Mechanics of the Heart

By Chicos Todos

Published on Jun 2, 2013


Hi readers! Thanks for joining me in a story exploring the complexity of gay relationships. Before getting to the action, I just wanna say one thing:

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� 2013 ChicosTodos. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

If you are a minor, or if it is illegal for you to read material containing sexual activity between male adults, please refrain from reading any further.

A messy king size bed. Saturday morning.

Warm hands, calloused from fixing automobiles, slid their way up Danny's sides. The fingers circled around his chest.

"Uhh...." the young man moaned, arching his back as he awoke. Under the thin blanket, he felt a pillar of heat in between his buttocks, and pushed back against it.

"Good morning, baby," Roberto purred, giving Danny's ear a quick lick.

"Morning, Berto..." his boy hummed back.

There it was, that thick, long, slightly bent shaft, probing in between his taint and thighs. Danny ground his pelvis back and forth, massaging Roberto's dick; he heard the older man sigh.

Then the dick pulled back and pressed against the opening to Danny's rectum.

"Knock knock," the mechanic said, tapping the tip of his hard cock against his lover's sphincter.

Danny turned around, confused and amused. His man had a mischievous smirk on his stubbly face.

"Knock knock," the mechanic insisted, tapping his cock again.

"Umm...who's there?"

Another dick tap. "Cock."

"Cock who?"

"Cock-a-doodle-dooo!" Roberto hollered, his hands tickling Danny's ribs. The younger man jumped and screamed, trying to wring himself free.

"AHH! Stop! I hate YOU!!"

After several more seconds of torture, the mechanic grabbed Danny's waist tight and pulled him back into spooning position, laughing. They were both breathing heavily.

Catching his breath, Danny turned around to his lover's smug face. "I'm gonna get you for that," the young man threatened.

Roberto chuckled, then kissed his boyfriend. "Whenever you want, baby," he whispered, then turned his boy back around. He aimed his cock at Danny's asshole and tapped again.

"Go away," the younger man fake-complained.

Roberto moaned in his boy's ear. "But I'm hard, baby..."

"Too bad. It's closed for business," Danny declared, trying hard to hide the grin on his face from Roberto. He slid farther away from his lover.

Roberto grunted disappointingly.

Danny waited. 3, 2, 1...

He turned around and pounced, thinking he could catch his lover off guard. However, his hunky man read his mind, caught Danny's lithe body, and pinned him back down on the bed.

Danny yelped as he found himself face down, pressed against the firm mattress. Tendrils of excitement wiggled in his groin.

"Looks like I gotta break and enter," Roberto muttered in a low voice. He leaned over to the nightstand drawer for lube, and ordered his boy to stay down.

"No! Help!" Danny exclaimed melodramatically.

"Ooh yeah, keep screaming. I like that," the mechanic said with a wicked grin.

Danny bit his lower lip in excitement, then continued. "No! Don't!" he pleaded in a high voice. He felt Roberto's weight shift over him again. "You'll never get away with this!"

"I'm gonna enjoy this..." Roberto said in his evil voice. Impatient, he just wanted to ram his bone into Danny's sweet ass, but he wanted his lover to enjoy this too.

He quickly opened the lube bottle and slathered the contents over his hard dick, coating the clear gel up and down his nine inches. The, thick, veiny, slightly bent length throbbed in time with his heartbeat.

Squeezing the bottle again, the mechanic pour more of the cold, slippery substance onto his fingers, drenching the digits about to penetrate some tight, hot hole.

As Danny mewled again in mock desperation, Roberto lifted two fingers and stabbed them through the sphincter ring.

Danny yelped. He pushed back to take his man's fingers up to the second knuckle.

"Stay quiet or I'll just ram my dick in," Roberto warned, twisting and sinking his digits in deeper. His lover looked back and batted his eyes lasciviously.

"Don't, please!" he pleaded loudly. "I'm still a virgin!"

That got his man laughing out loud. "I told you to to be quiet..." he hissed, pulling out his fingers, then pressing his big, rippling body down on Danny's back.

"No!" Danny yelled, sandwiched between Roberto and the mattress. Even Roberto could clearly hear the horniess in his voice. The mechanic licked the younger man's right shoulder, then bit down.

His loins fired up when he heard his boyfriend scream in pleasure. "Piss me off some more and I'll make sure it hurts," the mechanic whispered, his cold tone only making his boy hotter.

Danny decided to flip the script.

"Is that all you can do? Talk?" he sneered. His words halted Roberto, who blinked in surprise. Then the older man whistled and pushed his lover's head down on the soft pillow.

"I'm gonna make you beg for mercy!" he growled, ramming his rigid prick through the anus.

The young man screeched, jolted by the pain. His man waited for several seconds, wrapping his arms around Danny's torso, then impaling deeper.

"Berto!" Danny yelped, then gritted his teeth. Sweat began to trickle all over his body.

"You've been a bad boy..." Roberto grunted. He started fucking his young bottom with a forceful rhythm. Danny cried out repeatedly, his entire body rocking from Roberto's pounding pelvis. His desperate voice was accompanied by the softly creaking bed, and the squishes from Roberto's lubricated shaft puncturing and re-puncturing his anus.

"OH! Oh...yes!"

`"You like getting rough dicked, huh?" Roberto breathed, beginning to perspire. "Yeah, take it, you little slut!"

"No! No...yes! YES!" his lover begged, then yelled in surprise as the mechanic bit his shoulder again. The streaks of sweat from Roberto's armpits and furry chest moistened Danny's arching back.

They went on, and on, fucking like animals in heat. Wet, heated bodies pressed together, grinding and thrusting, their voices moaning and calling in passion.

Roberto had to take a breather from time to time, so that he wouldn't climax too early. Danny took those breaks to lay still and catch his breath, waiting to get filled and emptied again and again.

