Memoirs of a Teenager

By ddrarrow

Published on May 9, 2023


What's up? I got some pretty positive feedback from the last chapter, so it looks like it's high time for another installment. Remember, this story, including the characters, is fictional. However, the setting is an actual place (somewhere in Virginia). I prefer not to have any sex in my stories since it sorta detracts from the actual storyline. Oh, and this story is copyright of me ( and is only to be shown on the Nifty Erotic Stories Archive and its mirror sites. Funny that it should be here, 'cause there's pretty much zero erotica in this story. Huh...

Memoirs of a Teenager

Chapter Two: Math and Mountains

'Do you feel like a man,

When you push her around;

Do you feel better now,

As she falls to the ground?'

As the lyrics went through my head, I began to introspect upon myself.

What the hell? That sounded extremely, EXTREMELY nerdy.

Anyways, I began to get lost in thought, once again. It's already November, a good two-ish months in high school. It had become obvious that being here was better, but I was still pretty fuckin' miserable. Most people at Yorktown know me as 'Huh?' or 'Who's he?', or if I'm lucky, an 'Oh, him. I think I know him.'. I think I've transcended, or fallen out, of the stereotypical clique system into something I call 'The Invisible'. That's me. I'm the invisible. I've got no friends at YHS, but at least nobody notices me and starts to talk shit about me. I'm just, well, invisible.

Being invisible is great. You can sneak around and stuff. You can go around stealth-killing people at your mercy. You can perform intricate maneuvers and nobody would ever notice their missing left arm.

Oh, wait. I'm not a ninja. Damn. If only, if only... Then, I guess, being invisible sucks bollocks.

Bollocks? What the fuck? I'm not British, so why am I using "bollocks"? Okay, Being invisible sucks BALLS. There. Much more American.

Then the bus stopped. "Oh, great. Another day in the life..." I muttered to myself. I stepped off of the twinkie on wheels and went off to first period: Guitar.

My guitar class is, quite possibly, the most disappointing class that I have ever taken. I was expecting to get schooled in the art of the twin-horned rock of Dio, or the classics like Eddie Van Halen or Kurt Cobain. Instead, what I found was a stockpile of steaming shit. (Hey, alliteration!)

The teacher was some late-middle-aged woman who was obsessed with playing nursery rhymes on a nylon-stringed classical guitar. Definitely not what I wanted. AT ALL. So I've been stuck playing stupid little Irish jigs and crap for the "concert" coming up in a couple of weeks. She even tried to snazz it up a little and tried to 'Dropkick Murphys-ify' some of the Irish songs, but she failed to even get close to something decent. Basically, she sucks. She deserves to have her vagina sewn shut so she doesn't have any children. Why? It'd be a funny punishment. Kinda out-there, but comical nonetheless.

Well, guitar class always provides decent practice time, right?

It's kinda strange that the only interaction I usually get with another student at school is "Can I borrow a pick?". It's like I'm not a person, but some pick-dispensing machine. Sucks, eh?

Man, school really is a drag. I've got no friends or anything, so I don't really hang out with anyone. That, in turn, ends up with me spending copious amounts of money on Nintendo DS games. (Yeah, I'm immature, suck it!) So, I guess that means that school is one of the most expensive things that I'm dealing with right now, through the logic of the transitivity property of algebra.

Second period Algebra II is nothing to write home about, so I'm not gonna talk much about it. The only highlight would have to be the SmartBoard. That thing rocks. It's basically this gigantic touch-screen thing that you can put up on the wall, and you can use a projector to project your computer screen onto it, and then you can use the computer like that. Ms. Souksamlane (Jesus, what a name!) says it's to help with saving notes online. I say it's a kickass way of playing Battlefield 2. Mmmhmm.

Ah, Gym class... (Didn't see this one coming, huh?) Yep. Gym class is cool, even though I seem unathletic, I really enjoy P.E.. It's also one of my more... Interesting classes.

