Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Oct 21, 2000


Hello all, and welcome to Chapter 19 of MHM...I can't believe how long it has been since I posted anything. This chapter doesn't have a lot of action in it, but I was finally able to get something posted. I needed to get something out before everyone forgets that this story exists. I am making some changes in an attempt to get chapters out quicker, so we will see what happens.

I have noticed that a lot of authors are making lists of their favorite stories on the archive, and I am considering doing the same for my next installment. I don't like singling out certain stories because I will surely leave some out, but I think I will consider compiling a list for the next installment.

That being said, this story is a work of fiction, and is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of characters mentioned within. If you are below the legal age required of you for reading this material, heed this warning...the authorities have been notified, so expect to hear police sirens any minute now. Okay, I am kidding, but be careful...are those red flashing lights I see outside your window? Anyway...

On with the show...

Mile High Meeting-Chapter 19

The next morning, as the sun was penetrating through the blinds in my bedroom window, I felt a warm breath near my ear. Still half-asleep, I felt Nick start nibbling at my ear playfully. It tickled me slightly, causing me to grin. He immediately knew that I was awake, and started nibbling even more.

"Good morning," I said sleepily.

"Morning, stud," he replied before returning to his task, starting to move the palm of his hand across my chest.

"I don't know about you, but you wore me out last night, and now you want more?" I asked, half joking. "How do you have so much energy?"

"It's a gift," Nick replied, moving his mouth from my ear down to one of my nipples, sucking gently for a minute before looking up at me, grinning.

"You're pathetic, Nicholas," I said, laughing.

"Pathetic, eh? Was I pathetic last night?"

"Yes. All three times," I commented with a serious tone.

"Well, four is my favorite number, you know."

"It is not," I retorted. "You just made that up."

"Well, yeah, but four sounds like an awfully good number right now," Nick said, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't know if I am convinced."

Just then, Nick moved up to me, kissing me passionately, while he wrapped his arms around my torso, rolling me over so I was on top of him. Once my hands began to explore his body, he knew that he had won.

"You make a very compelling argument," I mumbled while our lips were still intertwined.

"I thought I might," Nick answered back.

I could feel Nick's growing excitement as we continued to make out. I too was rather aroused, and as I started to move my lips down Nick's neck, there was a knock at the door.

"Damn," I said under my breath as I rolled off Nick. I looked over at him to see his eyes closed with a frustrated look on his face.

"Cameron! We know you're in there," Brett said through the door.

"We?" Nick whispered to me.

I nodded. "Look under the door. You can see the shadows of four feet on the other side." The sunlight is brighter on the other side of the apartment, so I could always tell when the guys were awake because you could see the light under the door.

"We'll be out in a minute, guys," I said, without realizing that I had said we.

"We?" Adam asked to Brett. Adam had no idea that anyone was with me, let alone Nick, so I am sure he was genuinely confused.

"You'll find out soon enough," Brett said to Adam. "Just hurry up Cam," Brett said to the door as they walked down the hall, and out to the living room. I just smiled a little, and shook my head.

"I love those guys, but they don't have the best timing," I commented.

"No kidding, but I will try not to hold it against them," Nick added as he leaned over to plant a kiss on my forehead. "I guess it's time to make an appearance."

With that, Nick and I crawled out of bed, trying to find clothes to put on so we could make an appearance. Once we both had shorts and t-shirts on, we were ready to face Adam and Brett. Before Nick reached for the door, I turned him around, moving my hand through his hair so it would look slightly more presentable. I then planted a kiss on his cheek, and out the door we went.

I walked down the hallway first, with Nick behind me. I looked to my left as we entered the living room to find Adam and Brett both sitting on the couch, with their arms folded, waiting to inspect Nick. I laughed at them, putting my hand up to my side, telling Nick to wait.

"You two never cease to amaze me. I am honored that you two are looking out for me, but I think I found a keeper this time."

"Well, Camo, we just have to look out for our young friend," Brett replied.