As usual, they lost track of time. They were fucking hard, after another little break, when the alarm went off. The mechanic stopped thrusting, groaned, and leaned over to shut it off. They had one more hour before Roberto had to be at work.

"Ready to cum, baby?" he asked, squeezing his lover's asscheeks.

"Um hmm," Danny nodded, looking back at Roberto hungrily. The older hunk gave him a kiss, then slapped those bubbly buttocks and jackhammered his prick into his boy. Danny yelped and closed his eyes, his body rollicking.

Several stabs later, the mechanic stud growled, every muscle stiff, then fell on top of Danny's body, breathing hard.

His bottom wasn't done yet though. Danny continued to grind his bum back and forth, stroking the cummy, spent prick inside his loosened canal. The raw sensations drew shudders from Roberto.

"You still horny?" the mechanic asked, his tone breathy.

Danny looked back with a cheeky smile. "Um hmm."

Roberto's eyes light up.

"Flip over," the hunk commanded, as he withdrew quickly from Danny's rectum. A runny mix of semen and lube gushed out from the used hole, staining the bed sheets. The young man turned onto his back, opened up his legs, and licked his lips, staring up at his man longingly.

Roberto's furry, statuesque body was flushed from exertion, the sinewy muscles even more defined under the sheen of slick sweat.

Without a word, Roberto re-entered, impaling all nine inches into Danny's used asshole in one go. He wrapped Danny's legs around his waist, leaned down, and smothered his boyfriend's mouth with his roving tongue and lips.

Danny's eyes rolled back as the relentless drilling began again.

An hour and 15 minutes later, Roberto sped into the garage parking lot and screeched into his parking spot.

When he briskly entered the lobby of the shop, he saw that it was a typical Saturday: busy, filled with waiting customers who had no more seats to sit in. Roberto sped past the waiting room towards the office. A few women stood and chirped hello, only to be met by the head technician's half-hearted wave and smile.

Fred was at the office computer, rapidly typing and flipping through different programs as usual. He didn't even need to look up at Roberto before the mechanic spoke up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Is everything on schedule?" he apologized and asked, grabbing the clipboard with the day's scheduled appointments, drop-ins, and other tasks.

"15 minutes late," Fred stated, eyes still locked to the monitor, though his brows lifted.

Roberto snickered at the subtle dig. He walked towards the door to the garage, when the office manager added dryly, "That must've been some wakeup sex."

Their eyes met.

Then they burst into laughter.

After they had a moment, Roberto said, "I'm gonna start on the Escalade..." He headed again towards the garage.

"Nick handed in his two weeks," Fred said, this time turning away from the monitor.

Roberto stopped again, this time racked with guilt. "Shit. I'm sorry, Fred. I know I fucked that up." With business booming, they needed every pair of hands they had in the shop. Nick's impending departure was another issue on top of all the balls Roberto and Fred were already juggling.

"It's all right, you horny bastard. He probably got an offer from one of the chains anyway."

"Y'know what? Here, take tomorrow off. I know you wanna spend Sunday with Jen and the baby."

"Buddy, it's cool."

Roberto walked towards his business partner, his best friend if he ever had one, and rested his hand on Fred's shoulder.

"Fred, I fucked up. Let me make it up."

Nick was the smart, proactive 19-year-old mechanic they hired straight out of college last fall. He also had a tryst with Roberto in the shop, before the mechanic was ready to face the fact that he was in love with Danny. After numerous failed attempts at getting into Roberto's pants a second time, Nick realized his chances of getting laid or getting ahead at the garage were nil. He saw no reason to stick around.

The office manager patted Roberto's thick forearm. "It's okay, buddy, seriously. I'm working on the hiring ad right now. Just don't fuck everyone else."

In response, Roberto shook his head and exhaled, grinning. "You know I got Danny now. And, no." The thought of the other mechanics in a sexual light made him nauseous. "Honestly, buddy, do you want me to close for you next week? Or work a few long days so you get more time with the baby?"

Fred thought for a moment. "That would be sweet. Hey, you wanna see the new pics we took of Lana? She..." He didn't have to continue; Roberto's frown answered that question. "Yeah, thought so. But, yeah, buddy, sure, we'll talk about that. I appreciate it."

"I mean it, dude," Roberto affirmed, take a step to the door.

"Uh, Rob?" the office manager piped up again. He shifted awkwardly in his chair before continuing. "Y'know, some of our lady customers are coming in less regularly," he stated, peering from the side of his eyes.

That left his business partner gobsmacked. "So...what do you want me to do? Whore myself out?"

"Well, you used to...flirt more. And it was good for business," he offered hesitantly.

Roberto threw his arms up in the air, shaking his head. "Yeah, but it's different now. It just doesn't feel right, y'know. I got..."

"You got Danny, I know. But think of the nice places you can take him if we exceed our target this month..." Fred whistled. "Bermuda, Cuba, Martinique..."

"Listen up, buddy," the head technician said, walking up to Fred. "I'm tired of you pimping me out." He raised his eyebrows and pointed at his oldest friend. "From now on, I'm gonna whip you into shredded shape and then YOU'RE gonna go out there and deal with the bored housewives."

Fred snickered. "Dude, you seriously have no idea what happens what you've got a baby. You think I'd go to the gym with you rather than sleep, if I had any free time?"

Roberto smirked. "Oh, but think of all the nice places you can take Lana and Jen with the extra money..." He looked off into the distance. "Greece, Italy, Portugal..."

Fred chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, it's never gonna work. You were always the stud." He whistled again.

Sighing then grinning, Roberto gave up. "Shit, you're making me blush. You know I have a boyfriend," the mechanic said coyly, opening the door to the garage. Fred laughed and went back to the computer.

Several seconds later, Roberto peeked back into the office.