There's this kid in my class, his name is Taylor. I must have really sensitive ears or something, 'cause I'm always hearing things like "Just because I made out with those two boys doesn't mean that I'm gay, dammit!" or "Don't look at that. That's where I keep my gay porno." from his direction. I've got this strange sixth sense about things, although it usually proves true for the BAD things that happen to me. Mind you, I'm not looking for a relationship with this kid. Even though I really, really want a decent boyfriend, I'm smart enough to know that's never gonna happen, so I've got love and shit like that on an indefinite hiatus. Still, it'd be cool to finally know another gay person that's my age...

Hmm. I'm not gonna push it now. I'd best ask him about that later.

Lunch, well... I don't eat lunch. Yeah, yeah, I know it's risky, but I wanna lose these pounds! It's just flat-out strange/awkward to walk up to a hypothetical boyfriend and say "I weigh 200 pounds." to him. Besides, I wanna start wearing some of my Hot Topic shirts without looking like an emo. Y'know, 'cause Hot Topic never sells shirts larger than L-sized ones. Still, I'm pretty much on a 1500-calorie diet with near-daily exercise regimens (Tae Kwon Do, remember?) and I haven't dropped a pound. And my gut still looks big. And my legs aren't sexy. That's why I pretty much wear jeans and a hoody every day of the year, even during the summer.

Anyways, my lunch table is basically a bunch of sophomores that happen to be good friends with this one guy I know, so I sit at their table. Nonetheless, I still feel left out. Shit, I'm probably the quietest person at the table. It's just plain awkward when everyone's planning for their next party and I'm just sitting there listening to my iPod. I mean, I'm not gonna invite myself into their social lives. I just don't have that right.

Lunch, actually is kind of interesting. That's when I get to spy on guys who I think are hot and homo. (Alliteration, once again!) Usually, I end up letting my mind wander off to... "Extracurricular activities". Strangely enough, Taylor happens to be in my lunch period. There's just something about him... Maybe it's just that thirst for knowledge... Yeah, that's probably it... ...Right?

Spanish II is pretty much a "coasting" class. I'll just coast on along through the curriculum. Meh. I mean, the teacher's nice and all, but Spanish just seems to be one of those classes where I forget the homework all of the time just because it seems unimportant, in a sense. Oh well.

Biology is a pretty interesting class. We're right by the courtyard, so we can watch any idiots beating the crap out of each other in there. I remember this one time when these two guys really got riled up and they were about to kill each other when an assistant principal rushed into the courtyard and started yelling at them. Hah.

That's when I heard two damn scary words:

"Test time!"

"Oh shit," I thought to myself. Remember how I have that sixth sense thing? Well, it's strongest whenever I dream, and I'd dreamt last night that I had a big test in Biology that I'd forgotten to study up on.

Looks like I should pay more attention to my dreams. Well, at least I didn't fail, right? I hope so...

Time for the final hurdle: the dreaded Briscoe/Eiserman combo.

Oh, wait. Today we're just gonna have a lecture. Sweet!


'Don't be so scared, we will not leave you

Unlike you've been doing for weeks.

Oh, you're selfish, and I'm sorry,

When I'm gone you'll be going nowhere fast.

Nowhere fast, nowhere fast...

Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you?

'Cause I wouldn't believe you if you said the same to me and,'

Gah. I can't figure out the lyrics from here. Oh well. At least we've made it to our destination.


It's a couple weeks or so after my birthday, December 4th, but at least I've finally gotten (Is that even a word? Got? Gotted? ???) my birthday present: a weekend of snowboarding! It doesn't hurt that I've got my buddy Brandan along for the ride.

"Dude, I'm so stoked! I haven't gone snowboarding since last year!" I said.

"Well, I guess this is my first time. Is snowboarding really hard?"

"Nah, it'd actually be easier for you to pick up since you skate a lot. Snowboarding is different than skating, but I think that overall, it's easier. And more fun. 'Cause you don't bust your ass so much. Yep."


"Yeah. We'll be at our cabin in about 10 minutes."

"Cabin" was a major understatement. The place was freakin' huge! I mean, It was a three-bedroom thing with a balcony and a kitchen and these huge mirrors on the wall. The place was fuckin' awesome!

Alright, so that doesn't really sound that big, but it actually was!

Well, Brandan and I came to snowboard, not to gawk at the freakin' awesome place that we were staying at!

