Mayo Crush

By Alan A.

Published on Feb 11, 2023


A new adventure with some recurring and favorite themes. This project began during the pandemic as a collaboration with a friend so it comes from two different and overlapping points of view of its story line. I'm Grady and my cohort writes the part of Hollywood icon Ryan Phillippe as we navigate the end of prep school and are reunited about a dozen years later. While some of the places depicted are real, it goes without saying that this work is pure fiction and not meant to project, construe or support any assertion about the private lives of any of the characters portrayed within the story. Outside of the public figures, all of the characters in this story are fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. Lastly, please consider making a donation to Nifty ( to help maintain this website. Feedback is always welcome.

Matthew Phillips III

I fell into a deep sleep, smiling at the overwhelming sensations of inhaling Grady's scent as my nose nestled into the crook of his neck and simultaneously feeling his muscled back rising and falling against my chest as he too drifted off. I was first awakened by a faint drumming before I cracked open one eye to see rain pattering on the old factory style windows. I grinned--I love the rain; the sound, the smell, how it cleans everything. I lazily rolled over and stretched, confirming that Grady had already arisen and that I was naked (interesting). A quick sweep with my foot located my boxer briefs deep under the covers. Briefly, I wondered if I woke Grady whenever it was that I had shucked them off during the night. At least I was consistent, I don't think I have successfully kept my boxers on all night (on the rare occasion I didn't just go to bed naked) ever since I hit puberty.

I had to pee something fierce though, so that was the first order of business. I wasn't sure if it was okay yet to be padding around his home naked, so I slipped my shorts back on and quietly made my way to the bathroom. I noted what had to be a pre-WWII urinal on the wall and smiled as I stepped up to empty my bladder. I pondered the last 12 or so hours; it had been a whirlwind to say the least. Everything seemed to be going well--we were talking, sharing, probably more than we ever had before as teenagers and Grady seemed to be as excited to reconnect as me. I just hoped that I was reading him correctly when he talked about my needing to be okay with who he had become--that he wanted the same relationship that I was wanting.

As I shook the last drop from my head, giving my cock a healthy squeeze and stroke, I looked about the head. Another room, another amazing work in progress from a restoration perspective--exposed brickwork, the urinal, a repurposed locker and retro lighting. Then I spied the new toothbrush and smiled--Grady remembered--I borrowed his toothpaste and went to work, hoping there might be a good morning kiss soon.

As I stepped out of the head, I came face to face with Grady--my eyes devouring that beautiful frame, his lower body loosely covered in red sweats that clung in all the right places and an old t-shirt that just accentuated his firm pecs, shoulders, and barely hid his abs. We both stopped and stared. I held my breath and was painfully aware that my heart was pounding. Which way would we go? Was this going to be a `hey bro, good seeing you' or was this going to go in the direction I desperately desired?

As my eyes finally reached Grady's face, I knew the answer. We locked eyes and I realized he'd been taking in my half-naked body as well. Even better, I saw the hunger in his eyes--easy because it mirrored mine. I broke out in a huge grin as I tried to play it cool and asked him how he'd slept. Not sure I even heard the answer as I saw him step towards me like I'd seen him attack a goal. I felt my cock surge as I realized what was about to happen--10 years delayed...this was it. THE KISS.

I barely felt his hands slip around my obliques as my hands went to his hips. I instinctively rose up on my tiptoes just as I had in the boathouse, lifting myself to meet his lips. I shuddered as our lips lightly touched, tentatively brushing...only momentarily though as the years of pent-up passion unleashed like a fucking tidal wave!

I lost myself in the kiss, wholly consumed by it, no longer even aware that I was standing up on my toes. I felt Grady's lips opening and mine responding likewise, then his tongue sliding forward to invade my mouth. I sucked his tongue in hard, swirling my tongue in around his as we both tried to drive our tongues deeper into each other's throats. I was making up for the lost time, for being young and stupid and scared. I was pouring my whole soul into the kiss and I knew Grady was doing the same. I was so happy and at the same time wanting to cry--it was all so overwhelming. It's a wonder I didn't cum right there just from kissing--I was painfully aware of my throbbing and very leaky cock, obscenely bulging my briefs.

Without breaking the kiss, I followed Grady down on his bed where I was finally no longer height challenged! Our hands; like our kisses, were everywhere, touching, caressing, massaging and stimulating. I desperately wanted to feel his warm flesh directly against mine, almost ripping off his t-shirt so we could be naked pec to pec, abs to abs, so I could slide my hands up and cup his swollen deltoids. God I love shoulders!

