Mature Slave

By Mia Seeker

Published on Jul 18, 2010


This story is strictly a combination of fantasy and imagination....maybe some hoping, praying and wishing worked in too. Setting, characters, etc are all fictional. Some things may be explicit and not suitable for the young or those with closed minds - if you are of legal age, have an open mind, or are wanting to open your mind - please enjoy. This story is property of the author, please obtain permission before using for other than personal pleasure.

The Mature Slave - 2

As you may recall, I am a long time mature slave whose Master passed away, I became unable to live on my own, and subsequently moved to an assisted living facility where I would best be able to facilitate the continuation of my lifestyle - my name is nora, my new local Master is Master Joseph who lets me act freely, but does get me out to play sessions and private sessions with Him. (See Lesbian, authoritarian, Mature Slave, June 6 for further background details.)

Pam and I continued to have tea together, and occasional special treats (she was a special little English tarte) but I did not limit myself to just one person, my life's passion at this point is to live life to it's fullest EVERY could be the last, and I would certainly want it to be the best (grins).

One of the benefits of living in an assisted living facility is that you have various social events that you can attend, attendance is voluntary, not mandatory. I liked going to the monthly dance nights, they were quite tapered to all levels of dance abilities; some of the card games, bingo on a wild night and others as the mood would strike. The facility also had a lovely patio-garden-pool area, and there were many little groups that gathered, and there were areas where one could sit quietly and read, people watch, or whatever.

I always had a variety of people who would stop by and chat a bit, male and female, and all types of relationships/friendships developed over time. However, there was one gentleman in particular that rather stayed off in the distance, but I would often catch him looking in my direction and watching me. I had overhead people calling him Sam. Sam looked to be in his mid to late 60's, was about 5'7", dark auburn hair with a few little salt streaks running through it, a sturdy looking build with a cute little poochie and great ass. He carried an air of confidence and authority, he always appeared to be studying his surroundings. Sam has lived here for a couple of years, and was aquainted with most of the residents. In my book, he had a rugged handsome look about him, and I was intrigued. Many of the ladies always wanted him to join in their groups, many would make little treats for him, and were always after him on the dance floor...needless to say, I think they found him quite desireable.

Me, oh yes, I was quite attracted to him, but I had decided that he would need to make the first move... I was not going to be one of those who chased way!!! I am daredevil enough to put out provocotive hints, that those who are aware will pick up on, or simply that I am flirting.

One day while sitting quietly on the patio, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, that Sam was looking my way. I was in a flirty mood, and decided to lay the chaise back and give him something to look at, and I stretched my arms above my head, I arched my back allowing my beautiful mellon shaped breasts with their protruding thick, one inch long nipples to show quite nicely through my form fitting thin knit top, then I bent one knee up slightly and towards the other knee, and pressed my legs together like I was holding something in my cunt, and slowly let my bent leg slide down the side of the other, and I gave a barely audible little groan to go with it. I trusted that Sam got a nice eye full. Then I slowly picked up my book and began reading again. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Sam 'discreetly adjusting' the shorts he had on....hmmmm, sweet little smirk on my face!

It wasn't until bingo night that I saw Sam again. I usually go early to get a better seat, the tables are the long buffet type, and I like sitting in one of the first two seats at a table where my back is to the wall. I'd been there about 10 minutes when someone came up behind me and asked if the chair next to me was taken, and I turned to see Sam. I told him no, so he sat down in the chair and introduced himself, and we chatted a little until they began calling numbers. Sam was sitting rather close, and he would rest his arm on the table close to mine, occasionally touching my arm with his, and I simply acted as though it were nothing unusual. A little time passed and he had his free hand resting under the table on the top of my thigh, and again I gave him no attention. He slowly moved his hand down toward my knee and began gathering my skirt and it slowly began rising up over the top of my knee and leg. Sam found the hem and slid the hem up to his wrist so that his hand was touching the bare skin of my leg. His hand grasped the inner part of my thigh, and I took a quick breath in, he noticed, and winked at me. His hands were soft and smooth, but they were strong. He moved his fingers slowly up and down my inner thigh, just getting to know the territory and its owners reactions. I looked toward him, meeting his eyes, then looked away to mark my card. His hand moved toward my cunt, he slid his foot behind and around my foot, and moved it to one side which caused my pantiless cunt to be open to his touch. He slid his finger down thru my slit, my juices had been flowing and it was nice and hot and juicy for his fingers, but he didn't play, he quickly grabbed every piece of my cunt that he could get in his hands around and squeezed and pulled on it, his grip was vice like...and I heard him go hmmmm, I looked toward him and discreetly lowered my eyes and head for a moment. The lady sitting across from me spoke and wondered if I was ok, and I reassured her I was just fine. Sam eased up on his grip, found my clit and began rolling it between his fingers...I was straining so hard to control my breathing and keep a 'cool' appearance to my was a real challenge. Sam then pinched my clit, moved his hand to my thigh, and wiped my juices on my leg, and let down my skirt. His hand was back on the table, I saw him take his hand he'd been using and make a motion of his hand over his nose and down his face as though he were studying his card, but he was smelling my juices. He leaned towards me and whispered in my ear that I was a hot slut bitch that was begging to be fucked, and that he would escort me to his place after the game and I was going to be used well until I begged for mercy....then he went back to playing bingo.

