Marine Daddy Mark

By Eden AI

Published on Nov 9, 2008


This is story is a re-posting of the original chapter and the addition of the next two. Please email your feedback to

Thanks to Charlie for helping as my editor.

This story is fantasy and involves mature themes.

Ch 1: Marines Need Love Like Everything Does

Out popped the young Marine that Mark was playing with, fully dressed now, he was off to report for duty at the depot. Mark as usual swaggered out in his own uniform, fondling the young Sergeant and growling in his ear. Trying not to pay too much attention I continued packing Mark's lunch. Just as I finished the door shut.

"Hey, babe what's for lunch?" Mark held his stomach as if he were starving.

"BLT sandwiches with hard boiled eggs." I replied.

Mark growled in my ear only for him to receive a playful jab from my elbow.

"Hey, I was just wondering where's mine." Mark pouted and I handed him the bag, receiving a kiss goodbye. "I'll be back tomorrow evening, you know the usual." Without another word he left for work.

I looked up at the time it was just after 10:30 on Saturday. For all intents and purposes I had the house for the weekend. Technically I rent out the loft apartment in back. But Mark is a drill instructor and has to spend most of his time with the recruits on base. Because of this I've been helping out by keeping the house clean. In fact the first official order of business for the day was to go clean the basement after Mark's play session.

Walking down the stairs I could tell Mark's session with the Sergeant mustn't have been vary long. The basement was a large open room with: a bed in the middle, an open bathroom in the far corner, a washer and dryer beneath the stairs. Next to those was the basement fridge and a long row of cabinets, most of which were locked with contents unknown to me. The bed in the center of the room was covered in a variety of liquids. The liquid had the strong smell of piss and sweat, it would need to be hosed down and sanitized.

The bathroom was in better shape than usual. The tub hadn't been used, the shower only appeared to have served it's intended purpose. The toilet was clean, probably attesting to the mess on the bed. Finally I came to the sink. It was clean as was the mirror but a tooth brush with the name "Johnson" was sitting on the sink's edge. This probably meant I would be seeing more of Sergeant Johnson. Placing the Sergeant's tooth brush in the UV cleaner. After that I took the hose from next to the washer and hosed down the room, then I sprayed down the bed and bathroom with sanitizer. In all it took less than an hour.

Making my way back to the kitchen the phone rang. I let the machine pick up and the usual message was played. "Hi, this is Mark Garrison. I'm not home now, leave me a message ... if I know you try my cell." Beep

"Hey babe, a friend of mine you haven't meet before is coming by the house in about an hour. He needs a place to crash because his wife's being a bitch. He may be staying a while. Try to make him comfortable."

With that the message ended; this was going to be interesting. It was unusual for Mark to send someone over who I'd not meet without more instructions. Sure Mark called me babe and we played couple but we most certainly weren't. Before I moved to San Diego to become an artist I had the bright idea to join the Marine Corps. It didn't work out but while there I meet my Senior Drill Instructor Staff Sergeant Garrison, who I now know as Mark. It seems more than a little ironic that I would now live with the man.

Either way I had to prepare the house for whoever was coming, whatever he was expecting. First I went to the spare bedroom on the second floor and checked to make sure no toys had made there way into the room. This room's entire purpose was to house Marines that weren't here to play. I changed the sheets, then made my way down to the basement to wash the old one's. While here I removed Johnson's toothbrush from the UV cleaner and put it in it's place alphabetically in the toothbrush rack. Then I went to check on the bathrooms and general living area all of which were clean from yesterday. The pillows on the couches hadn't been bothered, apparently Johnson hadn't didn't sit down before moving to the basement. Most importantly, I checked the kitchen, today was shopping day so the need for food wasn't a surprise however the fresh Miller 18 pack of beer I'd picked up Wednesday was gone. Even for Mark that was unusual for two days. Probably another testament to how much piss had been on the bed. Mark had seemed bright eyed this morning so Johnson must have been fucked up.

With that I went to the store picking up all the usual (but double). The amount of food that sustained Mark and I for a week, feeds one depressed/horny Marine for three days. If Mark and the new guy got to playing some extra stuff was of course necessary for the occasion, alcohol namely. This time two cases of the 18 packs of Miller and Jose Cuervo. The normal store was then followed by the sex store, Mark's stash of condoms in the basement was out. At this stop I picked up three boxes of condoms and two cans of oil based lube. I thought about it for a second and told the cashier to ring me up for double. One of the reasons Mark liked me most was my sense of intuition about his friends' needs, which, were therefore his needs.

