Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Apr 14, 2009


Readers get what readers want. The story shall continue, I must say I was losing motivation to continue until posting that last chapter, as soon as it was up the next day I had a ton of emails begging for the story to continue and evolve, keep it up. The more feedback I get the more I know I should keep it going, feedback is the only reward we authors get for writing these stories. Thanks for the support, hope you enjoy this part as much as the previous two parter.

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 41

So the Day Goes On.

Wyatt's Story

I'd always imagined a fairy tale marriage, an adoring wife, kids who excel in school, and who I love totally and unconditional, yes, it's true that we have those dreams, but sometimes dreams change. When I discovered my sexuality, I was of course confused, and scared of what my brother, sister, or my parents would think of me, not to mention my very large close knit extended family. When I told them I was "bisexual" to test the waters of how they felt, they were actually surprised, they said they'd always just assumed I was gender specific for guys... I decided to prove them wrong, and in a first born mentality wanting to give them hope, I began dating, my girlfriend at the time and all throughout high school Nadine Simmons, she was raised catholic so she had very narrow views. I came out to her as completely gay after high school, and she went ballistic, spouting off religious beliefs and narrow mindedness I just blew her off, and she phoned my house, and I was totally shocked that my mother being such a gracious woman, ripped off a teenagers head with her words, from that day on, I knew it would be okay to be completely open with my family, so I introduced them to my then boyfriend, Piotr Rasputin, now Halliwell, and current husband, and this is where it gets weird.

I got pregnant at the same time my brother Chris did, and we thought our fun and lives were over, marriage was gonna probably happen, but of course being about as non traditional as it gets we stayed in our relationships...

Everything was going really well, I mean we were happy we had our healthy daughter, Laura a few months after a trauma with Chris forced him to deliver extremely premature, she was full term and very healthy.

Over the years our relationship grew and feelings intensified and led to marriage as the only logical step. Not long after the wedding we had our second daughter Grace, and things got a little rockier, but we pulled through as we always do.

We have our ups and our downs, but at the end of the day the love is still there. Recently though things have taken a slight turn, I was talking with my cousin and he told me he sees that we aren't the same couple anymore, that the look of admiration is gone from our eyes, and not wanting to see it I of course lived in denial for a few months, but here we are on our anniversary, and I can't even believe it, not a single mention of it from him, I wasn't going to bring it up, I just can't even believe that I am faced with this.

"What time are you gonna be home from work tonight?" I ask him

"The usual, 6:30, what time are you done with magic school?"

"Around six, we'll see though, its progress report time and that means paperwork... lots of paper work..."

"You'll be fine, I better go, have a nice day Wyatt." He said

"Yeah, have a good day."

It feels so clinical, like I've become a routine or something, like calling me Wyatt, it used to be a big kiss and then have a great day at work honey, or sweetie, or baby, but "have a nice day Wyatt," sounds like he just finished setting up my computer or something.

What ever it is I'm going to find out...

"So what brings you in today?"

"Well we've been married for five years...

"Six..." I correct

"Is it too early for counseling or witch counseling whatever you call this?"

"It's still called counseling, but I just cater to the supernatural couples of the world... and no it's never too early, for the record, what brought that question?"

"Well, I just don't see why I'm here." Pete said

"I'll explain, a few months ago I was talking with my cousin, and he mentioned that Pete and I don't look at one another the same way we used to and I tried to deny it, but then I started paying closer attention and its like this gap between us has started forming and it just gets bigger with everything we don't say to one another, what's that called...?"

"Marriage..." the counselor said simply, "and the classic marriage problem is communication, tell me Wyatt, how honest are you with Pete."

"Completely, there's nothing I lie about."

"and Pete?"

"The same, I would never lie to anyone I care for."

"I see, do you still love Wyatt?"

"What kind of question is that?" Pete asked upset

"A simple one." He replied

"Of course I love him, he is my everything!" Pete exclaimed

"Well how do you show him you love him?"

"I live with him, I take care of the kids, I listen when he talks to me like I'm an idiot..."

"Whoa, let's focus on that... What do you mean talks to you like you're an idiot?"

"Yeah, what do you mean, that sounds like something Johnny should say about Chris, and I know I don't treat you like that."

"It's not to that proportion, I just mean, sometimes when he asks me to do something, I feel patronized, like I'm one of the kids, or like I am the help, I sometimes don't feel like an equal in our marriage, I think maybe it's cause when the kids were younger and not in school, I was a nanny almost, for all of the kids, I made sure they ate, diapers were changed, instead of working, so it was like it WAS my job, and that was okay with me, but then when the kids got older, and began school, I got my job, and I'm not the nanny anymore, but sometimes I feel like I don't get the respect I deserve..."

