Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Oct 26, 2000



Welcome to the twentieth chapter of Mile High Meeting! I can't believe I have made it this far! I also can't believe that I got this chapter out only a few days after ch. 19 :) This has to be some sort of record (since classes started, anyway)!

Just a warning, there are references in this chapter to sports, which I know some of you do not enjoy. See my endnotes for a more detailed explanation of why I included this topic :)

Disclaimer: Under age: Bad...of legal age: good. This story is fiction, and is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of celebrities within.

On with the show...

Mile High Meeting-Chapter 20

As the sun raised over one of the hills in the distance, Nick and I sat up to watch the new day unfolding. We had talked all night about our relationship, and where our lives would be taking us over the next few months, and it became obvious that there would be some very difficult times for the both of us while we were apart. I knew that this line of conversation would come up again, so I convinced Nick that we could talk about it another time so we could enjoy the morning.

"So, you've had a crush on me for how long?" Nick asked, looking over at me with a grin.

"A couple years, I would say, but you weren't the only one," I said truthfully. "I just thought you were quite attractive, and I thought you would be fun to be with. One out of two ain't bad."

"Excuse me? You're saying that I am not fun to be around?"

"Nope. You just aren't that attractive in person," I said, laughing. Just as Nick was ready to pounce on me, I decided to retract the statement. "You know I am kidding, Nick. You are the most beautiful person I have ever known. Well, other than me, that is."

"You'll get no argument from me," Nick offered. "So, who else did you have a crush on?"

"Well, you're assuming that I don't have a crush on any of them anymore," I said, again sensing retaliation. I put up my hand to stop him, and surprisingly, he complied. "I am kidding, but there were a lot of celebrities that I found attractive, and not all of them were male by any means. They weren't attractive to me just because of how they looked, but because of who they were.

"I have always wanted to be in the spotlight, and I guess I just had to live vicariously through them."

"So is that why you are attracted to me?" Nick questioned. "Is that why we are together, because I am famous and you get some of that spotlight because of me?"

"Of course not, Nick. I thought our relationship was farther along than this. I love you for who you are, not what you are to millions of fans. Who hasn't thought about what it would be like to be a superstar actor or singer? What I was trying to say is that those crushes were only skin deep, because that was all I could see in them.

"I could never be satisfied with a superficial relationship that had no substance to it whatsoever. I need to love a whole person, not just the public persona and the images that some consulting firm recommended because of focus group testing. I am with you because I love every part of you, and I thought you knew that," I said with a hint of disappointment.

"I'm sorry, Cameron. I am just so used to people who 'love' me because I am a Backstreet Boy. Do you have any idea how many girls have Mrs. Nick Carter scribbled on their notebook covers? I admit that I haven't had the luxury of living in the real world, and I guess that just makes me insecure," Nick responded sincerely.

"We will never survive if you are this insecure Nick. There will be times when we are apart, where we both will just have to trust one another. I know that imaginations can run wild at times, and when I am not there to reassure you that everything is okay, it reinforces those thoughts. The same thing goes for me too. At times, I cannot imagine why a world famous singer would want to be with me, but I just have to tell myself that you do, and that has to be good enough."

"I know that I want to be with you more than anything I have ever wanted, so I will just have to remind myself of that when I get worried. Plus, you may get a lot of calls at 3 in the morning from me," Nick laughed.

"I welcome those calls, Nick. It's going to be rough, but we will find a way to be together, and you just have to believe that. I don't believe in a no-win situation, so we will be fine. However, we won't be fine if we do not get back to the apartment soon. We have to load up the grill and food in the Navigator and get to our tailgating spot before the game."

"I almost forgot about that," Nick admitted. "Let's go then."

I leaned into to Nick, pressing my lips against his for a brief moment, before breaking the kiss to look directly into his eyes.

"I love you more every day, and nothing will tear us apart," I reassured Nick.

"I know," Nick said.

With that, we walked back to the vehicle, and took off for the apartment at a slightly more than legal speed. By the time we arrived at the apartment, both Brett and Adam were awake and dressed for the game.

"Nice to see you found your way home, boys," Brett said as he looked up from the newspaper.

"Yeah, you know how tricky the streets are around here," I said in my best Forrest Gump voice.

"Uh-huh. You could draw a map of this city and label every street, Cam, so don't give us that. You guys should get ready so we can get up to our spot. I am sure everyone is wondering where we are by now," Adam added.

