Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on May 28, 2020


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With this chapter, Melting Pot went over 50,500 words in length, and 70 pages single spaced, making it the longest thing I've ever written. Thank you all for your kind comments for my first ever fiction story.

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 13 by Rilobo1

Juergen went back upstairs, and I dragged my by now very tired ass the bathroom to take a long, hot shower, and get ready for bed. After the shower, I felt brand new, and even had a spring in my step! One of my guilty pleasures has always been father/son erotica, and the thought that I would probably witness it in real life tomorrow gave me a bit of a chub. I had noticed earlier that Jonas did in fact seem to be a younger version of his father, as well as the fact that I now had muscle memory of how the father would fuck the son added so much to my fantasy. I was in my boxers, drying my hair with a towel when I heard my phone chime. It was a message from Atul .

Atull: "R U still awake?" Rich: "Yeah buddy. What's up?" Atul: "R is sleeping, but I cannot" Rich: "U really need 2. U will need strength tomorrow! LOL" Atul: "Yeah. I know. Can I come down for a bit?" Rich: "Of course. UR always welcome here." Atul: "OK. OMW"

I got up and met Atul at the door. He came in, closed the door, and gave me a nice kiss -- not a "sexy" kiss, but a really nice one nonetheless. There is a little table in the entry foyer, where I normally place my wallet, keys, and loose change on coming home. Inside its little drawer is the normal stuff we all keep -- spare batteries, rolled coins, receipts for food deliveries and such. There I also keep the spare keys for the apartment & car. I also have extra spare apartment keys so that the infrequent friend or family member can have access when they are here. I took out one of the apartment keys and handed it over to Atul, letting him know that he doesn't need my permission to be here. His smile lit up, and he thanked me with another, nicer kiss, as well as a hug. I stepped back, and beheld his casual attire -- it was almost as if he had dressed like me earlier on purpose -- tee-shirt, sweat pants, and barefoot. He could see that I was a bit tired, so he quickly came to his reason for visiting me, asking "is it ok if I sleep with you?"

I was taken aback momentarily. Didn't we just do that a couple of hours ago? Then it ticked in my head: he wanted to "sleep" sleep, not "euphemism" sleep. He probably had never really had a chance to sleep with anyone with whom he had an emotional attachment. I just smiled into his brown eyes, grabbed his hand, and pulled him to my bedroom once again. He matched my attire quite quickly, losing his tee-shirt and sweatpants leaving only his boxer briefs on. Damn! Even flaccid, he filled them out admirably! He got in the bed, and was on my left side -- the one preferred by Jason. He rolled onto his right side, fitting his left leg over my left leg, and left arm over my torso. I placed my left arm under his pillow, and wrapped him tighter unto my body. The top of his head was just below my ear, and his lips were nuzzled against my neck. I turned my head to the left, and was able to breathe through his raven black hair, an give him little kisses on his forehead. This was so goddamned comfortable and complimentary.

Only then did he begin to speak again. He told me that he had been dreaming of sleeping in my arms, and even though he could only do it for a few hours, he had to make it happen. I asked him when he needed to be back upstairs, he said about 3:00 AM, so I had Alexa set an alarm for them. Neither of us seemed ready to shut our eyes just yet, so I told him what I learned about Juergen and Jonas. I could feel him nodding his head in understanding. He was confused with how a straight father could have sex with his own son, but hearing how love can often bring us to confront and overcome the impossible helped him get a grasp. He told me that if he had a son, he would move heaven and hell to make sure his boy got what he needed. I just chuckled, and said "we have Jason and Alex, and I know I'd do pretty much anything to protect them." He just nodded in agreement. I then told him that I was going to help them out to take care of Jason whenever needed, and asked if he'd be willing to help me out with that as well. This time, Atul, pulled his head up to look into my eyes, and said "yes, but I must get Jason's approval first", before putting his head back up against mine. I then turned off the light, and whispered "I love you, baby." He whispered "I love you more". And then we both drifted off.

