Memories of an English Boarding School

By Little Charlie

Published on Sep 4, 2023


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I was woken on the Sunday morning by the other three getting up and preparing to go to the bathroom.

Derek told me to hurry up if I wanted a wash and to get to breakfast.

I could only reply I would get up in a few minutes as I had a little problem.

Steve grabbed my blankets off me, when the other 3 saw me.

Si said,

"It doesn't look a little problem it looks as big as it did last night"

As my morning hard-on was sticking out of my pyjamas.

I just laughed and said,

"I can't go for a wash like this."

The others said they would go ahead. It took a couple of minutes for my erection to go down enough to be respectable.

There were lads from other dorms in the bathroom so it was a quick morning ablutions

for us all.

When we got back to the dorm and we're getting dressed Derek said,

"Last night was more fun than just playing blackjack for matches "

The other two agreed and I added,

"I am glad we hadn't tried poker as I would still probably be trying to get the hang of it so wouldn't have played so many hands"

As we were running late to get breakfast we agreed to chat later when we were getting ready for chapel (yes we had to wear school uniform for an hour) knowing we would have some privacy to chat without anyone overhearing.

After breakfast we all went out separate ways to meet up with other friends before meeting back in the dorm at 10:30 to get dressed up for chapel.

There was a bit of an uneasy silence as we all knew what we had to talk about.

Steve broke the ice by asking to Derek,

"Who taught you to kiss that way, as I expected just lips to be used not tongues as well"

Derek went red at the question and glanced at Si who also reddened.

I think Steve and I realised at the same time that they had messed around before.

Steve took the plunge and said that I was the first on to kiss him like that.

That revelation could have gone very badly wrong, but both Derek and Si seemed to relax and then admit that it was Si who taught Derek the previous year.

I asked,

"Was it just kissing you practiced? "

Si laughed and said,

"We have tried other things too. What about you and Steve?"

I looked at Steve for reassurance before saying

"We had tried lots of things"

I hoped I was safe saying that as if Derek and Si had admitted they had messed around and if they hadn't liked what they had tried they wouldn't be friends still.

Steve then asked,

"Where did you manage to find to get together,? We started in the bathroom upstairs but normally used the drying room"

Derek then opened up that they had too started in the bathroom and then used the changing rooms.

That explained why both of them seemed to enjoy jogging.

Si just smiled and said,

"Well this will make card games more interesting, but we would have to sort out some better rules.

We went down to chapel, all thinking how we could make the games better.

After chapel we went to change into jeans and no one mentioned it until Si left to go and do something.

He said as he left, we should meet up after lunch to discuss out ideas if we had had any.

After lunch most people had disappeared to visit the local village or watch TV, so we knew we wouldn't be missed when we disappeared off to our dorm.

We lay on our beds when Si asked

"Has anyone had any ideas?"

Derek said

"Why can't we just play the same rules?"

The rest agreed the basis of the game was there but it needed tweeking.

Steve suggested that the suits of the cards could mean a certain forfeit.

We all thought it was a good idea but soon realised there were only 4 suits and we could think of more things that could be forfeits.

Derek remembered we had still had the toilet roll I got last night and suggested we all wrote down our forfeits on a piece , then chat about each others ideas.

After about 10 minutes we all seemed to be finished and had remarkably similar lists and decided on the final 12.


Be bummed


Be sucked

Bum lick

Bum licked


Suck nipples

Nipples sucked

Wank someone

Be wanked

Feel up other

Now we had that sorted, how would we decide each forfeit we had to work out how it was picked.

Steve pointed out that we could use a pack of cards and each number for each forfeit related to the card picked by the loser.

Si, the cardshark, saw the flaw in that idea and said there were 13 cards in each suit.

So we needed one more

Derek said,

"Why don't we have a free choice for anything you wanted on the list or not as long as it staying in the dorm ?"

I added,

"Or we could have option on no forfeit"

Si said,

"We can have both if we included the jokers in the pack."

The forfeits seemed settled it was just how we would decide the other person involved.

Steve said

"If we allocated a suit to each person to be involved with the forfeit and if you drew your own suit draw again"

So we had just about sorted the rules.

We would start the game each with 4 items of clothes and from one pack pick the top card.

