Memoirs of a Teenager

By ddrarrow

Published on May 20, 2023


Hola. Como estas? (For you Spanish freaks out there, yeah, I know there's no upside-down question mark or an accent over the first o in "como". Dunno how to do that with Notepad, so suck it.) How're y'all doin'? I've been stuck in a void of boredom for the past few days (like I always am), and so I began to think...

Y'know how a lot of these stories that I see nowadays on Nifty seem to be about people having endless amounts of sex, right? This seems to be prevalent in the stories about younger kids, so I began to wonder if Nifty's authors are all a bunch of pedophiles or if they're the same ages as those same kids fucking each other silly in Mom's backyard. Same goes with the viewers; are they all a bunch of pedophiles or are they actually the age of the characters that they read about? I know that these are some sweeping generalizations, but I've always been a bit curious about this. So, for you guys that are reading my story right now, I wanna know what your real ages are. I'm not gonna report you guys to the FBI for being pedophiles or to your parents if you're underage or whatever. This isn't just only to satisfy my curiosity, but also to know what kind of demographic my story is appealing to. In fact, this is mostly about the demographic thing. The whole "pedophiles or not thing" was more of an afterthought, if anything. Well, now that that's over, it's time to get this show on the road!

And now, I present to you, ladies, gentlemen, girls, boys, and those without gender or are of both, Chapter Four of Memoirs of a Teenager.

Oh, wait! Copyright stuff!

This story (Memoirs of a Teenager) and all of its contents are copyright of me ( and are not to be copied or reproduced without my permission. (Which will be none.) This story, in addition to being my property, is only to be displayed on the Nifty Erotic Stories Archive and its mirror sites. (Even though there's no erotica in this story.) I do not like it when people plagiarize my material and if you violate any of the above terms, then you are agreeing to me sending a pack of West Nile mosquitoes carrying the smallpox virus to your house. Or maybe I'll just be really mad at you.

Oh, and as a warning, anything that is in this story is not intended to offend anybody and does not express the opinions of the author. So Tom Cruise, please don't sue me for this chapter. Thanks, dude.

Memoirs of a Teenager

Chapter Four: The Rumor Mill

And there I was, dressed in white.

And there they were, dressed in black.

And here I am, in the night.

And you're not there, you'll never come back.

I miss your touch, smooth on my skin.

We were so close, we were almost of kin.

If I could turn time, live in reverse.

Then I would have stayed still, without this damn curse.


"What the...?"

The locale I had previously been in was a stage. I was a famous poet, and people flocked from all over the world to listen to me speak. This new place, however, was not so warm, both figuratively and literally. The area surrounding me was a barren, desolate, and frozen wasteland. I looked to my left, and I saw my house, enveloped in ice. I examined my surroundings, and I was standing in my neighborhood.

"It... It's so cold... Damn. I should've brought my winter jacket... Maybe I'll find one in my house..."

"I walked over to my house, and I went up the stairs leading to my front porch. I reached into my pocket, and I produced a key. I opened the door and walked inside. The entire place was an ice palace. Everything was made of ice. Only one thought crossed my mind when I entered.

"Wheeeeee!!!!" I said, as I went skidding across the floor. The ice was slippery, but it was fun sliding on what used to be the un-slippery wooden floorboards of my house. This was great!

It's funny, since I was born in December. I guess I was just a winter child, y'know?

I finally stopped goofing around and got a jacket from the closet in the front room. That's when I heard a voice from upstairs.

"Come... Come... To me..." it whispered. This strange voice piqued my interest, so I went upstairs into my room. There, on my bed, in a basket of ice, was a baby girl. Her hair was jet black, and her face was innocent, almost adorable. "You are here..." she whispered. Her voice was almost ethereal, almost impossible to hear. "Do you like my world? I created it myself. And now you will be my final showpiece!"