My dad took us both down to the lodge to get our gear. When my dad was filling out the forms, I'd noticed that he marked me as a "beginning snowboarder".

"Uh, Dad? I'm not a beginner. I can snowboard down the blues (medium courses), y'know..."

"No. You're still a beginner. You're staying on the green courses."

"But Daaaad... C'mon, I wanna do something more challenging than the bunny slope!"

"No! You're not going on the advanced slopes. In fact, you're taking lessons."

"But why? I don't need lessons!"

"They're free! You're doing these lessons or else!"

"But Dad... Come on..."

"Putang ena mo! You ungrateful...!! I should never have taken you here, you stupid..."

My dad just stormed off muttering his tirade all to himself.

Brandan said, "Hey, David... What did he say? I couldn't understand..."

"He called me a son of a bitch and stormed off."

"What!? Dude, that's seriously, seriously fucked up... I mean, you were acting politely to him and you weren't backtalking to him or anything. Why did he have to call you a son of a bitch?"

"You should already know by now, man. He seems to always be an asshole like this."

Ok, maybe I should explain.

Ever since I was about four or five, I had to watch my dad basically mistreat my older brother like shit. He always pushed my brother way too far, and he wanted my brother to be absolutely perfect. Whenever my brother didn't get straight A's at school, he got really pissed off at him. Usually, I could hear him yelling at my brother from the other side of the house. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that was what pushed my bro into drugs and stuff like that. When my dad even suspected him of drinking or doing drugs, he became even more of an asshole to my brother, and it just piled on. They would argue back and forth, and eventually it got to a point where my dad kicked my brother out of the house in a fit of rage. I think I was eight and he was sixteen back then. It was pretty damn scary. My dad was so pissed off, it got to the point where he put up "No Trespassing" signs around the house to keep my brother out.

My mother stepped in about two or three weeks into this and (miraculously) convinced my dad to let my brother back in the house. She must have had some sort of threat against my dad in order to actually let my brother into the house again.

Well, my dad thought that he must have messed up and made "a lazy bastard child" in his eyes, so he tried to make sure that I didn't turn out like that. Well, what did he do? He noticed that I seemed to be a naturally smart child and he urged me to make sure that my grades never dropped from straight A's. I remember the first B that I ever got. He was so angry at me that I ran up to my room, locked the door, and cried myself to sleep.

To supplement my "learning experience", he had me go through the daily newspaper and summarize one article from the front page. Of course, being a normal ten-year-old at this point with other things to worry about, I didn't really like this. Whenever I slacked off or got lazy about these summarizations, my dad would yell at me really loud. One time, it got so out of hand that he said that I was "another failure", and that I was "another stupid bastard like my brother". That time, I got so sad and angry that I rushed to a telephone, called my mother, and told her what my dad had said.

Of course, I was in such an emotional overload that I had accidentally dialed my godmother's phone number, and I bet that she didn't even recognize me when I had called her, since I was sniffling and crying so much.

Well, my dad's probably been the biggest negative influence on my life. I know that he knows and that he's trying to make things better, but now it's just a case of "too little, too late". Oh well...

After my dad stormed off, I got started teaching Brandan some snowboarding basics. Of course, he seemed to be a natural thanks to his skating experience. However, it was pretty damn annoying since the conditions turned out pretty crappy. It was like in the 50's-60's range in terms of degrees, so the snow was melting and refreezing into ice. Sure, it was faster and more fun, but I got my ass kicked a lot more by the icy slopes.

T'was a shame that our lift tickets expired at 4:30.

"T'was"? Wow... Just... Nevermind...

So we got picked up by my dad, considering that my mom isn't comfortable driving on a mountain. When he pulled up, I swore that I saw the eyes of the devil staring at me. He seemed so pissed, like he was gonna decapitate me or something. Brandan actually looked more pissed than my dad. It was like he was telling my dad to piss off or something. It's cool how Brandan always seems to be there when I need him the most, and I'll always be there when shit happens to him too. It's just a sign of our friendship, and I bet that it'll never end, even if I end up moving to California or something.

"Get in." my dad said. "Do you know what you did earlier today? Do you know what you did?"

"Um... No, I don't..." I replied in my most forced "hurt puppy" tone.