"What'cha doin' tonight?" he asked Fred with a wink.

Fred was Roberto's only constant friend. It wasn't that the mechanic was a hermit; before Danny, when the mechanic was single, Roberto had met lots of people through the gym and the bars. However, most of them wanted something sexual or romantic with him, and those relationships never lasted. Others were fairweather acquaintances on the strip, coming and going with the season.

Despite this, Roberto rarely felt lonely. Contrary to his playboy image, he was actually a private person who enjoyed having lots of personal space. For years, he had been well occupied with working as a mechanic, then launching a business with Fred, as well as working out, cooking, and chasing tail.

Fred had been enough of a social commitment for him. However, when he got married and had Lana, they saw each other less often outside of work, and Roberto began feeling a bit of a void in his life. It was just the perfect time for Danny to swoop in and turn everything upside down.

The other reason why Fred was Roberto's only real friend was that the latter rarely let people in. Subconsciously, it was the residual effect of his family's immigration from Portugal when he was eight years old. He'd been a popular kid back home, but when he moved to Canada he lost all of that. Finding himself in a foreign land he didn't want to be in, Roberto was sure that anyone he befriended and cared about would leave his life eventually.

Then he met Fred in middle school. An unassumingly intelligent, enterprising kid, Fred was persistent in becoming friends with the Portuguese teen, mainly because he recognized that Roberto's budding masculine features were drawing the girls' attentions, and he wasn't even trying.

Though it took a few months, Roberto eventually let Fred in, because Fred helped him with all of his subjects at school. They also shared an interest in cars; Roberto liked looking at chassis diagrams and learning all the parts, while Fred was more interested in one day buying a Lamborghini and showing it off.

After college, the young Portuguese started work as a mechanic, while Fred studied for an MBA and sold Porsches at a luxury dealership. Then, when the latter got his master's, he began to save up capital for launching his own business, which took several years. It was enough time for him to convince Roberto to start an auto shop together.

Tonight, after work, the two men went out to grab a drink at a bar. It'd been a long time since they'd hung out together outside the garage. Relaxing for an hour or so before going back home, there was Fred with his beer, Roberto with his wine, joking about old times and geeking out about cars.

One thing they didn't share was love of the same gender. Back in school, as the girls threw themselves at Roberto, Fred assumed he'd scored with all of them. But when he tried to grill the Portuguese for racy details after every date, Roberto just groaned and shrugged his shoulders.

It took an entire school year before Fred figured it out: Roberto was gay. With a quick confirming nod one day walking home from school, Fred got his answer. He also realized that life wasn't fair. Roberto had been getting action all right, just back door action of the male variety when he used his fake ID to go clubbing. Fred never got any until university.

At the sports bar, as the office manager revealed his plan to save up for a Lamborghini behind his wife's back, Roberto's phone rang.

"Is the wife calling?" Fred jabbed. Roberto chuckled and answered the call.


"Where are you??" Danny demanded. He sounded belligerent.

"...I'm just having a drink with Fred. What's wrong?" Roberto asked cautiously.

"You didn't tell me! I've been waiting for you!!" Danny exclaimed.

Roberto was confused. "Wait, waiting for me, for what?"

"To see Richie with me..." Danny hissed.

"But you said you wanted to go by yourself..."

"You pushed me to go see him and now you're leaving me to deal with this alone! I don't even want to see him! It was your idea!" Roberto had never heard his boyfriend this angry before.

Danny was practically yelling when he demanded, "Why aren't you home?!"

"Okay, I'm coming back now," the mechanic replied. He was annoyed, confused and worried.

"Don't bother," Danny said coldly and hung up.

Half an hour later, Richie and Simon walked into Fantabulous, one of the gay bars on the strip.

"So, tell me about Luke already!" the blond said eagerly as they sat down at a table.

Simon recalled his brunch with Luke. They went to a diner around the corner, filled with groggy clubbers and well-dressed Ikea shoppers. Grabbing a table on the patio, the editor-in-chief got Simon to talk all about himself, something that he didn't do often. He was usually the listener, but Luke made him feel very comfortable, and seemed genuinely interested in hearing about his interests and his goals. Only after they said goodbye did Simon realize that he didn't know anything more about Luke.

"Oh, and another thing. So I told him that I'm looking for a job, and he said he might be able to help me out."

"Ooh, at Queeries??" Richie asked.

"I think so. I don't know what job I could do, but that would be amazing."

The blond winked. "Ohh yeah...imagine the naughty lunch breaks when you show him your appreciation!" He burst out laughing as Simon shook his head and blushed.

"He is really cute...and smooth..." the singer said, then paused. "I mean, personality, not his body...omigosh..."

Richie guffawed as Simon blushed some more.

"So you're gonna do more than just look next time?" the blond asked with an arched eyebrow.

The singer shrugged. "Well, who wouldn't?"

Richie nodded. "He is sexy...I bet it'll be lots of fun," he conceded. Then his eyes perked up at someone behind Simon.

As the blond waved, Simon turned around. He saw a short, slim, cute guy who looked a lot like Richie walking towards them. The smile on his face faded when he saw Simon.

"Hey Danny," the blond greeted, giving his friend a hug.


"How are you?"

Danny shrugged and took a seat. "I'm okay. How are you?"

"I'm good. Is Roberto still at work?"

The brunet looked at Richie, then darted his eyes away. "Uhh, he's out with his office manager Fred. I didn't know he was invited."

Awkwardness hung over the table.

"Oh, well, it would've been nice to see him." The blond took a breath. "So Danny, this is my friend Simon."

The singer extended his hand politely to the brunet. "Hi Danny. It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

Danny shook Simon's head weakly as he sized him up: petite, dressed preppily, with perfect black skin and a handsome square face. In his foul mood, he guessed that Simon would be Roberto's type.

