
By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Aug 30, 2009


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.


Part Six

By Chris

Softly she said, "I want you to stay, please stay with me, I need you so god damn bad."

Monica started to cry too as she gathered the crying Felicia into her arms and she held her tightly. "I'll stay for as long as you want me too. I will stay forever if you'll let me."

"I'm scared Monica, I didn't want to send you away but I didn't know what else to do." Felicia said crying harder.

Monica head the door open and then close and she knew that they were alone, "I'm here to take care of you now. There's nothing to be scared of anymore. We'll find an answer to all that is bothering you. We may not solve everything today but we will solve it. I promise you that."

Monica put her hands to Felicia's face pulling it back, she saw the tears running down those rosy cheeks and she kissed them away as her own tears fell then she lightly kissed those soft wonderful lips and she felt Felicia respond to her kiss pulling her in tight.

"Oh god how I've missed kissing those lips." Monica told her seeing Felicia smile for the first time in what seemed forever.

"I have missed kissing you too." Felicia said then she began to cry again as she said, "I'm sorry that I had to drive you away but I was so scared and I didn't know what else I could do." And the tears began all over again only this time she was crying so hard that she was sobbing and then she got the a case of the hick-ups from crying so hard.

Monica was holding her tightly letting her cry but when the hick-ups started she pushed Felicia back so that she could kiss the tears away and she told her, "Come on and let's get you some water to get rid of those nasty hick-ups and then we are going to sit and talk. And this time we talk about everything, which includes your memory and how you are remembering more than you did before. It all needs to come out and we need to talk about it. That is what love is all about. It means you can talk to me about anything and we don't have to avoid a subject."

Felicia hick-up'ed loudly as her body shook, and then she said quietly and sadly, "I'll tell you everything." Felicia started to cry again as she said, "I need you Monica."

"I need you to Felicia, I was miserable without you. I want you in my life to talk to and be with." Monica told her.

"Now into the kitchen for the water, then we are going to talk." Monica told her as she took her hand and this time she did pull her into the kitchen. There she filled a large glass with water making Felicia drink it down thus curing her hick-ups. Monica then sat her in a kitchen chair as she put a pot of coffee on. She talked about work and things like that to fill the silence as the coffee made which luckily didn't take long. She poured them both a cup even though Felicia didn't drink coffee much; she accepted the cup and took a sip.

"You remember everything that we have done together don't you?" Monica asked hoping to clear up some things right off so she knew just what she was working with.

Felicia looked down at her cup of coffee then back up art Monica then she said, "I remember everything about you, from the first day that you walked into the diner to today."

"But the rest of your memory still fades away after a couple of months?" She asked of her.

"Yes and no..." She said as she hesitated and Monica could see that she was trying to figure out how to put into words what she needed to say. "I am remembering more and more but some things still fade away. It's not like I am remembering about other things as I do about you but yes it is improving but mainly it is what we did together that I remember."

"Well no one has a perfect memory, I remember all about what we have done too but everything else may or may not stay in my memory. But I do know that I do remember more than you do. But to get back on the subject, you're remembering more scares you doesn't it?" she asked.

"Yes it does, it scares the hell out of me." Felicia said leaving the last unsaid as she looked away from Monica and stared at her cup of coffee.

"There was something else that happened that day I found you crying in the bedroom? You weren't crying over a sad movie was you?" Monica asked as she put her fingers to Felicia's chin pulling it around so that she was facing her again. That day had always bothered her and she had to find out if something happened then that started all of this.

"No I wasn't crying about any movie and yes there was something..." Felicia said but she didn't go further.

"Sort of what I figured, I should have pressed you more that day but I didn't and I'm sorry. I should have sat on you until you told me what was wrong." This made Felicia smile as Monica hoped that it would. "And I should have been more open from the beginning about your memory but your family seemed to feel that it was something that wasn't talked about but that changes today. So let's start with why remembering more scares you." Monica said and she saw Felicia getting that scared look in her eyes. "Honey, we can't make that scared feeling go away without talking about it."

"I know but I'm afraid of what I will remember." Felicia said as she began to cry.

"What are you afraid of, what do you think you'll remember that is so bad? Are you afraid that you will remember having the diving accident and remember drowning?" Monica asked her.

"A little, but there's more to it than that." She replied.

"Okay first let's put that to rest first. There have been many people who had died and came back but few if any remember what had happened. That is gone forever and I think if you were going to remember that then you would have when you woke up and that didn't happen." Monica said.

"How do you know, you weren't there." Felicia asked challenging her on that point.

Monica knew she was going to have to fess up to talking to Sherrie sooner or later and it turned out to be sooner. "Because I have been talking to your mother a lot since you broke it off and I asked her to tell me more about the accident and what happened to you when you woke up. I knew you breaking up with me had a lot to do with you remembering more and I wanted to find out everything I could about your memory. I'm sorry I went behind your back in talking to your mom but you weren't talking to me at the time."

"I knew you were talking to my mom and I didn't mind. It sort of made us closer in a way." Felicia told her.

"But you remembering more is a good thing and if by some far off chance you happen to remember anything about your accident then tell me and we will deal with it. And if we can't do it alone we will get help. I know that you hate going to doctors but this will be only to get you over the accident and not to try and get you to remember your past. I'm not going to push you to go see any doctor to help you remember and your family won't either." Monica told her.

"I don't mind the doctors so much as I really don't remember seeing them. I think maybe I was just trying to get on with my life." Felicia told her.

Monica smile as she said, "You're probably right. I know I wanted away from home when I was young and I'm sure you were the same way. And since you were remembering such a short time period, then your whole life revolved around seeing one doctor or another, I am sure that at the time you were tired of seeing them, especially since none were really helping you any."

"Probably, but why am I suddenly remembering longer than two months?" Felicia asked.

Monica knew that question would be coming and it was one of the few things that she had prepared herself for incase she did get to talk to Felicia. "First I'm not a doctor so I don't know for sure but I have a guess as to why which makes sense to me."

"What's that?" She was asked.

"It is a matter of what you had worth remembering. Basically your life consisted of reading and working, right?"

"Yea, so what?" Felicia asked.

"Well when I'm just doing regular stuff and nothing special is happening then I don't remember anything about that day. Ask me what I did last Wednesday and I will only be able to tell you that I probably worked on the dresser I have and went to work. Nothing special happened that day but asked me about the day you threw me out and I can remember almost every detail. That day made an impression on me. I just don't think that you had anything worth remembering until I came along and blew your world wide open. I'm not trying to say I am all that great or some kind of supernatural healer but compared to what had been happening in your life then I become something worth remembering." Monica told her.

"That makes sense but I am remembering other things longer too that aren't about you." Felicia told her.

"Yes you are and that is good but it still might come back to you doing things that excite you. Make you want to remember them and me. I just keep thinking that is comes back to having something worth remembering. And maybe you just needed time to let your mind rest and recover. And for you that took years instead of months." Monica told her.

"That does make sense..., I guess," Felicia told her.

"But the main thing is that you are remembering more things now and that is a good thing and I have to admit that I'm glad that it is me that you are remembering." Monica said giving her a big smile but not getting as big a smile back.

"You're still not convinced that remembering more is a good thing, are you?" Monica asked.

"I'm sorry but no..." Felicia told her and Monica could see a bit of that scared look come back.

"Okay then we'll talk about that but I need a refill, you want more coffee?" She asked her as she got up from the kitchen chair.

"No, one cup is enough for me but maybe I'll have some water." She said as she started to get up.

"Just sit still, I'm up and I can get it." Monica told her as she went to the fridge and got a bottle of water for her then she made herself a cup of coffee.

She came around to her chair and was just starting to sit down when she decide they needed to sit somewhere more comfortable. "Let's go and sit on the couch, we can get more comfortable that way."

"Just how comfortable?" Felicia asked as she gave her a shy smile.

"As comfortable as you want, my dear." Monica said giving her a wink and making Felicia blush.

"Come on and let's get naked on the couch." Monica said as she reached out her hand for Felicia's hand and then pulling her up. She gave her a kiss before leading her back into the living room where they sat on the couch facing each other.

"Aren't you going to get naked?" Felicia teased her.

"Soon, I hope, but for now let's keep our attention on the matter at hand. I know once I get you naked, talking will be the last thing on my mind." Monica told her and she could see that Felicia was pleased by that statement.

"Okay now tell me why you are scared by remembering more and for longer periods?" Monica asked her as she took a sip of her coffee.

Felicia hesitated for a moment and Monica remained silent waiting her out, finally she said, "Because I'm afraid of what I will remember and what I will find out about myself, maybe I wasn't such a good person and that is why the accident happened to me."

"Oh honey, why would you ever think such a thing?" Monica asked shocked that Felicia could ever imagine that she was a bad person.

"Because I don't know what I was like before the accident, I can't remember anything about myself before it happened or even what happened for years afterwards. Maybe I have done bad things that I don't remember and no one will tell me. I just don't know and beside that is what that preacher..." Felicia was saying when she stopped herself.

Monica didn't miss the preacher thing but she put it aside for the moment. She put her coffee cup down and took the water bottle from Felicia putting it on the table, then she took Felicia's hands in her hands, "Honey I want you to listen to me very carefully and look me in the eyes." She said waiting for Felicia to look up before continuing, "I have gotten to know you very well this year and I know that there isn't one thing that is bad in your body, you are incapable of being bad."

"But you didn't..." Felicia started to say when Monica gave her a look that told her to keep her mouth shut so she did.

"No I don't know anything about you before I met you but I have talked to your parents and to Ruth and then some of your cousins that we met at your parents house and I never once heard anything bad that you may have done. They said you were a sweet child who loved swimming and diving with all your soul that was your passion and left no time for you to get into trouble." Monica was saying when Felicia spoke up again.

"But maybe I did something real bad that no one knows about and I don't remember." Felicia told her.

"God you're convinced that you were really bad, what do I have to say to convince you that you were and are a good person?" Monica asked as she let out a big sigh of frustration.

"But that pr..." Felicia started to say then she stopped herself.

"Okay just what in the hell did that preacher say to you?" Monica asked.

"Nothing, it's nothing." Felicia said as she started to turn her head away.

Monica let go of Felicia's hands so she could put them on Felicia's face forcing her to look at her again and she said quiet angrily, "Tell me what he said to you and tell me now!"

Felicia's eyes went wide as she looked into Monica's angry face and this time she spit it out, "He told me that only bad things happened to bad people and if something bad happened to me then it was God punishing me." Then she began to cry.

"Oh god my sweet child, how could you believe such shit? I thought you were smarter than that." Monica said and then she saw the hurt she just caused in Felicia's eyes.

