Midas and the Nude Male Statues

By moc.loa@756555CJR

Published on Feb 29, 2004


This story is submitted to nifty under their submission guidelines. It is copyrighted to myself as the writer and cannot be copied without my express permission. If you are under age or do not like stories of a homosexual nature, please leave now. Otherwise please enjoy and feel free to contact me. My name is Ron, and my email address is rjc555657@aol.com.

BE AWARE: This is an alternate version on the famous Greek Myth of King Midas and His Golden Touch. This is ALSO a GAY version of the classic story, and the interpretation given here is a personal take on what would have happened if Midas couldn't resist using his magical power, the golden touch, ONLY on humans..... specifically, living boys and men. There will be explicit descriptions of human male anatomy and gay sexual acts which may be performed between adult men and younger men and boys. PLEASE DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER, IF THIS WILL DISGUST OR UPSET YOU! Thank you! Again, please feel free to contact me with ANY comments, corrections and advice for story inclusion....both positive AND negative, at my email address: rjc555657@aol.com I REALLY would like to know if you are or aren't enjoying the story! I am aiming to please! Thanks again! Ron (bassrn5 on yahoo)

Chapter 1: Describing Midas' Predicament!

How on earth was Midas going to do it?

There was only 3 weeks to go until the biggest festivity of the year, and he was searching his mind..... into every corner and hidden recess, to figure out how he would pull off such a dramatization! The stress was too much for him.

He had inherited his kingdom from his father, upon his death 3 short years ago, and since then, his land, his palace, and his entire fortune, was on the verge of becoming extinguished. He had run out of money...and all that gold that was left to him from his inheritence, from all of his bouts of squandering and thoughtless spending. All of it.......wasted on sex, gambling and drinking. That is to say, all on insuring himself to be utterly pleased and pleasured in the company of the most handsome of men, with the most beautiful of bodies, found in all neighboring lands, no matter the costs from his estate. The wreckless spending and endless drinking charges that were consumed were unashamedly incurred as a result of limitless sexual binging and seduction.......and all his efforts directed to attract each and every male Adonis he lusted after so badly, and could rightfully afford by using his fortunes as the means to obtain what he targeted for quick sex almost on a daily basis.

His sexual appetite was, to say the least, extravagant, for he was used to being serviced by and sharing bodies with the best and he wasted no time and gave no monetary control or restriction to his faithful servants, in finding for their leader, more and more well-built men and handsome youths. If only to spend the entire night, or to spend as little as a few minutes with....as long as it pleased his highness, that was what the bottom line was. To keep the king happy.

More and more, he found himself universally admiring and even worshipping the active, unclothed male form....in it's most pure and maintained athletic appearance, as he began to become more and more aware of how the beauty of his own body was starting to diminish. He couldn't keep his mind off the fleshy curves of those chisled young men, and those who kept such good care of their wonderfully muscled bodies. To touch the curve of a 20 year old's rounded butt or feel the lines of indentation made by the muscles of a boy's well formed forearm....it all did such ferocious havoc on the eroticism building up inside his sex oriented mind and inside his active penis. His own body was advancing toward the ravages of middle age, and he knew that if it were not for his fame, money and gift-giving practices, he would never be able to maintain the company he was so used to having and mingling amongst. A slight bulge here, a soft area there, an ugly patch of hair getting longer and thicker over his back. He knew it was only a matter of time, before time itself would limit even his ability to "buy" into the sexual market of available sexy male specimens. He now found himself more and more, looking occasionally at handsome adolescent men and boys, especially those whom were blessed by nature, with strong masculine features and sexy, well formed, symmetrical young builds......enough to drive him to seduce ANYONE whose body was toned and detailed with muscles distinct enough to depict developing and maturing, mouth-watering male anatomy.

He had managed to pursue and seduce men well into their 30's, and some into their 40's, if they had an interesting feature he wanted closer inspection of during their lovemaking. Age never used to matter. But the cycle of time did not stop.....and as it advanced for him, he noticed he began to train his eyes on younger men. He didn't know if it was because he wanted them around to keep him younger-minded, or if he just fancied the youthful energy exemplified by their lithe, exquisitely packaged young bodies.