"What!?" I screamed. Behind the child, I saw an icy blue pentagram form. It began to glow, and I knew I had to run. However, I couldn't, almost as if the ice had grabbed a hold of my legs. It flashed, and I was surrounded by light.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. I was sweating heavily, and the collar of my nightshirt was drenched. "What the hell happened there...?" I asked myself. The face of the girl from my dream/nightmare/possible hallucination (if I did drugs) suddenly began to appear in my mind.

"That girl... She seemed so familiar, but at the same time, she seemed like someone that I don't know. Man... I'd better just go back to sleep."

It was already 6:27 in the morning. Too bad I didn't notice. At least I got three extra minutes of sleep.


"Ngah! Dammit!" I hit the "turn off the damn alarm" button on my clock and stumbled into the bathroom to take a shower. While I was rinsing the cobwebs out of my head, I began to focus more on the girl in my dream.

"Hmm... Oh! Maybe... Maybe it could be... Her? Heh, you never know..." I said to myself. That's when I noticed my morning wood. I hadn't had my daily wank, so I stared down at it. Then, I grabbed it and...

Nope. You lose, perverts.

...Lathered it up with soap. Then I rinsed it off. I don't want THAT to be dirty, now do I? I can wank off some other time when I'm not documenting it, right?

HA. Now go away, you horny old men. Go read something else.

...Wait? "Wank" off? No, no, no... JACK off. I can JACK off some other time when I'm not documenting it. There. Damn these Brit-icisms.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I brushed my teeth and wiped the fog off of the mirror. Damn, I need braces or something. Afterwards, I put my contacts on and walked across the hall to my room. I picked out some clothes from the laundry baskets on the floor. My mom gets pissy whenever she sees them 'cause she thinks that I should be a good little boy and I should put them in the dresser-drawer. Nope. Too lazy.

I turned on the radio and set it to 101.1. They're the only decent radio station on the waves, at least for me, since they actually play good rock music, not the manufactured crap you hear these days. I had picked out a t-shirt and jeans. I always wore a t-shirt and jeans. The only things that ever varied in my attire were usually the color of my shirt, my underwear, or my hoody. It's either gonna be a white, gray, black, or even the occasional blue or red shirt and blue jeans. I only wear two hoodys (hoodies?), my white Quicksilver one or my gray Oakley one. My black AFI one, well, I bought it at Hot Topic and, just like all clothing purchased at Hot Topic, it's too small.

Well, maybe I should be more specific. I wore a BLACK Fender shirt with BLUE jeans and WHITE shoes, then I went downstairs to get my GRAY hoody. There.

I got some breakfast and heated it up. Nothing like a good bowl of, uh, rice and ground beef leftovers, I guess. No milk means no cereal. tch, damn.

I got my bowl of steaming biomacromolecules from the microwave and sat in front of my TV. Nothing to entertain you like some good music videos, right?

WRONG. Rap has taken over the industry now, and that sucks for me. I actually might want to thank rap music, for if it had not infested the industry and turned me away from MTV, then I wouldn't be watching the news and looking like an intellectual individual right now. Mmmhmm.

Once I broke my fast, I put my bowl in the dishwasher and headed for my bus stop. I got my iPod from my pocket and turned it on. I started listening to Taking Back Sunday's "Spin". That song helps me to get "pumped" in the morning, if such a thing were possible. Well, it helps wake me up, at least.

When I reached the bus stop, I saw Thomas the Asian walking my way. He had this, well, it was sort of a strange look, like there was some sort of amoeba on my shoulder. Ah! He had a DISGUSTED look on his face. There we go!

Well, this kind of worried me a little, so I walked up to him and asked him what was on his mind.

"Well, dude..." His face had changed from a look of disgust to a look as if you had a huge decision on your hands. "Well... Uhm, I guess I'll tell you. You should know this anyway. There's a bunch of kids that are saying that you're a faggot or something. They're spreading some serious shit about you, man."

"What!? You're kidding, right?" That motherfucker pussy bitch twat fuckhead whore slut (Damn, what an insult!) Nathan must have been talking shit about me. "Dude, who told you that shit?"