"I'm sorry honey; I didn't mean it that way. Tell me what happened, where did you meet him and how did he know something happened to you?" Monica asked her this time using a gentle soothing voice as she leaned in a kissed Felicia's lips softly.

"He was a traveling preacher going from church to church and he was in town for a few days last summer. He would come in real early after you had left and eat and talk to whomever was in the diner. One day there was no one else in the diner and he started to talk or preach to me. I guessed that he sensed that something was troubling me and he got to talking about God and how he looked out for the good people of the world, the true believers and punished the bad and nonbelievers. At first I didn't pay any attention to him but the more I thought about what he said and how something bad happened to me..."

"Let me guess, he started to show up just about the time you realized that you were remembering more and it was beginning to worry you." Monica asked her.

"Yea it was." Felicia admitted.

"Oh god, if I ever get my hands on that asshole, I swear I will cut his balls off for doing that to you. He caught you just at the right moment and I bet he has been honing that talent of seeking out troubled people just when they are the most vulnerable." Monica said feeling the anger boiling within her but then she saw that she was scaring Felicia so she made herself calm down. "Honey bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. That's just how the world works. If God punishes us for every bad thing we do or think, then that isn't a god I chose to believe in. My god is much better; she treats all people equally and loves us all. Felicia I haven't known you all of your life but I do believe in all my heart that you never did anything to deserve what happened to you. But it did happen and that is something that we will deal with together. You don't have to face it alone and when I see that something is bothering you, I won't pretend that I don't see it. I am going to be all over you until you tell me what is wrong just to shut me up." Monica said as she pulled Felicia to her and hugged her tightly.

"We're in this together babe, I'll look out for you and you can look out for me. And when I start to hold back on you, I want you to bust my chops until I tell you what is wrong." Monica told her.

"I will, you know how I love to bust your chops." Felicia said and then she giggled making Monica smile.

"Oh that I do know." Monica told her as she pulled back giving Felicia a kiss that led to another kiss and then another one before Felicia pulled back.

"But what about my memory, why is it improving and how much will I eventually remember?" she asked her.

"I don't know babe, maybe it is because things are happening that you want to remember, maybe it is just that you needed time to heal, and maybe we'll never know why. We'll just take what comes to us and deal with it. I hope that it does continue to improve but rest assured that I will love you no matter how much or how little memory that you have." Monica told her as she pulled Felicia to her and she seemed to melt into her arms. Monica slowly leaned back until she was a little more comfortable. Felicia sat up scaring Monica for a second until she turned around and she slid up on Monica's lap. Felicia laid her head back down on Monica's chest placing it between her breasts and she slipped her right arm around Monica's back. Monica wrapped her left arm around Felicia's back letting her hand rest on her side. Her right hand she placed on Felicia's hand which was resting on her lap.

"You don't think that there is anything real bad in my past?" Felicia asked as her eyes went up staring up at Monica.

"No Felicia I honestly don't. I would say that the worst thing that you probably did back then was what I was doing." Monica told her setting her up.

"What was that?" Felicia asked and Monica could feel Felicia tensing up.

"Just frigging my pussy about ten times a day." Monica said and she heard a giggle come from Felicia and then she added, "And if we go to hell for that then it was well worth it as it felt so fucking good."

"I never know what is going to come out of that mouth of yours." Felicia said as she cuddled in close.

"Just trying to keep you on your toes," Monica told her as she kissed the top of her head.

"Do you think that I was silly to believe that stupid preacher?" Felicia asked as she sat up and looked Monica in her eyes.

"Given the state of mind you were in at that moment, no I don't think you were silly to believe him. I blame the stupid preacher for preying on you when you were weak and I blame myself for not making you talk to me. But if he ever steps back into that diner and you don't kick him out and you let him fill your head with his bullshit, we will have words after you bail me out of jail for cutting off his balls." Monica told her.

Felicia smiled then she lay back down against Monica's chest. "Thank you, and don't worry, I know better now and while I'm still fearful as to what is happening with my memory, I'm no longer scared like I was. And we will talk more but not today okay, I'm tired of talking and I just want to rest for a while." Felicia told her.

"Have you gotten any sleep today?" Monica asked her.

"I haven't gotten much sleep since Jayne called me Sunday." She said and Monica about dumped her into the floor as she sat up.

"And just how long have you and my rotten back stabbing niece been talking?" Monica asked.

"Oh god I thought that you knew we had been talking." Felicia said then she added, "Now don't you go and yell at her, she was just..." Felicia said before Monica broke in.

"...sticking her nose where it didn't belong."

"No she wasn't and besides you were talking to my mother finding out about me, is that any different?" Felicia said and Monica could see some of the Felicia she remembered coming back.

"No it wasn't but all the same..." Monica said.

"All the same what? There is nothing different between what she and I did and what you and my mother were doing. I dare you tell me that there is and don't bring her age into it and I just know that was what you were going to do." Felicia told her.

Monica wanted to come back with something but she couldn't think of anything which frustrated the hell out of her. She hated it when someone got the better of her and Felicia just had. "So just how long you and my sweet niece have been talking?" she asked instead.

"You won't yell at her or be mad at her." Felicia asked.

"I make no promises." Monica said with a smile.

"Then I won't tell you." She said as she started to get up off of her lap but Monica pulled her back down.

"I won't yell at her and I won't be mad at her, besides she always sweet talks me out of being mad at her. But now I am curious about your friendship with her." Monica told her sincerely.

"It was a couple of days after I sent you away, that I got call at the diner early in the morning and it was Jayne and she cussed me out using that new word that you taught her." Felicia said with a smile and Monica had to smile as she remembered that day when she got Jayne to say fuck in front of her mother. "Then she hung up on me not leaving me a chance to explain things to her not that I could. Then a few days later, she called me again asking why I broke your heart. This time she let me talk and while I didn't tell her everything I did tell her that it wasn't because I didn't love you anymore. After that I guess she made it her mission to get us back together and she did, didn't she." Felicia told her.

Monica thought for a moment then she realized that it was Jayne that kept after her even after the rest of the family had stopped talking about Felicia in front of her but Jayne didn't. And she did push her to come and see Felicia at the diner but then since she had been talking to Felicia she knew that Felicia was ready to try again. "I think we both owe her a big kiss don't we?"

"Yes we do." Felicia said as she leaned back against Monica.

"Come on babe, let's go to bed, we both need some sleep." Monica said as she picked up Felicia in her arms carrying her to the bedroom with Felicia giggling the whole time.

Monica placed her onto the bed gently before sitting down on the edge of the bed. Monica leaned in kissing her tenderly as she saw that Felicia was looking a little nervous. She then reached down to the bottom edge of Felicia's sweater and she began to pull it up. She did so slowly getting it above her white cotton bra and then over her head as Felicia held her arms up for her. Monica dropped the sweater to the floor then she reached behind Felicia to unhook her bra bringing it forward with her hands revealing those wonderful breasts with the small areoles. Monica leaned down giving each a kiss but it was a brief kiss only letting Felicia know that she did still desire her.

She eased Felicia's shoulders back until she was lying down with her head on the pillow. Monica moved her hands down to Felicia's jeans unsnapping and unzipping them. She began to pull them down leaving the panties in place. Felicia raised her hips helping Monica to get her jeans down. Monica pulled them from Felicia's firm thighs and calves. She pulled them off tossing them to the floor. She left Felicia's socks in place as she reached up to Felicia's panties where she felt Felicia hands stopping her.

"I'm on my period." Felicia warned her.

"You still using a tampon aren't you?" Monica asked.

"Yeah," Felicia told her.

"Cool, then these panties can go and besides our periods never stopped us before as we always found ways to make love after that first day when we both were being bitches." Monica told her giving her a wicked wink making Felicia smile.

She felt Felicia lift her hands up and she raised her hips off the bed and Monica pulled the panties down. She saw the telltale string coming from between Felicia's pussy lips. She pulled the panties off then she leaned down giving the top of Felicia's pussy a tender kiss. Then she sat up and she could see that Felicia had been reassured about how she felt about her. Monica started to get up when Felicia grabbed her forearm.

"Don't leave me, sleep with me for a while." Felicia told her as her voice trembled.

"Oh honey I don't plan on it. I need sleep as much as you do. You see I haven't slept very much since my pushy niece talked me into contacting you again. I was just as nervous and scared as you were." Monica said as she leaned over giving Felicia a kiss which was meant to only be a short one but Felicia put her arms around her neck keeping her in place so that the kiss would last. Monica slipped her hands under Felicia's shoulders as she let her lips part and the kiss become more passionate. The kiss lingered for a long special moment and as the kiss ended, Monica gave Felicia a hug.

"Now I'm going to get up and get naked so we can sleep like we have always slept, naked and cuddled close to each other." Monica told her before she got up and this time, Felicia let her do so.

Monica turned so that she was facing Felicia as she began to undress. She didn't do a slow strip tease but she also didn't just jerk her clothes off either. She wanted Felicia to see her and she wanted to see if she would look at her like she did before. She didn't have to worry as Felicia's eyes never left her body. Her eyes light up as Monica pulled her bra off and her breasts came free. Monica went next to her jeans pushing them off before going to her panties. There she did slow down and she paused for a moment before letting them go past her pussy where there was a string hanging from between her lips like Felicia had.

"Our periods still match." Felicia said happily.

"Yep, I think while our bodies were separated, our souls remained together." Monica said as she slipped under the sheet and blankets then she helped Felicia to get up under them too.

Felicia snuggled in close to her as Monica wrapped her arms around her. "I like that our souls being still together while we were apart, that is so romantic." Felicia told her as she let out a yawn.

"Now off to sleep my love." Monica said as she kissed her lips then she rolled onto her back pulling Felicia with her.

Felicia put her head between Monica's breasts and she let Monica pull her in close. Monica kissed her forehead and she felt Felicia start to relax and she did the same. She wasn't sure who fell asleep first but if wasn't at the same time then it was close to being.

For once Monica was the first to awake and she found that Felicia had slipped from on top of her but was still lying next to her. Monica wanted to give her a kiss but she feared that she would wake her and she wanted Felicia to sleep. So she slipped gently out of the bed. She stood there watching Felicia sleeping before covering her back up and heading to the bathroom. There she peed and replaced her tampon with a fresh one. She saw that her flow had lessened a great deal so that meant that her period was ending its cycle.

Monica went on into the kitchen putting a fresh pot of coffee on to brew. She saw that it was nearing nine in the evening and she felt her belly growling. She looked around the kitchen trying to find something that she could fix for them to eat. However she wasn't that much of a cook as she had always let Felicia do the cooking when they ate in. She kept looking but nothing looked good to her or if it did she didn't feel like making it.

"I'll cook us something, what do you want?" Felicia said from the doorway.

Monica jumped and yelled "Oh Shit!" Then she saw Felicia standing in the doorway naked and looking beautiful to her.