And, on top of that, he worried that the money well was running dry, and he would lose everything, including his high ranking as proud, daring leader.....thanks to his endless sexual romping throughout the kingdom the past few years. He remembered with sorrow how his father had been worshipped by everyone in the land, and how he had been given gold as a present, on every conceivable holiday and honor, since his people knew how he adored the golden substance. His father always kept the precious metal highly exposed and visible, in every room of his glamorous palace in some form or another. In essence, his father was known as the "king with the golden palace"!

He had placed golden vases and pottery of every design, scattered throughout the luxurious mansion. Gold cloth sewed into every linen, curtain and pillow in every room......and magnificent gold statuary of both human and animal likenesses, placed in every single entranceway, chamber and hallway, of the residence and even outside the palace and on city streets throughout his kingdom. His father knew how to cherish the desirable, and was not afraid to decorate the palace inside and out, with those valuable objects. No one dared to steal the golden figures that the King used to display for all to see! How times have changed all that. Even those statues of theh human form, were sold to collectors of priceless art, to re-furnish the holdings Midas kept depleting.

Now, as he became a bit older, he seriously longed to return the palace back to its original form......that of a shining manor, decorated in reflective gold everywhere one would turn. But, how could he do it at this late stage in the declining state of resources he was running his kingdom down into?

His daydreaming of bygone days became replaced with the harsh realities of eventual loss of living up to the family name and bestowment of leadership and governing of his land. He had to somehow make believe to everyone that his property, his affluence and his resources had not been so much as daunted, by his social and sexual overexuberance. For now the time had come, to host the annual party of dignitaries and rulers of bordering kingdoms....in a publicly festive celebration, in HIS palace this time, to honor the peaceful and friendly co-existence which anchors the adjoining lands together as if it were one happy extended family....albeit one infiltrated with rivalry and jealously. His father always said to Midas that a happy kingdom is an open kingdom, and he instilled in his son the attitude that making others happy and maintaining a hold over the respect of the people required a sense and feeling of greeting, warm reception and hospitality.

It was trying to regain the losses brought about by the last few years of free spending and self indulgience that started to sink in, depressing his usual jovial and warm personality. In the last few days, it was evident that Midas, at the age of 40, was to say the least, becoming more and more sexually unarousable.....unable to be pleasured, or to give any pleasure to anyone, thanks to the sinking boat he found himself in.

In bed this particular morning, he was completely useless. Unable to harden his penis enough to pretend that he was able to give and receive pleasure. It was unreal! Despite being in the presence of a sexy nude man with a well maintained and dazzling hardness to his anatomy, he just couldn't "get it up"! All thanks to the thoughts rolling through his head about the upcoming festival he was forced to host this time around. His latest encounter, a foul mouthed, street wise carpenter 15 years his junior that he "purchased" at a neighboring dignitary's banquet the week before, opened his eyes, and immediately wrapped his bulging forearms around Midas' slightly bulging abdomen, pressing his strong fingers into the ill defined musculature centered at the midline of the King's body.

"Hey man, I want to leave here with a fuckin' good memory of this night! You paid enough for me, which I see now wasn't near enough....and YOU also said you'd be able to put your damn rod inside me in the morning, because it was your "best" time for fucking! Well, How bout it!, King-y?!", declared the nude god lying next to Midas in bed, with an air of conceit and cockyness befitting his sculptured anatomy.

"Look...Dameon.....I'm....I'm sorry! I'm just not in the mood for...THIS, right now. You're so handsome, and you have the body of a greek god.....but, I've got a lot on my mind," replied the king, not even having the small amount of energy needed to muster a twist of his neck to look around back at the guy's exceptionally formed nude body. "Maybe I should let you go home."

