Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Aug 7, 2000


Well, here is the 12th installment of MHM, and I must say that the response I got from Ch. 11 was thoroughly depressing. Not a single person e-mailed, so perhaps this story has already run its course, and isn't terribly interesting anymore. Let me know if there is something I can do to spice things up if you think the story needs it! I was planning on writing indefinitely, so e-mail me if you have any comments or suggestions. (I don't mean to sound like I am whining, but I just have no way of judging whether people are still enjoying the story.)

This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of anyone or anything mentioned, be it celebrities, the narrator, or any other minor character. If you are under the legal age required of you to be reading such material, then you shouldn't be here, although you probably already know that, and I won't tell if you don't ;-)

Mile High Meeting-Chapter 12

I could have stayed in his arms forever, and I was tempted to do so. I felt so safe and secure next to him, and I wanted that feeling to last forever. For a long time, I had been searching for someone that would give me this sense of security, and I had finally found it. For many years, I had been one of the most important people in many friends' lives, but never the most important. Perhaps it was selfish, but I wanted to be the most important person in someone else's life, and I had a feeling that that was indeed happening between Nick and I.

I wasn't going back to sleep, but I also had no intention of moving a muscle as Nick was asleep, and I didn't want to disturb him. I knew that he had been through a lot in the past couple days, and he needed some time to recharge. I was perfectly satisfied with simply lying there with him.

I tried to stay as still as possible as I contemplated our future together. Somehow, I knew that we would be able to pull off a relationship even though we would not always be together. I had the money to fly wherever necessary to see him when I got the chance, and he had the same luxury. Of course, there would also be e-mail, and telephone calls, but I knew that I would miss the face-to-face contact that I had come to love.

When I was so close to finishing school, I had no intention of putting that on hold, and I am sure Nick would not want me to do so. However, after that, I had no idea what my future held, so I could be a lot more flexible. I needed to get my career started, but I hoped that I could do that anywhere. Even Nick has a home base, so I could just make mine close to his.

Nick's eyes opened a while later, and the first thing he saw was me looking up at him. He smiled, and leaned down for a quick kiss.

"Hey there," I said.

"Hey yourself. How long have you been awake?"

"Quite a while, but I didn't want to disturb you when you need your rest," I responded, rolling off him, and sitting up next to him.

"My hero," Nick swooned.

"And don't you forget it," I said with a smile.

"I won't, and if I do, I am sure you will be there to remind me."

"Count on it."

"I plan on it. Maybe I could make you my personal assistant, so you could help me all the time," Nick suggested, only half serious.

"An assistant? I don't think so, hon," I replied arrogantly.

"So now you are too good for me?"

I sat there for a minute, nodding my head in agreement, which led to me being tackled by Nick. He pushed me back onto the bed, and got on top of me, straddling my chest.

"Now what do you have to say for yourself?" he asked.

"I refuse to be persuaded by physical violence," I said, in mock disgust.

"Oh? Well, how about this, then?" Nick said, leaning down to kiss me.

"You think a simple kiss will persuade me?" I asked.

Nick shrugged his shoulders, and then moved down to my neck, exploring it with his tongue.

"Now you might be getting somewhere," I said. He had found my weak spot. You could get me to do just about anything by touching my neck.

Nick looked up and smiled. I could tell that he was recording this bit of information in his brain for future use. He continued around the side of the neck, eliciting moans from me as he moved around.

"Careful, Nick, or I may not be able to control myself," I warned him.

"And the downside to that would be?"

I had to think about that one for a minute. "Well, I just don't think we are quite to that stage yet, if you know what I mean."

Nick stopped what he was doing, and looked up at me. "Yeah, I know what you mean. At least I know how to get your attention when I need to," he said, laughing.

"No doubt about that," I responded. "So, what are we going to do for the rest of the day?"

"That's a good question. We could just hang out here for now, if you want."

"That would be fine for now. Maybe later we can go on one of those nature hikes everyone around here keeps telling me about."

"That'll work. I would like to see more of the mountains while we have the chance."

Nick moved off me, and I stood up to stretch. The robe I was wearing wasn't tied, so when I leaned back, the front opened for anyone to see, and Nick was quick to notice. I just laughed, and pulled the robe around me.

"You like staring at me, boy?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. I know a good thing when I see it," Nick said, winking at me.

I laughed, and tied the robe up before walking out to the living room, turning on the big screen to see if there was anything interesting on to watch. Turning to HBO, I noticed a group of 5 young men performing on stage, and although I didn't care much for their music, I had to keep it on for a moment for Nick's sake.

"Oh, Nick! Look at these guys! They are so dreamy!"

"Would you like to keep all of your body parts attached to you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," I responded.

"Then I would recommend shutting up, and changing the channel," Nick said, before grinning.

"I never cared much for them anyway," I said, obliging him by changing the channel. "Their music is okay, but I get tired of it quickly, unlike your CD's, which I have practically worn out by now. I prefer the classics," I said, joking.

"The classics? Just because we haven't been out in public much lately doesn't mean we should be put in the 'oldies' section. We'll be back, and we will show them who is boss."

"I certainly hope so, or I may have to find myself someone with a little more popularity."