"You scared me to death." Monica said to her as Felicia started to walk toward her.

"For being dead, you look pretty good to me." Felicia said as he came into Monica's arms and kissing her.

Monica returned the kiss as she let her hands rest on Felicia's back. "Well you look beautiful to me." Monica replied after the kiss ended.

"Thank you, so what you want me to fix?" Felicia asked as she pulled back a hair but remained in Monica's arms.

"Nothing, I believe that we should go out to eat and I believe that I know a hamburger joint that stays open until eleven on Fridays. I.." Monica was saying when a scream of joy came forth from Felicia's mouth.

"Let's get dressed and go, I know what I want already!" Felicia said and Monica found herself being dragged through the kitchen to the bedroom. Once there Felicia started to dress and Monica was hard pressed to keep up with her making Felicia wait as she finished putting her bra and knit top on.

"I'm hurrying." Monica said to her impatient friend as she saw Felicia looking at her with this, "God are you slow." look.

Then she went to Felicia giving her a kiss to throw her off guard before running past her saying, "Come on, what are you waiting for, Christmas?"

"No fair!" Felicia said laughing and she didn't catch up with Monica until Monica was at the front door. She opened it and Felicia rushed out forcing Monica to have to stop to let her through and Felicia was laughing at her until her feet hit the cold concrete.

"Shit!" Felicia cried out as she looked down at her feet seeing that she only had a pair of thin socks on to protect them.

"Why didn't you tell me I forgot my shoes?" Felicia cried out as she rushed back into the warm apartment.

"Oh I knew you would figure it out soon enough." Monica said as she laughed.

"God you can be a bitch sometimes!" Felicia yelled at her as she headed back to the bedroom.

"Hurry up, I'm hungry!" Monica yelled to her.

"Shut up and come in here and help me find my fucking tennis shoes, I can't find them anywhere." Felicia yelled back at her.

Monica started to go toward the bedroom when she spotted Felicia's tennis shoes by the couch where she had obviously taken them off when she had come in from work. She picked them up and put them behind her back before going into the bedroom where she found Felicia on her knees in front of her closet throwing shoes left and right.

"Is these what you looking for?" Monica asked as she pulled the shoes from behind her back.

"Where did you hide them?" Felicia asked as she got up.

"By the couch where you sat to take them off, when you got off work." Monica said half guessing.

"Oh..." Felicia said as she blushed a little.

"Yes, oh..." Monica said as she dropped to her knees in front of Felicia and she put Felicia's shoes on for her.

"Now are we ready?" Monica asked as she stood up.

"Yep, all ready!" Felicia replied as she gave Monica a kiss on the cheek and then rushed past her. "Hurry up slow poke, what you waiting for Christmas?" she said using Monica's words against her.

Monica laughed and she hurried up to catch up with Felicia who was already going out the front door. Monica went on through and she saw that Felicia was walking on ahead. "Aren't you going to lock the door?"

"You still got a key don't you?" Felicia called back.

"Yea, I forgot." Monica said as she pulled her keys out.

"God, I thought I was the one who had the bad memory." Felicia said to her and Monica looked around to see Felicia grinning from ear to ear.

"That is a good sign." Monica thought to herself as she locked the door, Felicia joking at her own memory. "Maybe she is ready to open up about it and really talk." Monica was thinking as she caught up with Felicia.

"What you thinking about?" Felicia asked her as she slipped her arm through Monica's arm.

"What makes you think I am thinking about anything?" Monica asked.

"Because your forehead is knitted and you have this far off look." Felicia told her.

"Well I'll have to remember that in the future so you won't always know when I'm thinking about something." Monica said kidding with her.

"You're always thinking about something so it won't work." She told her and Monica had to agree with that observation. "So what were you thinking about?"

"I was thinking that if you can now joke about your memory then maybe you're ready to open up to me and let me know when something is worrying you." Monica admitted to her.

"I'm going to try, that's all I can promise." Felicia said as she put her head against Monica's shoulder.

"That's all I can ask of you babe." Monica said as she slipped her arms from Felicia's, placing it around her waist.

Monica then changed the subject as she started to talk about work and how Carol had finally crossed the line and she got herself fired and she didn't even have to do the firing. So on the way to the burger joint, Monica told Felicia about how she had to take a couple of days off when she came down with strep throat and Rex had to fill in for her. Well Carol thought this was her time to really stir things up however she went too far when she told Rex she wasn't going to do something that he had told her to do using that old line that it wasn't in her job description. Rex reminded her of the final line of her job description that said "And whatever her supervisor told her to do and she still refused so he escorted her out the door. Then he called her and Monica said that he was right to do so and she would call the plant manager in the morning to fill him in on what had happened. Felicia loved it as she knew how much trouble Carol had caused her. Monica talked all through the diner as she filled Felicia in on what had happened to her while they were apart.

"It's started to snow." Felicia said excitedly as they came out of the restaurant.

"Yea, they said we might get some tonight." Monica told her.

"I love to watch it snow, it is so beautiful as it comes down, can we drive around for a while." Felicia asked.

"Sure, anything that you want babe." Monica said as they got to the car. She held the door open for Felicia then she went around to the driver's side getting in.

"Where do you want to go?" Monica asked as she started the car turning on the defroster to get the fog from the windows.

"It doesn't matter, wherever you want to drive to, just so we can watch the snow for a while." Felicia said as she put her hand in Monica's and giving it a squeeze.

"Then off we go." Monica said letting go of Felicia's small hand to shift into reverse to back out then putting it into forward. She took Felicia's hand back in hers as she left the restaurant and headed first away from Felicia's apartment.

Felicia was quiet for a while as she looked out the windshield at the falling snow. "I did miss you so much, you know." She finally said.

"I know you did and I missed you too." Monica told her as she squeezed her hand.

"I guess that is why I kept talking to Jayne; she was my way of keeping in contact with you. She really loves you and she so wanted me to take you back. She was just sure that we were soul mates and had to be together. I tried to tell her that is couldn't be but she wouldn't listen." Felicia told her.

"Well she takes after her mother being a dreamer and also being stubborn as a mule." Monica said with a laugh.

"I think she takes after her aunt that way. She kept telling me that it was you that encouraged her to believe in her dreams, that being a dreamer was a wonderful thing. I know that I see a bit of a dreamer in you and god knows you are stubborn." Felicia had to add with a giggle.

"I'm stubborn... you're the stubborn one. Once you set your mind to something, I give up and just go along." Monica told her.

"Am I that bad?" Felicia asked a little worriedly.

"Yeah you are but most of the time, it ends up being lots of fun just to follow along and see what you do." Monica told her.

"Like what, tell me something that I made us do." Felicia asked.

"Oh let me see?" Monica said hating being put on the spot like that but she walked right into it.

She had to think a minute but a good example came to her mind, "Oh I know, remember when I told you about what all Libby had shown me and then not long after that you wanted to try pee games. I didn't think you or we were ready but you were determined, god were you determined. So I gave in and it turned out great. And then there was the time we went to the sex store and you got all those clips including the ones for pussy lips. Then we came home and you wanted to try that too."

"Okay I get it; I can be a little stubborn." Felicia conceded and though she could see her clearly, she knew that Felicia was blushing. "But you can be stubborn too, you know."

"Give me an example," Monica said as she put it back on Felicia.

Felicia didn't hesitate for an even a second as she popped out with, "You never gave up on me."

"I almost did." Monica admitted.

"But you didn't give up on me in the end." Felicia said then she said quietly, "Take us home." Then she leaned over and gave Monica a kiss on the cheek. Monica raised her hand up and caressed Felicia's cheek for a moment.

"I'll be glad to my dear." Monica said as she took the next right heading them back to Felicia's place.

When they got back to the apartment, Felicia made Monica stay in the kitchen as she went to the bathroom. Monica smiled at her as she watched her ass as it went through the kitchen door. Monica got them a bottle of water to drink as she waited patiently as Felicia was taking much longer in the bathroom than one would if she was just going there to pee. It was about twenty minutes later when she heard Felicia call out that the bathroom was free. Monica went back toward the bathroom and she noticed that the bedroom door was closed. She could hear Felicia messing around in there and then something hit the floor with a thud then she heard Felicia say "Oh Shit!" very loudly and with a bit of anger.

"You okay in there?" Monica asked a bit concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go to the bathroom and stay in there for a while." She heard Felicia yell.

"Okay," Monica said as she couldn't help but to smile but now she was very curious as to what she was up to.

She went on into the bathroom smelling Felicia's favorite perfume, and she saw her hair brushes and make-up scatted across the sink counter. She also noticed that all of Felicia's clothes were thrown toward the laundry hamper. She stripped out of her clothes then she sat down on the toilet to pee. She pulled out her tampon hoping that she wouldn't have to put a fresh one and it was a close call so she put one in just in case as they was very little on the old one. She washed herself real well, and then used one of Felicia's douches before putting in a fresh tampon. She next went to the sink and began to fix herself up since Felicia had obviously had done so. She worked carefully as she put a little eyeliner on but she left the rest be. She brushed out her hair using one of Felicia's brushes since she had nothing here as she hadn't planned on staying the night when she came there that morning. She wasn't sure how long to take so she peeked out the bathroom door and she saw that the bedroom door was now opened so she figured that she could come in now. She took a deep breath before opening the door and going out.

When she got to the bedroom door, she saw that Felicia was lying on the bed naked and looking beautiful. She saw that Felicia had plugged in a small room heater to warm up the bedroom a little. There was the cloth over the lamp giving the room a romantic air and the candles placed all around the room. However the thing that made the room the most romantic was Felicia lying on the center of the bed with that shy smile. She was under the covers however her pert breasts were exposed causing Monica's pussy to moisten some and she knew she would need to replace her tampon again soon.

Monica walked over to the bed and as Felicia held the covers up, she slipped under them. She eased over against Felicia taking her into her arms as Felicia let the covers fall over them. "I do love you." Monica told her as she used her fingers to move a few stray strands of hair from her eyes.

"I love you too and I'm sorry for all the trouble that I caused you." Felicia said as she dropped her eyes down.

"Honey, it's okay. We're together now and that is all that counts." Monica replied as she moved forward forcing Felicia onto her back.

She stared into Felicia's eyes as she let her fingertips caress Felicia's cheeks. Felicia stared back at her with the same intensity that Monica had, and then Monica gradually lowered her head down until her lips touched Felicia's. Monica kissed her lightly until she felt Felicia's fingers digging into her shoulders. Monica opened her lips letting her tongue slip into Felicia's mouth and she felt Felicia sucking on it. Monica slipped up on top of Felicia as she felt Felicia open her legs for her.

