Midas and the Nude Male Statues

By moc.loa@756555CJR

Published on Mar 27, 2004


Copyright by bassrn5, Mar. 2004. No part of this story can be submitted or archived by anyone else without my express permission.

Disclaimer: This story is a fantasy, a work of gay male fiction, submitted to nifty under their submission guidelines. It is copyrighted to myself as the writer and again, cannot be copied without my express permission. The author does not endorse, encourage or consent to any attempt to replicate any of the sexual activities written about below. If you are under age or do not like stories of a homosexual nature, please click the back button and leave now. Otherwise please enjoy and feel free to contact me. My name is Ron, and my email address is rjc555657@aol.com.

Again, all I ask, is that you kindly inform me, with a short email, that you would like to make a copy or forward any contents of this story to another website or group. I just want to keep track of where it's going. Thank you very much! Ron


BE AWARE!! This is an alternate version on the famous Greek Myth of King Midas and His Golden Touch. This is ALSO a GAY version of the classic story, and the interpretation given here is a personal take on what would have happened if Midas couldn't resist using his magical power, the golden touch, ONLY on living boys and men, to create nude male statuary, from their bodies. There will be explicit descriptions of human male anatomy and gay sexual acts which may be performed between adult men and younger men and boys. PLEASE DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER, IF THIS WILL DISGUST OR UPSET YOU! Thank you! Again, please feel free to contact me with ANY comments, corrections and advice for story inclusion....both positive AND negative, at my email address: rjc555657@aol.com I REALLY would like to know if you are or aren't enjoying the story! I am aiming to please! If you are under the age of 18, or live in an area where reading this kind of story is illegal, then by golly, don't read it! This is going to be a LONG story, so please bear with me while I introduce many characters, most of which will become statuary and/or sex toys while I also expand on Midas' personality and drive.

Thanks again! Ron (bassrn5@yahoo.com)

Chapter 3: The Beauty of the Senses!

"Well.....how was it?", asked Ramie, looking down at the ground for a quick second, then back up, drinking in the nude landscape of the king's middle-aged, yet still nicely built body, after he dropped the robe he was wearing to get ready for his morning shower. Then he looked straight into his majesty's eyes. The head servant's envious feelings were so easy to comprehend by Midas, even through his drenched appearance. The palace pool's warm waters, still clung to the tanned and fleshy surface of his body everywhere, as shiny round dots of reflecting light. They matted down his thick black hair, and flowed forward over his forhead. Then down over his long dark eyelashes, making them appear even thicker than they actually were, continuing over the rest of his smooth masculine body, outlining it like a highlighter, before dripping to the floor in the' voluminous "king-sized" bedroom in a growing puddle of water.

Midas, knowing how jealous he was and how much his loyal servant wanted to constantly be a part of his world...including his lavish sex life, looked hungrily at the servant's well developed torso, his sleek muscles shining everywhere because of the wet skin surface. Then he looked away and answered, "Ohh...it was....OK...I guess!", hoping his insincerety was not TOO conspicuous in that short answer.

"I'm cold! You have something to dry myself in here?", requested Midas' servant-extraordinaire, with an air of indifference. Then he walked in further, into the large spacious entryway of his bedroom parlor, and grabbed a towel from the linen shelf and started wiping his drenched hair and body, when Midas added, "......all right, C'mon Ramie! You know I wanted to do that guy for the longest time.....but, he's gone now.....outta here! His last words to me were NOT reassuring either! I'm probably not gonna see him again!"

Ramie continued drying his hair, and then wiped his face and neck quickly and started to dry his chest, when he stopped all his motion for a second, and pulled the thick cloth away from his face. He looked at the moist towel, then pulled it briskly back up to his face, and held it up to his nose for a second. "You KNOW how I am, Ramie! WE'LL be together later today! I'll give you a nice nude message! You don't have to reciprocate! We'll see where it takes us!" Ramie didn't answer. He continued staring at the towel he was using to dry himself with. "It's my damn weakness!! All it takes is one look at the nicely developed, hot bod on a cute guy, and I'm hard in a second! How many times has THAT happened, huh? I can't help myself!"