"Well, dude..." The bus had stopped. Our conversation would have to wait until we took our seats on the bus.

When we got settled, I started up the conversation again. "Dude, so who was telling you that bullshit about me?"

"Well, do you know Nathan?"


"Yeah, him."

"Hah. Knew it. That fucking bitch."

"Huh. So... Is it true? I mean, are you really gay?"

"WHAT!?" I was a bit too excited and a couple of people looked at us. "Uh... What?"

"Dude, I mean, if you are, then that's cool with me, and if you're not, then I'm cool with that as well."

"Dude, I'm not some fucking faggot, alright?"

"Alright, alright. Just chill, man."

"Okay, but the fact that this is Nathan just pisses me off so much more. That bitch has been trying to get the school to believe all sorts of shit about me. Speaking of, what has he told you?"

"Well, let's see... He said that you came out of the closet last year, and that you were in love with this kid named Josh, and that you got really depressed and almost killed yourself."

Inside, I went from pissed to scared in no time flat. How the hell did Nathan find out about that? Maybe he's got connections with Josh. I dunno, but shit, I got scared real fast.

Outside, I kept up my wall of pissed-off-ness. "What the hell? That fucker. Thomas, don't believe any shit he says. Knowing him, he's probably just some asshole that's out to get me. There's a lot of 'em at our school. Everyone's just out to fucking make my life miserable, huh?"

"Well, then, what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, what happened last year that would make Nathan make this shit up?"

"Honestly, I have no fucking clue. Nothing out of the ordinary happened last year, except that I got into music and Tae Kwon Do."

"Are you sure?" Thomas asked.

He was digging a bit deep. My façade wouldn't hold up much longer, so I had to end the conversation somehow.

"Yep. I think that I would know myself better than anyone else, right?"

"Hmm..." He began to go into somewhat deep thinking, at least from what I could see. "Yeah, you're right."

The bus had arrived at school, and what good timing as well! As I stepped off of the bus, I had remembered about my dream with the anti-Christ baby, so I decided to go down to the library to do a bit of research.

I logged onto a computer and went directly to Google. I typed in a name in the image search, and there was a perfect match with the girl I saw in my dreams.

"Aha! Suri Cruise! I knew it! So she was the anti-Christ in my dream!"

Okay, maybe I should explain something here. My logic works in rather interesting ways. Suri Cruise being the anti-Christ actually makes some sort of sense. Well, her father is Tom Cruise, right? And Tom Cruise is a famous Scientologist, right? Well, since daddy's a Scientologist, then so is baby. Suri Cruise, the child of the most famous Scientologist in the world, will grow to reign over the world and destroy Christianity with her cold, iron fists of ice. Or steel. Or iron. Or some sort of combination of the three.

From then on, that nightmare has been referred to as the "Suri Cruise anti-Christ nightmare". I sure have some really fucked up dreams, huh?

I logged off of the system and went off to first period.

Once again, Guitar was an extreme waste of time. Nothing but Irish jigs and shit. Algebra II was also kinda "meh". P.E., on the other hand...

Well, today was the last day of P.E. before our class switched to Health. No more boys in their underwear. :( However, I had bigger things to worry about...

I spotted Nathan over by the bleachers and walked up to him.

"You punk-ass bitch," I whispered loudly. "Hey, Nathan. You're a little pussy, you know that? You're one hell of an idiot and you've got one hell of an imagination. Thomas Yu told me everything. EVERYTHING. I dunno what kind of stunt you're trying to pull, but I'm surprised why you'd do some shit like this. What the fuck did I ever do to you?"

He had this smirk on his face, almost as if he was expecting this conversation. "You know you're a faggot. Just admit it, man. That's all. You're a faggot who tried to come out of the closet but shoved himself back in. Josh told me everything."

Damn... Somehow I knew it was the only possible way for this to be true.