"Wyatt, do you respect Piotr?"

"Yes, I do, completely, it took a great man to stay home with four kids, that was a lot of work, I understand that it wasn't easy and that he worked hard, and I feel horrible if I ever treated you like hired help, I really do, you're my husband and I love you, but you've been so distant and bordering on cold lately, I mean on our anniversary, I got you that watch you've been eyeballing at Macy's and you had a box of chocolates from the gas station on the corner cause you forgot until after work what day it was, you don't even use pet names for me anymore, it's always Wyatt."

"Pete, anything you'd like to say to that?"

"I'm sorry, I don't even realize I do that, I know I've been distant, I just didn't know how to talk to you about these things, I just never felt like I could, I just want you to know, I DO love you more than anything, I really do, and I am sorry that I've been cold, I guess it was a reflection of my unexpressed feelings, and about our anniversary, I won't ever forgive myself for that day, you don't know how much it killed me on the inside when I saw that gift waiting on the dining table with your home cooked meal, I didn't even want to give you the chocolates I thought even getting nothing would have been better, and the look on your face, the face happiness, that hurt me, cause I knew I was causing you pain."

"It seems you two need to work on communication more than anything, you need to be able to tell one another the kinds of things you just talked about, those are the basic foundations of a strong relationship and bond, if you can express ALL of your feelings to each other the foundation of your love is stronger, and much less likely to crack."

"Okay." We both said.

"I think we should meet again in a week, does Friday work for you both?"


"Okay, I'll see you in a week then."

"Thank you."

That was a month ago, things have gotten better, we've had more alone time to talk, and we've worked on our issues, Pete even surprised me with a dinner and a present for our anniversary, a couple weeks late, but I definitely wasn't expecting it.

Piotr's Story

I've known about my sexual orientation since I was about nine, yeah, I discovered boys early, and I knew it was not something people were very open to, even at that young age I knew I had to keep it a secret. It was also around nine or ten that I discovered I could coat myself in a very strong metallic shield, I discovered it right around the time I hit puberty, my muscles had sprouted overnight, I was shocked, my bicep at age 11 was 14 inches around, one time when I was at home with my parents and my dad was drunk, he tried to hit me and I unintentionally coated my skin and he broke every bone in his hand, I ran away and I was found by other mutants, I was raised in a new and very open minded environment.

I had my first sexual encounter in this new place, I was 15 and it was with Scott Summers, yeah you know, he was a student teacher at the time, and I was obviously much older looking due to my developed body, and he snuck me into his room and we talked for a while, before eventually moving in for the kill, he got me undressed and rode me until I came inside him, I eventually learned you called that barebacking, he explained a lot of stuff to me, including how it was a secret, he found out that I was fifteen and then it stopped, and when I was 17, a guy about a year younger than me was in my class, Bobby was my next experience, it was the first time I had a boyfriend, but we didn't last too long...

I took a sort of celibacy vow, that I wouldn't have sex with anyone until after I became an X-Man, until I met Wyatt. When they appeared in our school, I knew I was going to make him mine, he was beautiful, blonde curls barely touching his eyes, a slight tan to his skin from being a California boy, he was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, both he and his brother were so beautiful, but Wyatt was more my type, I could see that he was well built under his clothes, and I was very turned on by him, we had sex the first night... there goes the vow...

When he told me he was pregnant, needless to say, I was shocked, but being the kind of man I was raised to be, I swore I'd be there for him, that I'd marry him if that's what he wanted. As much as he appreciated that, he told me he'd rather stay my boyfriend, and see where it goes.

A few years later and after we got married we had Grace, and she was just as beautiful as Wyatt, and he sister Laura.

After that "slip" Wyatt began taking birth control pills for men, hoping it would prevent pregnancy too, so far so good with no side effects thus far... We hadn't been prepared for a second child, we were barely prepared for a first. We began having problems when I began taking care of the kids all day while Wyatt worked, he seemed to take me for granted, but we worked through it, but recently I've noticed, he had forgotten I now work and provide the money while he works at no pay for Magic School, and still started to expect me to be there for all the school stuff and all of that while he worked his days at the school.

I did it all because I knew he was still grieving for the loss of his parents, and putting himself into his dad's former job, was his way of honoring him, but it was getting old.

