Masterhood in Jeapordy

By moc.loa@eeessssaelpIyaM

Published on Nov 5, 2001



As I was packing my things for the weekend, I begin to ponder what our weekend would be like. I was excited yet sad. You have chosen to quit the things you and I did in Service together. Now that you are married, this was possibly the last time I will have with you. Just you and I alone that is. Sure we have two things left with the kids but I am not real sure you will make those things, besides you could take your husband on those events if you want and the kids all always around.

Tonight there will be just you and I. Like old times. Tomorrow, others will be there. For me, things have been strained lately. For the most part, when I do see you, you still act like you're glad to see me. But in between, its like you do not care if I am alive or at least you do not wish me to be in you life. We don't talk anymore. I keep trying. Telling you what is up with me, when I can catch you via the phone and you seem willing to give me a minute.

I knew when you got married things would changes. I knew our times either alone or in a crowd would be far and few, but I though we would still talk. I knew, that 99% I would never get to hold you again, or more and that I accepted. I felt a huge loss, more than I ever could have imagined, but that was ok , because more than anything, more than any wants I had for me, I wanted you to be happy, I loved you that much. I did not know I would lose my communication with you. That is what I am not ok with. I am trying but it is very hard. Had you moved or something it would have been a little ok cause I would not have seen your lack of communication as your choice. The way it is now, it feels like it is you choice to not speak to me! That is what hurts about it. Enough thinking, its time for me to get ready to go.

I decided to dig up a few things to pack just in case. I have not changed and you still are my master. So just in case, I packed a couple of things. I also take the time to make sure I have stuff that you may want for your comfort. I packed a few munches that I know you like, stop at the store on my way to get you to get some of that tea you like, all just in case you want them. It is my job to please you.

I arrived at your office right on time, but you are in an irritated mood anyway. It seems you got off a little early and could not get a hold of me. Go figure, I was at the store. I tell you I am sorry, but you go into your silent mode anyway. Well I am use to that, at least when we begin our trips. I know you do not like traveling even for an hour or so by car. I on the other hand am way OK with it. It time that I get just for me and you. Even if you would rather not be there, At least I am in your presence.

We stop in Didion Pass for a pit stop and go thru McDonalds for you a coffee. As we are exiting, I hit a bump and some of you coffee spills. You give me one of you "looks". I just cringe in side. All I want to do is please you, yet it seems I do everything wrong. I can see as we get closer to Samoset City you are trying to be in a better spirit. You do not like being this way. You wish I would not take it so personally. You start joking around even. I try to let go of my fears, I know this is what you want but its hard. Mood wise its almost as if we have switched roles.

We get check into the hotel and our moods have balanced out, or at least it seems so. I am still thinking. Thinking about how I try and try to do for you. How I am so willing to summit any thing to you. How its what I want to do, yet you couldn't care less. I am getting angry, I do not think you can see this, but you do see something. You know something is up, but your not sure what.

You go into your "stomping" routine over something trivial Something in the past I have always though was so cute and you know it. This time I am not amused. You start teasing me about how tough I think I am. You jerk on my hair. I look at you and very firmly tell you to STOP. For about a second or two I see a bit of fear in your eyes, then your twinkle returns and you reach out grabbing my hair saying "oh yeah, what are you going to do about it?" I start to just shake my head and you do it again laughing.

