Memories of an English Boarding School

By Little Charlie

Published on Aug 24, 2023


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Next morning I was woken by something brushing my lips, once I managed to open my eyes and focus I realised it was his foreskin.

As I opened my mouth to enjoy it further,. he moved away saying

"Wake up sleepyhead, it is nearly 10 o'clock"

I dragged myself out of bed and did my normal morning ablutions before asking Steve what the plan for the day was.

He admitted he had only woken 10 minutes before me and managed a quick piss before waking me.

We quickly dressed before going downstairs to get some breakfast. When we got into the kitchen we saw a sheet of A4 with what seemed to be loads written on it. It was the list from Steve's mum. On closer inspection it consisted of about 4 things

There was washing in the machine that needed hanging out.

Make sure we prepared a salad for tea for 6:30.

Make sure we didn't make a mess.

And for us to enjoy ourselves.

The rest was just waffle, it seemed she had a sense of humour but it did get us worried when we first saw it.

After we had something to eat Steve said we better get the washing out and lead me through to a utility room. He bent over to open the washing machine and I couldn't resist groping his bum.

He said

" We will have plenty of time once we have got this done."

He loaded the damp clothes into a basket and asked me to get the pegs before we went into the back garden to start hanging it out. I put my hand into the basket and the first thing I grabbed was a lacy pair of red knickers. They felt so good compared to my mum's cotton knickers the only other ones I had seen and felt close up.

As I hung them on the line Steve who had seen me admiring them laughed and said

"Julia does have a nice taste in clothing"

I giggled and agreed.

As we hung the rest out I held each item and guessed who's it was. Steve's stuff was easy as I had seen most of it already ,so any other male was his dad's.

Julia and his mum's were a bit more difficult but I got most of them right.

I am not sure which had aroused me more all the sexy undies or Steve's sexy bum, but once we were finished my bulge was prominent. Oh the joy of not having to cover your hard-on when outside in company.

Steve had spotted it and he said he thought it was time we went back upstairs.

By the time we got to the bedroom his bulge was as big as mine, we stripped each other off before Steve announced it was time for a shower together. I said before we do I had one thing to do and took his cock into my mouth and tongued under the foreskin. When I was satisfied it was clean said

"I didn't want the shower water to wash away any of the goodness before I had chance to"

He laughed and pushed me into the bathroom with his erection rubbing against my bum.

Once we got in the shower there was a bit of room but we couldn't avoid our cocks clashing. After a few thrust and parries we decided we were useless at fencing , so proceeded to wash each others bodies.

He concentrated on by bum, tickling my hole before pushing his finger in. It seemed to go in deeper than when he normally fingered me. He kept checking his finger until he was satisfied and said

"Always good to make sure you are clean."

I reached round to do the same to him.

Once we were happy we were clean we got out of the shower and dried each other before going back to the bedroom. Instead of getting dressed he hugged me and pulled me onto the bed where we snogged , rubbing our cocks against each other's. Steve reached over and grabbed the bottle saying

"We needed to make up for something we didn't do last night"

He rolled off me and poured some onto my cock , making sure I was well covered by wanking me. I was expecting him to get up and kneel or lean over the bed but he lay on his back put his legs in the air ,reached down and moistened his hole. I was only aware before this, that guys could fuck doggy style.

He said

"Shall we try it this way ? "

I was always up for learning new things. I tried to locate my target but the angle was wrong, after a few attempts I took a pillow and put it under his hips , so raising his arse.

This time I found his puckered hole and started slowly to enter him. As I did I felt the heat and tightness of him, when I bottomed out I looked into his eyes to see the joy he was experiencing. He reached up to pull my head down so we could snog with my cock lodged in his bowels.

This new position had its benefits as I could be fucking him, see his cock ,hold it and snog him.

I began to fuck him and Steve even started to moan , we had always had to keep quiet. (just in case) It was difficult to get into a rhythm to start but after a while we seemed to get into sync until I shot my load into his warm bowels. When my cock had soften too much to stay in I moved up for him to clean. I manoeuvred myself so we were in a position for a 69. Him sucking my soft cum stained cock and me cleaning his slightly puffy hole.

Once I was happy there would be no more leakage I pushed his legs back down so see his cock spring up. Before even holding my tongue went to the trail of pre-cum that was glistening on his stomach. Once that was cleaned I moved to the source of it, his erect cock. Once it was in my mouth I could tell how much he had enjoyed it as even though he had just showered it still tasted gorgeous. And the speed of which it swelled confirmed his enjoyment as I got another mouthful of sperm. I didn't swallow it all before going to kiss him so he could savour the taste too.