I took it too far, I got so absorbed in being mad at him, I forgot our anniversary, until the reminder popped up on my Blackberry after I left work, I grabbed a box of chocolates and a card and when I got home, I saw a cooked dinner and a gift bag on the dining room table, it was obvious he had remembered, and I felt horrible, and when we exchanged gifts I was embarrassed, and then I saw him pretending to be happy about the crappy box of chocolates and it broke my heart, I knew I needed to fix this, and a week later I agreed to couples therapy, yes it sucked to listen to that psycho babble, but it was all true, and we were able to get the stuff that was bothering us out in the open, and we made some real progress, even in one session we made progress. I even gave Wyatt the anniversary he deserved a couple weeks after that when I knew he wouldn't expect it, I finally saw that smile I hadn't seen in the longest time, and a little piece of my heart that had seemed to be gone healed and I was truly happy again, and I could see Wyatt was too, genuinely not the façade I'd seen for a while...

"You know I've been thinking..." Wyatt said to me as we were getting ready for bed

"Really, how'd that go?"

"Very well actually, I was thinking, the kids are at Paige's for the weekend, we have the house to ourselves... and we haven't really..."

Wyatt brought his lips to mine and unbuttoned my shirt, I had missed this for so long, there was passion behind this kiss, and I returned it with just as much passion, we ripped off each other's clothes, and I kissed and licked Wyatt's neck, I pushed him against the wall and we made out, I turned him around and kissed my way down to his small pert muscular ass, I roughly spread his cheeks and licked the length of his crack and focused on his tight hole, I tongued his rim and sucked, lapping at his delicious hole I slurped around for a good fifteen minutes and added one, then two, then three fingers, Wyatt orbed a condom and lube from the night stand and I prepared myself, stood up and thrust in hard and deep, he screamed out in shock...

"OH YEAH!!!!" he immediately began to thrust back against me and he was clearly enjoying this just as much as I was, he pulled roughly forward and off my dick, he threw me back on the bed, jumped on my lap and roughly sat on my dick taking the whole length inside him, he whimpered and quivered while he began to give me the ride of my life, I was so close, but willed myself not to cum so we could really enjoy our first passionate sex in months, I lifted him off of me, and threw him on his back, now was when I really wanted him to enjoy it, I went to town, pounded him as hard as I could, just the way he liked it, I roughly plowed him and thrusted in circular motions, he began to blubber incoherently and all I heard was an unintelligible groan followed by a guttural moan and he shot his load hard it hit the headboard that had marked the wall, that put me over the edge and I shot an enormous load and overflowed the condom as I pulled out

"OH... MY... GOD... THAT WAS AMAZING..." Wyatt screamed

"You were amazing Wyatt, seriously that was the best sex EVER..." I practically moaned my words

"You know what they say, the only thing better than break up sex, is make up sex..."

"So we're officially good...?" I asked

"Oh baby, not only are we good, but we are back and better than ever..." Wyatt said and we kissed before going for round two...

David's Story

I've always been Bi, as long as I remember, I would stare at a man's Easter basket, just as much as a woman's breasts, but at a fairly young age I knew I preferred said basket to said breasts, something about men, just always fascinated me.

Forced into a surrogate fatherhood to a boy I wasn't that much older than took its toll on me, I was not your typical teenager, I dropped out of school at 16 so I could make sure Alex was well taken care of, I worked as many hours as I could to provide a life for us, it wasn't much, but I got us by, when it got rough and I was fired for something I didn't even do I resorted to selling myself, I've never told anyone that, I don't like to recall those years, I did it, and I can't say I wouldn't do it the same all over again just to be sure that that boy had food and clothing, he never knew I'd lost my job, when I was 18, I stopped and became a stripper, I worked in a gay gentleman's club and made good money, enough anyway, and I didn't have to suck anyone's dick to do it, I did what I had to do. Which meant I wasn't always there when I was needed, then there was that day I came home from work for my dinner break, and I found that boy trying to rape Alex, and that was the end of me being gone, I broke that kid, and after that, I made sure to watch Alex more closely, which of course led to more secrets...

It was then it happened, I was 22 and he was 17 he lost his virginity to John Storm, or rather our universe's John Storm, and wound up pregnant, and not long after that he discovered a latent power that got us into a universe where our family was alive, but apparently, we weren't.

It was hard to adjust to a life with a family that cared for us, to be reunited with a mother I had lost, and who had apparently lost me was both confusing and the greatest day of my life, I never knew I would ever feel happy again, but being a part of this huge messed up family was the biggest blessing I could ever ask for. Sure there was plenty to get used to, like John Storm being a devoted husband and father to 4 kids and my cousin Chris, and Alex apparently being a girl in this world, my being dead, and all of the marriages, not to mention the kids names to remember.

