Midas and the Nude Male Statues

By moc.loa@756555CJR

Published on Mar 13, 2004


Copyright by bassrn5, Mar. 2004. No part of this story can be submitted or archived by anyone else without my express permission.

Disclaimer: This story is a fantasy, a work of gay male fiction, submitted to nifty under their submission guidelines. It is copyrighted to myself as the writer and again, cannot be copied without my express permission. The author does not endorse, encourage or consent to any attempt to replicate any of the sexual activities written about below. If you are under age or do not like stories of a homosexual nature, please click the back button and leave now. Otherwise please enjoy and feel free to contact me. My name is Ron, and my email address is rjc555657@aol.com.

Again, all I ask, is that you kindly inform me, with a short email, that you would like to make a copy or forward any contents of this story to another website or group. I just want to keep track of where it's going. Thank you very much! Ron


BE AWARE!! This is an alternate version on the famous Greek Myth of King Midas and His Golden Touch. This is ALSO a GAY version of the classic story, and the interpretation given here is a personal take on what would have happened if Midas couldn't resist using his magical power, the golden touch, ONLY on living boys and men, to create nude male statuary, from their bodies. There will be explicit descriptions of human male anatomy and gay sexual acts which may be performed between adult men and younger men and boys. PLEASE DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER, IF THIS WILL DISGUST OR UPSET YOU! Thank you! Again, please feel free to contact me with ANY comments, corrections and advice for story inclusion....both positive AND negative, at my email address: rjc555657@aol.com I REALLY would like to know if you are or aren't enjoying the story! I am aiming to please!

Thanks again! Ron (bassrn5@yahoo.com)

Chapter 2: "......what a boy's nose can do for a man....."

Dameon's sex trick worked! And, why shouldn't it? No boy or man has NOT been turned on by it!

So many musky scents from his unwashed body turned on the middle aged king after just several deep whiffs up his nose. Because he used the same easy olfactory method to turn on so many other boys he had been with, the sides of his mouth curled upwards into a devious smile....as he thought of all those heightened passionate moments of powerful sex and mind numbing violent orgasms, partly as a result of touching and fondling the hard and muscled bodies of those youths, but also because of knowing he turned them on with his own unclean fragrance. Like everything else on the surface of a boy's body, the reaction to his odors from their physical responses, from their facial expressions, and from their body posturing were much more interesting to look at, once the significance of the scent in their nostrils was identified by their brain. Sex with them as a result, was more primitive, more lust driven, because of the well known increased sensitivity a boy's sense of smell was over that say, of a man a few decades older. Because of their youthfulness, naivety and age, THEY could be primed by a man's aroma.....taught even, to get instantly erect and hard, by repeated exposure of the odor, held up to their nose.... again, and again, and again during simultaneous pleasurable stimulation of the organs in their private areas. Dameon learned years earlier that just one second of a boy's nose held near a man's pit, or hovering over the center portion of a day's old undies, when properly conditioned and administered, as in concomitant tender masturbation of their young genitals, could successfully initiate the cascade of raw, animalistic fornication that paved the way for a night of exhilarating and completely satisfying sexual fulfillment, between himself, and the youth he was with.

Taking a bit longer with his current, older bed-mate, but no less successful, he was bringing the same outcome to the king's throbbing member as he had done all those times to those boy's cocks. Having swelled the monarch's flaccid dick to engorging and rigid tumescence, he granted his current sex partner to relish in his belated, yet imminent orgasm, by pushing backward forcibly against the hard phallus of the king, that was pulsating rhythmically inside of him, all the way to it's root...allowing the king to concentrate more on the extreme pleasure of the slippery movements enveloping his entire rigid rod, as it pistoned in and out of the awesome full ass he was now forced to violently squirt into.

"OOooooohhhhhh..........OOooooooohhhhhhh........God... does it.........feel....goooooooodddd! Uhhh.....Oooooohhhhh......!" screamed Midas, with each pleasurable contraction and sensation that was ripping throughout his perineum and genitals.

Dameon just continued kneeling on all four extremities in front of the king....providing perpetual eye candy and eroticism to the image Midas was focusing on in front of him, by offering his full bodied curvaceous rear end, in as motionless a state as humanly possible, so he could allow his partner to dictate the aggressiveness and control of the involuntary thrusting his pelvis was doing, until the pulsations and spasms of his climax came to an end.