"You really are asking for it, you know."

"Well, I suppose you could always open for your brother when he goes out on tour. That way people will remember who you are," I said, laughing harder.

Nick had to laugh at that comment. "I could think of worse things. It might take me a while to think of them, but I am sure I could."

I continued to flip through channels, stopping when I saw a pre-season football game on the screen. Imagine my surprise when I saw it was the Denver Broncos.

"I can't believe it, a Denver game being shown here in Colorado," Nick commented.

"Quite a surprise, albeit a pleasant one," I responded. "I will make you a Broncos fan yet, you know."

"I am open-minded. Perhaps you will be able to convince me."

"Don't worry, I will. I would hate to argue with you about it."

"Arguments can be fun. Well, the making-up part can be," Nick suggested.

"That's true. We may have to try that sometime...but not right now."

I became more interested in the game, and Nick appeared to be too, reacting to big plays and big hits. Fortunately, the Broncos were winning, so Nick didn't get to see my temper, which can be quite impressive when watching sporting events. It was only a pre-season game though, so I didn't get that worked up over it.

When halftime approached, Nick informed me that he was getting hungry, and I echoed the sentiment. I suggested that we go out to eat, since the score was lopsided, and the starters for each team had long since stopped playing. Nick agreed, thinking that it would be nice to get out of the condo for a while.

We went to our respective rooms, since Nick's luggage was in the other bedroom, and started dressing for dinner. I had shed my robe, and had just put on a pair of boxers when Nick walked into the room, dressed similarly.

"Are we going casual, or are we going someplace a bit nicer?" Nick asked.

"I'd like to go somewhere nice, if that's okay. Not a suit and tie place, but not a Burger King either."

"Okay. See you in a few, then," Nick said as he walked out. I went to the bathroom to comb my hair, and shave quickly before getting dressed. A few minutes later, we were both ready to go.

The condo was a mile or two from the closest restaurant in the village, but I saw a brochure that advertised a great restaurant several miles away in a nearby town, so I decided that we would go there. We jumped in the Navigator, and took off for that town.

Because we were right in the mountains, the road to the restaurant was quite rugged in places, and although I absolutely loved it, I could tell that Nick was slightly apprehensive, especially since most of the sharp drop-offs were on his side of the vehicle. He tried to act as if it wasn't bothering him, but I could tell that he was nervous. I thought about putting my hand on his knee to help him calm down, but he probably would be more nervous if I only had one hand on the wheel, so I decided to just talk to him instead.

"Not too fond of heights, are we?" I asked gently.

He looked at me, "You noticed?"

"Of course. You know, literally millions of people have driven on this road without any trouble, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. I have a lot of experience driving in the mountains, so I know what I am doing. This is nothing compared to some of the roads I have been on, where you can look back and see your taillights."

That evoked a small reaction from Nick, as he grinned slightly.

"I was once on a road, that I probably shouldn't have been on that was just rock, and one way. If you met someone along the way, you would have to back up until the road was wide enough for the other vehicle to pass. That even bothered me a bit," I recalled, sighing as I said it.

"Feel free not to take me along if you want to do that again."

"I will remember that. Why didn't the gondola ride bother you, if you don't like heights?"

"I just told myself that I was going to enjoy it," he paused. "And, I didn't know that it was going that high," he admitted. "Talking to you on the way up helped distract me then."

"How about that? Apparently, you can be distracted easily," I said as I pointed out his side. "We are already back down the mountain, and you didn't even know it."

He sighed as he looked out to see the ground beside him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I said, looking over at him. I put my hand on his knee, as we were on a much more manageable road.

We arrived at the restaurant a moment later, and we went inside. As we approached the host, he asked if we had reservations, and I replied that we didn't.

"Well, the wait will be at least an hour, then," he said with a smirk.

"Do you want your restaurant to be known as one that is not hospitable to celebrities?" I inquired as I noticed autographed pictures of several important people on the wall.

"I think it is obvious that we always welcome famous and important people," he said condescendingly.

"I see. Well, perhaps you should afford the same respect to a world famous singer, who happens to be dining with me this evening."

"I certainly don't recognize him," he said, looking at Nick.

"Do you have any teenagers working at this establishment?" I asked.

"Yes, we do. Why do you ask?"

"Perhaps you should send one of them out here, and ask them if they recognize my friend."

Nick looked at me with a nervous look, but I just looked at him and gestured for him to relax.

"I suppose I could do that," he said indignantly.

"That would be wonderful," I replied.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked quietly.

"Just relax, Nick. I am not going to let this jerk walk all over us."

A moment later, we could see the host talking with a girl. He pointed over toward us, and immediately her eyes became as big as saucers. She shook her head, and said something to the host excitedly. He then sighed, and began walking back to us.

"We're in," I whispered to Nick.

"Sirs, I apologize for any inconvenience. We have a table available for you at this time. Please follow me," he said calmly.

He took us to a private table in the back of the restaurant, and as he was leaving, Nick got his attention.

"Excuse me, but would you please send over the young lady you were talking to so I can see her," Nick requested.

"Of course, Mr. Carter. I want to apologize for..."

