Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Jul 13, 2000


Here's chapter 5 of Mile High Meeting...I love getting e-mail (especially some of the ones I have been getting), so please write me! ( This chapter is a bit longer, but I plan on making chapters longer still if I can.

This story isn't meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any celebrity, and if you are too young to be here, I cannot understand why you would want to be here, in violation of the law. If you are caught, you will never be able to get into the college of your choice, you will never get a good job, and you will be miserable your whole life, so be careful...LOL

Mile High Meeting-Chapter 5

I awoke the next morning feeling quite refreshed as I had slept more soundly than I had in a long time. Apparently, Nick had the ability to make me feel better even when he was not around. I stayed in bed for a few minutes more, replaying yesterday's events in my head another time, just to make sure that it actually happened.

After I had convinced myself that it did indeed occur, I decided to get up and take a shower. I shed the blankets, and stood up to stretch. I had quite the morning erection, and I considered 'taking care of it,' but I didn't really want to. I felt a bit excited, but I really wanted to keep that feeling, so I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

As soon as the water was hot enough I stepped in, letting the water rush over every muscle in my body. It was very relaxing, and I could have fallen asleep while I was standing there, but I had too many things that I wanted to accomplish to do that so after a few minutes, I turned off the water and began to navigate my way through the steam-filled bathroom.

I shaved, brushed my teeth and hair, and then went back out into my room, slipping on a pair of boxer-briefs and shorts. I wasn't ready to get fully dressed, so I went out to the kitchen to get a glass of milk. I rarely eat breakfast, so this was about as extensive as it gets in the mornings. I poured my drink and then sat down on the couch, turning on the television to check the weather. It was going to be another beautiful day, with temperatures in the low 70's. That was one of the benefits of being high in the mountains: very nice temperatures while the rest of the country was sizzling.

I flipped through the rest of the channels in an attempt to keep myself entertained, but it didn't work too well. I turned off the television, and went out onto the deck. I stepped out, and took in a deep breath of the fresh mountain air as the sunlight warmed my chest. I looked down, and decided that my tan could use a little work, making a mental note to try and do something about that. Perhaps Nick and I could both try to take care of that later. I could think of worse things than lying out with him, rubbing a bit of suntan lotion on his back, and his chest. I then realized that I was getting considerably ahead of myself. I looked down at my watch to see that it was not quite 8 AM, and I had to look again to make sure that I wasn't seeing things. I am definitely not a morning person, and I couldn't believe that I would be up this early. However, I wasn't tired, so I decided to grab a book to read. I went back out on the deck and began to read, trying to kill some time before I called Nick to figure out what we were going to do today.

I had read several chapters when I reached a good stopping point, and as I put the bookmark in, I looked at the time, seeing that it had been over two hours since I sat down. Panicked, I ran into the kitchen looking for the piece of paper with Nick's number, dialing it as I tried to catch my breath.

"Cameron?" Nick asked hopefully.

"Yeah,'s me. I am really sorry that it took me this long to call," I said apologetically.

"That's okay. I was just worried that you decided that you didn't want to hang out with me. In fact, I was about to go out to see if I could find you somewhere," Nick said, making me feel worse by the minute.

"I meant to call earlier, but I got wrapped up in a book I was reading, and I lost track of time. I hope I haven't ruined your day or anything like that," I said, still feeling guilty.

"The only way you could have ruined my day was by not calling at all, Cam."

I smiled as he said that, and told him how much I appreciated that. We engaged in small talk for a few minutes, and then got down to the substance of the call, that being our plans for the day.

"Well, Nick...what would you like to do today?" I asked.

"I don't really know. Do you have anything in mind?" Nick asked, answering my question with another question.

"I do have a few things in mind, but why don't you come over here, and then we can go from there. I have some information here that will help us decide what we want to do," I suggested.

"That sounds good, Cam. Do you want me to come over right away, or do you want me to wait a while?" Nick inquired.

"Right away is fine. I need to finish getting ready, but that shouldn't take too long." I wanted him here as soon as possible, but I didn't want to tell him that directly.

"In that case, I will be there shortly," Nick decided. "See you in a few minutes."

"I am looking forward to it," I responded. He hung up as quickly as he could, and I was glad to hear that he wasn't too upset with me.

I took a look around the condo, and noticed that it was a lot more cluttered than I normally liked, and since I thought it would take Nick a while to get here, I began straightening things around instead of getting ready. After just a few minutes, I heard a knock on the door, and as I walked toward the door, I realized that I hadn't yet finished getting on my clothes. However, I didn't want to keep him waiting any longer, so I went ahead and answered the door anyway.

