Memoirs of a Teenager

By ddrarrow

Published on Jul 7, 2023


Hello everyone! It's me, DDR, and it's time for another one of my poorly composed stories! Strange how people seem to like my writing. I don't storyboard it or anything, I just write.

Anyways, a lot of you liked the last story (Memoirs of a Teenager), so I've decided to continue upon my previous story.

...Sort of.

This story (A Love Reawakened) and all of its parts, components, etc., are copyright of me ( and are not to be stolen, reproduced, slightly altered and claimed as one's own work, and so on. Please don't steal my stuff. Doing so automatically results in me flying to your house, going super-saiyan, and kamehameha-ing the hell out of you.


This story is completely fiction. Meaning, nothing in this story is non-fiction. Get a dictionary if you're still confused.

Additionally, there is no erotica in this story. Go figure.


A Love Reawakened

Prologue: Changes

Today one of my best friends was coming over to my house today. We were gonna hang out and play mind-rotting videogames, as always. That's what a couple of 11-year-olds do when they hang out, right?

When I heard the doorbell ring, I went downstairs and opened the door.

"Hey Josh," I said.

"Hey dude, what's up?" Josh asked.

"Nothing much. You wanna go up to my room?"


"You want anything to drink?"

"Uhh... Why not? Get me a Coke, okay?"


And there I was, getting a Coke for Josh. Little did I know that that would be a rather fatal mistake.

"Hey!! Get up here!" Josh said.

"What, man?" I said as I was opening the door.

There he was, sitting in my chair, hunched over. On the screen was a picture of a guy having sex with another guy.

"You wanna explain this, you fag?" Josh spat.

"What? I don't know how-"

"Don't say anything. It's in your internet history! You can't lie to me, you fucking fag."

"But Josh..."

"NO! Don't say anything to me! You know what? You can just stay away from me. I don't give a fucking care about you anymore, you know that? Stay the fuck away from me, you fucking faggot."

And with that, Josh ran out of the front door, slamming it behind him.

"...Shit..." I said. That was when I broke down and cried the hell out of myself on my bed.

This was only the beginning.

A Love Reawakened

Chapter One: A Day In The Life...

Finally... A new school. New people to meet and such. Maybe I'll even make a friend or two? High school was a lot larger than middle school, so there had to be somebody to hang out with.

But for today, I had to play it safe and stay as "invisible" as possible.

Ever since Josh outted me on that fateful day, my life was hell. It took a transfer to another school district and a few years of waiting before I could finally start with a clean slate and a refreshed state of mind. I was a nobody, and that was the most advantageous position for me to be in.

My name is Jake Johnson. I'm 14 years old and I guess this is my first day of high school. I'm not relatively tall, only about 5'7", and I probably weigh 140 or so. I'm your average Californian kid: blond hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin.

I'd never really labeled myself as "gay" until that day when Josh decided to out me to the entire school. When he called me a "faggot", that was when I actually took a step back (mentally) and said to myself, "I really am gay." Before, I had just dismissed it as a phase, but after Josh came along and did what he did, it finally hit me like a brick wall.

Anyways, back to school. The high school orientation was extremely boring. The teachers were trying their best to keep us awake, but they just droned and droned... Ugh, it was like listening to a swarm of bees!

After the orientation, we were given our schedules and sent off to first period. I had Algebra II for first period, which was pretty crappy. It's not that I'm no good at math, it's just that I don't like doing complex thinking in the morning.

I didn't even take three steps into the classroom when someone shouted out at me.

"Hey, you faggot!"

The moment I heard those words, I immediately froze in my tracks. I thought I'd never heave to see anyone from my old school ever again.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked. There was a hint of nervousness in my voice, which betrayed my attempts at concealing my identity.

"I remember you from last year! You're that faggot kid! What's your name... Jake! That's right! Jake the faggot... I like that name..."

"I'm no faggot," I said. The trembling in my voice was more evident now. I felt like I was visibly shaking. In fact, I was.

"Dude, don't deny your faggotry. You're shaking so hard, it's almost as if there's an earthquake occurring where you're standing right now! You're a fag and you'll never escape that fact!"

It was over. I couldn't take any more of this shit. I had to find a way out of this situation... Not just physically, but mentally. Maybe I could run away to San Francisco... I'd definitely be accepted there... But it was too far away and I'd probably starve to death before I could make it there...