Monica felt all the passions and desires come forth from with her body as she felt that need for Felicia. And since Felicia had wrapped her legs around Monica's waist, she also was having the same feeling and needs. Monica ground her pussy down onto Felicia's pussy as their hunger and desires burst forth from them. Felicia groaned as she pushed her hips upwards as Monica drove her hips downwards. Monica kissed her passionately as she worked her hips so that they pussies slid against each other and even with the tampons they were wearing, their juices were getting out. Monica could feel her clit getting the friction it needed and she made sure that Felicia's did too. Soon they were panting too hard to kiss. They were grinding their pussies together and getting all the stimulation that they could. Monica could feel the first orgasm that she had since they had been apart coming forth from within her body. She tried to hold it off but she couldn't as it overtook her and she ground her pussy down hard against Felicia's pussy. She heard Felicia cry out just after she did and they came together.

When she came around, she could feel that Felicia's legs had fallen from her waist and her face was soaked with sweat and red from the orgasm she had just had. Monica began to kiss the sweat away starting with her forehead and working her way around to her lips. It was there that she stayed as she kissed her tenderly going first for short tender kisses then slowly letting them linger until the kisses became one long kiss where their tongues kissed as their lips did.

Monica eventually let the kissing end as she began to slip down Felicia's body, kissing her chin then her throat before going on down to Felicia's chest. She placed tender kisses between Felicia's breasts before going to her right. She slowly kissed her way up Felicia's left breast up to her nipple. She kissed it tenderly making Felicia moan and push her chest upwards. Monica sucked the nipple into her mouth as she began to suckle on it. Monica felt Felicia's hand go to the back of her head holding it in place as she loved on her nipple. She ended the loving with a bite that caused Felicia to groan and she kissed her way down that breast then up the right breast until she got to the nipple where she kissed it. She began to suckle on this nipple but this time she threw in some gentle bites to keep Felicia moaning and groaning.

She went back to the other nipple loving on it again before she began to kiss her way down Felicia's body. She felt Felicia opening her legs wide as she headed in that direction. She could smell Felicia's arousal the closer she got to her pussy. She kissed the smooth skin above her pussy teasing her for a moment before letting her mouth venture down to her clit. She kissed it then she sucked it into her mouth as she used her tongue to tease it.

"Oh god Monica; suck me hard." Felicia cried out to her.

Monica sucked even harder as she let the fingers of her right hand play with Felicia's pussy lips. She could feel the sting of Felicia's tampon and she moved it out of the way. She then moved her mouth down to Felicia's pussy, licking the outer lips and going a little deeper inside. She could feel the edge of Felicia's tampon and she found that Felicia's juices were a little more tangy than usual but she still love it as she was pleasing Felicia. She licked and chewed on Felicia's lips until she felt Felicia's hands on her head pulling her head back to her clit. There she used her tongue to lick the hard nub fast and hard then she bit down on it making Felicia jerk her hips. Monica sucked the clit into her mouth using her lips to put pressure on the base of the clit. Felicia was bucking her hips so that Monica had to hold on to her ass to keep her mouth on Felicia's clit as she brought her to an orgasm. She sucked and bit on Felicia's clit until she felt Felicia scream and she pushed her head away.

Monica licked and sucked on Felicia's pussy getting what girlcum that she could then she slipped up in the bed so that she could kiss and hold Felicia as she experienced her orgasm. Felicia's face was red and she had sweat beaded up on her brow. Monica kissed the sweat away then she went back to kissing her lips until Felicia began to kiss her back.

"Oh god that felt great." Felicia told her, "I just wish I was fresher for you."

"You tasted great to me babe." Monica assured her.

"Well it's your turn now." Felicia said as she pushed Monica onto her back.

"I'm ready babe." Monica moaned as she felt Felicia's lips close around her left nipple sucking hard on it. Monica's hands went automatically to Felicia's head and she combed her fingers through Felicia's hair as she sucked on her nipple. Felicia sucked hard and bit down harder as she remembered how she liked her nipples abused. Felicia worked both nipples well as she sucked and bit on them. As good as it felt Monica needed her pussy attended to so after a few minutes, she gently pushed down on Felicia's head.

Felicia kissed and bit her way down Monica's belly making Monica moan when she kissed and groan when she bit however both served to arouse her even more. When Felicia got to her pussy, Monica had her legs spread out wide and Felicia went right to her pussy sucking and licking on her lips. Felicia then spread her lips out wide letting the tongue get in deep. Monica groaned and she pushed her hips upwards wanting more of Felicia's tongue into her pussy. She Felt Felicia licking around the end of her tampon and she was half afraid that she would pull it out but she didn't. Soon Felicia's tongue made its way back to her clit and it licked hard and fast making Monica groan aloud. She could feel her pussy getting super excited and it started to spasm. Felicia then bit down on her clit as she sucked hard on it. Monica cried out as she felt the first wave of her orgasm overtake her. She pushed Felicia's face into her pussy as she came hard. It was an intense orgasm and she enjoyed every second of it.

When she came around, Felicia was kissing her and loving on her. "God that was wonderful, you are a perfect lover for me."

"I don't know about being perfect but thanks anyway." Felicia said as she blushed a little. "And you are great too; you make me feel so alive."

"Well that is what I want." Monica said as she sat up bringing Felicia up with her. She reached over getting them their bottles of water that she had brought in with her.

"I'm glad that you thought of the water, I'm dying of thirst." Felicia said as she took her bottle and draining about half of it.

"I figured that we'd be working up a sweat." Monica said with a wink which caused Felicia to blush again.

Now that they had their desired quenched, they were able to relax and talk. The conversation ranged from what they had done while they were apart and what they wanted to do going forward. Monica could just see the excitement growing within Felicia again just like it was when they were dating during the summer. They talked until the sun was coming up and that is when they put what candles that were still burning out and they cuddled together and slept. And they slept until early afternoon when Felicia's phone rang waking them up.

Monica not thinking reached over and answered it as she wasn't awake enough to realize that she wasn't at home and it wasn't her phone ringing. "Hello," She said.

"Well I guess everything went well yesterday." Monica heard Sherrie say.

Monica couldn't help but to laugh as she replied, "Yea, I think you can say that. Here's your daughter, she can tell you all about it."

"It's your mom." Monica said as she handed the phone to Felicia who was a crimson red making Monica smile at her.

"Fuck," Felicia said quietly as Monica got up giving her a kiss on the cheek and making it loud so that Sherrie could hear it on the other end of the line.

"I'm going to go take a shower." Monica whispered to her as Felicia began to talk to her mom.

However Felicia grabbed her arm and violently shook her head no. Monica smiled and nodded okay as she left the bedroom to go pee and then make a pot of coffee. By the time that Felicia had finished talking to her mom and gone to the bathroom herself, Monica had the coffee made and some waffles for them to eat as she was hungry and she knew that Felicia would be too.

"How's your mom?" Monica asked when Felicia came in.

"Doing fine and being nosey as always." Felicia told her but she had a smile on her face.

"I didn't mean to pick up your phone but I forgot where I was and that it wasn't my phone ringing." Monica said as she came to her giving her a morning kiss or rather early afternoon kiss.

"It's cool; I don't think that she was all that surprised that you answered the phone. And she told me be good to you. I told her I'd think about it." Felicia said kidding with her and Monica stuck her tongue out at her causing Felicia to giggle.

"I made us some waffles to eat, I hope that is okay. I wasn't sure what you would want." Monica told her.

"Waffles are fine, I'm starving." Felicia said as she sat down as Monica placed a waffle in front of Felicia. Then she got some jelly for Felicia and syrup for herself. And finally she refilled her cup with coffee and got Felicia a cup too fixing it as she liked it.

"So what do you want to do today?" Monica asked as they ate.

Felicia thought for a moment then her face lit up, "Hold on." She said excitedly as she jumped up running out of the kitchen leaving Monica wondering just what Felicia had on her mind. Monica didn't know what to do so she finished her waffle as she waited for Felicia's return. It was about fifteen minutes before Felicia returned bouncing excitedly.

"Hurry, we got to take a shower and get on the road." Felicia said as she came over to Monica pulling on her arm.

"First you finish eating, you've only eaten a bit or two of your waffle and it has been a long time since you last ate. And while you're eating, you can tell me what or where we're going." Monica said making Felicia sit down to eat.

"God you're as bad as my mother." Felicia said in a sigh but she did sit down and she began to eat again.

"I know, but I don't want you to get weak on me as we go to..." Monica said leaving the last unsaid.

"It's a secret so don't ask me again." Felicia told her.

"But I need to know where we are going so I can get us there." Monica said or rather asked.

"Yep, but you will figure it out soon enough." Felicia told her as she finished up her waffle and then she said, "Now can we go take a shower mother?"

"Yes child, we can take out shower now." Monica said with a laugh as she let Felicia drag her out of her chair.

Once there, Felicia quickly got the shower going, then she pulled Monica into the shower. Monica tried to play with Felicia while in the shower but she was all business. She wanted to get showered then off to wherever they were going. She did let Monica get in a few caresses and kisses as she washed her and Felicia did the same but then it was out of the shower and getting ready to go outside.

Felicia directed her where to go and it didn't take Monica to figure out where they were going and why they were going there. Monica looked over at Felicia and she saw that Felicia was grinning from ear to ear. And after that, Felicia stopped giving directions and they talked about the snow that they had gotten the night before. The roads were clear but it put about three inches on the ground making everything look beautiful in the early afternoon sun. A little while later, Monica was pulling into her sister's house.

They got out of her car and Monica expected to see Joyce opening the front door but she didn't. Monica waited for Felicia and when she got to her side, they walked up the driveway then turned up the sidewalk. Then had just gotten to the door and Monica could just feel that something was wrong as Joyce still hadn't gotten to the door.

About this time Monica heard Cody yell "Attack!" Monica and Felicia both turned around and Monica knew that was the worst thing that either of them could have done. Monica saw four snowballs come flying at them with each of them getting hit by two of them.

Monica then saw Joyce, Jayne, Cody and Morgan laughing at them as the snow fell off their jackets. Monica looked at Felicia and she saw that Felicia was as ready for a snowball fight as she. "You go to your left and go after the girls, and I'll go to my right as the boys are all mine."

"You got it." Felicia said and then she took off to her left before Monica could say go and thus the next snowballs missed her but Monica was too slow and got hit again. "You're in for it now!" Monica cried out as she went to the left grabbing a handful of snow off the bush beside of her and sending it toward Cody. She glanced over at Felicia and saw that Joyce and Jayne was pounding her pretty good with snowballs but she was quick and agile so she was getting them back. Morgan she could get but Cody was another matter as he lived for snowball fights and he was sending them her way every few seconds. She soon saw that this strategy wasn't working for her so she yelled out, "Girls against boys!"

"Yea, let's get them girls!" Joyce called out.

