Master and the Mate

By Deep Diver

Published on Jul 7, 2007


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"Manny, your natural father wants you to go live with him. But we are going to fight him legally and try to keep you with us, if that is what you want," Kyle revealed.

Mark's eyes opened wide. "He can't have him. Manny is now my brother. He belongs here with us."

"I wanna stay here. I don't want to go with him. Don't let him take me." Manny whined.

When we got home we were coming from a lawyer's office and we are going to fight to keep you Manny, but I can't promise you that we will win. Ry is very upset. More worried than I have ever seen him and this will weaken him. I need you guys to be strong for Ryan so he and I can fight this. Can you guys help me help Ryan? Kyle said rousing the crew.

Master and The Mate

by Deepdiver

ed by Dave Loud

Chapter 35 - Christmas Tide

In the next group session, everyone was eying Ryan to see if they could detect any changes brought on by the chemo or radio therapies. But there were no external changes that they could detect. There was no hair loss nor loss of weight as they had expected. However there was one unseen change. Ryan's ass hole felt like he had been sunburnt and he experienced discomfort when he would wipe his ass after defecations. He had discussed this with the radiotherapist who had recommend that he clean himself with Prat since he was forbidden to use any other lubricants or creams.

He had gone for radiation therapy in the morning. Again he found himself in the smaller waiting room. One lady who seemed somewhat depressed spoke to the small group of waiting patients.

"I'll be so glad when I never have to hear that thud again," she said referring to the heavy metal door which enclosed each patient as their turn came up.

"On the contrary, that sound is our hope of life!" Ryan said reframing the experience for her and the others patiently waiting their turn. "Just imagine how many people in the world have no access to a machine like this. We are the lucky ones and thank God for that sound we have the hope of survival."

"You know I never would have thought of it that way. Thank you, now I will be looking forward to that sound! It like the thunder of God's voice giving us hope," she said.

Now, again with his sore butt on the hard seat, Ryan thought, my sore ass is a reminder that I have the hope of survival. What a small price to pay for possible many more years of life.

"I would like to speak first, if that's ok? Dr. Loud." Dean said looking somewhat anxious. "First I want to say that both you and Roger have been an inspiration to me. You both stand for your rights and don't let anyone put you down. You both have given me hope and the courage to admit to myself that I too am gay. I am sorry Mom and Dad, if that disappoints you. But that is who I am and I can't change and I am so tired of hiding it from you and from my friends."

Dean's father responded first. "Son, I have often said there is no wrong that you can commit that will make us stop loving you. While we many not approve of everything you do and while we will always try to correct your behaviour as we have done since you were a boy, you can always count on our blessing and love. Dean and his father stood and embraced. His mom stood as well and joined them in their embrace. Then Dean hugged his friend Roger and finally Ryan.

"Dean what you have just admitted to your parents and friends did indeed take courage. A courage I never had. It was long after my parents died that I learned to accept myself. You are an inspiration to me and I hope some day to have as much courage as you." Ryan said affirmingly.

The rest of the session was dedicated to the theme of self acceptance as a first necessary step to accepting others' differences. Ryan related it back to tolerance and tried to help the group see that unity was only possible when we accept our diversity and being able to live with diversity depends on the Christian virtue of tolerance. The session ended when Jack Crawford's mother asked if she could lead a prayer for Ryan's health. She also gave thanks to God for the gift of courage that Dean had received and for healing in Roger's family.

The next day Manny's social worker called and informed Ryan of the date for a hearing and explained to him that the judge wanted the boy to have a full up to date physical exam in his file. Ryan immediately called his GP who recommended a pediatric doctor and he made an appointment for the following week.

When the boys came home from school, Kyle and Ryan got them into the Honda civic and took them to a nearby lot were they were going to pick out a Christmas tree. Kyle drove and Ryan gave one of his lectures.

"Boys, remember, anyone can go out and buy a beautiful robust and full Christmas tree. Its just a question of money. However, there are two trees in this lot that nobody wants. They will be left overs and burnt on Christmas eve. Our mission is to find those two trees and save them. Manny since you are the shortest in the group I want you to find the tree with a so so top half but the best bottom half and you Mark are to search for the tree with the best top but don't worry about the bottom.

Marks family tree had always been the nicest that they could find. He was beginning to think that the chemotherapy was affecting Ryan's brain and had visions of having the two saddest looking trees decorating their house. He wished he hadn't come to buy the tree.