Then I rushed home, worried our guest might have arrived earlier than expected. Although the store is only five minutes away from the house I worried about the time. No one was at the house when I pulled up. I quickly unpacked the car and dropping everything off in the kitchen. Putting everything away I made sure a case of beer went in the kitchen and one down in the basement. I also restocked Mark's condoms and lube, removing the spent packaging. Just as I was finishing putting the groceries away up stairs there was a knock at the door. When I opened it I was surprised at seeing two Marines; Sergeant Johnson and another Sergeant, both in uniform. Gonzales was on the new Marine's name tag.

"Come in." Was all I could muster.

Gonzales was a wreck. Johnson was under his arm propping him up. Helping Johnson, I took up Gonzales' other side and we moved Gonzales to the coach, where he collapsed into a puddle. Motioning for Johnson to follow me, we went into the kitchen to talk.

"What exactly is going on with him?" I whispered.

"His wife figured out his e-mail password and found his messages to different guys for anonymous sex and shit. Then she threatened to tell every Marine within a hundred miles or something." Johnson said.

"I have a feeling that wouldn't have the desired effect. He isn't going to try to kill himself or anything is he?"

"I don't know he is taking it pretty hard. That, and he has a kid by that bitch!"

"Oh." I looked down for a second. "That's an unfortunate situation." After noticing both of them still were wearing drill instructors' covers, "Should you be wearing that inside?"

Johnson realized he was still wearing his hat and took it off. Then he went over to Gonzales and removed his.

"You want a drink?" Johnson asked Gonzales. Gonzales muttered something unintelligible and Johnson nodded in my direction. "Get me one too. I've got to take a piss." He said leaving to the bathroom.

Getting the beers from the fridge I sat down next to Gonzales handing him one. When he didn't reach for it I sat it down in front of him on the coffee table. Gonzales already smelled heavily of alcohol and was in a sobbing puddle next to me.

"Can I get you anything?" I asked the Marine.

"Water, please." Gonzales asked.

As I was getting up, Johnson came back from the hallway and sat on the other couch by the unopened beer. I came back with the water and sat down next to Gonzales. A couple of hours passed with Johnson and me listening to Gonzales talk about how much he loved her but how he needed to be fucked. Johnson and I exchanged a look of understanding.

There was nothing to say. All we could do is listen to Gonzales' rant and occasionally agree with a nod. What felt like a short while later Gonzales was passed out on the coach from a combination of crying, exhaustion and beer. It turned out to be past midnight. Gently I removed Gonzales' blouse and boots. I spread him out on the coach and put a blanket over him. Johnson was staring out into no where, more than a little drunk himself.

"There's a guest bedroom upstairs if you want to sleep in a bed or you can stay out here, the other sofa pulls out into a bed."

Without a word he started to remove the pillows from the other sofa and I went to go get some more blankets. When I returned Johnson had moved the coffee table and pulled out the bed. He was now fumbling to get his boots off but kept falling over. Untying the laces I helped Johnson get his boots off, then helped remove his blouse. Johnson looked over at me and without saying anything grabbed me and pulled me on top of him.

"Why couldn't I have someone like you to take care of me?"

"I'm taking care of you now, aren't I?"

"In the morning, when I can preform, you can help me...?"

"Shush, just sleep right now big boy."

And with that Johnson fell asleep still holding me as if I were hope its self. My head on his chest listening to his drunken heart beat. Deciding not to fight it I eventual fell asleep. Tomorrow would be an amazing day.

Ch 2: Without Trust, There Can Be No Love

The next morning I was the first to wake up, still tightly confined in Johnson's arms. Laying against his warm muscular chest I thought about staying there all day. No one besides Mark had payed me honest attention in a long time. Not to knock on Mark but we didn't fuck and he tended to be in a bit of a mood most days from work. We sort of had a relationship, but didn't. I was probably protecting myself, especially with Mark's desire to hurt and own his playmates. Though in some way he already owned me. Looking up at Johnson I was surprised to see him looking back at me.

"Hi there sweetness." He said.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I said looking into his big brown eyes.

Johnson pushed his groin hard against my abdomen, "Desperate for some attention!"

"Lets get some breakfast started first." I said, rubbing Johnson's chest.

"Mark said you were a tease." Johnson said, reaching down to adjust himself.

"I don't tease." I tried to defend.

Obviously Mark talked to his Marine friend but somehow I didn't think I'd be a topic of conversation. Johnson smiled a big stupid grin as he continued to hump me. I rolled my eyes and slipped out of his arms. Rolling over to the other couch I checked on Gonzales who was still snoring up a storm. He wasn't running a temperature but at some point Gonzales had sweat through his clothes and the blankets on the coach.

