Memoirs of a Teenager

By ddrarrow

Published on May 2, 2023


Hey guys. This is my first story. This story and the names of the characters are completely fictional and based off of no personal experiences. However, the setting is real. Most of the time, there will be barely any sex or sexual content in this story, just 'cause I'm not that kind of author. However, there is a bit of sexual content in this particular chapter. If you're conservative or whatever, then just skip it or don't read the story!

Now that that's out of the way, enjoy!

Memoirs of a Teenager

Chapter One: The Beginning

"Who's there? Why is it so dark...?"

"You know who I am."

"Who are you? What the hell do you want with me?"

There stands a dark figure against the light.

"You know what I want. I want what you took from me so long ago. My innocence... You stole my innocence that day... You don't deserve the privilege of life... Your life ends here."

"What!? No! Who are you!? Stop this! No... Please..."

Then the alarm went off.

"Jesus Christ... What the hell... Ugh, what was that all about?"

Maybe I should start with some introductions. My name is David, and today is my first day of high school. One look at me would scream 'ASIAN', but my last name is Hernandez. Well, that's 'cause I'm Filipino. I'm somewhere around 5'9" and I look like I weigh 175 pounds, but I'm really 200 since I've built up a lot of leg muscle from Tae Kwon Do.

Anyways, I've always heard good things about Yorktown High School, but today is gonna be the day when I finally see if Yorktown is as good as they say.

They always say that your first day is your best and brightest.

...Or not. Turns out that it's downpouring like shit at the bus stop. I guess I'll just have to stand out in the cold and rain in my umbrella. That's when I notice someone else walking towards the bus stop...

"No, it couldn't be..." I said to myself. "Hey!" I shouted. The kid looks in my direction... "Is that you, Thomas?"

Turns out it is. Thomas Yu is one of my good friends from elementary school. He seems to be the only non-Filipino Asian I know. Kinda strange, when you think about it. It had been about three years since we'd last seen each other.

"Yo, David, is that you?"

"Dude, it's been, like, three years, man. What's up with you?"

"Nothing much, just chillin'. It's raining like shit out here. Let's go to that bus stop over there. We can get some shelter from the rain, you know?"

"Yeah, sure, but the bus passes by on this side of the road, so we gotta stay here."

"tch, you're right. Let's wait then."

Eventually, the bus driver reaches the bus stop and picks us up. We learn later in the year that he can be one of the more... 'special' bus drivers... With an 'shul', of course.

Yorktown is pretty big, to say the least. The school is comprised of two buildings, a courtyard, and the seemingly requisite swimming pool at every high school in Arlington County. It's also nice since I don't know a lot of people that are gonna be going to Yorktown.

Ok, ok, I know that seems kinda messed up, but let me explain:

I went to Swanson Middle School, and pretty much evreyone who goes there ends up going to Washington-Lee High School. I, on the other hand, decided to transfer after, and I don't intend to break any copyrights here, a series of unfortunate events. Well, unfortunate is putting it lightly.

I'd known that there was something different with me ever since fifth grade. I was out on a summer camping trip with some summer program and my mother, being the slight germaphobe that she is, told me that I had to take a shower over at the campsite, since the campsite was more like an 'outdoor residential area', complete with fully functioning bathrooms.

I decided to go with a couple of my friends at the camp, Kevin and Joe. We were all taking showers, and that was when I realized that I had left my towel about ten feet away from my shower stall. To make matters worse, I took somewhat long showers, and everyone was already outside of their stalls.

"Hey, Kevin... Can you grab my towel? It's over by my clothes to your left." I asked from behind the curtain.

The next two sentences that Kevin spoke changed my life completely.

"C'mon David, go get it yourself. I mean, we all have the same parts and stuff, right?"

Well, not wanting to look like a pussy, I went out and got my towel. As I stepped out of the shower stall, Joe said, "David, your thing is pretty big. It's way bigger than mine or Kevin's." I had never thought about it, since I had never seen another dick in my life prior to then. I guess he was right, I was probably four or five inches back then, but that doesn't really matter and I'm not gonna get too deep into it.

I took a look at Kevin's body, and something in me had sparked. I was already starting puberty at the tender age of ten, and I had already discovered the joys of self-pleasure, among a few other things. The sight of Kevin's naked form, however, made me feel strange, like I was rubbing my dick without actually rubbing my dick. I later learned that this was the best emotion known to man: horniness.

I noticed that Kevin and Joe were also checking me and each other out. I don't know what came over me next, but I said one of the most uncharacteristic things I could have possibly said...

"Um, Kevin... Can I... Can I... Can I suck your dick?"

