his lips, and started to suck me.

The sensation was electric. As the warmth, wetness, and insistent suction of his mouth worked its magic, I took in the view of his body. My eyes focused on Rich's crew cut, through which I laced my fingers. I noted his big, muscular shoulders, over which swirled a light coating of hair that swept up from his collar bone. For a moment I wondered if Rich, already hairy at 21, was getting even hairier. I smiled when I looked down at his ass, which seemed to answer my question. His tight butt cheeks were covered with the same dark blond fuzz that coated his legs, but his crack promised even more. I could see the space between his cheeks. The hair was denser and darker. For a moment I experienced a pang of guilt for craving his ass. I knew that, if I followed my curiosity, it would lead me there eventually. But then I started to feel guilty for feeling guilty. There was nothing wrong with appreciating Rich's body. I'd always taught that we should be grateful for God's gifts. Plus Rich deserved some of the credit, as well. His military training, combined with fraternity intramurals and lots of hours in the dorm's weight room, had earned him a physique deserving of his pride and my admiration.

Notwithstanding the rookie mistake of not covering his teeth, Rich was a natural born cocksucker. Maybe it was my more modest proportions, but he was swallowing me, all of me, with enthusiasm. I felt like I was floating. The feelings were pure bliss. I don't think I'd ever felt so turned on. Even my nipples were hard. His mouth was engulfing my cock and his hand was caressing my balls, gently fondling them while pulling downward on my sac. Meanwhile, my nuts were contracting, raising up toward my body as they always do right before I cum.

"Oh wow, oh wow," I gasped. "Oh shit, oh shit! I'm almost there!"

His mouth released my cock as he rose up before me. No longer on his knees, he held me in his arms. He leaned down to kiss me while my hands cupped the firmness of his naked, hairy ass. Our erections rubbed together as we both pressed forward, humping each other and leaking. I reached up to slide my hands beneath his wifebeater shirt and up his back. It was big and broad and warm and wet with perspiration. When our lips lost contact I nuzzled his shoulder, kissing and licking his muscular, hairy flesh.

I was on the edge. So was Rich. But at the same time we came to the same conclusion: We didn't want to cum like this. Not this time. We wanted more.

We both backed away, withdrawing our cocks. "I want you in my mouth," I panted, still clutching his shoulders. "I want to taste you."

"That's exactly what I want," Rich said. "Let's get on the bed."

I reclined on my side while he shuffled onto the mattress. He positioned himself opposite me. We were going to sixty-nine. His cock, engorged and erect, bobbed in front of my face. I swallowed it while my hand tugged his pendulous balls. I could feel them lifting upwards. He was at the point of no return, and so was I. I inhaled deeply as I pressed my nose into his pubic hair. I wanted all of him.

He wanted all of me. His mouth felt like magic. I can't describe the sensations. He caressed my balls as I crested the wave of pleasure. I was about to cum, and so was he!

My own efforts sped up. I was sucking him greedily, almost desperately, as if his was the only cock in the world and I needed it to survive. His hips started thrusting as he grabbed the back of my head. He was fucking my face.

Meanwhile, his other hand released my balls and reached behind them. I felt his big finger trace its way down the crack of my ass. He hooked his finger on the opening of my hole, pressing but not penetrating. It was as if he was pulling my trigger.

I started to cum. I shot one, then two, then three, then four volleys into his mouth. I felt him swallow at the same exact moment I felt his cock erupt. Suddenly his semen, thick and hot and viscous, washed over my tongue. He tasted so good, so rich and heady -- so Rich. I tried not to swallow; I wanted to savor him. But my mouth couldn't contain it all and I felt his cum leaking down the side of my face.

As his cock withdrew from my lips the pang of disappointment was soon surmounted by the warmth of Rich's kiss. He had spun around to share in the afterglow. As my tongue entered his mouth I could taste my cum mixing with his. We were both panting. I felt exhausted, but also more satisfied than ever before in my life.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 4

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