"Did you bring him any extra clothes?" I asked Johnson, he was still fondling himself.

"They're out in the car, I'll get them." Johnson said pouting a little as he got up.

Johnson left to get the bags from the car as I started gathering items from the pantry. Just after I started peeling potatoes Johnson came back in the door.

"Where do you want these?" He was carrying two huge suitcases, I was guessing there was more.

"Up in the guest bedroom, I'll show you."

"Let's get all the bags in here first."

We made several trips picking up a few more suitcases and some sea bags from the truck. Gonzales certainly planed on staying a long time. We moved everything up into the second floor bedroom I'd prepared.

"I hereby dub this room Gonzales' Masturbation Hole. " I announced dropping the last sea bag on the bed.

Johnson chuckled. I caught him looking me over. Johnson was what I'd call a big boy tall at 6'5" and muscular with a few extra pounds for added squeeze-ability. His frame easily dwarfed mine and he seemed to like it.

Deciding to redirect his attention I said "Do you want to help me with breakfast? Gonzales didn't puke so he'll probably be hungry when he gets up." With that Johnson nodded and we headed down stairs.

"What would you like me to do?" asked Johnson as we made our way back into the kitchen.

"Peal the rest of those potatoes and then cut them thin for frying, please."

Getting out a knife and cutting board, placing them by the sink. Johnson did as he was asked without further question. Then I returned to making the rest of breakfast; bacon, eggs, and toast. Standing there I could feel an awkward sexual tension. Johnson was gorgeous but who knew what the relationship with him and Mark was or would be. I decided to probe and find out.

"So, how do you know Mark?" I asked.

"Mark ...? Oh... Staff Sergeant Garrison. He was just assigned as the Senior of our platoon. Sargent McCarthy was called back to fleet."

"But how do you KNOW him?" I said with a devious smile.

"Oh we ran into each other at a bar last week." Johnson tried to be vague but I wouldn't let him get away with it.

"Sinister?" I asked.

Sinister was a hard core gay S&M bar; I'd never been but Mark frequented it, especially when none of his other play mates were available.

"Yeah." Johnson blushed at the unstated admission.

"Your first time there?"


Johnson was visibly unsettled, starting to shift his weight back and forth. I figured the questioning was payback for his dry-humping me earlier.

"Then did you enjoy your session yesterday?" I asked, smiling to myself as I imagined him at my feet in a harness.

"It was-" Johnson hesitated, I could see he was wondering how much I knew or if his answer would return to Mark. "I liked it but..." He fell silent.

"But?" I pressed him for his answer.

"It was weird. I haven't fucked with a superior before and never like that."

Johnson didn't say it but he had never been used before. That's why the boy's in the bar flocked to Mark, they wanted him to use them for his happiness. Johnson had wanted this like the rest. Like the rest, he got more than he bargained for. However, unlike the civilians this Marine came back for more.

"It's OK if you liked it." I felt the need to confide in him.

Our conversation was cut off by a loan death moan rising up from the living room, not surprisingly Gonzales sat up grumbling.

"Where's the bathroom?" Gonzales asked.

"I got it." Johnson said to me.

Johnson walked over to help Gonzales up and to the restroom. Johnson returned to help me finish making breakfast. Everything was almost ready, we were just finishing the potatoes. Gonzales had yet to return by the time we sat everything out and were ready to eat.

"Do you want to check on him or should I?" I asked Johnson.

"I'll take care of it." Johnson said walking over to the door; BAMBAM*BAM "Hurry up you Pansie!"

"Come sit down!" I said, my ears still ringing.

Johnson returned beaming a smile and just after he sat down Gonzales came out. To my surprise Gonzales had been taking a shower and emerged in only a towel. I could see water droplets he'd missed shimmer as he moved. He had a golden brown buffed body; natural, hairless and smooth. His frame was about as tall as me at 5'10" but muck more bulky. The towel barely fit around Gonzales' butt. The slit revealing most of his tan bubble butt as well as his muscular legs. The towel didn't do much to hide his endowment either. Breaking my gaze for a second I caught Johnson entranced as well.

"I'm starving!" Said Gonzales sitting down.

"I figured. How are you doing?" I asked.

"Well besides his crying while jacking off to the image of his ex-wife in the shower." Teased Johnson.

"Actually I was picturing you're hairy ass, BITCH." Gonzales said slapping Johnson's rump.

"Boys don't play with your food!" I said.

"Yes, mother." They both smiled.

As would be expected, no conversation took place while we were eating. Gonzales finished first then stood up.

"I've got to get ready, I'm supposed to meet up with Garrison and the platoon after their run today."