Inside, I was a combination of excited and nervous, and at the same time I was sort of punching my self in the face, mentally, of course, for saying something so bluntly like that.

"Um... Sure..." Kevin said. That kind of stunned me, but my prepubescent hormones had gotten the better of me. Before I knew it, I was on my knees with a dick in my mouth. There was something inside of me that told me that this was where I was meant to be, and so I started. I'm not gonna get into any detail, mainly 'cause I was freakin' ten back then and I had zero experience. No technique, no foreplay, just me bobbing up and down on a cock. That's it.

Afterwards, I was even more stunned when Kevin had asked to do the same thing to me. Still on a sexual high, I let him go down on me. It was the best feeling I've had to this day. Joe got some from me as well, but he's not really that important.

Ever since that camping trip, Kevin and I have been sneaking off to the bathroom to do some more cocksucking during the summer program. After that, I only met him once, at another summer program before seventh grade, but we were too shy to talk a lot about it.

Sure, this isn't 'unfortunate series of events' material, but it's good background information... Sorta.

In sixth grade, my first day of middle school at Swanson Middle School, I met someone who kinda piqued my interest and gave me that horniness feeling like Kevin did. His name was Josh. We started to become friends in seventh grade, after we started competing on the school competitive academics team. Into eighth grade, I finally started realizing that I was seriously attracted to this guy. That's when it hit me like a brick wall: I was gay.

I mean, sure, I did some stuff back in the past, but I sorta dismissed that as just experimenting. Finally, in eighth grade, I labeled myself as gay. However, this new realization came with some pressure to keep it secret, and that just really ate away at me for months without end. When the Winter Break came around, I vowed that I would come out to my friends about who I really was.

Bad idea.

Well, I came out to Josh first, and I had suspected him of being queer ever since seventh grade. Maybe he was just weird like that. Anyways, I accidentally let out that I had a crush on him, and it turned out that I guessed wrong. He took it the wrong way and I really sunk into depression. I put up with it for an agonizing four months when I finally declared that I was gonna kill myself in front of Josh on April 20th, 2006, since that was the closest day when I could catch him before he got to his house. I felt like he needed to see what he had done to me, or something like that. It was sort of a blur, really.

Another bad idea.

Apparently, April 20th, 1999 was the day when two young teenagers decided to shoot up a school down in Colorado. Columbine, anyone? Anyways, I had absolutely no idea that the Columbine shooting was on the 20th. Somehow, news of my depression, and eventual suicide, had gotten to Josh's mom, and she called the cops on me. I had to stay in custody of the police for four days, then I was sent to an inpatient program for a week to get some treatment. Luckily, they said I didn't need drugs, which meant that there would be nothing fucking with my normal thought processes. Afterwards, I spent another four weeks in police custody and I was finally released to my parents under modified house arrest, meaning that I did not have to wear an ankle bracelet, but I had to call in whenever I had to leave the house and the police would check in on me periodically. Finally, I was let off with a year of probation, under charges of threatening another person, although it was a complete misunderstanding. Strange how the legal system works like that.

So basically, I had to suffer through an emotional and legal hell for the latter part of eighth grade, and that's why I'm glad to be transferring to another school to start over again.

Well, let's get back to the present, shall we?

I have Guitar I first period, which is fine by me. I'm a rather avid guitarist, and I hope to get a band together by the end of high school so I don't have to go to college. Yeah, I'm super-smart, but I'm also super-lazy.

Afterwards, I have Algebra II for second period, P.E. for third, and then I get fourth-period lunch. After that, It's off to Spanish II for fifth, Intensified Biology for sixth, Advanced World History for seventh, and Advanced English for eighth.

Yeah, what'd I tell ya? Super-smart, but I'd rather go touring than study in college.

First and second period were a breeze, but third period was, well... Interesting. Watching other guys change is definitely a plus in my book, but I don't want to accidentally out myself again after last year's fiasco, so I had to pick a locker where nobody is gonna be.

After third period was over, one of my classmates, Nathan, walks up to me and asks me the most unexpected question, "Dude, are you gay?"

First thing going through my mind is 'What the hell!?', and second thing is 'Who the fuck told you that!?'. I just blew it off and said that I wasn't gay and I told him to tell the guy that told him that to prepare for a serious beatdown.

The rest of the day was just a blur. I remember being the 'new kid' and sitting at an empty table during lunch, and breezing through my last four classes.

After school, I got on the big yellow bus and get back to my house. Almost immediately, I decided to grab the phone and call Brandan. Brandan has been my best friend since sixth grade, and we've been real damn close ever since. He's probably the only person that really accepts me for who I am, seeing as all of my other 'friends' from middle school decided to abandon me.




"Yo, Brandan, it's David!"

