Memoirs of a Teenager

By ddrarrow

Published on Jul 15, 2023


Hello, everyone! I hope you weren't too put off by the last chapter. I guess if you're reading this, then that means that you weren't put off by the last chapter. I apologize about the, uh, depressing nature of the last chapter, but I felt like I had to expose some of the harsh realities of gay teens within an unaccepting community. Anyways, I'll make sure that the story won't be as depressing now, okay?

This story (A Love Reawakened) and all of its parts, components, etc., are copyright of me ( and are not to be stolen, reproduced, slightly altered and claimed as one's own work, and so on. Please don't steal my stuff. Doing so will result in me summoning a terra golem to beat the hell out of you. ^_^

This story is completely fiction. Meaning, nothing in this story is real or is based off of real-life events. Any coincidence is purely unintentional.

Additionally, there is no erotica in this story. Go figure.

A Love Reawakened

Chapter Two: Alive With The Glory Of Love

My entire world was pitch-black...

...And suddenly, it had burst into pure white...

There I saw another person... He was sleeping...

He was about my age... His face was so innocent...

His long black hair partially covered his eyes...

He was... I dunno. I'd never felt this way about another person before... Dare I say it?

...He was beautiful.

And then, I truly realized my mistake. I did not want to die any more. I wanted to live! I wanted to be alive!

I must live on... I must live on... I MUST LIVE ON!!!


"He's in stable condition!"

"Oh my God... He's alright?"

"Yeah, he will be, son. If you hadn't found him, he might have bled to death... At least the wound won't require stitches, just some dressing."

"...Huh...?" I mumbled.

"Hey, he's awake! Are you alright, kid?"

It was the guy who was trying to find me earlier...

"I'm... I'm fine..."

"Thank God... I was so worried about you..."

That was when something clicked in my head.

"Heheh..." I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" the kid asked.

"Heh... It's just... Well, nobody's ever really cared about me like this before... Especially not a stranger... What compels you to be so worried about a stranger like me?"

"Uh... Uh..." the kid mumbled. I had him caught. "Well, I guess it's because I heard those kids calling you names and it just really pissed me off."

"...Huh. So what does that make you? A liberal? A gay rights activist? Or are you gay yourself?" I questioned.

"Uh......." the kid droned. "Uhm... Uhm... Uhh..."

"Lack of words, kid? Hold on. I shouldn't be calling you "kid". You're the one who saved my life. What's your name?"

"Phew..." I heard him sigh. "My name's Stephen."

"My name's Jake. Uh, nice to meet you, I guess."


"So, where were we?"

"We were at the part where you get dropped off at the hospital so you can rest and recuperate."

"Hahah... Good try, Stephen. But seriously, what made you feel the need to save a kid like me?"

"What do you mean, "a kid like you"?"

"Well, you heard those other kids, right? I'm gay. Why would you want to help me out?"


"Okay. How about this? Are you gay?"

"Uhm... Honestly, I don't know."

"Hm. That's what I thought. Okay. That's enough interrogation for now. I'm getting tired."

"Alright. We're at the hospital, anyways. I guess I'll see you later or something..."

"Oh. Alright. Bye."


I was sent to a hospital room. I guess I was going to be staying the night there while things got settled out such as insurance and my parents...

Shit! Aw, man... I don't wanna have to see my parents right now... I mean, it's not that I hate them or anything. They even know that I'm gay. It's just that... I don't wanna have to deal with people crying over me until tomorrow. Today, I needed rest.

That was when I felt something vibrating in my pocket.

"Excuse me, son," said one of the doctors. "You're gonna have to turn off your phone."

"But what if it's from my parents?"

"You can call them using the hospital's phone. Here, take this and call your parents. They must be worried sick about you."

"Thank you very much, sir." I said.

"You're welcome. And my name's Dr. Garcia."

"Okay. Thank you, doctor."

I dialed my home phone number and waited for one of my parents to respond.


"Mom? It's me Jake. I'm in the hospital and in good condition."

"Oh my God! Randy! Come over here! Jake's alright!" shouted my mom.

"Really?" I heard from the other end. "Let me speak with him!"

"Jake, I'm gonna hand the phone to your father, alright?"

"Okay, mom."

There was a bit of noise as the phone changed hands.


"Yeah, dad?"

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, dad. The doctors did a good job on me..."

"Jake, your mother and I are coming over right now so we can speak in per-"

"No! I'm sorry, dad, but I don't really want any company right now."

"What do you mean? We're coming over right now!"

"Dad! It's not that I don't want you here; I really, really do want you here, but it's just that I want a bit of alone time. Besides, I need to rest my body. I might have lost a lot of blood and I'm feeling a bit dizzy right now..."

"Oh. I see... Beth!"

"Dad, come visit me tomorrow, alright?"