We lay on the bed for a while before I said

"I am knackered and going to get some sleep"

I rolled on my side as Steve moved the duvet over us and we spooned for a few hours shut eye.

A couple of hours later I was woken something prodding me. I had been woken by prodded by something in the past, which I had never liked but this time I was woken by Steve's cock getting hard and prodding me.

I lay for a few minutes enjoying it's feeling then decided to move a bit to enjoy it poking somewhere else. But my movement disturbed Steve from his sleep, he got out of bed fairly quickly. I asked why leave the bed. He answered we didn't want to wear ourselves out and we better do something in the day as we couldn't tell his mum we spent the day shagging.

Even me lying naked on the bed with my arse in the air couldn't change his mind.

After grabbing some food we went back to the village and I met a few of the others our age in the park. We chatted for most of the afternoon about nothing really before Steve and I had to return to get the meal ready.

Luckily preparing a salad and cutting a pork pie doesn't really need major culinary skills so it was ready with 30 minutes to spare.

Looking out of the kitchen window suddenly Steve said


I looked and saw the problem as well. The washing was still on the line , so it was outside with a basket to collect it in. If I thought the girls' undies had felt nice when damp they were even better after being aired and dried. All the clean clothes were folded (as best we could) and left in the utility room.

When we got back into the kitchen Julia and Steve's dad were there so we had managed to complete all the jobs so we're the golden boys. We all sat down for tea and even were allowed a glass of wine while we chatted about what we had done all day.

As I have said previously I won't bore you with all the details but later that night we managed to empty our balls twice that night.

Next day when we woke we went downstairs to find out Steve's dad had left a list for us. (Parents never seem to realise that on holiday you want to do nothing )

This time it was to mow the lawn, not really a job you can do together and to get the tea out of the freezer making sure it was defrosted, so Steve went to mow the lawn while I played on the computer.

Once he finished he went upstairs for a few minutes . I presumed it was for a shower. When he came down he was still in same clothes even with hair damp from the sweat from mowing. (Yes we did have sunny days in the summer in the UK. )

Steve said we had to hurry up and get some lunch. I admit I was disappointed as I thought we were going to go out and I wanted to go upstairs and have some fun. After a quick sandwich, Steve said he was going for a shower and was I going to join him. Bit of a stupid question really which perked up my hopes so after a thorough cleaning of each other we were both naked in the bedroom when Steve said

"Do you want to get dressed first or shall I dress you? "

It seemed a strange question. In my mind I asked myself, why couldn't we both stay naked and play, but as I had the view of him naked and erect I might as well make it last as long as possible by me getting dressed first.

I bent down to pick up my pants from the floor when Steve said for me to check under the duvet before I put them on.

I pulled back the duvet to see a small pile of clothes. The denim on the top looked too small to be a pair of jeans , then it dawned on me what Steve had done when he went upstairs before.

He had gone and got Julia's clothes. My hopes of fun perked up again as did something else.

I looked and realised the denim was a mini skirt , there was a crop top , high heels, blue knickers and a bra.

I said

"Are you sure"

His reply was

"Well you seemed to like it when you saw them in the washing, by the look of your cock it still excites you"

I moved the mini skirt and crop top, who put the over clothes on first. Picking up the knickers I felt the fine material between my fingers before lifting them to my face, they were the same Julia had worn.

I smelt them, smelling the strange scents of perfume, a bit of sweat and girl's pee mixed with another gorgeous aroma that I didn't know what it was at the time but I loved it.

I even licked them to find the taste was salty like spunk but not the same but equally as nice.

While Steve was laughing at me for almost eating them I decided to take them all to the bathroom and said to him

" Wait here I will be back"

In there I put on the knickers and wow did they feel far comfier than the briefs I usually wore.

I then decided to try the bra, I worked out how to put my arms through the straps but could I reach round and fasten it!!! How girls manage it still amazes me.

After failing I decided to fasten it first then try to put it on , another failure, so last try was to fasten it the wrong way round and then turn the clip to be at the back and put my arms through the straps. Success it worked.

After admiring myself in the mirror I put on the top and skirt, before straightening them so I looked decent. I forced my feet into the shoes about 2 sizes too small before tottering back into the bedroom.

