Mediterranean Adventures

By Michael Stevens

Published on Feb 9, 2016


This story is about events that take place during a memorable Summer vacation on the wonderful island of Mykonos. There is more, though. With storytelling and flashbacks, I've tried to go back in time and explore where these men are from in addition to telling about where they are going. I'll try to make the flashback chapters clear by their titles.

MEDITERRANEAN ADVENTURES By Michael Stevens Chapter One The Flight

I checked in early at the Olympic counter, and started my in-flight book at the gate. Since most of my reading during the year was academic, I refuse to do that on vacation, so when I saw an old copy of Ken Follette's Flight Over Water, I grabbed it. I don't sleep well on planes, and would finish this book on the flight.

I surveyed the gathering travelers, hoping to see someone interesting, but I was nearly alone. Oh well, maybe the plane wouldn't be crowded. It was just the start of the tourist season in Greece, and 1:00AM was a miserable take-off time. I scanned the lounge one more time looking for any possible hotties, but finding none, cursed myself for even bothering.

Follette got off to a slow start, though, so my mind wandered to my last trip and to Andreas, the cute luggage guy at my Athens hotel. When he carried my luggage up one flight, I ogled the snug black trousers that outlined his rounded ass. I wondered what he carried up front. His fitted shirt tucked in at his narrow waist without a wrinkle, and the short folded-up sleeves strained to make it all the way around his biceps. This boy was a hunk and a half, and imagining him naked and showering had me half hard by the time we got to my room.

He did the usual luggage-guy stuff in the room, pausing at the door so I could find my wallet. I gave him a generous tip. As he turned to go, just out of some old host habit, I put my palm in the small of his back with my fingers slightly creeping around the edge. If he had been wearing a coat or a jacket, it would have been fine, but he was only wearing a shirt. I felt his warmth through the thin cotton, and I'm sure he felt me. I cursed myself for making such an obvious faggy pass. But he didn't react, and I thought he hadn't even noticed.

Half an hour later, when I called down to say the AC would not get cool, it was he who knocked the door. It was so hot that I was already down to my tee shirt and boxers, and I was a little nervous that he would think I was going to make another pass.

I didn't, but he did. He had brought a step ladder which he asked me to steady for him as he climbed up, so I did. He went up three steps and reached into the top of the AC and messed around for a while. His zipper was at my eye level. It was even better close up, but I forbid myself to touch him in any way. When a serious hum said that his work was done, he came down the ladder, and a steady stream of cool air poured into the room. He packed up and asked if he could wash his hands in the bathroom, and of course I said yes. He came back out, and looked around, and I thought maybe he was waiting to see if the AC stayed on; then I realized he was stalling, he didn't want to go. He started to speak, but seemed to be looking for words.

"Is there something else, Andreas?" I asked gently.

"The island you are going" he rushed "Mykonos. Is that where men go to be together?" He was embarrassed that he had said it, and now he wanted to go, but I was between him and the door.

"Yes" I said.

"Is that why you go?" he asked quietly.

This was not a time to hide. "Yes" I said.

He took two steps forward, and he was just inches from me. "Why not stay here with me?" he whispered, and he kissed me on the cheek. He pulled back quickly, afraid of my reaction, knowing he had overstepped. I smiled, trying to show him it was ok.

"Andreas" I said, "I am going to see old friends. I can't stay here and miss them. They would be angry. But we are together here now, and I think you are a nice, nice, young man." Andreas took a moment to process the bad and the good news, and I took the moment to close the gap between us and kiss him back, on the lips. His eyes closed as the sensation of our kiss overpowered him, and then our touching tongues ignited his adrenalin. There was no holding back as our mouths met and our tongues dueled. When we took a breather between kisses, his breath came in gasps. I was about to poke out of my boxers, and didn't want to be naked alone, so I started to unbutton his shirt. He slid his hands up and down my sides and around the waistband of my shorts, seeming hesitant to go in, suddenly shy.

"I want to tell you that I have only done something like this once before, with my friend on vacation in the village." His rushed confession out at last, he went on. "I never did it again, but I have always known I wanted to do it. And you are a very handsome man, and I want to do it with you."