The lowest card holder would lose an item of clothing.

Each pack would be shuffled after 6 rounds.

If the lowest card holder was naked he would take a card from the second pack and perform the forfeit for a minute.

2 Kiss

3 Suck nipples

4 Nipples sucked

5 Suck

6 Be sucked

7 feel up the other ( no touching cock,balls or bum)

8 Lick bum

9 Bum licked

10 Be Wanked

Jack Wank

Queen Be Bummed

King Bum

Ace Free choice

Joker Nothing

Once we were all happy, I suggested we had a trail run of the game.

The others agreed but Derek said maybe we should have a check round first to see how many others were about and also get clean.

Rather than all go in the bathroom together we decided to pair off and go to different showers but waiting 10 minutes for the other to finish before going in.

Steve and I agreed to use the changing rooms while the other 2 used the dorm bathrooms, they would also have to check to see who was in the house and we just check the general area.

We would all meet back at 2:30pm giving us a few hours before tea.As we started to leave with our gym bags. Derek said,

"Hang on you might need this"

Holding out a large syringe type thing with a rubber tube on it.

Steve and I looked quizzically at him, so he explained,

"It is a douche and if you fill it with warm water and inserted it into ourselves a few times, it would clean your insides as well."

Steve decided he would shower first, so I went to the tuck shop and for a general wander for about 10 minutes.

There was not many about so I wouldn't have been noticed entering the changing rooms. Steve was just coming out of the showers when I entered.

I got undressed as he dried himself, as I moved to the showers he passed the douche thing and told me to use a shower next to one without a showerhead and use that to fill it.

Once under the shower I took the bulb out and filled it. I put the bulb back in and eventually managed to get the tube into me and squeezed it.

I felt the warm water flow into me and filled it again.

Steve was now dressed but put his head round the corner into the showers and said another tip was to stand near the drain when I let it go and he would see me later.

I wasn't sure how many a few times Derek meant so decided to carry on for as long as I could. After 5 or six times it felt like my stomach was cramping so I stood over the drains and let the water out.

Just to make sure I repeated the process again before washing my outside until the water was clean.

I made my way back up to the dorm to meet up with the others with 5 minutes to spare.

We knew we were fairly safe to play as generally you were given privacy in dorm and no one burst in, there was always a knock.

As we were declaring which 4 items of clothes we had on.

Steve asked if we could have another rule added.

We listened as he suggested that the lowest card didn't chose which item to take off but the highest card winner did and got to take the item off too.

We all laughed and agreed to the rule but there was no changing your clothes now.





















Si put the packs of cards on the table and we each drew a card for our suit









These details were added to the piece of paper with the forfeit list on.

Now the admin was sorted we sat down to pick cards and start the game.

Round 1

Me Jack

Si 10

Steve 7

Derek 6

I had won the first hand, or lost depending on your viewpoint.

Derek stood up and I moved over to him.

Yes, I did the obvious and knelt in front of him to unbuckle his belt and undid his jeans, letting them slid down his legs. I could see he was pleased to be playing by the state of his pants inches from my nose.

Round 2

Me 6

Si 2

Steve 9

Derek Queen

We could tell who had lost as soon as Si saw his card as his expression changed.

He stood up with his jeans bulging without the support of his pants.

Derek moved over to him and looked at him then to our surprise moved up and took Si's jumper off saying,

"Never expect the obvious, just go with the flow"

And patted his groin as he moved away.

He then said that he knew Si well enough to know the his no pants was a way of teasing us. As he would have hoped to lose his jeans the first time he lost and be would be first naked from the waist down. But he had called his bluff.

Round 3

Me 4

Si 10

Steve 10

Derek 9

I stood up and waited for Steve and Si to move over.

They didn't need to say anything before Steve undid my belt and Si pulled my flies down. He did managed to brush his hand against my erect cock as he did so.

They both undid the button holding them up letting them fall to the ground. They were so close I could feel the heat of their breath on my skin.

I stepped out of my jeans before sitting back down.

Round 4

Me 8

Si King

Steve Ace

Derek 5

Steve moved over to Derek who put his feet up inviting him to take his socks off. Steve smiled and said

"You may need to keep your feet warm"

Derek knew what was coming and stood up for Steve to kneel down and slowly pulled his pants down from the legs.