"Your stuff's up stairs in the guest room. Could you show him?" I nodded to Johnson.

"Yeah." Johnson returned the nod and went up stairs with Gonzales.

Meanwhile I started to clean up from breakfast. Shortly Johnson came back down and sat on the coach turning on the TV, adjusting his dick. I decided Johnson was one of those guys that constantly did this in front of others, I'm sure he liked the attention. Then Gonzales came whizzing down fully dressed in his desserts, B-lining for the door.

"Thanks for breakfast! I'll be home tomorrow in the after noon." With that Gonzales was out the door.

"Well he seems to have adjusted well." I said to Johnson who was now entranced in his watching T.V.

"Yeah." Johnson said smiling. "Looks like you're playing housewife to three Marines."

"Fist off I'm the most dangerous house wife you've ever seen and secondly ..." I found my self at a loss, Mark didn't mention anything about both of them living here to me. "Wait what's up with you sweetie?"

"Got tired of living on base housing and Mark said he had the room. That doesn't that bother you does it?"

"No, Mark can do as he likes, though we need to discuss some things."

"Mark will be home tonight so we all can have that discussion."

His tone was slightly irritating, although Mark and I weren't lovers we had gotten into a routine. Two more Marines made for a lot more work and somehow at the same time I felt pushed out. That and I was also the only one who didn't work in Mark's platoon and I'm not a Marine. It was becoming something of a situation for me. Though somehow in the back of my mind I knew Mark had planed this, it hadn't just happened. We would work that out latter when Mark returned home.

For the rest of the day Johnson and I watched television, taking a break for lunch. The end of the earlier conversation ended most of the conversation for the rest of the day. Where earlier Johnson had turned me on now he just seemed like another horny Marine, too sex hungry to be loyal. My biggest turn off was people I didn't trust. Apparently Johnson sensed my mood and the room became uneasy as we sat together. Finally the strange tension was cut by the door opening and Mark walking in.

"Hey laddies." Mark greeted us.

"Yeah, fuck you, fat ass!" Johnson said smiling.

"You better watch it boy, there will be consequences for such language." Mark said grabbing Johnson and kissing him hard.

"Hey, Mark." I said in greeting, apparently all I needed to say.

"Johnson, Adam and I need to have a talk. Can you go wait in the bedroom upstairs." Mark said his hand rubbing Johnson's back.

"Sure." Johnson said with a little hesitance.

"We'll all talk together in a minute but I didn't get to discuss you two coming here with Adam. It will be just a minute." With that Johnson nodded and made his way up stairs.

Mark motioned for me to sit down at the dinning table I did, Mark sitting next to me.

"So, what up?" I asked.

"I'm sorry to drop this all on you without really any notice or explanation kid." He was talking with a sincerity I'd never heard form him. "See I need to be honest with you--" Mark started. I knew what he would say next. "The three of us have been messing around for a while." Mark said, as if to confessing something that wasn't obvious. Mark continued "Now Gonzales' wife has some idea he's fucking with guys. It's just not safe for us to mess around on bass anymore."

"So now they all live here?"

"Yeah, I mean the back house is still yours."

"Then you don't want me in the front house?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying. I just want you to know you still have your space. If you want you're cleaning up the house to be more of your rent, I expect that." He let out a heavy sigh. "I just want you to know that when you moved in, I said that I trusted you and that I'd protect you. That still stands."

For a while we sat in silence. I knew Mark meant what he said but at the same time, I know Mark. He wanted something and he was hopping this situation would make that thing happen.

"What do you really want from me? What do you really want from this?" I questioned.

"I don't know how to explain that. I just ask you to trust me."

This was the root of our problem. I wanted Mark, I knew Mark wanted me. I just didn't trust him enough to play his game.

"You'll protect me?" I said, staring Mark down.


"So then I'm supposed to just trust you with this and I'll play along?"


"I'll trust you, but what I want in return is to be able to set boundaries and a few ground rules."

"Adam can't you just Fucking Trust ME?"

"I want more than Fucking Trust, FOR ALL I KNOW YOU HAVE THE GOD DAM TATTOO SAYING 'Staff Sergeant Garrison's Fuck Hole' PICKED OUT! YOU JUST EXPECT ME TO DO EVERYTHING THAT THE OTHERS DO!" I took a second and tried to breath. "None of them are around anymore and you want to treat me like I'm just another pig whore from the bar."

Mark smiled and laughed, I didn't know what to Make of it.

"Adam," Mark said reaching out and taking a hold of one of my hands on the table; "I could never make you a pig whore, you're not. You're special. Now I'm asking you to trust me, I'm not saying I'll be perfect or wont hurt you, but trust me."

