Matt and Jamie

By abys

Published on Nov 16, 2011


----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt and Jamie Chapter 5 By Abys.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is a work of fiction and although may be based on real characters I have no idea whether they are gay or not. This story is meant for adults above the age of consent in your area, so if you are not then please do not read on. This story depicts sex with consenting adults. If you are offended by this then please do not read on.

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We got into the shower. My back to his front. He ran his hands all over my smaller than his body. I've never felt so good; he nibbled my neck, kissing and licking. Hands all over me, I was so hard, even after everything today. But he was only washing my body with his hands, nothing sexual, but everything erotic. I cud feel his hardness in my back. We just swayed as he held me under the water cascading down over our naked bodies.

We stood under the water, Jamie just holding me, it felt good, it felt right. I felt safe and relaxed.

He broke the silence with, "you know I actually quite like you."

This made me smile, "I like you too." I replied.

The water turned a luke warm and we got out, dried each other off. He didn't take his eyes off me, was kinda unnerving, but made me smile.

He pulled on some shorts, no top, and no underwear. "Let me go see my parents, look it's gone 9pm, would you like to stay for the night? I'll go check it's ok with my parents, if it is, you check with yours?" he looked at me, almost pleasing with his eyes.

"Ok," I said, "Friday tomorrow, I don't have any college. And I supposed to be staying at my girl---- ex-girlfriends anyways, so my dad isn't expecting me.." thinking about it, he wouldn't miss me even if I had been at home normally. He smiled that sparkling grin and ran off.I pulled on my jeans again. And my T-Shirt. And twiddled my thumbs for a bit, then Jamie bounded back in.

"Mums doing dinner for us now," he grinned. "And you can stay, I told them we have a history project to do together, well I actually do!"

"But I don't do history!" I said.

"And? She doesn't know that!"

He hugged me and I felt my face against his smooth, muscled chest. I just purred as he held me.He let me go eventually; we sat and talked a bit. About college and shit. His mum called up to us that dinner was ready, Jamie pulled on a vest shirt, which was tight and showed his great arms.

"Hello Matthew," his mum said. "Glad Jamie thought to introduce you to us eventually." she glared at Jamie.

"sorry." he said.

"Hi Mrs......" I suddenly realised I no idea what Jamie's surname was!!

Luckily she interrupted me, "don't Mrs. Anderson me, only the bank call me that! Gemma is fine, and this is Michael, Jamie's dad."

Phew, his dad was sat at the dinner table he got up and shook my hand.

We sat down to a lovely meal, we had chicken, loads of boiled potatoes and veg. Jamie scoffed a load away, so much for watching how much he eats! Then again it was all fresh. We joked about, had a laugh, his parents were really laid back, I envied his home life if this is how it was all the time. Mine was nothing like this. If I wanted to eat, then I had to make it myself, so I lived on toast most of the time. Probably why I was so skinny!

It was great, I managed to forget all about today, and just have fun with a family. The heart ache and confusion went. And I was happy, I should be moody, no smiles, that's what I am like most of the time, fits the "emo" image I guess.

We finished up, I was so full I couldn't move.

"Jamie, clear up please." his father said.

Jamie got up, but I put my hand on his and stopped him.

"I'll do it," I said. "And thanks for the meal."

"No you are a guest. Let Jamie do his chores." his dad said.

Jamie just looked at me and nodded, I guess it was ok then. His mum got up to help him, they were over by the sink washing up, him and mum talking. I couldn't hear the conversation, but I am sure I heard the word boyfriend, after she said that he glared at her and said no. Boyfriend?? Did Jamie's parents know he was gay? And they assumed I was his boyfriend? My heart rate picked up, and I think I went pale, well paler, Jamie's dad asked me if I was ok. I said yes, and we spoke about college, my life at home. He was very easy to talk too, found myself telling him almost everything bar what had happened today, all about my dad, his drinking, having to feed myself and look after myself all the time.

I could almost see the hurt in his eyes; I don't think he could understand how a father could be like that to their son.

"no wonder Jamie likes you then. Apart from being a nice lad, he always did find people less fortunate than himself to be with."

I just looked down at my feet, kind of embarrassed.

"I'm done, is it ok to go now?" Jamie asked his father.

"go ahead, get some work done, and have some fun." his dad replied.

Jamie bounced over to me. This guy has to much energy I thought! He grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

"Thanks for dinner it was lovely Mrs......." I paused as I got glared at my Jamie's mum. ".....Gemma"

She smiled, and said" thanks and enjoy your evening."