"If you don't mind, would you please just go get her?"

He nodded, and walked off. As soon as he was gone, we both burst out laughing.

"Damn, Cameron. Not bad," Nick said.

"He was lucky that I was in a good mood, or it may have been quite unpleasant. I don't let anyone walk over me, except for you, maybe."

Nick smiled, and then looked over toward the kitchen to see the girl approaching. She almost looked scared to approach the table, but walked more quickly when Nick motioned her over.

"Hello there. I'm Nick Carter, and this is my friend Cameron. It is a pleasure to meet you," Nick said, pouring on the charm.

"Hi, uh...Nick. I'm Katie. I can't believe I am meeting you. I am such a big fan!"

"Well, thank you for identifying me," Nick said with a wink.

"No problem. Well, I should be getting back to work, I suppose."

"Wait a second. I see that you have a lot of pictures of celebrities on the wall, and most of them are taken with the same guy."

"Yeah, he's the owner."

"Well, I am sure they will be asking me for a picture, and if they do, I would like you to be in it with me, if that's okay?"

She nearly fainted. "Oh, that would be awesome! That would be great!"

"Great. I will be sure to ask them for more than one copy, so you can have one too. It was nice to meet you, Katie," Nick said, taking her hand, and kissing it. This elicited a giggle from her, and soon she was on her way.

"That was very nice of you," I said, watching her walk away.

"Well, she is a fan, and we have to be nice to those who pay our salary."

"Don't give me that line, Nick. You did it because you wanted to."

"Yeah, you're right. It is nice to know that someone still knows who I am," he laughed, referring to our earlier conversation.

"Yeah, quite a shocker," I said, chuckling.

We ordered dinner a short while later, and had a wonderful evening, talking about nothing and everything at the same time. Nick wasn't just a boyfriend, but a friend as well. I could talk to him about anything, which hadn't been the case in any other relationship I had in the past. Perhaps that is why none of them lasted, and I had a feeling that this one would.

A short while later, the owner of the restaurant did come over, and ask if he could take a picture and get Nick's autograph to superimpose on the photo. Nick agreed, and they walked over to a wall near the front of the restaurant to take the picture, near the host.

"Who will be in this picture?" Nick asked.

"Well, usually it is me, and the host at the time you visit," the owner answered.

"If you don't mind, I would like to have young Katie in the picture with me instead of the host," Nick said.

"That's no problem, Mr. Carter. John, would you please tell Katie to come over here?" he asked the host. With a look of disgust on his face, he reluctantly agreed. Nick smiled and winked as John passed, only enraging him more. Soon, Katie was there, and another server took the picture.

"Could you make two extra copies of this, one for me, and one for Katie?" Nick asked.

"No problem. Just give me an address, and I will send a copy to you."

Nick hesitated, not wanting to give out his address in case it got into the wrong hands, so I quickly stepped in, giving him my address, telling him that he would be visiting me in a couple weeks, and he could pick it up then. Nick looked relieved, and as soon I finished writing, we told Katie and the owner goodbye, and we were on our way.

"You are so thoughtful, Cam. I appreciate you giving your address," Nick said, taking my hand as we walked out to my vehicle.

"You bring out the best in me, Nick."

We got into the Navigator, and I took off toward the condo. The sun hadn't quite gone down yet, but looking out to the west was the most incredible view of the sky, with the cirrus clouds reflecting the most beautiful shades of orange, purple, and red.

As we approached the summit of the mountain we were driving up, I noticed an area where we could pull off the road to get a better look, and I took the initiative. Nick looked confused as I turned off the road to the left, approaching the guardrail. I stopped, and motioned for Nick to get out. He hesitated, so I walked around to the other side, opening the door, reaching for his hand.

He took it, and looked directly at me. "Relax, Nick. I am not going to let anything happen to you."

He shook his head, and got out. There was a bench overlooking the valley, and I led him over there, both of us sitting down. The sun finally ducked behind a mountain, and soon all we saw was the incredible array of colors in the sky above the silhouette of the mountains. It was a truly breathtaking site, one that I wanted to share with Nick.

There were a few trees behind the bench, so no one would be able to see us from the road, so I leaned in to Nick, planting my lips on his as I closed my eyes. He felt a bit stiff at first, but soon relaxed as we continued. 'If only we could spend our entire lives this way, I would be truly happy' I thought to myself as I felt the energy and excitement between us.

We completely lost track of time, and by the time we broke the kiss, it was almost completely dark. I just smiled at Nick, and he reciprocated.

"I would have climbed up Mount Everest for that," Nick said passionately.

"You won't have to, Nick. You can have it anytime you want it," I responded. We kissed again for a moment, before standing up and walking over to the vehicle. We both hopped in, and drove off down the mountain road, and as we did, I only hoped that our relationship would be as exciting and breathtaking as the twists and turns of the road we were traveling down.

Well, that's it for Chapter 12...another short one, but hopefully the next chapters will be a bit longer. I want to get some more chapters out before school starts, as that will affect my schedule greatly...feel free to e-mail me (

Thanks for reading!

PS-I didn't take time to proofread this, so forgive me for any mistakes you might find!

Next: Chapter 13

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