Manny on the other hand had never had a real Christmas tree. One year his mother had a centerpiece on the table that was in the shape of tree but it was artificial, and his father had flung it across the room in one of his rages. The idea of going to a lot and buying a real tree, even the worst on the lot was like a dream come true.

Once they parked the car, Manny flew out the door on his quest for the "perfect" unwanted fir. Mark was last to get out of the car and would have rather fallen into a hole in the earth then been seen going home with a less then perfect tree. He was walking as if he were going to his execution when Kyle noticed him lagging behind. Ryan had gone ahead to watch after Manny.

"Mark, I can tell you are feeling embarrassed just by looking at you. Remember that we are trying to support Ry and he has asked you to do something that means a lot to him. If you don't want to do it, that if fine; just wait in the car. But if you love Ryan even a little bit, dive into the sea and find the tree that is drowning!" Kyle said to Mark but was speaking just as much to himself as he too had no idea of what madness Ryan was up to.

Mark turned and started walking back to the car. Suddenly he saw a tree lying near the trash heap. He felt drawn to it and went over and stood it up.

One of the kids that was hawking the trees said, "you can have that scraggler if you want it. No charge, we'll never be able to sell it anyway."

Mark looked it over and sure enough. The top was great, but the bottom was so bare and sickly it was obvious why no one would have it.

A half hour later the crew arrived back home with the two trees and helped Ryan lug them down into the basement. Mark and Kyle couldn't stand to watch as Ryan took out an electric saw and began working on them. Manny whose faith in Ryan was unquestioning stayed with him awed by the metamorphous that was taking place before his eyes. He saw Ryan take the bottom half of one of the trees and with a double pointed nail join it to the top of the other. Then using black tape he covered up his work so well that even a trained eye could not detect his handiwork. Then he took the remaining branches from the left over stalks and used them to fill in by splicing them into the tree and again using tape to hold them in place.

Manny helped Ryan pull the tree up stairs and upright it into the stand that Kyle with Mark unenthusiastically had readied. When they beheld the tree, they suspected that Ryan had it hidden in the basement all the time and couldn't believe it was the same two scrawny trees that they had brought home. Manny thought he was the luckiest kid in the world with the best Christmas tree of all! "What a F.......overwhelming Christmas tree me and Ryan made".

"Ryan and I" Kyle corrected him inspired by Dave L's work.

"No it was Ryan and me!" Manny insisted, not catching the grammatic correction.

Yes, but you said, 'me and Ryan and that is incorrect,'" Kyle explained.

"No I said me and Ryan not you and Ryan!" Manny argued.

"Well lets just give thanks that he said, overwhelming and not something else!" Ryan said to interrupt the debate."

Both Kyle and Mark began stringing the lights. Each string was a different colour and each connected to a dimmer with three separate plugs so that the tree would fade from all the lights lit into only the blue, then fade into green and finally yellow. Each stood in awe as the colour changes hypnotized them into a relaxed state as they joined arms around their first family Christmas tree.

"Dad, I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I thought this was going to be the ugliest Christmas tree ever and it turned out to be so majestic and we haven't even put the decorations on it yet," said Mark.

"Ry its beautiful. You make me so proud." Kyle added.

"The mystery of the Incarnation is what we celebrate at Christmas - Christ's Mass. Jesus takes on our ugly sinfulness and transforms it into the beauty of holy innocence. He was born in a smelly, filthy animal pen with unbathed herdsmen about, but we remember the visit of shepards, kings and gold and the aroma of incense. God takes our suffering and transforms it into our joy. We must believe that and learn to look beyond the ugly exterior to the inner beauty of each person. The four tightened their grip as they continued to hug around their Christmas symbol.

Over the next few days, Manny was put through several medical exams including a dentist. His laboratory reports all came back negative, but he needed extensive dental work, probably due to a lack of oral hygiene, poor diet and neglect. The dentist was also recommending braces to correct the mal alignment of his teeth. Copies of all these reports where placed in a folder and given to the social worker to place in his case file.

A few days later Kyle took Mark shopping to by gifts for Ryan and Manny while Ryan took Manny shopping for gifts for Kyle and Mark. Since the boys had no money of their own other than pocket money for snacks at school they were given a limit but allowed to use one of Ryan's credit cards. Ryan used both the Citi card and the Discover card because neither had a yearly quota and they both returned a small percent on each purchase. Ryan paid his cards faithfully on line on the tenth of every month and was proud that he had never had to pay any interest on his purchases. His philosophy was to wait to buy until he had the money to pay, but always to pay with a credit card and thus stretch his earnings. He would never have been able to afford the yacht if he hadn't been left to him by his brother, but he lived comfortably. Luckily he has saved over the years and now could easily bear the burden of feeding and caring for his new found family.