This time I am ready. I have had it. I make the quick decision to treat you like the child you are acting. I grab your wrist, then you other wrist too. I turn you around with both arms at your back. Needless to say you are pissed. At this point I do not care. I can say its the first time in my life that I do not care if you are pissed at me! You are now facing the bed. I bend you at the waist, pushing your face down on the bed. I do this fast before you have a chance to think. I then place my knee on your shoulder blades holding you down. The language you are hurling at me is horrible. I realize at that you may never speak to me again. I decided since I had most probably lost you as a friend , I may as well go for it. I reached over the top of you and grabbed my brush, still holding your arms at your back. Due to the position I have you in your ass in still high in the air. I rip your pants (you're in your black sweats) including panties down to your knees and begin to paddle you for all I am worth. You drop at the knees trying to lower your bottom to get away from the back side of my brush to no avail. Soon you stop screaming at me, but pleading with me to stop. You tell me I am hurting you. You are begging and crying at the same time. I almost stop and then I remember all the times I had wanted you to be my master, to accept me as your servant, to use me, that I decided that at this point and time I WAS YOUR MASTER!. No, you did not submit to me, but I did not care. It was like a trigger went off in me. I would punish you for all that I felt you did not give to me! I was in control now. You're sweet cheeks are getting redder and redder, I noticed you had stopped crying, but are moaning, a soft sensual moan. You seemed to be enjoying my administrations. I had tossed the brush aside, and was using just my hand, though my hand is quite large and forceful. You began to thrust your derriere higher and higher to meet with my hand. Soon you began to tell me how good it felt. Your aroma was about to engulf me. You were so "wet" that I wanted to stop and 'Dive" into you. But then I decided you were getting Too much pleasure, so I quit. I left you lying there wanting more. You look at me, I could tell you were wondering why I had stopped. You reach down to take matters into your own hands , to pleasure yourself. I grab your hands once again and stretch them above your head. I get with in two inches of you face, and with all the intensity I can muster, I share with you that I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU ANY PLEASURE! Looking very humble, you make the wise choice to comply with my wishes! With that I lit my candles and turned off the lights. I crawled up on the bed and leaned back on the pillow to settle in for a movie. My anger has begun to dissipate You are still just lying there at the end of the bed in bewilderment. Confused, arroused and feeling totally powerless over me. A new feeling for you.

I sit up there wondering just what the hell I just did. I see you down there and I am filled with so much love for you. I lean down and brush your hair back and ask you to "come up here with me and watch the movie. here, come sit between my legs so I can put my arms around you." You do as I requested. You lean on me with you head on my shoulder. I feel a tear or two fall from my eyes and I wonder what I did so right to have you in my life. I move both my arms around you under your sweatshirt. I so love the feel of your skin. Soon, I am lightly caressing your breast, so very lightly, like the kiss of a butterfly. I barely rub across each of your nipples, over and over, enjoying the feeling of your rock hard buttons growing and swelling. This is all I do. Nothing more nothing less for at least 20 minutes. Then I slowly remove the rest of your clothes, enjoying how willingly you give yourself to me.

I lay you down on your stomach, and just look at you. You are such a vision to me. I pull out my oil and I begin at your neck. Over and over I rub in this lovely scented, awesome feeling oil. Slowly, ever so slowly I move down your entire body, taking special care as I move over your reddened, puffy checks. I feel so bad that caused you pain! I lean down to lightly kiss your bun all over. It is still warm to the touch from my punishment earlier. You spread you beautiful legs a little, willing me to "please you". I do not take you up on this offer, no matter how much I want to. I mover on down your legs, one at a time, caressing them with the loving care they deserve. I work you feet for what seems like hours, yet in reality in only a few minutes. I turn you over so that I can travel up your legs in the same fashion I traveled down. I spend a lot of time on your inner thighs, yet I refuse to go where you really want me to go, where I want to go. You are so wet your pussy is glistening, your love canal flowing. God how I want to bend down and uummm "suck it " all up., drink from your fountain. To uummmm lick you dry, but I do not. Instead I keep moving upwards. Your stomach muscles are so tight. I begin to talk to you. I share with you why I am not "pleasing You". That all I have ever really wanted was for you to "tell me" what to do. To take control of me. To use me, for your pleasure. I did not wish to be beat, or bound, but controlled, and controlled only by you. I tell you of the fantasy I had of walking into your room in the old apartment. you are getting ready to go somewhere and you stop and place one foot on your dresser and tell me to "eat you". And of course I do. The fantasy of one night after a meeting and before meeting with others for dinner, you pull over and tell to "nurse" on you. You do these things not because you are sex crazed but because you want me to remember you are in control, that I am your slave.

By the time I am finished with your massage, your nipples once again are ready to burst. You are generating so much heat, that after I lightly kiss you on the lips I go and crack open the window. Your body is in so much need of somebody, anybody, to help you find a release. You know thatI am not going to offer you anything. I am sitting over in the chair brushing my hair, and then you remember! You remember every thing I just said! I am YOUR SLAVE! Now and for always! You control me, I am there to do your bidding, no matter what you want! You think only for a minute longer, then I hear say" oh slave girl . . . . . .

I would love to hear any commits you have to make. This is such a new lifestlye for me. Please, email me at

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