Nick was standing there with a smile on his face as the door gave way to reveal him to me, and he looked surprised as he noticed how little I was wearing. I saw him focus on my chest and abs for a few seconds, and I smiled inwardly, giving him a chance to look at them before I broke his concentration by letting him in.

"Good morning," I said casually. "Sorry I am not ready to go, but the condo was kind of a mess, and I lost track of time cleaning it up a bit."

"That's okay, Cam," Nick said quickly. "I have no specific plans, so we can take our time."

"That's true. Would you like something to drink? I don't have much food around here, but I am sure I could find something if you like."

"I just figured we would grab a bite to eat somewhere, and then we could go explore the area," Nick responded.

"Well, I usually don't eat breakfast, but that sounds good to me. I will go get some clothes on, and then we can go. Help yourself to anything you see in the kitchen, and I will be out in a minute."

I noticed that Nick's eyes followed me all the way to my bedroom. I went over to the dresser, and pulled out a shirt, looking at myself in the mirror as I picked one out. I smiled slightly at the thought of Nick checking me out, and although I never really considered myself all that attractive, I did take pretty good care of myself, and my body was pretty well-defined. While I took one more glance, I thought about how fortunate I was that Nick was fairly tall, as I was 6'4" and I really did like guys that were fairly close to my height. Height certainly wasn't all that important to me, but I can't say that it is totally irrelevant either.

I put on the shirt, found my sandals, and then walked back out in to the living room to find Nick sitting on the couch with a glass of water, flipping through channels on the big screen.

"Find anything interesting on there?" I asked.

"Nope. I guess we'll just have to entertain ourselves," Nick said, blushing a bit when he realized how that sounded. "I mean...we will have to go out and find something interesting to do."

I just smiled at him, picking up the brochures I had on activities in the area. There was information on horseback riding, white water rafting, sailing, fishing, hiking, and about every other mountain activity one could imagine. I handed them to Nick. He looked over them for a minute, and then handed them back to me. "They all look good to me, so let's do them all," Nick suggested.

"All at once, Nick? I can see it now. We put the horses in the raft, and then fish while we are on the horses as we navigate the rapids," I said, joking.

"You know what I mean. We have enough time to do everything while we are here. We just may not get to all of them today."

"Well, the horseback riding looks great, so why don't we start with that. I will call the number to see if there are any openings," I said, walking over to the phone, and dialing the number.

I talked to a guy on the other end that told me that there was an opening for us this afternoon. I made the reservation, and hung up the phone.

"We have a reservation for 2 PM, so we have a few hours to kill before then. We could just walk around the village if you want to, and we could grab some lunch before the appointment, if that's okay with you."

"Sounds good to me, Cam. Let's go walk around, and then we'll eat. I am starving," Nick said, putting his hand on his stomach.

I smiled, and picked up my wallet and my keys from the counter, and motioned for Nick to go first, and soon we were out the door, and outside.

We walked toward the main street in the village, and saw all of the various tourist traps as we passed by. Nick mentioned something about going shopping, so we went into several different stores, from art galleries to clothing stores. Nick spent a lot of time in one of the art galleries, looking extensively at a few pieces with mountains as their main theme.

"Which one do you like, Cam?" Nick asked, eyeing three different works.

"I think they are all great. Why?"

"Because this has already turned out to be one of the best vacations I have taken, and I want something that will remind me of it," Nick replied, smiling as he looked at me.

I smiled, and then looked back at the choices. We both agreed on one, and he went to talk to someone about purchasing the piece. He handed the gentleman his credit card, and told him to send it to his room. The man complied, and Nick gave him a tip for helping him out.

I had wondered off, and was looking around when Nick came up behind me, putting his arms around my neck and shoulders, surprising me.

"Hey, you'd better stop doing that before my boyfriend sees me," I said, laughing.

"Boyfriend? Why, Cameron, are you seeing someone else on the side?" Nick asked, pretending to be shocked.

I got a chill down my spine when I heard him say 'someone else,' implying that I was seeing him. That thought really excited me, and I quickly turned around to face him. "How could I possibly be seeing someone else? You are almost too much for one person to handle, so I don't think I have the energy for two," I said, trying to sound serious.

"You've got a point there. Of course, you haven't seen me at my best yet, so I hope you can keep up."

"I think I can hold my own," I said. "I guess we are about to find out, aren't we?"