"You're right. We'll be back out shortly. Here are the keys to the Navigator if you want to start loading up," I said, throwing the keys to Adam.

"No messing around back there, either, you too. I'm sure there was plenty of that last night," Adam added.

"There was no..." Nick started before I covered his mouth. I didn't want him to give away too much information.

"Now, Nick, we don't need to share our private moments with them. We will be out in a minute," I said as I led Nick down the hall.

"What was that all about?" Nick asked as he closed the door behind him.

"I just like to keep them guessing. I hope that's okay with you."

"Sure, I was just wondering."

I opened the closet door, pulling out the Hawkeye apparel we bought yesterday, pulling out two shirts, and a black hat with the Tigerhawk logo on it for Nick to wear. We quickly pulled our shirts on, and looked like we were ready to go. I noticed that Nick was nervous about something, so I called him on it.

"What's bothering you? Feel like you're betraying Brian by wearing Iowa gear?"

"No, it's just that you said 70,000 people are going to be there, and surely some of them will recognize me."

"Well, we'll be in the student section of the stadium, so I don't know if that many would recognize you, but I have a solution to that problem."

"What's that?"

"Face paint!" I said. "Put a little black and gold on that mug, and you'll be fine."

"I...guess that would work," Nick pondered. "Do you have some here to put on?"

"Yeah, but you don't need to put it on now. We can do it right before the game. No one will bother you where we tailgate, so there's no need to do it now. I want to see your face this morning, so we will wait."

"I can live with that," Nick conceded.

Once we were wearing a sufficient amount of black and gold, we piled into the Navigator, heading east to the stadium. As we drove down the hill, Kinnick Stadium and the clouds of smoke coming from the thousands of tailgaters came into view. Iowa fans are well known as some of the best tailgaters in the nation, and this morning was no exception.

We drove into our parking lot, setting up shop in our usual location. Brett and I got the grill out while Adam unfurled the Iowa flag, raising it to flap in the breeze with the dozens of other flags in the area. I lit the grill and put the steaks and chicken breasts on the grill. After doing that, I introduced Nick to some of our friends in the parking lot, including one of my favorite people, Gus, who had been tailgating at Iowa games for over forty years.

Nick ended up talking to Gus for nearly a half hour, hearing about all the Hawkeyes and their past glory. Nick was very gracious, and actually seemed to be enjoying the conversation. When he returned to our area, he pulled me aside for a moment.

"Yes, dear?" I asked.

"Why do I get the feeling that we will be here tailgating forty years from now?" he asked seriously.

"Because you are a smart young man, that's why," I laughed. "Do you actually see us here together that far in the future?"

"Yeah, I do. That's what I was thinking when I was talking to Gus, who is a really nice guy, by the way."

"No kidding?" I said with a smile. "I'm really touched that you were thinking about us that far down the road. You are really great," I said, kissing him on the forehead. "I'd love to stay here, but the steaks have been finished for quite some time, and I wanted to eat with you."

"Oh, sorry. Let's go."

We spent the next hour eating, drinking (another Iowa tradition), and soaking up the atmosphere, and occasionally heckling Iowa State fans as they walked by. As game time approached, we started packing up so we could get into the stadium before the national anthem.

"Okay, Nick...let's get you painted," I said, leading him to the front seat of my vehicle.

I decided to keep it simple, but covered enough of his face to provide an adequate disguise to protect his identity. He insisted that I paint my face as well, but I gave him some lame excuse about being allergic to the paint. I don't know if he really bought it or not, but he didn't protest too much.

We got settled into our seats just as the marching band was taking the field. They performed the Iowa Fight Song, and I had to prompt Nick to stand up while it was being played. The band then got into formation for the Star-Spangled Banner. At the very end of the anthem, four F-14's flew directly over the stadium, thrilling the crowd. I told Nick that this game was one of the premiere events in the state, so it got special attention.

Soon after, the teams took the field, and while Nick feigned interest, it took him quite a while before he really got into the game. Iowa took a 17-14 lead into halftime, and Nick had commented that it was a good game.

Once the second half started, I noticed that Nick was an entirely different person. Iowa took the ball at the beginning of the half, and marched it 74 yards down the field for a touchdown, and Nick was as excited about it as anyone in the stadium. On the next drive however, the referees blew a call, giving Iowa State a big break. Nick went off on the officials like I had never seen, and we were close enough to the field that I am sure at least one of them heard his remarks. Brett, Adam, and I were laughing our asses off as Nick continued to yell throughout the rest of the game.