Eventually things settled, the only thing that was bad was the relationship between Chris and Alex, they hated one another, because when Chris and Johnny weren't together Alex slept with Johnny... Which I see why Chris was mad, but he wound up pregnant with another guy's kid, the weird part was it was twins and Johnny was the father of one and Zac was the father of the other, weird, I know...

It wasn't until very recently I had decided to start trying to date, and having never done so I was of course nervous. Of all people, Chris came up to bat and hooked me up with clothes, a new look, and inadvertently my current boyfriend Aaron...

We've only been together a month, but we're doing pretty well, I mean it's weird cause he's more experienced than I am in the relationship department and I'm seven years older than him, I thought the age difference would be tough, but we are fine, I'm okay with it, at least he's legal to drink. I'm not sure how long we'll last, but I'm not really looking for a husband, I've seen how it complicates things, and I'm not sure I want that.

"So what should we do tonight?" I asked Aaron

"How about we go dancing, I'm really in the mood to dance my ass off..."

"Well I wouldn't want your ass to go anywhere.." I said and rub his shoulders

"Very funny, is dancing okay with you?"

"Sure, whatever you want..."

"I know this great club, it's awesome, you probably know it, P3..."

"Um, yeah, my cousin owns it, I actually manage it..."

"You're kidding..."

"Nope, I'm serious, we can go if you want, we're having a rave tonight and it'd be a fun way to dance your ass off..."

"You sure you want to go to work on your day off?"

"It's fine, at least we won't have to pay for drinks..."


Aaron's Story

I've been gay my whole life, I've always known, and I've always been forward with my parents, from day one, I told them my feelings and that it wasn't just a phase, and I hoped they would still love me. They weren't very cool at first, and they were distant, so I of course turned to my friends, and one of their brothers turned out to be gay too, so I had my first experience at age 13, he was 16 his name was Mark, and he was a lot bigger than me, so I also knew then that I liked older guys, the ways in which their bodies were different than mine, the hairs, the smells, the texture, the roughness of stubble rubbing over my smooth body, I liked it a lot... I liked how his penis was fatter than mine, and how he had a small crop of black pubic hair, it was such a thrill looking at his older body, he became my first boyfriend, we dated until he turned nineteen and was away at school, I found out he'd cheated on me at the end of his freshman year at an end of the year party. I was sixteen and I was crushed, I'd devoted three years to him, and at such a young impressionable age it tore me up, so I of course began dating his best friend who had always had a crush on me, and when he found out he called me really pissed screaming at me asking me how could I, I simply told him I was late for a date, I slept with Ryan that night.

Yeah, so I used sex as a weapon, I wasn't proud, and I definitely wasn't into Ryan, so I dumped him, and decided to enjoy being single and slept around a bit, some were friends of Ryan and Mark, but I didn't care what they thought about me, I was unattached, young, and stupid... After I graduated from Beauty School, I moved out of my parents' house and in with my friend Maggie, I got a job as a receptionist and assistant to Sandra Evans one of the most respected hair stylists in San Francisco, she'd worked on one of my favorite movies, you know, the one with Zac Efron, Chad Michael Murray, and that new guy, what's his name... oh right Chris Storm... yeah... all very hot.... Mmmm... anyways so I've been there about a week and Chris Storm and some guy come in, they might have been together for all I know, but since we're a well known salon, it wouldn't have been professional of me to flip out over a celebrity walking in, so I had to treat him as I would any customer, they built up quite a bill, and the guy he was with looked like Jesus when he came in, he kept glancing in my direction so I assumed he wasn't with Chris, when he was done, looked just as good as Chris, I would say they actually looked a like, but my heart skipped a beat when the guy with Chris looked at me... I had a little dispute with Chris over his bill, since I had to at least ACT like I didn't know who he was or why he would get a discount, but I truly didn't know if he would get one paying for someone else... He was a little condescending, so I assume he was used to the other guy who'd been fired recently, mainly for giving unapproved discounts, so I wasn't about to go down for the same thing...

I was sad to see them go, I had hoped for a chance to talk to the hunk formerly known as Jesus, I didn't know that my wish would be granted about four hours later... It was the end of my shift, and Natalia, the evening receptionist called for me... "I have a David Matthews on the phone, he says he was in earlier and asked to talk to the receptionist Aaron, should I tell him you've gone for the day?"

My curiosity was piqued so I told her I'd take the call, "This is Aaron, how may I assist you?"

"Oh, wow, you're still there..."