Mark was at least asking me if I would play along.

"I'll trust you." I said looking into his piercing blue eyes.

"That's a boy." Mark said leaning in.

Then I leaned in and for the first time kissed my Senior Drill instructor. I'd trust him and this time I'd let him truly lead me. Though I was still worried if Mark could control himself. Somehow I knew Mark had a special place picked out for me amongst his new live in family.

Ch 3. With Trust Comes Power

After that Mark held me for a while before asking; "Are we ready to talk about the living situation with Johnson?"

"Yeah." I replied.

Mark went up stairs and retrieved Johnson. The three of us sitting at the dinning room table discussed how things would work. We decided that Mark, Johnson, and Gonzales would pay for the house and utilities. I would clean up the place, make food, etcetera. Living arrangements would stay much the same way: Mark with the master bedroom on the first floor, Gonzales and Johnson would take the upstairs bedrooms, and I would still have the back house to myself. The guys volunteered to do the yard work. With that most of the immediate questions were answered. When we finished the discussion it was seven and we were all starving.

We ordered some pizzas and Johnson turned on football. Mark got some beers from the refrigerator handing one to Johnson and me. When Mark didn't sit back down but stood staring at Johnson, I knew something was up.

"How long have you been in those fatigues boy?" Mark asked Johnson.

"Since yesterday, Sir." Johnson said standing up.

"Here! Now!" Mark ordered, pointing at the ground in front of him.

"Yes, Sir!" said Johnson.

Johnson moved in front of Mark to stand at attention. Mark walked around Johnson looking up and down the Marine's 6'5" sturdy 250 lb frame.

"No socks! No boots! Your belts not tight! Shirt's untucked! I know it's not a black flag day so you should be wearing your blouse!" Mark roared.

Johnson's eyes showed a glint of excitement and fear, my observation interrupted by Mark snapping.

"Kneel here boy!" Mark commanded pointing at the ground next to him.

There was a moment when I hesitated; reminding myself that I just told Mark I trusted him.

"Yes, Sir." I said moving to kneel by Mark's side.

The room filled with nervous excitement I hadn't felt since boot camp.

"Boy, strip him to his skivvies! I don't want to hear a word from you." Mark gave me an order, now talking in his husky drill instructor voice.

With that I nodded and grabbed Johnson's belt, with one motion I both unlatched and removed it.

"Give his shit here." Mark barked, holding out his hand.

Handing the belt to Mark I immediately returned to striping Johnson's body. My hands finding the top of Johnson's fly, I started to fiddle with the buttons. Undoing each one caused me to salivate more and more. I found myself constantly gulping to prevent drooling all over myself. Finally I got to the last button, electricity flowed through me as I grabbed hold of Johnson's pants then pulled down them down. First to be exposed was Johnson's bulging package. It was covered in white briefs that were adorned with yellow drops of piss from the last two days. Next Johnson's muscular hairy legs were exposed, tan and ripped from running in PT shorts, they stiffened as the rooms air cold air reached the exposed skin. My eyes locked on Johnson's bulge. The head of his cock was clearly defined trough the white fabric.

"Here!" Mark ordered taking the pants from me.

Johnson started to step out of the pants but Mark grabbed them too fast, causing Johnson to fall over, the floor shook as Johnson landed.

"I didn't tell you to lay down boy! Now stand up pussy!" Mark yelled.

Johnson popped back up to his feet, his left side red from smacking the ground.

"Wearing a dress and everything aren't you bitch?" Mark said spitting on Johnson's face. "Get his shirt off!"

Johnson raised his arms as I lifted the shirt over his head. Mark grabbed for the shirt as soon as it was over Johnson's head, exposing Johnson in near full glory. Johnson's body was muscular, with big pecs and biceps, but lacked the abs of Gonzales. Johnson was hairy. His chest, stomach, arms, legs, and back were all dusted with hair.

"Boy! Why do your panties have piss stains?" Mark asked noticing Johnson's briefs.

"Sir. this Marine--" Johnson's response was cut off by Mark slapping him.

"Boy, you're excuses don't interest me! You are my bitch! Nothing else!" Mark screamed, "Didn't I show you how to clean yourself!"

"Yes, you did Sir." said Johnson.

"You can't keep yourself clean?" Mark was screamed with such force spit was forming from his mouth.

"No, Sir." Johnson said.

Mark slapped Johnson again.

"You just said I showed you how to be clean boy!" Mark said grabing Johnson by the throat. "You are just a dirty bitch boy aren't you!" With this Mark spit on Johnson's face.

"Yes, Sir." Johnson whimpered.