I got dragged, by an over excited, bouncing seemingly 5 year old child all the way back to his room. He closed the door behind me and stood in front of me, I looked up to his big beaming smile, and couldn't help but smile back. He leaned down and kissed me, and I kissed him back. I felt a stirring in my jeans again. For fucks sake, I thought as I hardened up. What the hell was this? Being turned on by this guy.

We kissed for a bit, then he pulled me onto the bed.

"Let's play a game." he said.

"Huh?" I said back.

"On my PS3." he said.

"Oh, thought u meant something else!" I said.

"Maybe later," he grinned at me, kissed me on the cheek, and bounced to his tv and ps3 on the other side of the room. He fished out a game, took off his vest and threw it on the floor, he stretched, I was looking at his back, which was nicely defined, he popped the game in and we started.

We were playing FIFA. And he was beating me, I kept being distracted by him, and his body flexing as he played. Such a nice smooth muscled body, kept distracting me, and he kept scoring.

"This isn't fair." I said.

"Why? Cos I'm better than you?" he said chuckling.

"No, you keep distracting me!" I said.

"Can't take your eyes off my body huh?" he joked.

Guess I blushed, and he grinned at me. How could I even this up. An evil thought entered my head. I took off my top, and then my jeans too. And sat back down naked on his bed.

I could feel his eyes watching me, as I scored in the game.

"Shit," he said.

So I moved and laid on my front so he cud get a good look at my ass.

Scored again.

The feeling of being watched was turning me on. I could feel his eyes on my ass.

Scored again - we were level now.

"Tease," he said under his breath.

Final whistle went - a draw, a fair result.

He jumped on my back, straddling my body. And started tickling my sides and under my arms.

"nooooooooooooooooooo," I squealed as I tried to fight him off. He fingers tickled me everywhere, we were both laughing out loud, I was screaming as he continued to attack my sides.

Someone banged on his door,

"Quiet down you two!" his dad said. "it's getting late."

We both sniggered as were told off. Jamie was still on top of me, now he was lying on my back, skin to skin. He kissed my neck and I purred as he licked, I turned my face, and we kissed.

We broke for a second and I said, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," he whispered in by ear.

"Earlier, when you were washing up, with your mum, did she ask you if I was your boyfriend?"

He paused a little, "yeah she did."

"You said no." statement more than question.

"I said no." Jamie reiterated.

"Ok," I don't know why I asked him that, "your parents know you are gay?"

"They do," he said as he nuzzled my neck.

"So they think I am gay." I said.

"I see where this is going, no they don't know, I don't know, and it seems you don't know either!" Jamie said.

"hmmmm," I said, somewhat unsatisfied with the response, though I didn't know what answer would have been satisfactory. "Where am I staying tonight? You have a spare room?"

Jamie went silent and looked somewhat hurt.

"Well, um, yeah sure if that's what you want." he got off me. And pulled his top back on.

"What did I say?" I asked him.

"Doesn't matter, I'll get the spare room ready." he said.

"Wait, I've upset you? What did I do?" I said as I jumped up and got in between him and his door. He looked hurt and almost crying.

"Well, I kinda hoped you would want to stay with me for the night?" he said, looking down at his feet.

"oh......" I realised how I'd hurt him," I didn't want to assume, you know, it's kind of been a wild day for me, I didn't want to push it."

"It's ok, I should let you think for a bit, has been a tough day for you." he said.

"It's been made a lot better being with you; I want to stay with you tonight." I said.

The smile returned to his face. He closed the curtains, turned off the TV. Walked over to me, stood right in front of me. So close, but not touching me at all. He reached behind me, and turned the light off. We were plunged into pitch back. I felt his hand on mine, and he pulled me back across his room to the bed, I heard him sit down, and scoot across the bed. I joined him, he spooned up behind me, I felt his naked body next to mine. I felt his arms embrace me. I felt his breath on my neck, which sent shivers down my spine. He held me tight. I felt safe. After all that had happened today, I now felt safe in a naked mans arms.

"Night baby." he whispered in my ear.

What the hell do I say to him? I decided to just say night. He squeezed me a little tighter, and then relaxed. I lay there for about 10 mins, I hear his breathing slow. Jamie had fallen asleep, I closed my eyes. And drifted off to a contented sleep.

Next: Chapter 6

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