"Okay, son. Beth! We're not going tonight. We'll see Jake tomorrow. Alright, son?"

"Thanks, dad. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

"Goodbye, son."

I hung up the phone and placed the receiver on the table next to me. It was cool how my parents respected my wishes and stuff. They were great parents. In fact, they had to be the best parents in the world. I mean, I've heard stories about kids who've been beaten to death by their parents because they came out and the parents didn't approve of it. I've even heard about kids who were sent to religious camps to be "purified" or "corrected". I'm glad that my parents didn't put me through that. They were accepting.


Man... I really must have been on the edge of breaking if I suddenly went from hopeful to suicidal like that...

...But who was that person in my dream...?

It was like he appeared to save me...

...Like a guardian angel...

That had to be it. That boy was my guardian angel. He saved me. He saved me from my inner demons.

Maybe if I go to sleep, I'll see him again... I might as well; I need the rest anyways.


"Jake... Jake..." called a voice.

"Huh? Who's there?"

"It's me, your guardian angel..."

My guardian angel appeared in front of me. I couldn't restrain myself.

I embraced him tightly.

"Oh! Thank you so much for saving me!"

"It was the least I could do. I couldn't stand seeing you killing yourself, so I decided to intervene..."

I looked up into his eyes.

"Oh thank you so much..."



"Let's fuck." he said, with a devilish grin.


"...Nngh... What the fuck!?"

Holy crap... That was one hell of a fucked up dream... Heheh... I guess I can be horny in my sleep too.

"Dude..." I said to myself. I was still, uh, "aroused" by my dream. He really was a cute guardian angel...

I looked around to make sure that nobody was nearby, then I went to work.

...What? I'm a TEENAGER. With HORMONES. At least I'm not describing this part of my life to you, so be thankful. Jeez.

...Er-hem. Anyways, after I was done, I got some tissues and cleaned up. I mean, I was in a hospital, after all. I was a bit exhausted by activities, so I quickly went back to sleep.

In the morning, I was awakened by the sound of people shuffling around in my room. Inside was a nurse, accompanied by Dr. Garcia.

"Hey. Looks like you're finally awake."

"Morning, doctor."

"Your parents called in. They said that they'd be here by noon."

"What time is it now?" I asked.

"Uh, 12:30."

"What? That doesn't make any sense at all..."

"Yes it does, honey." said a voice from my left, away from the door to my room.

"Huh? Oh, hi mom!"

"Jake... I love you so much... I'm glad that you're feeling better now."

"Don't worry, mom. You'll never have to deal with something like this ever again. I'm feeling much better now..."

"Oh, Jake..."

"Mrs. Johnson. I have been, uh, studying your son. I feel that he does not need to see a psychologist despite what had taken place yesterday. He seems extremely happy. Am I right?"

"Yeah. I feel, well, not depressed. What happened yesterday was, well, It was sudden."

"Okay, then. Jake, I'm confident that you will be able to move around now. The wound on your wrist wasn't all that deep, so we won't have to go through surgery or anything. It just needs to be properly bandaged and you'll be just fine. You'll be discharged today. Is that alright with you?"

"Yeah! That's actually pretty great." I said.

"Okay then. I'll get all of the paperwork done and you'll be out of here within twenty minutes. Mrs. Johnson, please follow me."

"Alright. I'll see you later, Jake."

"Bye, mom."

"Bye, honey."

After that, she left and got the paperwork done. Afterwards, I was discharged and my mom and I went back to our house to meet up with my dad.

"Hey, mom?"

"Yes, Jake?"

"I was wondering if we could move..."

"Really, now? That's actually what your father and I were going to talk about with you once we get home."

"Seriously? Where are we moving to?"

"We'll be going to Virginia, near Washington, D.C., since your father got a job working at the World Bank."

"Virginia? I dunno about this..."

"Don't worry. We'll be living in the, uh, "Democratic" part of Virginia. We won't be surrounded by hicks and the like."

"Err... I guess, mom. Mother knows best, right?"

"Of course."

I wasn't all that sure about our upcoming move to Virginia, but I trusted my mother enough to allow myself to move there with no regrets or worries.

"Come on, Jake!"

"I'm coming, dad!"

I ran out of the house and into the U-Haul truck.

"Let's go, sport."

"Let's get the hell out of here."

My dad chuckled.

"Yeah. Let's get the hell outta here."

...And that's the end of Chapter Two. Sorry that I the chapters have become shorter and more spaced out in terms of when I send them over, but I'm having a slight writer's block and I've been occupying myself with other things. (Like my new acoustic guitar! giddy)

All feedback, including comments, suggestions, questions, and flames, are to be sent to ( Each email sent to my email address lets Little Timmy live for another three hours.

Next: Chapter 13: A Love Reawakened 3

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