When he began to feel the king's thrusts slowing down...he took a deep breath and allowed his body to relax, so the spent dick inside his hole, while still engorged with blood, could now be withdrawn with the least bit of difficulty or displeasure, from the fetid hole it was still bottled up in. And when Midas withdrew from the younger man's ass, they both could hear audible slurping sounds, made from the viscous fluids between the guy's anal canal and Midas' squishy condom, and the amount of fluid produced inside the king's condom rubbing against the king's hard dong.

After a few restful seconds passed, for Midas to catch his breath, he slid off the overloaded-with-cum yellow condom, and announced, still sounding a bit out of breath, "Man, that felt sooooo good..........Dameon!...........I haven't cum so forcefully like that.......in MONTHS"

"Well......I'm happy to see everything still works on you, my friend! Sorry I had to shove that sock in your face to get you started....but you were down and out! And, I've proven that sniffin' that stuff from my groin puts every single guy in the mood! You should've seen yourself man...You were behavin' exactly like an animal!

"Oh..no! I am SO glad you did that! What the hell was in that sock anyway? I couldn't get enough of it!"

"It was jus' my manscent, baby! Pure manscent!", blurted back the young stud to his escort, with an air of confidence, as if he was the teacher and the king was the pupil, and a conference on the discovery of sexual magnetism was about to initiate.

Little did Midas know at the time....but he truly was about to learn something he would refer back to and utilize a couple of times, on some of the boys and men he decided he HAD to touch and petrify, after being granted that weird petrifying wish. Having been bequeathed this important bit of sexual knowledge from this street-smart yet borderline educated handyman, he soon would not be able to resist the simplest graze over the supple body of a handsome boy or the muscular definition of a powerful man, after realizing how sensual and erotic they could become, once they've been captivated by the eroticism of the magnificent scents produced by any man! As a result of even the lightest fondling of taut skin, in the height of their sexual and emotional enjoyment, he could turn them all into museum quality golden statues which would adorn his bedroom, the palace grounds, the streets of the city and many other lucky collector's homes to which the mighty figures of beauty would ultimately be auctioned off or traded into.

"No offense, 'O mighty one', but I should say that those guys only took in a few seconds a-my air....much less time, and less "perfumed" air was needed in the article a-clothing I happen-a be wearin'! It just takes a wee bit longer in older guys like yourself! Again....I mean you no disrespect, my king!", Dameon muttered to Midas, comparing the quantity and concentration of sensuous odors a boy needs to smell, as opposed to what a man needs to smell, to induce their erection and readiness for sex. "But, God almight-y, I have seen with my own eyes, what a boy's nose can DO for a man.....that is to say, what HIS nose ends up doing to HIS cock! And sure enough, what his cock ends up doing to MY cock..and th' rest a-my insides, for that matter!!"

"Do you think it was because of the faster ability for boys to decipher scent definition because of their youth and their..........", added Midas, not knowing how close to the truth he really was, before being cut off by Dameon's response. "Who knows what the hell it is that makes their bodies react the way they do, to body odors! What I do know, my friend, is that the skill involved here, the only thing that was important, in all those fuckin' guys, was always makin' sure that the most concentrated area of the piece-a-clothin' I gave 'em, whether it was my stained Tee, my worn underwear or my ripe sock.......that it was put at the most perfect place under their noses during inhalation, that seemed to cut it for me! I jus' let it tap up against th' skin between their nostrils. Doin' that, insures that th' most concentrated area of the used clothin' gets right to 'em, th' front or bottom part, if you're talkin' underwear......the toe section, if you're talkin' socks......and the pit area, if you're talkin' armpit sweat! All of 'em areas known to be soaked with a man's stinky yet WOOO--EEEE powerful and electrifyin' molecules, an' rubbing 'em all up against a young kid's small nasal openings is the secret of success!