"Oh no that isn't fair, four against two." Morgan was saying when he got pelted with four snowballs.

"Okay, you asked for it! Come on son, let's get them!" Morgan cried out and the two of them ducked behind the big oak tree using it for cover and then they began to fight back with the tree to cover them.

That went on for a little while but then Felicia decide it should be her and the kids against Monica, Morgan and Joyce and this turned out to be a slaughter as you had three agile people against three older and much less so. Finally Joyce decided that it was time for hot coca and that put an end to the snowball fight just as she intended it should. They all trooped inside going to different bathrooms to shed their wet clothes. Monica and Felicia went to the one downstairs and they got in a kiss or two as they waited for Joyce and Jayne to bring them some dry clothes until Joyce could get their clothes dry.

Then they all went into the den as Joyce brought in hot cups of coca for them all. As the warmed up and drank their hot coca, they relived the snowball fight. Then they began to separate into their own conversations. Monica and Joyce began to talk as Felicia and Jayne sat on the floor nearby in their own conversation. Meanwhile Morgan and Cody turned on the TV and started to watch a football game involving the nearby University. Monica was telling Joyce about how things went with Felicia and their meeting leaving out the part that her daughter played in getting them back together. A little while later, Monica noticed that two people were missing from the room and she wasn't surprised that Felicia and Jayne had slipped out of the room. Monica knew that Felicia had gone to tell Jayne about how things had gone and also to thank her. That was the real reason for this trip.

Monica helped Joyce prepare supper or rather help her put the finishing touches on the chili that she had been cooking in the crock pot all afternoon. Once it was ready and the table set, Joyce went to get her men away from the ballgame as Monica went to fetch her lover and her niece.

She knocked on the door then opened it so see Felicia and Jayne sitting on the bed talking away. "Supper is ready." She told them.

"Good I'm starving." Felicia said as she got up.

"Go ahead Felicia; I want to have a word with my niece." Monica said with a serious look on her face.

Felicia stopped mid step turning around to face her, "Don't you dare say anything to her."

"Don't worry, now go on and tell Joyce that we'll be down in a minute." Monica told her then she turned toward her niece and saw that the poor girl was scared to death. She was ignoring Felicia who she knew was trying to decide what to do, stay and protect her new friend or trust Monica to do the right thing, finally Monica heard the door close and only then did she begin to talk.

"So what makes you think that you can go behind my back and talk to Felicia without telling me?" Monica asked her with a disapproving expression on her face.

Monica could see that Jayne was almost in tears as she tried to come up with an answer she thought her aunt would accept.

Finally she said in a quivering voice, "Because I love you and I hated seeing you so sad. So I called her to tell her what a shit she was being to you then once she told me some of what was going on within her, I felt like I had to do everything I could do to get her to take you back. You have always been there for me and I knew you would be there for her and I wanted her to know that." She said as her voice became more confident as she spoke.

It was only then that Monica cracked a smile as she reached out hugging Jayne to her. "Well thank you, but if you ever stick your nose into my love life again, I will bust that butt of yours."

She heard Jayne giggle more from relief that her aunt wasn't really mad at her than worry about getting her butt busted, "I will if I think you need my help." She countered.

"So that means that when your mom starts to let you date then I can stick my nose in if I think I should. You know calling the boy and talking to him all the time and make sure he is being good to you." Monica said.

Jayne pulled back looking into Monica's eyes and she didn't have that confident look anymore, "It feels different when you're on the other side of the fence doesn't it?"

Monica could just see Jayne trying to find a way out of the corner that she had painted herself into but there wasn't a way. "Okay, I'll keep my nose out of your love life." She finally conceded.

"It's cool but just be careful where you stick your nose, it worked out great for Felicia and I and I do thank you for that but sometimes it is better to just let people work things out for themselves. You can get burned and instead of having two people thanking you, you could find that you have them both mad at you if it doesn't work out." Monica warned her.

"I understand and I'll be careful next time but I did it because I love you both." Jayne said.

"I know." Monica told her.

"So you're not mad at me anymore?" Jayne asked.

"I could never be mad at you. I'll always love you no matter where you stick your nose." Monica said as she hugged her niece and kissed her nose.

"I love you to Aunt Monica." She whispered to her and she hugged her tightly.

After a few moments Monica pulled away and said, "Let's go get some of your mom's chili and let Felicia breath again as I know she is thinking that I am up here killing you."

Jayne laughed and so did Monica then they got up, heading downstairs to the kitchen where Felicia was watching for them. Monica could see the relief in her eyes when she saw that Jayne was okay and still had all of her body parts attached. Joyce was looking at them with a questioning look and Monica just smiled that told her that whatever she and Jayne had been talking about would remain between them.

"Well now that our last two diners decided to appear, I think we can eat." Joyce said letting Monica know that she didn't like people being late for supper.

"I think your mother is talking about us dear." Monica said as she sat down and Jayne giggled as it was what she wanted to say but didn't dare but Monica could.

Joyce gave a stern look at Jayne and she tried to stop giggling but that made her giggle more. "Don't worry; I'll protect her from you." Monica said putting her arm around Jayne.

"So I hope you like my chili." Joyce said to Felicia ignoring Monica and her daughter who were both giggling at her.

"Oh I love chili." Felicia replied.

"Then hand me your bowl and let's see if you love mine." Joyce told her as Monica and Jayne got their giggling under control and the dinner could proceed. Joyce did make a great chili and today's was just as great as always.

"So what did you talk to Jayne about?" Felicia asked as they drove back to Felicia's apartment after spending the evening playing cards with Joyce and her family.

"So what did you talk to Jayne about?" Monica asked in return.

"Joyce's chili was great wasn't it?' Felicia said after a moment's pause. Monica smiled at her and that was the last that was said about each of their conversations with Jayne on the drive home.

"So what you want to do?" Monica asked as they entered the apartment.

Felicia turned and smiled at her as her face blushed just a bit. "Oh I see..." Monica said as she scooped Felicia into her arms kissing her. Felicia returned the kiss as she wrapped her arms around her body. They kissed with just their lips for a while as their hands roamed around each other's back. They kissed each other for a few minutes just enjoying the feeling of being so close. Then Felicia pulled back, taking Monica by the hand, leading her back toward the bedroom. Once there, Felicia pulled Monica's sweater off as Monica pulled her sweat shirt off. They kissed as their hands went to each other's backs so that they could undo their bras. As they separated, Monica pulled Felicia's bra off as Felicia pulled hers off. Felicia leaned down kissing Monica's right nipple then left one. Monica then took her turn as she leaned down to kiss each of Felicia's nipples. She could feel Felicia's nipples harden as she kissed them. Monica was content to keep on kissing those pretty nipples but she felt Felicia's hands on her face pulling it away. Felicia dropped down to her knees first taking Monica's boots off then her fingers went to Monica's jeans unsnapping and unzipping them. Felicia pulled her jeans and panties down at the same time and when her pussy was exposed, she felt Felicia's lips kissing her clit.

"Oh that feels nice." Monica moaned out.

Felicia then kissed her pussy lips as Monica felt her jeans being pulled on down to her ankles where Felicia helped her step out of them. Felicia stood up giving her a kiss before pushing her back toward the bed and then helping her to the center of the bed. Felicia stood back up by the bed smiling down at Monica. She then turned around, walking to the door and turning off the light. Monica was put into complete darkness which disappointed her as she could hear Felicia finishing undressing but she couldn't see her. She strained to hear Felicia approaching the bed but the footsteps appeared to be going from her instead of toward her. Monica started to call out to Felicia but then she heard her little feet coming back into the room. This time Felicia did come to the bed and Monica reached out for her however Felicia pulled back and Monica felt Felicia's hands on her thighs. She opened her legs and Monica felt Felicia's fingers at her pussy. But they weren't caressing her pussy they appeared to be searching for something. The fingers found the string of her tampon and Monica felt Felicia pulling it out. Monica knew that she was at the end of her period but still she hoped that her flow had stopped. Felicia leaned across the bed obviously placing her tampon into the trash can. Felicia came back to her and now Monica felt her right leg being lifted so she helped Felicia out. Then she felt Felicia getting between her legs and Monica finally figured out what Felicia was up to so she helped Felicia to get into place so that their pussies were touching.

"I know that I can't do this as well as you can." Felicia said nervously.

"Just do what feels good and you'll do just fine. That is what I do." Monica reassured her as she reached up pulling Felicia down to her to give her a kiss. As Felicia sat back up, her hands went to Monica's breasts and she felt her breasts being squeezed. Monica reached up to Felicia's breasts missing them slightly in the darkness but she quickly corrected that situation. She shifted her hands so that they were covering Felicia's breasts. She gave them a squeeze as she felt Felicia begin to move her hips. Monica shifted her hips just a little and she turned just a bit so that their pussies could slide against each other easier. Felicia went slowly at first as they both began to get aroused and their juices began to flow.

"That feels good babe, you're doing fine." Monica moaned out as she started to push her hips up.

Felicia let out a moan in answer as she moved her hips a little faster and she began to shift them sideways as well as forwards and backwards. Monica moved her fingers to Felicia's nipples giving them a pinch and pulling down on them.

"Oh yes," Felicia cooed out so Monica kept doing it as she pushed up harder with her hips so that she was lifting her ass off the bed. Felicia was gripping her breasts tightly in her hands making it hurt slightly and that just added to Monica's excitement. Slowly Felicia picked up speed as she moaned louder and stronger. Monica could feel herself approaching her orgasm. Her juices were flowing and she could feel Felicia's juices coating her thighs as they ground against each other. Monica gritted her teeth together holding off her orgasm for as long as possible but she could go for only so long but when she heard Felicia let out a long groan falling on top of her, Monica let her body go allowing her orgasm take over her body. Monica wrapped her arms around Felicia's body as they both enjoyed their orgasms.

"See, you did just fine." Monica said after she had recovered and she kissed Felicia lightly on the lips.

"Thanks, I just wanted to try being on top as we tribbed." Felicia admitted.

"Any time you want on top is just fine with me." Monica said kissing her again.

"Cool but I like it more when you're on top." Felicia told her.

"Why is that?" Monica asked.

"Then you have to do most of the work." Felicia said with a giggle.

"You lazy butt!" Monica said laughing as she rolled on top of Felicia and then she sat up.

She pulled Felicia's leg up putting it onto her shoulder. Felicia's giggling quickly stopped as she pushed her pussy up against Monica's pussy. They were both coated with their combined juices so their pussies slid against each other quite nicely. Monica started slowly letting them both enjoy the sensation of the friction and pressure that Monica was creating between their pussies. Then like Felicia she slowly began to pick up speed as they became more aroused. Their hands were grouping and pinching at each other's breasts. Soon they were both panting as they went at it strong with Felicia pushing up hard and Monica pushing down as she rolled and twisted her hips against Felicia's pussy. Monica was the first to cum this time however Felicia wasn't too far behind her. Monica fell down onto of Felicia as they both clung to each other as the waves of their orgasms washed through their bodies. Their bodies were soaked in sweat and the bed was wet with their juices as they lay in each other's arms.