"You wasted my money, you know that? Putang ena... You wasted my MONEY!" He seemed to put a lot of emphasis on that last word, "money", as he always does. My dad thinks as if money is more important than sex, or happiness, or water. My dad praises money as if it was his life's blood. From how he acts, I think he somehow converts money into energy. The stupid part about this last conversation was that he was referring to the lessons and not the actual session. Haven't figured it out yet? He's yelling at me about wasting money on something that was FREE.

The rest of the ride to the lodge (as I'll be calling it) was comprised mostly of awkward silence. I didn't want to piss off my dad any further, and Brandan knew that as well, so we just shut up in the hopes that he wouldn't explode or something. I got my iPod out and I let the tunes take over my mind...

'Ohhhh.... It's time to let it go.

The world's got a funny way of turning 'round on you,

When a friend tries to stab you right in the face.

Losing faith in everything I thought I'd hoped in you,

Don't sweat it; it was set on false pretense.

Betrayed, but not gonna be willing to change.

And it doesn't seem likely to fade.

Betrayed, but not gonna be willing to change,

'C-c-c-cause you know...

It's sacrifice, false pretense you'll hurt again.

Stop pretending to deny, false pretense you'll hurt again...'

Wow. It's funny how a lot of the music I've listened to applies to my life in some way, shape, or form. Those first couple of lyrics were actually kind of touching, since they reminded me of what happened to my friendship with Josh. We were almost like best friends until that happened...

We finally made it back to the lodge. Brandan and I got out and went to take a shower.

Not together, you pervs! Good thing I caught myself...

ANYWAYS... I went and took a shower, and then Brandan went and took his once I was done. Then we just sorta chilled in our beds.

"I saw you while you were listening to your iPod. Anything on your mind?"

"Actually, yeah... How do you think I would have turned out if I hadn't come out? I mean, if I hadn't come out, then I wouldn't have had to be rejected by Brad and Josh and them, and I wouldn't have gone to JDC, and then my parent's wouldn't have had to have known about any of this, y'know?"

"...sigh... I dunno. I mean, coming out was pretty devastating for you. I mean, now people might see you as some kind of freak or something. People are just immature like that. At least everyone revealed their true colors, and now you know who your friends are and who isn't."

"Yeah. You're right. Josh really was an asshole. Something like that shouldn't have completely shattered our friendship, but it did for some reason."

"tch... I never really liked him anyways. Everyone at our lunch table last year was just kinda sketchy."

"I guess. By the way, what's up with them? Do you guys still hang out?"

"Dude, fuck no. I mean, they're in my classes and stuff, but I pretty much haven't talked with them outside of classwork and stuff. By the way, have you heard about Josh?"

"What? What's up with him?"

"He's in track this year."

"Really? Wow."

"But he broke his leg again during track practice."

"Really!? Haha... That's just..."

"Like karma biting you in the ass?"

"Uh... Sure. You go do that. Actually, that's pretty close to what I was thinking. Y'know, 'cause he broke his leg last year."

"Sucks for him, huh?"

"Yeah, sure does. Huh? Wait, hold on..." My phone was ringing on the nightstand next to me.

"Uh, hello?"

"David! Hey!!!"

I took a look at the screen and immediately knew who was on the other end of the line.

"Jenna? Oh my God, what's up? We haven't talked in, like, forever!" Jennifer Kimberly, or Jenica, or Jenna Kay, or just Jenna, has been a good friend of mine since third grade. She's definitely cool with me being gay, and at times, I feel like I can tell her anything. However, she has no idea that I'm on probation and that I'm not supposed to be using my cellphone unless I'm calling my parents.

"Well, nothing much. Actually, I called for a favor. You remember David R., right?"

"Oh, Mr. "I got stabbed in the ass"? Yeah. What about him?"

Ok, funny story. When I was in fourth grade, I had started the school year in Fairfax. The kid sitting next to me, David R., had went off to use the bathroom, and I got bored, so I tried balancing a pencil on his seat. Well, I must have been taking up a lot of time trying to balance that pencil, as he had come back. I didn't notice, and I was trying to stabilize the pencil. He didn't notice what I was doing either, and he just sat down on the pencil and my hand! That's when I began to realize that the pencil had gone straight up his asshole! He turned really red and he stood up, and I had to pull the pencil out of his butthole. I was going to be in a lot of trouble, but it was my last day at the school. Lucky me.