The uncannily perceptive carpenter discussed further with Midas how sampling the air sucked through those areas of tainted clothing made each boy in his experience succumb to the effect of the mysterious pheramone chemicals by leaving no room for air to go BUT through the unclean areas, assuring that their sense of smell play the key role in further sexual excitation. He explained that even though they could not understand the results of smell-testing the foul air from a man's groin or foot, it still hit them like a ton of bricks! "Almost like I just slapped them in the face, they'd suddenly be made aware of the odor! Their eyes would widen, their mouths would open a little, and their nostrils would be inhalin' in and out even faster, from all the good things it was doin' to 'em.......and then, their little peckers would start solidifyin'.......like magic!", he added, with a giggle.

"....and in turn, they became sexually overpowered by it?", questioned Midas, sounding stunningly naive and awed by the sexy topic.

"Yup!", smiled Dameon. his face all aglow, yielding a deeper response with much more content and acknowledgment than the one word answer he murmured to the king. "Jus' do it to one boy, and you'll be amazed beyond words, what you see happenin' to 'em! Believe me, you'll won't be sorry! This is my wisdom and token of appreciation to you", he said, bowing forward toward Midas, in a gesture of respect, "for all the fun you've given me the last week. You better use it to enhance your sex life, king-y!. You seem to be needin' it yourself to get off nowadays! Anyway......It may come in handy! You may find yourself in th' company of a young 'un, and need to turn 'im on!"

The conversation ended there, but what the sexy carpenter didn't know, was what actually happened inside those boy's young sexy bodies as a result of what has come to be known as pheromone excitation in the human being! It resulted in the natural progression of the human male sexual response. Neurons begin to fire rapidly from their brain through their young nervous system, causing instantaneous engorgement of blood inside the caverns of their penis, making them achieve an erection, hot and hard enough to penetrate and erode a block of soft butter. THAT would prepare them for the next stage of arousal............their orgasm and release of semen........in a violent but extremely pleasurable expulsion of fluid and sperm, upward and outward from the prominent tube-like urethra, visibly seen on the underside of their hard and solidified shaft. Then, it's a quick, forced exit out from the slit at the tip of their pretty mushroom head, in a geyser of white hot cum.

"I'll remember it! And I'll use it the first chance I get, don't worry!", Midas replied, not realizing how soon those opportunities were going to present themselves.

There was a very long silence after that last statement Midas made.....then he chimed in, "All right....Are we still on for this Friday night?"

"Um..........don't hold your breath there, king-y!......Let me think if I have any free time this weekend." After making several facial expressions mimicking deep thought, and looking upward as if to try to remember if he truly had any free time in his upcoming schedule, he blurted back, "I'll send a message to you......and let you know....ok?"

"All right! I'll be here.....waiting for you!"

"Later then!", was all that his lover for the last seven days would reply, and it was said in a tone implying it was questionable the event would ever occur.

Dameon left in such a hurry, he didn't even stay for breakfast, or a fast shower.....it seemed he wanted out-of-there, as quick as possible, without any strings being attached for a return "engagement" The speed of his departure, and the probability that he would never see him again, made Midas feel empty and depressed.

Reality began to set in again, once the sexy carpenter and his athletic body left the palace grounds. The once-highly respected king looked around the bedroom space, and saw how disheveled it was becoming. No more rare pottery on the columns, no more valuable statuary on the pedestals. Not even a well made blanket was covering up the top part of his large King-sized bed. Midas needed so badly to spif up the place, and wanted to get it to look as original and glamorous, as it once used to look.

Time was passing quickly now, and it was almost the noon hour! Midas had recently hired a new servant, named Agamedes, to be close at hand, actually within earshot of his vocal requests. He was a nice looking boy whom he met at the party of a neighboring dignitary. His cute face made Midas break out his dwindling monetary supply and pay up front for him, in order for the boy to come home with him right then and there. He had lost quite a few "lookers", by arranging to make payment for a potential new servant or slave at a later date, and then lose out on them entirely, when another aristocrat coughed up payment on the spot, so he made sure he was ready for payment, wherever he went. When he wanted someone to be brought back to his palace for employment on the palace grounds, he HAD to have them....period! Midas got quite upset, if he lost the bid on someone, or was turned down by the servant he wished to add to his employment roster.

He shouted for that particular new servant to come inside the room, so he could ask him to fetch his helper, Ramie. "Hey...Agamedes......come here!" he yelled to the cute boy outside the door. Agamedes entered the bedroom.

"Would you go get Ramie for me, please?"