I was beginning to wonder what "it" was, exactly, but I was pretty sure that once I had his pants off, I would find out! I knelt to slide the black trousers down his thighs and helped him step out of them. As he rested his hand on my shoulder to keep his balance, his touch was gentle but sent a jolt of electricity through me. With his pants gone, I stood up to finish getting his shirt off, and then there were just his bikini briefs to go! They were just simple white slippies and I took a moment to enjoy the bulge that was growing inside. He let me tug them down in back and then shyly covered himself in front as I pulled them down. I gently moved his hands aside; a bush of dark curls surrounded a growing cock, and when the briefs had been kicked away, I centered on it and started to take it in.

"No No" he cried softly, "I will do that for you!"

"Oh, you will," I said, "but me first." And I took him in, right down to the roots of his curly black Greek pubes. Part of my analytical brain wondered if his cousin in the village hadn't forced him into a blowjob, but never reciprocated, since that would make him gay. So Andreas never expected to get one, just give one. But that was too much thinking, and I came back to the moment, which was gathering speed. I took him over to the bed and put him on his back. I reached down to kiss him again, and this time his tongue was the first in. He was flying! Lying on top of him, we kissed long and hard. When we paused and he caught his breath, he said

"I never knew... this is... so good! Oh God!" I decided it was time for him to return the favor.

I gave him a wink and looked down at my boner, pulsing with excitement. He caught the hint immediately, and sat up and turned to face it. He paused, savoring the moment, and then slid his lips down over me. He may have only done it once, but he was good. A few strokes on the top, and then all the way down. A few hand jerks, and some strong suction on the sensitive head. He was very good, and I would cum soon at this rate.

He was jerking himself now, and I could tell from his little moans that he was close. I flipped him on his back and knelt over his crotch so that I could jerk us together. As our cocks touched I thought he would cry. "Oh God!" he kept whispering. Eventually I saw his belly muscles contract and heard that intake gasp. And then the long exhale, followed by shots of thick cream. My stroking was made slippery with his cum, and my dick got the idea!, in a moment, I got the blast of pleasure too. When we were done, we cuddled together, kissing slowly, massaging our cummy bellies. Finally I said "Shower?" and we did.

I was bounced out of my reverie by the announcement of early boarding for first class. Well, that wasn't me, but clearly there was not a planeload of people here. I was already looking forward to some extra space around me. I tucked the book away, checked that my passport and boarding pass were still in my shirt pocket, and waited for my row to be called. I was in the back, so I should be called early, and I was right.

There was an outburst of laughter behind me and I turned to see what might be so funny. It was a group of 30-something guys. Trim and well dressed, nice looking all; "I know where you're going" I thought, smugly, same as me. Just beyond them, I caught sight of a tall mop-haired young guy in jeans. Damn! I thought, how long have you been here? That will teach me to get lost in a book, but just then the line moved, and I turned to follow it.

When I had settled in, last row on the aisle, I looked up to check the crowd. No sign of the mop-haired boy... oh well. He's probably far from me in a lot of ways. I flipped the in-flight magazine for a minute, and the on-board duty free (who actually buys this stuff? I wondered) and looked up to see that the line had turned to a trickle; maybe I would have the whole row to myself! And then I saw that the mop-haired teenager was headed towards the back!!

The closer he got, the better he looked. Low slung jeans and a J Crew sweater with a slim day pack on his shoulder and a hoodie under his arm, with those cheekbones he could work for A&F! I tried not to look too hard, but could not help myself. When he was just a few feet away, he looked around and then looked at me. He put his pack up into the overhead and pointing to the window seat in my aisle said, "Anybody there?" "Just you apparently" I said. He flicked his hoodie onto the seat.

"It's hot in here" he said before he sat down, and proceeded to pull his sweater up over his head. What he didn't realize was that his tee shirt had clung to it, and for a few delicious moments while he was tangled up, I was treated to a fully exposed torso, from nipples to navel and below. His jeans were low on his hips and I wasn't sure how they didn't just fall off! The boy's head was buried in the sweater and his pure pink body was there for my inspection. That sweater is my new best friend! I thought. When the boy realized the problem, he tugged everything back in place and excused himself as he slipped past me to his seat.

The take off was delayed, and I found himself in conversation with the young man. Andy was his name. I told him I was Daniel from Providence. He grew up near Boston, was recently graduated, (darn only 18, too young for me) and headed for Greece on a trip that was a gift from his uncle, so he could "find himself." No girlfriend. "Where are you headed in the Fall?" I asked, expecting some ivy college.

"I'm in a psych/soc MA/PhD program at Hale University." Whoa! Graduate program? Add 4, he's 22+! Now let's talk, cause I'm gettin' a big gaydar ping from this boy.