"Well, you know how we were dating, right? Well, I need you to call him 'cause he's leaving for North Carolina for Winter Break and he hasn't even said goodbye to me as if he's gonna go and cheat on me over there!"

"Wow, that could be a problem. Give me his number and I'll see what he's up to."

"Okay. Hurry up, he's gonna be leaving soon!"


She gave the number to me, and I dialed...



"Dammit, he's not there..." I said. I called Jenna back and told her the bad news. "I'm really sorry that I couldn't help..."

"No, it's alright. I guess I'll have to wait for some other time to tell him that we're through!"

"sigh... Alright. See ya."

"Okay. Bye David."


As I hung up, my mother came out to the balcony I was on and started whispering at me furiously.

"David! You know that you're not supposed to use the phone!

"Mom! I know... I couldn't just hang up on Jenna though... She's been having boyfriend problems, that's all."

"sigh... Okay then. I'll let you off this time."

"Thanks Mom."

I went back inside where Brandan was playing Meteos on his DS.

"Hey dude. Meteos, I see? Good game, eh?"

"Yeah. Hey! You said "eh"! Canadian!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shut it, Aaron."

"Whoa. That was uncalled for, man."

"Yeah. Sorry. Haha."

It was getting late, and we sure as hell wanted to wake up early tomorrow for more snowboarding.

"Hey Brandan, we should get to sleep if we wanna go snowboarding tomorrow, y'know?"

"Yeah, you're right. Alright then. 'Night."


We both fell asleep, but I woke up a couple of hours later. I think it was around one or two in the morning. I looked over to my right and I saw Brandan in a really funny sleeping position. He had somehow rolled onto his left arm, so he was sleeping face up with his arm underneath it. It was funny, but at the same time, it was kind of adorable. My hormones started to act up from seeing Brandan like that. Well, I'd fantasized about him sometimes, but even if he was gay, our friendship had almost transcended the level of physical desires, as if we could just chill out with each other and everything would be fine. But still, I had to admit, he was definitely hot. His hair was kinda sexy, in the sort of youthful, boyish kind of way.

It took me a while, but I convinced myself to just go back to sleep. It's his body and I know that I have no right to go and take a peek at his goodies, no matter how sexy they may be.

Well, Sunday came, and the weather just got warmer. Crap. That means no more snowboarding. Brandan suggested that we just go swimming, since we had brought our swimming trunks in case we wanted to relax. It suddenly seemed like a really good idea, since a hot tub would be nice to relax my muscles.

"Hey, David. Are you ready to go yet?"

"Yeah, tell my dad to start the car." My dad seemed to be in a better mood from yesterday, so it seemed like a good idea to ask him to bring us to the spa as opposed to walking there.

When we went inside, we were greeted by a rush of warm air from inside of the spa. It was calm and relaxing, and we were ready to take a dip. We checked in with the receptionist out front, and then we went into the changing rooms.

"Hey, David. How do these locking things work?" At the spa, the lockers were really nice; they were all polished wood, except for gold handles and a keypad to lock the door.

"Well, what you do is you press the lock button once, then you put in the code that you want. Then, you press the lock button again and it locks. To unlock it, you just punch in your code and hit the lock button again. Simple, right?"

"Sure. Sounds easy enough."

"Alright then. I'll be over in that stall changing, but feel free to call me in whenever you need help with the lock."


We both walked into the indoor pool area. It was very serene and quiet, expect for about ten people. Some were relaxing on the deck, while a few were in the pool, and a couple were in the indoor hot tub/whirlpool.

"Brandan, I'll be going to the outdoor hot tub, alright?"

"But dude, it's cold outside!"

"Well, then... You'd better run fast!"

It wasn't actually that bad. It was about 60-70-ish, but it was still brisk, considering I was only wearing a pair of swimming trunks. When I turned around, I saw Brandan running after me.

"You'd better wait up for me!" he yelled.

We got into the hot tub. It was actually very relaxingly warm, not scaldingly hot. Brandan and I relaxed for a few minutes when I started talking:

"Hey, Brandan... You never told me who this girl is."