"So we met at Maple Studios, over a bag of chips," the blond explained, smiling at Simon. "We were fighting over it." Simon shared a chuckle with Richie.

Watching that moment, Danny's heart sank.

"Simon's an amazing gotta check out his Soundcloud. And guess who he just went on a date with?" Richie teased excitedly.

The brunet blinked blankly. He thought about going to the bar and taking a shot.

His former best friend looked back at Simon. "Luke James!"


"Y'know who Luke..."

"Yeah, I know who he is. Congratulations," Danny said curtly to Simon. So this is the guy who's replaced me, the brunet thought.

Simon explained in his usual self-deprecating manner, "Well, we just met last night at Toga, so we'll see. He is really nice though."

Danny stood up. "I'm gonna get a drink," he said without meeting the others' eyes, and walked away.

Simon watched Richie's face grimace. "He didn't even ask if we wanted anything," Richie muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, it's cool. It's an awkward time for you two right now, but it's gonna be okay. Look at it this way: he suggested hanging out, and then he showed up. That says a lot."

"Yeah, it says we both made a mistake," the blond sneered.

At the bar, Danny downed a shot of tequila. He was on the verge of lapsing into self-pity. Looking up at the ceiling of the bar, he wondered why everything was going wrong today.

"You look like you need a screwdriver."

It was a strangely familiar voice, though the copywriter couldn't place it yet. Before he fully turned his head towards the speaker, the guy was already up in Danny's space.

He was lean, cheerful, with frosted blond tips in his hair and a too-tight tee stretched across his chest. "You don't remember me, do you?" he asked.

And then it dawned on Danny: he'd hooked up with this guy before, during his wild phase a few months ago. For the life of him, the copywriter couldn't remember on which drunken weekend they'd met, or what they did together exactly.

The guy was cute, but so were many others whom Danny had sex with during that time. It was all a blur of sticky, moaning, and ultimately empty sucking and fucking that the brunet would rather all forget. Like how he'd already forgotten this guy's name.

He almost tasted the disgust he felt about himself. Sweat tickled his skin all over. Usually, it was a turn-on when Roberto called him a slut, as he played with the mechanic's slimy cock after cumming. But now, he just felt gross.

Suddenly, Danny felt a big arm wrap possessively around his slouched shoulders. He turned around. Speak of the devil.

"What's up?" Roberto asked frosted tips with a quick nod. His eyes were steely.

"Nothin', man," the hookup responded, taking a half step back. "Just saying hi,"

"Hi, I'm Roberto, his boyfriend," the mechanic said dryly. Frosted tips backed away and walked off.

Turning back to his boyfriend, Roberto saw Danny's frown. The younger man was also avoiding Roberto's stare.

"You two know each other?"

Danny's eyes shot up. He hesitated, then nodded, and looked back down.

Roberto waited. After a few more seconds, he folded his big arms across his bulging pecs. That did it; Danny knew there was no way out of this. He sighed and met his boyfriend's eyes.

"I hooked up with him once...when we were apart."

The mechanic took a breath, then exhaled, his expression softened.

At that point, a rush of emotions overtook Danny: relief, hopelessness, anger, loneliness. He threw his arms around his man and whimpered.

"This is officially the worst day of my life," the copywriter began, nuzzling into Roberto's hard, wide chest. He felt his man's arms wrap tighter around his back.

"The whole Richie thing, the whole awkward thing that just happened...and, my mom called this afternoon."

That got Roberto's attention. "What did she say?"

"UGH..." Danny didn't want to get into it, but he knew Roberto wouldn't stop until he talked. And ultimately, he knew it would make him feel better. So he edged closer to the mechanic's ear and continued.

"She was fine until I asked her...I told her I was going to stay another night with you. She got angry and went on and on about how she didn't allow that, and I'm turning into a bad son, and..." Danny shook his head.

"She said as long as I lived in her house, I had to follow the rules, and I can't sleep over with you every then I got angry and told her I'm an adult now, I can do what I want with my life, and dad is okay with Roberto...but THEN..."

Roberto raised his eyebrows.

"She started saying crazy things like I have to pay rent and cook my own meals, and do my own laundry, if I'm such an adult, or I'll have to move out...I..." He took a breath and moaned.

"...I was just so shocked and angry, I didn't know what to say, so I hung up on her. And then I wished you were there beside me."

"Aw baby..." Roberto understood what that phone freakout was about. "You should've just told me that on the phone. I didn't know what you were yelling at me for." He looked down into Danny's eyes. "I was worried."

The copywriter melted into Roberto's buff chest. "I'm sorry, Berto..." He rested against his man for a moment.

"I didn't want to see Richie by myself anymore, and I just got upset. And ugh, he's here with some new friend."

The mechanic rubbed Danny's back and kissed him on his head. After a moment, the younger man looked up at him.

"Can we go home now?"

Roberto blinked. "Where's Richie? We should go over and talk for a bit." He anticipated the whining that followed and shook his head resolutely.

"You guys need to talk."

"I don't wanna talk anymore," Danny groaned. "I'm done talking for today. And listening. All I get is bad news."

His man looked around the bar and found Richie's table a moment later. "C'mon, it won't be so bad. I'm here now," he teased, pushing his face into Danny's. The latter chuckled and pushed him away, then made up his mind.

"Fine," he whined. They started walking towards where Richie and Simon were sitting.

"You guys should talk a bit...chill a bit, whatever..." Roberto rambled as he followed his boy.

When they got to the table, Simon's eyes focused on Roberto.

"Hey Roberto, you made it," Richie said with a polite smile.

The mechanic smiled back and responded, "Yeah, I was out with my friend and I totally forgot about this. My bad." He then shot a grin at Danny.

"I'm glad you could make it. So, how are things?" Richie asked. To be honest, he still wasn't sure about Roberto, after seeing the number he did on his lifelong friend. But the guy was at least more talkative than Danny.