The carpenter, getting more and more disgusted that the sexual encounter with Midas was becoming more of an effort in futility, tried one more trick he used on other men and boys in the past...... usually on the older man or the inexperienced teen, those needing that extra thrill, to "beef up" the sexual energy between them, or to "break-in" and arouse a cute young boy.....it was a sure fire method to rev up the arousal and sexual rhythms of the most uninspired man. He was going to attempt to seduce Midas, and make him rock-hard, with a trip down memory lane! He would try to arouse and excite his lover's manhood, with a sudden awakening of all primitive sensory connections by recalling in him the reward of sex: desire fulfillment and orgasm, the endpoint of every one of his past sexual encounters..........by performing a simple experiment with his partner's sense of smell.

He reached down and felt for some kind of clothing he had brought with him. All he could reach for was one of the dirty socks he wore to the palace the night before. He picked it up and sniffed it slightly. It evidently reeked a little of ripening sweat, from the facial expression of reactive disgust on his face after that small sampling. They did spend hours and hours in that hot dimly lit bar, sweating for hours in their shoes. He thought about it and decided it would STILL work on the king, despite the malodorous scent his feet gave up to the material during all those hours he had the socks on. So, he grabbed it in his hand and wrapped it tightly around his thick engorging cock for a few seconds, then ran it around his nicely packaged scrotum, and pulled back and forth, repeating this several times over every square inch of his enviable genital landscape, until he was sure he was able to trap the odor of his own male musk, pre cum and spent cum deep within the cloth of the foot wrapping and supercede the odor of his toes still present in the sock. He didn't check on it, but again, it worked SO many times for him on other men and boys in the past. He counted on his bodies natural masculine potency to do the trick for him this one more episode.

So, he then brought that "fully charged" item of clothing over Midas' head and secured it directly underneath the nostrils of his partner. After running it back and forth under the experienced nose of the depressed king, he knew his sense of smell would be unable to resist the sexual influence of the genital mixtures of every type of male scent which was absorbed into his used sock, and sure enough, he began to succumb to the effects of it all.

"MMMMmmmmmmmmnnnnnnn!," moaned Midas, as he exhaled what seemed to be the most complete inhalation he ever treated himself to, having filled every pocket of air sac in his lungs and exciting the cells lining the top of his nose where his sensitive smell center was located. He found himself repeating the action again and again, inhaling the man's arousing scents through his sensitive nose, sampling over and over the erotic groin odor through the carpenter's used sock. It was working!! The mixing masculine odors that he just added into the white cloth, successfully overcame with each successive inhalation through his nostrils, the semi-cheesy toe scent originally trapped within the cloth's fibers. He began to feel blood rushing into his flaccid penis, increasing it's girth and hardening it into solidity with each passing second. His partner's musk filled his senses and worked their magic, until the king's cock felt like it was made of fiery, hard stone.

"Ahhh.....I knew this'd work, friend! It always does! I pleasured so many boys by doing that number on them! Hehehe!, "chuckled the nude sex god confidently. "I'm sorry if you had to first get through the smell of my fee........" Dameon was cut off by the sudden grasping of the sensually enhanced sock by Midas' groping fingers.

"......uh.....Midas?", asked the nude sex partner of the king, astonished by the agressive move he just witnessed. But Midas, having pulled the saturated sock from the twenty-five year old's grasp, just held it tightly within the fingers of his two hands, and continued to run it back and forth under his own nose. As he did this, the king just looked straight ahead with glassy eyes, as if he were put into some kind of a trance by the complex chemical reactions that were being triggered inside his two diagonal nostril tunnels, thanks to the blending of youthful sex hormones AND aromatic musk cells bombarding Midas' every living molecule in his body.....all which ultimately pumped more and more blood into his already maximally engorged penis.

Reaching out and testing the stiff organ of the king for hardness, he pressed the sock up close underneath his partner's nose, for a few more inhalations, making doubly sure he got additional doses of the sex scents, to insure complete penile engorgement in his lover's red hot rod. He was now properly prepared for anal penetration.