First showing Derek's pubes then further down forcing his cock down until eventually it sprang back up and was free.

We all seemed pleased with the late rule addition

Round 5

Me 3

Si 5

Steve 6

Derek 9

I stood up knowing what was going to happen. Derek moved over, pulled the front of my pants out and moved the waistband down to under my balls.

It was then he knelt in front of me and slowly pulled them down to my knees.

I am sure he was deliberately exhaling on to my exposed cock.

Round 6

Me King

Si Ace

Steve 10

Derek Jack

There was shock on Steve's face when he saw the other cards. He must have felt safe with a 10 but wasn't.

As he stood Si moved over and undid Steve's jeans. I could tell this time that his hand brushing Steve's cock wasn't an accident.

It was time for Si to shuffle the cards for the next few rounds.

The new rules has changed the state of play compared to the first time we played.




Cock pointing upwards


Jeans with a nice bulge inside






Pants showing his package




Cock pointing to the sky.

Round 7

Me 8

Si Jack

Steve 5

Derek 8

Steve stood waiting to Si who moved over and knelt in front of him.

Si turned Steve round and slowly pulled his pants down over his bum.

He then turned Steve back round and pulled the front of Steve's waistband forward a couple of times getting a view for himself but Derek and I couldn't see.

On the third pullout he pulled his pants down for us to see Steve in all his glory.

Round 8

Me 4

Si 7

Steve 10

Derek 9

This time Steve had won with a 10. I waited for him to indicate what he wanted to take off. When he didn't kneel, i knew it was my T-shirt so stood up and lifted my arms. He stood so close to me that our exposed cocks were touching as he slowly took off my T-shirt.

I knew I had one more life left before the forfeits started for me.

Round 9

Me King

Si 4

Steve 8

Derek 10

When Si was standing I knelt in front of him and moved towards his belt before changing my mind and unzipping his flies, freeing his erection.

I moved my hands up and accidentally on purpose brushed his cock on the way to undo his belt. The angle of my arms was so his helmet was in contact with my forearm until I undid his jeans button letting them fall to the ground.

Round 10

Me 3

Si 7

Steve Jack

Derek Jack

I knew my one life was gone, so lay on the floor and lifted my legs.

Steve took one leg and Derek the other as they took my socks off in unison lifting my legs higher as they did.

I knew it was just and excuse for them to check out my bum.

Round 11

Me Queen

Si 5

Derek 5

Steve 6

My first thought at seeing the queen was relief I wouldn't have the first forfeit that changed to joy that I had two items to remove.

Si and Derek stood up next to me as I approached Si first and slowly took his t-shirt off. I could feel him moving towards me so our cocks were touching.

Derek was next, standing to attention in more way than one, this time it was me that moved forward to make our cocks touch as I took off his item.

Round 12

Me 2

Si 6

Steve Ace

Derek King

Both Steve and Derek looked pleased with their cards especially when they saw my 2 which meant before the 2nd shuffle had occured there was a forfeit to be made.

I was both nervous and excited as I reached for the top card of the 2nd pack. I drew the card and looked at it first before laying it on the table for all to see.

It was 7 of Spades.

The smile reappeared on Derek's face as it meant he was to be felt up by me.

Derek stood in front of me as I crouched down and started to caress his calves which were just starting to get a full coverage of hairs. I slowly moved up to his thighs and stroked the front of them before gently touching his inner thighs with my finger tips. His cock seemed to get harder if it was possible as my fingers went higher. Knowing the rules when I felt the hairs on his balls on my hands I moved my fingers back down again.

I also knew the rules said no touching cock or balls, it didn't mention blowing on them so didn't miss the chance as they were so close to my face, then stood and placed my hands over his nipples ,finding they were already hard

I took them in my fingers and pulled on them.

He was just starting to moan when Si said,

"Minute's up"

The first forfeit was over and it had been one of the tame ones but I think was enjoyed by everyone.

When we sat down I noticed that both Steve and Si were holding their cocks. I said,

"Now we are into forfeits surely there should be no touching yourself"

The others agreed and said there should be no punishment for it just you could be reminded

As Steve had won the last hand he shuffled both packs with us waiting to draw

Me Naked

Si T-shirt and socks

Steve Socks

Derek Socks

We all drew again

Round 13

Me Queen

Si Queen

Steve 7

Derek 4

Si and I asked Derek to lie down and then lifted his legs and peeled a sock off each. Now I was not alone on forfeits.