"Uh... Josh? Josh who?" I maintained a face of confusion on the outside. Years of playing poker had definitely helped me to maintain two different expressions. In this case, I was surprised inside and confused outside. "Uh, I dunno about you, but I don't know anybody named Josh."

"Really, now? 'Cause I know a kid named Josh from baseball who told me everything about this freak named David Hernandez. This guy who was obsessed over him and wanted to marry him and would kill himself if he couldn't have him. Sound familiar?"

"Whoa. Damn, that's one hell of a story. But still, I don't know anyone named Josh. Maybe he knows another kid named David Hernandez. It's a possibility, right? I mean, there's a Chris Brown in my Guitar class."

My confused face seemed to be breaking him a little bit. "Hm... I guess it could be a possibility... It's a bit too strange to be a coincidence, but I guess there could still be a possibility... I still think you're bullshitting me, though."

Even a little doubt is good enough for me. Even the slightest amount of doubt can be used to push forward your case, and that is what seems to be the best way to combat against the dreaded rumor mill. If they don't hear it from your lips, then there should be anywhere from slight to complete doubt in their minds.

Somewhat satisfied, I went to my next class/period, lunch. On my way to my locker I ran into Taylor. Maybe now I should ask him about his, uh, personal life.

"Hey Taylor. What's up?"

"Oh, hey David."

"Yo, Taylor. I heard from this kid that you were gay or something. Is that true?"

His face seemed unchanged. "Nope. Dunno where you got that from, though."

"Oh. Alright then. See ya." I closed my locker door.

"Ok. See ya."

Sure, he denied it, but I can be a bit stubborn sometimes. Best to tackle this from another angle. The angle of patience.

...What? "Angle of patience"? Wow... That's a new one.

I went to purchase my dog-food-quality lunch from the cafeteria. Actually, I didn't. I got a soda from the ice cream truck outside. Que refresco! I went inside, and I noticed that one of the people from my lunch table was missing. "Hey, where's Carson?" I asked.

One of my friends at the table, Alec, replied, "Uh... He's actually been sick for a while. Where've you been?"

"Oh. Eiserman has me loaded down with homework, so I've been in the library for the past week or so."

"Ah. He's gotten really sick this time. He told me that he's got a parasite."

"Parasite? Wow, that sucks."

Carson seemed to be the unfortunate kid who constantly got sick. During the winter, he had a serious fever and I think he got the flu. He's had several smaller colds, and it's almost as if he's been sick half of the year.

Carson also happens to be the older brother of my friend Kevin, the guy from my "summer experience". Seeing him at my school was sort of a surprise, honestly. Small world, huh?

"Alright then. I gotta go. See ya."

"Ok bye."

I went outside to my usual haunt.

"Haunt"? Wow. I really DO have an extensive vocabulary...

Well, over the days, weeks, and months of freshman year, my lack of sleep has probably increased a hundred-fold. Now, since the weather's a lot nicer, during my lunch period, I actually go to the benches by the tennis courts on campus and I sleep for the period. In a sense, I like the solace that the place gives off. It's quite relaxing and it helps me to just get away from the stress of schoolwork and my (non-existent, or horrible, if existent) social life. I switched on my iPod and stared off into the distance...

'You've got this new head filled up with smoke,

I've got my veins all tangled close,

To the jukebox bars you frequent,

They're the safest place to hide.

A long night spent with your most obvious weakness,

You start shaking at the thought;

You are everything I want,

'Cause you are everything I'm not.'

I looked at the oak tree in front of me. (Rhyming!) There was a pair of sneakers there (Rhyming! Again!) hanging on a branch. I wonder who was the unfortunate kid to lose his shoes? (Rhyming! Third time!)

Ok. Enough of my inner poet.

I turned onto my side and laid down on the bench. It was breezy today, and my hair ruffled in the wind. My eyelids started to droop, and slowly, but surely, I was falling asleep.

'I just wanna break you down so badly,

'Cause I trip over everything you say...

I just wanna break you down so badly,

In the worst way...'

Thirty minutes later, I was woken up by the bell.