"So what did you tell Jayne, you didn't yell at her did you?" Felicia asked as they held onto each other.

"No I didn't yell at her. I thanked her for getting us together but then I warned her about getting involved in other people's love affairs. I told her that she could do more harm than good and also that she could be the one getting hurt. I mean she did great with us but I'm family and if it didn't work out then I would always forgive her but others might not be so kind. Then I told her that since she stuck her nose into my love life then when Joyce started to let her date then I could mess with her love life." Monica said.

"You didn't tell her that did you?" Felicia asked.

"Yes I told her that but mostly to make my point." Monica told her.

"But you wouldn't really give whomever she dated a hard time would you?" Felicia asked.

"Only if he was hurting her then damn right I would but then I would have to get in line behind Joyce and Morgan." Monica said.

"And me," Felicia said.

"And you," Monica echoed with a laugh.

Monica was quiet for a moment as she felt Felicia start to get fidgety. Finally she asked, "Aren't you going to ask me what Jayne and I talked about?"

"No," Monica said and she could almost see the disappointment in Felicia's face even though she couldn't actually see it. "But you can tell me if you like."

"Well mostly she wanted to know how you approached me and what you said. And she was real disappointed that you just ordered breakfast, she was expecting you top say something real romantic. I told her that I was real disappointed by that too." Felicia said with a giggle.

"Hey you were pretending not to know me, so how was I supposed to say something romantic to someone who was trying her best but not succeeding in ignoring me." Monica said.

"I didn't know what else to do; I didn't know what I wanted even though I had been warned that you just might show up soon. I guess I was hoping that you would give me more time to think it over. But anyway, I then told her about you showing up at my apartment and she thought that really was romantic and then she was disappointed in me when I said I didn't care if you stayed or go." Felicia said with another giggle.

"I don't think either one of us turned out to be as romantic as she thought we would be." Monica told her.

"Yea, I think between the two of us she learned that love was a lot more complicated than she ever dreamed it was." Felicia told her.

"Good, then it was a good lesson to learn but she also saw that with some work, it can work out in the end." Monica said.

"It can and it did." Felicia said as she kissed her.

"So what else did you two talk about?" Monica asked.

"Then we got off on school and what she wanted for Christmas." Felicia said then she hesitated for moment before saying, "Can we both go in together and get all of your family's presents for Christmas. I'll understand if you just want to give your own presents."

"No, we can go in together, that will be nice and maybe we can do the same for your family." Monica suggested.

"That will be great." Felicia said as she cuddled in close to Monica and they were soon both asleep. Monica awoke midmorning to find that Felicia was still beside of her with her hair a mess as it partially covered her face. Monica tenderly moved the hair from Felicia's face as Felicia's eyes fluttered open.

"Morning sweetie," Monica said as she gave Felicia a good morning kiss.

"Morning," Felicia replied as she stretched out then she sat up. "I like waking you with you in my bed."

"I like waking up in your bed." Monica said with a smile as she sat up. The covers fell off of them and Monica noticed that while their pussies were covered up with their dried cum, there very little blood so obviously both of their cycles were ending. Monica saw that Felicia was looking too and saw that she was pleased too.

"Come on. Let's take a shower and then get something to eat." Felicia said as she started to get out of the bed.

Felicia's ass went right in front of her face and Monica had to give it a pop and she did. "Ouch!" Felicia cried out as she gave Monica a dirty look. "Why did you do that for?' She asked.

"Because you forgot to say "And coffee'", Monica said with a laugh.

"For that you're not getting any coffee!" Felicia said as she huffed out of the bedroom.

Monica scrambled out of the bed to follow Felicia into the bathroom hoping that she really wasn't mad at her. When she got there, she saw Felicia bent over turning on the water in the shower. "Don't even think about it or you definitely won't get any coffee!" Felicia warned her.

Monica laughed in relief as she came over to Felicia, bending over and kissing the hand print that she left on Felicia's ass. "Does that make up of it?" She asked.

"Almost..." Felicia said as she wiggled her ass.

So Monica went down to her knees as she put her hands on Felicia's hips, she kissed Felicia's left ass cheek then her right one. She heard Felicia coo and then begin to moan as she put the tip of her tongue to the top of Felicia's ass crack and using her hands to spread her ass cheeks, she let her tongue run down the crack going all so slowly. When the tip of her tongue got to Felicia's asshole she let her tongue rim it for a moment then she placed the tip at the center forcing it into her ass.

"Oh fuck!" Felicia moaned as she pushed her ass back. "You can have all the fucking coffee you want now." She cried out.

Monica wanted to giggle but instead she tongue fucked Felicia's ass for a moment then she went on down to Felicia's pussy which was soaking wet. She licked up the juices from around the lips. Felicia moaned louder as Monica licked at her pussy and her fingers which were now rubbing at her clit. She rubbed it hard with her finger tips then she took the hard nub between her index finger and thumb rolling and pinching it. Her tongue was going in deep between Felicia's wet pussy lips licking out the juices and then biting on them.

"Oh god, I'm going to cum!" Felicia cried out as locked her knees to keep from falling. Monica pinched her clit even harder and she tasted Felicia's girlcum pouring out of her body followed by a tangy tasting liquid as she let her pee release from her body. Monica opened her mouth catching as much as she could but a lot went onto her face and down her body to her breasts. Felicia just kept on going as she had not peed yet that morning and Monica drank it down until if finally stopped and she licked Felicia clean. Monica held onto Felicia as she stood up turning her around so that she could kiss her as she experienced her orgasm.

"Oh god, I'm sorry about that, I really didn't mean to do that." Felicia said as she kissed Monica back tasting her own pee on Monica's face.

"I know, it's cool, I did sort of sneak up on you there." Monica said as she hugged Felicia tightly. "Besides I enjoyed making you cum so hard that you peed, that is a real compliment."

"Well one good turn deserves another." Felicia said with a wicked grin as she pulled back then pulled Monica into the shower.

"Honey I think we should wait..." Monica was saying when she got that look from Felicia that told her to shut up and do as she was told.

Monica instead put her hands on Felicia's shoulders as Felicia kissed and licked her way down to Monica's breasts, getting the pee that had she had put there. Monica moaned as Felicia kissed and sucked on her nipples and she groaned as she bit down on them. Then she worked her way down to Monica's pussy. She licked up the left over cum from last night and the fresh juices that she was producing. Monica looked down through half closed eyes at Felicia as she licked and chewed on her pussy lips. Monica then saw Felicia signaling her with her eyes that she was ready so she let a few drops of pee leak from her pussy. Felicia hungrily licked that from her pussy and Monica let more drops flow from her bladder which Felicia licked up. Then she felt Felicia opening her pussy lips and putting her mouth over her urethra. Monica let a longer squirt flow out of her body and she felt Felicia drinking it down and this aroused her to no end. So she let another squirt out and then another until her desires and then need to go overwhelmed her. She let it all go as Felicia sucked and drank down her first pee of the day. But soon the flow over whelmed her and she felt Felicia rub her clit as the pee splashed upon her face and then her tits. Monica opened her eyes for a moment and seeing Felicia getting sprayed with her pee was all she could take and she came hard.

She felt herself sliding down the wall of the shower and she could feel Felicia licking and sucking on her pussy as she came. When she came back around, she pulled Felicia up to her kissing her passionately tasting the strong taste of her own pee on Felicia's lips and face. "Oh god you are a woman after my own heart." Monica said as she hugged her to her body.

"Yep," Felicia said as she kissed her.

Then they got up and quickly showered before the warm water ran out. They dried and headed for the kitchen where Felicia pulled out her recipe for her omelets and Monica put on a pot of coffee that she desperately needed. Once the coffee was brewing, Monica helped Felicia fix the ingredients for the omelets. Then she sat at the table drinking her first cup of coffee as Felicia fixed the omelets wearing just an apron that framed her ass wonderfully.

After breakfast was finished, Felicia pushed Monica out of the kitchen making her go to the living room where she drank her coffee and read the paper as she washed the dishes from the morning and yesterday afternoon, Monica felt a little guilty about not helping but that was what Felicia wanted so she did it. A little while later, she felt Felicia curling up beside of her and she gave her a kiss. Monica started to put the paper down but Felicia seemed content to just sit there as she read. Felicia sat there for much longer than Monica though that she would be able to before she started to get fidgety. So she put the paper down and she turned to Felicia grabbing her by the shoulder, pulling her toward her as she lay down on the couch.

"So what do you want to do today?" Monica asked as Felicia lay her head down on her chest.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" Felicia said as her fingers started to idly play with Monica's right nipple.

"Too bad all our toys are at my place, we could play around." Monica said seeing if that was what Felicia was wanting.

"Well not all of them are there..." Felicia said not moving or looking up at Monica.

"And just what toys did you keep...?" Monica asked now curious.

"Didn't you look in the bag when you got back home?" Felicia asked and this time she propped herself up so that she could look into Monica's eyes.

"No, they had become our toys and I just couldn't bring myself to go to the bag and I really didn't have any desire to do so." Monica confessed to Felicia who seemed to be pleased with her answer. "So what did you keep?" She asked again.

"I kept the nipple clamps for one." Felicia said.

"Why those?" Monica asked though she about knew the answer.

"Every Sunday evening I would wear them until I had to go to work, then I would take them off and immediate put my bra on. They would hurt all night long and I would remember what I had given away and I could feel that you were still close by." Felicia said and Monica could almost see tears forming in Felicia's eyes so she reached up with her fingers to caress her face.

"I almost called you a couple of times when I got to missing you so bad it hurt." She said as she did start crying.

"Well tonight you had better call me or I'll come over to the diner and make you wear them in front of all your customers. Then I'll make lay you across the counter. I pull your dress up and your panties down and bust that cute ass of yours. I might even let some of the customers have a swat or two." Monica told her and she saw Felicia grin through her tears.

"You'd do too wouldn't you." Felicia said as she stopped crying and she was smiling from ear to ear.

"Damn right I will. I might even bring our little whip so I can whip that ass of yours after I spank it." Monica said acting so very serious. Felicia blushed a bright red as that image went through her head.

"So what else did you keep my kinky little friend?" Monica asked.

"I kept the feather." Felicia said.

"That figures, you just love teasing me with that damn thing. I should have thrown that devil of a device a long time ago." Monica said with a smile.

"You love to be teased with it and you know it. You about drown me with your juices when I use it on you." Felicia told her.

