March Stephenson

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Dec 26, 2023


Chapter 32

March Stephenson


When we arrived home I changed Mason and let him crawl around in his nappy, it was a hot day, he headed for his stash of cars and played with them while I started the veggies. I had asked Brian (Brenda's son) about Cory he knew him from school, he used to join in their cricket matches, play tennis, footy, handball, marbles, and annoyed the crap out of everyone that's trying to play. He doesn't do that now and sits by himself, they try to encourage him but he is not interested anymore.

I got the gist of it, there is no discipline in his life, and to be an athlete that is one of the main ingredients. I sat at the laptop and searched the local page, his name came up a lot, it sounds like he's a sort of local legend around here.

March told me later.

"He is a sort of a rogue Nicky, and he's always been a lovable rascal, he doesn't want to join any clubs he thinks they are for amateurs. He thinks he is a professional at everything he does. He knows he is being annoying but he can't stop joining in, he has to show them how to do it properly. We can sit and have a great conversation about sports, but anything else he's not interested in. It sounds crazy but he is such a good kid and all he wants to do is play sport."

"Don't you think that should be nurtured?"

"It is Nicky, the footy clubs didn't mind, and he can play well when he concentrates but he's not at their level because he won't sit still for more than two minutes to even listen to a game plan."

"I see, so his wheelchair situation is only temporary?"

"We all barrack for him Nicky, he will get better and that annoying little kid will be back." He laughed.

"He should be encouraged March, he may not be very academically inclined but it sounds like he sure does love his sport."

"He does."

"What about the gym, I could teach him about running easy."

"You can try it, but I doubt whether he will stick to it, as I said he jumps from one sport to another. I guess he's trying them all to see which one he likes the best."

He picked Mase up and was heading for the tub, I read some more posts and they all say the same, what an annoyingly but lovable kid he is.

I will think about sending him another message, maybe I can tempt him into coming to the gym to train.

I could hear Mason's giggles and he doesn't know it yet but I threw out the rest of the baby food and he will go onto solids full time. The baby food was most welcomed at the time, but he does love his adult food better. I had broken the chicken up and diced it up, he has had it before but only in small amounts.

"You had better talk to his mum first Nicky, if she says no, then there is not much you can do."

"Doesn't she want her son to succeed?"

"Yes, but I think she is more focused on getting him mobile again."

"That's not fair March, one session every other week isn't going to get him standing again, not for a long time. I will talk to her."

"What's for dinner baby?" He had been licking my ear.

"Roast chicken baby, with vegetables and gravy."

"That would be very nice, thank you," Please don't stop there do the neck too.

We looked at our son sitting up in his high chair, he had his spoon ready and March went to get his bowl of food.

"He won't eat all of this Nicky, don't you think it will be too much?"

"He will eat what he wants March, but my bet is, the gravy will win him over."

I was right and he squealed his way through the dinner provided, we spoon-fed him and encouraged him to chew it, and only the one time he coughed it up.

We got our dinners and he wanted more, so I chopped up some to give to him, then March enticed him to play on the floor.

"His tummy will be bursting."

"I did put a little more in just for good measure."

"Well let's pray he doesn't get a tummy ache."

"He's not so interested in baby food anymore, so I have decided to drop them. Have you noticed he's been standing more than usual, I think he's going to walk soon."

"God help us." He breathe out heavily as I laughed.

While he played with our son on the couch I went into the local page again. I read Brenda's ad and yes there will be separate runs for the younger ones. Then I wrote to Cory, I said it would be my pleasure to run him the full fifteen K's and I really could do with the company. If he didn't think he would be up to it, I could drop him off at one of the shorter finish lines. No answer so I joined my son and husband.

In the morning his nappy was full, no tummy aches and everything looked normal. I wiped him down then made him a bottle, when March came out he grabbed him and sat him on his knee. He ignored his milk and started moaning, so March sat them both down at the table and fed him some egg which he likes, and he grazed on toast after that.