"Things are good. Lots going on, keeping busy. Right, baby?" He kissed Danny on the forehead. The younger man nodded, less tense now that his man was here.

As the couple sat down at the table, Simon's eyes stayed on Roberto. Danny observed warily as Richie spoke up.

"Roberto, this is my friend Simon. He's an amazing singer." The blond then turned to Simon. "Simon, this is Roberto, Danny's boyfriend."

The singer offered his hand and greeted the mechanic warmly. Danny swallowed.

"So what kind of music do you do?" Roberto asked. That started a chat between him and Simon, to Danny's chagrin. His longtime friend could see the jealousy in his eyes and soon spoke up to ease the tension.

"Hey Danny, how's your job going?"

The brunet snapped away and looked at Richie. "Oh, it's good, it's going well. How's everything with you?"

Richie sat up and thought for a moment. "I'm good. I guess the big news is, I moved in with Trevor a month ago. He's closer to my work, and also...we thought it was time." He tilted his head and smiled softly.

Richie continued, "Yeah, it's been interesting living with him, not gonna lie..." They shared a chuckle. "It's crazy when I think about it, and you know, with my track record," he looked at Danny with a smirk and rolling eyes,"...I can't believe I found someone I wanna spend the rest of my life with."

Danny's eyes and lips widened. "Wow."

"Yeah, I know. Wow." Richie nodded and took a sip of his vodka cran.

His childhood friend mulled over what he was about to say. "Are you sure? I mean, that's amazing, but...are you sure? It's been seven months..." Danny calculated out loud. He was surprised it'd already been that long.

"Well, we're not getting married tomorrow or anything. We're taking it step by step. But..." He blinked and sought the words to communicate how he felt about Trevor. "When I'm with him, I just...know, that this is it."

Danny felt happy for his blond friend. He also identified with how Richie felt. "That's amazing, Richie. It really is."

In response, Richie reached across the table and squeezed Danny's hand. He then cleared his throat and said, "Tell me more about your job. How's the copywriting?"

"It's good, it's fine. My boss is really nice and she tells me exactly what she wants, which is great `cos I need that. The work is a bit dry, but I can't complain."

Richie smiled. "That's awesome you found something so quickly after graduation. Something good too."

"Aw, thanks Richie. Yeah, I'm really lucky. It's been a really crazy year..." They both stopped and looked down. "...but, I'm in a good place right now," the brunet finished and nodded.

Beside him, Roberto turned his head. "Were you talking about me?" he asked with a smirk.

Danny shook his head, confused. He then rolled his eyes when Roberto explained, "I heard I'm really lucky, I'm in a good place' and I thought you meant Roberto makes me so happy'."

Everyone at the table shared a laugh. Danny added, "I love his modesty."

The scene made Simon look away for a quick second. He thought about his love life, the fact that the longest time he'd been with a guy was three dates. He also grumbled over Jesse again. Sure, things were looking up with Luke right now, but he knew that nothing was certain, and everything could change in a second.

Suddenly it hit him. "Is everyone at this table attached but me?" he asked, then moaned and slapped his forehead. Another round of chuckles rose from the table.

Two weeks after drinks at Fantabulous, Simon found himself in the office of Luke's magazine, Queeries. The editor-in-chief got him a job as an admin assistant and data entry clerk.

Simon was very thankful for Luke's string-pulling, and very relieved by the flow of regular income. Still, he was aware how mind-numbing this desk job would be. He was already wondering how long he could stand working there, and what his next step would be.

It was the end of his first week at Queeries, and things were crazy from the get-go. A massive volume of work and last-minute changes seemed to be the norm. He was taking over the more menial tasks for Deborah, the operations manager, who was polite but clearly stressed and overworked. Simon couldn't imagine how she handled everything before he got hired.

Simultaneously tired (he was still adjusting to getting up early), bored, and under pressure to copy, paste, type, and verify a hundred or so spreadsheet rows before end of day, the singer was on his second large coffee for the day. It was Friday afternoon, and most people in the office were getting loud and restless.

Finishing another anonymous row, he accidentally hit the wrong key on the keyboard. Suddenly the worksheet went blank.

Silent, cold panic. Simon pressed the undo shortcut repeatedly, but nothing came back. Racking his brain for a solution, he flipped through his notebook, with the training notes he'd jotted down when Deborah showed him his tasks. There was nothing that solved his current predicament.

Finally, he took a deep breath and got up from his desk.

Deborah's office was around the corner. The door was open, and as usual, the operations manager looked stressed out, staring at her laptop.

Simon knocked on the door. "Hi Deborah, sorry to bother you..."

She looked up at him, but it was clear she had no time for this. "What's the issue?" she asked, barely masking her impatience.

"I was working on the pending rows, and then everything disappeared."

Deborah leaned forward. "Disappeared?"

Simon cleared his throat. "Yeah, I think I hit a key and then the worksheet went blank."

The operations manager blinked, looked back at the laptop, then began to type, trying to hide the scowl on her face. She took a breath, as if ready to say something, and then shook her head.

"You're gonna have to give me five minutes..." she muttered to the screen. Simon nodded, then turned around, feeling a bit useless and guilty.

He immediately bumped into someone. Simon backed up and looked up.

"Sorry, Luke!" he apologized. In return, he got a dazzling bearded grin.

Though they worked in the same office, Simon hadn't seen Luke around very much at all. The editor-in-chief was always in back-to-back meetings, out of the office, or behind a closed door when everyone else had already went home for the day.

"Is everything okay here?" Luke asked, glancing between Simon and Deborah. The operations manager sighed and began a litany of issues; Luke went over to her desk to investigate. For a while, Simon stood there, quiet and feeling out-of-place.