3:00 AM came much too quickly. Before the alarm sounded, I was in a very sweet dreamscape where Atul and I were married, and living together in a mountain cabin along with Alex and Jason, our two adopted sons. I don't ever remember feeling such peace, just as Alexa started chiming us awake. I told Alexa to stop, and then felt Atul moving a bit at my side. His mouth had formed a small pool of drool on my shoulder, and his erect cock had poked itself out from the top of his briefs, and formed a small pool of drool on my hip. Far from disgusted, I just reveled in the real-life feelings, which weren't too far from my dreamscape feelings at all. I did wait a minute or two before actively trying to bring Atul back to consciousness -- which he resisted terribly. When he did pop back to this plane of existence, he manhandled me onto my right side, effectively becoming the big spoon, and began rubbing and sliding his huge, moist cockhead into my underwear clad crack. I pulled away, turned toward him, and told him that he needed to save that for Jason later this morning, who would be needing and expecting Atul's full and undivided attention for an extended amount of time. Atul groaned, but grudgingly accepted that line of reasoning.

To help make it easier for Atul, I did bend over, and wrap my lips around his naked cockhead, and licked him clean. It was an effort of will to pull off, and not bring him to orgasm. I did, however, promise him that if he came home for lunch the next day, I'd spread my legs wide open for him, and let him do to me whatever his heart desired. He grinned broadly at me, and managed to get off the bed, reaching for his tee-shirt and sweatpants and getting dressed. I walked to the door with him, gave him a nice kiss, and told him it was like a dream to actually get to sleep with him, and that we'd have to do this more often. He agreed, and then left, telling me he'd see me later. I went back to bed, and was soon back in blissful dreamland, after telling Alexa to wake me at 8:00 AM.

I rolled out of bed again, thoroughly cleansed myself, showered, dressed, and made myself some tea and toast. I caught up with the news, and looked up at the clock -- 8:59 AM. Knowing how punctual Germans tend to be, I shut down my laptop, got up, and walked to the door just in time to hear it knock: It was the Meier family. They were both freshly showered and smartly dressed. I asked if they'd had breakfast, and they both grinned; it was so nice for them to have a German breakfast in America. They had been here living in a hotel for about a week and a half, and certainly not enjoying the hotel's breakfast offerings. I couldn't blame them. I told them we could take my car, and they walked with me. Juergen had his hand on Jonas' shoulder, protectively caressing it and his neck; it was so very plain to see how much the man loved his son.

I thought we'd start outside of Clarkston, to the places that had things (good bread and fresh deli products) not found in Clarkston, so we headed up Montreal Road, and down Lawrenceville Highway, I pointed out the places that might be of use to them, like the CVS pharmacy, Bruster's ice cream, and the Home Depot. Turning into Shamrock Plaza, I pointed out the dingy little Hong Kong Garden restaurant, which didn't look inviting at all. I told him that this place made the BEST Chinese food in Atlanta, but to only order pick-up, as the dining room was nasty. We did park, and we went into the Publix supermarket, which has a very nice deli section, as well as a bakery that made fairly decent breads.

We climbed back in the car and jetted across the road to the German bakery to look at what was there. We bought some more broetchen, fresh from the oven, and I got a rye loaf -- it looked delicious. Next, we headed to Scottdale to the DeKalb Farmer's Market: one of the most interesting shopping venues in the whole Southeast. Due to it being rather early Sunday morning, it wasn't packed as usual, and we were able to park close to the front doors. Both were blown over by the huge selection of everything from all over the world! The freshest veggies, fruits, and meats anywhere. They picked up some fresh fruits and a big tin of olive oil. I warned them to get there early if they ever wanted to shop there.

Driving back, I looked into the rear view mirror and saw Jonas squirming in his seat. I asked him if he was ok, and he just mentioned that he felt his itch again. Juergen looked back at his son and told him to be patient, and that we both would take thorough care of his itch as soon as we got back. Jonas' face lit up into a grin when he heard that. We finally got to Clarkson, and did a drive-around. I showed him the package store that stocked the Koelsch beer for me. The owner was outside the store, and I introduced him to Juergen, telling him that Clarkston had another fan of the Koelsch -- he promised he would order extra for us. We then went to the Thriftown and walked around the dingy, tightly packed mini-version of the DeKalb Farmers Market, telling them that the Thriftown had all the basic needs, and the prices -- especially for meats -- were quite reasonable. I showed them the European food section, and they picked up some spice packets for Cevapcici, spiced meatballs that are popular in Germany. Jonas also wanted some cherry juice. On the way home, I showed Juergen the Nepalese restaurant I liked so much, pointing out they had a really good lunch buffet -- with my favorite, curried goat. We then went by the Vietnamese restaurant, and the schwarma stand. The tour ended by me pointing out the Inserection sex shop, where other necessary "supplies" could be found.