I was met with the view of Steve lying naked on the bed, he giggled and said

"Very sexy now give us a twirl"

I managed somehow to turn through 360 degrees and said in my best girly voice

"How do I look?"

He replied by holding his erection and saying

"Look what a special girl has done to me"

I thought if he had called me a girl I should try and act as I thought one would, by giggling and asking him

"How can a special girl help you"

Before leaning over to kiss his cheek.

He took my hand and moved it down his body with I felt something hard and hot against it. Opening my hand I held it while he moved forward to kiss me on the mouth , he forced his tongue in. As he did I moved my hand to feel the rest of his body.

I felt his hand moved down to my bum and start to massage it over the denim. I ground my body against his cock until we both paused for breath. I then knelt beside him to take his cock and tease it with kisses before taking it in my mouth to savour the taste under his foreskin. Pulling it back , his japs eye seemed to wink at me so I gently squeezed his helmet until it opened for me to probe it with my tongue.

He gently moved me from my position to laying on the bed next to him and kissed my lips again

As I was enjoying this his hand had found it up the back of my skirt and was now feeling my bum and trying reach anything else he could

When he did reach my balls, it was like a bolt of electricity making me even harder. My legs were open as far as possible to help him.

After a few minutes I got up after giving his cock another final kiss and before slipping the shoes off and undoing the skirt letting it fall to the floor.

As I stepped out of it I removed the top, standing just in knickers and a bra. He reached out to touch the bulge in the front of the knickers to run his nails over it letting my cock head poke out of the top and ensuring the damp patch that had formed did not increase in the knickers. He put his hands on my bum and slowly pulled me towards him. His mouth opened as my cock reached him and he licked the uncovered helmet. His hands reached up to feel my nipples over the bra. As he fondled my boobs his mouth dropped down to try and suck my shaft and the lace.

I had to say to him

"But they are your sister's"

He just smiled and said

"But I want all that is in them"

They he sucked them harder.

I moved so he could have better access and also I could suck his cock. As I covered it with my saliva I felt my girly cock being freed as the knickers were slide down over my bum as he sucked me and started to tickle my hole.

While I was savouring his hard cock, he was loosening me for more fun. He rolled me onto my back taking the knickers off completely. I knew what was coming next so gave his cock a kiss goodbye.

Lifting my legs I waited as he teased my hole , sometimes brushing it with his cock , sometimes just breaching into it and then he picked up the knickers and placed the gusset over my mouth and nose. The aromas and taste was still there as he forced his cock into my bowels in one thrust. I must admit there was pain and it took my breath away causing me to suck the knickers into my mouth.

Steve stayed still with me impaled on his cock until he could see the shock and pain had diminished into pleasure. He then began fucking me with long strokes, my cock was now leaking over my stomach as he was hitting, what I now know is my prostrate.

I don't know if it was Julia's clothes or it was Steve changing to a harder type of fucking but this seemed to me to the best sex we had especially when he released his warm sperm into me in what felt like gallons.

I didn't seem to have the energy to lower my legs as Steve's cock slide out of my hole and just lay there until he presented it to my mouth for cleaning. I hungrily sucked it clean tasting the remnants of what he had injected into me. Once he was happy he was clean he put his hand under my bum and the other on my still hard cock and told me to lower my legs, I felt the deposit dribble out of me into what I realised was his hand which when full, he gave to me to lick clean.

As I lay there exhausted he sucked me off while I lay naked except for a blue 34b bra.

After our fun with Julia's clothes I took a keener interest in looking at her. I don't think I ever saw her in jeans, it always seemed to be dresses or skirts. More than once while sitting with everyone I got a peek up her skirt to see her knickers. Just seeing them made the blood run to my cock, especially when you could see some stray hairs poking out. Unfortunately for the next few days I didn't get chance to feel them but it didn't stop the fun Steve and I had.

Fast forward to the second to last day I was staying when I was woken by the noise of Steve leaving the bedroom, it felt far too early for me to be waking up so I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Just as I seemed to drop off the door opened and Steve walked in, I had to make a double take as he was dressed in his mum's clothes even down to having a handbag. He sat on the chair in the room giving me a peek up his skirt to see he was wearing stockings with suspenders. If I didn't already have morning wood the view would have made me hard. He dropped the handbag on my pillow and told me to look into it. Opening it I found Julia's undies, t-shirt and leggings. What a way to start the day, Steve told me to get up and shower before we had fun. He stripped and joined me washed me inside and out and I returned the compliment.