Running his thumb and index finger ever so lightly over Midas' dick, he was able to feel every single surface ridge and vessal throughout and around the king's seven and a half inch shaft and head. The energetic carpenter who refused to give up on an orgasm-less outing, said to his salivating bedpartner, "OK! I think that did it! It's time to finish up now, Midas! You still haven't cum yet from last night, even though I gave you my extra sensational licking treatment over your body!," Dameon stated. "Turn toward me now buddy.....I'm gonna finish what I started last night!" He grabbed Midas' shoulder and pulled him to face his body under the covers.

Dameon bent down and kissed the king's chest and belly for a few seconds, before he dove wide open, right over his erect penis, wetting it with gobs of saliva from the glands in his warm mouth. Midas moaned intensely from the sensations he felt from that sudden pleasurable action.

"Mmmmmmm............!" Midas senses were rocked every which way, and he opened his eyes to look at the man's smooth back muscles bent forward in front of him, as he was working on wetting his cock with warm juices. He thought to himself as his partner moved the muscles of his back, and they glistened with sweat in front of him, "How.......beautiful that looks......muscles.....moving under his......skin! Oh......God....how I wish I could look at him doing that......forever......!"

The carpenter started to feel some twitching in the king's cock, when he abruptly stopped sucking him, and yelled out, "NO.....oh no you don't! You're gonna cum inside of me....just like you promised last night at the bar! Here, put this on!." He handed Midas a sheath to put over his hard penis. "This should protect you from any disease you fear you might get from me." Midas shook his head, and quickly slid it over his wet organ.

After almost hockering up a glob of saliva and putting it all over his fingers, he rubbed it over the super sensitive sheathed head of Midas' dong, and turned around to expose his firm round butt to the head of the soon-to-orgasm cock. Dameon backed up slowly so that the king's mushroom head was jutting into the puckered opening of his tight anus. Midas already began to feel the sweet sensations of erotic bliss from his shaft rubbing against the inner curvatures of his partner's melon sized ass cheeks, due to the deep crack he had to penetrate on this guy's bubble butt ass to get to his anal opening. Finally, due to the slipperiness of the king's cock head, it went in with an almost audible hiss.

"Nnnnngggggguuuuuhhh........!", moaned Midas as the shiny head of his cock disappeared inside the muscular man's anus. Dameon also moaned from the sudden sense of fullness inside his anal canal. Then, the carpenter, still in his kneeling position, facing forward, bent over, to fully allow Midas to enter him completely. Only the outer tip of the open end of the condom was seen, and about one inch of his shaft, after he pushed himself completely inside the handsome guy's rear hole.

The carpenter rocked his nude body back and forth against Midas's groin, to assist him in bringing him toward rapture, and the sight of that smooth white full-bodied ass moving so sensually back and forth didn't help Midas in being able to keep his orgasm from gushing forth.

Suddenly, after a few more seconds of Midas staring directly at the extremely erotic sight in front of him, that of the stunningly well-built, highly muscular back side of the carpenter, and all his muscles shining from the sweat and heat, he felt his orgasm about to burst out. Midas once again thought to himself during that split second before experiencing the "point of no return". After gazing at the sexy details of his partner's back side, all he could think was one fast moving perception, "I wish I could run my fingers over those gorgeous muscles of his and feel how hard they are! Gosh darn it, everything's gotta happen so fast! Why can't I just stop time for him and do that?!"

The next thing he knew, he felt the familiar warmth at the base of his cock and then an extremely pleasurable contraction, "Ohh....god......I'm cccuuuuummmiinnnnngggggggg..........!"

The King grabbed the sides of his partners taut bubble butt, and hung onto the slippery sides of it as best he could, despite the muscled texture it was made of, and pushed forward to be completely inside of it one more time. Then he felt himself let loose a long gush of white hot cum, evere so forcefully into the condom over his penis, as he assuredly held himself deep inside the man's warm anus. It felt like he was cumming into a pocket of warm butter.

(continued.....in chapter 2)

Ron rjc555657@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2

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