We have mum and dads tonight, corned beef I think she mentioned, he likes that too.

At work, I cleaned up the bathroom and toilets, put a load of washing on then sat to look at my emails. The door opened and a young lady walked in.

"Hi Nicky, I guess I can't avoid this conversation any longer." I smiled at her.

"I'm Lena, Cory's mum."

"Pleased to meet you Lena, how is he?"

"Desperate to do the run, and too emotional to accept your offer. He's well, and we expect a full recovery but it all takes time."

"Will you let me try to train him properly?"

She sat on the stool and stared me in the eye.

"A few things, you do know he is still in a wheelchair?"

"Yes, I will buy or rent a sports one and push him the whole way if he wants."

"Okay, this is against my plans but you can take Cory, and be aware he's not thinking about the short run either?"

"Of course I will, can he come here over the next few weeks I can watch him. I want him to try the running machine?"

"He has to go to school, he has to do his homework and he has to concentrate on getting well."

"If I can get him up and walking again he can walk across the finish line with me. He also has to follow his dreams, he has to be trained properly and one visit to a clinic isn't going to get him mobile any time soon." I was being very forward. She thought for a few seconds I was hopeful when she smiled.

"That is all Medicare will cover Nick, I'm not a wealthy woman and we have to exist on one pay a week. He kept me awake all night Nicky, he got many offers to be supervised on the run, but the only one he saw was yours. You are a kind of hero to him, he thinks you run just right, and he is secretly conning you." She grinned.

"What conning is that?"

"He is ignoring you and he knows it will get the better of you eventually, my son isn't stupid Nicky. He knew his innocent little post would get to you. I think he has written to every trainer in the state wanting to join a team, but very few write back to him and certainly don't ask him if he wants to win." She smiled.

"I thought that would get to him, he has sport in his veins. So when can I have him?"

"After school for an hour."

"Maybe two."

"One and a half."

"Done," I shook her hand.

"I will tell him later on but be aware he is a very good con artist and he usually gets his way. I had told him he could do the run with supervision, but I don't want any more injuries to deal with. He has a sort of determination that even I can't describe, and please no charity I'm over charity. I must pay you for your time."

"It's okay Lena, there is no charge here for anyone under fifteen." I pointed to the sign on the wall, and we both laughed.

"He will slow you down Nicky."

"He probably will, but I promise you this, he will run with me across the finish line, winner or not.

"I will leave him in your capable hands then."

"He will be safe, and happy again Lena I promise you."

I left it at that and took my son across the road so he could collect his many morning kisses and hugs from all his aunties. I got myself a coffee and a small buttered roll for Mason, which I broke into pieces. He grazed on it and seemed disinterested until Rose came out with a dob of gravy.

"Everything tastes a lot better with a little gravy Nicky."

"It sure does." I grinned.

"Oh, dirty talk again and I didn't even know I was doing it." She laughed.

"That's in your mind Rose, not mine."

"Really?" She giggled and fed Mason.

"Did Lena okay the deal?"

"Yes, I will get him after school and will try and get him mobile again. I don't think he's having much therapy at the moment only once a fortnight."

"That is correct, we all wanted to pitch in and pay for more but she's a stubborn woman, she works her butt off and told everyone she will add an extra one in a couple of months."

"In other words, butt out," I answered.

"Yes, but the offer is still on the table. Do you think you can help him?"

"I have some tricks up my sleeve, I learned a bit about rehabilitation exercise after I had my stroke, so a thirteen-year-old will be easy for me, I hope."

"He needs discipline, his mum is lovely but very soft with him."

"Is that a heads up?"

"Take it as you want Nicky, but she lets him get away with murder sometimes. Now I have said too much." She blushed.

Mason had eaten a lot of the small dinner roll and now he wants a cuddle from his aunty Rose.

March came over to see what I was doing he made us a coffee and sat for a while. I was staring at him at one stage, he is such a hottie.

"Are you nearly finished with the car?"