While we were getting dressed I asked him

"Why the leggings not a skirt? "

He replied with a smile

" I like to see your bum "

My only reply was

"Well my bum likes you too"

I do think the look of the leggings was ruined by a bulge in the front. Steve's dress didn't seem to have that problem, but when we embraced I could feel it against me pointing straight up. Especially as he ground into me while feeling what he liked, my arse over the leggings. I took the opportunity to unbutton his dress to grope inside it. It felt strange but erotic to feel a bra strap on him and the thin back of a thong.

We parted momentarily so I could slip the dress off him and I got to see him in bra, white thong ,stockings and suspenders. ( I just wish we had mobile phones in those days) Having only ever seen thongs in porn mags before, I could see why males didn't wear them when seen in real life. They were tiny and Steve's cock was sticking out of the top with 2 hairy ovals hanging out of the side. I dropped to my knees to clean up the drips forming on his foreskin tip before licking down his shaft to suck one of his balls. My nose was pressing against the cotton front of the thong. The smell was intoxicating , similar to Julia's but not the same. After sucking his other ball I tried to suck his shaft through the cotton and finding the taste was stronger but just as nice. My enjoyment was halted as Steve said it was his turn for fun. As I stood up he gently turned me to face away from him. He started fondling my bum cheeks and running his finger, down my crack, over the leggings.

When I pushed my bum back he stopped and almost purred saying

"What a great view"

He reached round to squeeze my erection before lifting the t-shirt over my head. He ran his finger down my spine, stopping briefly at the bra strap to follow the line of it round to caress my nipples. Once he was satisfied there, his fingers continued their journey until they reached the top of the leggings, I expected them to carry on to my cheeks but they slipped inside and slowly pulled them down. He got the back over my arse but there was a problem, I knew what it was and giggled as Steve tried to pull them down further.

Steve asked

"What is so funny?"

I told him they weren't going any further down unless he wanted to ruin them and me.

Once I turned round Steve could see the reason why, my cock instead of sticking up and slightly out was pointing fully out and slightly down.

He unhooked the leggings and saw my cock bounce back on to my stomach and wobble until it settled at it's normal angle. We both laughed at the sight.

Steve gave it a few more bounces of my cock by pulling it down before he managed to catch it in his mouth. Once he did he started to suck me making sure there was plenty saliva dribbling down my shaft.

I had realised what he wanted, so once he had enough of the taste of my cock he bent over for me. Wearing a thong I didn't have to pull it down just move it aside to see his hole waiting for my cock.

He had been busy in the bathroom preparing as he had already smeared himself with baby oil, so my cock slid in with no resistance. It felt so natural as I thrust into him and he pushed back to receive my dick. Reaching round I was able to play with his cock which was now mostly out of the thong. We fucked for a while before he took my hand from his cock saying he didn't want to waste his cum on the bed but in me.

As I thrust into him I asked if he wanted me to carry on. He moaned and said if I carried on like I was he was going to cum so I may miss the chance of feeling his fluids enter me. I withdrew from him knowing how much I liked my cock in his bowels but knowing I preferred his cock in mine

I lay back on the bed as he pulled my knickers and leggings off and opened my legs to ready my hole with his tongue. When he was satisfied that I was moistened enough he took his thong off and asked me

"Do wanted the knickers or thong?"

I laughed and said


He put the knickers over my nose and thong in my mouth so I could savour the different tastes as he aimed his cock at my hole and slide slowly in.

Again my bum seemed to suck him in and try and hold him inside me. Something must have turned him on especially that morning as instead of gently probing me, he again fucked me with vigour.

The problem with this was there wasn't enough time for me to really enjoy it before he shot his load in me.

I tried to hold Steve's cock inside me but he pulled out before presenting me with it to savour what juices remained in and on it. Once he was satisfied I had had my fill, he re-lifted my legs to clean up the mess he had made in me then connected to my cock like a vacuum cleaner to suck out my spunk.

Once we had finished our fun for the morning the main discussion between us was what would happen during the next year. We knew we would still be in the same house but as we were a year older we would be treated a bit more like adults.

Smaller dorms and less supervision

Which dorm would we be in and with who?

We both had a fair idea but would not know for definite until September

Hopefully I have answered the questions at the end of the last chapter.

Thanks for reading and I welcome any comments or similar stories. I will reply to all emails

Next: Chapter 9

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