'Came as a gift from a good friend, a good friend,

That disapproves, but understands,

That you represent and actively encourage

All of my worst habits, they are all,

Proof that we're both capable, of the most, terrible things,

Don't test me!'

There was some kid standing over me. He looked like an eighth grader, but he was probably a freshman or something. He was staring at me, probably because I was asleep on a bench during school. (Can anybody say "Hobo!"?) I couldn't help but notice that he had this sort of cute, boyish shyness to him. He also had curly blond hair that contrasted his brown eyes. His slightly tanned skin kind of stood out, and I kind of made a mental note about that. It's not everyday that you see a blond kid with a tan in Virginia. Maybe he was new here...? Oddly enough, I don't think he was staring at my face at all, since I had my eyes open for at least ten seconds. I thought of shooing him off, but I decided to introduce myself.

"Uh, hello?" I said in my best "awkward introduction" voice.

"Oh! Um... Oh... Sorry..." he stammered as he started to walk away.

"Uh, no. It's okay, I guess. I'm just not used to having people stare at me while I sleep, that's all."

"Oh... Heheh... Yeah, I guess that would be kind of awkward. Uh, my name's Jake..."

"Oh. Uh, my name's David. Well, this sure was an awkward way to meet someone."

"Ah... Uh... I'd better go. Class is gonna start soon."

He walked away. I decided to follow his example and hurried off to Spanish class.

In Spanish class, we had to watch this extremely depressing video about these kids in Mexico who were miners. They were so pitiful, it almost made me want to pull an Angelina Jolie and adopt one of them.

Or not. I just waited for the bell to advance to my next class.

Biology was actually kind of interesting for me. Well, it always is, since our teacher has apparently been rendered into several different forms via chalkboard drawings from last period. (Motorcycle Man, Cowboy Man, S&M Man, S&M Man with liberty spikes and devil horns, Chicken Man, and Tattoo Man, just to name a few.)

I went to my table and sat with Alex. Alex seems to be obsessed with Tae Kwon Do, since all he ever talks about during Biology is Tae Kwon Do.

"Hey. How was sparring last night?" was the first thing I heard from him. Seemed to almost be routine now.

"Uh... I didn't go. I was busy doing homework, y'know?"

"Oh. Alright." He stood up and walked to another table, where his friend Eric was. This also was routine. I was too busy playing with my iPod to notice that someone had taken a seat next to me.

"So, what's up?"

I was startled, so I did the first thing that came to mind.

"Wha-huh? Who're..." He looked familiar. It was that kid from earlier, Jake. "Oh, hey. You're Jake, right?"

"Yeah, and you're David. So, what's up?"

"Uh... Nothing much. So I guess you're in my Biology class, huh?"

"Yeah. I'm kinda new here."

"Okay, then. Lemme see your schedule."

He handed me the paper. He had a couple of my classes, like Algebra II, Lunch, and Biology.

"Okay, then. Do you know about the block schedule yet?"

"Yeah. The counselor person explained it to me."

"Hm. Alright. So, where are you from?"

"I just moved from California. It's pretty different here in Virginia..."

"Yeah, it is. It gets damn cold here during the winter, so you'd better get used to it, and fast!"

"Yep. Agreed."

From there, the rest of the day was a blur. The usual World History/English gauntlet and the usual bus ride home. I went to my bed and turned on the radio. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking about Jake. Something about him was definitely strange. He seemed... Different, for one. He had this strange aura to him... It couldn't be... Maybe he could be, but still... I guess it's only wishful thinking. He was pretty damn cute, after all. Maybe a bit too cute... Gah! I'll think about this later. I need sleep! Tomorrow in Valentine's Day, and I've got someone special in mind...

Or not. I just need sleep.

Alrighty. That's four down, an indefinite number to go. Any comments/suggestions/flames are to be sent to ( Oh, and don't forget about the age thingy. I really wanna know what age demographic I'm appealing to.

Next: Chapter 5

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