"Yes Nicky we will start it up soon but unfortunately no driving it, it's not street legal. I'll let you know so you can bring Mase over here, it may be a bit loud for him."

"Okay just pop your head in."

"More dirty talk Nicky?"

"God your hopeless Rose, you should have been a drag queen."

It was an hour later when he popped his head in, one of the guys heard him say they are firing it up and in no time the gym was emptied, they had to go and watch. The noise even from across the road was almost deafening, Mason jumped, then he looked around for the car. It rumbled then sputtered and when someone hit the gas it roared with life, I have no idea what the noise was like in the workshop but I did hear some pretty loud

"Whoop whoops"

He kept hitting the gas and it kept up its rumble then it went silent, I walked bubs over and he clapped when March placed him in the driver's seat. Dad had, as always, a big grin on his face then March went to phone the owner.

The guys took many photos and checked the car out within an inch of its life.

I was concerned that this expensive car might be looted overnight but I was reassured it was being watched by a security guard, provided by the owner.

I guess even if you could get it started you would be hard-pressed to drive it on the road, just about everyone in town would hear it leaving.

I went back to an empty gym and played with Mase for a bit, then I hung the washing out.

He was playing on the back lawn, just checking everything. I was swooning over March's now torn overalls as I pinned them on the line. He had pulled himself up at the privacy fence and was standing there watching me, three steps he took then fell on the lawn. I grabbed him and praised him many times, then I had to go and tell his dad the good news.

We placed him on the floor of the gym and tried to encourage him to get up but I think he is over it for the day. I kissed my March and he was now ready for his lunch.

"I think we will go to the clearing today, it's a bit hot Nicky."

"We have mums tonight, so yes that may be better and you do look a little heated up." He giggled and blushed, thank god Rose wasn't around.

He looked at the roast beef then he looked at the curried sausages, I made some veggies and a little beef with gravy for Mason then I ordered the curry. March ordered it also, I knew he would, he was just waiting for me to decide for him. May was eating the same, and she was almost finished so I handed bubs over and said.

"Can you feed him for me, he likes you." That stare I got was evil.

"What did you decide to do with Cory, Nicky?"

"I am going to give him some exercises in the gym, then I will be talking him on the run with me. I want to get him to the stage where he can at least walk across the finish line but I fear there won't be enough time to get him running."

"There won't be, it takes months to get back into shape," May said.

"May is he taking you tea?"

"No, his mum can't afford it even though I offered it for free."

"I will get him onto it as soon as I can, my arm is so much better now I hardly ever think about it."

"Then settle down on the tea Nicky, just a liter a day, it won't come back but the health benefits are good for you."

"Looks like Mason will miss out on his run now."

"You can take him March."

"Not me, I'm a sprinter and I tire very easily."

I looked at his curry and then at him.

"Five k's that's all you have to do March it's not a Melbourne to Sydney run."

"Maybe we will try and keep up with you for the first mile or so."

"Maybe you should be doing what the guys are doing in the gym, practicing their running."


"He's a good runner Nicky, don't let him psyche you out," May said.

"I see, so you can run?" He blushed again.

"I can run Nicky, but it's not a passion like it is with you."

"Fifty bucks says I can outrun you."

"You are joking, that would be the easiest money you have ever made, no deal."


Bubs ate all his veggies up and I grabbed a serviette to wipe him down, and the table, he spits a bit out also. May went inside and I got to hold my son once again, oh no, his other father wants him.

"Bye bye son." I passed him over.

When May came back she handed me two bags of tea.

"Start him on this Nicky, no charge, it will help."

"Good thank you. I was going to give him some of mine."

"No need just grab a bag when you need it."

"Have your sales increased?"

"Not here Nicky, everyone that needs it is basically on it around here, but the other two businesses are doing very well for Aunty May." She smiled.

"That will increase when he starts franchising."

"He's got it all ready, it's him that's holding it up."

"He's not confident?"

"That's not his problem he has to sell it to investors, then he has to train them. He thinks he will be traveling all over the state working out problems."

"He doesn't want to leave you." Now it was her turn to blush.