But the servant had his mind elsewhere for those past few seconds, and didn't hear what Midas said. He had been taking a few whiffs of the white towel he was using to dry himself with. The one that he had just pulled off the clean towel rack in the linen closet a few seconds ago. It seemed to be bothering him, and he was inspecting the lack of freshness in it, with his own sense of smell. He pulled it away from his face again, looked at it with a disgusting look, targeted another area of the cloth at the other end of the towel, then brought it back up to his face for another quick sniff. "What is it, buddy? What's wrong?", questioned the king.

"PHEW!", exhaled Ramie, as he shook and turned his head in utter disdain, and pulled the towel away from his face again. What the hell is wrong with this towel Midas? It stinks like.....god, I don't know....like....a combination of cheese, popcorn and.....!"

"What are you talking about!?", interrupted Midas. "These towels are supposed to be fresh and clean! I haven't even used any from the shelf yet, since those laundry boys delivered them yesterday! I still have the linen from TWO days ago in the bathroom!" The king pulled the linen from his favorite servant's hands, "Lemme see!", and brought it up to his own nose to scrutinize.

"Uhhhh!!", protested the unashamedly naked king, after forcing the stale air out from his nostrils, then throwing the towel to the floor. "It smells like certain favored people haven't been doing their job down in the laundry room, Midas!", fumed the servant. "I think I better take a visit over there, and see what the hell they're doing to the linen! The idea is...that they're supposed to come back up here CLEAN!! Unless YOU wanna talk about this to your step-brother yourself! But it's happening more and more lately!"

As he yelled out that complaint, two young laundry boys walked up to the king's door, with a freshly washed stack of towels, and what appeared to be Midas's washed undergarments. Ramie looked over at Midas, who upon seeing the two boys enter the room, bent down quickly to put his robe back on. He turned back at the lads and said, "Well, well........look at what's come up, Midas! Fresh, clean linen! Should we check to see if they've actually been cleaned, or if they're the same old USED ones we sent down yesterday!?"

Ramie picked up the top towel on the stack, and brought it to his nose. A second later, he smiled and asked the boy who carried the new stack of "clean" towels in his hands, "What're your names?". One of the young boys answered, "I'm Icos....this is Teron. "OK Icos! I'm gonna play a game with you! Tell me what YOU think of this towel? Clean...or not!?" He put two fingers of his right hand under the towel, and brought it under the laundry boy's cute nose, implying he should sniff it, and give an answer.

The laundry boy named Icos, a fit and trim young lad with straight blonde hair, cut short over his ears, who appeared to be about 11 or 12 years old, and who still was holding the stack of 5 towels neatly in the palms of his hands, looked over at Midas. The king, who was raising his eyebrows as if to silently gesture for the boy to comply with Ramie's request, gave a glare back at the intimidated boy with the dirty towel nudging up against his nostrils, belittling enough to make him comply. Icos sniffed two small gulps of air up into his small, concave nose. He immediately winced and grimaced a look of displeasure to the two men waiting for a response in front of him. He didn't say anything, but stole a quick glance back at the king somewhat apologetically.

Then, Ramie pulled the towel away from under the boy's nose, threw it to the ground and picked up the other one, that both he and Midas just about gagged on earlier, and he confronted the same boy with it. "Now, see how delicious THIS one is!" Ramie pulled the towel open, and ran the moist area which he already knew to be foul, slowly under that same boy's nicely formed nose.

Icos inhaled the cloth for a second almost ashamedly, then........"NNNnnnnnnnnnn!!!," moaned the laundry boy audibly, as he forced all of the raunchy air out very rapidly that he had just taken in. "Ahhh.....what an amazing organ, the nose!," Midas blurted, right after the boy gave his unpleasant and forced olfactory evaluation of the towel odor. "Magnetic to look at and quite empowering to the species, yet I never realized how important it can actually be! I think THAT'S what's gonna actually clear up the laundry blunder we have in our midst, Ramie! That is, after I send this boy back down there to my brother, to verify what you also smelled!"

Ramie, who took the top underwear from the pile the second boy Teron was carrying, unraveled further evidence of improper washing in the laundry room, and smiled after peeking inside of it. "My dear king, I do believe we're gonna have TWO witnesses to the substandard laundering going on down there! I just saw something else that I believe our other young lad here can verify."