When it was all said and done, Iowa won the game by a final of 31-21. I put my arms around Nick's shoulder as we watched the teams walk off the field.

"So, what did you think?" I asked.

"That was a great game, Cam, and it was a lot of fun. I could handle forty years of this, stud."

"Glad to hear it, although I would much rather see this game from the press box, when I am doing the radio broadcast for Iowa. If not, we'll have to buy a luxury suite, you know."

"Okay, consider it done," Nick said, smiling.

We filed out of the stadium, and back to the Navigator. On the way, we stopped to have a beer with Gus to celebrate the victory.

"So, young Nick, what did you think of the game?" Gus asked.

"It was a lot of fun, Gus. I can't wait to come back and see another game," Nick replied.

"Well, I hope to see you back here real soon. You seem to fit in real well with my boys here," Gus stated as he motioned to the three of us.

We talked for another ten minutes or so, and as we were leaving, Gus pulled me aside.

"He's a cute one, Mr. Walker. Don't let him get away," he said with a wink. He was a sharp guy, and it apparently didn't take him long to figure everything out.

"Don't worry, Gus. He's not going anywhere. Be sure to tell your lovely wife hi when she gets back from visiting your daughter."

"Will do. See you at the Michigan State game, Cameron."

I was still smiling when I caught up with the guys.

"What are you smiling about, Cameron?" Nick questioned.

"Oh, well...I just plan on following Gus's advice to me."

"And that would be?"

"Ask me that question again in forty years," I responded, hoping he would understand the reference. By the look on his face, I could tell that he did.

We hung around the parking lot a while longer before deciding to head back to the apartment. It was early evening by the time we got back to the apartment. The best way out of town for all the fans goes right by my apartment, so it took us quite a while to work our way back.

The four of us decided to spend a quiet evening at the apartment, watching television. Nick and I curled up on the love seat with a blanket. Brett and Adam took the other couch. We were all fairly tired, and because Nick and I would be heading to Chicago in the morning, we decided to retire to my room early.

Nick and I stripped down to boxers and t-shirts before slipping under the covers. Once in the room, we discovered that we weren't quite as tired as we thought, but I don't think either of us was entertaining the idea of playing around. I had brought the newspaper in with me, and Nick had his sketchpad on the table near the bed. It was nice to spend a little quiet time together, and yet doing our own thing.

As I finished checking my stocks, we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said, and the door opened to reveal Brett and Adam, both dressed for sleeping as well.

"You two look like an old married couple," Adam joked.

I had to agree with him as I looked over to Nick, who was still engrossed in his drawing. He looked up to see Adam and Brett standing there, and he quickly closed the sketchpad.

"You guys mind if we join you for a minute?" Brett asked.

Before I could even say yes, both of them had jumped on the bed, lying down between us.

"I am sure that there are a lot of porn sites that would pay top dollar to get a picture of this," I quipped.

"Let me get my camera," Brett said, starting to get up.

"," I warned, pushing Brett back down. "So, what do you guys want?"

"Would you believe that we just miss you guys?" Adam offered. Nick and I both shook our heads no. "It was worth a try," he said under his breath.

"You guys want to watch us have..." I began asking when Nick reached behind them to smack me on the head.

"Cam, what our inarticulate roommate was going to say is that we just wanted you two to know that we are pulling for you. We think you are great together, and if you guys need anything, we are here anytime," Brett explained.

I pulled Brett into a hug, and Nick did the same with Adam. "Thank you so much for your support, guys. I hope you mean it, because you never know when we might need a helping hand," I said, looking at the two of them.

"Well, now that that is settled, let's get some sleep," Adam said. Neither of them moved, and in fact they both leaned against the headboard, appearing totally relaxed. I noticed the smile on Nick's face, and I couldn't help but chuckle as well.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat. "Guys? Do you mind?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I guess you want us out of here," Brett realized.

I just shook my head and winked, smiling. They sighed, and slowly got up off the bed. We all said goodnight, and soon they had left.

"Serves me right for not locking the door," I said under my breath, causing Nick to break out laughing.

"I'll take care of it," he said, standing up to lock the door. Once back under the covers, he pulled off his shirt, leaning over to me to put his head on my chest. "Let's get some rest, stud."

I quickly shed my shirt, and turned off the lamp next to the bed. I fell asleep as I was running my fingers through Nick's hair.