Ramie was the primary servant to Midas. He was also his all around assistant, and at unplanned times, his secret lover, relieving the sexual frustration of his lord, whenever Midas was turned on by the handsome body of an unwilling servant, or a hot looking visiting son of a statesman. ANYONE who caught the eye of the sex-addicted king, usually made his brain go haywire, including Ramie himself, if he had next to nothing on. So, when his employer was in the mood for some sexual action, and needed to be pleasured at that instant in time....Ramie was there for him. It would also be Ramie, who was his "eyes" and "ears", when looking around at a party, or at an auction, for hot new blood to hire or buy, to keep all the gay men's hormones in the kingdom at peak levels, all the time. He didn't mind his own men fondling or even fucking the other hot guys in his palace. He even condoned it. Good looking male specimens were always in demand, and he wanted to keep every guy happy in his employ at the same time! At times, he even became the uninvited third party addition, in a two person love session..by just being at the right place, at the right time. He knew his lofty royal ranking would allow him to weasle his way into anyone's private moment.....and he took strict advantage of that everyday.

But, back to Ramie! It was always this faithful servant, who would investigate and search for Midas anything that would improve the look of the palace grounds. This included the buying of articles of new clothing, pottery, household items, and to hire maidens needed in the palace for feminine improvement of the rooms, for the cleaning, and the decorating. It was this type of errand which Midas would ask of his favorite servant this morning. He would ask him shortly, to look for decorations to pepper the rooms of the mansion with, and a search for low to fair quality statuary to purchase, that he could disguise with gold paint, the color of the statuary which used to be so abundant on the palace grounds in the past, as a decent substitute for the highly decorative pieces which once graced his kingdom when his father ruled the land.

Agamedes entered the stately bedroom of Midas and said politely, "Yes sir! I know exactly where he is! I saw him a short time ago, swimming in the pool I'll get him at once!"

After the young handsome boy entered the room, Midas couldn't resist staring at all of his naturally attractive qualities, and gave a long wide-eyed look, up and down the boy's nicely formed body. He had light brown straight hair, in a usual boy's haircut. It flowed straight down from the top of his head, and ended in bangs over his forehead. He had long dark eyelashes accenting a sexy oval path all around his exquisite blue-green eyes. His lips were full and red, and his cheekbones had a chiseled appearance along both sides of his face and jaw. His skin tone was very light, and he didn't have a blemish anywhere on him. He was wearing a white toga, which covered his right shoulder, and arched around his chest, down to his waist, leaving some skin exposed over his left chest and down into his abdomen and waist. His body was smooth and finely muscled. The boy's left pectoral muscle being exposed to Midas as it was, made him wince and moan a little. The cute servant said, "Is everything ok, my lord?" Midas answered, in a boyishly high voice, and a hint of frustration, "Uhhh.....n-no...I mean yes".

It was easy to tell that the king loved every well formed feature on this boy, and for weeks, since he was hired as a servant, tried to think of anything he could, to have him expose parts of his body for him to inspect, so that he could see some of the highlights of that body, areas that he had covered up. He had to start somewhere, and he knew in time, he could get more and more glimpses to the more private areas on his body. Finally, that morning, he decided he had to come up with some sort of an excuse...ANY excuse to stall him, to keep him in his bedroom, so he could spend a few extra minutes with him, exploring even those uninspiring, concealed parts on his clothed body. It had to be the simple and ordinary to question first, areas that he would be permitted to view, without having to ask special consent for, and thus causing him to possibly run off with unnecessary fear or panic, if he was made to feel too uncomfortable. Midas looked down at his feet, and could just barely make out how well formed each of the boy's toes were, through the knee-high level sheer stockings he had on, and how the toenails seemed to be trimmed nicely. He had to get a closer look at them.....and in the process maybe get to see his sexy young legs up close too. To accomplish this, he had to think up some phony conversation about cleanliness and the hygiene of his toes and feet. It had to sound real, or it would come off as sounding superficial and silly.

"Ummm.......Agamedes? I couldn't help but notice.....you have sandals on...with stockings, that....um.....may contribute to sweat and bacteria build up between your toes!", pouted Midas. "I don't want any of my servants to have athlete's foot or any other foot disease! Can you remove your sandals and stockings, so I could take a quick look?"