Bingo was over about an hour later, we chatted a little with some of our friends and then Sam came over, placed his hand at the small of my back and he moved me forward and escorted me back to his place. He pulled out his key, and reached in front of me to unlock the door and open it, took my hand and led me into the room, turned, closed the door and locked it.

Sam looked at me and informed me that there would be no need for me to speak....then he called out 'kids, Grandpa is back with dessert'...and I gave him a very quizzical look. What, I wondered, had I stumbled upon!?!?!?! Out of the second bedroom came a young boy and girl. Sam introduced them as his twin grandchildren who had just gotten their drivers license and decided to take their first trip alone to come see Grandpa and spend the weekend with him. I nodded my head toward them in acknowledgement. They both had Sams beautiful auburn hair, fair skinned, about 5'6" in height, pleasant features. Tina's breasts were well developed for someone her age, looked to be around 36c's, they were both well built, they either worked out or were involved in some type of sports....other than being male and female, Tim and Tina were definitely twins. Tina was wearing lacy thin bikini underwear and a very snug fitting t-shirt that revealed her rock hard nipples, and Tim was wearing very tight speedo's that made an attempt to cover his abundant cock....i could feel my cunt releasing more of my juices.

'Kids, go ahead and check out this slutty whore, and see that she is more appropriately presentable...I'm going to change'. 'OK Grandpa', the twins replied in unison.

They moved toward me and slowly circled me, each stopped at an arm and raised it up, looking at me from the side and moved my arms simultaneously behind my neck and had me clasp my hands together which made my breasts rise and protrude. They lifted my top outside of my skirt, and standing at either side, slid their hands under the top and ran their hands along my stomach and back, ever so gently and slowly, and then upward in the front to my plump breasts, each grasping a breast and squeezing it, then grabbed the already hard nipples and began pinching, rolling and pulling the same time their opposite hands had slid down over my ass cheeks, they were grasping and grabbing my ass, massaging it and each was pulling their respective ass cheek to the side causing my asshole to be exposed and stretched....i couldn't help my groaning and moaning, my back arched, ohhh it felt so damn good, juices were beginning to run down the inside of my thighs. Then they stopped, placed my arms at my sides and began undressing me, first to go was the top, then the skirt was over my head and off, and they had me step out of my shoes....i was stark naked in front of these two gorgeous creatures....oh how I wanted to taste them.

It was then that Sam walked back into the room, he was entirely nude except for a leather, silver studded brief covering his HUGE cock bulge, and in his hand he was carrying a crop.

'Well kids, what do you think of our granny slut?, he asked. 'She'll do Gramps', was the reply.

Sam walked over to me and circled me and said, 'my, but you are a slutty bitch'. He lifted my breasts, examined my thick, one inch long nipples and grabbed one nipple between his thumb and index finger of each hand and began pinching, pulling and rolling each of them.....I moaned with pleasure. He pulled away and quickly raised his arm and hand and I watched as it moved toward my breast and landed with a loud crack and a sharp lingering sting to my breast, and before I realized what was happening, the same thing on the other hurt, but it felt so good. It had been a long time since I had felt that.

I was ordered to kneel in front of the couch, arms and head resting on the seat, my breasts were hanging loosely toward the floor. Tina, Tim, get your pillows and assume your position...they both grabbed pillows, got on the floor and, one on each side, slid underneath my breasts. Then I was ordered to lower my self to their mouths. Each one latched onto a breast and began sucking and took their hands and pulled and massaged my breasts quite aggressively. Oh it felt so good, their hot mouths nursing on my breasts.

The position I was in had my back arched and my ass up in the air. I heard Sam move toward me, his foot was between my knees and he pushed either knee slightly to each side, leaving my cunt hanging out in the wind and my hot asshole exposed to the cool air.

Then I felt the crop, running the length of my slit, and up over my rosebud, then lifting, then laid at the base of my neck, moving down my spine and exploring my butt cheeks. My ass was writhing with the pleasure, and I was almost delerious in pleasure between the feel of the leather crop and having both breasts nursed. Then, SMACK...SMACK, I was jerked back to reality as he had whipped both ass cheeks. Then 3 more whacks to each cheek and then I felt his hands softly going over the areas he had just delivered the whip to. "ahhhh' I heard, 'nice' as he smacked his hand on each cheek. Then he put his hand between my legs and slid his fingers in my slit...'nice and wet, very good bitch', and he slid 2 fingers in, I moaned...god how much could I take. 'Ok kids, Tina, you first' and I felt 2 more fingers slide in my cunt beside his...ohhh geez louise.....then I heard 'Tim' and Tim then added his two fingers to the other 4, they accustomed their intrusion to my hole and in unision they began fucking me....never had I experienced anything such as this. All this time, the 2 grandkids had kept nursing on my breasts, never missing a 'suck'.