"You can?", asked the robed monarch. "Just watch this!", he chuckled, whispering to Midas, as he turned his head back to face the item in his hand.

"Uhh...what's this?", demanded Ramie of Teron, pointing to the pair of briefs he held in his hands. "Midas, do you wear this kind of underwear? Aren't you a boxer kind of guy? All I see here are the briefs!"

Midas looked at the underwear, picked up the top one, and opened it up, to see if it could be one of his, and gave it back to his favorite servant. "Uhh..boys........now this is disgusting!" Ramie brought the inside portion of the underwear close to the other boy's face, so he could see what he was talking about. Midas also bent forward, to peer inside the shorts, searching to see what the servant was referring to, then gently pulled it open and noted the ominous stain lying at the bottom of the underwear.

"My my......I wonder what that brown line is! Do you know Midas? I can't imagine what it was caused from!", he said, as he winked his eye, signalling for his superior to go along with him. "Just pretend this is your underwear!", he whispered close to the king's ear.

Midas, catching the meaning of the wink and the suggestion, answered back, "Well, I'm not sure......I mean, this underwear isn't even mine!"

Addressing Teron, who also appeared to be the same age as his helper, "Maybe YOU can tell us what that straight brown line is?", Ramie requested. He then added, "I think some people jokingly refer to it, as a.........'skid mark'!"

"Do you know what that is......a 'skid mark'?", he asked, trying to hold in a torrent of laughter. But the two boys just looked at each other, shook their heads and shrugged their tanned boyishly muscular shoulders upward in a gesture of not knowing.

Realizing that these two boys did not understand the implication of having a brown line there in the underwear, he took full advantage of the innocence of these kids, and proceeded to use the boys marvelous olfactory senses, to stimulate and arouse the king sexually. Ramie arranged the underwear, so that the brown line was held between two fingers of his right hand, and he started to raise it, to bring up to the second boy's nose to sample. Teron, absolutely not wanting to have to smell the underwear to determine what the older servant was trying to prove, just stood there, alternating a glance between Ramie's face, Midas' face, and the underwear, which was getting closer and closer to his nose. Midas intimidated the boy even further, by making a very loud sigh and exhalation noise with his lips, just as Ramie was encroaching the faint skid mark toward Teron's cute nose.

"Now......SMELL IT!," Ramie commanded, as he firmly affixed the fragrant portion of the arguably worn and dirtied underwear against the surface of the boys nicely made nostrils and the sides of the lower part of his nose.

The young laundry worker, fearing that he would be scolded, and possibly punished by Midas' step-brother, the laundry room manager, for not complying with the simple request given to him in the presence of the king, felt forced to carry out the command given to him. Because he was a polite boy, who was taught to do everything he was asked to do, and played games by the rules, decided to give in to the demands of the king's main servant, standing before him.

As that used underwear was held up to his nose, awaiting him to sniff the air through the mysterious brown line 'skid mark'.....all this innocent young boy could think of was, "How bad could it be?" After all, he only had to inhale it once, and find out what it was with just a small sip of air, and give his reply. Then, they'd allow them to go back to the laundry room, continue with their deliveries, correct the laundering problem with the manager and it would all be forgotten. Deciding to go ahead and do so, he looked straight ahead at Ramie, and took a whiff of the underwear, from the highlighted groin area Ramie requested, as it remained pressed up against his symmetrical nostril openings.

As the air filtered through the stinkiest part of the brown stain, that was held up against his nose, and tunnelled nicely up the 11 year old's nostrils and past the nerve endings at the top of his nose.....the area which determined the source of all odors.....he became sharply aware of the change in molecular scent, and quickly interpreted it as something similar to one of his own stinkier farts. "Uhhhhhh.....this smells bad....", was all the remarkably cute boy could register in his brain, before realizing what the odor actually was. But, as soon as the putrid atoms were comprehended, he gestured quickly to do something about it. The offensive, malodorous content to that air turned out to be MUCH worse than he ever imagined it would be. "All that stink, from the small stain......! Oohh Noo....it's some guy's.........", he thought to himself, as he correctly deduced the odor.