I ground my hard cock against him and felt his swollen shaft pulsing back against me at the same time. I had to see it, touch it, yes, even taste it. I arched my torso up and looked down at the impressive bulge in his red sweats. I felt his smirk before I even lifted my eyes to see it--clearly Grady was proud of his cock. I laughed inwardly...kid hasn't changed since high school...cocky bastard! He lifted his hips, silent approval to let me strip him naked--which I did...slowly revealing his swollen head, then his shaft--inch by inch it kept coming, then finally his cum-filled balls.

Mesmerized, I wrapped my hand around him. Feeling the heat, the steel-like hardness, the velvet soft skin. It seemed like everything was in slow motion, but I think it was just that my brain was so overwhelmed taking in the pleasurable sensations. I was snapped back to reality when Grady reminded me that I was still overdressed. I grinned and rode back on my ankles, hooking my thumbs into the waistband of my boxers. Teasingly, I inched them down--giving Grady the same show; proudly revealing my dark mushroomed head, glistening with pre-cum; then my swollen shaft and balls. Our two cocks pulsed and bounced against each other, making me leak even more. I watched as Grady's hand appeared with a wad of lube which he wrapped it around both our cocks, making my eyes flutter and roll back in my head.

I vaguely heard something about pitching and catching ( he talking baseball...right now??!!), top or bottom. It took me a few seconds to tear my brain away from the jerk off sensation and then a few more to clue into the gay lingo--but finally it dawned on me that he was trying to talk positioning. That he was primarily a top, but not always. Hmmm, I processed that, never having thought about it really. I guessed that's kind of an important thing if you're two guys--not like I've been living in the gay world. "Candidly, I'm not sure. I'm definitely not a `submit to me asshole'; but then I'm no one's bitch either."

I blushed as I tried to think/talk through it on the fly, "I, umm, definitely like sucking cock, and well, yeah getting fucked is amazing. But then fucking is intense too, and who doesn't love having their cock sucked. So, I think I like both--is that allowed? I guess for me the main thing is two guys loving each other and showing it--however you do it. Does that track at all?"

I guess it did, for Grady smiled and I could see in his eyes that he understood--at least as much as I did. He said something about taking our time, but I couldn't really understand much more than that because at the same time he started playing with my nipples--which are hard wired to my cock. I just closed my eyes and arched back, thrusting my cock up into his hand and reveling in the sensation of his shaft sliding back and forth against mine. He leaned in for another kiss, but then suddenly pulled back.

"This is almost weird, nothing like what I expected in my head at this moment", he said softly, "it's almost like we are jump-starting from the boathouse a decade ago, Does that make sense to you?"

Now that made TOTAL SENSE to me! Happy that I had a better answer than the previous question, I smiled and again sat back on my ankles--pulling our cocks back apart , "total sense--especially since I'm feeling the exact same way. "Back there'" tossing my head toward the bathroom, "I had the exact same sense when we kissed--overwhelmingly in fact. I felt like we were right back in the boathouse."

"It's like we've been on "pause" ever since that moment, and now it's restarted right where it should have been. God I was hoping that you might, in some small way, feel the same. Sounds like it's more than just a small way?"

Grady grinned broadly and just snaked his hand up around my neck and pulled me back into him, our tongues reaching out and touching tip to tip, then guiding our mouths together like tractor beams. I felt his hand wrapping around our cocks again and squeezing--only this time with more urgency. I responded in kind, thrusting my hips and driving my cock hard against his. I felt his hands slide around and cup my lean muscled ass, digging his fingernails in hard as I pumped.

The sharp pain sent waves of excitement through my body. I arched back hard, head towards the ceiling as I felt the tingle build and explode--my first shot of cum arcing through the air and landing across his face. That salvo quickly followed by more ropes lashing across his neck, pecs, abs. My cum was still oozing out into his pubes when he arched--his abs ridged, whole body spasming--and launched rope after rope of cum onto his torso.

I held his shoulders tightly as he climaxed, looking down between our bodies at the Jackson Pollock of cum that crisscrossed his body. Then I looked up, and giggled as I saw him watching me through the string of my cum that ran from his eyebrow to his cheek. "Sorry about that, I was a bit excited".