Round 14

Me 5

Si Ace

Steve Queen

Derek 4

Both myself and Derek looked pensive before the cards were laid.

Derek knew it was his time to pick from the 2nd pack. He placed his card on the table.

As he did, a grin appeared on his face.

It was 6 of Hearts

Steve smiled too as he moved over to Derek and knelt to take his erection into his mouth. As his hand moved to Derek's shaft.

Both Si and I said forfeit is took suck not wank.

Steve took his mouth off to call us,


Before he went back down we asked Si to stand as we didn't have a good view with him sitting.

After he stood Steve started to treat his cock like it was an ice cream, licking the helmet and then sucking on Derek's shaft.

Eventually he moved back up and engulfed the head with his mouth.

Derek moved his hands to the back of Steve's head to control him until we had to inform them the time was up.

As Steve went back to his chair Derek announced

"I liked this extra card to decide the forfeits"

Hardly surprising as there had been two and he had been felt up and sucked.

Round 15

Me 10

Si Ace

Steve 2

Derek 7

Steve knew what was coming and lifted his feet for Si to take off his socks.

Si did this with a grin as he knew he still had 2 lives left and Steve was now in same position as Derek and I.

Round 16

Me 7

Si 10

Steve 9

Derek King

I knew what I had to do and reached for a card.

It was 5 of Clubs.

Si stood and moved forward to me but I didn't instantly take him into my mouth but looked closely for the first time at both a cut cock and an Asian one.

Steve said

"You are just wasting time"

I argued back

"Time shouldn't start until I have clear access and I actually start"

Si realised what I meant and lifted his t-shirt and I opened my mouth and took the helmet in my mouth.

The taste was slightly different to Steve's, flavours not as strong but still nice. I moved from his helmet to lick the shaft all over before taking a ball in my mouth to suck.

Realising time would run out I put my mouth over his helmet and moved forward until my nose was nestled in his bush of black pubes and suck.

When Derek called time I slowly pulled off Si's cock still sucking and enjoying the taste and flavour.

Round 17

Me 3

Si 2

Steve 9

Derek 4

When I looked at my card I thought here we go again. But when the others placed their cards down it was Si the loser. Steve had the honour of removing his t-shirt. Si was now down to his last life.

Round 18

Me 8

Si 4

Steve 6

Derek 5

This gave me the honour of removing the last clothing as I took Si's socks off to finally get him naked.

We all knew that it was forfeit time after each round this knowledge certainly hardened up all our cocks.

I shuffled the packs and when I place the last one down said,

"Let's see where the cards lead us"

Round 19

Me 5

Si 10

Steve 3

Derek King

Steve's eyes briefly lit up when he picked the card from the 2nd pack then dropped when he saw the suit list.

We waited for him to show us the card.

It was probably the worst card he could have picked as there was no chance of it coming round again for 5 hands.

It was Queen of Hearts.

So it was the first bumming card drawn.

We soon twigged why his eyes dropped. He had picked his own suit.

As he went to pick his next card he said

"I could have tried to but no way can I bend it round to fit in"

The next card he picked was 9 of Spades.So Derek had struck lucky again, this time to have his bum licked.

When he bent over and opened his cheeks we could see his hole sparsely covered by hair.

As Steve approached he said he hoped Derek had cleaned properly.

Si said,

"Don't worry we have 2 douches"

Steve's face moved between the crack and by the expression on Derek's face he was doing a good job.

When the minute finished Steve pulled away for us to see Derek's hole was now soaking and slightly open.

Round 20

Me Jack

Si Queen

Steve 4

Derek Ace

Steve had lost again and had to pick another card. This time he picked one first time.

The 9 of Clubs

So it was Si's turn to be anally licked.

He stood up legs apart and spread his cheeks to show his little bud as Steve approached, I swear he made it wink again.

I remembered I hadn't really seen much last time so asked Steve to wait as I lay on the floor with my head between Si's legs looking up at the goodies.I could see Steve's tongue move in and start licking the crack before moving in circles over the hole.