The next morning, I woke up far earlier than I wanted to, but I noticed that I was alone in my bed, which immediately put me in a foul mood. I wanted the first thing I saw to be Nick, but that wasn't to be. Instead, I could smell coffee brewing at the other end of the apartment, so I decided to investigate.

I walked down the hall, only wearing my boxer-briefs, and as I went into the kitchen, I saw a near naked Nick waiting for the coffee to finish percolating.

"Morning, sexy," I said sleepily.

"Did I wake you?" Nick asked out of concern.

"I don't think so. How long have you been up?"

"About a half hour. I sat out on the patio before coming in here to start some coffee."

"You sat outside wearing just that?" I asked, pointing to his boxers.

Nick just nodded yes. "Don't's not like anyone saw me."

"I certainly hope not. I am not in the mood to fight over you this morning," I said, still sounding quite tired.

"Well, it's a good thing I am not taking any offers then," Nick said as he wrapped his arms around me, kissing me.

"Better be careful, or we may end up on the floor in a minute."

"I wouldn't mind," Nick commented.

"Trust me, I would," Brett interrupted as he walked into the kitchen. "What is going on out here, boys?"

"Nothing now," Nick said with disappointment.

"I guess I arrived just in time. We all seem to be going a bit more informal than usual," Brett said, noticing that we were all standing there with minimal clothing.

"I'm not about to complain," I noted. "However, Nick and I have to get ready for the trip to Chicago in a bit. Are you hungry, sweetheart?" I asked Nick.

"Oh, yeah...but I think Brett ruined my appetite," Nick said, giving Brett an evil stare before grinning slightly.

"Then my work here is done," Brett answered. "What time are you heading out?"

"When we get packed. I would like to spend some time this afternoon in Chicago, getting to know the rest of the group. I have to come back in a couple days to start classes, so that does not leave a lot of time."

"Well, I will leave you two alone, so you guys can get ready to go."

Nick poured himself a cup of coffee, taking it back into the bedroom with him. He sat down at my desk, facing me as I sat down on the bed.

"The last leg of the tour starts today, Nick. How are you doing?"

"Okay for now, but I am sure that will change in a couple days. I called Brian before you woke up, and they have a room reserved for us at the hotel. I am sure we have a lot of talking to do while there."

"Indeed we do, my love. Why don't we get packed, so we can hit the road? I'd like to do some shopping downtown today."

"In the mood to buy some expensive gifts for your boyfriend?" Nick asked.

"As a matter of fact, I am. I can't wait to get back to Iowa City so I can give them to him without you in the way," I said, earning myself a light punch in the stomach. "On that note, let's get ready."

We finished packing a while later, and Brett and Adam insisted on making breakfast before we left. They knew that I wasn't a breakfast person, but I tried to stomach as much as I could handle. After we all cleaned up the table, Nick and I quickly packed up the Navigator, before coming back in to say goodbye. I would be back in a few days, so I didn't need a long goodbye, but Nick took his time with Adam and Brett.

Nick was given hugs by both of them, and the same comments about how happy they were that we were together. I just smiled and pretended to appreciate their remarks, even though I was growing a bit tired of hearing them at every turn. After quick hugs from Brett and Adam, I was out the door, with Nick close behind.

Before I started the engine, Nick just looked over at me with watery eyes. He took my hand, and squeezed tighter than I thought he could. Clearly, he was already starting to take things hard, and we hadn't even left Iowa City yet.

"Not yet, Nicholas. There will be plenty of time for that over the next few days, so let's not go there quite yet."

Nick nodded his head, and tried to cheer himself up. As we pulled out of the parking lot, he was already looking through my CD's, trying to find something to listen to. He picked one of my 80's music CD's, which surprised me a bit. Nevertheless, it was upbeat music, and that is what both of us needed at that time. Soon we were both singing along, and our voices blended quite well, if I do say so myself.

We had to stop for gas a couple hours into the trip, and for a restroom break. Unfortunately, the Navigator doesn't get the best mileage, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I paid for the gas at the pump, and then Nick and I walked into the station to use the restroom. While we were in the station, a school bus full of teenagers unloaded to make use of the station. The first sign of trouble was when I stepped out of the restroom to see dozens of boy-band loving girls pouring in the doors. I quickly walked back into the restroom to warn Nick.

"Uh, Houston, we have a problem," I said as I put my hand on Nick's chest to stop him from going out.

"What's wrong, Cam?"

"Well, there are about forty teenage females out there just waiting to recognize you out there. Need I say more?"