Then Simon decided to head back to his desk. As he took a step out the office, Luke asked, "Everything going okay with you, Simon?"

The singer turned back around. "Umm, yeah. Well, actually..." He could see Deborah's slightly disdainful eyes staring at him, as if his issue wasn't worth anyone's time. "Something happened with my spreadsheet..."

Luke gave him a curious look. "Okay, I'll be right over."

Several minutes later, as people started parading out of the office, Luke made good on his promise. It turned out to be a bad delete, which meant redoing an hour's work for Simon. He hid his disappointment in front of Luke, who knew what he was feeling anyway.

"I know it sucks, but hey, maybe this will make it up. I have to stay a bit later too, and then I'm getting a drink with a friend. Why don't you come too? Drinks on me, great way to start the'll be fun," Luke offered with a smile.

Simon readily agreed.

The extra hour flew by. Simon wasn't aware of the time, so concentrated on finishing his work. He didn't hear Luke come up behind him.

"Good to go?" the editor-in-chief asked.

Simon jumped, almost spilling his coffee. "Oh! Yes, almost, I just have three more rows."

The next thing he knew, Luke was leaning in. Their faces were side by side.

"You're figuring out Deborah's process?" he asked.

Deborah had a very particular way of naming, grouping, and saving her files. It was like navigating through a labyrinth. Simon paid attention during training, but inevitably, the operations manager didn't have the time or energy to explain every single detail of her workflow. A good part of Simon's day was spent figuring out where she put certain folders, and what her acronyms stood for.

"Well, it's quite a process..." Simon began, heating up from his proximity to Luke.

"Trust me, I know how tricky it is. She's been a self-contained do-it-all for so long. It's all in her head. And now, you have to break into that vault of knowledge." He skimmed through the singer's work on the monitor.

"It's gonna take some time. But you're doing great," he affirmed.

"Thanks," Simon accepted meekly.

The editor-in-chief pulled up a chair and sat down. "Sorry I haven't been around much. We're expanding at light speed online and it's just been all-around chaos, to put it bluntly. I'm really glad to have you here, to help out Deborah and the whole team."

Luke squeezed Simon's shoulder. The latter instantly made a typo.

"Thanks for having me. Seriously," Simon said, turning to face Luke. "You really helped me out."

Their eyes locked. Simon's breath was caught in his throat, stunned as he was by Luke's ocean blue eyes and ruggedly groomed face. He got that feeling of mysterious wonder again, sitting in front of this exceptional man, now his boss. Always polished and accomplished, what Simon really wanted to know was what laid beneath the surface, though he'd be glad to first revisit what laid beneath his clothes...

And then Luke's phone went off.

They both shook out of it. Luke read the caller ID, then said, "Sorry, I have to take this."

Simon closed his eyes for a quick second before turning back to the monitor. Never a dull moment since he broke off from Jesse. And even that whole ordeal was rarely dull, just delusional.

Simon tried not to eavesdrop on Luke's conversation, but he couldn't help himself. He found it difficult to determine whether it was a personal or professional call. The editor-in-chief always sounded calm, charming, cordial. He was always so pleasant, Simon wondered if anyone at Queeries ever saw him lose his temper.

As Luke said his goodbyes, Simon finished the last row of the day. He made sure he saved his work, then clapped his hands and stretched his arm.

"Perfect timing," Luke said with a smile, hanging up. He stood up, ready to go.

Simon smiled back and gathered his belongings. He picked up his large coffee, about to take a big gulp, when the cup slipped out of his hand and landed on his chest.

The cup lid flew off. Coffee splashed down the front of Simon's shirt and pants.

"Shit!" he exclaimed, standing still, looking down at his drenched clothes.

Luke immediately bent down to pick up the cup and lid. "Lemme get the paper towel from the washroom," he then said, briskly walking away.

"Thank you..." Simon muttered, angry at himself. What was he doing looking like a wet fool in front of Luke? He was about to spend more time with the man of wonder, but instead he was now wiping himself down with a roll of paper towel.

He didn't have a change of clothes on him. "Luke, why don't I meet you at the bar? I'm gonna take a taxi back home to change, and then I'll head over."

The editor-in-chief nodded. "Call or text me when you're heading over."

Getting his clothes dirty was one of Simon's pet peeves. He was glad that he managed to flag a taxi soon after leaving the office. During the ride, he gritted his teeth at the feeling of cold, damp fabric clinging to his skin.

Then someone outside the cab caught his eye. He was passing by the university track and field centre, and there was a group of guys practicing football or rugby. From a distance, he thought one of the shirtless guys looked like Jae.

Spinning around to look again through the rear window, Simon squinted and verified that, yes, it was indeed the yummy Korean jock. His beefy torso was slick with sweat, his muscle flexing as he jumped and caught the football.

The taxi rounded a turn and Jae was out of sight. But in Simon's mind, the Asian stud was still very much present: naked, masturbating in the bathroom, one hand wrapped around his cut, banana-shaped cock, the other hand pinching a nipple.

When he made it back to his apartment, with the taxi waiting downstairs, Simon's own eight-incher was pointing up at the ceiling. He briefly considered taking care of business then and there, before he thought about where the night could end up with Luke.

Quickly throwing on a pink polo shirt with white khakis, Simon hurried back down and gave the cab driver directions to the gay bar. As the taxi started moving, he realized he would be passing by the athletic field again, and positioned himself right in front of the window.

The taxi rolled towards the university and Simon's breathing quickened. Rounding the same turn towards the track and field centre, Simon scanned the stadium area. The team of guys was gone, but there were a few people jogging on the running track. Simon focused on one of them.

"Sorry, can you stop here?" Simon asked, getting his wallet.

Only when he stepped onto the sidewalk, while the taxi sped away, did he ask himself what exactly he was doing.