His facial expression changed immediately, from anticipation to repulsion. The foul fecal odor coming from the blurry brown line in the underwear that was absorbed up into his neat-looking, diagonally slanted nostrils was instantly detected AND violently rejected by the young boy. "Nnnnnngg.....", growled Teron loudly through the underwear, as he tried to push Ramie's hand and the offensive odor that was emanating from the stained shorts away from his sensitive nose. "PEEuuuuu, man!! Why'd you do that!?", the boy shouted, as he realized unquestionably what the actual significance of the "skid mark" in the bottom of the used underwear was. "I KNOW what it is!!!"

Both Midas and Ramie laughed out loud, knowing that they were able to trick these two naive boys into doing something that older, more experienced boys would probably never oblige themselves to doing. Midas did get a reasonable thrill out of seeing those two boys suffer and protest as they did through their ordeal. From the state of engorgement of Midas' penis, which was visibly apparent, Ramie was correct in assuming it would somehow arouse the king, visualize it all happening in front of him. He knew it was something about overpowering and controlling younger persons doing what he wanted them to do, that he correctly surmised would get to the core of the king's sexual fantasies.

Midas apologized to both of them, and said, "Sorry boys, but something has to be done about the washing down there. Tell my step-brother, Dorian that I'll be stopping by today. This laundry foul-up has got to stop! I want CLEAN clothes and towels, not mine or someone else's used stuff! You tell him I don't want to see, or smell this happening again!"

"We're very sorry, your majesty! On behalf of the laundry workers, and your brother, we don't want this to happen again either!", blurted Icos intelligently, hoping to word his apology as best he could, so as not to be blamed for the horrible quality of the linen that morning. "We will also register the complaint FOR you, as we've witnessed with our own noses...that the towels and underwear are unsatisfactory for you."

"For ME?........you mean, for ANYONE!", corrected the king. "This is the worst I ever remember the laundry being! I think I speak for everyone when I say that NO one would appreciate this lack of commitment and performance anywhere in the world! I bet my brother did this on purpose.....just to ruin my day!"

Suddenly, another young servant appeared at the doorway. It was a very shy, but strikingly handsome teen that Midas was extremely infatuated with, ever since he met and hired him two months earlier. This kid was SO shy, that he NEVER once looked up at anyone, unless he was about to run into a wall! By doing so, he never allowed Midas, let alone anyone else, the benefit to converse nothing more than a few seconds at a time, thus making a friendship with him next to impossible to establish. But he was extremely handsome, and stopped people in their tracks, both men and women, who were trying to get a better look at his attractive young face. It didn't help that he always looked toward the ground, highlighting the length of his long eyelashes, and allowing everyone to feast their eyes on his super shiny, straight black hair, which he arranged neatly over his ears and in bangs over his forehead. His hair was so thick and reflected light so easily, that you could see the blue highlights coming off the separate strands, with as little as a candle going by him. Even his boy-shaped nose was erotic to look at, looking so smooth and shining light off every curve along it's small ski-slope bridge and perfectly formed tip, as if someone had polished it. All of these sensual characteristics drove everybody crazy with desire, whenever he came near anyone, including Midas.

He stood there, with a serving plate in the palm of his hand, and a bottle of wine with a glass sitting on top of it. He just looked at the 4 guys in the room, smiled, and then looked at the ground. Midas said to the boy, "Ahh....you've come to bring me my morning glass of wine! All right boys," he said, looking over to the youthful laundry workers, "you may go! But, remember........no more of this!!", pointing to the raunchy linen. "Consequences will be dispensed if it happens again!!"

The two boys left the room after bending over to pick up all the dirty linen and taking it with them. "Phew! I hope that gets settled!", whispered Ramie. "Yes........but this better not be another vindictive act by my brother! He still isn't over the decision by my father, to make ME the heir to the throne and not HIM!" He looked at Ramie, who nodded affirmatively, in response to his statement. "If not, we'll have to take it to the next level, that's all!"