"Okay so it is a love hate thing. It does arouse me to no end and I know that you love to use it on me which makes it that much more pleasurable." Monica told her as she kissed Felicia and Felicia responded to the kiss passionately. Soon they were both getting aroused as they caressed and kissed then Felicia broke off the kiss and getting up off of her.

"Close your eyes." She told her as she took off for the bedroom.

Monica knew what was coming and she dreaded and desired it at the same time. Soon she heard Felicia come back into the room and she was being pulled up off the couch. Felicia moved her to what seemed like the center of the room before stopping.

"Spread your legs out wide and put your hands behind your back." Felicia ordered her and she complied.

Monica felt Felicia grab a hold of her wrists bringing them up so that her forearms were against each other then she felt her arms being tied together with a soft scarf. Monica was flexible so that this position wasn't completely uncomfortable but not completely comfortable either. It also forced her breasts out and that she knew Felicia would take complete advantage of. She could hear Felicia walking around her making her wait and Monica could feel her pussy already betraying her as it was already moist and getting wetter. Monica heard Felicia stop behind her and she tensed up a little waiting for the feather to touch her however it didn't, at least for what seemed hours but was only a couple of minutes.

Then Monica felt the light touch of the feather tip at her neck. It tickled and Monica had to move her neck in response. "Hold still or there won't be any pussy licking when I'm done." Felicia warned her.

"Yes madam," Monica responded as she straightened her head. The feather returned to the center of her neck tickling her to no end. Then it slid around so that it was under her right ear.

"Oh god!" Monica moaned out as she forced herself to stay still. The feather went up to her ear tickling the inside driving Monica crazy as she wanted to reach up and rub her ear but she couldn't with her arms tied behind her back. The feather went around her neck over to her left ear where the teasing was repeated.

"Oh god you're a bitch." Monica cried out and Felicia giggled however she did move the feather from her ear.

The feather went back to the center of her neck then it went down her spine to where her arms were tied behind her back. It skipped over her arms going back to her spine. It went down to the crack of her ass, then on down her crack to just millimeters from her pussy which was soaking wet. The feather came back up going around and across Monica ass cheeks causing her to wiggling it despite Felicia's pervious warning not to move. The feather went down her right ass cheek to the back of her thigh and on down her leg. This drove Monica crazy and she wiggled her leg. When it got to her ankle, the feather went over to her left leg where it went up her calf to the back of her thigh and onto her left ass cheek. It went back around her ass cheeks before leaving her body.

Monica could feel her juices starting to leak down onto her thighs and she knew that Felicia could see and smell her juices. It only served to prove her right about the feather arousing Monica to no end. Monica then realized that Felicia was in front of her by the heaving breathing that Felicia was doing and also the smell of her arousal. Monica waited for the feather to touch her again expecting it to be on her breasts or nipples but instead she felt it touching her lips. Monica groaned as she tried her best to keep her lips exposed to the feather's light touch but it was hard as it went around and around her lips. When she thought she couldn't take it anymore the feather left her lips and was replaced by Felicia's warm wet lips kissing her.

Monica moaned from the sweet kiss and she wanted to pull Felicia's body into hers but she couldn't and Felicia wasn't letting any other part of her body touch Monica's body. The kiss ended much sooner than Monica wanted and the feather touched her body just below her left breast. Monica moaned as she stuck her breasts out for Felicia's torture. The feather circled her breast going higher and higher until it was at her nipple which was as hard as a rock. The feather teased her nipple going around it and across it then leaving it to go to her other breast where the feather made the long circular route around her breast to her nipple. Felicia teased her breasts and nipples until Monica was almost in tears. Then Felicia showed her mercy as she moved the feather's tip to the center of her chest between her breasts and she began a long slow journey down Monica's stomach to her pussy. The feather went down her slit to her ass Monica was producing more juices than she had ever produced. The feather went to her inner thighs teasing her there then back to her pussy going up and down her slit then stopping to tease her clit which was sticking out from its arousal. Monica's knees began to shake as she felt like she was going to die from sexual frustration. Felicia teased her just a bit longer then she dropped the feather and her mouth attacked Monica's pussy licking and sucking at her wet lips like never before. Monica felt her knees give out as a massive orgasm took a hold of her body. She felt herself falling and someone catching her and lowering her to the floor. The orgasm just took over her body and she was at the mercy of the wonderful pleasures that it was giving to her.

When she came back around she was lying on her back with her hands still tied and Felicia was between her legs licking away getting all the juices that were on her pussy and inner thighs. Monica saw Felicia give her a wink as two of her fingers plowed into her pussy.

"Oh fuck me hard Felicia!" Monica screamed out as she thrust her pussy against those fingers.

Felicia drove her fingers in deep and hard as she finger fucked her. Her mouth was licking and sucking at Monica's clit causing her to moan and cry out louder. The fingers were going in deep and soon Felicia added a third finger filling up her pussy and twisting them around inside of her. Her tongue was licking her clit making it more sensitive as Monica quickly approached another orgasm. This one wasn't as intense as the first one but just as satisfying.

When Monica opened her eyes, she found that she was looking up at Felicia's wet hot pussy. Monica raised her head as Felicia lowered her pussy and soon she was eating away at that lovely pussy. She wished her hands were free to touch Felicia but she made good use of what she had to work with and that was her tongue and mouth. Felicia was soaking wet and had lots of juices to lick up. And she used her mouth to suck on Felicia's lips and clit; she also used her teeth to bite down of both of those things. Felicia was moaning and groaning as she was highly aroused and soon Monica was sucking down her girlcum and wanting more. She licked and sucked her through two more orgasms before Felicia finally took her pussy away because her clit was getting too sensitive for the abuse that Monica was inflecting upon it.

Monica struggled to crawl around to where Felicia was laying and she did her best to kiss and love on her as she recovered from her orgasms. When Felicia came back around, she reached behind of her to untie her and they kissed and hugged as they rolled around on the floor.

"See I told you that you loved that feather." Felicia said with a grin as the kissing slowed down.

"Just you wait until I get my whips and clamps; I'm going to whip you so much!" Monica warned her and that only brought forth a bigger grin from Felicia.

"Go get them now." Felicia said much too quickly.

"Oh no, I think I'll make you wait a while, make you think about what all I'm going to do to your poor body." Monica teased her.

"That figures," Felicia replied but she also liked that idea too.

They lay there kissing and hugging for a while before finally getting up off the hard floor and washing the cum from their bodies. They watched a movie on the TV and then Monica made Felicia lie down and take a nap as she had to work that night. Monica wanted to make sure that Felicia got some rest before she had to stay up all night. However Felicia wouldn't sleep unless Monica went with her but Monica didn't mind laying close to Felicia for a couple of hours. When they got up, Felicia made Monica put a pair of nipple clamps on her as she put a pair on Monica. So they both spent the rest of the evening wearing the clamps that were weighted down with some weights that Felicia had also saved out. Felicia didn't let either of them take the clamps off until she was ready to put her bra on to go to work. Monica took Felicia into work that night and her own nipples hurt so she knew that Felicia's was too.

As Felicia was getting out of the car, she stopped and looked at Monica. "What is it honey?" Monica asked.

"When I get home in the morning, can you be there?" She asked shyly.

"Oh I think that could be arraigned. I need to do some things at my place but I can be back at your place by six or so." Monica assured her as she placed her hand on Felicia's left forearm giving it a squeeze.

"I just need to know that you'll be there for a while." Felicia told her.

"I'll always be there for you. Like I told you, we're in this together." Monica said as she pulled Felicia to her and giving her a kiss.

"Thanks," Felicia said now smiling ear to ear as she jumped from the car and practically skipped into the diner making Monica smile at her.

Monica got home and changed out of the clothes she had been wearing for the past three days. She had taken the clothes that Joyce had let her wear but still they were dirty now too. So she threw those and her other dirty clothes into the washing machine and started her wash. She then went and looked into her toy bag just to see that Felicia had indeed removed the nipple clamps and the feather which she already knew that she had. She had to smile then she set about putting more of her toys into the bag but she also thought about how small Felicia's apartment was compared to her condo. She started to think about how to move Felicia in with her to give them both more room but that would come later. Now she had to get herself and Felicia settled in and used to living together which she figured was going to happen. She went and got a couple of more bags to pack some more things. Once she had everything in order, she went to work on her current project wondering when she would be able to get back to it. She took her phone with her so that she would be ready to answer Felicia's call when it came.

"My nipples are killing me." Felicia said when Monica flipped her phone to answer the call.

"Well hello to you too." Monica said with a laugh.

"I just want to rip this damn bra off and it's your fault you know." Felicia said next.

"My fault, you're the one who wanted to wear the nipple clamps all evening." Monica told her.

"Yeah, but you're the one who introduced them to me so it's all your fault." Felicia said and before Monica could counter that argument Felicia went on with another thought, "So you still at your place?"

"Yeah, but I got some bags packed and have them by the door." Monica reassured her.

"Good, hopefully I'll get off on time but if I don't and you need to go on to bed then go ahead." Felicia said, then she covered the phone and Monica could hear her say, "Hello, I'll be with you in a sec."

"I gotta go, see you later babe." Felicia said.

"Bye," Monica said then the line went dead as Felicia went back to work.

Monica worked until about five, and then she got her things together and headed out the door. By six, she had most of her things put up in Felicia's apartment. Then she didn't know what to do, it was weird being in Felicia's apartment without her being there. She wandered around the house trying to get a feel for it as it would be her home for at least a while if not forever. She finally got tired of wandering around so she got her book and headed toward the bedroom. She slipped under the covers and she could smell Felicia on the sheets and on her pillow. She read for a while before her eyes began to get tired and she fell asleep.

Sometime later, she felt Felicia getting into the bed and curling up against her. Monica never woke up completely but she did wake up enough to feel Felicia kissing her lightly on the lips and telling her to go back to sleep. Monica wrapped her arms around Felicia and was soon in dreamland once again.

Monica woke up a little before three to find herself alone in the bed but it didn't take her long to figure out where Felicia was at as she heard for the vicinity of the kitchen this yell, "Fuck it to hell!" Monica let out a laugh as she got up to pee and rescue whatever had drawn Felicia's wrath.

As Monica got close to the kitchen, she began to smell something burning and she quicken her pace. When she came through the door, she saw a pecan pie sitting on top of the stove brunt to a crisp. There was flour all over the cabinets and the fixings for lasagna scattered around the kitchen. And then there was Felicia just standing there looking at the pie with tears running down her cheeks.

Monica didn't need to ask what happened so she went over to Felicia pulling her into her arms. "I was trying to fix you some lasagna and I forgot about the pie. I wanted our first evening here together to be perfect and I wanted to make your favorites and I fucked it all up. I don't know why you would want to be with someone with a defective brain like mind." She said crying.