"I'm a month younger than you, B, and three months younger than you, Adam. Plus, I am light years ahead of you mentally," I said, smiling. "Well, without further ado...heeere's Nick!" I said, doing my best Ed McMahon impersonation.

Brett just smiled at Nick when he walked out, and Adam's eyes bugged out as he started to realize who Nick was. Brett started laughing slightly at Adam, and when he looked at Nick.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked.

"Well, I wonder what you two were doing last night," Brett answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Nick is wearing your favorite shirt, and I know that you never let anyone touch that," he responded, pointing to Nick. He was right, of course. The t-shirt that he was wearing was indeed my favorite shirt, and I never would have let him wear it under normal circumstances.

I just smiled sheepishly as Adam spoke. "Cameron, is it just me, or do you always get what you want?" Adam said with a smile as he shook his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"I don't know what it is with you, but once you set your mind on something, it always happens. I know that you've had a thing for Nick Carter for a long time, and now he is here with you. Amazing," Adam said, standing up. "Nice to meet you Nick," he said, extending his hand to Nick.

"Nice to meet you too...?" Nick said, fishing for his name.

"Adam. And this is Brett, in case you didn't know."

"Hello Brett. I've heard a lot about the two of you," Nick commented.

"Really? Cameron hasn't said a thing," Adam said with a nasty look on his face as he turned toward me.

"Sorry, Adam, but I wanted to surprise you," I said. "Surprise!"

Adam looked at me for a moment longer before breaking out into a smile.

"Congratulations, Cam. I hope you two are very happy. You deserve it."

While Adam was talking to me, Brett had engaged Nick in a conversation, and we spent the next hour talking amongst ourselves. Nick really seemed to be getting along well with my roommates, which didn't surprise me, but it pleased me nonetheless.

"So, Cam, is Nick going to the game with us tomorrow?" Brett asked.

"Damn, I forgot all about that. Can you get him a ticket when you go into work this afternoon?"

"Sure thing," Brett replied. "Speaking of which, I should probably get ready to head in. The whole athletic department is having a big meeting, and I am supposed to be there," Brett said as he stood up.

"What game are you talking about?" Nick inquired.

"Tomorrow is the first Hawkeye football game. The three of us have season tickets, and I guess I just assumed you would want to go. Kinnick Stadium is a great place to watch a football game, and a lot of fun. Do you not want to go?"

"No, I want to go. I just didn't know what you were talking about. I'll have to find something to wear, though. What team are you playing, so I can find something in their color?" Nick asked with an evil grin.

"That is so not funny, Nick. We're playing Iowa State, and if you even think about wearing their colors, this relationship may not last long," I threatened. "We'll go shopping to find something appropriate for you to wear, because you're not going to wear a Tampa Bay jersey to an Iowa game."

"Yes, sir!" Nick said, saluting me.

"At ease. I guess we could go shopping now, if you would like. I could take you to the largest mall in the state of Iowa to shop."

"Oh, so this mall has four stores instead of three?" Nick joked, causing Adam to laugh.

"Well, if you count the hot dog vendor, it has four, smart-ass," I said, as I threw a pillow at him. "Would you like to join us, Adam?"

"I'd like to, but I am supposed to meet Heather for lunch. I do think that we should all go out tonight though. I will talk to Brett to see if he and Anne will be available. We'll go out on a triple date."

"Sounds like a winner to me. Nick?" I asked, and he simply nodded his head in agreement. "Okay, call me on my cell when you get something figured out then. I will probably show Nick some of the sights in the area, so I don't know when we will be back."

"Will do, but I do think you'll want to change before you guys go, don't you think?" Adam asked, pointing out that we were both in boxers and less than attractive shirts.

"That's probably a good idea. Shall we?" I asked Nick, taking his arm in mine.

"We shall."

We got dressed, and went shopping at Coral Ridge Mall. Nick was actually fairly impressed with the mall, which surprised me considering how many malls he had been to in his world travels. I bought him some Hawkeye apparel, which I might add looked quite good on him. We didn't stop there, however, and we ended up buying a lot more than we had intended. Nick suggested that I model all of the clothes for him when we got back, and I promised that I would put on a good show.