"May start training up a second teacher, get someone that's clued up on how it all works, when it hits the market you will be busy alongside Jason, not stuck here."

"Too much to think about Nicky. I like teaching my classes."

"You like the wellness side of things, you are an expert on vitamins and potions. He will need you to explain all that stuff to future owners."

"So you think I should hire someone to help me and train them up as we go."

"Exactly, less work for you more freedom to work with Jason. Wasn't that what this business was all about in the first place?"

"It was actually, let me think about it. Do you have anyone in mind?"

"Not this time May, but you can start with your best student and then work down the list,"

"I think I will talk to Julie first, she's right up there when it comes to her health."

"Good choice and she has a bubs the same age as Mase they can play in the ball pool." I grinned. He needs friends to hang with. March stood up, he had been listening but didn't interfere in our conversation.

"Pick up time."

He walked across the road and met up with a well-dressed guy who handed him a cheque, the other two bought the travel trailer around and the four of them pushed the beast into it. The guys from the gym came out to wave goodbye.

The door banged a few times, I must put in an auto door and a ramp soon. A cheeky-faced boy almost broke it down trying to get his wheelchair into the gym. I stood up to open it for him, and he stood up and dragged it inside.

"That was an effort, and I can see you can already walk Cory."

"Of course, I can walk but don't tell mum she still thinks i'm a helpless cripple."

"Why would you not tell her?"

"More chocolate and biscuits Nick Stephenson." He grinned.

He sat in the chair, I decided by the look of him that little display had tired him out a little, but I must say for a thirteen year old, he is quite tall.

"Now I have agreed with your mum that I can train you, what do you want out of this?" He looked around and came closer and said.

"I want to win."

"Good answer buddy, now let's make a plan."

"You don't have to go all butch on me Nick. I know about you and March Stephenson, so relax."

"Cool." I was wary of this pocket rocket already.

"So what's the problem, you can stand and walk some but you can't run yet?"

"It all takes time Nicky, but the sooner I get those amateur hacks off my back the better, they don't know shit." I couldn't help myself, I started laughing, then I slapped the hand that he held out to me.

"Okay I will tell you all I know then I will show you what I mean. You already have the will to win, but are you disciplined enough to carry it through?"

"When your ready coach, winning is easy and the other I will try very hard to reign in." He laughed.

I got started on the basics and took him to a vacant running machine, I showed him the tricks of the trade and he said he watches a lot of sport videos, but couldn't understand some of them.

He broke me up when he asked what enhancers were, I told him May's tea was the best for him. We talked about his hero's, and a lot of other sports people, he knew a lot more than I did. My head was spinning by the time I placed him on the machine.

"We have to strengthen your legs first so go slow and call out if you want to stop. I will start you on the rowing machine and weights tomorrow, you may as well strengthen your arms while we are it at."

He knew quite a lot of the ladies and men in the gym and they all watched him do his moves.

"Ready?" March poked his head in.

"Give me an hour March, maybe you could go for a run."

"Don't get too smart Nicky Stephenson, otherwise I will wipe the road with you."

"You and whose army March Stephenson." Cory yelled out.

"Sorry Nicky, I didn't know you had the local big mouth in here."

"Who you?" Cory tripped and almost fell off the machine laughing.

"Okay enough of that, come on let's get you on that table, I will do your legs."

"All right, March can you watch that he doesn't do naughty things to me."

It was my turn to laugh, and now I know that he has no discipline at all.

I massaged his legs then his shoulders, then I got him upright again and made him walk to the desk. I showed him how to make up the tea and he was a little boy again, he grinned so much I thought he was going to split his face.

"Thank you Nicky, I feel a lot better now."

"That's okay kiddo, do you want a lift home or are you good to go?"

"No I'm okay, I think I will go across the road and con aunty Rose into giving me a bit of that nice roast I'm hearing about."

"Get a takeaway for your mum, saves her cooking."