"Damn. We've been lucky so far, but I knew this would happen eventually. I guess we could go out there and hope for the best," Nick suggested.

"Or, we could just wait them out in here..."

"What? You want us to just stand here and wait for them to leave? That could take a while, you know."

"I'm sure we could find something to occupy our time," I said, raising my eyebrows.

"You mean? In here?" Nick questioned.

"Mmm-hmm," I said, pushing him into one of the stalls. Fortunately, the restroom was a very clean one, or I would not even consider doing what we were about to do, but I was definitely feeling a bit frisky.

I pressed my lips to his, opening up his mouth and finding his tongue. He resisted a bit at first, but we were quickly in rhythm. I unbuttoned his shirt, reaching down to unfasten his pants, dropping them to the floor. I moved my mouth down to his hard nipples, sucking on each one quickly, eliciting moans from Nick as I continued.

"Do you want to...?" Nick questioned. I nodded my head, and he immediately turned around, dropping his boxers down to the floor. I had never done anything like this before, and it was quite exhilarating to say the least. I took out my rock-hard penis, and pressed it up against him. I met some resistance, but I was able to enter him fairly easily.

As I began thrusting into him, he began moaning louder and louder. I reminded him that we were in a public place, and that we had to be careful. He tried to muffle himself as best as he could. We were both breathing quite heavily, and it only took a few minutes before I was about to explode.

Warning Nick, he urged me to continue, and soon I was shooting into him.

Exhausted, I fell onto him for a moment to catch my breath. For the first time since we had been in there, we heard the door open.

"Shit," Nick whispered. "What now?"

"Well, I will go out to see if they have left yet," I said as I pulled up my pants. "I will come back in and knock on the door if the coast is clear," I said as quietly as possible.

"Okay," Nick panted. I started to open the door, when Nick took my arm, pulling me back to him. He kissed me passionately for a few seconds before letting me go. I just smiled at him, and walked out, quickly closing the stall door.

I walked out, and found that our young friends had indeed moved on. Returning to the restroom, I quietly knocked on the door before walking back out. I bought us some drinks, and was walking out to the vehicle as I saw Nick coming out of the restroom. He quickly jumped in the passenger side, and I locked the doors as I started the engine.

I then just sat back in my seat, before looking over at Nick. We were both grinning from ear to ear.

"That was awesome, Cam! My heart is still pounding!" Nick exclaimed.

"I've never done anything like that, Nick. It was incredible. Thank you," I said, taking his hand.

"I enjoyed it as much as you did, Cam."

"Yeah, but did you...?" I asked.

Nick nodded. "I came right as you did. How could I not?" he asked rhetorically.

I pulled back onto I-80, and after several minutes, we were both still smiling. However, Nick was asleep a few miles later.

I took I-55 into Chicago, and traffic was less brutal than I expected. It didn't take all that long to get downtown, and onto Michigan Avenue. The Boys were staying at the Omni, and as we approached, I woke up Nick to tell him that we were here.

I pulled up to the valet, and we both grabbed a couple suitcases to carry up to the room with us. I gave the valet a handsome tip, and we walked inside to the lobby. The room was in my name, and checking in was a painless process. After handing me two keys, we walked over to the bank of elevators to head up to our room.

Once inside the suite, I noticed a note on the bed.

Hey boys!

Glad you are finally here...give us a call when you get in, and we will grab a bite to eat! We'll be waiting in room 1721!

Love you guys, Brian

I showed the note to Nick, and he went over to the phone, calling Brian. The conversation was short, and Nick told me that the guys were coming over to our room for the introductions. I quickly walked into the bathroom to make sure I looked presentable. A moment later, there was a knock at the door. Ready or not, I was about to meet the rest of the Backstreet Boys.

That's all for Chapter 20...

I know that sports references are sometimes not popular, but I absolutely love sports, so I have to write about what I story, my rules...LOL. I tried to keep it to a minimum, as I would hate to turn anyone off to my story. I supposedly did that when I discussed politics a long time ago, and I got e-mails telling me that they would no longer read the story (although I know you are still out there...he he). For those of you who do follow sports, you may know that the Iowa football team is quite bad this year, and they lost to Iowa State earlier in this calendar year (which was embarrassing, by the way). The reason I made the team better than it is...wishful thinking, and "my story, my rules" (You may see a pattern developing here)

Feel free to agree or disagree with this commentary, and please let me know what you think of the story as the 20th Chapter rides off into the sunset...(

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 21

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