Manny picked out a nice dress shirt and tie for Ryan that he could use with his suit for work. Mark, bought a clock for Ryan designed as the helm of a ship since it was the yacht that had brought them together. Ryan had already ordered the lap top for Kyle to help him with his studies and now bought each of them a gold chain and crucifix. For his good friend Dominic he bought a set of stainless steel cylinders for frying cannolies. For Bill and Tony, Jerry and his undercover lover, two neck chains one with the word 'master' and the other with the word 'slave.' For everyone else he planned to make some homemade jam and so he bought a couple of cases of mason jars and plenty of fresh strawberries.

Once Ryan had turned in his students' final grades, he had much more time and with the help of his boys began making the jams. They watched him drop five pounds of sugar into a pot and bringing it to a boil together with the fresh strawberries that he had pureed. He carefully scaped off the scum which surfaced to the top of the boiling liquid, after he added the gelatin and pectin, the preservative, as Manny slowly stirred the concoction.

Kyle and Mark had the mason jars in a large pot where they were being sterilized by the raising vapours of boiling water. Once he was ready, the jars where removed with long prongs and placed on sterile towels and allowed to dry. Ryan then poured the steaming liquified jelly carefully into each jar making sure not to allow the slightest bit to come into contact with the rim of the jars. He then placed a sterilized lid on each jar. As they cooled the lids would sink down creating a vacuum seal. Ryan would carefully examen each jar to make sure the lid had been sucked down.

"I've never lost a jar of jelly, but the trick is in be very careful not to mess the rims which will allow air to enter the jar later." he explained to the boys. Once fully cooled and inspected again by Ryan he allowed the boys to gift wrap each jar. As they approached Christmas, Ryan baked tons of homemade bread using his grandmother's recipe.

"Manny would you get me the salt," asked Ryan.

"Mark can you pour the warm milk with the melted butter and yeast in it over the flour?" Ryan directed as he kneaded the dough.

"Kyle, can you grease the bread pans, please?" Continued Ryan.

As he worked the dough into various shapes and sizes he gave Manny some dough to work just as his grandmother had done with him when he was her "gofer."

"Manny, Mark and Kyle you are now officially my 'gofers.'"

"What's a 'gofer?'" asked Manny.

"You know. Go for the salt, go for the milk!" Ryan said as everyone mocked him.

But once the bread had cooked and they spread the strawberry jam over it the contentment on everyone's face became another Kodak moment etched on each of their memories that would forever be associated with their future Christmas celebrations as it had been in Ryan mind since his own childhood.

That night, Ryan and Kyle received an email from their lawyer, Jerry Young:

In answer to your inquiries, I reccomend that we draw up a

LIVING TRUST, naming your heirs. None of the estate

can EVER be taxed; neither can it EVER be contested by

ANYONE in ANY court system! The only fees or costs

necessitated are my original attorney's fees or charges to

draw up the document. Period. That's it. No attorney will

ever again be needed before or after your demise.

Within the LIVING TRUST, is a 4-page MEDICAL

DIRECTIVE, naming an "AGENT" (family member,

friend, gay lover, whoever ... it matters not!) who will make

responsible medical decisions FOR the person if he should

not be able to make those decisions himself, and actually,

the "AGENT" has more legal benefits than a parent or

spouse, and cannot be turned away by ANYONE for

visitation rights.

The LIVING TRUST is actually more legally binding and

safer than even a marriage certificate.

With this document, the gay lover/partner cannot be turned

away from the sick room by the parents, wife, children, or

anyone else who doesn't approve of the relationship, and

the gay lover/partner cannot be kicked out of their home

because of angry relatives.

Just let me know, if you want me to draw up the papers.


Gerry Young

[author's note: the above email was basically composed by if you have any further question feel free to contact him. I want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank him for this important contribution to the story.]

That night, Kyle and Ryan renewed their love by having romantic love. There were no toys, no gimmicks, just pure sexual explorations as they gave physical pleasure and received spiritual joy from each other.

"Ry, you make me feel so fulfilled."

"Kyle, Now I know why there was an emptiness in my life before we met. It was the void in my heart waiting to be filled by you." Ryan declared. "Kyle do you ever feel jealous of the boys and I?"