Grady smiled and shrugged, "S'ok. It happens--wow, wow, wow. That was intense."

I could only nod in agreement as I still felt the aftershocks roll through my body. Then I propped on one arm and reached out to swipe my cum off of his face. I offered him my juice-covered finger. At first he opened his mouth, but then he hesitated and shook his head. Looking sheepish and almost apologetic, "I'm a bad homo. I hate the taste of cum. Sorry...I'm really sorry."

I laughed. "Seriously? You're gay and you don't like cum? I kind of thought that was a prerequisite! Well, no worries. I actually like it. Even my own."

I gave him a wicked look as I snaked my tongue (which is pretty long) out and cleaned my finger. Then I leaned in, picking out a rope that was clearly his and ran my tongue its length, cleaning the cum off of his neck and showing him the white pool on my tongue before I swallowed. The next few minutes were spent giving him the most thrilling tongue bath--carefully licking up every rope and drop our cum from his beautiful body.

Finally I finished and lay back across him, as we traded soft, post climax kisses--our chests still heaving and hearts still pounding.

We half dozed, half snuggled for a while--just enjoying being together. Finally Grady softly asked, "What would you like to do today?"

I took a deep breath. "Well, spend every minute of it together, obviously--that's a given. Beyond that, it is my high rep day. I'm pretty obsessed with shedding the extra weight I had to put on for my last gig, so I'd hate to miss it. We could go work out, then grab breakfast as a start? I could borrow some gym clothes, but I'm thinking yours would just fall off me. We could go shopping maybe?"

Grady pursed his lips for a minute. "Gym's no problem, mine is a short walk so we're good there. Clothes, hmmmm, I might have a solution there too." Rolling off the bed, he trotted across the room. I watched, enjoying the view of those broad shoulders, V-torso, and cute curved jock ass--naked beauty in motion.

"Shorts!"--pulling out an old pair of Mayo lacrosse shorts, probably from his freshman year when we were the same size.

"Shirt"--a grey practice t, of course with the sleeves torn off, to help show off the guns

I shuddered as I felt his fingers lightly traced across them. "Sorry about these scratches. I got a little carried away."

"Don't apologize. Obviously I liked it, that's what pushed me over the edge." I blushed as I acknowledged that, feeling my cheeks heating up.

"Did you know your ass cheeks blush too?!" With that Grady planted a big wet kiss right at the top of my crack and hopped up. "Okay, stop trying to distract me Matt. Get dressed. Work out time!"

Grady packed a change of clothes and my clothes from yesterday in a small duffle and we headed off. The next 90 minutes were intense. Again, I felt us slipping right back into Mayo-mode--coaching, encouraging, spotting, and yeah scoping each other out as we lifted. I took Grady through my routine--starting with pull-ups, then chest (bench--wide and close, incline, flys), followed by tri's (kick backs, push downs, skull crushers and of course my absolute favorite--dips). All with a little cardio and abs work in between sets. We both were sweating like dogs at the end (god I love his smell). We both were stealing looks as we striped and posed for each other--sweat soaked shirts, bare chested, and finally naked.

It only got better as we hit the showers. I so wanted to just follow Grady into his shower stall so we could be together, but there were too many people milling about the locker room to pull that off. I was resigned to a solo shower, when I heard a cough from Grady's shower across from me. I eased open my curtain, to see that his was half open too. He'd positioned himself to give me a show as he soaped up. With his characteristic cocky smirk, he locked eyes with mine as he made love to that bar of soap. Water and suds cascading down his corded muscles. Grinning, I matched his movements. I innately knew what was coming next, so it was like a mirror image as we teased each other except for when each of us turned and carefully cleaned our asses.

Feeling that wondrous pump, showered and shaved, we headed out. I told Grady I really needed an Eggs Benedict (to undo all the benefits of lifting!) and he said he knew just the place. It was still raining lightly as we sat, but they had an overhang outside so we got to enjoy that. Ordering was easy--ice water, coffee and eggs bennedict---in that order.

We both lazed back in our chairs, ankles touching under the table. "So, like I said, my schedule's wide open. I got a thing in NY next week--PR thing for my new release. Other than that though, I have no hard commitments. What's your shift schedule? I'd love to drag you off to the beach; but happy to hang here as well. Though I probably need to do a little shopping--unless you plan on keeping me naked and tied up at your place."

I'd meant it as a joke, but I could instantly see the wheels churning in Grady's eyes...

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