Then he pulled his head out for breath and moved forward again with his rolled tongue sticking out. Once it reached it's target it carried on forcing his way into the tight tunnel. Si obviously liked it by the way his cock twitched.

All too soon the minute as up

Round 21

Me 3

Si Queen

Steve Queen

Derek 6

If my erection had been revived by the view of Steve licking, the prospect of my forfeit increased it.

I reached for the single card.

It was the Queen of Spades

Derek's eye widened when he realised what it was.

He was going to be the first one to fuck.

I asked him how he wanted me.

He told me to bend over the bed with my legs open. As I bent over, Si threw him something.

I couldn't see what it was, so waited as Steve and Si tried to lie between my legs.

They managed to sort out how both to get a view without being too much in the way.

Next thing I knew was something cold going on my bum and a finger entering me.

I did ask if the minute had started but was told it starts when his cock starts to go in.

I then felt something bigger pressing against my hole and knew what was coming next.

I relaxed as Derek pushed forward into me. It slid in as easily as the first time Steve had fucked me. He kept pushing in until I could feel his pubes against my bum.It felt different to Steve's, maybe it was because his cock curved less but still felt good.

It took a few seconds for me to get used to it before I squeezed my muscles against it. He was as aware as I was that this fuck was timed.

The rhythm was different to what I had know previously as he withdrew almost all the way slowly before ramming himself back in.

Looking down I could see my cock bouncing with each thrust and from the look on the two faces below me they were enjoying it as much as me.

All too soon Steve called time so Derek thrust in one final time before pulling slowly out despite my muscles trying to keep him in.

When his cock finally exited my bowels he leaned over and whispered in my ear


I could only reply

"No, thank you, I just wish you had carried on"

Both Steve and Si said together

"You know the rules"

When I sat back down I asked what Si had thrown to Derek and was shown a tube of KY jelly.

So Si and Derek had been using it to prepare each other and taught Steve and I another new thing.

Round 22

Me 9

Si 4

Steve 3

Derek 7

Steve reached out and took the top card.

6 of Hearts

It seemed to be Derek's lucky day as he had been selected to be sucked again this time by Steve.

Derek stood up and Steve said,

"No, lie on your bed "

Derek lay down and Steve leant over his stomach and lifted his cock into his mouth.

Si and I looked at each other and smiled as Steve manovered himself round to be on top of Derek.

It looked like rules were being abandoned.

This was confirmed when Derek took Steve's cock in his hand and guided it into his open mouth.

Si and I looked again at each other and reached down to hold each other's cocks.

We watched the other 2 in their 69, hands were all over the other's body.

Derek suddenly started to wank Steve's cock in his mouth, then his hips started thrusting until one final thrust into Steve's mouth as he unloaded his balls into him.

This must have sent Steve over the edge as he reciprocated by cumming in Derek's mouth.

Si and I watched as they lay there until their softened cocks fell out of their mouths.

Once this happened I looked at him and smiled and he nodded as he read my mind.

I lay on my bed and Si climbed on top. I held his cock and guided it into my mouth as I felt his warm mouth cover my cock.

I could taste the pre-cum that he had been leaking throughout the game and feel his tongue under my foreskin. As I was fondling his balls I felt his finger slip into my already greased bumhole.

With his other hand he started to wank my cock.I took the hint and managed to fit a finger in my mouth alongside his cock.

When I thought it was wet enough I moved it to his bum and tickled his hole and then slipped it in. It felt warmer and he seemed to grip my finger tighter than Steve used to, but I seemed to get my finger further in.

After playing the game and watching Steve and Derek it didn't take long for both of us to cum in each other's mouth.

Si didn't deposit a large amount into my mouth, it was thicker than i had experienced in the past but still had the same great taste.

As we all lay in our post orgasmic bliss playing with someone else's cock which were all showing signs of revival,

Steve noticed that it was 15 minutes until tea.

Reluctantly we got up and got dressed and went down for tea.

As we queued up one of Si's friends asked him if he was going to the radio control plane club that night. Si said,

"No I fancy a night playing cards in my dorm"

Thanks for reading and I welcome any comments or similar stories. I will reply to all emailsd if you have any comments don't forget to email me

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