"Okay, I know this seems awfully presumptuous, but I was in there earlier with Chris Storm, I'm his cousin David, well I noticed you kinda looking at me, and I was wondering if you would maybe wanna, go get a drink with me tonight..." I was stunned, first that they were cousins, and second that he was interested in me, he was hot!

"Um, sure... I guess... I know this great bar just down the street, you could meet me at the salon and we could walk there..."

"Sure, sounds good, I should be about a half hour..."

We hung up and I looked at Natalia, "What was that about?"

"I just got asked out..."

"Really, I thought you were like asexual or something, that's the rumor..."

"There's a rumor about me?"

"No not really, but Maggie is my best friend and told me about your vow..."

"Oh... well not really asexual, just prefer not having sex... but I'm not like that..."

"UH! UHH! UHHH Oh yeah do it to me! DO IT TO ME!! UNGHHHH!!!"

Okay so maybe I was like that... it was the tequila...

But we started hanging out more, and he's a really cool guy, he treats me well, and we haven't had sex since that first night, because that wasn't like either of us... there was just lots of pent up sexually charged energy in both of us, and we took it out of one another... I really like him, but I get the feeling this is short term at best, since he's so new to it all... oh well, I just wanna see where it goes, but being someone's first boyfriend hasn't gone well for me in the past...


"I'm sorry..." I said

"For what?" Johnny asked

"Look, don't play it down, I know how I act, and I know it can't be easy dealing with someone who seems to have PMS 24/7..."

"I don't know what you mean..."

"Come on Johnny, I'm trying to make an apology here, it seems like I'm always picking some stupid little fight over something so small..."

"Nah... You've been really good since the whole soul, or body switching thing, I lose track with all the magical chaos..."

"But before then, I mean, I feel like such a bad person, I treat you like you are some awful man, you are perfect, you've always been such a sweet caring guy to me and I've taken you for granted..."

"Chris, baby..." Johnny held my face, "You have been through so much, some of it was my fault, some was yours, but even during all the little fights over nothing, or the big fights over something, I have always loved you, since the day you gave me that look, I knew I couldn't ever stop loving you, even when I tried to stop, you would just look at me, or say anything to me, even if you were calling me an asshole, and I was drawn in..."

"I'm just so sorry, you haven't been so bad, I know I have said so many hurtful things..."

"Words, empty word honey, that's all they were, do you know how much you've been through, I mean you were a dad as a teen, a husband and father in your twenties, you've lost so much, you lost your parents, we split up, your cousin died, honey, normal people would have broken down dealing with all that, so we fought, big deal, you never dealt with your emotions and add that to your empathy, how is our house still standing, you weren't just feeling the guilt and mourning for yourself, but you felt it from EVERYONE, and I took the beating, better me than the world..."

"You are so great about the whole thing, how can you still love me after everything I've put you through...?"

"Compared to you and your family if all I've had to deal with is a handful of fights epic and non epic, and at the end of the day I still have you and my kids to spend my days with and love, that is ALL I care about, forget the fights, all of it, it doesn't matter now, we have each other and our children. This should just show you, we can overcome anything..."

"I guess you're right..."

"Of course I'm right..."

We shared a laugh, "I love you so much baby..." I said

"I love you too, more than you can possibly imagine..." Johnny said and kissed me, that night we made love and it was amazing, to feel how much he truly does love me, as we kissed and made love he calmly whispered "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I whispered back and we climaxed together

The Next Day

"Good morning David!" I said cheerfully as I began breakfast

"Someone's in a good mood..."

"And why wouldn't I be, it's a beautiful morning, and I have my whole family home on a Saturday..."

"I guess, so spill it what brought about this miracle...?"

"Johnny and I had sex last night..."

"Ooh... how is that different than usual...?"

"Well this time it was after a massive apology from me about how I always seem to be a bitch to him, and he talked me off the ledge by telling me how he understood, and how he still loved me and always has and always will and all he will ever need is me and the kids..."

"Nice speech... So you finally realized what a cunt you always seem to be...?"

"Whoa... I see Johnny's not the only one I've snapped at..." I said laughing slightly

"Chris, level with me, did you really mean it when you apologized, and that you came to this realization, or were you just worried Johnny was gonna pack up and leave or something..."

"Honestly Dave, I meant it, I've been thinking about it since the whole soul switching thing, I have been so harsh to him, and probably to everyone else, and I don't wanna be a bitch, I honestly don't even know I do it sometimes, I think it's the empathy thing but I figured it out, I just I hate that I have hurt him so much, and he just brushes it off like it never happened, he's such a good person, he deserves better than that... better than me..."

"What are you saying Chris?"

"I'm saying..."

To Be Continued...

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Next: Chapter 40

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