"Yep. Let the games begin," he said, grinning.

"Well, why don't we find something to eat? I am really getting hungry, and it sounds like I am going to need a lot of energy," I suggested as we began walking toward the front of the store.

"It's about time. I don't think I could wait much longer," Nick replied.

I walked over to one of the employees in the gallery to ask him if he could recommend a good place to eat, and he recommended a pizza place that was just a few blocks away. Nick thought it sounded good, and we were there a few minutes later.

It looked like a nice place, and we chose a table that looked right out onto the lake, almost directly across the lake from my condo. I then realized that someone sitting here with good vision could probably have seen us kissing on my deck, but it was dark enough that I hoped no one had noticed. We would just have to be more careful in the future.

There were canoes and paddleboats out on the water, and I thought that looked like fun as well. "We should take some time to do that too," I said, pointing out toward the lake.

"I'd love to," Nick said, barely looking up from his menu.

"Well, Nick, I trust your judgment, so you get to order. It all looks good to me."

"I'm not sure I am ready for that kind of responsibility, but I will give it a shot," he said, joking as he set the menu down.

I looked up at him, and our eyes met. We just looked at each other for several minutes, the server finally interrupting us.

"Excuse me, gentlemen? Are you ready to order?" He asked politely.

"Hmm...oh, yeah, uh...we'll have the number 4, large with extra cheese," Nick said, still a bit dazed.

"Excellent choice. And to drink?"

We both gave our drink orders, and soon we were again by ourselves. "What were you thinking just now?" I asked, looking back at Nick as the server walked back into the kitchen.

"When I was looking at you?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I just want to know what was on your mind when you were looking at me."

"A lot of things, Cameron," He said, pausing to think. "I was thinking about how glad I am that I ended up in that gondola with you, and that you were a nice person who was willing to talk to me, the person, not the Backstreet Boy. How lucky I am that I found someone that is good looking, sweet, funny, and fun to be around. I was thinking about how great it feels knowing that I can be honest with you, and that I don't have to hide who I really am when I am around you, and I was thinking that I look forward to seeing where this relationship takes us."

"Oh. I just thought I had something on my face," I said, laughing.

Nick just shook his head, and laughed. "You see what I mean? Seriously, what about you? What were you thinking?"

"Well, you are certainly the last thing I was expecting when I came to Colorado for my vacation. I just planned on spending a couple weeks here to relax, and do some thinking. I haven't had a chance to just sit down and think about my life in so long that I didn't even know if I was capable of it anymore.

"One of the things I have been thinking about a lot lately is the fact that I am tired of being alone. I was planning on spending a lot of time trying to figure out what I was going to do to find someone to be with. Little did I know that I would find someone my first day here that may very well be the person I have been looking for for so long. I was just hoping that you feel the same way, and that this may be the start of something very special.

"I was just thinking that I have to do everything in my power not to screw this up, because you are such a great guy, and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize that." I paused for a moment to try to read his reaction. I could tell that he didn't quite know how to take all this, but I could tell that he was touched. "Whew...I hope I didn't just overload you there, Nick. Once I get started, it is difficult to stop me," I said, smiling slightly.

Nick sat there in silence for a moment, before looking down and saying 'wow' under his breath. He looked down for another moment, and I noticed a tear forming in his eye. Apparently, my words hit home more than I originally thought.

"Cam?" He said, looking up at me. "I think you were reading my mind. I came here to figure out a lot of the same things, and I can't believe how much alike we really are. I just want you to know that I want nothing more than to be in a relationship with you, and I would like to know if you would be my, boyfriend?" Nick said, bracing himself for my reaction.

I smiled, and put my hand on his. "I would be honored," I said.

Nick smiled slightly, and then looked down at my hand, letting out a deep breath. "I was hoping you would say that."

I just held on to his hand for a moment, until I saw the server approaching with our food. "Heads up," I said to Nick, and we quickly moved back as he approached, laying down the pizza.

We ate in silence for the most part, with a little small talk, but both of us were concentrating on what had just been said, and how we were going to proceed from here. I hadn't been in a relationship in a long time, and from what I gathered, Nick hadn't either, so we were both a little in the dark on this, but I was certainly looking forward to seeing where we would end up.

That's it for Chapter 5--I know there wasn't a lot new in this one, but I don't want to rush things...more is on the way soon, but I can't say exactly when. I am going to try to post every 2 days or so for a while, but it could be sooner than that, if I have the free time...Please e-mail with comments or suggestions!

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 6

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