"What's that, sir?", answered the servant, calmly. "My stockings? But they're extremely sheer.....I'm sure the air probably goes right through them without a problem! I've never felt uncomfortable before!"

"Could you please remove your sandals? I want to show you what I'm talking about", snapped Midas, reiterating the point he wanted to make, as he started to bend down and kneel in front of the handsome youth. The servant pulled off one sandal, then the other. As he pulled down the sheer stockings, and revealed his exceptionally smooth, hairless calves and ankle areas, Midas felt a slight shiver go through his body, and a bit of a jolt to his quivering penis. Midas looked at the smooth legs on the boy, the movements of superficial muscles and tendons, just beneath the shiny surface of his sleek lower legs, and then at the boy's feet being slowly exposed, and he started to drool a little, catching his saliva on his lip before it fell to the floor. He made the boy remove his stockings so he could have his well formed feet and toes go through a fake evaluation. Midas only wanted to see the boy remove some more articles of clothing. He realized this was the perfect way to start getting an inspection of his body. He would start with his feet today, and work his way up to other parts of his body as time progressed, and the boy felt more comfortable working at the palace and being alone with the king.

The servant removed everything off his covered lower extremities, and Midas bent down lower to look more closely at the fascinating beauty of the boy's perfectly symmetric toes and feet. Each toe was a long tube-like structure, with nicely bent digits, and rounded toe pads, all topped off with a shiny nicely trimmed healthy looking toenail over each tip of a toe. Midas touched each toe, and remarked how dirty they were, even though they weren't dirty in the least bit, and asked kindly if he could clean the boy's feet for him, possible later on. Midas asked him to elevate his toes and arches, so he could see and evaluate the underneath portions, and the boy complied nicely, lifting the toes of each foot, one after the other. Midas couldn't get over the extravagant elegance and shapeliness each foot exemplified. His arches were so delightfully curved, and the toe prints were etched deeply and visibly on each toe, making their allure more exciting to look at. Midas had to do something fast now, to make this examination seem pertinent. While still bent down in front of him, he grabbed the boy's stockings off the floor, and he sniffed them quickly, to see if they had any odor. Unfortunately, they didn't. Midas had to think quick to keep from losing face in this entire episode, so he thought he would add his own toe scent to the toe sections of the boy's stockings, and make it appear as if the boy's feet themselves produced the odor.

"Uhh......Agamedes....close your eyes for a second. I've discovered something I want to make you aware of. I'll tell you when to open them. I'm checking your feet one more time, then I want you to smell the toe portion of your own stockings, when I say the word, so you could see what I mean about foot odor, and poor hygiene and how to control it." The bewildered servant raised his eyebrows and made a face portraying a look of slight embarrassment.

"Wh-what, my king? You want me to.....s-smell MY stockings?", asked the cute boy nervously, wondering if he'd be able to do that in front of the king. The only thought that came into his head was, "What if they stink badly? Will he fire me?"

That his king was going to make him smell something supposedly awful, from his own body, so early in his career at the palace, right in front of him, made him start sweating, and his heart to start beating faster! He didn't want to lose this desirable and prestigious job in the king's mansion, over stinky feet. He told his family and friends how high a position he was given, and decided he better do anything that Midas was asking of him to keep this job. "O--OK, if you....think so.............I'm..ready", he answered hesitantly, as he looked straight ahead and breathed deeply in and out one time. Midas looked up at his face, catching a remarkable reflection of light from overhead, bouncing off the curved portion of his nose, and into the king's eyes, tracing it back and forth, as it wrapped around the entire lower portion and tip of his well formed nose.

As soon as the boy obeyed and closed his eyes, Midas acted fast. He took one of the two stockings, and ran the toe sections rapidly between each toe of his own horribly stinky feet, then did it again. He took a quick sniff of it, to make sure it was worth the effort of this shenanigan. It was! As soon as his own stench assaulted his nostrils, he knew this was perfect. He took the smelly stocking, folded it and placed it inside the other one, so that it would lie in the middle somewhere, of the length of the other stocking. He finished quickly and stood up in front of the handsome boy, and told him to open his eyes. The boy looked at Midas standing directly in front of him now. Midas placed the see through stockings in the tips of the fingers of his hands and straightened it out, so that it was one thin piece of material, easily able to fit under the servant's small and extremely attractive nose.