"I'll try." He almost hugged me as I held the door for him. I watched him go across the road and sent a message to Rose, I got a wink for an answer.

March was hopping from one foot to another, he wants to go to the clearing. I grabbed Mase and placed him in the car, Brian arrived and I said my goodbyes to the crowd. He followed me up the road and we parked under the trees. Mason started yelling and kicking and I tried to calm him down, he knows he is going swimming. March had his overalls off quick smart, then he dropped his underwear, I started doing my adoration thing to him and he was fully pumped to give his all to me. It was subtle but I heard it, a laughing baby was upright and heading for the river. I stopped chewing and ran after him. He giggled as I swooped him up he had gone more than ten steps. I then kiss farted his neck and got into the stream with him. When I collected my thoughts I looked around for March, he was still standing there all pumped with a sad face.

"Can I catch you later big boy, it's just that I think Mase has decided to walk full-time." He came over and nearly started crying.

"Hop in here and I will take care of you, here hold Mason."

He held him while I finished him off. This isn't going to improve for us, if he's decided he wants the water then he is going to have it. March looked a lot better when I finished, he walked fully into the stream and grinned. I swam over to him and sat with my back to the bank.

"We have to talk," I said.

"I guess it's all over for us now, we can't ignore him any longer." He sighed.

"No it's not March, I will get mum to drop him off at home."

"But he will miss his swim and his dads."

"Then we make a plan." I smiled.

"Being a dad isn't very good Nicky, I like us to be here and I love what you do for me."

"It won't end my man, lets nut this out."

"Well we can't tie him up that's gross, I suppose I can watch him but then I will lose my concentration."

"We will bring his playpen, he hasn't worked out how to climb over the top of it yet."

"He will, it won't take him long, all we have now is the shed."

"It's good, but it's better here," I answered, he was down again.

"We can come earlier, just for a quickie."

"We could I suppose."

"It's all about growing up March."

"I know but he's still so small."

"I meant you, idiot."

He thought about it and started laughing, then he swished Mason through the rippling waters.

"How did you go with the smart mouth?"

"Good, he knows the rules, but I still don't think he will run for at least another six months, but he can walk over the finish line for this run. The next one he will be running."

"He's a good kid, he might surprise you with his recovery."

"Mays tea might help also, I have put him on that."

"Yes, it will help."

He was still thinking about Mason, and I assumed getting a bit depressed about it. I have to find another way to excite him I suppose.

There was a time we could leave him in his carry basket but he's always getting out of that now, we mostly carry him around anyway.

We packed up and dried off, the trip home was quick and when we got in Mase moaned he wanted to get into the tub.

"Tub tub tub." He went on and on.

March grabbed him, he squealed and then he took him outside. I looked at the local page and of course, there was a posting from Cory.

"Losers." Very subtle.

That's all he had to say, it was so funny reading through the comments, he didn't say another word he just let them fly with the insults.

This kid is good.

I stripped and got in the tub with them, our son wanted me now, there is no way he wants to be placed in the high chair. I did a swish then placed his head on my shoulder, hopefully, he will nap for ten minutes.

"Have you started up the old ute lately March?'

"Yes, but it still needs a good run."

"When bub goes to sleep tonight, let's sneak out there and screw."

"It's not very comfortable Nicky, I like the bed."

"I don't know, open the drivers door and take what is offered, I think it would be very sexy."

"We can try."

"Okay then we get mum to take Mase home with her and we will pick him up on our way home."

"We could, but I want him with us." Barriers, always barriers.

"He will forget the river in no time."

"I like him being there."

"Why, he's becoming a problem?"

"I like to think my parents are watching him grow up Nicky, so that's why we take him."

"That is a good thing March, when did you know?"

"Know what?"

"That I knew they were there?"

"When I caught you looking around one day, I figured May had told you."

"I only wanted to put some flowers there, to thank them for looking after me when I was stuck there."

"You nearly had it right Nicky, where you were found you were backed up to the big tree, their plaque is at the back of the tree. I put it there because I didn't want anyone to see it but me."

