Mediterranean Adventures

By Michael Stevens

Published on Feb 11, 2016


Mediterranean Adventure

Ch 3

On Mykonos

"Daniel! Daniel! Oh my God Daniel!" I heard. "Wake up!" OK, I had drowsed off after my second martini, but I wasn't in a coma or anything . A beautiful boy was waking me up! Maybe I had died and gone to heaven! NO! Wait! I knew this voice! "Oh Daniel!" he said, "So much has happened!" OK, now I was awake. Andy was talking, but there was another boy in front of me. The shaggy mop of hair was gone; a spiky blond cut was in its place and the beaming face of a beautiful boy shown beneath it. "I got a haircut!" he said, "and that is just part of it!"

"Slow down" I said, "and start at the beginning. I need to know how this transformation came about."

"OK, I went downtown and looked in lots of windows, mostly tourist stuff. On a little side street I saw a sign for a place called SUITS. Funny place for suits, I thought, then I discovered it was for bathing suits, and they weren't the kind you buy at JC Penney, either. Wow, they were sexy, so I went in.

"I can't wait to see what you bought."I said.

"I'm not done! I looked around a while, and the guy started making some suggestions. He pulled out a few different styles,, but I said it was really hard to tell what they would look like."

"Try them on!" he said, and he took me back to the dressing room with two different suits, one he called a square cut, and the other was a thong. "How are they?" he asked after a while.

"I like them both." I said.

"So I will decide." and he pulled the curtain aside. I was wearing the black square cut, which was really low in front. "Not bad." he said, "now the other", and he closed the curtain. "Come out when you are ready." he said. It took me a minute or two to make sure everything was where it belonged, and gather up my courage to open the curtain nearly naked, but I finally did. The clerk, his name was Marcus, didn't speak for a long time, and when he did, all he could say was holy crap. Then he said "Wrong color, dark blue is too harsh." He gave me another one to try, sort of a silvery gray, and when I came out, all he could say was "Oh My God."

"Daniel, it hardly covers anything! Well, it covers everything, but well..."

"You still haven't gotten to the haircut," I said.

"OK, so Marcus says there's just one thing. He came up close to me and tugged at the p-hairs that were escaping from the top edge.

"We gotta trim these, and I know just the person to do it. First, can I take your picture for the book?"

"Sure" I said, and he grabbed his camera and took a quick snap.

"OK, just put your shirt on and come with me." We went down the street a little bit and into a barber shop... well, not exactly a barber shop, but you get the idea. "Anthony!" He called out, "You busy?"

"What does it look like Marcus? We were the only ones there..."

"I have a trim job for you,, the kind you like!" Anthony is a little guy, and he popped out from the back room.

"Anything for you Marcus," and as he looked at me, "it will be all my pleasure. Step right this way, young man" and we went behind a curtained place that had a regular barber chair. "Are you wearing the suit,?" he asked.

"Yes." I said,

"Good, take off everything else." So I did, and sat down in the chair. He pushed a button and it reclined! I was feeling a little exposed, but it was too late to back out. Marcus tugged at my pubes again.

"Trim these," he said, "but not these." as he stroked that little path beneath my belly button. "That's a beautiful Treasure Trail." he said, "for the obvious reason."

" Andy, he said, I'm gonna get a little personal now, are you ok with that?"

"Do I have a choice?" I asked.

"Not if you want to look like a million dollars." he said.

"Then get your scissors" I said, and I settled in. He took a little bar of soap, like tailors use, and marked the top edge of the suit, then pulled it down a little and started snipping. Then he used a little electric trimmer. The vibrations started to give me a woodie but finally he said "OK, now stand up and get it the way you wear it.

"Yah! I've been wearing it for 20 minutes, like I know."

He said to just get it so it's comfortable, so I just thought of it like a jock strap, and settled myself in. "OK, just hold still." he said, and he snipped a few more times and that was it! Marcus approved and I started to get dressed, but he stopped me. "What are we gonna do about this?" He asked and he picked up a handful of hair on my head. "You got too much hair, and the last guys who had bangs were the Beetles. What did you pay for this cut?" he asked.

"$12.50" I said.

"No surprise." he replied. "If you just came in off the street I would charge you an arm and a leg, but since you came in with Marcus, It will only be half an arm. And when you go back to Suits, if Marcus doesn't say Holy Crap, I will refund everything. How would you feel about a crew cut? Not a total buzz, but spiky and short."

"Go for it." I said, and he did. I have to admit that I had been thinking about a haircut before I left the states, but not this short! But I like it! When he was done cutting, he told me that I had the sort of hair that would bleach out in the sun pretty well, but he wanted to give me a little head start, that's why it's blond."

"Andy," I said, "the blond makes me a little weak in the knees."

"You like it?" He asked boyishly?

"I love it!" I replied.

"There's more." he said.

"How could there possibly be more?" I said, "what's left?" He winked.

"One more thing," said Marcus, "and this is really personal. I noticed that you have pretty thick hair here", and he rubbed his hands between my legs. "Which means you probably have pretty thick hair here", and he cupped my balls.

"Shave my balls??!! He nodded.

"Smooth balls can be a real treat! And that would be on the house", he said, "It would be my pleasure."

"You didn't!" gaped Daniel.

"I did!" nodded Andy. "Or rather, he did." So I took off the suit and sat down and he put the chair back again.

"I'm gonna let you keep the big guy out of the way." so I held my dick up on my belly, and he lathered me up and went to work. I prayed I wouldn't get hard. When he was done shaving he said "This is gonna sting,"and he put a little aftershave on my balls! "And this will make it all better", and he took a squirt of lotion and massaged it in. I know he was having a good time with it and I didn't object. When he took another squirt of lotion and slid up towards my hole, I knew it was too late to object. There was no stopping my dick now, and no hiding it either! So I just let go and enjoyed the ride. When he saw how hard I was, he kept on massaging my hole and put my dick down his throat. With that combination, I didn't even try to hold back, and I came in about a minute. He swallowed it all, then took a hot towel, cleaned me up and dried me off. I got dressed and reached for my wallet.

"What do I owe you?" I asked.

"Not a single Euro." he said. "On the house."

What about this? I asked. He clearly had a boner, and I reached down and gave it a little wiggle.

"I think I'll let Marcus take care of that." he winked.

"Thank you" I said, "you have been very helpful and generous."

"The pleasure is all mine." he replied. When I went back to Suits, Marcus said "Holy Crap! I need another picture!" So first I just unbuttoned the shirt. Then after a few clicks I stripped down to just the thong and he snapped a few more, telling me to stand this way and that. Finally he gave me one more direction, and I put my hands up behind my neck and he clicked one more. "Got it", he said finally, "that's the one for the book."

"What do I owe you?" I asked.

"Well, kid, I'm gonna give you a chance to earn it. How would you like to model it in the window? We put on a fashion show after everyone comes back from the beach, right around cocktail time" He winked at the pun. "You'll have `em all covering their boners." Daniel's eyes widened in amazement.

"I'm going to have a Suits model in my bed?? Oh My God! My standing in this community is going to go through the roof! I gotta see this suit." So Andy got it out of the bag and discovered something else too. "Ooh, he gave me a tank top that goes with it! I wonder what I have to do for that?"

"Come on, come on, I want to see it all on you."

"Close your eyes while I change." he said, suddenly modest.

"OK" he said and I opened my eyes to see a blond god clad in shimmering silver in front of me. Andy, I said, you are magnificent.

Next: Chapter 4

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