"Yes, WHAT?" Mark screamed, this time spitting in Johnson's mouth.

"Yes, this soldier is just a dirty bitch boy, Sir!" Johnson sounded off swallowing Mark's spit wad.

"Chair now!" Mark Ordered to me.

Running I grabbed a chair from the dinning room. Mark dropped Johnson's clothes on the coach, then pointed where he wanted the chair. Placing the chair where commanded, I knelt down beside it as I had when Mark was standing.

"Good boy." Mark said patting my head. "Where's my Bitch?" Mark growled taking Johnson and pulling him down onto his lap. "Make him drink the beers." Mark directed to me.

With that I got the three beers off the coffee table and Mark forced Johnson's head back. I poured the contents of each in Johnson's waiting mouth. Johnson gulped down the beer as fast as he could but it ran down both sides of his mouth anyway. Mark ran his finger up the sides of Johnson's face pushing the spilled contents back into Johnson's open hole and fucking Johnson's mouth with his fingers.

"That a good little whore boy!" Mark whispered, his fingers exploring Johnson's mouth.

Johnson nodded and mumbled something while starting to rub his ass against Mark's crotch. The second this started Mark's free hand squeezed Johnson's dick so hard Johnson groaned, his sturdy frame convulsing in Marks lap. Mark jammed his finger farther down Johnson's thick throat. This caused Johnson to start gagging, trying not to puke tears ran down Johnson's face his body shaking.

"Never did I tell you to enjoy yourself boy!" Mark whispered.

Before Johnson could attempt to comply or respond Mark forced him to roll over. Johnson's furry chest lay across Mark's legs. One of Mark's hands grabbed the back of Johnson's neck forcing his head down as the other fondled the Marine's buttock.

"You need discipline boy!" Mark said squeezing one of Johnson's globes. "I'm going to teach you." Mark said to Johnson before turning to me, "You'll help me finish him and then you'll serve me."

This moment was interrupted by a knock at the door, it was the pizza delivery guy.

"Pay!" Mark ordered pushing Johnson off of his lap.

Without a word Johnson got his wallet and quickly walked to answer the door.

"Open it all the way, so he can see you boy." Mark snarled.

Johnson complied. The pizza delivery guy looked shocked but I caught him looking over Johnson's body. With that gorgeous muscle bear standing in front of you anyone would have taken a good look. After getting paid, the pizza boy took off and Johnson shut the door.

"On the coffee table, then get back here." Mark directed.

"Yes, Sir." Johnson said.

He set the pizzas down, then knelt across Mark's legs as before. Mark growled as his hands returned to Johnson's back. Mark let his hands travel Johnson's muscles, moving back and forth along his spine. Absorbing the beauty of the creature that was Johnson. He was determining how he was going to own Johnson's body.

"How much is there?" Mark asked about the change.

"Four one dollar bills, two twenties, and 65 cents in change." I replied.

Mark growled grabbing a firm hold on the back of Johnson's neck. Mark raised his giant hand up and brought it down hard on Johnson's ass, this caused Johnson to groan. Raising the hand again Mark slapped Johnson's left ass cheek; ready for it this time Johnson flexed his ass so when Mark's hand hit Johnson only let out a small mumble. Now Mark raised his arm above his head, only this time Mark's hand didn't hit Johnson's padded ass but his hanging balls. Johnson screamed obscenities his whole body convulsed as Mark held him down.

"You better learn to take your punishment like a man!" Mark said getting up from the chair pushing Johnson off onto the floor. "Stay right there boy!"

Mark motioned for me to follow him into the basement, he went over to one of the cabinets he kept locked. Next thing I knew we were carrying something up the stairs. We put it on the tile in the entrance by the kitchen.

"Gag him using his underwear and socks." Mark ordered as he set up the machine.

With this I retrieved Johnson's socks that were laying were they fell the night before. Then I moved over to Johnson's hulking mass laying on the floor. Seeing Johnson lay there all I wanted was to feel him up but I knew this wasn't allowed. Settling for feeling Johnson's hips my fingers curl around his briefs and I pulled off Johnson's underwear. Besides revealing his hairy ass crack Johnson's cock was freed from its wrapping. Hanging with his balls draping over his inner leg, Johnson's dick was still only half hard it had a big cut head that dribbled precum.

"What the hell are you starring at? Gag that Bitch!" Mark yelled in his full on drill instructor voice.

Snapping back to the job at hand, I shoved Johnson's briefs in his mouth, making sure the spots of piss pressed against his tongue. Then I knotted the two socks together putting the knot in the back of his neck and tying the other end to hold the briefs in Johnson's mouth.