"You hid them?"

"Yes Nicky, silly thing to do, but at that time it was the best place. And I am convinced they looked after you back then."

"Do you mind if I place some flowers there?"

"No of course not, I want you to do that."

"So we take Mason so they can see him, then we fuck when we get home."

"I suppose so."

"Or we can buy a small tent and zip it up so he can play in it while I do my thing."

He looked at me and said.

"I have a small tent Nicky we can make a game out of it."

"let's try that then."

"Nicky is he asleep?"

"Yes March."

"Can you put him in his high chair and sit on the edge? I have to pay you back." He grinned and I was up for that almost instantly.

I didn't see any problems, he got his suck at the river and now he's continuing the process, he hasn't missed out on anything.

Dinner at mum's was a roaring success, she said she won't carry the corned beef because everyone will get sick of it. She did have a recipe for a corned beef and potato pie she will try, March and dads eyes were on her.

"Soon, okay?"

Bubs was getting brave, he had pulled himself up and was looking at March, we encouraged him while my man got on his knees on the floor. He opened his arms and Mase almost ran into them. He collected his cuddles then he wanted to explore the house. Mum had closed off all the doors and we watched him as we ate. He was alternating from crawling to walking, but he got pretty tired quickly. It reminded me of Cory's problem and I prayed he will come good for his own sake.

"I have some news," Mum said.

"Two news items actually." I didn't groan this time I just said to her.

"What's up?"

"Annie is barking at everyone in the street, she got no joy out of Matt but still thinks someone has robbed her. No police were involved but she turned the house upside and she found Mat's secret storage hole, it was empty. She's now almost ripping up floorboards to see if he had any more."

"I think that was the only one mum, so Pete told Tom."

"Good, she will have to work harder to put some of the boards back." She laughed.

"And your second piece of news?"

"A little better Hank and Jimmy have found jobs so Faith was telling me. They are happy for now and back on track I believe."

"That's good news mum, I hope they settle down some."

"It is son, Faith is happy again the whole family is happy."

"Has John moved to his new farm?"

"I believe so Nicky, he is planting more vines and she said he's always smiling."

"He will do well,"

"Now who is for dessert, apple pie and ice cream?"

Dad and March's arms shot up and I said.

"Yes please, I will give you a hand."

Some for bub, he loves his ice cream Rose gives him a small one at the cafe now and then, and it mostly ends up down his playsuit.

"Cars March any more beauties coming in?" Dad asked.

"Yes Lance, sorry dad, five assorted cars from the museum."

"Where is this museum March, I might go and have a look."

"About fifty K's that way." He pointed inland away from the city.

"We should all go one day, you can take the beast for a run."

"No baby seat."

"Dad has one."

"Ok good idea Nicky, I will look at my dates."

"They might want to buy it off you."

"Buy what?"

"The truck." I grinned.

"No way that stays with us, and we still have to work out how to utilize it more." He wiggled his eyebrows. So he hasn't forgotten my alternate lovemaking spot, he's just added it to his list of places to make love to me.

"This pie is so yummy." He spooned another big piece into his gob.

It was around three I was woken by the grunts, a certain baby was restless tonight and I knew exactly what he was up to, escaping.

I turned over and looked, he had overcome the side of the cot and was now trying to work out how to drop to the floor. Thank God March and I had placed a lot of pillows on the floor, he let go and fell the extra foot onto them, he then grunted and groaned until he got himself upright, then I heard the pitter-patter of his little feet. Finally, he made it to my side of the bed and when I turned back I was greeted with a big smile and a "Dada"

I dragged him into bed and he took the opportunity to tell me all about his travels. March pulled himself up on one elbow and smiled at us, for that wonderful loving smile he got a slap in the face from his son.

"I hope this isn't going to be the norm Nicky."

"It won't be March, but I must say he went to a lot of trouble just to slap you." I giggled and kissed Mase then March, who looked a little miffed.

Dontions to Nifty are always gratefully accepted

Next: Chapter 33

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