Luke was waiting for him. He reasoned internally that he was just going to say hi, then he'd head over to the bar. Crossing the street towards the athletic field, his steps hurried, his heart beating at a brisk pace, he questioned again what he was doing. What was he trying to accomplish? Why was he going after a guy he barely knew? Why was he doing this again?

He stopped in front of the chain link fence at the edge of the stadium field, gazing at Jae's shirtless form as he jogged on the oval running track. The long, sturdy legs took each bounding step with ease. His toned core twisted and contracted, moist with perspiration that glistened in the setting sun. Simon's eyes roved up to Jae's smooth, hunky chest, each pec bouncing slightly with every step. The nipples looked ripe for picking.

And his brown eyes, gorgeous dark gems, now looking directly into Simon's as he rounded the corner of the running track.

"Hey!" Jae exclaimed, running onto the field towards Simon. The sun lit up his breathtaking smile.

He was panting when he slowed to a stop in front of the fence and asked, "How long...have you been here?"

Simon found it hard to listen or respond, so engrossed was he by the Korean's physicality. All he could think of was how badly he wanted to lick up every droplet of Jae's sweat, lift up those muscular arms and suck the pit hair dry, then bite those pink nipples until the jock begged for mercy...

"I was just passing by, on my way to the gay village. I saw you and I thought I'd say hi."

Jae grinned smugly "You were checking me out?" he asked, crossing his arms to puff up his impressive pectorals.

It made Simon hesitate for a moment, before he spoke the truth.

"I still am."

Those gorgeous eyes went wide, then rounded into dazzling crescents as a guffaw rung out of Jae's mouth.

"Haha! Ohh man, Simon, you're too much."

Instead of retreating back into his default civilized shell, Simon giggled and shot the jock a sensual glance. For once, he wasn't afraid to show his interest.

Jae continued smiling.

"So you're off to drive the boys crazy in gaytown?" he asked casually. He rested his hands on his hips, granting Simon full view of his cooling athletic torso.

Simon grinned and looked down. "I was," he replied, then batted his eyes back up at Jae. "What are you doing tonight?"

Running his hand across his wet brow, he answered, "Nothin'. I got invited to some big penthouse party, but I got into some serious debauchery last weekend...I should let my liver recover a bit." He sighed, remembering the bender. "Pretty run-down from my accounting internship too. I started this week, and I'm just sitting at my desk, falling asleep or wishing I was outside playing ball."

The singer nodded. "Yeah, I just started a new job this week too, so I know what you mean. I just wanna die around three o'clock."

A comfortable silence fell over them. They held their glance on each other.

Finally Jae broke the spell. "So, I know I look great shirtless and all, but I'm gonna go put my shirt back on and, uhh, maybe you wanna grab a bite or something?"

"Yeah, of course," Simon replied, grinning wide.

"Do you mind waiting a bit in the gym lobby? I'll shower really quick."

15 minutes later, they were off to the nearest pub. They were chatting easily about their new job, comparing office culture and coworkers.

Simon felt the need to exclude Luke from their conversation. As they entered the patio, he reminded himself to send his boss a text, to say "something came up".

Salad, wings, and burger gave way to beer and gin and tonic. Jae was on fire, busting out joke after joke about his colleagues, classmates, and professors. Simon, breathless from laughter, even squirted his drink out his nose on one occasion, prompting Jae to lose it.

Loosened up from the humour and the liquor, Simon began to unleash his knack for celebrity impersonations, parodying everyone from Nicki Minaj to Celine Dion in voice and mannerisms. It got the Asian hunk howling; he insisted that Simon do standup at an open mic.

Around this point, strangers began to approach the two, keen to join the jolliest table at the pub. Plastered Simon threw hugs and kisses at new acquaintances, not catching a single name. Meanwhile, Jae instigated the drinking games, which only attracted more people to gather.

Somebody ordered a round of vodka shots, and then they just kept coming. Uninhibited, hyper, and downright horny, Simon began grabbing, tickling, and slapping Jae's thick, firm arms as they laughed over increasingly nonsensical things. The Korean didn't seem to mind, grabbing Simon in a bear hug, poking his ribs, and raising his hand with the singer's whenever someone asked who wanted another shot.

The last thing Simon remembered was tequila.

When he came to, it was dark all around.

He sat up immediately. His senses were much slower to awaken.

He was on a bed, in a room with the lights out. It wasn't his room.

Gradually, his eyes adjusted to the darkness. The window curtains were slightly drawn, leaving a strip of moonlight to enter.

He saw that he was still in his clothes. There was an arm resting across his lap. It belonged to Jae, topless, snoring soundly beside him. The two of them made a tight fit on the twin bed.

When he tried to stand up, he realized he was still drunk. Against his will, his body lost balance and fell back on Jae's bed. Simon's head bumped against the wall.

"Shit!" he exclaimed, the curse deafeningly loud. Beside him, Jae stirred, mumbled unintelligibly, and turned onto his back.

His erect dick poked out of the piss slit of his striped boxers.

Simon watched it for a moment, seeing the genitals before him. He was transfixed, wondering how they tasted, how they would feel rolling inside his mouth.

Then he dove down and sucked Jae's prick straight into his mouth.

It was average sized, around five to six inches. Simon loved the upward bent of the shaft, and dragged the cut cockhead across the roof of his palate, while his tongue flew in a flurry all over the cock's underside.

Finally. This was really happening. He didn't have to fantasize from the bathroom incident any longer. Simon closed his eyes and sucked hard on the glans several times, then popped it out of his mouth and gave it an eager tongue bath.

He moaned gutturally, his extremities tingling with excitement.

All of a sudden, Jae sat up. "What the fuck?" he shouted.

Simon froze, his head in Jae's lap, his hand still around Jae's cock.

The jock's eyes squinted, blinking rapidly. A groan escaped his mouth, and then Simon saw the jock staring at him eye-to-eye.

