Mediterranean Adventures

By Michael Stevens

Published on Feb 9, 2016


Mediterranean Adventures

Ch 2

On the Ferry

I woke up when Andreas had to go back to work, and after we kissed him goodbye we crawled back into bed. The younger man naturally curled up against me like a cat, looking for warmth. It was quiet for a while; we were both replaying the tapes of the past 24 hours in our heads, making sure that it had all really happened.

Finally, I broke the silence. "Andy, is this the first time you have done anything like this?"

"Do you mean gone to a hotel with a man I just met and had crazy three way sex? Or do you mean have I had a tiny bit of gay sex somewhere in my life?"

"Andy, I have never had a three way before in my life, so I guess I'll take tiny bit of gay sex for $100 Alex." I joked.

"Do you want the long version with all the details, or just a simple yes?"

"Oh, the long hard version please!"

"You'll be disappointed."

"I'll be the judge of that." I said.

"My Uncle Bill works in Boston and lives outside of town. He has a little house in the big woods, as he says, and in the summertime I would go and help with the lawn and the garden. He paid me more than a 15-year-old was worth and I got to swim in his pool when I was done. One Saturday morning in July, I was cutting the lawn by the pool when a guy came around back looking for him. He had a fat envelope to deliver that he said was important. I told him that he could leave it with me, but he said he would rather wait.

It was hot, and as the guy sat around I'm sure he started sweating. Finally said, do you think it would be ok if I took a swim? I had already stripped down to my gym shorts, and said that as soon as I finished with the lawn I would join him. So he took off his clothes and jumped in. I mean all his clothes. He went in naked. Then he climbed out and jumped off the diving board. Naked. I can tell you now, after what we have done together, that I was fascinated. I had never seen a man so free and comfortable being naked. Even in the locker room after gym, we all wore a towels.

So I made a decision, finished up fast, and walked over to the side of the pool. I kicked off my shoes and socks, dropped my shorts, shucked off my jockeys and jumped in. I had been afraid that he would get tired of waiting and leave, so I made sure he was watching. I don't know what I expected."

" Aww-right" he said as he applauded. "I hate to swim alone!"

"And then he swam over and towseled my hair, then dunked me under and swam off. We spent our time racing, splashing, dunking and horsing around with each other. It didn't seem like he touched my privates on purpose, but I know that he did. I tried to make touching him seem like an innocent mistake, too. Until finally as we caught our breath in the shallow end, he reached over and held me in a very personal place. I reached over to do the same, and discovered that he had an erection.

Our eyes met, and I must have looked terrified, because now I had one too. We both let go and swam apart. But, like magnets, we found ourselves back in the shallow end, this time, face to face. We inched closer together until our boners touched underwater. We both looked down, and then holding our swords, dueled for a few moments. He let go of his and reached under to cup my balls; he held them for a few moments and as his fingers let them go, they traveled up the length of my penis, stopping for a moment to gently rub around the head. I thought I would explode with pleasure!

"I'm James." he said.

" Andy" I replied.

"Andy" he said, "hop up here." and he helped me sit up on the edge of the pool. My boner stuck up like a broomstick but I never expected what came next! First he kissed it, right on the end, then his tongue went around it like it was an ice cream cone, and then he took it into his mouth, all of it! After the cool water, it felt so hot! I felt his nose nuzzling into the p-hairs that I was so proud of. He pulled back, but never let go. His tongue seemed to do something that I couldn't figure out, but it felt sooo good! He kept doing that over and over, and I just leaned back and enjoyed it. I knew what was going to happen and I didn't want him to stop. My hips started pushing up and when I did that, he started stroking me with his fingers, but he kept the end of my boner in his mouth. I knew I was going to shoot, but I was afraid that he wouldn't like it if I did it in his mouth, so I tried to hold back. He let go long enough to say "Go for it!" and then took me back in. He went all the way down a couple more times. That was all the signal I needed!! With his lips around me and his fingers stroking me, I just exploded. I had never shot so many times before, and maybe never have until now. I just lay back, my legs in the water, my boner to the sky, catching my breath, wondering what had just happened.

He swam away and then back.

"Wow, I'm really glad the old man isn't here!"

"Uncle Mike?" I said. "He could be gone all day."

"Your uncle?" said James, "your real uncle? You aren't just a kid who cuts the grass?"

"Nope" I said, "I do this every week for him."

"Oh crap" said James. "I gotta go." He got dressed and left without a word.

"My uncle came back about half an hour later and I gave him the packet. James left this,' I said. He had to go.'

My uncle said "thanks, no message?"

"Nope" And that was all there was to that! Well, except that that event fueled my fires for a long time. And then it sort of drifted back into a Did that really happen? stage. In fact, I am surprised I can remember it in such detail, almost like I am telling you about a movie I just saw. Was that the sort of story you were expecting?"

"Well" Daniel said, "let's let a neutral judge decide" He pulled back the covers to reveal yet another hard on.

"Oh Man!" said Andy.

"Go for it! Daniel said, and Andy took it all in, just as James had done for him.

The next day I was going to be headed off to Mykonos, and I could tell that Andy was totally adrift about what to do. He really hadn't done his homework for this trip, but he did know that Mykonos should be his destination. He didn't have a reservation, though, or any ideas about where exactly to go, or how to get there. So, with self-serving helpfulness, I offered a possibility. Would you like me to call my friend and see if there is space in his house? He always seems willing to take friends in when other people ask, and I never have, so maybe it's my turn. I saw a sparkle in Andy's eyes

I called down to the desk and told them that I needed to call Mykonos; I had the number, and told the operator that I wanted to speak with James Cameron. I saw Andy whip around, but just then someone answered the phone with a bad connection, and all my attention went to make sense of the conversation. Eventually I was talking to James and I asked if there was a little extra space for another person.