We returned to the apartment several hours later to find that Adam and Brett were basically ready to go out, and their girlfriends would be arriving shortly. Therefore, we decided that we needed to get ready as well, so Nick and I hauled our bags back to my room.

"Sorry, sweetheart, but I don't think we will have time to do any modeling. We don't want to keep everyone waiting," I said as I closed my door.

"They are your friends, not mine. Why would I care if we make them wait?" Nick said as he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"How considerate of you," I commented. "How about a compromise? We do need to take a shower to get ready, and we could save some time if we take one together. They may think that we are taking two separate showers, which gives us plenty of time to play under the water."

"I like your thinking," Nick said, tugging at my shirt. "Let's get started."

Nick pulled off my shirt from behind, stopping to gently kiss the back of my neck before nuzzling in to one of my shoulders while reaching for my belt. He unbuckled it easily, and my pants fell effortlessly to the floor after he unzipped them.

"You're quite talented, Nick."

"That's why I make the big bucks," Nick responded.

"I guess I missed the part of the concert where you undress someone else," I said with a laugh.

"You know what I mean, Cameron."

"I do know one thing, my dear, and that is that you are definitely overdressed for the occasion."

With that, I turned around to face Nick. I was planning on undressing him, but his lips mesmerized me, and I had an uncontrollable urge to taste them once again. I slowly brushed my lips across his, taking in every sensation as our lips intertwined. I opened my mouth to allow his tongue to find mine, and when it did, I was overcome with passion. I suddenly wanted to taste every inch of his being. Fortunately, it was Nick that brought me back to reality, or we may not have left the apartment for days.

"Cam, it kills me to break this up, but we should be getting ready."

"You're right, of course," I said after being in a daze for a few seconds. "The real world just fades away when I am with you."

Nick smiled, and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "Let's get wet."

"Mmm," was my only response as I undressed Nick before stepping into my bathroom.

The water poured over us as we stepped into the shower, and it took every ounce of self-control to keep my mind on the task at hand. Although we would have a few extra minutes to play, I worried that if I got caught up in the heat of the moment, we would run out of hot water long before we were finished.

Once we were finished washing up, I reached for Nick, who was standing with his back to me. I reached around to his stomach, then moving my hands down slowly, following the light patch of hair from his navel down to his member. He groaned with pleasure as I touched the head, and began moving my hand slowly up and down his shaft.

He reciprocated by reaching back and doing the same thing. He was more erect than I was, but I was quickly gaining on him. It was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate on what I was doing, and soon I had to stop, so I could turn Nick around to finish the job properly.

As soon as Nick turned around, I kneeled down, taking him into my mouth, playing with the head before sliding down to the base, with water cascading down Nick's torso around me as I took Nick further inside me. Nick's leaned back against the wall, moaning and writhing as I continued to service him. I was getting immense pleasure from just knowing that I was about to send Nick over the edge, and it was a sensation I hadn't felt before. I didn't need Nick to return the favor, because I was getting more out of this than I thought imaginable.

"Cam, I'm getting close," Nick panted.

I continued on, slowing down slightly to enjoy these last few seconds. I felt Nick tense up, and soon he was releasing his load into my mouth. I was able to keep up, swallowing every drop, surprising even myself. I circled around his head a few more times before looking up at an exhausted boyfriend. I slowly stood up, and pulled his head toward me to kiss him.

Still breathing heavily, he began to kiss me back, wrapping his arms around my back. I felt his hot breath against my skin as he started to work his way down my body, but I pulled him back up, and looked him in the eyes.

"We don't have time for that right now," I whispered.

"But, you..." Nick started.

"I got just as much out of it is you did Nick, trust me."

"I love you so much," was his response.

"Ditto," I answered. "Now, let's get out of here before everyone starts to wonder."

We got out of the shower, and quickly got dressed. I put on one of the shirts that Nick had picked out for me, and he wore something similar. We didn't match exactly, but you could tell that we were thinking the same thing. Nick was the first out the door and into the living room, and both Adam and Brett greeted him. It took me a moment longer to finish up, and Nick had already been introduced to Anne and Heather by the time I made my appearance.