Our little tour bus got back home about 10:45, and I told Juergen and Jonas I had something to take care of until a little past 11:00, and then I'd be up to see them. Jonas wanted to know what I had to do, Juergen started to tell him to mind his own business, but I didn't mind. In fact, I wanted to ease they little guy's mind about things. I told him that Atul and Jason were coming by to spend some time to give each other "Sonderhandlung". I could see the little gears in his head working, and then the light bulb went off: "they are boyfriends then?" I said "yes, but we all needed to keep that information to ourselves." Jonas nodded in understanding. I told them to go on upstairs, and get ready for training.

I had noticed Atul's car was gone, and hoped that all had gone well in getting Rana to her group. Jason then bounded out his front door and nearly ran directly into me. I caught him, and asked if perhaps he was just a little excited? He just gave me a "duh!" and an eye-roll. I took him inside, and before I could tell him to go and get ready for Atul, he was already half naked and making way toward the bathroom. I picked up the trail of clothing he left behind, and went to go prepare the guestroom: I was getting rather good at it. In short order, everything was ready, and Jason slipped back into the guest room, where he put his clothes back on for Atul to take off just minutes later. Before he did, I went ahead and lubed his little rectum up well with some cherry flavored lube I had bought a while ago on a whim. I could surmise that Atul would be spending some time rimming the tyke this morning, and that a little different flavor might prove interesting. Jason finished dressing just as Atul entered, using his new key. I gave Jason a hug and a kiss, the same to Atul, and then told them I'd be upstairs with the Meier's family. Jason gave a quizzical look, but Atul headed him off, saying that he'd tell Jason all about it. I left them with a friendly admonition to keep things in control, and not to be having any new medical "episodes" without Dr. Rich here to fix things. They both laughed. As I was leaving, I heard Jason say "I want you inside me so freakin' much baby!" I left on that note, having my own things to get into. I reached their door at about 11:02 -- Late by German standards, but hey, I'm not German, and they'd have to get used to life in America!

I had barely given a single knock when the door opened and swung open inside. I didn't see anyone in front of me, so I took a couple steps in, and heard the door close behind me. Turning to my right, I saw Papa and son, standing there -- naked as the day they were born. I gave them both a quick once-over. Indeed, Jonas seemed to be a truly miniature version of his Papa: Jonas only came up to his father's nipples, but they had the same colored hair, same eyes, same build, and differing only in body hair, the same alabaster skin. Both of them had semi hard cocks, and they looked nearly identical except for size. Jonas was only about three inches in length, but similarly proportioned with his father. Papa, wasting no time for niceties, suggested we move on to the bedroom. They walked in front of me, Jonas with his arm around Juergen's waist, and Juergen's right hand placed on Jonas' rump, middle finger slowly caressing his crack. Their asses were a matched set, and I wondered if I'd ever get the chance to be inside both of them. Reaching the bedroom, Jonas jumped right up in the center, scooted down the pillow so that he was laying on his back. I suppose this is the "go-to" fuck position. Juergen sat on the side of the bed, giving me a "well? Let's get on with this" nod. I was already hard as Stone Mountain, and quickly disrobed to be the same state of total nudity as they were. Juergen asked what he should do, and I simply replied "what you usually do to service your boy. I need to watch, and learn."

Juergen hopped up, Jonas raised his legs in a straight, wide "V" posture, lifting his rear end into the air, and applied lube with his finger to his rosebud. Juergen knee-walked up to his son's ass, and looked down at the delicate pink flower now opened up to him. In fewer than ten heartbeats, Juergen's penis reached full erection. He grabbed the lube from his son, and liberally lubed his shaft and hand. Then, without much further ado, leaned over his boy, placing his hand on the bed under Jonas' armpits, took aim, and perfunctorily shoved his penis all the way into his boy -- just like he had fucked me the night before. Jonas squeezed his eyes shut, and moaned deeply. After about ten strokes, Jonas opened his eyes, and looked up into his father's eyes with complete gratitude. They didn't talk to each other, but seemed to be communicating.