My host laughed and said "Well, Daniel, if you want to make space in your bed, and it is a big one, then you can bring a friend. But I never expected a request like this from you, so I can't wait to see who you might be bringing."

"Ha ha! Thanks James." I said. But to myself I admitted that I never expected it either. When I turned back to Andy, his mouth was open and face was scarlet.

"Were you talking to James Cameron? James A. Cameron III?" His fingers were on his forehead like Karnak the Magnificent telling the future. "A physicist, I think?"

"The very one, I said, Dr. James Allen Cameron III, Distinguished Professor of Physics at MIT. Do you know him?"

"Remember the guy by the pool?" I paled.

"Yes." I said quietly.

"Well, I remember the return address on the fat envelope he was delivering that day: James A. Cameron III"

"And your Uncle Mike?" I asked weakly.

"Dr Michael Corrigan." Andy replied. "He gave me this trip."

"And he gave me and James tenure." I said. I sat down, caught my breath and collected my thoughts. "Our friend James is in for a very big surprise." I said. Just like me, I thought. We were quiet for a bit, with the implications of what we had just learned racing through our heads. But finally it was time to think about our day.

"Andy," I said, "my day in Athens is usually a museum crawl, and you are welcome to come along if you can stand it. But to be honest, I can't imagine that interests you. Hit the Plaka, Monastiraki, or any number of more interesting places if you want. I've got the room here for one more night, and you are welcome on Mykonos if that suits you. It is probably the pilgrimage that your uncle (I cringed at the thought) had in mind. But all that is up to you."

"Thanks Daniel, you are quite the guy. I would like to go to Mykonos with you, if that is really ok. I don't want to be a burden for you, or a drag on your fun."

"Andy, introducing you to James will be worth the price of the trip and more. Sharing my bed with you will be beyond pleasure, and showing you just a few of the hotspots of Mykonos will make me the envy of all. But I have no illusions; you may find Mr. Right, or maybe just Mr. Right Now, and if you do, I want you to know that you are not tied to me."

"Daniel, I don't know much, but I do know that if you go to a party, you stay with the guy that brung you, so please stop giving me escape routes. Maybe I have already met Mr. Right. Do your museums, I'm gonna explore this great city on my own; I've got my Lonely Planet!" he said, waving it aloft. "I'll see you back here in time for dinner." And so we parted for the day.

If I hadn't been a scientist, I think I would have been an art historian or an archaeologist. I loved old stuff, and the museums of Athens were filled with it. I went to the Benaki to see old friends, and the new Byzantine to make new friends. I read every label and soaked up the history.

Andy, I learned later, persuaded the desk clerk to call Andreas and then, after an interlude that he wouldn't talk about, persuaded him to take the afternoon off. That put Andreas on the night shift, so it was Andy and me for dinner in the Plaka and back to the hotel early, by Greek standards. We snuggled right in, and I slept like an ouzo- soaked log. I noticed how groggy Andy was the next morning, but I thought it was jet lag. It wasn't. He had spent the night with Andreas.

The ferry I had booked pulled out of Rafina just on time, and we found two good seats on the top deck. Some sun, some shade, and a strong Mediterranean breeze. The Bel Ami video music hummed in my ears, and I wondered what might be going on in the cabins below. In the video, I wondered why those guys had a cabin for such a short trip, but reality has never been a facet of porn videos, so I dismissed it. All I needed to do was look to my right, at the beautiful young man sitting next to me, to realize that I was living a video of my own making. And it had a plot line that was more fascinating that any author, porn or otherwise, could devise!

We were on our way to Mykonos, gay Mecca, so of course we were not alone. There was a corner of the deck devoted to sun worshippers, and it wasn't long before Andy was among them. First he stripped down to his shorts, and then a few minutes later he was down to his bikini briefs. I casually wandered over to warn him that Greek sun was about a hundred times stronger than the Massachusetts sun he was accustomed to, and while I loved the sight of him, he would be unhappy if he got burned to a crisp on his first day out. He joined me back in the shade a few minutes later, and I hugged him.

Andros was our first stop, then Tinos, then Mykonos. It was the home of my sanity, my release, my freedom. Here I was gay and proud of it! Of course I was gay 365/24/7, but proud can be hard to come by in the USA, even in Massachusetts. And this time, I was walking down the gangplank with someone. I knew he was probably not the love of my life, nor was I for him, but for now we were a couple, and we, well, he, turned heads.

On the ferry ride we had talked. He was adamant that for as long as I was on the island, he was my guy. Maybe he would leave with me, maybe he would find a way to stay. We had established a bond, and he was determined to honor that. He wanted to sample all the island had to offer (he had no idea what there was on the buffet table of sex) but he would always come home with the guy who brung him and that was me. Holy Crap! My status on this island was about to take a quantum leap! The first, most delicious morsel, however, lay before us: James Allen Cameron III.

When we got to the house, I was disappointed to find that James was at the beach. Well, no surprise there, I thought. But, I was ready for a drink and some pool time, but Andy was still eager for some street time, so he went out and I stayed in. I think if I had gone with him, I would be telling a very different story. After the drink and the pool, I found my way to a jet-lag nap.

Next: Chapter 3

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