By the time we were at altitude, we were friends, and after the meal, (after I had scarfed some extra wine) we were buddies. He knew that I was single and headed for Mykonos (code for gay) and I knew that he had never had a relationship with a girl that went very well. He had suggested that his uncle was gay, and wondered why he had never been able to talk about that with him.

Dinner was over, the main lights went off, and they were alone in the back of the plane. He said he wanted to get something from the overhead, so I slid my knees aside to let him by. All by themselves, my hands found their way around his waist, and guided him past. Then he clicked open the overheard and reached up to search through his backpack. Doing that revealed his belly to me again, and it was still beautiful. When he continued to rummage, I realized that he might have another reason for exposing his belly to me. Very carefully, I reached up and touched him, gently but unmistakably. Just in case he took offense, I tried to think of an innocent reason why I might have tickled his belly fuzz, but there was no need; instead I got another sort of signal. He reached down and unbuttoned the waistband of his jeans.

With that, everything became easy, and easier still when he draped a blanket over his arm, which gave me a little tent. I unzipped him and gently pulled his stiffening dick out. It was no time to be coy, and after a few kisses and licks, he was down my throat. His hips pushed at me eagerly, and I could tell from his nervous energy that it would not take him long to cum. In just a few minutes, which could have been hours, I felt his knees buckle a little, and the warm taste of cum filled my mouth. It is a favorite flavor of mine, and I was happy to take it all in.

He pulled up his pants, they had slipped down in the excitement, and then bent to whisper in my ear. Oh My God, he said with emphasis, and as I turned to look at him, our lips met and we kissed. I slurped a little cum off my lips, and he helped too. We went long and deep for just a few moments and I knew that this was a boy I could spend some time with.

No sooner had he gotten to his seat, than he knelt up on it and pushed the arm rests between us out of the way. He whispered to me " Get it out" and I obeyed. It took a second to clear the teeth of the zipper, but soon I was standing tall and ready. He took his time, rubbing me along his cheek and gently touching with his fingers. I was pretty sure this was his first time, and I didn't want to rush him. My hand rested between his shoulder blades, and then became a soft caress that went down his back. I paused at the gap between his tee and his jeans to trace a little circle in his nice furry patch. I didn't push down the crack, but I wanted to. I slid up again, with some fingernails this time, finishing with a stroke on the back of his neck. He took that for encouragement, and positioned his lips just above my boner. Another tiny pause, a little lick, and he took me in. Just the head at first, and then quickly all the way down.

I sensed eagerness, that this was something he really wanted to do, not just an experiment. And he did it with gusto! There was a hunger and excitement to him, like this was something he had wanted for a long time. All this excitement had its effect on me, and I was ready to cum really quickly. "I'm close" I whispered, to give him a chance to back away a bit. He pulled away just long enough to say

"Go for it" and he covered my head with his lips. I slipped my fingers in to stroke me to the end, and in just a few moments, (or was it hours?) I was shooting everything I had into him.

He took almost all of it, but he thought I was done, and one last spurt hit his cheek. I pulled him up and cleaned his face, then gave him a long kiss down his throat. I don't remember oral sex ever making me cum like that; this was truly a life-altering experience!

Knowing that the morning would come soon and the plane would land, we put ourselves in order and settled in for some sleep. Andy snuggled into the seat next to me, and we fell asleep leaning against each other. As I drifted off, I thought the flight attendants might be amused. As it turned out, it was a bit more than that. When we left the plane, I got a big smile from one of them.

Andy and I never made plans to meet when we were in Athens. We got separated in the customs/immigration process, and I thought sadly, that I had seen the last of him. But, as I left the terminal headed for the new metro, I saw him headed to hail a cab. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"Downtown I guess" he said.

"Then come with me, this is much cheaper and quicker." And we went down to the tracks and boarded the next train.

"Hotel?" I asked.

"Nope" he said.

"Oh crap, you'll never get one now" I said. "Let me see what my hotel can do for you." And so we made our way to the Athena Palace, together. When I asked about a room for Andy, the desk clerk just rolled his eyes. The city was host to several conventions and everyone was full.

"The best I can do is an extra bed in your room. There would only be a small charge for the two nights" Andy and I looked at each other, appearing to hesitate, but both knowing that the second bed would be unnecessary. Suppressing a smile, I said that it would be ok.