"What the..." he repeated, this time in a low, confused mutter.

Simon began gently stroking the shaft. In a little, innocent voice, he begged, "Please..."

Jae stayed still, breathing hard.

"Please, just let me do this..." the black man continued breathily. He stroked a bit faster, eliciting a sigh from the Asian jock.

"I've wanted to for so long..."

Jae was breathing through his mouth. His flat abdomen was contracting with every breath.

An eternity passed. The only sounds were the rubbing between Simon's fist and Jae's cotton boxers, and laboured breathing.


In the Korean's eyes, the singer saw a mixture of desire and apprehension. He opened his mouth wide and engulfed the banana cock in one gulp.

Jae threw his head back. "FUCK!"

Simon sucked hungrily, his tongue and lips going wild all over the hard flesh. He was aware that this might be his only chance at a sexual encounter with Jae, so he worked desperately.

The jock started moaning loudly. "Oh my God! Oh wow..." He gripped the sheets with both hands and sighed under the sweet aching.

Encouraged by Jae's voice, Simon slid his hands from the Korean's thick, trimmed bush, up his tightening abdomen, farther up still, until his fingers wrapped around those slabs of big hard pectorals. It was pure heaven.

Swallowing the banana prick down his throat, Simon felt Jae's hands wrap around his head and begin to take control of the rhythm. Aroused, the singer moaned and went deeper.

"Fuck! You're so fucking good..." The Asian began to pump Simon's head up and down. "Yeah, take that cock...take it," he muttered, thrusting his pelvis to drive his hard dick as far up the black man's throat as possible.

It made Simon gag; he pulled his head back while Jae let him go.

Staring hard at the Korean stud, he spat onto his swollen, pulsing cock and teased, "Make me."

Jae sneered, so fucking arrogant and sexy. "Make you take it like a dirty little slut?"

"Show me what you got, fucker," Simon retorted, closing his fist around the shaft and spreading the gooey saliva all over the dick.

Without warning, Jae grabbed the back of Simon's head and forced his face down, stabbing his erect prick back into the singer's hungry mouth.

"Mmm!" Simon sucked and licked furiously as Jae flexed and jerked his groin to fuck the black man's mouth.

" little slut..."

The gurgles and slurps only made things hotter. Whimpering, his own cock fully erect without even stroking himself, Simon closed his eyes and relished in being used by the object of his fantasy.

"Take it all...AH! FUCK yeah..."

Several more hard thrusts later, Jae grunted and lay still on the bed, tired. His hands still gripped Simon's scalp, pumping the singer's head on his cock.

"Suck it good..."

Suddenly Jae felt something prod and circle his anus. Surprised by the intense sensation, he hollered and released Simon's head.

"You like that?" the black man asked, freeing the cock to stroke the slippery, steely shaft hard and fast with one hand. With the other, he teased the jock's clenching rosebud.

Jae was numb with raw pleasure. Panting, he lay back like a twitching doll, his muscles contracting on their own. "Oh wow..." he sighed, sensing the oncoming orgasm.

Simon saw the precum begin to ooze from the cockhead. He instantly impaled his finger through Jae's sphincter and twisted his other hand around the Korean's glans.

"AW FUCK you nasty bitch!" he screamed, his back going rigid as he began to ejaculate. The hot, milky fountain sprayed everywhere, raining down on Jae's sweaty, convulsing body and his rumpled sheets. Simon's merciless hand didn't stop milking, even after Jae shot several loads of fresh semen.

"FUCK! OH SHIT!!" Jae screeched, yanking the singer's hand away from his sensitive dick. However, he was in too much sweet pain to stop Simon from prodding his hole. All he could do was fall back on the bed and wince, weak and spasming from the black finger poking up his rectum.

Simon wasn't done. He closed in on the deflating dick lying helplessly on Jae's heaving, cummy stomach and sucked it back into his mouth, starving for a taste.

Jae begged for mercy, crying out as the singer drew his teeth repeatedly across the red, bulbous cockhead.

Drawing the shaft out of his mouth, he stared at Jae and said, "That's what you get for calling me a nasty bitch."

In his weak state, Jae still managed a smug grin. "You're the nastiest bitch I've ever had on my cock..."

But before he could finish his jibe, the black singer again wrapped his lips tightly around his softening dick and sucked hard.

"SHIT! You nasty cocksucker!"

Simon decided to treat Jae to one last deep throat. He buried his nose in the Asian's damp pubes and massaged his throat muscles around the dick. Jae shouted helplessly, then gnashed his teeth to endure the torture.

But Simon still wasn't done yet.

Though he then let Jae's cock go, he dove down onto the Korean's abdomen and sucked up the pools of cum all over.

Jae, catching his breath, saw the singer's face hovering over his. Simon's mouth was closed and full.

The black man waited a moment, then opened his mouth and dumped the cumload all over the Korean's mouth.

"Argh!" Jae exclaimed, gargling and choking on his own splashing cum.

Simon watched from above with wide eyes, spittle stretching down from the corner of his lips.

"Aw yeah...that's so hot..." he breathed, before lowering his face onto Jae's and lapping up the regurgitated liquid running from his mouth.

"Oh FUCK..." Jae wheezed, closing his eyes. "You're fucking crazy...crazy freak..."

The singer savoured each drop of the Korean's essence as he roamed Jae's cheeks, chin, jaw, and neck with his darting tongue.

"Damn right," he whispered in between his slurps. He made sure he got every trace of cooling semen.

After he was done cleaning, Simon lay down beside the jock. He closed his eyes and breathed the natural, musky scent emanating from Jae's body.

Soon, the Asian stud was snoring. Simon wished that morning wouldn't come.

Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Lots more drama and filthy sex to cum ;) Feedback is always welcomed at

Next: Chapter 4

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