"Hey Cameron," Anne said. "You have very good taste."

"Indeed, but so does Nick," I said with a smile.

"You never change, do you?"

"Why mess with perfection?" I responded.

"Okay, enough of this. We all love Cameron, and he is the greatest, yadda, yadda...let's get it out of our system so we don't have to hear it all night," Brett said sarcastically.

"I don't mind hearing it all night," I said. "I am a political science major, so it is nice to hear the truth from someone once in a while."

"Oh, please," Adam said under his breath. "Let's just get out of here."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We made reservations at that new French restaurant downtown, so we should be on our way," Adam answered.

"Okay, then. I'll drive," I said.

"Shotgun!" Nick yelled before anyone else got a chance.

"It's my vehicle,'re sitting up front no matter what," I said, smirking.

"Hate to tell you this Cam, but there won't be time for Nick to...well, you know on the way to the restaurant," Brett joked.

"True, but I would still rather have him sitting with me than either one of you bums."

We finally piled into the Navigator, and headed downtown. We had to park in one of the parking garages since there were no spaces on the street, and it was a good thing that we had a reservation, as the place was packed.

They had our table already set up, a large circular table in the corner of the restaurant, secluded from most of the other patrons dining that evening. After a few minutes, the server came up to the table to take our orders. He looked familiar to me, and even called me by name. I realized a moment later that he had been in my political economy class that I finished in the spring. We talked for a moment, and I noticed that Nick was acting slightly jealous of the conversation we were having.

I thought it best not to include Nick in the conversation, for fear that he would be recognized, but Nick's gaze was burning a hole in the side of my head. I ended up introducing everyone at the table, and fortunately, my former classmate was completely oblivious as to who Nick was.

We placed our orders, and then I turned to Nick. "Is there something wrong?"

"No," he said abruptly. Now I knew that something was wrong.

"Nick, would you care to accompany me to the restroom?"

"Why would I..." Nick started before I took his arm, standing him up as I got up, leading him into the restroom.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Nick said innocently.

"You've been acting strangely since we arrived here, and even before that. What is on your mind?"

"It's really no big deal," he said, trying to shrug it off.

"Spill it," I said in a fatherly tone.

"I guess I am just a bit jealous," Nick admitted, looking down at the floor.

"Because I was talking to a classmate of mine?" I asked.

"Of course not. Why would I have a problem with that?"

I was becoming increasingly confused. "So, what is the cause of this jealousy?"

"You," he said after deliberating for a moment. "You have such a great life, Cam. You have everything I wish I had, great friends, you get along with everybody, you are intelligent and witty, and you have the freedom to do whatever you want to do. I don't really have any of those things."

"What are you talking about? You are very intelligent, and you get along with people. Look how well you hit it off with my roommates. They like you a lot, and I am sure you will become as close to them as I am."

"I know, but I have been thinking about the future, and how I will soon be off touring with the group, sticking to a rigid schedule that takes me all over the world, and more importantly, away from you. I had gotten used to being on tour and not having a life, but now that I have met you I want what you have. I don't have any freedom at all, and now that I have had a taste of it I want more."

I was beginning to realize that this relationship was not going to be quite as easy to maintain as I had hoped. These were legitimate concerns, and I didn't really know how to respond to all of them. The only thing I was certain of is that I had to reassure him that I was on his side, and that I loved him.

"Nicholas, I love you more than anything, and you have to know that. It sounds like we have some talking that we need to do before we go to Chicago, but I do not think this is the ideal place in which to do that. Can we at least get through dinner, and then we can find someplace to talk about all of this?"

Nick nodded in agreement, and gave me a weak smile. I gave him a hug, and a quick kiss on the cheek before taking his hand.

"Let's go out there and try to have a little fun, okay?" I asked.

"Okay, Cam. I do love you, you know," Nick responded.

"You'd better," I said as I led him back out to the table.