"Dude! What's up? How was your first day?"

"Man, it was a fuckin' drag! I was bored as shit, but..."

"But what?"

"Well, there's this kid... Nathan Smith, I think was his name. He almost made me shit myself."


"No, no, no... Lemme explain... Either he has some sort of twisted sixth sense or he has friends from Swanson, but he just asked me if I was a fag at school today."

"What the fuck!? Dude, fuck him!"

"Whoa, just 'cause I'm gay doesn't mean that you can direct my sex life!"

"...You suck."

"I know I do."

"Not like that, retard! Anyways, that kid is a bitch. I've seen him hanging out with Dean. He's probably the reason Nathan knows about this."

"Dean? tch... Well, I guess I can bluff him like I did today. I mean, I can just blow it off and say that its just some bullshit some kid got the entire school to believe, right?"

"Yeah, good idea. So, what else is up?"

"Nothin' much. What about you, dude?"

"Well, maybe you should come over to my place and we can talk there. I haven't seen you in, like, forever."

"Uh... Alright, then. I'll be over in five-ish minutes."


"You know me. I always add random suffixes to words. Whatever. I'm going now."


I hung up the phone and got my skateboard. Psht, I'm no good at skateboarding; I can't even ollie. Snowboarding is more of my element.

When I got there, the first thing I noticed was his hair. Usually, Brandan has light brown hair, but he had these crazy platinum blonde highlights!

"Dude! Your hair!"

"Yeah. I got it highlighted. People at school have been calling me Aaron Carter all day!"

"Dude, that makes absolutely no sense at all! Aaron Carter has blonde hair and you're not some whiny bitch California wigger-rapper kid."

"Good point."

"Wait, so this is why you made me come over to your place?"

"Eh, sure, why not? Besides, we haven't hung out in a long time."

"Yeah. Good point."

So, all we did was play video games and Brandan taught me how to skate a little bit. Later, we started talking about random stuff like girls. Mind you, both he and I know full well that I'm gay, but we can still talk about girls 'cause I can still pass judgment on those who I deem 'fucking ugly'.

"Dude, have you seen Maddie Farber? She looks totally hot this year!" Brandan said.

"I guess, if braces and pale skin are what you're into. All the girls at Yorktown either are ugly or got ugly over the summer. Maddie Berner looks sorta like a slut now. She packed on some serious pounds, but she still wears the same size clothes! To make things worse, she wears the worst kind of lipstick, it's this really solid red, like what you'd find on a woman named 'Wednesday' or 'Sugah Momma'. Honestly, and don't forget that we have Samantha Bubadias at our school."

"Oh God. That sucks. I guess you really do have good reason to be gay, huh?"

"Shut it, bitch."

"Hahah. Well, there's probably at least one person that's good dating material."

"Oooooh, so Brandan's got himself a crush! C'mon, tell me who it is! Pleeease?"

"Not now. I'll tell you some other time."

"Aw, fine. I've gotta go to Tae Kwon Do anyways. I'll see ya later."

"Alright. See ya, dawg."

"You called me 'dawg' again, you wigger!"

"Shut up, fool! Peace."

"Peace, man."

I skated back to my house to get ready for Tae Kwon Do. I'm currently a Green Belt, which is five ranks below a Black Belt.

When my parents got home, they brought me to the studio. I walked inside and greeted (grote?) my friend, Alex. Alex is also a good friend of mine, but we're really far from the bond that Brandan and I have. He doesn't even know that I like guys. We don't even hang out at all. We just know each other through Tae Kwon Do and the only thing other than that is the fact that we share our last three classes together. Aside from that, he's more of a 'good acquaintance' than a friend.

"Hey, dude."

"Hey Alex."

"Dude, you ready for some TKD?"

"Of course, man."

"Hey, have you heard about Ms. Eiserman and Mr. Briscoe?"

"No, what's up with them?"

"Well, it turns out that we'll have to go through a gauntlet this year. A lot of the juniors are saying that their AP classes are easier than a Briscoe-Eiserman class."

"Oh. Ouch. Well, I gotta get dressed out. Class starts in, like, 10 minutes and I wanna get warmed up first, y'know?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

So we participated in some TKD. It was the usual, 50 jumping jacks, 40 push-ups, 40 crunches, etc.

That's pretty much an entire day for me. After that, I just sorta sit around and do nothing for the rest of the night. Maybe tonight I can finally have a good night's sleep, nightmare-free and all.

I set my alarm for 6:30 am and go to sleep.

Ok, so I'm not exactly the best author (or at least in this author's opinion!), but I hope it's enjoyable enough for another installment! Any comments can be sent to

Next: Chapter 2

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