I don't have any friends, I've got no hobbies or anything, and my social presence is either "nobody" or "faggot". And now that my past has come to catch up with me, there is only one course of action left for me...

I ran out of the classroom as quickly as possible. The kid from my middle school was running behind me, calling me "faggot" and "fairy" and "queer"... Why wouldn't he go away!?

Why wouldn't my past just leave me alone, dammit!?

Why did Josh have to ruin my life!? That bastard destroyed me! He made me miserable!

I was so lost in thought that I had failed to notice that the doors leading outside were closed. I had no time to stop myself so I could open them, so I just tucked my head and broke through the glass doors. I rolled a bit down the stairs and immediately picked myself up. Although most of the shards of glass were shattered into little pieces, this was not stunt glass which always broke into little pieces. I found a particularly large shard of glass and tucked it into my pocket.

"It's over!" I shouted, before running off again. I had created some sort of scene and people were now crowding by the entrance to the school.

I was breaking down. My time was up. It was time to leave.

As I was running, I could hear shouting behind me, but I blocked my ears. I didn't want to hear any more insults coming from those who were supposed to be my peers. I had to get away... There was a forest nearby where I could hide... Yes, that would be it. I could hide in the forest, and nobody would be able to find me and bring me back to life so that they could spit in my face... That would be it.

I made my way through the forest and ran for a few minutes. I could still hear my pursuers. They were after me. They probably wanted to kill me for being a faggot, but I was going to beat them to the punch.

I found a particularly large tree and hid behind it. I took the shard of glass and stared at it for all of ten seconds. I stood up and scrawled "R.I.P. Jake Johnson" above where my head would be once I left. After that, I sat back down and took one final breath...

"Time has expired," I said to myself. "Return to nature..."

I swung towards my left wrist. Right before the glass made contact with my skin, I literally saw bits and pieces of my past flashing before me. It was as if time had stopped so I could reconsider my actions...


"C'mon, Jake! Let's play some basketball!"

"Alright Josh... But you know I'm no good at basketball..."

"That's the point. I need to boost my ego."

"Hahah... Alright, I guess...


"Jake, help me!"

"Josh I'm coming!"

"I can't hold on any longer! I'm gonna fall!"

"I've got you!"

Our hands clasped together just as Josh's grip was failing him.

"Thanks, Jake... If you hadn't saved me... I would have fallen into that gorge..."

"That's what friends are for, right?"

"Of course. We'll always be friends, Jake... Right?"

"Yeah. Always."


"Hey!! Get up here!"

"What, man?"

"You wanna explain this, you fag?"

"What? I don't know how-"

"Don't say anything. It's in your internet history! You can't lie to me, you fucking fag."

"But Josh..."

"NO! Don't say anything to me! You know what? You can just stay away from me. I don't give a fucking care about you anymore, you know that? Stay the fuck away from me, you fucking faggot."


"...NO!" I shouted to myself. "I'm not going back! It's time to move on!!"

Suddenly, I was hearing voices in the distance...

"Kid, don't do it! It's not worth it!" said the voice.

"Bullshit..." I said to myself.

I had to focus... I had to concentrate... I couldn't stall any longer... These people were just lying... They wanted me alive so they could torture me...

"Enough stalling!" I shouted. "Go AWAY!"

And with that, I struck.

There was some pain, but behind it was a feeling of glory. A feeling of happiness, even.

"Heheh..." I said to myself. There were tears of joy in my eyes. "It's finally over... I don't have to suffer anymore... Goodbye, bastards..."

"Kid!! Where are you!?" shouted that same voice.

"Heheh..." I chuckled. "Heheheh..." My laughing was slowly growing more audible. "Hahahahah!!!" I cackled. "You bastards lose! You'll never take me alive! Never!!! Hahahaha!!!"

I was like a madman possessed. I truly wanted to die. If I wasn't feeling this way before, I sure as hell was now.

"You... LOSE!!!" were my final words. I began to black out. I had a huge grin on my face. The last things I saw and heard were the open sky and that stupid kid who wanted to bring me back to life.

...Game over, I guess.

Well, here's your story. It'll be less, uh, depressingly maniacal (I guess.) in the following chapters.

All feedback, including questions, comments, suggestions, and flames are to be sent to ( Each email helps to fight AIDS. Or something like that.


Next: Chapter 12: A Love Reawakened 2

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