Grandpa pulled his fingers out, and once again I felt the crop on my ass, I was on stimulation overload. Then Tim slid his fingers out. 'Tina', Sam said, 'its all yours' and I felt her add 2 more fingers, then all of a sudden her entire fist was in my cunt.....i had never been fisted before, and never thought that I wanted that, but she was good, and Sam was still doing his whipping and carressing. I was zoning out and moving toward cumming and was on the brink........ and it all stopped abrupty, Tina's hand was out of my cunt, my breasts were no longer being nursed and I'd felt the last smack of the whip.....i was in shock, agonizing over the need to cum. I heard Sam say, 'you may cum when I tell you that you you understand slut?' I replied, 'yes sir'.

Tina was instructed to sit on the couch, legs spread open and her cunt pushed forward...I was ordered to kneel with my face in her cunt, back level with my ass arched up in the air, and to begin making his granddaughter happy. I rested my hands under her ass to help support myself and began kissing and licking the insides of her thighs, they were so soft and creamy, and I worked my way to her bald, luscious, pink, wet cunt and let my tongue start below her hole and slowly began moving my tongue upward, darting into her hole, circling and then sucking her juices, then continued upward toward her nice, thick and long clit. I circled her clit with my tongue and flicked it, somewhere off in the distance I could hear her moaning, and saying 'fuck, yesssss, ooooohhh that feels so good', and I took her clit in my mouth and began slowly sucking and loving her clit.

During my involvement in Tina's cunt, I felt the swift cracking of the whip on my ass, Tim was instructed to begin work on my ass, and I could feel him 'lathering it up' and while he was readying himself I was priviliged with the whip yet once again, ooooohhh I was so hot and ready I could have burst...then I felt Tim's thick huge cock finding it's positioning, and he began working his cock in to my ass, slowly at first, and then in one quick lunge he was deep inside me, I gasped into Tina's cunt. 'Don't stop slut' I heard Sam and Tina say in unison, and I quickly put attention back to her cunt again, lapping, sucking and licking. As hard as I worked her, Tim worked my ass just as hard. Between the two of them I could hear and feel them both groaning and breathing more quickly....i could imagine them both watching each other as their needs were being met, and them getting more and more excited at the erotic sites they were seeing. I was dripping cum all over as I imagined the scene that Sam was privvy to, and after awhile I heard Sam tell the grandkids they could cum when they were ready, but I was not to cum. Good god he had to be kidding!!!!! I was hearing so much pleasure as the twins were getting off, and I was lost in what they were doing, but in agonizing pain as I struggled to hold my own pleasure back. Finally both kids were on the couch, holding each other in one big puddle of pleasure.

I was lying on the floor, Sam stood above me, looking down at me...the leather brief was gone and his huge cock was totally at attention, thick, hard and dripping with pre-cum . 'Ok bitch, now lets see what you've got for ol' granddad, and it had better be good' as he let the whip fall to first one breast and then the other.

He went to the other part of the sectional, sat down and ordered me to suck his cock. I began nursing on his cock and tonguing his pee hole, and periodically I would lunge his cock deep into my throat until I gagged, and then I would hear the groans and he would sometimes grab my hair and head and hold my head tight into his crotch, his cock straining to go deeper into my throat, and then when it felt like I was turning blue, he would release my head and I would gasp for air, having to catch my breath, then begin nursing again. (I noticed that Tina and Tim had each taken a side to sit next to grandpa to watch) His cock got tighter and fuller and his balls were tightening up too....i knew it wouldn't be long.....and I heard him say 'Tina, Tim each of you take part of her cunt, and you can play with the sluts cunt and make her cum when I start to cum', they did, and within moments he began to gush in my mouth, and the twins began getting me off.....we both began moaning and groaning. My face collapsed in his crotch, the twins removed their hands and began licking my juices...i was exhausted, and it certainly appeared all other participants were too. Sam took us all to his king sized bed, we crawled naked under the covers and cuddle up with each other and fell quickly asleep.

A few hours later we all woke up, Sam asked the kids if they enjoyed the granny slut, they looked at each other and nodded in agreement ? 'yeah, she was pretty good for an old slut, we wouldn't mind having her again some time'. Sam said that he'd better take me to my place before everyone started getting up, so we both got dressed and he walked me back to my apartment. He took my key and opened the door for me, bent over, gave me a kiss on the forehead and said 'I think we'll be seeing more of you, you hit it off pretty good with the 3 of us....good night'. He walked away, I closed the door, went to my room, undressed, showered and crawled into bed. WoW, it had been a really long time since I had felt so used and so fulfilled when I was done. It would be interesting to see what the future held in store.

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