"I'm going to run your stockings under your nose, while you inhale through your nostrils, slowly. You keep looking straight ahead at me. Tell me if you could sense how dirty your feet really are. OK? I'm going to prove my point to you, that good hygiene includes keeping the feet clean also," lied Midas terribly, to the boy.

The obedient servant just stood there quietly, and shook his head two times, then waited for Midas to introduce the dirty stockings to him. When the fabric of the stocking was felt under the nose of the boy, Midas said, "Now start to sniff it....but, slowly remember...slowly." And, the boy looked straight ahead at Midas, closed his mouth and began to inhale through his tiny nostrils, waiting for any sign of odor to be sensed by him. Midas was holding the ends of the boy's stockings with one hand at each end, and he moved them ever so slowly under the central portion of the boy's nostrils, from one end of the long stocking, to the other end. When his nostrils were nearing the section that contained the stinky toe molecules, he moved it even slower under the boy's shiny nose, making sure he would sense the odor he deliberately planted there, so he could get a nice full concentrated sampling of it.

It was at that moment, that Midas realized how sexy the scene was in front of him. He didn't know if it was the 30-ish year age difference between them, that he was just older than him and he felt a sense of power over the boy. Maybe it was that the boy had such a cute nose, and to inhale his foot odor, via the stockings, through that sculpted piece of chiseled flesh, knowing the air was going to fill his nostrils, waft pass his smell cells, and then fill his lungs with his essence, was just so incredible to watch and observe as it unfolded. Or, maybe it was the lie itself, the vile act of deceit, faking his own dirtiness for the boy's.....and knowing how smell and sex were so intimately related, hoping it would lead to the next level of arousal, as he had discussed with Dameon earlier. Whatever it was, it was turning him on so much! In fact, he was so turned on that he started to tent out his toga, and put a round slimy stain in the middle of it. How he wished he could stop time now for this incredibly attractive boy, in the action he was about to partake, so he could run his fingers all over the boy's cute facial features, especially over the lines of expression of disbelief etched into his face. Then, over his ski-slope shaped nose with it's slight upturned tip, and over his smooth, hairless body, and examine how cool it would be to freeze him, at the exact moment he began to realize the air quality entering his symmetrical nostrils had changed for the worse. Man.....If only he could......

Suddenly, Agamedes, in mid-sniff, stopped smelling the stockings, elevated his upper lip just a little, in disgust, then wrinkled his small nose up a bit, and exhaled through his nostrils so rapidly he made an obvious forced exhalation noise. In doing so, he howled out to Midas, "NNnnnnnnnngghhh!" He pushed Midas' hands away from his nose and face, to move the horrible stench from the stockings as far away from his nose as he could.

"Peeeeuuuuuuu! Ohhh...God! I am SO sorry sir! And, you are right! I'm gonna wash my feet immediately! They really do stink! I never knew it.....but they do!"

This innocent boy was made to smell an odor through the sheer silkiness of his own socks! Not HIS foot odor, but that of Midas', and it gave the king the exquisite opportunity to evaluate this good looking boy's feet, toes, face, nose, and sense of smell. Dameon was right! Doing this to boys IS a turn on! The king got super hard doing that, and felt wetness inside his underwear, and running down his shaft. A large volume of pre-cum was produced by deceiving this boy and watching him do something he didn't really need to, want to, or have to do. "Now I'm going to test you every now and then, to make sure you're keeping yourself clean OK? I think a periodic hygiene examination would be in order, only to make you aware that you may be lacking some discipline in keeping yourself clean."

Midas told him that he would always protect him and maintain him in this desirable position as one of his personal assistants and servants, and give him only simple errands to run, as long as he would allow him to give further unannounced hygiene tests to him. He agreed and left at once to call on Ramie, who was still at the palace pool. Ramie arrived in an instant, dripping wet from the water running down his body, because of not drying himself with a towel. His dedication and loyalty to his king was second to none.

Ramie greeted Midas, with an air of jealousy, having been able to still detect the scent of musk and cum still lingering in the air in the bedroom. He knew a man had been sleeping in there to have sex with the king, and he could hardly contain himself standing within a few feet inside the very room where his highness had so recently been pleasured.

(Continued in chapter 3)

Next: Chapter 3

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