I broke the silence, asking Jonas to describe how he felt at the moment. He seemed confused with the idea of talking during Sonderhandlung, but I explained it was important for me to know. He told me that his Papa was scratching his itch, and soon it would be gone. I then asked Juergen how he felt, him telling me that it was like being inside the softest vice-grip in the world. I also asked him what he was thinking before he inserted his penis, when he was gazing down at his boy's pussy. Juergen relayed that it was the most beautiful sight in the world, and he really wanted to lick it then, but my instructions were to do what he would normally do. Germans! During this entire exchange, neither the tempo nor the depth of the fuck varied.

I asked Juergen to stop and pull out. He complied, but Jonas whined a bit at the cessation of the scratching. I asked Juergen to lean back on the pillows beside his son, and started telling them about the need for Jonas to have as many orgasms as possible during Sonderhandlung. Juergen seemed unaware that most boys of that age could have multiple orgasms, and that insuring that the first one got out of the way quickly meant the subsequent orgasms could be more deep and satisfying. Juergen nodded as if that made perfect sense to him. So without further ado, asked Jonas if I could show him something. He looked to Juergen, who nodded back. Jonas said "yes, Herr Rich, show me what it is". I asked Juergen to watch carefully and take good notes. I pulled Jonas' legs down so that his feet were spread but on the bed. Taking his cock carefully between my index finger and thumb, pulling down his foreskin, and then wrapping my lips around his cock. Jonas nearly bolted up onto the ceiling in an instant, but my other hand forced his chest back down onto the bed. Jonas wiggled wildly and set about moaning and cooing constantly at my ministrations. As my tongue bathed his naked cockhead, my lips tightened on the shaft as they traveled from corona to base. I soon perceived Jonas to be close to an orgasm, so I pulled off for him to recover. Cue Jonas' whining.

I asked Juergen to take my position at Jonas' crotch, but he seemed hesitant. I asked him if he was ok, but his reply shocked me. It wasn't that he didn't want to suck his own son's dick, but rather that he was unsure what to do. Easily solved! I had Juergen lay somewhat on his side so that I could reach his genitals, and told him to replicate on his son what I was doing to him. I also warned him to try to sheathe his teeth with his lips. Tooth contact during fellatio can be a wonderful thing, but not from a giver who has little experience in the genre. Juergen seemed ready to do this, and I repeated on the father what I had done on the son, stripping back the foreskin to the base, and engulfing the cockhead fully. Soon, Juergen was moaning himself, and it felt like his cockhead was growing in size indicating imminent for Papa to bring Jonas to his orgasm. Juergen had learned what to do, so I pulled off of his cock. Juergen followed suit, and pulled off of Jonas -- and the whining recommenced.

I pulled myself up to the level of Jonas' penis on the other side of his body from his father, and told Juergen that we should make Jonas happy together. He nodded in agreement, and we both attacked his boy's naked cockhead with our combined tongues. Soon, the scheme changed son that one of us completely engulfed the shaft, relinquishing it to the other after a few penetrations. In the interim, the other went about engulfing the tiny ball sack with its delicate little jewels. From time to time, we would both be on the scrotum, fighting over the jewels with our lips. Jonas, for his part, simply spread his legs so that we both had complete access. Very few minutes later, as we were both fighting over the cockhead, Jonas went into a rigor state, and all of his muscles spasmed: he was in the throes of possibly the best orgasm he had ever had in his young life. Soon, he came to his senses, and begged both of us to stop, insisting that he could take no more!