"Everything okay?" Brett asked as he leaned over to me after we had sat back down. I just winked and nodded, and soon we were back to a more normal conversation.

During the meal, everyone thought it necessary to give Nick some advice on how to deal with me. Most of it was humorous, and I was more than willing to bear the brunt of most of the jokes, if only to see Nick laugh. After we had finished eating, I took Nick's hand in mine under the table. He squeezed it hard, telling me that he was still pretty uncomfortable with the whole situation.

We remained at the restaurant for another half hour or so before deciding to leave.

"Does anyone want to go to a bar or anything?" Adam asked the group.

"I think we're game," Brett said, answering for Anne.

"Nick? Cam?"

Nick started to answer when I took over. "I think we'll pass. We have some other things we need to do. Thanks anyway."

"Ahh, wanting to spend a little 'quality time' together, eh Cam?" Brett said with a wink.

"Something along those lines."

"Well, you two have fun. We'll see you back at the apartment a little later," Adam said as they stood up.

Nick said goodbye to everyone, and I gave my credit card to the server as we sat there alone.

"How are they going to get back to the apartment?" Nick asked.

"Well, Heather only lives a few blocks from here, so they can walk over to her car. If they are too 'impaired' to drive, they can just catch the bus. It stops a block from the apartment."

"Oh. So, where are we going?"

"I know a nice place not too far out of town where we can talk," I said as I signed the credit card slip, handing it to the server.

A short while later, we were in the Navigator, and heading out of town to a park with a beautiful lake in the center of it. I pulled into one of the parking areas, and beckoned Nick to join me on one of the benches near the water.

By the time we had arrived, the moonlight was reflecting off the water, lighting up the area, and lighting up Nick's beautiful face. However, this was a face that I barely recognized. I could see the fear, and hurt he was feeling by the way he looked, and it tore me up inside.

I turned toward Nick, in time to see a tear fall from his eye. I slowly moved my hand to his face, wiping it away.

"I am going to miss you more than I can even express," Nick almost whispered.

"Me too, sweetheart, but we can get through this. Our love is stronger than any distance we put between us. As I see it, you don't have any choice in the matter. You're in my heart, and I refuse to let you go. You have touched my soul in ways I never thought possible, and I am not letting you get away from me," I said as I put my arm around his shoulders.

"I thought this would be easy, but it isn't. I just feel like I am trapped in a situation without the ability to escape. I would gladly give up all of my money and fame to be with you all the time."

"Oh, no you don't. Don't start talking like that," I warned.

"What? I would quit the band in a heartbeat for you."

"I know you would, but I cannot allow that to happen. You may not think so, but you would begin to regret that decision, and that would lead to you resenting me, and I do not think I could live without you in my life.

After all, haven't you seen Superman II? He gives up all of his powers for Lois Lane, and evil overtakes the world. Do you want to be responsible for that kind of chaos?" I said, grinning.

I saw a hint of the smile that melted me that chilly morning in Colorado a short time earlier. "I don't think the two quite compare, but I see your point," Nick conceded.

"Try convincing ten million teenage girls that you aren't Superman, babe," I suggested, bringing another smile to his face.

I didn't want Nick to know it, but I was truly concerned about the status of our relationship. I knew Nick well enough to know that while strong, he wasn't quite as strong on the inside as I. I just hoped and prayed that the rest of the group would be supportive of him during our time apart. I also strongly considered suspending my schooling to be with him, but that would be hypocritical on my part after I had just convinced Nick not to quit the Backstreet Boys.

I just needed Nick to know that I was 100% committed to being with him, and I needed him to tell me the same thing, for his sake more than mine. We continued to talk in between periods of making out, and we ended up staying at the park to watch the sunrise, a sunrise that somehow resembled a new phase of our relationship. A phase that would be the toughest battle of our lives, and yet the most worthwhile battle either of us had ever fought.

Well, that's it for Chapter 19...not a lot here, but it still took me forever to finish it...go figure! I'm going to try to set aside time each day to write, so I don't have such long delays between chapters...please write with comments/suggestions, or just to say hi! (

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 20

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