Monica knew she had to put a stop to that kind of thinking real quick, she put her hands on Felicia's shoulders pushing her back. "Now I don't want to hear any such shit as you just said about having a defective brain, this had nothing to do with your memory, and it had everything to do with trying so hard to make things perfect. Honey, women and men burn dinner all over the world and it has nothing to do with their memory. And you don't have to do anything to make things seem perfect, us being together is more than enough." Monica told her.

"But pecan pie is your favorite and I ruined it." Felicia said sadly.

"Yes it is but now burnt pecan pie is my favorite. I think I'll frame it and put it up on the wall with the inscription "A perfect example of Felicia's cooking, all be warned before eating anything she cooks." Monica said and Felicia had this real hurt look on her face until Monica began to smile at her.

"You're such an asshole!" Felicia yelled at her but then she hugged her.

"How about we make the first dinner together be fixed by both of us?" Monica asked.

"Okay, but I will make you a pecan pie and it won't be burnt." Felicia said as she pulled back.

"Deal, now let's get this going before I have to get ready for work." Monica said as she gave her a kiss then went over to the pie and pretended to hold it up as looking to see how it would look framed. Felicia immediately took the pie from her and threw it in the trash. Monica laughed and then she helped Felicia to cook the lasagna. While it cooked, they both went into the shower where they washed and played but Felicia kept an eye on the clock not taking a chance on burning anything else that day.

By the time that Monica was dressed, the lasagna and salad was ready. So they sat down to eat. It actually turned out pretty good and Monica ate too much but she knew that it being a Monday, she would work it off and then Felicia made her take more in for her to eat when she got hungry. She actually did get hungry later on that night so she ate what Felicia had made for her and then when she got to the diner, she just had coffee as she was no longer hungry. She sat and talked for a few minutes before she drove to her place to check her mail and pick up a couple of items that she had forgotten. However she made sure that she made it back to Felicia's place long before she got there. The only problem was that Felicia ended up having to work late as one of the girls that were supposed to come in woke up late. So Monica had to get dressed and go and pick Felicia up. Felicia kept apologizing but Monica shut her up by kissing her at the first red light that they stopped at. When they got home, they talked for a few minutes then Monica had to go to bed. Felicia had no problem following her to the bed. There they slipped into bed to kiss and caress for a few minutes before Monica got up on her hands and knees putting them into a sixty-nine position where they licked and sucked each other to orgasm. Then they settled back into the bed for some much needed sleep.

That weekend they brought the toys out again and they began where they had left off. They took turns fucking each other and using the whips and toys on each other's body. They worked over each other's bodies pretty hard only taking a little time out to do some Christmas shopping that they were both late getting started on. Felicia went during the weekday evenings after Monica had gone to work to do some of her shopping for her but Monica really didn't have the same opportunity to shop without Felicia as Sunday evening or early mornings was the only time she was free and none of the stores were open then, so she did her shopping on the internet. Felicia had never bothered to get a Christmas tree for herself but this year that changed. Monica took her over to her condo, which was the first time Felicia had ever seen it, to pick up the tree about two weeks before Christmas.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Monica said as she opened the door early that Saturday morning.

"This is more than a humble abode; it is lovely and so much larger than my little place." Felicia said as she entered the living room.

"I lucked out getting it when I moved here. The couple that was living here had bought a new house and needed to get rid of this place. So they were willing to go way down on the price and I had just enough saved from when I was in the Navy to put a down payment on it."

"Well show me the rest of this place before we get the tree." Felicia said and then she didn't bother waiting on Monica to do any showing as she headed up the stairs taking them two at a time. Monica just had to laugh as Felicia went exploring.

Then Monica heard Felicia yell out, "You got to look at this large master bedroom!"

"I've seen it a time or two." Monica said as she got to the top of the stairs.

"Oh yea, I guess you have." Felicia said sheepishly as she walked around the bed then pressing down on it. "Have you ever made love in this place?"

"Not yet..." Monica said as she saw the gleam in Felicia's eyes.

Then they both began to shed their clothes as their eyes never left the other's bodies. Felicia finished undressing first and she pulled down the covers as Monica finished and they both slipped onto the bed coming together. Monica turned Felicia onto her back and she slid up on her. She kissed her passionately as Felicia opened her legs and Monica's leg fell between them. Monica began to grind her pussy down onto Felicia's and she felt Felicia's fingers dig into her back. Monica kissed Felicia's lips, face before going down to her neck to kiss her way from earlobe to earlobe. Felicia wrapped her legs around Monica's waist as she ground into her.

"Oh god I wish we had our strap-on here." Felicia groaned out.

"I think I may have something just as good. I was going to wait for Christmas but we'll call this an early Christmas present." Monica said as she gave Felicia a kiss before getting up off of her.

Monica went to the closet and she pulled down out a rather large box that had several wrapped presents contained within. She found the one she was looking for, bringing it over to where Felicia was now sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Are all those for me?" Felicia asked as Monica sat down.

"That depends on whether you are a good little girl or a bad one between now and Christmas. Santa is still reviewing his list and he said that he would let me know on Christmas Eve." Monica said teasing her.

"I'll try to be a good little girl." Felicia cooed like a little girl.

"That I just got to see." Monica said and then they both laughed.

Monica then gave the wrapped package to Felicia who looked at Monica before she began to carefully opening the wrapping to try and prevent tearing any of the paper. Monica was one of those who just tore right in wanting to get to the present quickly. So she had to wait patiently as Felicia got the wrapping off and then she looked at the weird object through the clear top. "What is it?" She asked.

"It's called a FeelDoe, it's a strapless strap on. Take it out and I'll show you." She told her.

She took it out and handled it carefully as she looked it over. There was a long end shaped as a penis and then on the other end a part that curved up with a bulb end. "Let me have it and lay back on the bed." Monica said as she took the FeelDoe from her.

Felicia lay down and she got between her legs. Felicia watched her carefully as she rubbed the bulb end against her own pussy, and then she pushed it up into her. When she looked down, it appeared that she had a grown a penis, though it was purple in color. Monica looked up at Felicia who now had a big grin on her face. Monica held the FeelDoe in her right hand as she positioned the head against Felicia's pussy. She rubbed it up and down Felicia's pussy getting it wet. She slowly inserted the penis into Felicia's pussy as Felicia moaned. Monica moved on down until she had in completely inside of Felicia and she was lying on top of her. Monica adjusted herself as she got used to the new play toy.

"How does it feel babe?' Monica asked as she kissed Felicia.

"I love it, I like it that there's nothing between us." Felicia replied as she wrapped her legs around Monica's waist.

"Me too," Monica said as she used her vaginal muscles to hold onto her end of the FeelDoe and she pulled the cock out a couple of inches from Felicia's pussy then she pushed it back in.

"Oh I love it, fuck me baby." Felicia moaned out.

Monica started slowly as she got used to using this new toy but soon she felt confident that she could hold her end inside of her pussy and she started to fuck Felicia harder. They soon got into a rhythm as they fucked each other and Monica loved the fact that it felt like Felicia was fucking her and she fucked Felicia. Monica started to use longer strokes as she fucked Felicia and they began to pant and sweat as their bodies worked in unison. They were both getting lots of friction on their pussies and their clits. Monica want to fuck Felicia for a long time with this toy but they were both getting over aroused and Monica felt an orgasm coming up on her. She ground into Felicia as Felicia ground back into her. Soon they couldn't hold out any longer as Monica heard Felicia cry out and go stiff on her and Monica went over the edge cumming with her.

"How do you like your new toy?" Monica asked as she kissed her.

"I fucking love it but now it is my turn to fuck you." Felicia said as she pushed Monica off of her.

Monica helped Felicia to put the bulb end into her pussy, showing her how to use her vaginal muscles to hold the cock inside of her. Felicia had a very tight pussy so that helped her and gave her plenty of control. Monica then lay back and watched as Felicia pushed the cock into her pussy. Monica moaned as she felt the cock enter her pussy and then Felicia lying on top of her. Monica wrapped her legs around Felicia's small waist and soon she felt Felicia begin to fuck her. She too loved the way that this toy felt as Felicia fucked and rubbed against her.

"Fuck babe, this is great, just keep doing what you're doing." Monica cried out as she dug her fingers into Felicia's back. They were able to hold out longer this time but they still came before either of them wanted to. They rested for a few minutes then they went at it again as they both fucked the other one more time. They would have kept on going however Felicia's parents were coming over that evening so they had to get up and dress. Monica was then able to finish the tour and then they got the tree and decorations.

"You know we should be living at your place instead of mine, you got lots more room." Felicia said as Monica drove them back to Felicia's apartment.

Monica smiled as she said, "Well I was going to eventually suggest that to you."

"Why were you waiting? You're place is so much better and bigger than my little place, it's not like I'm attached to the place." Felicia replied.

"I just wanted to slowly introduce you to my place and see how you like it." Monica said carefully.

"You were going slowly because of my memory thing, right?" Felicia asked.

"Yes," was all Monica could say.

"Hasn't it been you that kept saying not to make a big deal of my memory or was that bullshit?" Felicia asked.

Monica looked over at Felicia to see if she was mad or anything and it didn't appear that she was. She knew she was trapped with no way to get out. "Yes I did and I'm sorry."

"Well don't let me catching you doing it again." Felicia told her.

"Yes madam," Monica replied as she gave Felicia a smile.

"Good, since your plant is closed between Christmas and New Years, we'll move me over to your place then. That way you can get back to working on refinishing your furniture and I can redo the condo, you can't decorate worth shit." Felicia told her.

Monica started to protest that last part but as she looked over at Felicia she saw that she was messing with her. "Just don't paint every room bright pink, I hate pink." Monica told her as Felicia's kitchen was a bright pink and it looked terrible.

"If I want to paint it bright pink, then I will. You just keep refinishing your furniture so we got money to fix up your place." Felicia told her.

"Yes madam," Monica said.

"No seriously, I did need my little apartment and all the people there that looked out for me to make me feel safe but I don't need that any longer. But now I got you to protect me and to keep reassuring me that it'll be okay." Felicia said as she slipped her hand into Monica's hand and Monica gave it a squeeze.

"I'll take care of you, don't worry about that but I was serious about the pink thing, I do hate that color." Monica said with a laugh.

"You know you shouldn't have told me that. Now you can't afford to piss me off or it'll all be done in pink." Felicia said laughing.

"I'll take my chances." Monica said laughing.

When they got to Felicia's apartment, they had to rush to put up the tree and get it decorated. Then they had to get showered and dressed as they both smelled like sex. Then they headed into the kitchen so that they would have dinner ready before Felicia's parents got there.

End of Part Six

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 7

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