"Girl? What girl?"

"You know... The one you've got this major crush on! That's who!"

"Oh! I dunno, man..."

"Why? Is she really ugly or something?"

"No, it's just..."

"Aw, c'mon! We're best buds, dude! You can tell me whatever! But seriously, I really wanna know. So, what's his name?"

"Well, his name is..." It took him a few seconds to finally figure out what I'd said. "...Hey! Asshole."

"Hahah... Don't tell me, it's Julio, the hairless guy I met at that gay bar a while back. I knew you two would hook up someday."

"Shut up, you asshole. Lies! All lies! But seriously, her name is Kenzie. She goes to Yorktown, y'know. I'll show you a picture of her later. Hey, maybe you'll know who she is!"

"Alright. That sounds good."

"So... This is kinda awkward, but do you have a boyfriend yet?"

"Psht, nope. Sure there are some hot guys, but I'm not after them. I'll just stay single and back in the closet until I can get a decent feel for how people are gonna react when I come out, if I come out."


"Yeah. There are definitely a lot of assholes at Yorktown, so odds are that I'm not gonna come out until I go to college, if I go to college."


"Music career, duh. Then again, that's probably not gonna get off of the ground since I can find anyone else that plays guitar, bass, or drums, or sings without having to rap."

"Ah, good point. So college it is, I guess."

"Meh. I know this sounds pessimistic, but I'll probably be single for the greater part of my life."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... That seems kinda drastic."

"But think about it; I seem to have no friends at school, and people probably think really badly of me for some reason or another. That's why everyone at school seems to be an asshole to me."

"tch... I guess you're right. But still, I think you'll find somebody..."

"Meh. Honestly, it's not on my mind right now. Besides, I'm pretty much dedicated to martial arts and guitar, so I've got no time for a boyfriend, right?"

"Right. Hey, You know what? Let's go inside. My balls are baking, but my head is freezing!"

"Uh... Which one?"

"You know what? You can stop right there. I'm going inside."

"Alright, alright. I'm coming in too."

We went back inside when I realized that we'd been at the spa for well over a couple of hours and my dad was picking us up.

"Hey Brandan, it's already time to go. We should get showered down so the chlorine doesn't bother us later."

"Hm. Alrighty then."

We went into the shower area. It was actually pretty damn beautiful, and fancy as well. We started taking our showers (trunks on, of course!) when I got some of the white conditioner and decided to have a little fun...

"Hey Brandan!"


I threw the conditioner all over his trunks.

"Uh oh. Looks like you're a bit excited. Keep it down, alright? Jeez!"

"Grr... I'll show you!"

Brandan got some conditioner from his side and threw some at me.

"Ha! Now who's excited. Jeez David, you should keep stuff like that to yourself!"

The next five minutes were basically comprised of a conditioner war. By the time we were done, the entire shower area looked like... Well, I guess I could say that a lot of horny guys were jacking off and forgot to clean up. Yeah, let's go with that. We washed the conditioner off of our bodies and went out to get changed again.

"Wow... I wonder how the next person that walks in here is gonna react?"

"Haha... This place looks... Interesting..."

"Alright, my dad should be waiting outside for us."

Turns out that I'd totally forgotten that we had to leave right after the spa, so I wasn't expecting all of our stuff to be packed up for us.

"David, come on. We need to check out so we can go home!" said my mom.

The next couple of hours were kinda boring, but at least we stopped at a Wawa. Those are great! When we got back to Arlington, we dropped off Brandan at his house, then we went to my house.

"Had a fun time?" my mom questioned.

"Of course." I replied.

We walked inside and I immediately went to my bed. I actually felt kind of exhausted. Inside, I was really hoping that the weekend would never end, just so that I wouldn't have to go back to that social hell I call school.

I turned off the lights and tried my best to sleep. I'd need all of the rest and energy I could get to get through school tomorrow.

Well, that's the end of chapter two! I'll try not to be so late with these next time, I was just a bit preoccupied, that's all. Any questions, comments, or suggestions can be sent to and I'll try to get the next installment in by next week or so.

Next: Chapter 3

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