Juergen stopped dutifully, and made as if to sit up on the bed. I held him down, and told him to look at his son's pussy. Jonas had spread his legs so wide, that his ass was splayed out and twitching in time with his spasming dick. Juergen seemed mesmerized by the sight, and I whispered into his year: "You know what to do. You did it to me last night. Make your boy happy." Juergen went to work on his son's pussy, licking and prodding, slowly widening the already existing gape. I just sat to the side, and took in the entire show. Jonas brought his knees up to his chest, granting more access to Juergen. Jonas's chest and face became flushed with red as untold new feelings were gathering in the boy. Juergen looked up at me questioningly, and I told him to just keep on what he was doing. Jonas would let him know what to do next, and when to do it. Barely a few minutes later, Juergen had his entire tongue inside his son, and the boy was ready to explode. Jonas started babbling, and then found his words: "Fuck me Papa. Fuck me now! Please Papa!" I asked Juergen if I might take over for a few minutes, and he nodded "yes". While I lubed my own shaft, Juergen lifted up and told his son that Mr. Rich would take over. Juergen sat up and moved to the side so that I could take up residence between the boys legs, plowed in, and started long dicking him just as his father had.

The boy started moaning and cooing as before, and before long I told him I was going to change some things, and that he should tell me if it felt better or worse. I grabbed his ankles and pushed them forward to allow for contact with the immature nub. Immediately, his eyes started bulging out, and he started babbling "So good! So good! More!" I then changed and started short strokes aimed at only his prostate. I asked him "is this where your itch is?" He couldn't speak, he could only nod his head with heavy breath. Sensing an impending orgasm, I pulled his ankles back, and went back to long dicking him. When the impending orgasm had faded, I wanted to try another experiment. I started with two short strokes followed by a long one, and after several iterations, changed to one short stroke, followed by two long ones. Like at the eye doctor, the questions were "does this feel better, or this?" After several comparison sessions, Jonas finally settled on the two long and one short strokes. I looked at Juergen, and asked "do you understand what to do?" and Juergen nodded vigorously.

My handoff to Juergen was so quick that Jonas didn't have time to whine. In no time, Juergen was pounding his boy, making two slapping sounds followed by the short stroke. Jonas' legs were obscenely spread wide by his father's tight grasp on his ankles. The sight of a father raw fucking and very close to breeding his own sun was by far the nastiest, and most erotic thing I had ever witnessed in my life. The boy seemed to start hyperventilating, so Papa leaned forward, and began kissing his son's tender lips to help moderate his breathing. Jonas was nearly at fever pitch, so I leaned over and whispered into Juergen's ear that he was fully in control of when his son orgasmed. He knew then what to do, pushing his son's feet forward, increasing the pace, and shortening the strokes to overpower Jonas' prostate. In seconds, Jonas began screaming, his entire body in a spasm, and Juergen plowed deeply inside, enjoying the tight grip of his son, as his cockhead expanded, and he himself began to shoot his seed deeply into his son.

There were several minutes needed for the both of them to regain their breath and composure. I was guessing that neither of them had experienced that level of ecstasy before. Juergen raised himself up into an upright position, still connected with his son's rectum. When we both looked down, Jonas had heavy eyelids, and a sweet smile on his face. I asked Jonas what that felt like, and he just crooned "Heaven. That was heaven." I asked him if still itched, and he replied "No. the itch is gone." With that, Jonas closed his eyes, and fell fast asleep: the child was exhausted. Juergen slowly pulled his penis out of his son, and carefully placed a handy hand towel under his son's ass to catch any release during his nap. We covered him with a blanket, and his visage immediately changed from randy cockwhore to sleeping angel. Juergen and I got up carefully, so as to let him get the rest he so desperately needed, and retired to the living room.

Sitting naked with Juergen no longer seemed so odd. He once again became the analytical German, seeking out the meaning and nuances of what had just happened. He was particularly enthralled that the entire episode, while being more emotionally and erotically charged than any prior experience he'd ever had, had taken only thirty minutes to turn his worked-up, anxious son into a peaceful cherub. This experience had been a game changer, and he had a thousand questions for which he sought answers. Not being able to answer his questions adequately, I finally suggested that if he were to ever experience what Jonas experienced, he'd have the answers for himself. He considered this point, nodded thoughtfully, stood up, and went back to the bedroom. Jurgen came back a few seconds later, handed me the bottle of lube, and asked me to show him what I meant. He laid back against the back of the couch, and spread his legs for me.

Next: Chapter 14

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