I had not noticed that Andreas had stayed well out of the way until summoned by the desk clerk. I gave him a big smile, but was disappointed by his stony face. He got his instructions, and we made the quick trip to the room in silence. As I watched him in the elevator mirror, I noticed that Andy gave him a very thorough looking over. Interested? I wondered After he had opened the room and deposited the bags, he said he would be back with the bed in a few moments, and he was. He set it up and left quickly, not even waiting for a tip.

Andy headed for the shower while I puzzled the odd behavior of Andreas. Then there was a quiet knock at the door. I opened it to find Andreas with tears streaming down his cheeks, his shoulders heaving, barely containing his sobs. I pulled him in and sat him down on the bed. "What...? was all I could get out before he threw his arms around me an sobbed on my shoulder. I let him cry until the first wave subsided and he was able to talk. I just assumed that there had been a family catastrophe and he needed to vent, but that was not the case. He struggled to get the words out between the choking sobs.

"I am...very happy for you... that you have... found someone." and the tears welled up again. "I was waiting....for you" and then the light dawned, and I hurried to explain.

"Andreas, Andy is not my boyfriend. We are not married. We are not a couple. I met him on the plane, and he needed a room" Well that was not the total truth, but it would do for now.

"You are not with him?" He rubbed the tears away and his words came easier. "He is not your partner? He is very cute. Is he gay like us? Have you ever...?" But he drifted off before he could finish the question. I was already wondering if I had some competition for Andy's attention when I decided to throw all caution to the winds of passion that were swirling around us. I kissed Andreas and started to work on his buttons. By the time they were undone, he had pushed his tight black pants down around his ankles, and his boner was pushing out his white briefs.

He was yanking at my shirttails and frantically fumbling with my buttons. When I took that job, he moved to my belt, my top button, and then my zipper. My pants fell to the floor, the shirt was off, and my boxers were showing a serious tent. I made a mental note that his tiny white briefs were considerably sexier than my baggy J. Crew boxers. That aside, he was the first to his knees and as his hands slid up under the ample fabric, I was glad he had some room to work. He poked my boner out the fly and reached for it with his lips. It was right then that I had an idea. I quickly persuaded him to let go for a second, and managed to get out of all my clothes. then I got him to do the same. While he did that, I pushed the bathroom door open a little. "Andy" I said "can I come in and shower with you?" And without waiting for an answer added "I brought a friend."

He was a little surprised to see me, and a lot surprised to see Andreas, but I could see from his smile that he was not unhappy. The shower area was typical, with just a curtain that separated it from the rest of the bathroom, and a drain in the floor. We pushed the curtain aside and used the whole room.It was slippery with soap, but we managed to slide close. We put Andreas in the middle and while I soaped his back, Andy worked on his front, if you could call massaging a massive boner work. When I watched a furtive, gentle kiss between them, I realized there was a special attraction there. It was more than just the frenzy of the moment.

When we were all rinsed, I grabbed the towels and passed them out to the boys. We dried each other and went out to the room. We fell onto the bed in a tangle of arms and legs and cocks. I had expected the two of them to couple up immediately, but instead they focused their energy on me, and in short order, I had a dick in my mouth and a mouth on my dick. Somehow I managed to find the dick that wasn't busy, and started stroking. A second mouth began working on my nipples, going back and forth, sloppy licking and nibbling one while pinching the other. I was going to explode soon!

With all that attention on me, I was sure to be the first to cum. "Ohmygod ohmygod! was the only warning I could give them. They sat back so they could watch, but Andy, I realized, kept on stroking me while Andreas pinched my nipples almost painfully. When he started to roll both of them between his fingers, that did it for me! My whole body exploded with pleasure as the thick spurts of cum shot out. My back arched, pushing my hips into Danny's fingers over and over. When I was done, I realized that I had been holding my breath, and I let out a long sigh of relief as I started breathing again.

"Daniel, that was incredible. I think you hit the ceiling!" Danny was cheering me on as his focus began to shift towards Andreas.

"I think I almost passed out." I said weakly. "If you boys done mind, I think I'm going to rest for a little bit" and I slipped over to the spare bed that Andreas had set up earlier. As I reached for the top sheet, I caught a glance between the boys, and for a moment wondered if they had planned it this way, getting me "done" first and out of the way so they could settle in to some boy/boy fun. I started to ask myself when they could have planned all that, but before I got too far I was sound asleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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