"Help me with these restraints, boy!" Mark ordered to me.

Looking up to see what Mark was handing me I got a glimpse of the machine uncovered. It looked like a piece of golf equipment. Instead of a putter it held a crop. My gaze was broken by Mark grabbing the back of my neck and squeezing; it must have been a pressure point as it made my legs spasm and my body went limp.

"I said help me Boy!" Mark slapped me across the face hard. "Hold him while I put these on."

Stunned I fumbled to hold Johnson's ankles while Mark secured the straps binding the Marine's legs together. Mark pushed Johnson over onto his knees and elbows. Apparently Johnson got a glimpse of the machine when he rolled over as he now resisted with a look of terror.

"Grab him and hold him down!" Mark ordered.

With this Mark put his boot between Johnson's shoulder blades and pushed down causing Johnson's weight to rest on his elbows. Grabbing both Johnson's wrists I then straddled his arms so I could pull them together. Mark quickly bound Johnson's hands, pushing me out of the way, Mark dragged the Marine over to the machine. A chain went from the shackles on Johnson's wrist through the shackles at his ankles pulling his hands between his knees. This caused Johnson's face to push into the floor as his back arched, making his beautiful ass to push high in the air like Mark wanted. Making sure the chain pulled Johnson into the smallest ball possible, Mark then wrapped the chain around Johnson's balls. Now Johnson couldn't pull his head or move his arms without pulling on his ball sack. Mark continued feeding the chain trough a loop on the machine and was tying the other end off around the base of Johnson's cock. This prevented Johnson from moving in any direction without the chain pulling on some part of his own genitals. Mark then adjusted the crop to be even with Johnson's balls before setting a few dials. Johnson was already whimpering trying to get Mark to stop and to my surprise Mark comforted him.

"It's going to be OK boy. After this you'll be stronger, you'll be one of my boy's." Mark said this lovingly.

Marks finger tips lightly stoked the surface of Johnson's ball sack, then he flipped the switch of the machine.

The crop raised and fell quickly. The crop let out a soft smack against Johnson's hairy nut sack, held up tight by the chain. Johnson flinched which caused everything to pull making the man a moan in pain. In a moment Johnson realized the crop hadn't yet inflicted any notable pain and the Marine's body relaxed.

"You get 400 then the machine is set to stop." Mark said moving towards me.

Frightened I stood at attention, Mark took me by the back of the neck leading me while undoing his belt. Mark's sat down on the sofa facing the T.V. his hand guiding me to kneel between his legs. Mark pulled one of the pizza boxes over and grabbed a slice. We sat there for a couple of minutes as Mark ate the slice of pizza. The slight taping of the machine was noticeable between plays on the TV. Then, Mark noticed he didn't have a beer.

"Get me a beer and then come kneel." Mark Ordered.

Opening the fridge I got a beer and ran over kneeling between Mark's legs. Mark opened the beer above my head.

"You didn't shake it." Mark said smiling at me.

Mark seemed disappointed that I hadn't shaken the bottle causing it's contents to soak me. Mark leaned back on the sofa taking a swig of beer, grabbing his crotch he started playing with himself. Mark continued to nurse the beer but his attention wasn't on the game.

"When you wanted out of training and came out to me in order to do so, why did you really want out of the Marine Corps?"

Suddenly it felt like the room was a thousand degrees, I could feel the blood rushing to my face, all I could do was look away.

"It was because you had a crush on Sargent Stankus and me didn't you boy?" Mark asked

"Yes, Sir." I said ashamed somehow to admit that to him.

"So you had a crush on your Senior Drill Instructor bossing around everybody and the Bull Dog Drill Instructor who was PT'ing you constantly. Ooo Boy!" Mark laughed milling over my situation in his mind. "You were probably upset that Stankus kept talking about wanting to own you as he tortured you but he never gave you the satisfaction of nutting on your face did he Boy?" Mark laughed.

Pissed off at myself for saying anything kneeling there in front of this ass hole, I started to stand up. Then Mark slapped me across the face, grabing me with the other hand and pulling my face into his crotch.

"Still want me to own you Boy?"

Any other person and I'd of bit his dick off by now but Mark's offer was something that I wanted against my better judgment.

"Yes Sir!" I mumble into Mark's crotch, trying to trust him.

With this Mark let my head go and started unbuttoning his blouse. As he finished he let it hang open, exposing the soft green undershirt that clung to every muscle. Mark looked down at me watching him, a huge grin came across his face.

"When you came out to me in the duty hut, you wanted me to make you prove it didn't you?" Mark asked pulling off his shirt.