Looking skyward at what they both just witnessed, with the laundry boys, the king stated, "Do you see how powerful a weapon the sense of smell is? It's our best defense!" Midas went on further, "The beauty of a boy's senses! That's it! We can just use it against them every time, force them to do the same thing that we just did to them......in order to make things better for us! If it is my brother purposely not cleaning my linen, then I'll make his young delivery boys suffer every time for it. We'll humiliate them every day, by making them inspect the linen, before we put it away! When they start asking for a change of employment, and his staff empties out of there, he'll get pretty tired of doing it! I just wish there was another way to send a message back to him, that I know what he's up to!"

"Anyway.....how wonderful they are, aren't they?", referring to the good looking qualities of the boys he selected to work in his palace. "I can watch them carry things all over the place all day!"

"I know! That's why I started up that ploy with the linen for you! I knew you'd get into that!", remarked the smart-minded head servant.....who was always looking for ways to turn on the king, understanding that he would be the one who ended up profitting by arousing him. Usually it would be reward of sexual release from a blow job, or masturbating his majesty's royal penis, to orgasm. It didn't matter. The king was usually easy to stimulate after being visually bombarded with the high degree of masculine beauty, seen in the most of the boys and men who worked in all areas of the palace estate. He knew what he was doing that morning with those boys, and the dirty linen. His quick thinking brain had given him so many moments of extreme privacy with Midas. He thought about many of those other times he aroused the king by using the bodies and reactions of his fellow servants and slaves in HIS favor, and smiled furtively. This was just another one of those times.

Cute boys! I wonder if they can all be deceived as easily as they were?", wondered the king out loud, as he smiled seductively at his beloved and preferred favorite servant.

Turning his undivided attention now to the handsome young man in the room, Midas licked his lips and said to the teen servant who was still standing almost stone-still at attention, carrying the wine on the tray, albeit still looking at the ground. "Now.....I'll take that!" The young footman just extended his muscular arm out in front of him, and bowed. Midas couldn't resist following the sexy motion of his body with his eyes, including the beautifully toned lines of the teens upper arm as he did this...and looked closely at the defined pipe-like protruding veins, running all along his forearm. "There's no need to be so formal! Relax!! I think you're an attractive and athletic looking young man, so please....try to look up at me when you bring the wine from now on! OK? Do you understand?", asked Midas with as much sincerety and kindness as humanly possible. "So, what's your name, and how old are you?, he commanded from the teenager.

"Nicholas.", replied the good-looking boy. "I'm 15."

"Well, Nicholas, that's a fine age!", exclaimed the king, even though he was thinking it was probably one of the most awkward of ages too. Not really a boy in the true sense, but not yet a man either. He showed all the signs of the change....an elongating neck, lengthening extremities and fingers, and most probably the development of his secondary sexual characteristics, including a growing penis and enlarging testicles inside of a ballooning scrotum. Those last two things he couldn't tell from his clothed body though. He came back with something, to try to give him some confidence, to make him FEEL like he was entering the territory of becoming a man at least. "BUT, you're starting to show your developing muscles and you seem to be maturing into a handsome young man! Will you....be the one bringing my wine to me daily?"

"Yes, my lord", said the teen servant, in a much deeper voice than he expected from a guy his age. Then slowly he added very timidly, "......if you...so desire me to."

"I wouldn't want anyone else to do it, BUT you..........OK?", replied Midas, as he bent down a little and looked up into the boy's gorgeous dark eyes, which were pointed toward the ground once again. His dilated black pupils accented by his shiny white sclera and deep set eyes almost took the king's breath away. "My goodness, but you have the longest and thickest eyelashes! And, they highlight the most beautiful set of eyes I've EVER seen on a boy your age! You don't have to be so shy with me! I think you're very cute, and I want to be able to LOOK at that beautiful face of yours! All right?"

The boy looked up sheepishly, visibly embarrassed by Midas' praising, then looked into the king's eyes for just a second, and nodded a "yes".

"Then, I'll see you later on.....OK? Remember, I get served with wine, three times a day!"

Again, the boy only nodded his reply. Then he bowed once more, turned around and left the room. Midas' head servant, and the king himself, watched silently, with mouths wide open, as the thin fabric on the rear portion of his otherwise perfect teen physique pushed outward, from the swaying of shapely gluteal muscles on the superbly formed bubble butt this extraordinary youth possessed.

