Marvel Men in Love

By neil kavanagh

Published on Aug 28, 2007


Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the comic series run by the marvel company. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other Universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

If you don't like reading about gay sex or stuff like that If you are under the age of consent in your community DO NOT READ THIS

Hey people I am writing what I hope will be good 2 separate stories both in this story so it will be viewed as part of this.(just saves me writing back story) I'm going to do an x-men and a spider-man story. Each featuring cameos but rarely straying from the happy couples in the originals. Enjoy. Also I'm going to rip away all boundaries it may be set in the ultimate universe but any and every character will appear if I want them to The enigmatic X-men Part 1:Scott and Remy together again After Remy and Scott's first time together there was a lot of changes. Scott broke up with Jean and also came out to her. She didn't care so they remained friends. Angel returned and Emma Frost's students joined the institute after Northstar was beaten half to death for being gay. Lorna, Alex, Sam and cypher quickly settled in to their new surroundings. Ms Frost was furious about them leaving especially because she could not punish the boys who had hurt Northstar as it had happened on one of the off grounds missions.

Havoc wasn't to pleased at taking the room that shared the bathroom with Scott. They may have been brothers but when they were younger they always fought over Lorna. He never went to the toilet in the night. It was midnight and he was dying for a piss after the late night with Lorna. He heard grunting and moaning, a guy moaning in Scott's room, a guy that didn't sound like his brother. He had heard Scott playing with himself before this was not his brother. He cracked open the door. Remy was bouncing on his brothers cock the two of them in a deep and obviously loving kiss. "What the fuck?" Alex shouted. "fuck off Alex" Remy shouted and flung one of his charged cards at the door burning Alex. "ouch what the fuck fag boy I'll kick your ass" Alex started forward. "No Alex stop" Scott shouted as Alex powered up a blast. Remy threw another a second card at Alex blasting him through the bathroom door.

"REMY what are you doing" Scott shouted. "He was goin to hit you" Remy pleaded. "It wouldn't work we are immune to each other. "I'm so.." Remy didn't finish as he was blasted through a window. "NO....REMY" Screamed Scott. He saw Remy hit something on the way down but, he was saved by a half dressed Angel who had just flown up from the pool. "He's been knocked out. I'll take him to the infirmary" Angel shouted. Scott turned back to see all the rest of his team mates standing behind him. Lorna was propping a barley conscious Alex on her shoulder. He couldn't see Logan and he knew the other two had just gone to the infirmary. "Scott would you like to tell us what happened here?" the professor asked. "Well Alex was being nosey Gambit threw a card as a warning. Then Alex got angry and tried to blast Gambit. Gambit flung a stronger charge card and put Alex through a door. Then Alex blasted Gambit through the window" Scott quickly recounted everyone. Alex tried to speak but he couldn't muster the energy. "Why was Gambit in here with you" Kitty asked from the back of the small crowd. "Talking" Scott said almost too quickly. "Liar" came a gutteral voice. It was Alex and he was about to rat Scott out. He started mumbling only 2 words were heard "faggots" and "fucking". Scott's face dropped and Alex collapsed. "We will talk about this tomorrow" The professor said and had Colossus carry Alex away. Most of the team gave half angry and half wondering glares at Scott. What had they been doing?. Jean and Bobby gave a small smile and left.

The next morning no one spoke to Scott. He couldn't help but think that it wasn't his fault. He knew no one would believe him. After what Alex had tried to say Colossus was being some how friendlier even though he had always been nice to Scott. Scott went down to the infirmary to see Gambit who it seemed had gotten worse and Northstar who was still recovering but he could talk. Scott wanted advice. "Hey Jean-Paul can we talk?" Scott asked. "Sure Scott I heard about last night is it true?" Jean-Paul asked. He was a real gossip hound. "Is what true?" Scott asked without thinking. "That Alex walked in on you and the Cajun over there doing the nasty. Is it true your gay or at least bi?" He asked almost as fast as he ran. "Yep and I'm going to be forced to come out once I go back upstairs." Scott said sadly. "It's ok Lorna was real nice to me when I came out of course mine wasn't as animated as yours was" He laughed. Scott smirked "Yeah but how did my brother take it. I don't want him to hate me he is my brother". "Well he isn't too keen on gay guys and I think the fact that there is four of us in this big old house he aint gonna be to happy" Jean-Paul answered. Scott began to cry. He loved his brother and always would he didn't want Alex to hate him. "Its ok babe it aint that bad. If he don't like it well fuck him. Anyways he still loves you even if he hates you" Remy said as he had gotten up to give Scott a hug earlier but had disappeared into the toilet. "Thanks Jean-Paul. You too Remy" Scott half sobbed as he made for his room.

{all mobile students please report to my office} the Professor mentally said. Scott knew the shit was about to hit the fan. Scott walked slowly hoping to delay what was coming. He knew that if he came out it would be another reason for people to hate him. He arrived into a crowded room with people smiling and laughing and a new face. A young man of 16 was standing beside the professor. "Scott say hello to our new recruit Sparx normally known as Glen Thompson." The Professor smiled. "Hey" Scott said. "This guy saved the Prof from some Friends of Humanity in the city today" Kitty yelled excitedly. "Cool" Scott said. He was still sounding quite sad. {No one cares I have checked} Jean said telepathically. {Be gay all you want} she laughed in his mind. He laughed too. In fact he laughed out loud. Everyone looked at him and he and jean burst out laughing. Then so did Angel and Kitty and so on until they were all in tears. Sparx was the next room across from Scott. They got to talking after the little welcome and they genuinely liked one another. Havoc had gotten better but was not talking to Scott. Gambit had worsened as he collapsed after going to the toilet. If Jean-Paul had not been there he would have been in an even worse condition.

Days later Gambit still bed ridden had Scott beside every moment he could spare. Gambit wanted out because he hated how white and sterile the room seemed. "Its ok Remy. Guess what I did last night?" Scott sounded excited. "What you do babe?" Remy asked in a half croak half groan. "I came out officially. I'm so proud" Scott joked. "Good what about the brother issue?" Gambit asked hoping there hadn't been another fight. "I don't know. I hope he is alright with it. I am going to bed ok I'll see you in the morning" Scott said as he got up. "Ok. Night night" Gambit cooed. Scott got to the door and ran back. "Sorry" He said and kissed Remy hard on the mouth. "Thanks now I have something hard to deal with" Gambit jokingly groaned. Scott left to his room. Alex was on his bed. "What do you want Alex" Scott asked exasperated. After much sobbing and shouting they both apologised. Scott for not telling Alex before, and Alex for being so offensive. They hugged but Scott felt an odd feeling something was touching his crotch. Like a finger. Alex grabbed Scott's head and pulled him in for a deep kiss. After a second Alex ashamed at what he had done fled. Scott was very confused and also after the kiss very horny.

Hey reader This aint very good but its my first go so be nice. I am looking for an editor aswell if anyone can either do it for me or knows someone who can. I want feed back if you want to see a couple tell me if you don't like what might be forming tell me. Its all good emails to

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