Lifting his shirt, Mark revealed a body was as well defined as Gonzales but with a thick layer of hair that rippled with his muscles.

"Yes Sir!" I said in a daze.

Mark was still smiling apparently he enjoyed the pleasure of exposing himself to me.

"Did you look at me in my PT shorts and want to fuck my ass?"

"Yes Sir."

Mark bit his lip as his hand slid down under his trousers to play with himself some more. Mark's other hand brushing the fur on his chest occasionally twisting a nipple.

"When you were out, did you want me to pay for having control over you?"

"Yes Sir." I said my eyes now fixed on Mark's playing with his crotch.

"What did you want me to do in the duty hut?"

"I wanted you to stay in your chair unbuttoning your fly so you could pull out your dick. I wanted you to make me prove it by sucking down your seed." I admitted to him.

When I looked up Mark had not only removed his boots but unbuttoned his fly and pulled his dick out. Mark's dick was a bit longer than six inches and a normal width, cut and hairy. It was a normal dick by most standards and yet I wanted to feel Mark's more than anyone else.

"Strip now, nothing fancy." Mark said taking another swig of his beer.

Frankly I don't remember striping. I just remember the feeling as my balls touched the floor while retuning to my position centered in front of Mark's legs.

"Ready Baby?"

"Yes, Sir."

With this both Mark's hands firmly pushed the back of my head his hips raising to great me. Pulling me into his enormous cock I took the precum lubed head into my mouth.

"Just let my hands drive, try to keep relaxed, and breath through your nose." Mark directed.

His hips rose as he pulled his cock into my mouth. Mesmerized I completely forgot about my surrounding as I tasted his salty sweaty Marine meat against my tongue. Mark's hands quickly pushed his dick to the back of my throat, his knees bent over my sholders as if to prevent my escape. Mark kept a steady pace not going deeper but prepping my gullet for the rest of his dick.

"Oh suck me boy!" Mark moaned.

Juices were running down my chest as Mark's dick tempted me. I let my tongue curl around his shaft exploring his cut head. The tip of my tongue playing with the cliff between his head and shaft before mapping out the vanes in his dick. Mark was panting now and sweating up a storm, his hips also seemed to be working of their own accord starting to push deeper into me. I didn't even notice my fucking the side of the coach.

"I'm gonna fuck your throat boy." Mark moaned barley able to finish before his arms and hips forced all of him into me.

Nothing was audible above Marks cursing and moans. I started choking as his dick filled my mouth and went so deep I couldn't breathe. Mark was fucking my face like a jack rabbit, his heavy balls weren't helping as they slapped my throat from the outside. It didn't take long until the sound of my gagging sent him over the edge. Mark thrust so hard into me I thought he'd hit my brain, his arms, legs and hips all locked his manhood into me. Mark's load of sperm flooded my throat and started spilling out of my mouth. Suddenly I felt my balls explode, I wanted to moan but couldn't. My throat filled to capacity caused me to vomit. Mark notice this and with a great trust forcing my head into his groin with all his might. I had nothing else to do but swallow my vomit. Just as I was about to pass out Mark removed his shaft, it popped as he pulled it out of my mouth. Gasping for air I gagged again, Mark held my mouth again forcing me to swallow.

"Good boy! Swallow all of my seed back into your gut." Mark said, pushing the spilled contents back into mouth, letting me suck down the juices we'd made. "Yeah that's a good boy." Mark leaned in and kissed me shoving his tongue in my mouth as if to inspect that I'd finished. "Now go get yourself a beer and eat up. This was a warm up." Mark said slaping my ass.

I sat for a couple of minutes collapsed between Mark's legs gasping for air. Finally catching my breath I got up retrieving beer from the fridge as ordered. When I got back to the sofa Mark pointed in front of himself again.

"Watch the game, by the time it's done he'll be ready for the rest of his punishment."

I completely forgot who Mark was talking about. Then I heard the growing moans from Johnson. The glowing red numbers on the machine indicated that he hadn't even received half of the crop hits yet. Johnson was already crying. I'd completely forgot about him once Mark started striping. A feeling of complete horror washed over me and I wanted to go reassure Johnson but Mark sensed this he put his hand on my shoulder.

"He'll be alright, I know what I'm doing. Now watch the game, eat, and finish your beer or there will be no desert." Mark said stroking my head. "We will need our energy for the next round."

"I don't understand Sir." I said looking at him.

"I told you I'd protect you boy. All the benefits of your taking care of me and my men will be revealed in time."

To exhausted for anything else I did as Mark said. Kneeling in front of my Senior, we watched the rest of the football game.

Next: Chapter 2

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