Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Jun 28, 2000


Mile High Meeting-Chapter 1 By Cameron J

Hello everyone. This is my first attempt at writing a story on the archive, so please be kind. I would appreciate any feedback on whether the story is good or not, and whether I should continue it, or if I should quite while I am ahead...LOL

This story is fiction, and is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of anyone involved. I do not personally know any members of BSB, so I cannot vouch for their sexual orientation. Plus, I apologize if some of the settings I describe do not exactly match the real attributes of said places. In some cases, it is intentional, in others, it is not.

Chapter 1

I woke up to the bright sunlight piercing through the blinds in my room, illuminating the whole room. I was hoping to sleep a while longer, as yesterday had been a long day, as I had driven over 600 miles to arrive here in Colorado. I didn't get checked into my condo until around 1 AM. I looked at my watch, and it was about 8 AM, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to get any more sleep, and since it was early, I thought I would be able to see some of the sights around the resort before too many other tourists were out and about.

I took a quick shower, then got dressed and headed out to see some of the scenery. I was not disappointed. I have always loved the mountains. I could literally spend days just gazing at the scenery, and I was planning on doing a lot of that over the next two weeks.

I recalled in the brochure I had read about a gondola ride that went up to the top of one of the surrounding mountains, and I thought that would be a good way to start the day. As it turned out, I was right about the crowds, and I was the only one in line to take a ride. They were reluctant to run the gondola for only one person, but they agreed to it and soon I was inside, ready to go. I noticed that someone was running toward the ticket booth as my ride was about to take off, and the man working at the booth signaled to someone else that there was another passenger, so it appeared that I would have company on my ride to the top. I wasn't too disappointed though, because the guy that was going to ride with me looked quite attractive from a distance.

When the young man approached, I got a feeling that I had seen him somewhere before, but couldn't immediately place who it was. The door to the gondola opened, and he stepped on board, sitting across from me. As he looked at me, he smiled slightly, and I immediately knew who he was. However, I didn't want to look like a crazed fan, so I tried to conceal my excitement of riding up to the top of the mountain with Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys.

"Good morning," I said, looking at him.

"Morning," he replied. "Guess everyone else must be asleep."

"It looks that way, not that I mind. It's nice to have the place to yourself, present company excluded, of course."

He smiled slightly, and then extended his hand to me. "I'm Nick."

"I'm Cameron. Nice to meet you, Nick."

"Nice to meet you too, Cameron. So, what brings you to Colorado?"

"Just spending some time away from everything, and everyone. I absolutely love being in the mountains, and I wanted to get away from it all before I start my last year of school. One last adventure before going out into the 'real world.'" I said with a laugh. "What about you, Nick?"

"Just taking a break from work. It's been a hectic few months, and I just needed a break," Nick replied.

I just nodded my head at that comment, still not wanting to tip him off that I knew who he was. I was just enjoying the conversation, as well as the scenery both sitting in front of me, and outside the windows as we went above the trees.

"So what are you going to school for?" he asked.

"Well, I am majoring in political science, and broadcasting. I would like to get into broadcasting, maybe political, but I would actually prefer sports broadcasting."

"That is awesome. I think that would be a blast. Brian wou...I mean, one of my friends is a big sports fan. I love sports too, but not as much as he does."

"Sounds like a smart guy." I said, causing him to chuckle a bit.

He looked at me for a moment, then outside, and I could tell that he had something on his mind. He was thinking hard about something, perhaps pondering whether or not he was going to reveal his identity to me. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke again.

"It is so nice to be up here, where I can have some privacy. I get so tired of being bothered by everyone all the time." If he was going to tell me who he was, he certainly wasn't going to do it directly.

"I bet it is," I said, deciding to let him know that I knew his identity, "...but I am sure it is worth it, being world famous and all."

He jerked his head away from the window, and looked at me. "So, you do know who I am?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I do. I've actually been to one of your concerts, in Iowa City. That's where I go to school, at the University of Iowa. You guys were really great...a lot better than I expected, actually."


I could tell that he was starting to go into a shell, and I wasn't going to let him. He seemed like a really nice guy, and I didn't want the conversation to end just because I knew who he was.

"Nick? What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," he paused. "I just, I was hoping that I would have a couple weeks where I could live like a normal human being. I've been here one day, and I have already been recognized. I guess I was just hoping that I could be just another face in the crowd, and that obviously isn't going to happen."

Nick was getting visibly upset, so I placed my hand on his knee as I responded.

"Listen, Nick. This is supposed to be a vacation, so relax. I think most people will leave you alone. Sure, you may have a few screaming teenage girls see you, but in case you haven't noticed, there aren't a lot of young girls around this town, so don't worry about it. If you're worried about me, don't. It's not like I am going to go around town telling everyone that Nick Carter is in town."

He actually smiled a bit at that comment. "It isn't only me. Brian is here too."

"So you guys really are close, eh?"

"Yeah. He's like a combo between my brother and my best friend. Even though we spend months together, we still end up going everywhere together when we have some time off."

"Well, it must be really nice having someone like that with you. Probably makes touring a lot easier," I commented.

"Yeah, it does."

Right as Nick said that, we arrived at the top, and another man walked up to the gondola, to open the door for us. I let Nick step out first, and then got out, looking out at a view that literally took my breath away (Not just because of the altitude, but because of the view). Nick seemed to be impressed as well, standing in front of me, looking across the mountain range.

"Kind of makes a person feel insignificant, doesn't it?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, it does. This is unbelievable."

I thought that he probably wouldn't want me around too much since he was on vacation to get away from everyone, so I started to venture off to the other side of the clearing, but he turned around and asked me where I was going as I started to walk away.

"Oh, well...I thought you would like some time to yourself, so I was just going to give you some privacy."

"Oh. I just thought that maybe we could hang out or something. You seem like a nice guy, and I'd like to get to know you a bit."

I certainly wasn't going to argue with that. "That would be cool. I was kind of hoping to find someone to hang out with while I was here. You seem like a good candidate," I said, smiling.

"The best candidate you've seen all day, I bet. Okay, so probably the only one you've seen today."

"True. However, you do have a tendency to stand out in a crowd, so you probably would still fit the description pretty well."

"Must be because of my good looks," he said, smiling.

"That must be it. I'll find some girls around here, and ask them if they agree...hang on a minute," I said, looking around.

"No!" he yelled, before he realized that I was kidding. "Very funny, Cameron. You about gave me a heart attack!" I just chuckled a bit, looking into his eyes for just a moment, before looking away. I hoped that he hadn't noticed that I looked a second longer than I should have.

Apparently, he didn't notice, as he looked down at his watch. "Damn!" he exclaimed. "I am supposed to meet Bri for breakfast in twenty minutes. I have to go back down. Are you going to go back down now too?"

"No, I think I am going to stay up here for a while, but if you want, we can hook up later this afternoon, if you don't have anything going on."

"I'm not doing anything, so that would be cool. How do I contact you?"

"I gave him the number to my condo, and soon he was on his way back down the mountain, waving as the gondola started down the mountain side. I waved back, and suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline overcome me as I realized what had just happened. I just spent the past hour with my favorite member of the Backstreet Boys, one that I had had a crush on for quite a while. My brain kicked in, reminding me that the chances of him being gay were slim, but I tried not to think of it too much, and as I looked across the valley to the distant mountain range, I definitely felt like I was on top of the world.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think...

Next: Chapter 2

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