"Ramie......?", whispered Midas over to his favorite servant, "Are you the one who promoted him to this position? I can't thank you enough! You know.....I think I could....possibly fall in love with that boy! I just have to find a way to break him out of his shyness, and.....why couldn't he be a little bit older, so I wouldn't feel so immoral and so......I don't know.....! He's SO young!" His partner-in-crime and all around palace scout (for finding and introducing to the king sexy looking cute guys, that is!) just smiled and looked at the the stiffening penis on the king......which started tenting out his silky robe in his groin region, before actually piercing through the middle opening. "How did you know I'd been keeping an eye on him? I don't think I mentioned it to you!"

"I know EVERYTHING about you, Midas! I KNEW you'd want to be with him!", confided Ramie. "Just let him age a little......let him mature a bit! Consider him a sensual gift from me! Just allow me the time to be WITH you, and not just to do things FOR you! You still don't understand how I feel toward you, do you?"

Midas looked at his favorite servant and replied, "My friend, after I take a shower, and come back from the laundry room, I'll SHOW you how I feel!" He winked at his young buddy, then smiled affectionately, wrapping his arm around the servant's shoulders. Ramie knew he had his king in the palm of his hand, as he felt him playfully rubbing the sexy circularity of muscle made by the curvature of his deltoid muscle arc-ing over his shoulder joint forming something as close to a visual of a bowling ball, as can be imagined by looking at it's shape.

As he walked him to the door of his bedroom, Midas said to Ramey, "Ummm....what I need for you to do for me today honey, is......can you look for a vendor who sells gold pottery that looks expensive, but isn't, and some kind of nice looking linens to throw over the older and more battered furniture in the palace? Then he rubbed two fingers on his chin and looked up, stopped a moment, and added, "Oh yes... and also, some form of nice looking cheap statuary!

"What do you mean "cheap statuary?", questioned the on-again, off-again bed partner of the king. "You want broken ones, mended ones, or imitation statuary.....you know, the ones people made molds of, and pour plaster inside?"

"No, no, no!" corrected Midas. "Everyone has those kinds! They're all from the same mold!" He started pacing in a circle, at the entryway to his bedroom, and noted with as much explanation as he possibly could, the type of sculpture he wanted Ramie to find. "I want you to find me lightweight statues, wooden statues, even stone statues......any statue, of man and animal, which looks real. In fact, the more REAL looking, the better!!"

"Then what? You want me to get the names of the vendors, and you'll decide later which to purchase?"

"Well......I'll be looking around also, but basically, I want human and animal statuary, which looks like precision made figures from far away....but in reality are just cheap stone, or wood imitations. We'll PAINT them with gold colored paints, to simulate the male, female and animal statues which were everywhere when my father ruled this place." Midas looked his loyal and devoted young servant straight in the eyes and added, "We'll MAKE them look like expensive gold statuary! You get it!!" Then he started pacing the floor in a circle again, "I have to make this place look good......for all of them.....for all my rivals who want to see it all come crumbling down for me! The annual celebration is only next week! Unfortunately........this is the best that I can do for now....!"

"OK, Midas! I'll check it out today......but remember, the funds are limited, and dwindling fast. They'll have to be statuary of very poor quality, in order to fill the mansion like you want. We should settle on a few quality pieces that we can dupe the others to make them LOOK like they're made of gold, and put the rest of the alloted money into decorations, food and wine for the guests."

"Son of a bitch! I wish I had unlimited funds and the source of gold at my fingertips Ramey! Why can't that happen?"

To this day, Midas couldn't see that his own wild exhuberance and sexual appetite were the primary reasons he didn't have much of his fortune left. But that didn't stop him from being so flabbergasted with the astonishing loss of money. "Why can't I get my hands on more gold," he lamented, "....enough to bring the glamour and class that my father used to have here, back to the palace grounds and to the rest of the kingdom!" These thoughts would prove to be prophetic for Midas, soon enough.........after the circumstances that were about to be set into motion.

It seems Midas STILL would be blessed with fortune and good luck..........and for being in the RIGHT PLACE, at the RIGHT TIME!!

(Continued in chapter 4)

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