"At first I did a bit, but now, I understand that they are our family and as we raise them together our love deepens. If they were not part of our lives, I would never have known who you really are." Kyle affirmed.

"Well, I do feel jealous of you at times. Jealous of this house when you are here and I have to go to work, jealous of the boys and you when they come home early and I am still out, jealous of the time that you pass and I am not part of it." Ryan said revealing more of himself.

Then eventually found themselves in a 69 position. Each swallowing the penis of the other in tandem. Ryan would take Kyle cock between his lips and tease the head with his tongue as Kyle remained still and enjoyed the loving stimulation of his master's tongue flicking around the crown of his cock. Then Ryan would remain still, but with Kyle's cock held between his firmly closed lips. Kyle would then give the same treatment to Ryan's cock head, but added a special exploration of his piss hole with the tip of his tongue. Ryan's body reacted with anticipatory spasms. Then Ryan would take more of Kyle's dick into his orifice. Now using the flat surface of his tongue along the underside of Kyle's penis he heard him moan. Both men held onto the legs of the other and rubbed them sensually as they both delighted in their mutual efforts at trying to communicate their love through the pleasurable stimulation of their man tools.

Ryan took Kyle's nice firm cock down his throat and deliberately swallowed. Kyle reciprocated following Ryan's lead. Both had to fight the gag reflex and learn to coordinate their movements. This took some effort, but since each's only goal was to pleasure the other they soon arrived simultaneously at the plateau of orgastic ecstasy and both exploded as a reaction to one anothers' selfless stimulations of the other. They both feel asleep as babes with each others' cocks in their mouths.

All too quickly they arrived at the day of Manny's placement hearing. Both were surprised to see a atypical court room designed to look more as a play room than court of law. The judge wore an ordinary dress with all trappings of the legal system absent or disguised so as to make the children they handled as comfortable as possible. Sitting on opposite sofas were Ryan together with Kyle and Manny and their lawyer. In the other sat Manny's dad, his girl friend and his legal council. In a large over stuffed chair sat the judge. And in another not so large stuffed chair sat the case worker.

"I have been reading very carefully the contents of Manny's file. I would like to remind you that this court is not unbiased. Family court by law must when possible favour reuniting natural parents with their children. It is only when circumstances do not permit this option that we can seek other solutions. You must be Emmanuel Rivera?"

"That's me, but my friends call me Manny."

And you are Mr. Rivera, Manny natural father?"

"Yes, I am, Your honour."

"And you are seeking custody of your son. Can you tell us why you abandoned him in the first place?"

"Your honour, I was going through some bad times and had lost my job and I thought that he would be better taken care of if I disappeared. But I love my son and want to be the one to raise him together with my future wife," said Manny's father.

"Manny are you happy in Dr. Loud's home?"

"Yes, I have never been happier in my life. I do miss my mom, but my new dads don't fight like he did with my mom. They never yell at me, even when I mess up and now I have a brother too." Manny said, afraid to say too many bad things against his dad in case he would have to go home with him. He knew he would have to pay the consequences if that occurred.

"Mr. Rivera, are you aware that Manny needs extensive work on his teeth which will require many visits to the dentist and be quite expensive?" Asked the judge.

"How expensive?" Rivera answered showing his irritation.

"I should think in the thousands of dollars." The judge said testing the father's interest in the boy.

Rivera and his lawyer went into a huddle after which the lawyer asked for a recess. During the recess which was granted, the lawyers went into a caucus. After their 'parley,' Ryan's lawyer told him that for the right price, Rivera would allow the boy to stay with him and Kyle.

"I would be willing to give him the blood money he wants, but what guarantee would I have that he doesn't come around looking for more later on?"

We discussed this ourselves and his council is trying to convince him to sign a paper giving you full custody but you will have to pay more." Said Ryan and Kyle's attorney.

"Offer him $3,000. If he is willing to sign. See if that is high enough to tempt him.

They finally agreed on the price of $5,000 for Manny and informed the judge. She agreed to the compromise but made the natural father pay for Manny dental bills and a monthly allowance in exchange for visitation privileges.

Rivera was furious, but realized that he wouldn't get anything if he didn't accept the terms that the judge had ordered and the last thing he needed was a kid to look after. Nor did he have any interest in visiting with the boy.

The judge took note and wrote in Manny's file his reactions to the decision. She also noted that Manny and his father left the court with neither making any effort to greet one another. She was satisfied that justice had prevailed and Manny was in the better home.

To be continued....

Please let me know if anyone is reading this story up to this point.....

Next: Chapter 37

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